CMT Reviewer Draft
CMT Reviewer Draft
CMT Reviewer Draft
Introduction to Construction distillation. It is used for road
Materials and Testing surfacing and roofing.
5. Concrete is a composite material
What are construction materials? made of fine and coarse aggregate
It is defined as the materials, (think gravel, crushed stone,
supplies, fixtures, or equipment, any recycled concrete, and
combination of such items, and any geosynthetic aggregates) bound
other leased or purchased articles together by a liquid binder such as
when the materials, supplies, fixtures, cement that hardens or cures over
equipment or articles are to be utilized time.
or consumed during construction or 6. Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates,
are to be incorporated into binder and filler, used for
construction work pursuant to a constructing and maintaining roads,
bonafide written construction contract. parking areas, railway tracks, ports,
airport runways, bicycle lanes,
Types of Common Construction sidewalks and also play- and sport
Materials areas.
1. Steel is a metal alloy of iron and 7. Masonry construction uses
carbon and often other alloying individual units (such as bricks) to
material in its composition to make build structures that are usually
it stronger and more fracture- bound together by some kind of
resistant than iron. mortar. The strongest and most
2. Aggregates - Construction commonly used masonry unit now
aggregate is a broad category of is a concrete block, which may be
particulate material used in reinforced with steel.
construction, including sand,
What is materials testing?
gravel, crushed stone, slag,
recycled concrete and geosynthetic Materials testing is a respected
aggregates. Aggregates are the and established technique which is
most mined materials in the world. used to ascertain both the physical
They are divided into two and mechanical properties of raw
categories—fine aggregates and materials and components. It can be
coarse aggregates. used to examine almost anything from
3. Cement, in general, adhesive human hair to steel, ceramics or
substances of all kinds, but, in a composite materials.
narrower sense, the binding
Five major categories of materials
materials used in building and civil
engineering construction. Cements
of this kind are finely ground Mechanical Testing
powders that, when mixed with
water, set to a hard mass. Also known as destructive
4. Bitumen- A black viscous mixture testing, reveals the properties of a
of hydrocarbons obtained naturally material under dynamic or static force.
or as a residue from petroleum
Construction Materials and Testing
Designed to ensure that materials are e. Aggregate Crushing Value
suitable for their intended applications.
Testing for Thermal Properties
Testing for thermal properties is
a. Determining bitumen content
used to measure materials’ ability to
b. Determining flash and fire point
transfer heat since it differs with each
of bitumen
substance and may depend on
c. Determining penetration of
structure, density, humidity, pressure
and temperature.
d. Determining softening point of
Testing for Electrical Properties bitumen
e. Determining specific gravity of
Materials are subjected to
electrical stresses under a variety of
f. Determining ductility of bitumen
controlled conditions, including liquid
g. Determining marshal stability of
contaminants, dust and fog, dry air
electrical arc, or high voltage dielectric
breakdown conditions. Cement
Testing for resistance to corrosion, a. Fineness Test
radiation and biological b. Soundness Test
deterioration c. Consistency Test
d. Setting Time Test
Testing for breakdown or
deterioration of materials under Fresh Concrete
exposure to a particular type of
a. Slump Test
environment has greatly increased in
b. Compacting Factor Test
recent years.
c. VeBe Test
Non-destructive testing d. K-Slump Test
A testing and analysis technique Hardened Concrete
to evaluate the properties of a
a. Compression Strength Test
material, component, structure or
b. Flexural Strength Test
system for characteristic differences or
c. Rebound Hammer Test
welding defects and discontinuities
d. Ultrasonic Pulse velocity Test
without causing damage to the original
part. Steel Reinforcement
Tests carried out on different a. Tensile Strength Test
construction materials b. Bend Test
c. Re-bend Test
d. Shear Test
a. Sieve Analysis e. Brinell Hardness Test
b. Water Absorption f. Impact Test
c. Aggregate Impact Value g. Torsion Test
d. Aggregate Abrasion Value
Construction Materials and Testing
Why is CMT important? moment that the water is added to the
cement, to the time that the paste
Because it is critical for the
starts losing its plasticity.
viability and safety of a construction
project. CMT can reveal any number of Final Setting Time of Cement: It
issues related to construction quality. It is the time elapsed between the
can highlight future risks, help classify moment the water is added to the
a building site, and assist with cement and the time when cement
engineering decisions. Without CMT, paste loses its plasticity completely
engineers and builders may not know and has attained sufficient firmness to
if the quality of the construction meets resist certain definite pressure.
the requirements.
