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This chapter shows the methods that were used in the study. The following

methods include the research design, participants, role of the researchers, data source

and research, instrument, data collection procedure, data analysis procedure, and the

ethical considerations of the researchers.

Research Design

A qualitative phenomenological research design will be used in this study.

Qualitative research is an investigational study that is utilized to gain a better

understanding of fundamental beliefs and motives (DeFranzo, 2011). Moreover, the

goal of the qualitative phenomenological approach is to describe or depict the lived

experiences of the participants in a particular phenomenon (Waters, 2013).

The qualitative phenomenological methodology will be utilized in this study to

learn about the participants' experiences of Engl ish major students towards the usage

of poetry-acquiring reading skills. Additionally, the participants will be interviewed

through the use of in-depth interviews and open-ended, semi-structured interview

questions to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences on acquiring reading

skills through poetry.

Research Participants
We, researchers chose eight (8) participants from both first- and second-year

English major students of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan through purposive sampling in which

we chose the participants (Jordan, 2021). As cited by Moran (2013), Creswell (1998)

states that in conducting phenomenological studies, five to twenty-five participants are

sufficient. Thus, we researchers decided on having the minimum of eight participants

considering the limited time given in conducting this study. The participants were only

English major students of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan who had experience of using poetry as

an acquisition of their reading skills.

Role of the Researchers

Our role as the researcher in qualitative research is an important matter to be

considered in the successful pursuit of investigation of any social phenomena. Thus, we

are responsible to abide by principles to commit extensive time to collect data, engage

in data analysis, do reflexivity, and write long passages to accomplish the study.

We, the researchers in this study will play the roles as interviewer, transcriber,

translator, analyst, and encoder of the data that is valuable in order to attain the

purpose of this study. As an interviewer, it is vital to establish first rapport and friendship

with the chosen participants. During the interview and observation, researchers shall

apply some techniques like: asking probing questions, then listening and thinking, then

asking more probing questions to get to deeper levels of the conversation. As a

transcriber and encoder, researchers shall transcribe all the recorded interviews and

translate them correctly and organize them into a standard English statement. Lastly, as

an analyst, researchers shall employ suitable analysis methods and procedures fitted
for qualitative research, such as thematic analysis, numeration, and cross- case

analysis. Based on the concepts of Corbin and Strauss, it is the duty of the researcher

to interpret the meaning of hidden in data because he is a primary instrument for data

collection and analysis (Creswell, 2013).

Data Sources

This study provides firsthand data collection through an in-depth interview with

personal and recorded observation to determine the phenomenology towards the

viability of poetry in acquiring reading skills of English major students.( Nadini Persaud,


Research Instrument

The research instrument consists of two parts. Part I of the research instrument

consists of the items which gathers respondents’ profile such as their name, sex, age,

and school year level. The Part II of the research instrument consists that has one to

three questions:

1. What are your experiences as an English major student in acquiring reading skills

through poetry?

1.1 How does poetry build your reading skills?

1.2 What are your struggles in decoding poetry text?

1.3 How viable have you been in improving your reading skills as an English major?
2. How did you cope with struggles on comprehending poetry?

2.1 What are your reading strategies when reading poetry text?

2.2 How effective are these strategies?

2.3 How does poetry improve your reading skills?

3. What are your insights learned in using poetry as a tool in acquiring reading skills?

3.1 What is your advice for English major students who are struggling in comprehending


3.2 What are the benefits of reading poetry that you impart toward an English major?

3.3 What are your suggestions in integrating poetry in the language classroom?

These research questions will be utilized for the participant’s responses through a

recorded in-depth interview and observation schedule. These instruments were chosen

to gather the respondents' subjective experience related to the study.

Data Collection Procedure

These are the procedures that will be followed by the researchers in gathering

the necessary data needed for the study.

Before the data gathering

Upon approval of the proposed study, the researchers shall conduct a pre-survey

to gather possible participants from the first- and second-year English major students of

Kolehiyo ng Pantukan. Following the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the participants,

the researchers will gather eight participants. Afterwards, the interview questions

prepared by the researchers were validated by the research adviser, Mr. Albert Mapalo.

