Ghzz3083 Assignment 3 - Group 15

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278796 LEE KAR LI






25 JANUANRY 2023
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Demographic profiles of the respondents ............................................................................ 1

4.2.1 Descriptive analysis of five dimensions ........................................................................ 4

4.3 Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................................ 9

4.4 Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis........................................................................... 11

4.5 Summary of Hypothesis Testing ........................................................................................ 12


5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 14

5.2 The findings and discussion ............................................................................................... 14

5.3 Implication of study ........................................................................................................... 16

5.4 Limitations of study ........................................................................................................... 17

5.5 Recommendation of study ................................................................................................. 18

5.6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 18

5.7 References .......................................................................................................................... 19

5.8 Appendixes ........................................................................................................................ 19


4.1 Introduction

The questionnaires were distributed through social media and got a total number of 150
of respondents who were staying in 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang to complete the necessary
data accurately for the study's findings. The purpose of this study is to comprehend perceptions
of and the connections between service quality on customer satisfaction in 3-star hotel
Georgetown, Penang. The questionnaire is divided into three sections, which are the
respondent's demographic profile, the service quality of guests at Georgetown, Penang's 3-star
hotel and the customer satisfaction with the quality of the hotel's services.

4.2 Demographic profiles of the respondents

This section will discuss the demographic characteristics of the service quality on
customer satisfaction for those staying in 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang. There are some
important characteristics included here are, gender, ethnicity, nationality, marital status, age
and semester of the respondents. Table 4.1 shows the proportion of gender distribution among
respondents who are staying in 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang. 82 respondents (54.7%) were
female, making up the majority of the respondents. 68 respondents (45.3%) of the total
respondents who answered the questionnaire are men. The results showed there are more
female respondents staying in the 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang compared to male

The ethnicity distribution among respondents was also shown in table 4.1. The most
local respondents are Malay with 92 of respondents (61.3%), followed by Chinese with 39 of
respondents (26.0%) and 12 of the respondents are Indian (8.0%). There are also other
ethnicities which are one respondent from Bidayuh and Melanau (0.7%) and five respondents
are Iban (3.3%) . To understand the various nationalities of the respondents, nationality must
be realized. There are 150 respondents, or 100% are from Malaysian in this survey and non-
respondents are from other nationality.

Regarding the respondents' marital status. The data indicate that 95.3% of respondents
are single (143 respondents). 7 respondents, or 4.7% are married. Considering the age groups.
According to the results, the age group of respondents who made up the majority of 85

respondents (56.7%), was between 22 years old and below. The second-highest number of
respondents were 60 respondents (40.0%), who were between 23 and 25 years old. Next, just
5 respondents (3.3%) belonged to a group of 26 years old and above.

Overall, the distribution semester of the respondents among semester one until seven
and above. There are three respondents among semester one and two (2.0%), seven respondents
from semester three (4.7%) and six respondents from semester four (4.0%). The respondents
from semester five who made up 90 respondents (60.0%). For semester six, there were 17 of
respondents (11.3%) and 24 of respondents among semester 7 and above (16.0%).

Table 4. 1 Demographic profiles of the respondents (N=150)

Characteristic Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 68
Female 82 54.7


Malaysian 150 100

0 0


Malay 92 61.3
Chinese 39 26.0
India 12 8.0

Other Ethnicity 7 4.7

1 0.7
5 3.3
Melanau 1 0.7

Marital status

Single 143 95.3

Married 7 4.7

Age group

22 and below 85
23 and 25 60
26 and above 5


1 3 2.0
2 3 2.0
3 7 4.7
4 6 4.0
5 90 60.0
6 17 11.3
7 and above 24 16.0

4.2.1 Descriptive analysis of five dimensions

A total of 25 items of service quality were evaluated using a 6-point rating scale
(1=strongly disagree, 6=strongly agree). The more significant the mean, the more significant it
is to the client. The average of the five service quality dimensions is displayed in Table 4.2.
The mean of the five dimensions is greater than 4. Assurance and Tangibility of service quality
are the variables that reach the highest mean with 4.68 among all the independent variables. At
the same time, Reliability is the lowest mean with 4.60 among the other independent variables.

