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short description
Application according to § 4 BImSchG

in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial approval

Emergency power supply with diesel engine systems for

the data center Data Center Campus FKQ

Combustion thermal output 236 MW

Operator: MI Investment GmbH

Plant location: Fritz-Klatte-Strasse 6-8

65933 Frankfurt am Main

Project number: 124-01

created by:

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hintzen

environmental consultant

Consulting Engineer
IK-Bau North Rhine-Westphalia

Expert for
approval procedures in the
environmental sector
IHK Dusseldorf

Sternwartstrasse 64
40223 Dusseldorf

Telephone (02 11) 869 31 21

Fax (02 11) 167 56 08
Mobile 0173 7 22 55 97

[email protected]

Editor: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hintzen

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description


1 Brief description................................................ ..................3

1.1 Subject of the application................................................ ....................................... 3
1.2 Location................................................. .................................................. ............ 6
1.3 Description of the plant ................................................ ...................................... 7
1.4 Operating hours................................................ .................................................. ... 8th

1.5 Substances................................................ .................................................. ...............10

1.6 Air emissions ................................................ .................................................. 10
1.7 Waste ..................................................... .................................................. .............19
1.8 Sewage................................................. .................................................. .........19

1.9 Utilization of waste heat................................................ ................................................19

1.10 Noise ................................................. .................................................. ................19
1.11 Plant security .................................................. ................................................23
1.12 Osh ................................................. .................................................. ...23
1.13 Handling water-polluting substances ................................................ ............24
1.14 Greenhouse gases................................................ .................................................. .26
1.15 EIA check................................................ .................................................. .....27
1.16 Baseline Report................................................................ ....................................29
1.17 Summary ................................................. ............................................29

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

1 brief description
1.1 Subject of Application
The company MI Investitions GmbH is planning at the Fritz-Klatte-Quartier/ Fritz-Klatte-Strasse location

6, Frankfurt am Main the construction and operation of a data center campus with 3

buildings (Data Center Campus FKQ).

The data center consists of 3 separate buildings. To ensure the uninterrupted power supply of the data center in

the event of a power failure, a

Emergency power system (NEA) with a total of 78 emergency diesel engine systems (NDMA) provided

hen. Each building is equipped with NDMA as data hall generators and one Hausge

generator equipped. The house generator is used to supply the building services

and the power supply of the safety-related equipment.

In emergency power mode, the NDMA are used in different loads for reasons of redundancy

stood driven. The maximum combustion heat output results from load condition A.

The subject of the application for the 1st partial approval according to § 8 BImSchG is building 1.

combustion heat output

In total
1 2 3

Number NDMA 36 16 26 78

Combustion thermal output (FWL) 242.8 MW 104.8 MW 173.8 MW 521.3 MW

Table 3.1 combustion heat output

A partial permit according to § 8 BImSchG should be applied for for the first building,

because the concrete planning for buildings 2 and 3 has not yet been finalized at this point in time
is closed.

The thermal output of the entire plant with buildings 1-3 is 521.3 MW

but tight. For a rough assessment of the effects of the entire system,

the most important technical articles, the expansion status with buildings 1-3 is taken into account (including Im

mission prognosis TA Luft, noise prognosis, information on StörfallV, EIA, AZB).

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The project is therefore subject to approval under the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). The system is

listed under the following number of the 4th BImSchV:

1.1 "G", "E"

Plants for the generation of electricity, steam, hot water, process heat or heated waste gas by using fuels

in a combustion facility (such as a power plant, combined heat and power plant, heating plant, gas

turbine plant, combustion engine plant, other combustion plant), including associated steam boilers, with

a rated thermal input of 50 megawatts or more.

The emergency power systems (NEA) must be applied for in a procedure with public participation due to

the rated thermal output (FWL) of > 50 MW according to § 4 BImSchG.

The procedure is to be carried out with the participation of the public.

