Problems Encountered in Diaphragm Wall Excavation

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Problems Encountered in Diaphragm Wall Excavation


Abdelhadi, Nafeth; Abdelhadi, Monther; Gotoh, Keinosuke


Vol.26(46) p. 39-42, 1996

Issue Date



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Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University, Vol. 26, No. 46, January 1996


Problems Encountered In Diaphragm Wall Excavation


Nafeth ABDELHADP, Monther ABDELHADF and Keinosuke GOTOH 3

Diaphragm walls or what is called slurry trenches are deep extended walls through granular or soft
soils in shallow water table areas.

Construction of these slurry trenches involves extracting a trench

while simultaneously keeping heavy viscous slurry (bentonite) filling the excavation to provide lateral
pressure that must be at least equal to or greater than the lateral pressure of the trench walls.
construction of such kind of walls, excavation is the most serious problem encountered.

In the

In this paper

the authors tried to focus on the most important problems involved in excavating diaphragm walls and
providing some solutions.

1. Introduction

the bentonite to be used.

Bentonite slurry which is used mainly in oil

In construction of the

diaphragm walls, there are a lot of things to be

drilling industry is proved to be an effective mate-

considered a side from the deformations.

rial in diaphragm walls construction!).

The main

paper the authors tried to present the major prob-

advantage of diaphragm walls technique is to avoid

lems encountered in the excavation of such kind of

a huge excavations in places where excavation is

waIls based on available information obtained from

difficult or impossible to be performed.


a case history three years ago under a large car

method of wall construction has had a great success

park project in Almadenah Almonawarrah, Saudi

since its first use


The following factors have led

In this


to this successful development:

a) The availability of bentonite produced from
montmorillonitic clays and refined and converted

2. Site preparation

Before starting the excavation, a central

bentonite slurry plant must be prepared for mixing

to sodium montmorillonite,
b) The need of walls for deep basements, under-

and providing bentonite to the trench or panels

under excavation through a net of steel pipes with

passes, and tunnels,

c) The development of excavation machines and
development of bentonite processing plant.
It is also very applicable in places where dewater-

ing cannot be performed.

about 15-20 em in diameter.

This pipes system is

spread a long the working areas to facilitate providing fresh bentonite and taking out used

However, the construc-

bentonite to be recycled by separation of rock

tion of the diaphragm walls is always accompanied

fragments and sand fractions mixed with bentonite

with a lot of difficulties and problems which are

during the proccess of excavation as shown in

based mainly on how to estimate the deformation

Photo 1. Sand and rock fragments are usuaIly

of the trench sides.

Based on the calculated defor-

separated by means of what so called desonders

mation the engineer will be able to design and

which is considered as an important unit of the

determine the density and the other specification of

bentonite plant.

Received on October 27, 1995

1 Natural Resources Authority, Jordan
2 Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering
3 Department of Civil Engineering


N. Abdelhadi, M. Abdelhadi, K. Gotoh

Photo 1 Bentonite plant.

Photo 2 Grab which is used mainly in excavating

loose sand.

Guide wall

3. Excavation

After the site exploration and investigation exca-

----.,,-- Ground surfase

vation starts, at this stage it must be decided what

kind of excavation machines must be used in order
to achieve the basic requirements for a minimum
disturbance of the soil around or surrounding the

Fig. 1 Location of guide walls.

As an example of that loose sand and

gravels can be excavated by using grab while excavation of hard strata can be performed by using

the excavation since it is desired and recommended


to found this kind of walls on hard, fresh and

Another important factor to be considered

is the cutting rate of the trench since it is important

unweathered rocks if possible 2 ).

to give time for bentonite to form what is called

rock quality is achieved recycling of working

"filter cake" membrane at the wall sides-bentonite

bentonite in the excavated panel will immediately


Excavation either by using a grab (see

take place for a period of time until getting the

Photo 2) or a cutter within the same panel is carried

required bentonite specification before concreting.

out at more than one stage.

The width of the grab

This can be achieved with a bentonite sample taken

jaw and the distance that can be excavated directly

from the bottom of the trench after a complete

by the cutter is limited.