Table 4. 2 The mean of the five dimensions of service quality

Statement Mean

Reliability 4.60

Responsiveness 4.65

Empathy 4.64

Assurance 4.68

Tangibility 4.68

As shown in table 4.3 the mean of reliability in the five dimensions of quality of service
is 4.60. Among the five questions on reliability, “Staff of the hotel are able to provide service
as promised” is the item that respondents are very satisfied with and the mean of this item is
4.69. While the lowest mean of reliability is 4.55 which is “The hotel provides flexibility in
services according to guests demands”.

Table 4. 3 Means scores of the factors on reliability of service that influence customer
satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Reliability 4.60

Staff of the hotel are able to provide service as promised 4.69

Staff of the hotel dependable in handling customer’ service 4.62


The hotel provides flexibility in services according to 4.55

guests demands

The hotel performs the service right the first time 4.57

The hotel employees are skillful in performing their tasks 4.59

Table 4.4 shows the mean of responsiveness of service in the five dimensions of quality
of service is 4.65. The highest mean among the five questions on responsiveness is “Staff at
the hotel are always willing to help customers” with 4.73 of the mean. “The hotel employees
can solve my problem and complaint in a short period of time” is the lowest mean which is
4.53 among the five questions.

Table 4. 4 Means scores of the factors on responsiveness of service that influence

customer satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Responsiveness 4.65

Staff of the hotel are ready to respond to customer’ requests 4.63

Staff at the hotel are always willing to help customers 4.73

Employees provide efficient and prompt service 4.65

The hotel employees can solve my problem and complaint 4.53

in a short period of time

The hotel employees are able to answer my question quickly 4.69

As shown in table 4.5 the mean of empathy in the five dimensions of quality of service
is 4.64. Among the five items of empathy, “The hotel employees are able to understand
customer’s feeling” and “Staff of the hotel have customer’ best interest at heart” are the highest
with a mean of 4.68. The lowest mean is 4.57 of “The hotel gives its customer individualized
attention to make them feel special”.

Table 4. 5 Means scores of the factors on empathy of service that influence customer
satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Empathy 4.64

The hotel gives its customer individualized attention to 4.57

make them feel special

Staff of the hotel understand the specific needs of their 4.60


Staff of the hotel have customer’ best interest at heart 4.68

The hotel employees are good in listening customers’ 4.67

complaints are requests

The hotel employees are able to understand customer’s 4.68


The mean of assurance in the five dimensions of service quality is 4.68 that shown in
table 4.6. “The hotel provides a safe and secure environment to stay in” is the highest mean
with 4.73 while “Staff of the hotel are consistently courteous and friendly with customer” is
the lowest mean is 4.61.

Table 4. 6 Means scores of the factors on assurance of service that influence

customer satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Assurance 4.68

Staff of the hotel are consistently courteous and friendly 4.61

with customer

The hotel provides a safe and secure environment to stay in 4.73

Staff of the hotel have the knowledge to answer customers’ 4.71

The hotel employee can perform the service without any 4.62

The information provided by the hotel employee is accurate 4.72

Table 4.7 shows the mean of tangibility in the five dimensions of quality of service is
4.68. The highest mean with 4.75 is “The appearance of the hotel employees is well-looking”
from the five items of tangibility. At the same time, “Appliances in a hotel room are maintained
well” is the lowest mean with 4.64.