Subject of application according to § 8 BImSchG (1st partial approval)

1. Emergency power system (NEA) with 36 emergency diesel engine systems (NDMA) and Die
self tanks.

a. 35 NDMA Building 1 (Data Hall Generators)

(FWL each 8.26 MW at 100% load, 6.90 MW at 80% load)

b. 1 NDMA for building 1 building services (house generator)

(FWL 1.27 MW at 100% load)

2. Operating mode building 1

a. Load case A 35 Data Hall generators with 80% load +

1 home generator up to 100% load

b. load case B 28 Data Hall generators with 100% load +

1 home generator up to 100% load

3. The maximum combustion heat output for building 1 results from load case A with

242.8 MW (rounded up).

4. The 36 chimneys of the NDMA are routed in 9 bundles with 4 exhaust pipes over the roof.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

5. Filling area for diesel and urea with above-ground tank for storing urea

for exhaust gas cleaning:

a. Filling area (for diesel and urea)

b. 1 urea tank of 40,000 liters for the NDMA data center

6. Above-ground diesel tanks for fuel storage:

a. 35 tanks for diesel under the generator container, each holding 40,000 liters

b. 1 tank for diesel under the house generator with 7,000 liters

7. Other systems for handling water-polluting substances

a. fuel filter systems b. 35 day

tanks of urea in the generator container of 750 liters each c. 36 cooling

circuits with dry cooler (water/glycol mixture) each with a day tank

(1,100 liters).

8. For No. 5), 6), 7), the application documents are considered notifications according to § 40 AwSV 9.

Building application

10. Application according to § 8a Abs. 1 BImSchG for the establishment of the following described

Parts of the proposed project:

Earthworks, foundations and floor slab for filling area, generators and chimney

stones, installation of the generators, including the measures taken to test the

operability are required.

Functional tests of the supply systems for diesel and urea.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

1.2 Location
The planned data center with the emergency power supply is located in Fritz-Klatte-Quar
tier in the district of Griesheim in 65933 Frankfurt am Main.

Figure 3.1 Aerial photo (Source Geoportal Hessen)

The property is in the interior area, the buildability is assessed according to § 34 BauGB.

In the regional plan for southern Hesse / regional land use plan 2010 (RPS/RegFNP 2010), the project site is shown

as a commercial building site in the inventory.

There is no legally binding development plan for the area of the project site. The regional land use plan 2010

(planned as of December 31, 2020) defines the area as a commercial building area. The GEP (commercial space

development program of the city of Frankfurt) also aims for commercial as a typical location.

The construction of a data center including an emergency power supply with diesel engine systems is permitted

under planning law at the site.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

In the immediate vicinity there are other commercial establishments to the south and east. A railway line

connects to the north, behind which there are also commercial establishments. West of Stan

there is a public green corridor and an allotment garden, behind it a

Residential area.

Water protection areas are not in the area of influence of the plant. The next water protection area is approx. 650

m away to the south. Running waters are also not in the immediate vicinity. The distance to the Main is approx.

600 m in a southerly direction. Flood plains are 1.4 km to the south and 2 km to the east


There are other protected areas in the sphere of influence of the plant:

• FFH protection area

• Bird Sanctuary

• Nature reserve

• Landscape protection area

• Biotopes protected by law

1.3 Description of the installation

The subject of the application is the emergency power supply for building1

To ensure the uninterrupted power supply of the data center in case of

a power failure, is an emergency power system (NEA) with a total of 36 emergency diesel engines

systems (NDMA) provided. One of the NDMA is what is called a home generator for the

Building technology of the office building and the power supply of the safety-related off


The NDMA are of the type:

number type FWL Purpose

1 Caterpillar C18 660kVA 1.27MW home generator

35 Caterpillar C175-20 - 4000kVA 8.26MW Data Hall Generator

Table 3.2 generators

The NDMA are piped from the above ground central urea tank for

Building 1 with a volume of urea is supplied via a ring line.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Each data hall generator in building 1 has a diesel tank with a volume of 40 m³, the house generator has a diesel tank

with a volume of 7 m³, the pipeline contains approx. 2 m³. In total, this is approx. 1,409 m³ of diesel for building

1. The

Diesel tanks are supplied with diesel via a ring line.

The diesel consumption per data hall generator is around 700 l/h. The urea consumption is around 100 l/h.

The central urea tank and the diesel tanks of the generators are filled via a filling area

filled. A diesel and urea cleaning system is available for cleaning.

The generators are in containers. Each generator has a day tank of urea with a volume of 0.75 m³ (the home

generator does not).

Each generator has a separate cooling circuit with a volume of 1.1 m³. The cool

medium consists of water and glycol in a ratio of 1:1.

The generators have a lubricant circuit with a volume of 1 m³.

Each Data Hall generator is equipped with an SCR catalytic converter for nitrogen reduction

The exhaust air from each generator is discharged via an exhaust pipe. The 36 chimneys of the

NDMA are routed in 9 bundles with 4 exhaust pipes over the roof.

