Chapter III Activity Template
Chapter III Activity Template
Chapter III Activity Template
This chapter presents the research design, data analysis procedures, data analysis tools and the ethical
considerations in research.
This research utilized qualitative-descriptive method employing _______________ design. The descriptive
method of research according to Medel (2009) involves description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the nature,
composition of processes of phenomena. It goes beyond mere gathering of data and tabulation for it involves the
element of interpretation of the meaning and significance of what is described. ________________ design was also
considered because _________________________________________________________________________________.
____________________________ is a __________________________________________________________________
located at _________________________________________________________________________________________.
_____________________ will be the tool to be used in this study. ______________ was selected to gauge and
measure the ______________________________. The data collection instrument composes of ____ parts. Part 1 aims
A. IDENTIFYING THE RESEARCH After gathering the data, result The expected output of this
RESPONDENTS shall be analysed and research shall be an added
B. CRAFTING OF QUESTIONNAIRES interpreted so as to achieve the knowledge to existing theories
C. VALIDATION OF aims of this research. related this topic. This research
QUESTIONNAIRES The __________ of the aims to provide a study entitled
D. DISTRIBUTION OF respondents shall be tallied and "_________________________
QUESTIOANNAIRES analyzed using ________. __________________________
The answers of the respondents __________________________
on ________________ shall be __________________________
F. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION __________________________
OF RESULTS interpreted using __________.
The ___________ shall be _________________________"
analyzed to arrive at an which shall be beneficial to all.
interpretation utilizing
The data which shall be gathered, collected and tabulated will be subjected for analysis and
interpretation using appropriate statistical tools:
For problem 1, ___________ will be used to determine the ________________________ of the participants. This will be
utilized to identify the ________________________________________. According to _____________________, is used
when ____________________________________.
For problem 2, _______________ will be used to ________________________________ of the participants. This will be
utilized to _______________________________________. According to ___________________, is used when
And for the last problem, _________________ will be used to _______________________ of the participants. This will
be used because __________________________. According to ____________________, is used to
To establish and safeguard ethics in conducting this research, the researchers shall strictly observe the following:
The researcher shall seek the approval of the Adviser and School Research Committee for the conduct of the
study. After the approval of the conduct of this study, the researchers shall also seek for permission to those person
concerned inside and outside the school for the data gathering procedure. -------please specify on this part if you need to
ask permission to the Brgy. Captain for conducting community-based researches-------.
The informants’ names will not be mentioned in any part of this paper. The informants’ were not physically and
emotionally harmed just to be a respondent of this study.
(For those using interview, include this part) Coding scheme will be used in reflecting the respondents’ answers
using table.
Proper document sourcing or referencing of materials will be done to ensure and promote copy right laws.