SDG Seminar 2 Charts

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Table 1.

Number of Private Cars and Motorcycles Registered in the Philippines: 2003 to 2012
Year Cars Tricycles
2003 688,419 1,008,610
2004 731,450 1,273,530
2005 729,299 1,552,748
2006 739,702 1,802,582
2007 700,384 2,039,850
2008 713,175 2,360,304
2009 732,659 2,559,997
2010 759,683 2,841,646
2011 788,372 3,206,255
2012 808,968 3,440,777
Source: Land Transportation Office

Table 2. Volume of Mail Handled in the Philippines: 1980-1988 (in million)

Year Posted Mails Received
from Foreign
1980 320 120
1981 350 131
1982 349 128
1983 356 174
1984 401 168
1985 432 193
1986 583 195
1987 589 167
1988 637 163
Source: Philippine Postal Corporati

Table 3. Average Daily Waste Volume (in cubic meters) Collected by City in the National Capital Region: 2018
Caloocan 4,060.55
Las Piñas 1,245.49
Makati 3,030.08
Mandaluyong 1,283.64
Manila 7,650.07
Muntinlupa 1,843.74
Parañaque 2,021.10
Pasay 2,520.89
Pasig 3,103.47
Quezon 13,571.94
Source: Metropolitan Manila Development Authority

Table 4. Distribution of Philhealth Beneficiaries by Membership Category in the Philippines: 2017

Category Total
Formal Economy 1,030
Indigent 206
Informal Economy 1,648
Lifetime 206
Senior Citizen 206
Sponsored 206
Source: Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
Projected Mid-Year Population Based on 2015 POPCEN: 2021

Age Group Both Sexes Male Male Percentage Female

0-4 11,090,558 5,713,939 5.19% 5,376,619
5-9 11,115,005 5,721,245 5.19% 5,393,760
10-14 10,837,551 5,571,493 5.06% 5,266,058
15-19 10,347,792 5,282,220 4.79% 5,065,572
20-24 9,803,933 5,025,243 4.56% 4,778,690
25-29 9,223,510 4,731,675 4.29% 4,491,835
30-34 8,493,905 4,332,532 3.93% 4,161,373
35-39 7,498,931 3,809,605 3.46% 3,689,326
40-44 6,551,883 3,315,063 3.01% 3,236,820
45-49 5,921,782 2,991,320 2.71% 2,930,462
50-54 5,089,826 2,552,972 2.32% 2,536,854
55-59 4,360,786 2,159,465 1.96% 2,201,321
60-64 3,473,108 1,679,598 1.52% 1,793,510
65-69 2,579,491 1,202,310 1.09% 1,377,181
70-74 1,715,567 757,578 0.69% 957,989
75-79 1,111,052 450,941 0.41% 660,111
80 and over 983,974 343,984 0.31% 639,990
ed on 2015 POPCEN: 2021

Female Percentage Male % Female %

4.88% -5.19 4.88
4.89% -5.19 4.89
4.78% -5.06 4.78
4.60% -4.79 4.60
4.34% -4.56 4.34
4.08% -4.29 4.08
3.78% -3.93 3.78
3.35% -3.46 3.35
2.94% -3.01 2.94
2.66% -2.71 2.66
2.30% -2.32 2.30
2.00% -1.96 2.00
1.63% -1.52 1.63
1.25% -1.09 1.25
0.87% -0.69 0.87
0.60% -0.41 0.60
0.58% -0.31 0.58

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