(Q1) MODULE 9 - Concept Papers

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12 Department of Education

National Capital Region



Quarter 1-Module 9
Concept Papers

Writer: Regina R. Sacdalan

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere

City of Good Character

What I Need to Know

Hello Grade 12 learners! In this module, you will learn how to:

Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers

You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you
can already:

1. define what a concept paper is;

2. explain the importance of a concept paper;
3. illustrate the parts or components of the concept paper; and
4. compare and contrast the various kinds of concept papers from a given

What I Know
Read the following statements below. Write a smiley if the statement
is correct, otherwise write X.

_______ 1. A concept paper may serve to convince potential funders to sponsor

a product, program, or service.

_______ 2. A concept paper is used to define an idea to clarify the essence of a


_______ 3. The applicant's purpose in developing a concept paper is to capture

the interest of the funding agency.

_______ 4. The main purpose of a concept paper is to help applicants express

personal thoughts and ideas.

_______ 5. Concept papers vary in format and specifics depending on the

organization but are generally concise documents containing information,
statistics, and persuasive arguments.

City of Good Character 1

What’s In

In academic and professional writing, presenting a proposal, overview,

and summary is inevitable. That is why, learning about concept paper is
beneficial. This lesson aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills you
need to better understand the various kind of concept papers and to
determine the appropriate context in which they are best used.
Writing concepts is crucial in education and business. One’s knowledge
about concept paper should be developed to endure the demand for academic
and professional endeavors.

Before we begin, let’s have a quick review of the previous lesson by doing
the activity below:

Explain the different ways to elucidate concepts. Write the

corresponding description and example of the given terms:

Elucidating Description / Example

Concepts by:
1. Definition

2. Clarification

3. Explication

As you move on, you will get to learn more about the various kinds of
concept papers. Just keep going until you finish all the tasks. Enjoy, learn,
and like it!

City of Good Character

Concept Papers

What’s New
A. Pre-Writing Activity
In fulfilling one’s academic and professional endeavors, presenting a
concept paper for a research study, project or proposal would certainly come
into play. Why a concept paper? Why do you think it is used as a prelude or
a requirement before you can write a full-blown study or project?

B. While-Writing Activity
Reflect on how you are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic by doing
the graphic organizer below. Write your answer in the box.

Before During After

My Life

My Life

My Life

C. Post-Writing Activity
Let’s now think it over, and answer the following questions below.

1. What do you think is the importance of presenting “before” and “during”

to determine how you would like your life to be “after” the pandemic?
2. How did the outline help you plan, manage, and ascertain your future?
A concept paper in a nutshell is comparable to this activity. You will
have to plan and manage concepts, and ascertain the success of your
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proposal, project, and research. Get ready for more about concept papers on
the succeeding pages.

What is It

In the previous module, you have learned the different ways to

elucidate a concept, which is very useful in the succeeding lesson, so you
could develop a concept paper later on. Before moving on to the gist of the
lesson, let us first define a concept paper.

Defining a Concept Paper

A concept paper is a summary of a project or study, a proposal providing

an in-depth discussion of a topic, with the goal of extensive research, or as a
result of a current project.

Modified from Spickard (2005), “All research projects need a concept

paper: a summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important,
and how it will be carried out”. A concept paper may serve as the foundation
and benchmark for potential projects that needed further investigation and
improvement. So when is the concept paper written?

A concept paper must be written before completing a full-blown paper

or project. The primary function of the concept paper is to explain the
importance of a particular research project, likewise, uses persuasive text. It
serves as a summary that initiates a proposal, thesis, dissertation, project, or
proposal. Why do you think writing concept papers is important?

The Importance of Concept Papers

A concept paper can be used in any of the following ways:

• To determine whether a project proposal or idea is feasible

• To develop potential solutions or investigations of a certain project
• To serve as the foundation for a full proposal
• To interest potential benefactors and sponsors

City of Good Character

Now that you have finished the key concepts of this lesson, you already
have an idea about what a concept paper is, and why it is important. On the
succeeding page, you are about to learn the different formats and various
kinds of concept papers used in a particular field or discipline.

