JFQ 77 - 101 108 - Groh Bailey
JFQ 77 - 101 108 - Groh Bailey
JFQ 77 - 101 108 - Groh Bailey
In the last decade, our foreign policy has transitioned from dealing with the post–Cold War peace dividend
to demanding commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. As those wars wind down, we will need to accelerate
efforts to pivot to new global realities. We know that these new realities require us to innovate, to compete, and to
lead in new ways. Rather than pull back from the world, we need to press forward and renew our leadership.
—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 2011
magine that you are the fire chief organize and conduct these programs. that your city is not rife with arsonists.
is worth a pound of cure” hold in this every conflict, but they should reduce reminded of the significant costs of two
context? We argue it does. America has the number of conflicts and preserve wars in lives and dollars and struggling
to find a way to optimize its resources resources for when they are needed most. with domestic challenges, was growing
without losing sight of the fact that the Such an activity requires a coherent vision weary of military and foreign entangle-
primary responsibility of its Armed Forces that maps out how to move from the ments. Thus, the “Pivot to Asia” required
is to fight and win the Nation’s wars. present situation toward a desired future a nuanced approach to promote and
Theater commands, such as U.S. Pacific environment. protect national interests abroad while at
Command, are already working on using Let us consider a real-world example. the same time obviating increasing public
engagements to create favorable condi- In November 2011, Secretary of State concern for America’s continual involve-
tions if any actor attempts to challenge its Hillary Clinton signaled two notewor- ment in world affairs.
interests in the region. thy shifts in U.S. policy. The first was One solution seeks to make military
We argue that, first, U.S. political geographic: namely a transition from at- engagement less lethal; U.S. forces
and military leaders must conceptualize tention on the Middle East to a stronger should rebalance efforts to focus on
Phase Zero operations more broadly focus on the Asia-Pacific region. The dialogue, key leader interaction, build-
than simply shaping the preconflict battle second sought to change fundamentally ing partner capacities and capabilities,
zone; rather, they should think of them the type of international engagement to encouraging bilateral and multilateral
as a complex, long-term, grand preventa- which the United States, particularly its cooperation, and cultivating endur-
tive strategy. Second, military planners Armed Forces, had grown accustomed, a ing international norms that support
should seek indicators for potential change that reflected a more preventative American interests. The U.S. military,
leverage points that help senior military rather than responsive mentality.1 The de- however, needs to be careful about when
leaders make educated, efficient, and cade-long combat operations in Iraq and and where it chooses to engage; gains
effective decisions regarding the use of Afghanistan were showing their first signs in one place often mean lost ground in
U.S. assets. These efforts will not prevent of winding down. The American public, another. For example, engagements with
102 Features / Phase Zero and Modified Operational Design JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015
India may deepen Indo-U.S. relations, Figure 1. Hypothetical Chronology of Phases Zero through Five
but they hamper U.S. relations with
China and Pakistan. It is no surprise that
the key to these types of efforts is to make
the gains outweigh the losses in the long
term. Properly considered, Phase Zero Phase One through Five
operations should do just that. We must
stop considering Phase Zero as a means
to prepare for major combat operations
(MCOs). Phase Zero operations must be-
come tied to the long-term vision within Phase Zero Phase Zero Phase Zero Phase Zero Phase Zero
which short periods of Phases I through
V operations occur (see figure 1). Our
hope is that such a vision minimizes the
likelihood that decisions will be made means accepting less control globally in implementing efforts that will avoid or
based on short-term gains with no con- exchange for less conflict or less expense alleviate the need to use lethal force.
