PAOContact List

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Work allocation of Detailed items of Sr. AOs/AOs Tel. Nos. & emails AAOs Tel. Nos.

& emails
ACGAs work
Shri Anupam Raj,
1 End to end digitization Design, development, Sh. Anil Ms. 011-24665414
of bill processing implementation, and Mahendru 011-24665411 SurekhaKumari [email protected]
support of e – Bill [email protected]

2 Automation of Direct Design, development, Sh. P.K. 011-24665637 Ms. Gayatri 011-24665477
tax collection, and implementation Deshmukh [email protected] Devi [email protected]
reporting, and refunds of PRAKALP (TIN
2.0) - CBDT

3 Collection and Design. Sh. P.K. 011-24665637 Ms. Meghna Sen 011-24665470
reporting of Non-Tax Development, Deshmukh [email protected] [email protected]
and other receipts implementation, and
support of Bharat
Kosh (NTRP)
011-24665411 Ms. 011-24665414
Payment module Sh. Anil [email protected] SurekhaKumari [email protected]
(including Mahendru
COMPACT) Ms. Anjali 011-24665410
(Design. Sisodia [email protected]
implementation, and Sh. Rajeev N. 011-24665408
4 Treasury Payment support) Kaushik [email protected]
Master Module Sh. K.V. 011-24665417 Sh. Prem Kumar 011-24665412
Hamza [email protected] [email protected]

Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415

[email protected]
Integration of PFMS Sh. Anil 011-24665411 Ms. 011-24665414
with Different Mahendru [email protected] SurekhaKumari [email protected]
Dash Board Sh. Naresh 011-24665399 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651
Kumar [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]

Internal Audit Sh. Naresh 011-24665399 Ms. Meghna Sen 011-24665470

Module Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

5 Automation of Design, Sh. Naresh 011-24665399 Sh. Anil Kumar 011-24665238

Finance Accounts Development, Kumar [email protected] [email protected]
(Statement related to Implementation of
liabilities - Statement Internal Debt Ms. 011-24665414
no. 2, 14, 14 A, and (including NSSF) and SurekhaKumari [email protected]
16) State loan module.

6 e-Monthly DO Monthly DO Sh. Naresh 011-24665399 Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415

Kumar [email protected] [email protected]
7 Procurement matters Procurement Sh. K.V. 011-24665417 Sh. Prem Kumar 011-24665412
proposals related to Hamza [email protected] [email protected]
Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415
[email protected]
8 Security protocols, Security protocol of Sh. K.V. 011-24665417 Sh. Manish 011-24665405
Security audit PFMS Hamza [email protected] Verma [email protected]

Sh. Girish Goel [email protected]

9 CGA's web site Website Sh. K.V. 011-24665417 Sh. Prem Kumar 011-24665412
Hamza [email protected] [email protected]

Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415

[email protected]
10 Module for collection Integration with Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651
and reporting of ARPIT – CBIC DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj, [email protected]
Indirect taxes GST refunds through
PFMS Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
[email protected]

Shri Navneet
Kumar, ACGA

1 e – UC e-UC register (DBT) Sh. U.C. Joshi 011-24665416 Sh. Devendra 011-24665407
[email protected] Kumar [email protected]

Shri Rahul Garg,


1 Budget control Budget Module Sh. Anil 011-24665411 Sh. Rajeev N. 011-24665408
module Mahendru [email protected] Kaushik [email protected]
2 Cash management Part of Budget Sh. Anil 011-24665411 Sh. Rajeev N. 011-24665408
module (Automation Module itself Mahendru [email protected] Kaushik [email protected]

3 Module for MoD Module of MoD Sh. U.C. Joshi 011-24665416 Sh. Shivanand 011-24665413
(PRABAL) [email protected] Mishra [email protected]
4 Automation of Design, development, Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651
Finance Accounts implementation, and DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
support of
[(Statements related Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
to receipt and [email protected]
expenditure –
Statement no. 1, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and

5 Automation of Design, development, Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651

Appropriation implementation, and DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
accounts support of
Appropriation Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
accounts module [email protected]

