Preventive Diplomacy / Conflict Prevention: International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict
Preventive Diplomacy / Conflict Prevention: International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict
Preventive Diplomacy / Conflict Prevention: International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict
As of December 2, 2005, the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflict (OTPIC) has been officially
retired, and is no longer open to new registrations.
The successor to OTPIC is a course called Dealing Constructively with Intractable Conflicts (DCIC). The
new curriculum is built around one of our major projects, Beyond Intractability, and offers a much more
extensive and informative set of learning materials than that available through OTPIC.
International Online Training Program On Intractable
Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, USA
This is a very broad topic that does not really fit with our incremental approach, but so much is being written
about it, and so much is being done in the name of "preventive diplomacy", that we thought it was important
to address it here in some way.
The assumption with both conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy is that intractable conflicts are easier
to avoid before they happen, rather than fix once they have occurred. There is a great deal of truth to this
assumption, although some conflicts are likely to be unavoidable.
A fundamental assumption of constructive confrontation is that the destructive nature of conflict is largely
avoidable. Hence we would advocate an incremental approach to both conflict prevention and preventive
diplomacy. This means that latent conflicts should not be repressed or submerged altogether. (When this is
done, they just tend to erupt, sometimes quite violently, at a later time.) To avoid this, conflicts should be
allowed to surface, but that the complicating factors, especially escalation, should be limited to the maximum
extent possible, and an effort should made to confront the core conflict with the most beneficial and least
destructive strategies available. This means trying to put the emphasis on the exchange and integrative
strategies, moving away from force-based strategies--especially illegitimate and excessive force.
The term "preventive diplomacy" is usually used in the international arena and refers to efforts of outside
nations or groups of nations (for example, the UN) to prevent the escalation of conflicts between or within
other nations. Although potentially effective, often nations feel that they should not intervene in the internal
affairs of others if the situation has not yet become dire. By that time, preventive measures are likely to be
impossible. (This happened in the Bosnian situation, for example). Nongovernmental organizations can also
engage in what is generally referred to as conflict prevention (since they are not state actors). Given their
ongoing presence in much of the two-thirds world, they are in a far superior position to try to intervene in
developing conflicts early enough to put them on a constructive, rather than destructive course. Discussions
about how this can be done can be found in some of the examples, below.
Conflict prevention also is useful in smaller-scale conflicts. To the extent that the parties can control
complicating factors from the outset, define the conflict as a mutual problem rather than a competitive or
win-lose situation, and utilize a strategy that depends most on integrative and exchange approaches more
than force, the conflict is likely to be more productive than destructive. Once escalation sets in and other
complicating factors develop, the strategy must change from conflict prevention to conflict management or
resolution, which is generally considerably harder to accomplish successfully. 1/3
31.10.2017 Preventive Diplomacy
William L. Ury--Conflict Resolution among the Bushmen: Lessons in Dispute Systems Design
In this essay, dispute systems design was used as a method of conflict prevention.
Peacekeeping, Peacemaking, and Human Rights, by Cedric Thornberry, former Assistant Secretary-
General of the UN and Deputy Chief of UNPROFOR in ex-Yugoslavia.
Space in Which Hope Can Grow: The Commonwealth and Preventive Diplomacy - INCORE
Publications and Papers Occasional Papers
US Institute of Peace Special Report-The U.S. Contribution to Conflict Prevention, Management, and
Resolution in Africa
Zaire Predicament and Prospects-USIP Peaceworks #11 - includes a section on Frameworks for
Preventive Diplomacy
The South China Sea Dispute: Prospects for Preventive Diplomacy - U.S. Institute of Peace
Preventive Diplomacy for the South China Sea- U.S. Institute of Peace 2/3
31.10.2017 Preventive Diplomacy
Constructive Confrontation 3/3