1.4 Hours of Operation

In the event of a failure of the high-voltage system (Mainova/Syna), a fault in the medium-voltage distribution

or the transformers, the Data Hall generators and the house generators are started as emergency power systems.

The 35 data hall generators in building 1 start with 80% and the house generator with 100% load (load case A). Should

a data hall generator in a segment group fail

the remaining Data Hall generators in this group are run up to 100% load

ren. If a Data Hall generator failure occurs in each group, then for building 1 up to

28 Data Hall generators run at 100% load (load case B).

The house generator does not have a redundancy system and therefore always runs in load cases A and B
with up to 100%.

Load case A: 35 NDMA building 1 with 80%

plus house generator with up to 100% load

Load case B: 28 NDMA Building 1 with 100%

plus house generator with up to 100% load

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The following operating states are provided for the emergency power generators:

• One-time commissioning test

• regular test operation

15 minutes per generator per month, 1 x quarterly 120 minutes, 1 x per year 90 minutes

all generators at the same time once a year for 95 minutes

• Emergency power operation

1.5 Substances

The following substances come into play when operating the emergency power diesel engine systems (NDMA).

• Diesel as a fuel to operate the NDMA

• Urea for the SRC catalytic converters for exhaust gas purification

• Motor oil for the NDMA

• Coolant (water 50%, glycol 50%) in the coolant circuit of the NDMA

• Alkaline pellets for the treatment of condensate from the flue gas pipes

1.6 Air emissions

The NDMA of all modules are subject to the scope of the 44th BImSchV from 1 to < 50 MW.

Low-sulphur diesel (DIN EN 590) is used as fuel. The emission limit values according to § 16 of the 44th BImSchV

for internal combustion engine systems apply. The systems are used for emergency power operation. The house

generator is equipped with a soot particle filter, the Data Hall generators are equipped with an SCR catalytic


According to the 44th BImSchV, the limit values for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur di

Oxide, organic substances and ammonia are not used in internal combustion engine systems
emergency power operation.

In the immission forecast, concentration values for NOx are specified as NO2 . These concentration values are to be

defined as emission limits.

NOx indicated as NO2 for Data Hall Generator NOx indicated 100 mg/m³

as NO2 for house generator 1,533.3 mg/m³

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Limit values according to No. 44. BImSchV

parameter abbreviation limit 44. BImSchV

total dust dust total 50 mg/m³ (without dust filter § 16 paragraph 5


5 mg/m³ (with dust filter)

carbon monoxide CO no GW at § 16 paragraph 6

Emergency power operation1

nitrogen oxides NO2 no GW at § 16 paragraph 7

Emergency power operation2, 3

sulfur oxides SO2 no use

(Determination from the

maximum sulfur content in the


organic matter formaldehyde 60 mg/m³ § 16 Paragraph 10 No. 4

organic matter Ctot no use § 16 paragraph 11

ammonia 4
NH3 30 mg/m³ §9

all related to 5% oxygen content (§ 16 Para. 4)

Emission reduction for carbon monoxide through engine measures after

exploit the state of the art

Emission reduction for nitrogen oxides through engine measures according to the status

exploit the technology

3 concentration values from the immission forecast are set as limit values
Applies only to the Data Hall generators due to the use of a selective catalytic converter
cal reduction.

Table 3.3 Limit values 44th BImSchV

The height of the chimney should be selected so that the flue gases can be discharged unhindered with the free

flow of air.

The determination of the minimum chimney height and the permissible maximum operating time is
carried out by means of an immission forecast taking into account the guidelines of the RP Darmstadt.
The exhaust gases are to be discharged via chimneys with a construction height of 45.0 m above ground

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The immission forecast is used to determine the additional immission loads caused by the project in relation to

• Annual mean concentrations

• Short term concentrations

• Annual mean values of deposits

In the immission forecast for each pollutant and each immission limit value, the ma

determined the maximum number of operating hours per year at which the maximum possible immissions
are sluggishly undercut.
pity emissions irrelevance
Statistical definition literature
material value threshold

40 µg/m³ annual average

1.0% of
Concentration by maximum TA air
NO2 immission value*
200 µg/m³ 18 hourly averages per year No. 4.2
(annual average)
may be exceeded

40 µg/m³ annual average

Fine 1.0% of
TA air
dust Concentration by maximum immission value*
No. 4.2
(PM10) 50 µg/m³ 35 daily averages per year (annual average)
may be exceeded

Fine 1.0% of
TA air
dust 25 µg/m³ annual average immission value*
No. 4.2
(PM2.5) (annual average)

* Stricter irrelevance threshold compared to TA Luft (according to the guidelines of the Darmstadt regional council).