After getting the questions validated, the data gathering process will take place.

During the data gathering

        We approached the possible participants of the study through purposive sampling

and give them consent. The informed consent briefly states the study’s objectives, risks

and benefits as well as the ethical considerations followed by the researchers. After the

participants give their consent to participate in the study, the researchers will ask each

one of them for their schedules before setting a time for the interview that is convenient

for everyone involved.

         During the interview, we researchers introduced ourselves as well as the

objectives of the study and why they were chosen to be participants. After the short

introduction, the researcher assigned to conduct the interview will ask the participants

whether they have questions or not before proceeding to the official interview.

After the data gathering

         As stated in the informed consent, the interviews will be recorded. After all of the

necessary data were gathered, the researchers transcribed the interviews. Following

Colaizzi’s Seven Steps of Phenomenological Analysis, the researchers will identify

common themes from the experiences of the participants and formulated meanings

from each significant statement. Afterwards, the researchers returned the findings back

to the participants to see if they had omitted anything and if their interpretations of the

participants’ experiences are correct. After double-checking with the participants and

once the study was completed, the researchers will delete the recorded interviews to

respect the privacy and anonymity of the participants.

Data Analysis Procedure

The semi-structured, open-ended interview questions were formulated by

researchers and reviewed by the research adviser and research committee to improve

the quality of questions and answers to be generated. This is done to ensure that these

questions are in line with the study’s objectives. Upon validation, the researchers used

these questions to interview the eight participants who have given their consent to

partake in the study.

Afterwards, we interpret the data using Colaizzi’s Seven Steps of

Phenomenological Analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the participants’

experiences. The seven steps include reading the responses, extracting significant

statements, formulating meanings, organizing themes, writing an exhaustive

description, establishing the fundamental structure of the phenomenon, and returning to

the participants for further verification. This distinct process follows a thorough analysis

with specific steps that stay close to the data. The end result of the analysis is a concise
description of the phenomenon being studied, validated by the participants themselves

(Morrow, Rodriguez, & King, 2015).

In analyzing the data and the results that were gathered, the researchers

evaluated and made sure that the data accomplishes the intent and the objective of

their study, which is to describe the experiences of English major students with the

viability of poetry in acquiring reading skills. The researchers used Colaizzi’s Seven

Steps of Phenomenological Analysis (1978) to provide insights and to reveal new

knowledge about the experiences of the participants. It is a rigorous and robust method

of analysis that ensures the credibility and reliability of the results. Furthermore, it

entails a clear and logical process which will further help the researchers in exploring

the fundamental structure of the participants’ experience.

1. We researchers reviewed the collected data and became familiar with it. Through this

process, researchers gained a feeling for the participants’ inherent meanings.

2. We focused on the aspects that are seen as the most important to the phenomena

being studied. Significant statements were extracted from the gathered data.

3. We researchers took note of each significant statement and formulated meaning in

the context of the participants’ own terms.

4. The meanings of the participants’ answers from the interview were grouped or

organized in a cluster of themes. This step will reveal common patterns or trends in the

5. A detailed, analytic description was compiled from the participants’ feelings and ideas

on each theme. This is called an exhaustive description.

6. We researcher identified the fundamental structure for each exhaustive description.

7. The findings were taken back to the participants to see if the researcher has omitted

anything. This is called a member check.

Validity and Reliability

The validity and reliability of this research study is to ensure the quality of

findings of the research.


The conducted research is trying to assess the accuracy of the results as best

described by the researcher, the participants and the readers. To provide trustworthy

information of this study, this indicates any review of the research study as a

representation by the author (Cresswell & Poth,2013).


To show the relevance of the findings of this study, the researchers assess the

outcomes of the study rather than its design. The dependability is primarily seen as

measurement accuracy which is evaluated by the likelihood that repeated testing would

yield the same results and outcomes.