Standard Consistency Test
The standard consistency of
cement paste is defined as the
percentage of water added In 300gm
CEMENT/MORTAR weight of cement which will permit a
Vicat plunger having 50 mm length and
Cement Testing | Various Tests for
10 mm diameter to penetrate in
Cement | Equipment Used in
cement paste to a depth of 33-35 mm
Cement Testing
from the top of the mold.
Cement Tests
Soundness Test
- are performed to know the
The soundness of cement
strength, characteristics and
indicates the stability of any cement
properties of cement. Various
during the volume change in the
Test on cement is done
process of setting and hardening. In
nowadays to check the quality
case the volume change in cement is
of cement.
unstable after setting and hardening,
Various Tests for Cement/Mortar the concrete element will crack, which
can affect the quality of the structure or
Here are some of the various tests even cause serious accidents, known
conducted in cement. as poor dimensional stability.
Fineness Test Specific Gravity Test
The fineness of cement is a The specific gravity of cement is
measure of cement particle size and is defined as the mass of cement of
denoted as terms of the specific specified volume to the mass of water
surface area of cement. The Test is of the same volume of cement. It can
done by sieving cement samples also be defined as the density of
through a standard IS sieve. cement to the density of water for the
Initial and Final Setting Test same volume.
1. Bulk Density
- Bulk density is the ratio of mass
to the volume of the material in 5. Density index
its natural state that includes - Ratio of bulk density of material
voids and pores. to its density is termed as
- It is expressed in kg/m3. density index. Hence it gives
- The bulk density of a material the volume of solid matter in the
governs its properties such as material.
strength, heat conductivity, - In nature, fully dense material is
permeability, etc. not available, so the density
- Bulk density values of some of index is always less than 1 for
the engineering materials are any building material.
given below. 6. Specific gravity
Construction Materials and Testing
Specific gravity=Density of the - It is mathematically defined as
objectDensity of water the ratio of weight of water
absorbed by the material to its
- Specific gravity of some total volume, including volume
materials is listed below. of pores, expressed as a
7. percentage.
12. Water permeability
- The ability of a material to
permit water through it is called
ire resistance water permeability.
- The ability to withstand fire - Dense materials like glass
without changing its shape and metals etc. are called
other properties. impervious materials which
- It is the ability of a material to cannot allow water through it.
resist the action of fire without
significant deformation and 13. Hygroscopicity
strength loss. - Hygroscopicity is the property
of a material to absorb water
8. Frost resistance vapor from the air.
- The ability of a material to resist - The hygroscopicity of a
freezing or thawing is called material depends on factors
frost resistance. such as its porosity, size of
- It depends upon the density and pores, surrounding conditions
bulk density of material. including relative humidity, air
temperature, etc.
9. Weathering resistance
- The property of a material to 14. Coefficient of softening
withstand all atmospheric - Coefficient of softening of a
actions without losing its material is the ratio of
strength and shape. compressive strength of a
saturated material to its
10. Spalling resistance compressive strength in dry
- The ability of a material to state.
undergo a certain number of - It affects the strength of water
cycles of sharp temperature absorbent materials like soil.
variations without failing is
known as spalling resistance. 15. Refractoriness
- It is dependent on the - This refers to the property of a
coefficient of linear expansion. material which cannot melt or
lose its shape at prolonged high
11. Water absorption temperatures (1580 degree
- The capacity of a material to Celsius or more).
absorb and retain water in it is
known as water absorption. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
- It depends on the size, shape
The mechanical properties of materials
and number of pores of
define the behavior of materials under
Construction Materials and Testing
the action of external forces called
material and the strain are
remains elastic directly
TOUGHNESS Property of a material to resist
PLASTICITY penetration by another material is
DUCTILITY known as hardness. It embraces many
HARDNESS different properties such as resistance
BRITTLENESS to wear, scratching, deformation etc.
MALLEABILITY Hardness measurement methods
FATIGUE 1. Moh‘s scale
IMPACT STRENGTH 2. Vicker‘s hardness
ABRASION RESISTANCE 3. Rockwell hardness
4. Knoop test
5. Brinell hardness
Strength of the materials refers
to the ability of a material to resist the
externally applied forces (tensile,
compressive and shear forces) without
breaking or yielding.
Two mechanism:
● Volume expansion
Construction Materials and Testing
1. Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of
engineering material indicates
the elements which are
combined together to form that
material. Chemical composition
of a material affects the
properties of engineering
materials very much. The
strength, hardness, ductility,
brittleness, corrosion
resistance, weldability etc.