Table 3.4 Immission values for air pollutants

Appendix 8 of the TA Luft 2021 is used to assess the nitrogen deposition.

After that, the project-related additional load of nitrogen inputs must first be checked.

The area of influence of the system includes the area in which the cut-off criterion

of 0.3 kg N/(ha a) is exceeded. Are there areas of community importance (here:

FFH areas) within the impact area, an examination according to §

34 BNatSchG.

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New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

annual averages

For each operating state (load cases A and B) it is checked whether the irrelevance threshold of the
Annual mean values are not reached with a fictitious operating time of 8,760 h/a. Will the

If the irrelevance threshold is exceeded, the maximum number of operating hours is scaled in such a way that

the irrelevance threshold the annual mean values are complied with.

short-term values

For each operating state (load cases A and B) it is checked whether the immission values for the short-term load are

exceeded with a fictitious operating time of 8,760 h/a. The previous load is taken into account. If the immission

value is exceeded, the time series are evaluated at the relevant assessment points.

nitrogen and acid deposits

For each operating state (load case A and B), it is checked at which operating time in the nearest FFH areas,

compliance with the cut-off criteria of 0.3 kg/(ha a) for

the nitrogen inputs and 30 eq/(ha a) for the acid inputs are ensured.

In the figures below are the nitrogen and acid depositions for the load

cases A and B shown.

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New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Figure 3.2 Nitrogen deposition in kg (N)/(ha*a) with an operating time of 2,090 h/a
load case A

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New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Figure 3.3 Acid deposition in eq (N+S)/(ha*a) with an operating time of 2,740 h/a
load case A

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Figure 3.4 Nitrogen deposition in kg (N)/(ha*a) with an operating time of 2,310 h/a
load case B

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

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approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Figure 3.5 Acid deposition in eq (N+S)/(ha*a) with an operating time of 3,030 h/a
load case B

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approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description


For the operation of the NDMA, there are results for the individually examined operating modes

(load case A and B) as well as the different immission values, the following partial results

case derivation from Unit
number of operating hours

NO2 annual mean Ha 1,020

NO2 short-term value Ha 8,760

load case A PM2.5 annual mean Ha 940

PM10 annual mean Ha 8,760

nitrogen deposition and acid input Ha 2,090

NO2 annual mean Ha 1,070

NO2 short-term value Ha 8,760

load case B PM2.5 annual mean Ha 3,100

PM10 annual mean Ha 8,760

nitrogen deposition and acid input Ha 2,310

Maximum operating time in emergency mode Ha 940

Table 3.5 Number of operating hours overview

In the emission prognosis, a maximum number of operating hours of 940 h/a was calculated for emergency

power operation. The calculation already includes the emissions of all 3 Ge

building has been taken into account in its final state of expansion.

In order to assess whether a relevant total additional odor load can arise as a result of the test operation of

the system, the odor immissions are determined using dispersion calculations in accordance with the

requirements of the TA Luft (2021).

The calculation has shown that the irrelevance threshold of 2% odor hour frequency per year is maintained at

all altitudes on every assessment area.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

1.7 Waste
The following waste is generated during operation of the plant and must be disposed of properly:
• ASN 13 05 02* sludge trap capacity

• ASN 13 05 06* Oil separator content

• ASN 13 02 05* non-chlorinated machine, gear and lubricating oils

based on mineral oil

• ASN 16 01 14* spent coolant mixture

• ASN 10 01 18* spent alkaline pellets

1.8 Wastewater
No production-specific water is produced during operation of the system.

The bottling area is connected to a Class I separator that drains into the public sewer (SW sewer).

The condensation water from the exhaust pipes is neutralized in the Neutra boxes and fed into the public sewer (SW


The rainwater from the generator installation area is not contaminated and is discharged into the Lachegraben.

Permission to discharge is sought as part of the building permit process.

None of the systems described above are listed in the Wastewater Ordinance AbwV, an indirect discharger permit is

not required.

Compliance with the limit values of the drainage statute.

1.9 Use of Waste Heat

It is not possible to use the waste heat generated during the operation of the NDMA, since the operating times of the

systems are usually very short and discontinuous.