sideration for potential long-term losses. in dealing with conflicts in less critical In the next section, we explore Phase
Figure 1 depicts a significant oversim- areas should they arise. In other words, Zero operations and illustrate how their
plification, but it illustrates the point that Phase Zero operations cultivate relation- etymology and process structure are still
Phase Zero operations should be ongo- ships in places where we can count on rooted in an MCO construct and there-
ing, with the intent of preventing the partners for support in areas important, fore may hamper effective Phase Zero
frequency and severity of MCOs when but not necessarily vital, to U.S. national planning. Finally, we offer a modified
they do occur. security interests. As a result, Phase Zero Phase Zero operational design model for
Despite even the most successful operations should help America make consideration based on the concepts of
Phase Zero efforts, MCOs will still be more resources available when it chooses inflection points and emerging opportuni-
necessary from time to time, so the the specific places in which it will defend ties, a model that has the potential to
Armed Forces must remain prepared for its most important interests. Additionally, optimize the conceptualization and plan-
those eventualities. If done well, however, Phase Zero operations can potentially ning of this recently articulated military
Phase Zero operations should support decrease the resources required to defend enterprise.
MCOs either directly or indirectly. The interests in vital locations based on the re-
problem we are trying to fix is the use of lationships developed in peripheral areas. The Long Game
Phase Zero operations to support and The second part of our argument calls In 2001, the United States undertook
prepare for a potential MCO; this kind for a modification to operational design a prodigious military effort to rid the
of thinking potentially undermines the when applied to Phase Zero operations. world of dangerous terrorist networks
long-term pursuit of an advantageous Operational design has the potential to that could operate on a global scale.
geopolitical environment in exchange for enhance military decisionmaking. As The enormity of that effort precluded
more short-term objectives.2 General James Mattis, USMC, declared the United States from doing it alone.
Consider a Phase Zero engagement in 2009, “The complex nature of cur- The 2010 National Security Strategy
with India. U.S. policymakers consider rent and projected challenges requires (NSS) described the need for engage-
the Straits of Malacca a potential area of that commanders routinely integrate ment for the purposes of “combat-
conflict. Cultivating relationships in the careful thinking, creativity, and foresight. ing violent extremism, stopping the
region not only allows for a combined Commanders must address each situa- proliferation of nuclear weapons, and
effort should conflict become necessary, tion on its own terms and in its unique addressing the challenges of climate
but also focuses limited resources toward political and strategic context rather change, armed conflict, and pandemic
prevention while reserving others for than attempting to fit the situation to disease.”4 Phase Zero, as defined by
unforeseen circumstances. The change a preferred template.”3 While we sup- General Charles Wald, USAF, was
we propose requires a mental shift from port the use of operational design as the intended to preserve U.S. resources
a concept of Phase Zero operations that preferred process to help military plan- by accomplishing those tasks through
support universal American dominance in ners, operational design for Phase Zero engagement rather than through lethal
every region and theater to one of focus- should be modified from the template we means. The current view articulated in
ing on efforts that minimize conflict—or, use for MCO. Using MCO operational Joint Publication 5–0, Joint Operation
just as importantly, the American role design processes can confuse Phase Zero Planning, however, undermines this
in conflicts—and enable America to planning because there is a significant broader perspective of Phase Zero and
retain the resources necessary to ensure difference in focus between planning to bounds the idea to shaping operations
dominance in the most vital areas. This implement the use of lethal force and that support MCO.
Phase Zero operations should focus engagement is the primary focus. For commanders. The information available
on building cooperative relationships with example, the United States Agency for and progress achieved during Phase Zero
states around the world in a way that will International Development states, “The are relatively opaque and ambiguous.
enhance continued national security and most important thing we can do is prevent Therefore, senior leaders are not going
prosperity. In many cases, military chan- conflict in the first place. This is smarter, to be able to measure success by any
nels offer opportunities to gain access to safer, and less costly than sending in sol- observable—or for that matter, report-
and build trust between both new and diers.”7 For the Department of Defense, able—account over short periods of time.
