Group 1 2 Module Iii
Group 1 2 Module Iii
Group 1 2 Module Iii
THE MAIN ISSUE: Was the Cavite mutiny, a mutiny or a grand conspiracy to overthrow the Spanish
BACKGROUND OF THE ISSUE: The Cavite mutiny of 1872 was a rebellion of Filipino military
troops of Fort San Felipe, the Spanish arsenal in Cavite. The mutiny was triggered on January 20, 1872
when the employees got their pay and found the taxes as well as the falla, the fine one paid to be free
from forced labor, had been removed from their salary.
It was a mere mutiny as evidenced by: It was a grand conspiracy to overthrow the
Spaniards as evidenced by:
- Basing on Tavera’s account, it can be said that - According to Jose Montero Vidal’s account, the
Izquierdo and the Spanish friars have only used conspiracy has been happening in secrecy since
the mere mutiny of the Filipino workers to the administration of Governor Latore. Therefore,
heighten the problem and maltreatment of the after Latore’s term where Izquierdo substituted
Filipinos in the country - naming it as a grand him, there were reported acts that a significant
conspiracy, which may allow them to fully uprising would end the Spanish rule, even before
obliterate rights of Filipinos. Furthermore, if the the privileges of the Cavite laborers were
Filipinos had really planned a conspiracy to eradicated. It was also claimed that the labor issue
overthrow the Spanish government to attain their was not the primary cause of the revolution
full independence, why have they waited for the because the fact that a revolution to dethrone the
time Izaquerdo has abolished their exemption Spanish government meant that a grand
privileges? Hence, it is clear that the main reason conspiracy existed among the involved parties.
for the mutiny of the Filipino workers was
because of the abolishment of their privileges and - The revolution against the Spaniards was
their only motive is to get their rights back. organized to oust the “secular throne.” Here were
some possible causes:
- The Spanish inhabitants and friars utilized this
insurrection among soldiers in Cavite to a ● There were prevalent propaganda
significant degree. The General Governance in activities by an unregulated press against
Madrid had indicated its intention to revoke the the Spaniards and their governance
friars' authority to intervene in matters of civil through the release of republic and
government and university administration on these democratic pamphlets and books, and
islands. Due to these facts and promises, the preachings and speeches promoting liberal
Filipinos had high hopes for the improvement of thinking. An American publicist made an
their country's situation, while the friars feared outburst regarding the Governor’s
that their influence in the colony would soon be a illogical and baseless criminal policies.
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thing of the past. Prior to that time, there had been
no desire for independence from Spain, and the ● Principal leaders also gathered in the
primary aim of the people was to ensure the houses of either Filipino-Spaniard Joaquin
material and educational growth of the country. Pardo de Tavera or secular priest Jacinto
Zamora. Meetings were usually presided
- Tavera believes that the Spanish friars and over by the curate of Bacoor, which was
Izquierdo utilized the Cavite Mutiny as a means to considered the “soul” of the Cavite
address other concerns by exaggerating the mutiny-turned-revolution.
isolated mutiny attempt. During this time, the
Central Governance in Madrid intended to strip - The garrison situated in Manila, which
the friars of all intervention rights in matters of comprised mostly of local soldiers, was included
civil government and educational administration in the conspiracy along with several civilians. The
and guidance. The revolt gave a chance for the plan consisted of the assassination of their
friars to legitimize their continued authority over officers, masters, servants, and escorts of the
the country. general that can pave the way to kill the Governor
Hence, it can be observed that the friars and
Governor Izquierdo have found this mere mutiny EXCERPT FROM TRINIDAD DE TAVERA’S
as a leverage for them to exaggerate it into a grand ACCOUNT OF THE CAVITE MUTINY
- As claimed by Dr. Trinidad de Tavera, the
EXCERPTS FROM PLACHUT’S ACCOUNT Colonial Minister Morette, proposed a scheme that
OF THE CAVITE MUTINY will result in the “radical change” in the colonial
government, and align with the principles
- The advent of General Izquierdo in Manila advocated and fought for by the Cavite revolution.
