Computer Network
Computer Network
Computer Network
Terminator is a device connected to one end of a bus or cable that absorbs signals.
Terminators prevent signal reflection, which can produce interference that causes
signal loss. Most communication systems such as networks and computer buses
require some form of termination at the ends of the data path, although this is often
provided internally by the devices at the ends of the data path.
The purpose of the terminator is to absorb signals so that they do not reflect back
down the line. Ethernet networks require a terminator at both ends of the bus, and
SCSI chains require a single terminator at the end of the chain.
Repeaters are network devices operating at physical layer of the OSI model that amplify
or regenerate an incoming signal before retransmitting it. They are incorporated in
networks to expand its coverage area. They are also known as signal boosters.
Advantages of Repeaters:
• Repeaters are simple to install and can easily extend the length or the coverage area of networks.
• They are cost effective.
• Repeaters don’t require any processing overhead. The only time they need to be investigated is in case of
degradation of performance.
• They can connect signals using different types of cables.
A network hub is a node that broadcasts data to every computer or Ethernet-based device
connected to it. A hub is less sophisticated than a switch, the latter of which can isolate data
transmissions to specific devices. Network hubs are best suited for small, simple local area
network (LAN) environments. Hubs cannot provide routing capabilities or other advanced
network services.