CC19 Group 1 Lab Report 10
CC19 Group 1 Lab Report 10
CC19 Group 1 Lab Report 10
I. Aims/Purposes:
Investigating the processes of changing the thermodynamic equilibrium of the air
contained in a vase; determining the ratio of molecular heat capacity γ= ratio of gas.
II. Apparatus, Methods, and Procedure:
- Large glass bottle.
- U-shape water manometer with millimeter-scale.
- Technical Brass Gas Ball Valve K1, K2.
- Rubber ball pump.
- Support stand.
We close the valve K2 and open valve K1 and then, pump air into flask A. We keep the air
flow stable and just turn valve K1 to close flask A until the difference in the water column
in the two branches of the manometer M reaches about 250 ÷ 300 mmH2O.
After reaching equilibrium state, we measure many times with the same initial pressure
p1. Next, we slowly open valve K2 to reduce the amount of air in flask A so that the
difference M reaches the value H = L1 + L2. Read L1 and L2 to calculate H and record into
table 1.
We need to open valve K 2 quickly to let the air in flask A escape until the air pressure in
flask A equals the atmospheric pressure H0 outside, we close valve K2.
Then, when the water head difference in the two manometer branches M reaches a stable
value h = L’1 + L’2, we take note of the value of h.
III. Equations:
We have to calculate the ratio, the theoretical and the relative deviation by utilizing some
following formulas:
· The measured value and the theoretical value of the ratio of air:
γ theory =
γ theory −γ measured
γ theory
· The results:
γ=γ ± Δγ
IV. Experimental data:
Table 1
Accuracy of millimeter ruler on the water column manometer M: 1 (mm)
H (mmH2O) h (mmH2O) γ= ∆γ
1 255 74 1.409 0.0067
2 255 73 1.401 0.0013
3 256 74 1.407 0.0047
4 250 71 1.397 0.0053
5 252 73 1.408 0.0057
6 268 78 1.411 0.0087
7 280 82 1.414 0.0117
8 273 79 1.365 0.0373
9 296 86 1.410 0.0077
10 272 78 1.402 0.0003
11 251 72 1.402 0.0003
Average 1.4023 ● 0.00815
diamotic molecule (O2, N2…): i=5, polyatomic molecule (H20, CO2…): i=6
H1 255 H6 268
γ 1= = =1.409 γ 6= = =1.411
H 1−h1 255−74 H 6−h6 268−78
H2 255 H7 280
γ 2= = =1.401 γ 7= = =1.414
H 2−h 2 255−73 H 7−h7 280−82
H3 256 H8 273
γ 3= = =1.407 γ 8= = =1.365
H 3−h 3 256−74 H 8−h8 273−79
H4 250 H9 296
γ4 = = =1.397 γ 9= = =1.410
H 4−h 4 250−71 H 9−h9 296−86
H5 252 H 10 272
γ 5= = =1.408 γ 10= = =1.402
H 5−h 5 252−73 H 10−h10 272−78
H 11 251 ∆ γ 6 =γ −γ 6 =1.4023−1.411=0.0087
γ 11 = = =1.402
H 11−h11 251−72 ∆ γ 7 =γ −γ 7 =1.4023−1.414=0.0117
∆ γ 1=γ −γ 1=1.4023−1.409=0.0067 ∆ γ 8 =γ −γ 8 =1.4023−1.365=0.0373
∆ γ 2=γ −γ 2=1.4023−1.401=0.0013 ∆ γ 9 =γ −γ 9 =1.4023−1.410=0.0077
∆ γ 3 =γ −γ 3=1.4023−1.407=0.0047 ∆ γ 10=γ −γ 10=1.4023−1.402=0.0003
∆ γ 4=γ−γ 4=1.4023−1.397=0.0053
∆ γ 5 =γ −γ 5=1.4023−1.408=0.0057
∆ γ 11 =γ −γ 11=1.4023−1.402=0.0003
∑ ∆ γ i= 0.0067+0.0013+0.0047+ 0.0053+0.0057+0.0087+
0.0117+0.0373+0.0077+ 0.0003+0.0003
∆ γ = i=1
V. Calculation work:
a) Calculating the average value:
∑ γi= 1.409+1.401+1.407+1.397+1.408+1.411+1.414
b) Calculating the average absolute error:
∑ ∆ γ i= 0.0067+0.0013+0.0047+ 0.0053+0.0057+0.0087+
0.0117+0.0373+0.0077+ 0.0003+0.0003
∆ γ = i=1
c) Calculating the systematic error:
∆ γ sys H mid . ∆ h mid + ∆ H mid .h mid
● γ mid 268 ×1+78 ×1
H mid . (H mid −h ¿ ¿ mid )= =0.0068=α ¿
⟹ ∆ γ sys =α . γ mid =0.0068 ×1.411=0.0095
d) Calculating the absolute error:
∆ γ =∆ γ sys + ∆ γ =0.0095+0.00815=0.01765
e) Results:
γ=γ ± ∆ γ=1.4023 ± 0.01765
f) Calculating the theoretical value of the γ ratio of air according to the formula:
i+2 6 +2 4
γ theory = = =
i 6 3
g) Comparing the measured value γ measured measured with the theoretical value γ theory
by calculating the relative deviations:
|γ theory−γ measured | 3
| 4
γ theory 4
VI. Question:
1. Define and write the expressions for specific heat and molecular heat capacity.
Does the heat capacity of a gas depend on the conditions of the heating process?
The state of a gas mass is characterized by the quantities : pressure p, volume V,
temperature T. For 1 mole of gas, these quantities are related by the equation of state :
pV = R.T
R = 8.31 J/mol.K is the gas constant.
When heat is transferred δQ to a gas mass of mass m, the mass of gas will heat up and
its temperature will increase by 1 dT. By definition, the specific heat capacity c of a gas
is a measure of the amount of heat that needs to be transferred to 1 kilogram of the gas to
increase its temperature by 1 degree. Therefore :
c = δQ/mdT
If it is the mass of 1 mole of gas, then the molecular heat capacity of the gas will
C = μc = δQ/dT
The heat capacity of a gas depends on the heating process
pdV = RdT
Cp = C v + R
7. Calculate the theoretical value of the ratio of the molecular heat capacity of dry
air molecules (assume only oxygen molecules O2 and nitrogen N2) to the number
of degrees of freedom i of the gas molecules.
8. If the air in the flask has high humidity, contains a lot of water vapor, how will
the theoretical value of the ratio of the molecular heat capacity of the air change
(increase or decrease compared to dry air)? Why?
The specific heats of real gases (as differentiated from ideal gases) are not constant
with temperature. As temperature increases, higher energy rotational and vibrational
states become accessible to molecular gases, thus increasing the number of degrees of