abruptly ended any hopes for reform. As a result It was said that through these facts and promises,
of the acrimonious debates between Filipino the Filipinos showed hopes and thirsts for
clerics and friars, the current Governor General's improvement, thus, sparking a revolution through
decision to begin prosecutions was likely the mutiny.
expected. Such a program must inevitably result in
the other party's great desire to oppress harshly. The two Spaniards (Montero and Tavera) believed
that the Cavite mutiny was a grand conspiracy to
- Regarding schools, it was earlier declared that a overthrow the Spanish government because it was
Society of Arts and Trades would be established in planned ahead of time as evidenced by its details
Manila in March 1871. However, in an effort to and execution of rebellion. This is because it is not
suppress the expansion of liberal doctrines, only the workers who were abolished of the
General Izquierdo halted the opening of the school exemption of the privileges that were present in
the day before its scheduled inauguration. the mutiny, but it included educated leaders,
mestizos, abogadillos ornative lawyers, residents
In the accounts of Tavera and Plachut, they were of Manila and Cavite and the native clergy.
both consistent in their statements and shared Further, the presence of alleged pre-concerted
commonality in their statements. This is signal among the conspirators of Manila and
strengthened by the fact that they are both Cavite was the firing of rockets from the walls of
considered PRIMARY SOURCES of the event. Intramuros.
EXCERPT FROM MONTERO VIDAL’S Hence, according to their accounts, if it was just a
ACCOUNT OF THE CAVITE MUTINY mere mutiny, it should not have involved a lot of
individuals - especially those who are deemed to
- As stated by Montero Vidal, the mutiny is the be educated and are not directly involved with the
fruit of the people’s wrath from the sudden issue. Further, the response to the fireworks signal
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abolishment of their privileges and is not in any has also shown how much the Filipinos have
way planned by the workers or laborers prepared for the attack.
- A secret scheme was created to overthrow and
- According to the Oxford Dictionary (n.d.), abolish the Spanish government that took the form
mutiny refers to the “open rebellion against the of a revolution through the Cavite Mutiny. This
proper authorities, especially by soldiers and/or was believed to have occurred because of the
sailors against their officers.” labor issue during the time of Gobernador
Izquierdo wherein he removed the privileges of
- The sole possible cause that can explain the the exemptions from giving yearly tribute and
uprising of soldiers situated in Cavite was the performing labor. But we believe that the mutiny
repeal of exemptions to pay tribute taxes and happened for another purpose.
participate in forced labor.
- Further, it can be determined that the event was a
● Since then, laborers working in artillery grand conspiracy for they have included in a plan
barracks and engineer corps in Cavite 200 soldiers, which have also waited for a fire
have acquired exemptions from payment signal. If it was a mere mutiny, they would not
of tribute tax and from work obligations have wanted to place 200 lives at risk - just for the
involving public infrastructures. purpose of having their exemption privileges back.
- On January 1, 1872, Governor-General Rafael - The response of the Spanish government, headed
Izquierdo terminated these privileges and gave out by Gobernador Izquierdo, was violent and
an order that all laborers are now mandated to pay excessive. A lot of lives were taken because of the
tribute and perform forced labor. mentioned mutiny. Therefore, although the
intentions of the Filipino people was more than
● As a result, this caused dismay from the just a mere mutiny, the lives that were taken and
affected workmen located in the arsenal of risked is just unjustifiable.
Cavite, hence, a strike or protest occurred.
- Father Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora cannot be IZQUIERDO’S OFFICIAL REPOST OF THE
the mutiny’s prime movers as they were only to be CAVITE MUTINY
considered active advocates of the secularization
movement of the church. Their main desire was
for Filipino priests to have authority over local - It was stated “The instigators, to carry out
parishes and did not show intentions of bringing their criminal project, protested the injustice
down the Spanish government as suspected. of the government in not paying the provinces
for their tobacco crop, and against the usury that
● How can the Cavite Mutiny as a some practice in documents that the Finance
conspiracy pave the way to overthrow the department gives crop owners who have to sell
Spanish government when in reality, it them at a loss. They encouraged the rebellion by
was only after the execution of the pretesting what they called the injustice of having
GomBurZa that sparked and awakened the obliged the workers in the Cavite arsenal to pay
nationalism among Filipinos? tribute starting January 1 and render personal
service, from which they were formerly
● Secret organizations and groups were exempted.”
