Consumer Learning
Consumer Learning
Consumer Learning
The process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to future related behavior Marketers must teach consumers: where to buy how to use how to maintain
It is the driving force within an individual that triggers action and uncovering these consumer motives is the prime tasks of marketers, who then convince the consumers regarding how their product will fulfill the consumers needs.
Cues are the stimuli that gives direction to consumer motives, serve to direct consumer drives when they are consistent with consumer expectations. For e.g.-in a market place cues can be styling, packaging, advertising, store displays etc.
Response constitutes an individuals reaction to a drive or cue. Learning can occur even when responses are not overt.
Reinforcement increases the likelihood that a specific response will occur in the future as the result of particular cues or stimuli.
Behavioral learning is also referred to as STIMULUS-RESPONSE learning because it is based on the premise that observable responses to specific external stimuli signal that learning has taken place. Two forms of behavioral learning are: 1. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 2. INSTRUMENTAL OR OPERANT CONDITIONING
Given by IVAN. P. PAVLOV Classical conditioning is modifying behavior so that a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus which elicits an unconditioned behavior It is a type of conditioning in which an individual responds to same stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such response.
Also called as OPERANT CONDITIONING B. F. SKINNER The form of learning in which people associate the CONSEQUENCES of their actions with the actions themselves.
Behavior with POSITIVE consequences are LEARNED. Behavior with NEGATIVE consequences tend to be ELIMINATED.
1. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: Processes by which people learn to perform behaviors that lead to presentation of desired outcomes i.e. consequences increase or maintain the probability of future behavior.
2.NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT: Process by which person learns to perform acts that lead to removal of undesired events i.e. it occurs when removal or avoidance of a consequence increases or maintains frequency or future probability of behavior.
3. PUNISHMENT: occurs when a consequence decreases frequency of future probability of behaviors i.e. Decreasing undesirable behavior by following it with undesirable consequences.
A process by which individuals observe how others behave in response to certain stimuli and reinforcements. Also known as modeling or vicarious learning.