1.10 noise
To assess the noise situation, a noise prognosis was created according to TA Lärm.

According to TA Noise, number 3.2.1,

be waived if the rating level exceeds the immission guide values by at least 6 dB

fall below For this reason, the planning goal is to set the undershooting of the immission guideline values by 6 dB as

the acoustic planning goal. The target values must be undercut by the total emissions of the location, i.e. all 3 buildings

with a data center

rum including NDMA.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The figure below shows the relevant places of immission and the investigation

Figure 3.3 Noise immission locations (source of sound prognosis GENEST)

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The following assessment levels were determined in the sound prognosis:

partial rating level
territory immission reference value
places of immission Lr,i in dB(A)
use shares in dB(A)

Day Night Day Night

residential house
IO 1 WA 49 34 36 -
Alzeyer Street 72
residential house
IO 2 WA 49 34 32 -
Dürkheimer Str. 45

allotment area
IO 3 MI 54 54 37 -

allotment area
IO 4 MI 54 54 38 -

administration building
IO 5 GE 59 59 40 -
Larch Street 139

administration building
IO 5 GE 59 59 45 -
Larch Street 135

commercial area
IO 7 GE 59 59 56 -
east data center

commercial area
IO 8 GE 59 59 54 -
south data center

Table 3.6 Assessment level Lr,i for the BImSchG systems

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approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

partial rating level
immission reference value
places of immission Lr,i in dB(A)
shares in dB(A)

Day Night Day Night

residential house
IO 1 WA 49 34 39 33
Alzeyer Street 72
residential building
IO 2 WA 49 34 38 33
Dürkheimer Str. 45

allotment area
IO 3 MI 54 54 41 39

allotment area
IO 4 MI 54 54 42 40

administration building
IO 5 GE 59 59 43 40
Larch Street 139

administration building
IO 5 GE 59 59 45 39
Larch Street 135

commercial area
IO 7 GE 59 59 57 45
east data center

commercial area
IO 8 GE 59 59 55 44
south data center

Table 3.7 Rating level Lr,i overall system

The proportions of immission reference values at all investigated immission locations are undershot.

The peak level criterion is also met.

The system-related traffic on public roads does not lead to any impermissible noise
chimney emissions within the meaning of No. 7.4 TA Noise.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

1.11 Facility Security

Dangerous substances are handled in the emergency power supply facility (Building 1),

which are subject to the StörfallV.

Substance designation Substance no. IncidentV Amount [kg]

diesel fuel 2.3.3 1,040,000 buildings 1

Table 3.8 Amounts of hazardous substances

The calculation of the accident coefficients gives the following result for building 1:
lower class upper class

Category Group P ÿQ3 0.4160 ÿQ4 0.0416

Category Group E ÿQ5 0.4160 ÿQ6 0.0416

Table 3.9 Result operating range after accident

The plant is not an operating area according to StörfallV, since all coefficients are < 1.

In the later expansion stage with 3 buildings, the amount of diesel is approx. 2,250,000 kg. Also
in this case, it is not an operating area according to StörfallV.

1.12 Occupational Health and Safety

The emergency power supply system has no permanent jobs. checks, maintenance

and repairs of the NDMA, diesel supply systems and other infrastructure

are done by the data center maintenance team, so it is

a workplace within the meaning of the workplace ordinance (ArbStättV).

The employees are on site during the day, outside of working hours there is an on-call service

directed. Control rounds are carried out regularly. The regular test runs of 1 h

per NDMA per month and the operation of the NDMA for emission measurements is managed by the

technician supervised. In addition, the installation rooms of the NDMA are not entered.
Social rooms are available in sufficient numbers in the data center.

The employees are qualified for the respective tasks. Workspaces are only used by

competent persons or accompanied by such a person. For special Ar

external specialists can be used.

A risk assessment is made. Operating instructions are in more understandable

Language created, announced to the employees and prominently displayed to over

Dangers from substances or work areas. The operating instructions

contain information on how to behave in the event of danger and alarm as well as in the event of accidents.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

The employees are regularly trained and instructed. employees of external companies

receive an instruction.

Personal protective equipment is provided to employees. The workplace is equipped with means for firefighting

and first aid as well as for containing leaks.

The occupational health and safety regulations, in particular with regard to hot surfaces of the NDMA, live parts of

the energy supply facilities, fall protection for work

on the roof are observed.