existing partners. Military education, however, the majority of effort focuses This makes motivating the people doing
training, and exchanges provide easy op- on organizing, training, and equipping the Phase Zero mission challenging and
portunities for engagement without the forces to fight and win the country’s wars. increases the difficulty of measuring
high levels of political scrutiny that often Making matters worse, military planning performance at the highest levels of com-
accompany similar opportunities at the and training for Phase I–V operations mand. Senior leaders have to adapt from
diplomatic level. As an added benefit, compete for resources with Phase Zero seeking progress-oriented, task-driven
such activity builds epistemic communities requirements. Money spent building constructs, such as operational planning
among those at lower levels based on their relationships and increasing the capacity for major combat operations, to open
shared experiences.5 Such advantages can of others takes away from money avail- time horizons and outcomes that are
lead to greater influence at higher levels able to make U.S. forces more capable. fraught with ambiguity. Phase Zero must
when difficult diplomatic incidents occur Additionally, the rotation of commanders include considerations and preparations
(for example, the arrest of an Indian dip- in the different geographic combatant for incongruities between executing
lomat in December 2013).6 Phase Zero commands places a premium on short- planned activities and responding to a po-
requires a high level of integration be- term investments—those that support tential or actual crisis that would hinder
tween geographic combatant commands emphasis on Phases I–V. progress toward the desired condition.
and the Country Teams led by each U.S. Phase Zero, properly conceived and Phase Zero should be about prevent-
Ambassador. For many other agencies in conducted, requires a long-term invest- ing conflicts, but it should also be a
the U.S. Government, nonlethal foreign ment strategy that transcends successive commitment to cultivating partners and
104 Features / Phase Zero and Modified Operational Design JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015
building relationships that enable the Figure 2. Acquisitions Lag-Time and Workarounds
United States to achieve and maintain Objectives
Lines of
security and prosperity. In a world of Operation
Phase I Phase II
Deter Seize Initiative
Phase III
Phase IV
COG Operational Strategic
growing scarcity, the Nation will have to Prevent
compromise more to achieve both. The Preclusion 1
2 6 9 Vul: C4ISR alliance resolve
escalation and
widening of
to deter Vul
2014 Quadrennial Defense Review al- A
4 conflict
Restore security
ludes to this quest: COIN
11 13
Counter BLA
and stability
in AUR and PER
5 Ensure
Contribute to
Our sustained attention and engagement Security 3 restoration of
access to region
7 8 12 14 regional peace
will be important in shaping emerging and security
and its energy
global trends, both positive and negative. 10 Security Ensure saftey
mutual security interests in their respective Decision Points Endstate: A peaceful, stable, and secure region with the
1. Initiate sequel 1 – deterrence fails
regions.8 2. Commit op reserve to FEBA A
sovereignty of each state secure within internationally
recognized borders, not threatened by external aggression,
3. Aurigan government collapses with respect for the human rights of each individual and
4. Vul terminates hostilities with freedom of access to the international community.
Our concept of Phase Zero opera- 5. BLA collapses
106 Features / Phase Zero and Modified Operational Design JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015
puts it, “Word choice matters. Sometimes and you only had 30 minutes of notice, program whereby the fire department
a word skews the whole thread of discus- and the same outsider arrived to assist you, fills pools for free on request. The only
sion off track by smuggling in with its would you be more likely to accept help? stipulation is that the residents must
connotations a set of ideas that are counter Perhaps. What if the outsider showed up agree to give you access to the pool water
to your own epistemological position.”18 with a moving van and 20 people to help if needed to assist in fire response. Taken
Semantics are important because words you get whatever you wanted to take with a step further, you could even encourage
have a tendency to feed biases or solidify you? Probably. Finally, what if the outsider a program whereby the fire department
frames that can stifle creative thinking. and his crew had significant experience actually subsidizes construction of more
with such situations and were willing to backyard pools in the area. In both
Inflection Points and offer advice about how to handle the of these cases, an unforeseen circum-
Emerging Opportunities evacuation? Under those conditions, an stance—the drought—actually creates an
Words or phrases such as adversary or outsider would be influential, even more opportunity for increased engagement
decisive points that military planners use so if you had practiced evacuations with that may further your long-term inter-
in operational design alter the perspec- the outsider on several previous occasions. ests. Contributing the pool water not
tive of the planning process. We argue In this example, the inflection point only strengthens your connection to the
that a shift in focus to two particular was the shift from the potential for a for- local populace (through the tacit agree-
terms will significantly change a com- est fire to the near certainty that it would ment), but also provides a distributed,
mander and staff’s view of Phase Zero occur. Planning staffs should be looking risk-mitigating resource to assist with
operations. The first term we suggest for potential inflection points and align your primary firefighting responsibilities
is inflection point, which we define as engagements that will position the United should the need arise.