Various Kinds of Concept Papers

A concept paper is divided into parts or components in which relative to

the kind of concept paper you are asked to prepare. There is a certain
requirement depending on a specific area of discipline or program. The format
may vary from organizations, institutions, businesses to industries.

Basically, there is a certain format prescribed or being asked based on the

requirement by a certain institution or industry, and thus, must be followed.
There could also be a number of pages required, however, a typical concept
paper may range from four to five pages in the academic field, while two to
three pages in the business field. In the academe, concept papers that do not
follow the guidelines below will not be reviewed or accepted.

The following are some of the essential components of a concept paper of

a specific field and discipline.

Basic Format for Academics (most courses)

• Title
• Rationale
• Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
• Research Questions
• Method
• References

Basic Format for Academics (Mathematics and Sciences)

• Statement of the Problem
• Purpose of the Study
• Research Questions
• Hypotheses
• Brief Review of the Literature
• Research Method
• References

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Basic Format for Business or Industry
• Introduction
• Purpose/Need
• Project Description
• Goals/Objectives/Aims
• Methods
• Timeline
• Expected Outcomes/Benefits
• Budget/Needs & Requested Support


ABC Project Concept Paper:
Title: How to involve young parents in advocating for proposed school regulation

Background of this idea

ABC’s mission is to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. In the past few
years, we have been concerned about how to best advocate for young parents with
children who have disabilities—especially since a recently proposed school regulation
will have a huge impact on their lives. To sufficiently influence policy makers, these
parents need to be educated on the issues and involved in advocating for the new
regulation. Their involvement will give ABC’s advocacy work the necessary visible
support of young families. However, few young parents participate in ABC’s advocacy
programs, preferring to join XYZ for their relevant information and support groups
or LMN for their help in addressing problems in the school system. ABC recognizes
that young parents have a limited amount of free time and wants to make it easy for
them to participate in its advocacy efforts.
The purpose of this alliance is to:
• Share information about the proposed school regulation
• Recruit young parents into the project
• Provide training to young parents so that they can assist in revising the proposed
school regulation
• Defray the costs of parent involvement in the project

An alliance of ABC, XYZ, and LMN (and perhaps other partners) will directly impact
people with disabilities and their families and make a difference in their lives for
years to come. The involvement of informed, concerned constituents will influence
policy makers and help to make needed revisions in the proposed school regulation.
The first steps
Before the end of the summer, we will need to:
1. Assign a lead organization to manage the advocacy component
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2. Recruit young parents of disabled children who are willing to advocate for
revising the proposed school regulation
3. Provide a comprehensive training program for the young parents so they
understand the roles of each of the participating organizations, the
background on the proposed regulation and the regulation’s probable impact
on students
4. Involve the informed young parents in meetings, the State Department of
Education will hold on the regulation

This project will be complete by the end of December when the vote will be taken on
the school regulation. At that time, we could decide to continue as an alliance to
advocate for other issues or celebrate our success and conclude the alliance project.
Below is another example, an excerpt from a seven-page concept paper of an
academic thesis.
Research Title: Variations in the Waray-Waray Dialect of Northern and Western

The Waray-waray is one of the major languages spoken in the Philippines,
indeed its copiousness and complexity, as far as linguistics is concerned, appeal to set
for an intensive and rigid study of the language. The current studies of Waray-waray
language are inadequate to describe fully the richness of the language, predominantly
the lexical variations and distinction present in the Waray-waray dialect particularly,
in Northern and Western Samar.
According to Lobel (2009), Waray-waray has “25 dialects and subdialects”,
however, no considerable official and formal literature is employable by language
researchers, linguists, and students for reference or formal studies about the
lavishness of the dialect.

Theoretical Framework
A lexical study of variations and distinctions of a language is imperative
predominantly to diversified and variegated language like Waray-waray. Language
variations and distinctions within the same region or locality, markedly deemed
problematic (Honeybone, 2011) that every “linguistic behavior is categorical and
idealize away from the variation that is found in speech”.

