Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
A Case Study report submitted in a fulfillment of the requirements for AAT of V
Semester of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Blegaum.
Submitted by
Name : TARUN S N
USN : 1DS19ET096
Signature of professor
Date of Submission:
Table of Contents
1 Recruitment in startup
2 Work culture in startup
3 Organisation of a Startup
4 Process of Recruitment
In the early days, the way you market your product and the way you
think about the problems you’re solving, says a lot about the kind of
company that you’re about to build. If you become known for doing
interesting things for your customers, you will attract talented and
ambitious people.
Ask any startup where most of their hires came from or ask bigger
companies where their best people came from and the answer is usually
the same: friends, friends of friends or ex-colleagues. It’s all about
networks for one simple reason: good people know good people. Part of
being a good CEO is building a great network with quality and reach.
There are no shortcuts here, it’s real work. The better your network is,
the easier your next hire is going to be.
The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of
operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who
want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is
demand. These companies generally start with high costs and limited
revenue, which is why they look for capital from a variety of sources
such as venture capitalists.
Key takways
A startup is a company that's in the initial stages of business.
Founders normally finance their startups and may attempt to
attract outside investment before they get off the ground.
Funding sources include family and friends, venture capitalists,
crowdfunding, and loans.
Startups must also consider where they'll do business and their
legal structure.
Startups come with high risk as failure is very possible but they
can also be very unique places to work with great benefits, a focus
on innovation, and great opportunities to learn.
Work culture in startup company:
Startup culture is the shared values, thoughts and beliefs that shape how people work. Startup
culture is different from corporate culture because it typically reflects the personalities and
passions of the team members. That’s not to say that employees don’t influence the culture of
more established organizations, rather that individual contributions are more impactful at
startups or smaller companies.
Personality is key for startups. For many entrepreneurs, this exhibits itself in
the curation of unique items for their space: reclaimed or repurposed wood, rich
materials and commissioned artwork. Feeling comfortable in the workplace is
the first step to being engaged and productive.
Agility is critical for the fast exchange of ideas, strategy pivots and action items
— all directly impacting business results. It’s also important for the physical
space to remain agile and allow for workers to move between standing height
tables, traditional desks and lounge settings to maximize collaboration and
Authenticity celebrates each person and the diversity they bring to the team.
The freedom to truly be yourself without compromise is the holy grail of the
entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The line organisation gradually developed to shape as the line and staff organisation. As the
industry grew in size and complexity, the line executives could not perform properly all other
functions such as R&D, planning, distribution, legal, public relations, purchasing, accounting
etc. This made to employing of special executive to assist line executives and they were
known as ―staff‖ as they were recruited to perform specialist function. Line authority gives a
supervisor a line of authority and control over a sub ordinate while nature of the staff
relationship is advisory. The function of people in a pure staff capacity is to investigate
research and give advice to line managers to whom they report. The final decisions left in the
hands of executive. Staff officers are ―authority of ideas‖. Line officers are ―authority of
The process of recruitment and selection begins with recruiting candidates and
ends with selecting a candidate to hire, as you might expect from the name.
Being thorough and following each step can lead to better hires and retention
rates. You can start by considering this seven-step recruitment and selection
process example.
1. Expert advise from specialist staff executives can be made use of.
2. Line executives are relieved of some of their laods.
3. Less wastage of material, man and machine hours.
4. Quality of product is improved.
5. There is no confusion as exists in functional organization
. 6. It possesses all the advantages of both line and functional orgnaisation.
1. Product cost will increase because of high salaries of staff executives.
2. It may bring confusion in case of functions are not clear.
3. Friction and jealousies will develop between staff and line executives.
4. Complex in nature.
5. May not be effective for small organisations.
2. Source candidates
3. Screen applicants
Ask candidates about themselves, including their work history and career goals.
Verify that they understand the job description and are qualified
4. Shortlist candidate
5. Interview candidates
After you have narrowed down your candidates, you need to pass along their
information to your client. Then, your client will interview the candidates.
The face-to-face interview helps you and your client really get to know the
candidates. You can study their body language and ask more behavioral
interview questions. The interview process helps you and your client get a feel
for the candidate’s work ethic.
6. Conduct testing
To further test a candidate’s skills, you and your client might consider
conducting job-fit tests. A job-fit assessment test helps you and your client
determine how the candidate would mesh with the company.
A job-fit test can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour. It asks a series
of questions candidates must answer honestly.
The candidate might try to negotiate the salary your client offers. Talk with
your client to see whether the requested salary is possible.
If the candidate declines the job offer, you will either need to go back to the
other top candidates or restart the recruitment and selection process.
b) Expectations from employees
Some startup employees work with the understanding that they are
sacrificing a decent salary in return for receiving equity in the business.
They'll just work their tail off for a couple of years and then reap the
benefits when the startup takes off.
When you join a startup, there’s a very real chance that it’s going to fail.
That’s not being harsh. That’s just the nature of the beast, despite what
you may have been told.
You obviously intend to work really hard at any job you've lined up, but
there’s something completely different about startups. You might work
like a maniac for an excessive amount of hours each week because the
startup is in a race to create a product or service.
On top of the stress, long hours and low pay, you will have a lot of
duties. You may be asked to do multiple jobs.
5. You may have to pay for expenses.
The young company probably doesn’t have the money. So who will pay
for the expenses when it comes time to impress the media, investors
and clients? Yep. This could be coming out of your own pocket if wining
and dining is a part of your job description.
Industries: Consumer Electronics
Company size: 201-500 employees
Headquarters: New Delhi, Delhi
Type: Privately Held
Founded: 2016
Specialties: Consumer Electronics, Audio, Wireless Earphones,
Cables and Chargers, Bluetooth Audio, Speakers, Car
Electronics, Home Audio, Headphones, Earphones,
True Wireless, and Smart Audio.