Reviewer in Health
Reviewer in Health
Reviewer in Health
Person, particularly women who are educated, are more likely to seek
medical care especially during pregnancy, ensuring proper nutrition for their
family, adopting healthy sanitary practices and ensuring immunization for
Marry and have their own families at a later stage in life
Practice family planning and have fewer children
Know rights, responsibilities and civic obligations
Seek employment and sustain personal and family needs
Have decreased risk of getting sexually transmitted infections like
3. Promote Gender Equality And Empower Women
Programs and policies which help reduce child mortality like improving
nutritional intake, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, and other fields
which improves children’s live.
Immunization programs
Assuring the survival and better health of the mother
Improving reproductive health programs policies
Better nutrition program for infants, children and mother
Improve maternal health is not only about mother’s but also involves the
health and wellness of the family.
Improve and proper nutrition for mothers
Teaching the benefits of birth spacing and small family size
Educating young boys and girls about importance of maternal health
Better and improved access to hospital are care especially obstetric-
gynecology, prenatal and postnatal care.
Investing and supporting sustainable energy like solar, wind and water
energy help support jobs, create business opportunities, and save remaining
non-renewable resources.
Cleaner air and environment
Clean, environment- friendly , and renewable energy
New and aspiring jobs and business in energy
Increase access to sanitation
To enable and to increase the capacity of caregivers to recognize malaria
promptly and take early appropriate action.
To empower service providers by imparting adequate knowledge, skill and
capacity which enable them to respond to malaria illness appropriately.
To create an enabling environment for implementation.
Stop TB.
Stop TB.
Is a global effort to
prevent further
transmission of
tuberculosis or TB is the
implementation of the TB-
DOTS short-course
To achieve universal access to high-quality diagnosis and patient centered
To reduce the suffering and socio-economic burden associated with TB.
To protect poor and vulnerable populations from TB, TB/HIV and multi drug-
resistant- TB (MDR-TB)
To support the development of new tools and enable their timely and effective
Hepatitis B vaccine
Childhood meningitis vaccine
Yellow fever vaccine
Influenza vaccine
Vaccine for pneumonia