MELTING POINT depends on chemical
composition of materials.
The melting point of a
substance is the temperature at which Example of Chemical Composition
it changes its state from solid to liquid.
A substance’s melting point depends Material Chemical Composition
on the pressure and is usually
specified at the standard pressure in Steel Fe, Cr, Ni
reference materials.
7. Combustibility 4. Toxicity
1. It is used in mortar for plastering, it has been altered from its original
masonry work, pointing, etc. composition to enhance its properties
2. It is used for making joints for for specific applications. This can
drains and pipes. include adding additional materials
3. It is used for the water-tightness of such as pozzolans or slag to increase
the structure. strength, durability, or other desired
4. It is used in concrete for laying characteristics.
floors, and roofs and constructing 3. Rapid Hardening Portland
lintels, beams, stairs, pillars, etc. Cement
5. It is used where a hard surface is
required for the protection of This is a type of cement that is
exposed surfaces of structures designed to provide greater strength
against the destructive agents of and faster setting times than standard
the weather and certain organic or Portland cement.
inorganic chemicals. 4. Low Heat Portland Cement
6. It is used for precast pipes
manufacturing, piles, fencing posts, this type of cement produces less
etc. heat during the hydration process
7. It is used in the construction of compared to OPC. This makes it
important engineering structures suitable for large concrete structures
such as bridges, culverts, dams, such as dams, where excessive heat
tunnels, lighthouses, etc. can cause cracking.
8. It is used in the preparation of 5. Sulphate Portland Resisting
foundations, watertight floors, Cement
footpaths, etc.
9. It is employed for the construction This type of cement is used in
of wells, water tanks, tennis courts, areas where the soil has a high
lamp posts, telephone cabins, concentration of sulphate ions, which
roads, etc. can react with the cement and cause it
to deteriorate.
Types of Cement
6. Water Repellent Portland Cement
Construction Materials and Testing
This is a type of cement that decorative concrete, terrazzo flooring,
contains water-repelling agents to and architectural precast concrete.
reduce the absorption of water by the
4. Colored Cement
hardened cement paste. This can help
to prevent damage to concrete Colored cement is similar to white
structures caused by water infiltration, cement, but it includes pigments that
such as freeze-thaw damage or give it a specific color. It is used for
corrosion of embedded reinforcement. decorative purposes, such as in
masonry work, flooring, and plastering.
7. Water-Proof Portland Cement
5. Blended Cement
This is a type of cement that is
formulated to create a concrete that is This type of cement is made by
impermeable to water. It is often used blending two or more types of
in applications where a high degree of cementitious materials, such as OPC,
water resistance is required, such as in fly ash, slag, or silica fume. Blended
basements, swimming pools, and cement can improve the strength,
water storage tanks. durability, and workability of concrete
while reducing the environmental
impact of cement production.
1. High Alumina Cement
6. Blast Furnace Slag Cement
A type of hydraulic binder that is
It is a type of hydraulic cement that
made from bauxite and limestone. It
is made by grinding a mixture of
contains a high percentage of alumina
granulated blast furnace slag (a
(up to 50%) and is known for its high
byproduct of steel production) with
early strength, rapid hardening, and
Portland cement clinker. The resulting
good resistance to high temperatures
cement has lower heat of hydration,
and chemical attack.
lower permeability, and higher
2. Quick Setting Cement resistance to sulfate attack than
Portland cement.
This is a type of cement that sets
and hardens rapidly, typically within 5
to 30 minutes of mixing with water. It is
often used in situations where fast
setting times are critical, such as in 7. Acid Resistance Cement
emergency repairs or when
Acid-resistant cement, also known
construction schedules are
as acid-proof cement, is a type of
hydraulic cement that is formulated to
3. White Cement resist the corrosive effects of acids and
other chemicals. It is typically
It is made from raw materials with a
composed of a blend of Portland
low iron content and is used for
cement, fine silica, and acid-resistant
aesthetic purposes, such as in
Construction Materials and Testing
aggregates such as quartz, flint, or aluminate to clinker during the grinding
granite. stage of cement production.
8. Expanding Cement 12. Masonry Cement
Expanding cement is a type of Masonry cement is a type of
hydraulic cement that expands during blended hydraulic cement designed to
the hardening process. It is often used bond masonry units like bricks, blocks,
in applications where controlled and stones together.
expansion is desired, such as in the
repair of concrete structures or in pre-
stressed concrete applications. FIELD TESTS FOR CEMENT:
6. Lightweight Concrete