In the same way, Martina, (2014) claimed that lexical units must be based on a
multi-dimensional approach in which “cognitive, linguistic, and communicative terms
can be described in the framework of cognitive and functional linguistic theory”.

Furthermore, in the underlying condition and theoretical considerations,

integration of the different research techniques in a Qualitative Research Design is
regarded as significant and useful to the study. The different types of qualitative
research methodologies highlighting participant observation, interviews, and
structured questionnaires in administering evidence within a qualitative research
framework are highly workable in the descriptive analysis and examination of data.

Research Question
The study attempts to answer the following questions:
1. What lexical differences does Western and Northern Samar have?

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2. What are the phonological and orthographical characteristics distinct to each
3. How do the native speakers of the language identify and classify such
variations and distinctions?
4. What are the benefits and challenges to supervene in conducting an
exhaustive study of the language?


The language study will utilize Descriptive-Qualitative Design in gathering and

analyzing the data. The sampling procedure “purposeful sampling” will be used in
gathering appropriate and relevant data for the lexical study. Elicitation of data is
through in-depth interviews, and conversations with respondents until sufficient and
enough data for the study is highly achieved. Collection of data through recording,
interviews, and note-taking are to be analyzed and interpreted.

What’s More

Answer the following activities to practice your knowledge and skill

about the lesson.

Activity 1
Answer the following questions below. Write in complete sentences on
the space provided. You may need a separate paper to do this.

1. Define a concept paper using your own words. ___________________________




2. Explain the importance of a concept paper. ______________________________




3. Explain when a concept paper is written. ________________________________

City of Good Character



Grading Criteria
Correctness and relevance of content 3 pts
Organization / Coherence 1 pt.
Grammar and punctuation 1 pt.
Total 5 pts. HPS per item

Activity 2
Compare and contrast through a Venn diagram the concept papers
found below: an Exhibit Concept Paper and Event Concept Paper. List all
the parts of each of the given concept papers in their corresponding sections
in the Venn diagram. Then, synthesize your answer on the space provided
below. Write in complete sentences.

City of Good Character

Write your synthesis below:








A. Exhibit Concept Paper

Submitting an exhibition proposal

All exhibition proposals are considered by the Exhibitions Committee at meetings held
every couple of months. The committee endeavors to present a balanced and varied
exhibition programme, representing a range of media, cultures and interests.

Proposal requirements

• A cover letter including contact details

• A CV from all participating artists outlining past exhibitions, training, projects, etc.
• Explanation of the exhibition concept, the theme of exhibition, media used and
who your audience would be
• Possible exhibition titles
• Description and images of the works you intend to exhibit - examples of
previous works - size of the exhibition - how many pieces, size, etc.
• Price range if the works are for sale
• Preferred dates for show - when you can be ready, or if it relates to an event
• Which space you are wanting to exhibit in (see below for details)

Exhibition spaces

There are different policies for different exhibition spaces. The following may assist you
in determining which gallery to submit a proposal for:

Main Exhibition Galleries

These are divided into four different galleries, ranging from the smallest at 22 running
metres, to the largest space of 60+ running metres. The exhibitions in these spaces are
mainly curated in-house by the Contemporary Arts Curator and the Social History

City of Good Character

Curator. They are also used for touring exhibitions, both national and international.
(Programmes are usually scheduled between 1 - 2 years in advance).
Toi Gallery

The Toi Gallery is Pataka's commercial gallery and exhibits work from local, national and
international artists. Works displayed in this gallery must be for sale. The gallery takes a
35% commission on all sales. Exhibitions run for approximately four weeks. There is a
gallery rental cost for exhibiting in the Toi Gallery. The gallery has 30 running metres and
45m2 in floor space. (Bookings are usually between 6 and 9 months in advance).
Bottle Creek Gallery

The Bottle Creek Gallery is Pataka's community gallery. There is no rental fee for exhibitions
here. It’s predominantly used for local artists and groups. Works can be for sale - a 35%
commission is taken on all sales. Shows are variable in length and last for between three
and five weeks (including set-up). The gallery has 38 running wall metres and 132m2 in
floor area. (Bookings are usually between 9 and 12 months in advance).