Table 4. 7 Means scores of the factors on tangibility of service that influence customer
satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Tangibility 4.68

The hotel has visually appealing buildings and physical 4.65


Appliances in a hotel room are maintained well 4.64

The hotel is clean and tidy 4.69

The hotel has modern looking equipment 4.66

The appearance of the hotel employees is well-looking 4.75

Table 4.8 below shows the mean scores of customer satisfaction which is 4.73. This
study used a 6 point rating scale, best satisfaction is 6 which is strongly agreed. “I am satisfied
the hotel employees always treat guests in a friendly manner” is the highest mean is 4.80 while
the lowest mean is 4.64 which is “I am satisfied the service time provided by the hotel is
convenience”. The mean is greater than 3, the result shows that customer satisfaction is better.

Table 4.8 Means score of the customer satisfaction in 3-star Hotel Georgetown, Penang

Statement Mean

Customer satisfaction 4.73

I am satisfied the hotel room is maintained-well 4.71

I am satisfied the hotel employees have in-dept occupational 4.73


I am satisfied the service time provided by the hotel is 4.64


I am satisfied the hotel employees always treat guests in a 4.80

friendly manner

I am satisfied the hotel employees are willing to solve 4.77

problems right away

4.3 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis can be defined as a tool of statistical and it is used to determine

whether there is a relationship between two variables or datasets and the potential strength of
the association (Gogtay & Thatte, 2017). It is utilized for identifying patterns within a certain
dataset. A positive result in correlation shows that both variables are increasing in relation to
one another, while a negative result in correlation shows that as one variable decreases, the
other increases.

Mean Customer Satisfaction

Mean Customer Satisfaction (DV)
Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed) -
N 150

Mean Reliability (IV1)

Pearson Correlation .748**
Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
N 150

Mean Responsiveness (IV2)

Pearson Correlation .749**
Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
N 150

Mean Empathy (IV3)

Pearson Correlation .812**
Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
N 150

Mean Assurance (IV 4) .806**

Person Correlation <.001
Sig. (2-tailed) 150

Mean Tangibility (IV5)
Pearson Correlation .779**
Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
N 150

Table 4.9: Correlation Analysis.

Table 4.9 as shown above indicates the test results of the relationship between
dependent variable and independent variables as well as how strong are they correlate with
each other. Customer Satisfaction (DV) will be used to compare with Reliability (IV1),
Responsiveness (IV2), Empathy (IV3), Assurance (IV4), and Tangibility (IV5).

Firstly, the researcher will identify whether there is any correlation between DV with
IV1. The 2-tailed sig. value is <.001 which shows a significant correlation. This indicates that
Customer Satisfaction is correlate with Reliability. The strength of correlation is considered
high with a value of .748 and it is a strong correlation. The correlation is positive whereby
Reliability will directly impacted the level of Customer Satisfaction.

Secondly, the researcher will compare between DV and IV2. The 2-tailed sig. value is
<.001 which shows a significant correlation. This indicates that Responsiveness correlate with
Customer Satisfaction. The strength of the correlation is considered high with a value of .749
and it is a strong correlation. The correlation is positive whereby the Responsiveness will
directly impact the level of Customer Satisfaction.

Thirdly, the researcher will compare between DV and IV3. The 2-tailed sig. value is
<.001 which shows a significant correlation. This indicates that Empathy correlate with
Customer Satisfaction. The strength of the correlation is considered high with a value of .812
and it has the strongest correlation. The correlation is positive whereby the Empathy will
directly impact the level of Customer Satisfaction.

Fourthly, the researcher will compare between DV and IV4. The 2-tailed sig. value is
<.001 which shows a significant correlation. This indicates that Assurance correlate with
Customer Satisfaction. The strength of the correlation is considered high with a value of .806

and it has the strongest correlation. The correlation is positive whereby the Assurance will
directly impact the level of Customer Satisfaction.

Lastly, the researcher will compare between DV and IV5. The 2-tailed sig. value is
<.001 which shows a significant correlation. This indicates that Tangibility correlate with
Customer Satisfaction. The strength of the correlation is considered high with a value of .779
and it is a strong correlation. The correlation is positive whereby the Tangibility will directly
impact the level of Customer Satisfaction.

