1. A dog on a 10 meter long leash is tied to a 10 meter long, infinitely thin section of fence.
What is the minimum area over which the dog will be able to roam freely on the leash, given
that we can fix the position of the leash anywhere on the fence?
+ H M M T
holds true, where each letter represents a single nonnegative digit, and distinct letters rep-
resent different digits (so that C H M M C and P U M A C are both five digit positive
integers, and the number H M M T is a four digit positive integer).
What is the largest possible value of the five digit positive integer C H M M C ?
3. Square ABCD has side length 4, and E is a point on segment BC such that CE = 1. Let C1
be the circle tangent to segments AB, BE, and EA, and C2 be the circle tangent to segments
CD, DA, and AE.
What is the sum of the radii of circles C1 and C2 ?
4. A finite set S of points in the plane is called tri-separable if for every subset A ⊆ S of the
points in the given set, we can find a triangle T such that
What is the smallest positive integer n such that no set of n distinct points is tri-separable?
5. The unit 100-dimensional hypercube H is the set of points ( x1 , x2 , . . . , x100 ) in R100 such
that xi ∈ {0, 1} for i = 1, 2, . . . , 100. We say that the center of H is the point
1 1 1
, ,...,
2 2 2
6. Greg has a 9 × 9 grid of unit squares. In each square of the grid, he writes down a single
nonzero digit.
Let N be the number of ways Greg can write down these digits, so that each of the nine
nine-digit numbers formed by the rows of the grid (reading the digits in a row left to right)
and each of the nine nine-digit numbers formed by the columns (reading the digits in a column
top to bottom) are multiples of 3.
What is the number of positive integer divisors of N?
7. Find the largest positive integer n for which there exists positive integers x, y, and z satisfying
8. Suppose ABCDEFGH is a cube of side length 1, one of whose faces is the unit square
ABCD. Point X is the center of square ABCD, and P and Q are two other points allowed to
range on the surface of cube ABCDEFHG. Find the largest possible volume of tetrahedron
9. Deep writes down the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 8 on a blackboard. Each minute after writing down
the numbers, he uniformly at random picks some number m written on the blackboard, erases
that number from the blackboard, and increases the values of all the other numbers on the
blackboard by m. After seven minutes, Deep is left with only one number on the black board.
What is the expected value of the number Deep ends up with after seven minutes?
10. Find the number of ordered tuples ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ) of positive integers such that xk ≤ 6 for
each index k = 1, 2, . . . , 5, and the sum
x1 + x2 + · · · + x5
11. The equation
x − 13 x − 53 x − 103 =
has three distinct real solutions r, s, and t for x.
Calculate the value of
r 3 + s3 + t3 .
ac ba cb
+ + = −9
a+b b+c c+a
bc ca ab
+ + = 10.
a+b b+c c+a
Compute the value of
b c a
+ + .
a+b b+c c+a
13. The complex numbers w and z satisfy the equations |w| = 5, |z| = 13, and
14. For i = 1, 2, 3, 4, we choose a real number xi uniformly at random from the closed interval
[0, i ]. What is the probability that x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 ?
15. The terms of the infinite sequence of rational numbers a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . satisfy the equation
a n +1 + a n −2 = a n a n −1
for some relatively prime positive integers p and q, the integer p + q is divisible by 13.
What is the 101st smallest lucky number?