the moment in time when the normal States to respond and influence the situa- Let us now build on the concept by
progression of a particular phenomenon tion. Inflection points become particularly returning to our hypothetical Phase Zero
significantly changes. For example, important because they focus resources engagement effort with India. The goals
India has a reasonably predictable water in areas with the highest level of influence of the effort are to make India a regional
supply. India’s birth rates and infant during a period of shrinking budgets and leader in international security efforts,
mortality rates remain relatively predict- severely constrained resources. Resources while at the same time fostering a bilateral
able over time as well. At some point in have to be allocated more effectively in relationship advancing U.S. interests in
the future, however, India’s population the future to enable America to maintain the region. With little warning, a massive
will exceed its water resources. That the same level of influence as it had in the typhoon hits the southern portion of the
predictable fact enables a planning staff past. Inflection points are also important Andaman Sea, threatening catastrophic
to identify a logical inflection point. because they represent likely swings in the destruction to the Andaman and Nicobar
An inflection point is particularly status quo. For Phase Zero operations, the Islands, the western coast of southern
important in the development of strategy intent is to prevent these large swings from Thailand, and the northern coast of
because it identifies a period of such in- creating conditions inimical to American Indonesia. As the United States has done
tense change that the actor experiencing interests. Identifying and preparing for in similar cases, it redirects military forces
the change has not had time to adjust inflection points put the United States in to aid (and perhaps even lead) humanitar-
to it. At best, the actor will still be in the a position to stamp out a spark before it ian relief efforts. Engagement such as this
early stages of the adaptation phase. It becomes a forest fire. is nothing new. But from a Phase Zero
is during this phase that the actor most The second term we want to intro- perspective, is it possible that the humani-
needs to find some means of adapting to duce is emerging opportunity. To illustrate tarian relief might actually create new
the new situation. An outside actor may the concept, let us refer back to the avenues for interaction with India? The
be of significant assistance and a helpful firefighter analogy and the hypothetical semantics of this point are important.
influence during this particular period. For Indian example. Suppose that as the fire No natural disaster should ever be seen
example, if you lived in an area with high chief, your community is faced with an as an opportunity per se, but in the realm
forest fire potential and learned early in unforeseen drought, which has caused of military engagement and relationship
the morning that a forest fire was going water prices to skyrocket. Coupled with cultivation, military leaders and planning
to burn your house down at midnight, this (and solely for the purpose of this staffs should consider how partnerships
you would likely resist the efforts of an scenario), you worry that there may not in unforeseen circumstances can actually
outsider coming in to assist you in your be enough fire hydrants in the area to further Phase Zero initiatives.
evacuation. You would have sufficient time meet your expected response needs. The Imagine a scenario in which India
to take the necessary safety precautions to water shortage and related cost hike are and the United States work together to
gather important documents and valuables significant enough that many residents direct a humanitarian airlift to Phuket
and be long gone when the fire took your have been priced out of filling their in western Thailand, which suffered
house. But if you imagine a scenario in backyard swimming pools. But with your the most devastating damage from the
which you were in a low fire potential area access to cheaper water, you initiate a typhoon. Where is the opportunity here?
108 Features / Phase Zero and Modified Operational Design JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015