4.4 Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis

Multivariate linear regression analysis can refer to identify the relationship between two
variables and making predictions on other values regarding some variables (Lindley, 1990). In
this study, we used multiple linear regression analysis to examine the relationship between
reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, tangibility and customer satisfaction and
identify which variables have the greatest influences on the customer satisfaction in 3-star hotel,
Georgetown, Penang.

Dimensions of Beta Sig. VIF

service quality

Dimensions Reliability .141 .046 3.229

of Service
quality Responsiveness -.030 .705 4.075

Empathy .329 <.001 4.703

Assurance .197 .016 4.292

Tangibility .352 <.001 2.601

Note: R= .884 :R-square= .782 ,F= 103.506 p<.001

Table 4.10: The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction

Table 4.10 shown above indicates the result of multiple linear regression analysis, all
variables VIF are less than 10, this can be considered that all variables passed the collinearity
diagnostics. For R-Square= 0.782, this means that 78.2% of the data fit this linear equation.
The results show that the regression is good. Thus, it was concluded that H1 was supported.

In multiple linear regression analysis systems, when Sig <0.05 that means the
independent variables can significantly influence the dependent variable which is customer

When the value of beta is positive, it indicates that there is a positive correlation
between the independent and dependent variables. Beta, on the other hand, is a negative value,
indicating that the independent and dependent variables do not correlate well and have a
negative correlation.

In this study, the Beta of four dimensions which are Reliability, Empathy, Assurance
and Tangibility show a positive value, where customer satisfaction is positively correlated with
the four dimensions. However, the dimensions of Responsiveness show the value of beta is
negative where there is negatively correlated with customer satisfaction. In this study,
Responsiveness (Sig. =.705), and customer satisfaction are related, whereas there is no clear
positive correlation. Thus, H3 was not supported by the results.

In conclusion, there is a clear correlation between Reliability (Sig. =.046), Empathy

(Sig. =<.001), Assurance (Sig. =.016) and Tangibility (Sig. =<.001) with customer satisfaction.
Thus, H2, H4, H5 and H6 was supported.

4.5 Summary of Hypothesis Testing

Hypotheses Statement Supported/ Not


H1 Service quality would significantly influence Supported

customer satisfaction.

H2 Reliability would significantly influence Supported

customer satisfaction.

H3 Responsiveness would significantly influence Not Supported

customer satisfaction.

H4 Empathy would significantly influence Supported
customer satisfaction.

H5 Assurance would significantly influence Supported

customer satisfaction.

H6 Tangibility would significantly influence Supported

customer satisfaction.

Table 4.11: Summary of Hypotheses


5.1 Introduction

This is the last chapter of our study on the branch of service quality that is related to
customer satisfaction. This chapter will discuss and elaborate on the findings of the previous
chapter's data analysis. The survey results were used to explain the respondents' satisfaction
with the service quality of 3-Star hotel Georgetown, Penang. Furthermore, this chapter
summarizes the study's findings and draws relevant conclusions based on the data. For this
study, we will provide pertinent data to other researchers. This chapter will also go over the
study's implications, limitations, and conclusion.

5.2 The findings and discussion

Tourism is now one of the most important sources of income for a country. Looking at
the facts above, it was discovered that service quality plays an important role in increasing
customer satisfaction in the tourism and hospitality sector. The ability to maintain a hotel to be
the customer's focus is service quality. Almost all hotels, including the 3-star Georgetown Hotel
in Penang, are affected by this problem. The rating difference between hotels has no effect on
the service quality of the 3-star hotel.
Therefore, in this study we used five dimensions of SERVQUAL scale to delve into 3-
star hotel Georgetown, Penang. To achieve the objective at the beginning of the study, we can
briefly conclude that five dimensions of the SERVQUAL scale took a big part in measuring
service quality including five dimensions which are Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy,
Assurance, and Tangibility on customer satisfaction.

