1846-File Utama Naskah-6735-1-10-20130913
1846-File Utama Naskah-6735-1-10-20130913
1846-File Utama Naskah-6735-1-10-20130913
The aim of this research was to describe the first year students’ oral communication
problems in English class at SMAN 7 Padang. Furthermore, in this research described
students’ problems in two indicators, the first waslinguistic factors consist of grammar,
vocabulary and pronunciation.The second was affective factors such as, communication
apprehension, self-esteem and introverted.The instrument was questionnaire for
gathering data about students’ oral communication problems in English class. The
result of this research in generally, 91% students had problems in oral communication
class.Specifically, from the data analysis, the studentshad problems in linguistic factors
was 89% and the result of each indicator, the first was students who had problems in
grammar was 83%, problems in pronunciation was 91% and the last, problems in
vocabulary was 89%. The students had problems in affective factors was 88.57%.
Specifically, based on each indicator, students who had problems in communication
apprehension was 89%, problems in self-esteem was 86% and students who had
problems in introverted was 89%. Based on the students’ respond in questionnaire,
those factors were caused because of inadequate knowledge in grammatical pattern, lack
of vocabulary, incorrect pronunciation, not confident, they didn’t have motivation and
uncomfortable in using English as a communication tool. Related to the result of
students’ oral communication problems in English class, the researcher noticed that
91% students had problems in oral communication class.
was 71.15. The last, the researcher counted in oral communication class based on the
the reliability of the test by using the alpha following criteria (Arikunto, 2009: 264):
reliability was 0.80. It means that the < M + 1SD Having problem
reliability of the questionnaire was high Then, researcher calculated the percentage
correlation. Therefore, this instrument was of students who have problem in each