6 Statements of Financial Asset Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651

Financial assets Register and online DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
(Statement preparation of
no.3,11,15) respective Finance Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
Accounts statement [email protected]
and CAM registers
7 Automation of Accounts Module Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651
Appropriation (Appropriation, DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
accounts Finance, SCT/)
Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
[email protected]

8 e-Asset E-asset Register Sh. U.C. Joshi 011-24665416 Sh. Devendra 011-24665407
[email protected] Kumar [email protected]

9 Automation of 'C' Automation of C Sh. U.C. Joshi 011-24665416 Sh. Shivanand 011-24665413
category cheque category cheque [email protected] Mishra [email protected]

10 Internal administration GIFMIS-ADMIN Sh. K.V. 011-24665417 Sh. Prem Kumar 011-24665412
(e Samiksha, Hamza [email protected] [email protected]
coordination, work
allocation of staff, Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415
Deployment of [email protected]
outsourced resources.

11 e – UC e-UC register (Non- Sh. U.C. Joshi 011-24665416 Sh. Devendra 011-24665407
DBT) [email protected] Kumar [email protected]

Shri Vinay Muthu

Kumar, ACGA

1 Treasury Single Support, Sh. 011-24665241 Ms. Neelima 011-24665406

Account Project maintenance, and PareshPande [email protected] Gulati [email protected]
enhancements of
TSA 2.0.

Design, development,
implementation, and
support for a new
TSA module.
2 Alternate TSA Design, development, Sh. 011-24665241 Sh. Manish 011-24665405
(currently work in implementation, and PareshPande [email protected] Verma [email protected]
progress in GBA support for the new
Section) proposed module for
alternate TSA and Sh. Girish Goel
Issues related to Just – other functionalities 011-24665405
in time release of to enable new fund [email protected]
funds under CS/CSSs flow under CS/CSSs
as decided by DoE.

3 Monthly accounts Monthly Accounts Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651

consolidation on Module DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
PFMS (Roll out,
support and training)
4 Automation of Accounts Module Sh. 011-24665532 Sh. Tarun 011-24665651
Finance Accounts (Appropriation, DipakTripathi [email protected] Bhardwaj [email protected]
(statement related to Finance, SCT/)
Contingent liability - Sh. Santosh Jha 011-24665651
Statement no. 4 – [email protected]
Guarantee given by

5 Issues related to UT of Roll out, support and Sh. Anil 011-24665411 Sh. Rajeev N. 011-24665408
Ladakh maintenance of Mahendru [email protected] Kaushik [email protected]
Payment, receipt, and
accounting processes
in UT of Ladakh

6 EIS module Design, development, Ms. Seema 011-24665421 Sh. Girish Goel 011-24665405
implementation, and (Development [email protected] [email protected]
support of EIS Sh. P.K.
module and Bhalla 011-24665201 Sh. Manish
enhancements (Support) [email protected] Verma 011-24665405
[email protected]
7 GPF module Design, development, Ms. Seema 011-24665421 Smt. VanitaGhai 011-24665402
implementation, and (Development [email protected] [email protected]
support of GPF Sh. P.K.
module Bhalla 011-24665201 Sh. Puran Singh 011-24665401
(Support) [email protected] [email protected]

8 Pension module Design, development, Ms. Seema 011-24665421 Smt. Sudha 011-24665403
implementation, and (Development [email protected] Sinha [email protected]
support Pension Sh. P.K.
module Bhalla 011-24665201
(Support) [email protected]
9 Development of EPS Design, development, Ms. Seema 011-24665421 Sh. L. B. Gupta 011-24665400
implementation, and (Development [email protected] [email protected]
support of EPS Sh. P.K.
module Bhalla 011-24665201 Sh. Shashi Bajaj 011-24665405
(Support) [email protected] [email protected]
10 CDDO module Design, development, Sh. Naresh 011-24665399 Sh. Nitin Rathee 011-24665415
implementation, and Kumar [email protected] [email protected]
support CDDO

11 Server load, and Monitoring of the Coordination -

overall performance Server performance, with NIC and
issues of PFMS Coordination with outsourced
NIC and the technical technical
team to maintain and team
enhance performance

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