Based on these theories, the following conclusion is reached using a questionnaire

survey on the five dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction in a 3-star hotel in
Georgetown, Penang, and analyzed using SPSS software:

To begin, after the initial questionnaire has been finalized, we used the initial
questionnaires to collect 30 data of respondents for the Pilot test. This sampling group consists
of students in University Utara Malaysia (UUM) who have had the experience of staying at a
3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang. Following the completion of the reliability analysis, the

overall reliability and the Cronbach's alpha of each dimension were all greater than 0.8. The
research is highly reliable, and the study's content is solid.

Second, this study examined general information about respondents, including gender,
nationality, ethnicity, age, marital status, and semester for students who completed our survey.
According to the findings, the demographic profile of respondents in this study was
predominantly female. Male respondents, on the other hand, had a significant impact on how
the questions we prepared were answered. Next, in terms of ethnicity, Malay is more than
Chinese people and followed by Indians. Other ethnicities, such as Bidayuh, Melanau, and Iban,
are underrepresented. When compared to other age groups, more than half of the respondents
were 22 years old or younger. Each student's semester is majority from the fifth semester. We
chose the 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang because most UUM students have been visited or
travelled in Penang, even if only briefly. According to the results of our survey, UUM students
prefer to visit tourist attractions in Penang.

The next step in this study is to examine five dimensions of service quality that
influence on customer satisfaction. A total of 25 service quality items were evaluated using a
6-point rating scale, according to an analysis of the five dimensions of service quality. A 6-
point scale was used in this study (1=strongly disagree, 6=strongly agree). Five factors that
influence service quality were tested and the results were obtained. The means of each of the
five dimensions differentiation. The Reliability accumulation mean is 4.60, it was the lowest
mean among the five dimensions. The mean of Responsiveness is 4.65, followed by the mean
of Empathy, which is 4.64. The final two dimensions are Assurance and Tangibility have the
same mean which are 4.68 and it were the highest mean among all independent variables.
However, the mean of the dependent variable which is Customer satisfaction is 4.73. The mean
for the five dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction is greater than 4, indicating
that customers are satisfied with the hotel's service quality. According to a customer
satisfaction survey, UUM students are pleased with the overall service quality provided by the
3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang. According to data analysis, the most satisfied customer in
the five dimensions of service quality is with the Assurance and Tangibility of service quality
by 3-star hotel Georgetown, Penang. However, when compared to other dimensions, Reliability
needs to be improved.

Moreover, correlation analysis shows that the test of Pearson correlation has a positive
relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in 3-star hotel in Georgetown,
Penang (refer Table 4.9). The highest value of correlation is Empathy which is .812, while the

lowest value of correlation is Reliability which is .748. The 2-tailed sig. value is <.001 among
all independents variables. Overall, this showed that five dimensions of service quality will
significantly impacted to customer satisfaction. Additionally, even though Person correlation
is utilized to describe the relationship between the variables under study, it is impossible to
estimate how much service quality would influence on customer satisfaction. As a result,
multiple regression analysis was performed and is discussed in the following section (refer
Table 4.10).

Finally, multiple linear regression analysis shows that the model of regression is
significant at p<.001, and the R-square reading of 78.2% of the variance in the model. The
results show that the regression is good. Hence, it was concluded that H1 Service quality would
significantly influence customer satisfaction was supported. Reliability (Beta=.141, Sig. =.046),
Empathy (Beta=.329, Sig. =<.001), Assurance (Beta= .197, Sig. = .016) and Tangibility
(Beta=.352, Sig. =<.001) of 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang have a significant positive
correlation with customer satisfaction (p<0.05). Hence, H2, H4, H5, and H6 was supported.
However, due to the Sig. greater than (p>0.05), Responsiveness (Beta= -.030, Sig. =.705) has
no significant positive correlation to customer satisfaction. This shows that the result does not
support the customer satisfaction correlation. Hence, H3 was not supported.

