Narrative Speech
Narrative Speech
Narrative Speech
However, for every yin there is a yang, and with all things that are positive,
there is also a negative component that must not be ignored. Most Americans
are familiar with the benefits of technology, specifically medical technologies;
the media reports on these benefits every day. However, it is not often that
physicians have the opportunity to discuss what has been given up or lost as a
result of using these same technologies. This commentary is about those
unintended consequences resulting from our use of technology, in particular,
physicians' use of medical technologies.
As for what I watched in the video I learned how Medical technology is very
important to us Medical technologies can save lives, improve health and
contribute to sustainable healthcare. Through innovative devices and
diagnostics, the industry delivers value to patients, healthcare professionals,
and healthcare systems and society They help citizens to stay socially and
economically active, and by preventing serious complications of chronic
disease, medical technologies can add value to healthcare systems and to
society. Medical technology innovations help to deliver efficiency and enhance
the sustainability of healthcare. Our industry is facilitating advances in
healthcare deliver by bringing the latest benefits of big data and machine
learning to clinics all sizes.