Arima 1
Arima 1
Arima 1
➢ A time series where mean, variance and covariance are time invariant is said to be
stationary (or) covariance stationary (or) weakly stationary.
➢ The data which do not fulfill these properties are called non-stationary. A non-stationary
process is also called as a unit root process.
➢ The econometric models using non-stationary data are likely to violate the desirable
statistical properties of the estimators or may give misleading inferences. Thus, it is
necessary to test the stationarity of the time series before attempting any econometric
How to Test Stationary:
The formal tests of non-stationarity are also known as test of unit root. Dickey-Fuller
(DF) and Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test are popular methods to check the
presence of unit root in the data.
If probability of Q- stat of ACF and PACF is less than 0.05 then reject H0.
In case of correlogram, we wish not to reject H0 and expect the probability values to
be greater than 0.05
ACF: Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) represents the correlation between the
observation at the current time ‘t’ and it's lag (t – i). For e.g., if we assume that up-to day
‘i’ stock prices are correlated with its past values then we can calculate its ACF to know
how effectively today's stock price is correlated with it’s past.
PACF: Partial Auto-Correlation function (PACF) represents the correlation between
observation at two time period given that we consider both the observations are correlated
to the observations at other time period. In other words, PACF measures the correlation
between time series observations after controlling for the correlations at intermediate lags.
Hence PACF measures the true marginal effects of significant lags.
➢ Use ACF to determine the terms of MA. We must find significant order of ACF to
identify optimum order of MA(q).
➢ Use PACF to determine the terms of AR. Like previous, We must find significant order
of ACF to identify optimum order of AR(p).
➢ Similarly, looking at PACF and ACF together, we will find the order of ARMA (p, q).
Note: The dotted lines present the significant thresholds. The bars/lines represents ACF and PACF values
at each time lag. Only the Bars/lines that cross the significant threshold lines or confidence interval are
called significant.
Yt= α0 + α1 t + βYt-1 + εt A pure random walk with intercept and linear time trend
Steps to model AR, MA, ARMA:
Step 1: Identification process. That is analyze the time series plot to
visualize stationarity, trend, Seasonality etc.
Step 3: Analyze both at ACF & PACF for the data both at level and 1st the
data difference
Step 4: Decide order of AR and MA and finalize the possible of ARMA
(p, q) models.
Step 5: Estimate the models
(1) 𝑌𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1 𝑌𝑡−1 + 𝛽2 𝑌𝑡−2 + 𝜀𝑡 AR(2)