One of the main factors that cause teen pregnancy is the absence of affectionate parental
supervision. Parents in today's society are either too busy or too permissive. Parents and
guardians are not involved in the emotional stability of the girl child other than providing for her
basic needs.
Teenagers, particularly young girls go through fascinating circumstances and changes in which
they need parental help to comprehend and acknowledge the changes. They seek answers from
boyfriends who "seem" to be giving the affection and attention that results in pregnancy if they
do not have this affectionate supervision from their parents.
One more significant reason for adolescent pregnancy is peer pressure. There is increased
pressure to fit into certain peer groups as children reach adolescence. The girl may then be
pressured into having sex by her peers to fit in. In addition, modern society allows teenagers to
spend a lot of time and space alone with people of the opposite sex, which increases the
likelihood of teenage pregnancy.
Sexual abuse, as well as the consumption of alcohol and drugs, are additional key components of
this concept. When adolescents are exposed to drugs and alcohol, they lose control of their
sexuality, which can lead to pregnancy. On the other hand, sexual abuse occurs when girls
engage in sex for pleasure without being aware of the consequences of their sexuality.
Teen pregnancy rates have also increased as a result of a lack of sex education for girls in
schools. This is because it causes people to engage in sexual activities without thinking about the
consequences. Therefore, it is essential to educate girls about the issues of sex and sexuality as
well as the potential consequences.