Diaphragm Wall

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In areas where deep excavations are to be carried out, diaphragm wall was used to carry lateral

loads and prevent water passage. The diaphragm wall acts as a retaining wall and provides

resistance to lateral loads. The project field was both near the sea and had deep excavation for

another tower building. Therefore, diaphragm wall was a must before foundation excavations.

Guide Walls

Figure 30: Guide Wall

Before starting the excavation of the diaphragm wall, guide walls were constructed. Two

temporary parallel concrete beams were built to guide the excavator and stabilize the upper part.

These walls, built as cast in-place, were used to prevent superficial ground migration, determine

the position of the panels and support the steel cages, while also ensuring the horizontal

alignment of the wall and wall continuity.

Construction of Diaphragm Panels

The diaphragm wall was formed by joining the curtains, which are made of it piece by piece.

Curtains that were poured in parts are called panels. The diaphragm panels were categorized into

two: primer and seconder panels. First, the excavation of the primary panels was started, and the

secondary panels were built between the primary diaphragm wall panels.

Primer Panel
Figure 30: Primer Panel with Stop-Ends

Steel stop-end pipes, which served as guides to the grab machine vertically, passed in the form of

pipes to increase the rigidity and waterproofing length between the panels, were lowered to the

bottom. Also, stop-end pipes provided interlocking of diaphragm wall panels.

Stop-End Equipment
Figure 30: Stop-End Pipes

Figure 30: Hydraulic Pump

Figure 30: Power Supply

By taking the energy from power supply, stop-end pipes were lowered to the bottom.

Seconder Panel

It was constructed between two primer panels. To reduce the number of ports and strengthen

them in terms of sealing, their length was preferred longer than the primary.

(That's why our secondary panels were about 6.5 meters long)

about 1 meter more than 2 grab tall (2,80+2,80+1)

Panel Excavation

The soil was excavated downwards using a grab machine until the desired level was reached.

With the use of bentonite slurry, the migration of the panel was prevented during excavation,
reinforcement, and casting. The slurry formed a thick layer on the walls of the panel, which

balanced the hydraulic forces inward and prevented the flow of water into the panel.

Figure 30: Diaphragm Panel Excavation

At the end of excavation, the depth of panel was checked.

Figure 30: Check for Depth


Bentonite is used in long-lasting structures, sealing curtain and impermeable wall constructions,

impermeable building wall constructions and load-resistant building walls thanks to its

unadulterated, homogeneous, and natural structure. Also, due to its dense structure, it was used to

resist lateral loads within the soil. Therefore, it was used to prevent the panel from collapsing

under the influence of lateral loads during excavation.

Bentonite and water are mixed in suitable amounts in mixers, the density of bentonite was

determined according to the ground conditions and underground/artesian water conditions.

Figure 30: Bentonite Mixer

Raw bentonite weighing 90 kg per 1000 liters of water was mixed for 10 minutes in a bentonite

mixer. From there, it was transferred to clean bentonite tanks and silos.
Figure 30: Clean-Dirty Silos Figure 30: Bentonite Tank

Bentonite in the well was continuously passed through the desander sand screening machine

during the excavation and was removed from the sand by revolution and transferred to the well or

silos in tanks for use in subsequent excavations.

Figure 30: Desander Sand Screening Machine

Reinforcement Placement

Figure 30: (a)

Figure 30: (b)

Figure 30 (a) (b): Reinforcement Placement

The previously prepared reinforcement cage was placed in the panel whose excavation was

completed by hanging it at the height specified in the project with the help of a crane.

Bentonite Cleaning

Figure 30: Bentonite Cleaning

In order to purify bentonite with increased density at the base, the existing bentonite at the base

was removed by a “base pump”, while clean bentonite from the top was added to the well,

resulting in purer and sand-free bentonite. This process was called the bentonite cleaning process.

The duration of this cleaning process was maintained until the bentonite density in the well

matched the test values.

After cleaning bentonite, certain tests were performed on the sample:

Figure 30: Well Testing Apparatus

Using the apparatus in Figure 30, sample was taken from the well.

Figure 30: Sand Ratio Test

In sand ratio test, the ratio of sand was supposed to be maximum 4 %. So far, the maximum ratio

recorded was 2.5 %.

Figure 30: Density Test

Using the apparatus in Figure 30, density was supposed to be greater than 1 g/cm3 to resist

hydrostatic pressure on the panel. Therefore, the density values were always greater than 1 g/cm3

and max 1.15 g/cm3.

Figure 30: Viscosity Test

In viscosity test, the discharge was supposed to be complete between 32-50 seconds and the

values were always between these times.

Concrete Casting

Figure 30: Concrete Casting by Tremie Pipes

After the bentonite tests were over, the reinforcement cage was placed in the drill hole and

enough working space was left on the cage for the free movement of the tremie pipe. At the same

time, another pump (submersible pump) was lowered to the ground level and the tremie pipe was

lowered into the well with a service crane, and concreting was done with the help of a pipe to

prevent the concrete from decomposing. It was poured in such a way that it was filled from the

bottom up with a tremie pipe. Concrete was poured from 1 meter above and pulled up by 1 meter
in each mixer. For bentonite and concrete not to mix, another pump began to absorb bentonite

from above and sent it back to the tank.

Figure 30: Tremie Pipes Figure 30: Submersible Pump

After 4-6 hours of concrete casting, the stop-end pipes were removed and the whole process was

completed successfully.

Header Beam

The header beam served to connect the panels together and created continuity of the diaphragm

wall. Also, it allowed the panels to work together. Therefore, it was the last and a significant

structure built after the panels.

Figure 30: Header Beam

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