5.3 Implication of study

These findings suggest that service quality significantly influences customer

satisfaction as well as the outcomes deliver important information for relevant aspects. This
study assists to the current literature by investigating the influences between service quality
and customer satisfaction and recommends that the SERVQUAL technique may be used to the
3-star hotel to measure customer satisfaction on the basis of five variables known as
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, reliability and tangibility which will further drive 3-star
hotel to improve customer services. From the study, it shows that assurance, empathy,
reliability and tangibility significantly influence customer satisfaction toward a 3-star hotel at
Georgetown, Penang.

According to the data of respondents’ feedback can help hotel operators to discover the
issues that happened in 3-star hotels and optimize the quality of hotel services. Finding the
right solutions is crucial because it will enhance hotel operators’ resilience to future disasters
and assist them in addressing customer satisfaction in 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang with
the negative consequences of the service quality. For example, training for service

professionals provided might aids hotels in delivering quick service to guests. This study also
helps 3-star hotels in fully comprehending the idea of the guests, which will advance the growth
of Penang’s hospitality sectors. Meanwhile, the study fills the gap of academic about the
satisfaction of customer at 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang and helps researchers in
understanding the importance of service quality and customer satisfaction in hotel.

5.4 Limitations of study

Researchers should interpret the study's findings considering its limitations even if it
revealed a number of significant issues about the service quality and customer satisfaction in
accommodations with different star ratings. First and foremost, the study’s results are limited
to customers who had experiences staying at 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang. As a result,
the findings might not be widely applicable to other contexts, necessitating further investigation.
The sample was limited. In this study, we only collected the information from 150 respondents
and only focused on students in University Utara Malaysia (UUM) due to time constraints. In
this study, the result of normality test indicated as not normally distributed, therefore, the data
only can represent the sample not the population.

Next, this study solely looked at the connection between customer satisfaction and
service quality. Other service evaluation constructs, including perceived value, image, cultural
contact, service experience, and service type, have also been discovered to be connected to
service quality and client satisfaction. Therefore, to increase the explanatory power of
structural models, future studies should think about incorporating these components.

The literature reviews are also should be considered. The definition and model of
service quality and customer satisfaction are varied in theoretical study. The concepts and
models utilized in this study may therefore be generic and lacking due to the limited research
experience of the researcher.

Finally, the limitations of researchers. Researchers had a time limit for this study since
a student had to finish all their coursework and the study at the same time. This could have
divided their attention from the study, which could have led to less-than-ideal results. Finally,
because this is the researchers' first study, they lack the information and skills necessary to
finish the study due to a lack of experience.

5.5 Recommendation of study

Based on the above data analysis and summary of Penang Hotel, this study will
construct some recommendations which will assist hotels to develop the Penang Hotels service
quality and customer satisfaction to be better-quality. Besides, the following recommendations
also are meant to improve the Penang Hotel Competitiveness and expand to an enormous
tourism market.
According to the data analysis, the Penang Hotels should take serious improvement in
service quality which will highly influence the customer satisfaction. Implementation of fully
using SERVQUAL dimension by each Penang Hotels as it will give positive impact of
satisfaction along with to increase the hotel’s future development trend. Responsiveness
dimension service quality analysis recorded no significance rather than other dimensions in
SERVQUAL which means most Penang Hotels still lack in utilizing responsiveness in their
services. Giving proper training regularly for staff is crucial to meet the standard of good level
customer satisfaction. Therefore, Penang hotels need to regularly monitor the customer
feedback results and make improvements to solve the problems.