B. Event Concept Paper

YouTube Video Contest Proposal
[Proposed by Michelle Loh]

Event Concept YouTube Video Contest

Intended audience Teens (9-12th grade)
Objectives YouTube contest and movie viewing party
where teens will submit a short video, no more
than 5 minutes. Participants can either make a
book trailer or a fan video about their favorite
book that will be judged by the Teen Advisory
Council and selected staff members. The
videos will be viewed at a movie premiere
night where the videos will be shown and
prizes will be given out at the end.
When and Where • Teen Tech Week
• Auditorium, large meeting room, or movie
Required Materials • Decorations: butcher paper, construction
paper, markers, and stamps
• Possible Giveaways: Books, bookmarks,
pencils, buttons, and any extra giveaways
we might have.
• Display: Copies of the books that have
been made into trailers and other books
that share the same theme. There will also
be a list that has additional books,

City of Good Character

audiobooks, graphic novels, movies, and
games that also have a similar theme.
• Prizes: gift cards for winners
• Tables: display table and snack table
• Projector
• Sound system

Staffing assistance • The teen librarian will be the main

facilitator of the event.
• Additional teen volunteers are needed to
help decorate the rooms, set up the book
display, and set up the obstacle course.
• Before the event, ask teen volunteers to
help decorate the space.
• There will need to be one staff member to
monitor the program during its duration
and introduce the event. The staff member
will need to be present an hour before the
event and an hour afterwards for clean-up
and shut down. Two to three volunteers
will also be needed to help with decorating
the space and setting up the display and
snacks, and assisting with clean-up
Marketing/Promotion • Put a notice on the library website and on
the event calendar.
• Create a flyer to post in the teen area and
around the library.
• Email your teen volunteers to ask them to
spread the word to their friends and to post
the event on their Facebook page or other
social networking sites they use. Ask a few
if they might be willing to post a flyer in
places they like to hang out.
• Post on your Facebook page.
• Post flyers in coffee shops, craft stores,
bookstores, and community centers.
• Make sure to make an announcement
about this event during other teen events.
• Talk to the teens and parents that come
into the library and let them know about
the event.
• Send an email or call community members
City of Good Character
that work with teens to let them know
about the event.
Technology requirement • Microphone
• Screen
• Projector
• Sound system

Activity 3
Close read the basic components of the concept paper used in
academics, then answer the following questions below:
Basic Format for Academics Basic Format for Academics (most
(Science and Mathematics) courses like language, arts, social
sciences, etc.)
• Statement of the Problem • Title
• Purpose of the Study • Rationale
• Research Questions • Theoretical or Conceptual
• Hypotheses Framework
• Brief Review of the Literature • Research Questions
• Research Method • Method
• References • References

Explain how this format or structure of a concept paper in

Mathematics/Science and other courses the same? And when are they
different. Why? _________________________________________________________







Grading Rubric for Activity 2 and 3:

Content: 20 points
Content is correct and relevant to the concept (10 pts)
Uses logical reasoning and judgment (10 pts)

City of Good Character

Organization and Mechanics: 10 points
Organization of ideas is logical and coherent (5 pts)
punctuations and capitalization (3 pts)
grammar and structure (2 pts)

Total = 30 points

What I Have Learned

Now that you have finished the lesson, you may have learned to:

• Define a concept paper as a summary of a project or study and

provide an in-depth discussion of a topic, with the goal of
extensive research.

• Identify the essential components of a concept paper, you have

learned the different formats used in a particular field or

• Recognize that a concept paper is the foundation of potential

projects for further investigation and improvement. A concept
paper must be written prior to pursuing a full-blown project.

• The primary function of the concept paper is to explain the

importance of a particular research project, likewise, uses
persuasive text. It serves as a summary that initiates a proposal,
thesis, dissertation, or project.