Ethical Considerations

The following measures were implemented by researchers to observe ethical

considerations for this study: voluntary participation, informed consent process,

recruitment, benefits, and other ethical considerations such as plagiarism, fabrication,

falsification, conflict of interest, focus of group participant identification, deceit,

permission from the organization/location, storage and disposal. The research was

approved and proceeded without incident by adhering to ethical considerations.

Ethics Committee. The researchers followed the Ethics Committee's procedures or

guidelines in conducting the interview. These include making certain that the

questionnaires and materials used in this study are not discriminatory and do not

impose negative judgment.

Voluntary Participation. The participants' participation in the study was entirely

voluntary. The researchers obtained informed consent from each participant prior to

their participation. Furthermore, participants have the right to withdraw at any time

during the interview process if the topic, environment, or the interview itself makes them


Privacy and Confidentiality. The researchers followed and ensured the principle of

anonymity. All participants in the study, as well as the data gathered by the researchers,

will remain anonymous. The researchers will ensure that the information and narratives

provided by the participants are kept confidential, and that these privileges are only

available to the researchers.

Informed Consent Process. Prior to the interview, the researchers obtained informed

consent from the participants, who had the option to participate or not. A letter was

provided, indicating a thorough and accurate description of the study, including its

purpose. The response section of the consent is attached to this document, indicating

that they agree to participate in the study. Furthermore, privacy and anonymity were

always respected, and no personal information was collected.

Recruitment. Five participants from the first and second year BSED English major

students of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan were chosen through purposive sampling, in which

the researchers will select their participants based on their own discretion. Students

who have experiences with the viability of poetry in acquiring reading skills were chosen

as participants. Furthermore, the participants were compensated for their cooperation,

but this was not disclosed to them in order to preserve the participants' voluntary

participation in the interview.

Benefits. This study has the potential to yield significant information that will benefit

beneficiaries, particularly the BSED English Major Students, College of Education

organizations, and future language researchers. The study's results, discussions, and

findings can provide evidence-based information that can be useful, particularly

regarding possible interventions that could improve the viability of poetry in acquiring

reading skills in the classroom.

Plagiarism. The researchers assured that the study was free of plagiarism. Texts from

the author were paraphrased, cited clearly, and listed in the references. Furthermore, to

ensure that the study was free of plagiarism, the researchers used plagiarism checking
tools to avoid duplicating texts from other authors without citation, and if any issues

were discovered, they would not be presented in this research.

Fabrication. To avoid any fabrications, the researchers ensured that every statement in

this study that came from different authors was properly cited and thoroughly checked

to avoid inappropriate conclusions. The researchers made certain that all of the

statements in this study were based on existing literature.

Falsification. The researchers assured that the gathered results were truly based on

the answers of the participants and had not been altered or fabricated to fit the theory.

The paper's authenticity was observed, and no manipulation of the outcome was

tolerated during the process.

Focus of Group Participant Identification. The researchers briefed the participants

prior to the in-depth interviews to prevent the leak of any given confidential information

during the process. Furthermore, the informed consent that the participants signed

states that all information revealed during the process should be kept confidential.

Deceit. The researchers assured that deception and exaggeration of the study's

purpose and objectives were avoided, and that they would focus on adhering to the

Ethical Consideration imposed by the ethical committee. The content of the informed

consent was discussed, including the study's purpose and nature, as well as the

benefits and potential risks that participants may encounter. The investigators made

certain that honesty and transparency were observed and implicated.

Permission from Organization/Location. Prior to the data collection via interviews,

the researchers sent a letter to the College of Education Program Head requesting

permission to conduct the study. The coordinator and the researcher's adviser both

approved the letter.

Storage and Disposal. The collected data was saved and kept for the duration of the

study. The files were kept in a secure location where only the researchers knew where

the data was kept. The researchers were concerned about the participants' security and

privacy, and they made certain that each participant's identity remained anonymous.

When the study has been thoroughly reviewed and corrected, the data will be disposed

of and destroyed to avoid any future mishaps.

Authorship. The researchers followed those who advised them on the proper way of

conducting the research. From the adviser of the researchers, and to the different panel

experts that validated the study.

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