5.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, the findings show that customers have different levels of satisfaction
with the service quality in 3-star Penang hotels. Based on reliability analysis, it can be found
that all the dimensions are reliable. Based on the mean analysis, the results indicate that
customers are satisfied with Reliability, Responsiveness, Tangibility, Assurance and Empathy
dimension as it were greater than 4. Therefore, 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang still have a
high level of hotel service quality. The dimensions of Reliability, Tangibility, Assurance, and
Empathy significant influence customers’ satisfaction in 3-star hotel in Georgetown, Penang.
Most of the Penang Hotel’s customers are satisfied with the service quality that is provided in
which they will revisit and may recommend Penang to their friends or family.

5.7 References

Gogtay, N. J., & Thatte, U. M. (2017). Principles of correlation analysis. Journal of the
Association of Physicians of India, 65(3), 78-81. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from
Lindley, D.V. (1990). Time Series and Statistics: Regression and Correlation Analysis. London:
Palgrave Macmillan.

5.8 Appendixes

Turnitin report
Gende Nationa Nationalit Marital Semest Ethnic Other
r lity y Status Age er ity Ethnicity
N Valid 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Missi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 1.55 1.00 1.05 1.47 5.16 1.56
Median 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00
Mode 2 1 1 1 5 1
Std. .499 .000 .212 .564 1.210 .831

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 68 45.3 45.3 45.3
Female 82 54.7 54.7 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Malaysian 150 100.0 100.0 100.0

Other Nationality
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 150 100.0 100.0 100.0

Marital Status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Single 143 95.3 95.3 95.3
Married 7 4.7 4.7 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 22 and below 85 56.7 56.7 56.7
23-25 60 40.0 40.0 96.7
26 and above 5 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 3 2.0 2.0 2.0
2 3 2.0 2.0 4.0
3 7 4.7 4.7 8.7
4 6 4.0 4.0 12.7
5 90 60.0 60.0 72.7
6 17 11.3 11.3 84.0
7 and above 24 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Malay 92 61.3 61.3 61.3
Chinese 39 26.0 26.0 87.3
India 12 8.0 8.0 95.3
Other Ethnicity 7 4.7 4.7 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Other Ethnicity
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 143 95.3 95.3 95.3
Bidayuh 1 .7 .7 96.0
Iban 5 3.3 3.3 99.3
Melanau 1 .7 .7 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Descriptive: Reliability
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Promised service 150 3 6 4.69 .882
Dependable handling 150 3 6 4.62 .910
Flexibility services 150 3 6 4.55 .848
Performs service right the 150 3 6 4.57 .951
first time
Skillful performing tasks 150 3 6 4.59 .884
Valid N (listwise) 150

Descriptive: Responsiveness
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Ready to respond 150 3 6 4.63 .832
Willing to help 150 3 6 4.73 .793
Efficient and prompt 150 3 6 4.65 .890
Solve problem in a short 150 3 6 4.53 .924
Answer question quickly 150 3 6 4.69 .852
Valid N (listwise) 150

Descriptive Empathy
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Gives individualized 150 3 6 4.57 .922
Understand specific needs 150 3 6 4.60 .851
Have customers' best 150 3 6 4.68 .907
interest at heart
Good in listening 150 3 6 4.67 .901
customers' complaint
Understand customer's 150 3 6 4.68 .846
Valid N (listwise) 150

Descriptive: Assurance
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Staffs are courteous and 150 3 6 4.61 .882
Safe and secure 150 3 6 4.73 .816
knowledge answer 150 3 6 4.71 .907
customer's requests
perform service without 150 3 6 4.62 .872
Information provided is 150 3 6 4.72 .828
Valid N (listwise) 150

Descriptive: Tangibility
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Visually appealing 150 3 6 4.65 .859
buildings and physical
Appliances maintained 150 3 6 4.64 .892
Clean and tidy 150 3 6 4.69 .934
Modern looking 150 3 6 4.66 .873
Apperance of employee is 150 3 6 4.75 .810
Valid N (listwise) 150