• Determine the importance of a concept paper in developing a

potential solution and further investigations of a certain project,
and to assess whether a project proposal or idea is feasible or not.

• Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers used in a

particular field or discipline; you now can recognize the proper
use of a concept paper, for academic and professional purposes.

City of Good Character

What I Can Do

Close read the basic components of the concept paper used in

academics and business, then answer the following questions below:
Basic Format for Academics Basic Format for Business or Industry
• Title • Introduction
• Rationale • Purpose/Need
• Theoretical or Conceptual • Project Description
Framework • Goals/Objectives/Aims
• Research Questions • Methods
• Method • Timeline
• References • Expected Outcomes/Benefits
• Budget/Needs & Requested
Would it be more effective and practical to interchange the components of a
concept paper in academics and business? Why or why not?



Why do you think Budget/Needs and Requested Support are essential

components on a business concept paper? Is it as crucial as for academics?
Why or why not?



Grading Rubric:
Content: 20 points
Content is correct and relevant to the concept (10 pts)
Uses logical reasoning and judgment (10 pts)

Organization and Mechanics: 10 points

Organization of ideas is logical and coherent (5 pts)
punctuations and capitalization (3 pts)
grammar and structure (2 pts)

Total = 30 points

City of Good Character


Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following text types a concept paper best used?

A. Definition
B. Description
C. Narrative
D. Persuasive

2. Which of the following statements best describe a concept paper?

A. It simply defines a concept.

B. It gives information about a certain project.
C. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a project.
D. It explains the essence of some idea formulation for approval.

3. How would you best describe a concept paper used for businesses?

A. It includes “who, what, and when” information.

B. It shows professionalism and competitiveness of ideas.
C. It emphasizes the research questions and hypotheses.
D. It describes the project, expected action of the agency, and its benefits.

4. Why is presenting a concept paper necessary in any field or discipline?

A. It shows the expected benefits of the proposed project.

B. It describes the question, problem, or needs to be addressed.
C. It serves as a foundation for a feasible and worthwhile project.
D. It describes the project, expected action of the agency, and its benefits.

5. Why is learning about a concept paper beneficial to a student like you?

A. It makes an abstract concept into a more concrete idea.

B. It helps save time and effort in doing research or proposal.
C. It explains the question, problem, or needs to be addressed.
D. It helps clarify for potential solutions and improvement of a project.

City of Good Character

Additional Activities
To enrich your learnings from this module, check on the following
websites and choose one from the given activities below:
1. Check for the following examples of concept paper at
https://www.examples.com/business/concept-proposal.html. Take note of
the following concept paper formats:

• Business Concept Proposal

• Concept Design Proposal
• Event Concept Proposal
• Exhibition Concept Proposal

2. Based on those example you have searched online, complete the

description below for each:

Examples of Concept Papers: Description / Components

• Business Concept Proposal

• Concept Design Proposal

• Event Concept Proposal

• Exhibition Concept Proposal

City of Good Character


Online Sources:

"FREE 10+ Concept Proposal Examples & Samples in PDF | Examples."

Examples |. Accessed July 10, 2020.

Galapate, David John. "How to Involve Young Parents in Advocating for

Proposed School Regulation." Academia.edu - Share Research.
Accessed July 8, 2020.

Hanover Research. "Developing a Concept Paper & Contacing a Program

Officer." Accessed July 8, 2020.

Naem, Mohammad. "Concept Paper Format." Scribd. Accessed July 8, 2020.


Santos, Patricia. "Ultimate Tips on How to Write a Concept Paper."

Kami.com.ph - Philippines News. Last modified March 12, 2020.

City of Good Character

Development Team of the Module
Writer: Regina R. Sacdalan (PHS)
Editors: Nieves T. Salazar, Ph. D. (PHS)
Albert B. Mutia, (PSDS)

Internal Reviewer: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS- English)

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere (SEHS)
Management Team:

Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran
Education Program Supervisor-English

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor – LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address: [email protected]

City of Good Character


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