1.13 Handling water-polluting substances

The following AwSV systems are operated:
Designation volume WGK dungs

Filling area building 1 LAU

Filling area for diesel

8 m³/10 min 2
and urea

Diesel ring line on

8 m³/10 min
generators, pumps 2
5 m³ C
and filters

Filling line to urin

6 m³/10 min
fabric tank, pumps 1
2 m³
and filters

significantly 29 m³ 2

Urea Tank Building 1 LAU

collection tank 40 m³ 1

ring line of urin 6 m³/10 min A

fuel tank to generator 2 m³

significantly 48 m³ 1

1 belly tank building 1 HBV

diesel tank 13.05m³ 2

35 belly tanks building 1 HBV

diesel tank 34.2m³ 2

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approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Designation volume WGK dungs

1 house generator building 1 HBV

lubricant tank 1 m³ 2

0.14m³/10 B
Diesel generator 2
at least

significantly 1.14 m³ 2

35 data hall generators

building 1

lubricant tank 1 m³ 2

urea tank 0.75m³ 1 B

Diesel generator 2
at least

significantly 1.89 m³ 2

36 cooling circuits building 1 HBV

cooling circuit 1.1m³ 1

18 neutral boxes HBV

Neutral box 0.15kg 1

Table 3.10 AwSV annexes

The filling surface is tight and durable. In the event of a leak when filling the diesel tank, the escaping diesel fuel

is held back in the separator. The retention of urea on the filling area is permissible because the conditions of

No. 4.3.3 TRwS 781 are met. The pipelines are designed either as double-walled systems with leak detection

or as single-walled pipelines according to TRwS 780 pipeline type 1 (or 2) with non-detachable type A


The urea tank is double-walled and equipped with a leak detector and overfill protection and solenoid valve to

interrupt the filling.

The diesel tanks are arranged directly on the generator containers. These are double-walled tanks equipped

with leak detectors and overfill protection and a solenoid valve to interrupt filling.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

Each generator is located in a container that is set up outdoors. The container also contains the 0.75 m³ urea

tank (only for the Data Hall generators).

like the lubricant circuit with a volume of 1 m³.

The bottom of the container is a steel tub with a retention volume of 2.5 m³ and

equipped with a leak detector. A leak in the container triggers an alarm.

Each generator has its own cooling circuit with a volume of 1.1 m³. The coolant consists of water and glycol in a

ratio of 1:1. The cooling circuit consists of welded steel pipes. Pursuant to Section 21, Paragraph 3 of the

AwSV, no retention is required for single-walled pipelines in cooling systems with a water/glycol mixture.

The Neutra boxes are closed, single-walled plastic boxes that are set up outdoors. The alkaline pellets for

neutralizing the waste water are solid substances of WGK 1. The filling weight of the neutral boxes is 0.15 t.

The requirements of § 26 AwSV for the use of solid water-polluting substances are met by protecting the alkali

pellets from the ingress of rainwater

are. There are no other requirements. The neutralized condensation water from the

Exhaust pipes can be fed into the company sewage system.

The diesel tanks are double-walled. According to No. 7.2.1 of the LöRüRl Hessen is at

double-walled tanks made of steel up to a maximum of 100 m³ no retention of extinguishing water


Compliance with the water protection requirements is confirmed by submitting evidence and

proven by an expert report according to AwSV

1.14 Greenhouse Gases

The TEHG applies to activities of Annex 1 TEHG depending on their firing

heat output (FWL).

When determining the total FWL of a system, the FWL of all technical units

to be added that belong to the overall system and in which fuels are burned. At

However, according to Annex 1 of the TEHG, emergency power generators are explicit in this summation
not to be considered.

The system applied for consists exclusively of emergency power generators and is therefore subject
not the TEHG.

page 26
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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

1.15 EIA Review

The system for emergency power supply consists of emergency power diesel engine systems (NDMA) with

a rated thermal input (FWL) of 242.8 MW for building 1 (subject of the application

1st partial permit) and 521.3 MW for the entire site with 3 buildings.

The system is listed in Annex 1 to the UVPG under the following number:

1.1.1 “X” EIA mandatory

Construction and operation of a plant for generating electricity, steam, hot water,

Process heat or heated exhaust gas through the use of fuels in a

Combustion facility (such as power plant, combined heat and power plant, heating plant, gas turbine, ver

internal combustion engine system, other combustion system), including the associated steam boiler, with a

rated thermal output of more than 200 MW

Partial approvals according to Section 8 of the BImSchG are being applied for for the emergency power systems

with the associated systems for supplying diesel to the individual buildings. The emergency power systems in

buildings 1-3 form a common system within the meaning of the BImSchG.