The grab or cutter can

recycling and it will be tested in order to estimate

excavate a maximum of 2.08 meter wide vertical

its sand content, pH, and filter loss and gel strength.

strip, so that a panel of about 6.06 meter long can

This step is followed by checking the depth of the

be excavated by three stages.

trench by using a long steel rod installed vertically

As a first step in the

If the required

excavation procedure of any diaphragm wall, guide

in the trench.

walls must be constructed in order to prevent any

creting must not exceed 1.15 gm/cm 3 and its viscos-

collapse of soil from the top of the proposed wall

ity must be less than 20 cPo

and also to facilitate the implementation of

be very important to ensure enough cleaning of

bentonite pipes which will provide the trench with

steel bars during concreting and displacement of

the bentonite during the excavation procedure (see


Fig. 1).

During excavation bentonite has to be

many problems take place, these problems and

provided simultaneously to the trench while ex-

some practical solutions can be summarized in the

cavated materials mixed

following paragraph.

with bentonite


pumped out again to be sent to the bentonite plant

for recycling.

Bentonite density just before conThis is considered to

During the process of excavation so

1) Verticality of excavation

After finishing the excavation, rock

Excavated trench must be vertical as much as

quality test must be performed as the last stage of

possible within an allowable vertical deviation of

Problems Encountered In Diaghragm wall Excavation

about 1%.


The solution of this problem was

solved by sliding the grab or cutter into and out of

the trench and skipping the inside wall sides.


2) Presence of big, hard and smooth surface boulders and stones that keep rolling under cutter





wheels or stacking of these stones between the

teeth of the cutter.



This problem was solved by crushing the boulders and stones by using heavy chisels, and so
crushed materials will be suspended by bentonite
and pumped out of the trench.

Fig. 2 Detection of soil collapsing during concreting.

3) Caving of soil under guide walls

Eventually caving occurs in the portion beneath
the guide walls due to the falling of bentonite slurry
from the top of the guide walls during the supplying
of bentonite.

This problem was solved by connect-

ing bentonite pipes with another flexible pipes and

lowering these flexible pipes down the trench so as
to decrease the falling head of bentonite slurry.
4) Trench collapsing
During excavations in the fill areas, soil tends to
loose its strength by absorbing water or by the
vibrations caused by the excavating machines.

Photo 3 Diaphragm wall after construction.

The solution of this problem was achieved by filling the trench and the resulting cavings with low
Continuous recording of depth against

strength sand cement mortar in order to stabilize


loose fill bands.

actual volume of poured concrete is plotted on the

After consolidation of mortar, the

cavities in the trench sides kept filled with by stable

same millimetric paper as shown in Fig. 2.


If wanted, the stability of diaphragm

monitoring this graph soil collapsing can be detect-


wall during excavation can be increased by using

ed and so concreting must be continued until soil

temporary vertical tie-down anchors.

contaminated concrete is taken out.

5) Bentonite sedimentation
When the time between bentonite recycling and
concreting is relatively long, bentonite may precipi-

4. Conclusion

Since there are a lot of applications of diaphragm

At this moment,

walls, it is very important to understand the proce-

to keep bentonite slurry more homogenous and to

dure of excavation and its effect on the final struc-

decrease its sedimentation rate, dispersing agents


or some other chemical materials are added.

in excavation are plenty, it can be solved by careful

6) Soil collapsing during concreting

study of the land conditions and the study of the

tate in the bottom of the trench.

The soil is expected to collapse at any time

during concreting of the wall.



Even though the technical problems involved

case histories available.

However, if any



contaminated concrete must be removed immedi-

1) Joseph E. Bowels, Foundation Analysis and

To perform this job, theoretical volume of

Design, Cacho Hermanos, Metro Manila, pp.


the trench is calculated before concreting and depth

against theoretical volume is plotted on millimetric

544, 1982.

2) C. R. Scott, Developments in Soil Mechanics-I,


N. Abdelhadi, M. Abdelhadi, K. Gotoh

Applied Science Publishers, England, pp. 213215, 1978.

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