Descriptive: Customer Satisfaction

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Hotel room maintained 150 3 6 4.71 .790
In-depth occupational 150 3 6 4.73 .816
knowledge staff
Service time convenience 150 3 6 4.64 .830
Treat guests in friendly 150 3 6 4.80 .803
Willing to solve problem 150 3 6 4.77 .752
right away
Valid N (listwise) 150

stomerS MeanRe
atisfacti MeanRe sponsiv MeanE MeanAs MeanTa
on liability eness mpathy surance ngibility
MeanCustomer Pearson 1 .748** .749** .812** .806** .779**
Satisfaction Correlation
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150
MeanReliabilit Pearson .748** 1 .787** .763** .748** .664**
y Correlation
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150
MeanResponsi Pearson .749** .787** 1 .790** .737** .750**
veness Correlation
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150
MeanEmpathy Pearson .812** .763** .790** 1 .850** .663**
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150
MeanAssuranc Pearson .806** .748** .737** .850** 1 .703**
e Correlation
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150

MeanTangibilit Pearson .779** .664** .750** .663** .703** 1
y Correlation
Sig. (2- <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
N 150 150 150 150 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method

1 MeanTangibility, . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: MeanCustomerSatisfaction

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .884a .782 .775 .32118
a. Predictors: (Constant), MeanTangibility, MeanEmpathy,
MeanReliability, MeanResponsiveness, MeanAssurance

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 53.385 5 10.677 103.506 <.001b
Residual 14.854 144 .103
Total 68.239 149
a. Dependent Variable: MeanCustomerSatisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), MeanTangibility, MeanEmpathy, MeanReliability,
MeanResponsiveness, MeanAssurance

dized 95.0%
Unstandardized Coeffici Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients ents Interval for B Statistics
Std. Lower Upper Toler
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound ance VIF
1 (Constant) .468 .193 2.42 .016 .087 .849
MeanReliabi .124 .062 .141 2.01 .046 .002 .246 .310 3.229
lity 2
MeanRespon -.028 .075 -.030 -.379 .705 -.176 .120 .245 4.075
MeanEmpat .302 .078 .329 3.89 <.00 .149 .455 .213 4.703
hy 9 1
MeanAssura .190 .078 .197 2.44 .016 .036 .343 .233 4.292
nce 0
MeanTangib .327 .058 .352 5.60 <.00 .212 .443 .384 2.601
ility 8 1
a. Dependent Variable: MeanCustomerSatisfaction

Coefficient Correlationsa
MeanTan MeanEm MeanReli ponsivene MeanAss
Model gibility pathy ability ss urance
1 Correlati MeanTangibilit 1.000 .071 -.063 -.404 -.280
ons y
MeanEmpathy .071 1.000 -.167 -.336 -.578
MeanReliabilit -.063 -.167 1.000 -.369 -.200
MeanResponsiv -.404 -.336 -.369 1.000 .042
MeanAssurance -.280 -.578 -.200 .042 1.000
Covarian MeanTangibilit .003 .000 .000 -.002 -.001
ces y
MeanEmpathy .000 .006 -.001 -.002 -.003
MeanReliabilit .000 -.001 .004 -.002 -.001
MeanResponsiv -.002 -.002 -.002 .006 .000
MeanAssurance -.001 -.003 -.001 .000 .006
a. Dependent Variable: MeanCustomerSatisfaction

Collinearity Diagnosticsa
Variance Proportions
Conditi MeanRe
Mo Dimen Eigenv on (Const MeanRe sponsiv MeanE MeanAs MeanTa
del sion alue Index ant) liability eness mpathy surance ngibility
1 1 5.960 1.000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
2 .016 19.169 .91 .05 .01 .02 .01 .00
3 .009 25.795 .05 .05 .02 .08 .03 .70
4 .007 28.779 .02 .57 .05 .11 .18 .03

5 .005 34.738 .00 .30 .62 .08 .14 .10
6 .003 45.062 .01 .03 .30 .71 .65 .17
a. Dependent Variable: MeanCustomerSatisfaction


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