With the application for the 1st partial approval according to § 8 BImSchG for building 1, the effects of the entire

system with buildings 1-3 are to be presented for the overall assessment

An environmental impact assessment and an FFH impact assessment are being carried out.

Due to the project of the emergency power supply of the Data Center Campus FKQ data center with diesel

systems, there are none for all protected goods

or no significant risks or conflicts.

In summary, a project-related impairment of the examined areas

of community importance are excluded.

The emergency required for the planned data center Data Center Campus FKQ

potential environmental impacts related to power supply

have been extensively examined and assessed. The protected goods human beings were considered,
Plants and animals, area, soil, water, air, climate, landscape and cultural heritage

and other tangible assets, including possible interactions.

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

As a result of the investigation, significant conflicts or impairments are not to be expected for most protected


Also for the FFH areas DE-5917-301 within the study area:
Schwanheimer Düne/ NSG Schwanheimer Düne and DE-5917-305: Schwanheimer Forest so

as for the bird sanctuary DE-5916-402: Untermain locks, all of which belong to the European Natura 2000 system

of protected areas, impairments can be ruled out (see Chapter 2.5.1).

However, the possible night-time operation of the NDMA in emergency power mode and the associated noise

development result in risks for the protected object of humans, including human health, as well as for the protected

objects of animals and animals


The residents of the purely residential area in Nied in the area of Alzeyer Strasse and Dürkheimer Strasse may

be affected by the emergency power supply, as their nightly peace can be disturbed. Taking into account the very

low probability that an emergency power supply will be required, this can already be done for economic reasons

Reasons to be assumed that the operator of the data center costs

wants to keep intensive diesel consumption as low as possible, the maximum permissible Be

operating time of 940 hours per year (see Chapter as well as the TA Noise under Pt.

7.1 listed exception, according to which to ward off an operational emergency

Immission guideline values according to TA Noise may be exceeded, a possible Be

impairment of the human protected asset is not assessed as significant.

For the strictly protected bats, the nocturnal noise can have masking effects

and the echolocation-based hunting of bats for prey

make more difficult. But here, too, due to the very low probability of an Er

requirement of a nightly emergency power supply, the limitation of the operating time to 940

hours a year as well as the possibility of flying bats to be off for a short time

give way to other, unpolluted hunting areas a possible impairment of the protected animal
tes plants and animals assessed as not significant.

In addition to this possible noise pollution, the project-related emission of

Carbon dioxide may be associated with risks for the climate as a protected asset.
Due to the relatively small amount and according to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act

zes (TEHG) does not require consideration of the cumulation rule for emergency power generators

gaten will be associated with the project-related emission of carbon dioxide

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MI Investments GmbH, Data Center Campus FKQ, Frankfurt am Main

New approval § 4 BImSchG in conjunction with § 8 BImSchG 1. Partial
approval emergency power supply with diesel
engine systems Chapter 3 Brief description

However, the possible impairment of the climate as a protected asset is also assessed as insignificant.

Nevertheless, efforts should be made to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions and, if possible, other, less

climate-relevant ones

energy sources are used.

In summary, the project to provide an emergency power supply for the Data Center Campus FKQ data center

with diesel systems does not result in any or any significant risks or conflicts for all protected assets.

Accordingly, the effects of the zero variant for all protected assets do not differ significantly from the effects

that are to be expected with the implementation of the preferred variant. It must also be taken into account that

the absolute zero variant, ie completely dispensing with an emergency power supply, is not possible for reasons

of security of supply for the data center. Possible alternatives to the planned emergency power diesel systems

are also ruled out (see Chapter 3). The zero variant could therefore only be implemented if the planned data

center was also dispensed with.

1.16 Baseline Report

The emergency power supply system is defined in the 4th BImSchV under number 1.1. listed and is also subject to

Directive 2010/75/EU Industrial Immissions Directive (IE-RL).

For systems that are subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive, an initial status report (AZB) must be prepared

before commissioning. The AZB can be submitted at a later date up to the start of construction or commissioning of

the plant. A study concept for the AZB was agreed in advance with the

expert and the approval authority (RP Darmstadt).

1.17 Summary
The system is set up and operated in such a way that the obligations under § 5 BImSchG for protection
of the environment are met.

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