formed only after the execution of the
GomBurZa. ● Averting our perspective on a wider
outlook of Philippine History, since the
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- There is no detailed and evident account of the
accused plan by the Indios of the said mutiny as a dawn of the Spanish Colonization of the
conspiracy. All supporting points that were raised Philippines, there have been several
to justify the Cavite Mutiny as a conspiracy are attempts to overthrow the foreign
not entirely fact-based, and included several occupation mainly due to unjust treatment
allegations and assumptions. the native Filipinos received from them.
This, in turn, led to a rebellion that
- With clear hatred and discrimination of Izquierdo unfortunately resulted in a successful
towards the Filipinos as evidenced by his repression because of the incoordination
treatments towards them, it can be said that he has and lack of unity between the Filipino
indeed took this opportunity to further cause rebels. The Cavite Mutiny is no exception
violence towards them by defining it as a grand to this failed attempt to overthrow the
conspiracy. Spanish rule over the islands, but has been
the spark or rather the birth of the Filipino
- Some would think that the involvement of many nationalism in which Jose Rizal amplified
soldiers at the same time, preparing for an attack, through his works, mainly in his books
is too excessive for a mere mutiny. However, it is such as the Noli Me Tangere and El
important to remember how important these Filibusterismo that often depicts the
exemption privileges are to the Filipino, reality of that of the abuse and
particularly that most Filipinos are involved in the maltreatment the Filipinos received. These
labor sector. Some soldiers at that time, decided to events have shown the validity of a
join the mutiny because they perceived the famous saying “History is bound to repeat
abolishment of these privileges as horrendous and itself”.
something that should not be deprived of the
Filipino people. ● Another standpoint would be the rise of
ideals that relate to patriotism, nationalism
and freedom throughout the entire world
by the help of globalization. Since there
are several people involved in the cavite
mutiny, the “rebels” might have gained
knowledge about the concept of having
rights which in the western world have
gained popularity starting from the French
Revolution. The abolition of the
exemption of personal taxes of the
Filipino soldiers may be the mark of the
cry for equality and nationalism that they
might hope for the others to join, but
unfortunately it didn’t go according to
With thorough research and reading of different articles, works, and excerpts, related to the mentioned
Cavite Mutiny - the group has come to a conclusion and have chosen the final stand. The final stand of
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the group is that the mutiny was just a mere mutiny, and not a grand conspiracy to overthrow the
Spanish government.
This is for the reason that the Filipino perspective and accounts were more detailed and logical than that
of the Spanish. Further, it is important to remember that the exemption privileges are very significant to
most Filipinos. If it was a grand conspiracy, it could have been done before the abolishment of
privileges, right when Gobernador Izquierdo started his rule and violence. Additionally, it is clear that
the nationalism of the Filipino - including Rizal in his works, have sparked and ignited due to the
execution of the GOMBURZA. Therefore, it is only through that and not before the mere mutiny that
the Filipinos have thought of a revolution against the injustices and violence of the Spanish. The
accounts of the Spanish (grand conspiracy) are more on assumptions and baseless accusations, without
solid supporting details and arguments. Thus, we choose to stand with the MERE MUTINY - a pro-
Filipino perspective.
Nevertheless, we can always look back at this historical event and see how significant it is today.
Through which, we were able to gain a nationalistic pride, labor day, and subsequently, the
independence that we are able to enjoy at this time.
Trinidad Pardo de Tavera, “Filipino Version of Cavite Mutiny,” in Gregorio Zaide and Sonia Zaide,
Documentary Sources of Philippine History, Volume 7 (Manila; National BookStore, 1990),274—280
Edmund Plauchut, “The Cavite Mutiny of 1872 and the Martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za,” inthe Gregorio
Zaide and Sonia Zaide, Documentary Sources of Philippine History, Volume 7(Manila: National Book
Store, 1990), 251-268.
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