Earthquake Assignment2
Earthquake Assignment2
Earthquake Assignment2
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3x 5000 m m
4 x 5000 m m
4. A four storey (G+3) reinforced concrete office building has a ground plan
20 × 15 m as shown in above Fig.1. The building is located in Calicut. The
soil conditions are medium stiff and the entire building is supported on
raft foundation. The R.C. frames are in-filled with brick masonry. The
lumped weights due to dead loads is 15 kN/sq.m on floors and 10 kN/sq.m
on the roof. The floors are to cater for a live load of 5 kN/sq.m on floors
and 1.5 kN/sq.m on roof. The dynamic parameters (natural periods and
mode shapes) in X- direction have been obtained by carrying out a free
vibration analysis and is shown in Table 1. Determine the design seismic
force in X-direction by dynamic analysis method as per IS: 1893-2016.
Table.1. Free vibration properties of the building for vibration in the X-direction
5. A single storey building with rigid roof diaphragm is shown in Fig. 2. The
lumped mass at roof is uniformly distributed. (a) What are the lateral
loads shared by different walls if a lateral load of 200 kN is applied in x-
direction at the centre of mass of the roof. (b) What are the lateral
loads shared by different walls if a lateral load of 280 kN is applied in y-
direction at the centre of mass of the roof. Use IS 1893-2016 provisions .
6m k 0.5k 1.3k
5.6 m
14 m
28 m
6. A reinforced concrete chimney of height 40m is located in seismic Zone
IV. The outer dia. At the base and top is 3 m. The shell thickness of the
chimney is 300 mm throughout the height. The thickness of lining is 100
mm. Compute the maximum bending moment and shear force on the
chimney. Use IS 1893-2015-Part 4. Concrete M30. Density of concrete
=25kN/m3, Density of Lining= 20kN/m3, Foundation-raft.
7. An elevated water tank weighs 2500 kN when filled with water, the
centroid of the mass being at a height of 20 m from the ground. The
horizontal spring factor for the tank is 9000 N/mm. Estimate the
maximum shear generated at the base of the water tank by the horizontal
inertia force. Assume the ground motion has a period of 1.5 s and a
maximum acceleration of 0.05g.
12. The inner beam column joint in the ground floor of a seven storey building
to be built in Calicut has
Grade of concrete = M25
Clear span of beam to either side of joint = 4m
Slab thickness = 125 mm
Finish on slab = 50 mm thick (PCC)
Live load on floor = 2 kN/sq.m
Wall thickness on beams = 230 mm (Brick)
The axial load in column at the joint = 1200 kN
Beam size = 230 × 600 mm with 0.75% steel at top
and 0.47% steel at bottom on either side of the joint.
Column size = 230 × 600 mm with 2.5% steel.
Check whether the joint satisfies weak girder-strong column
proportion. Also check the shear in beam and column.
13. A RC circular water container has internal diameter of 4.0 m and height of
3.5 m (including freeboard of 0.3 m). It is supported on RC staging
consisting of 4 columns of 400 mm diameter with horizontal bracings of
350 x 450 mm at four levels. The lowest supply level is 15 m above ground
level. Staging conforms to ductile detailing as per IS: 13920. Staging
columns have isolated rectangular footings at a depth of 2m from ground
level. Tank is located on soft soil in seismic zone III. Grade of staging
concrete and steel are M25 and Fe415, respectively. Density of concrete
is 25 kN/m3. Sketch the elevation of the tank and staging with
dimensions. Analyze the tank for seismic loads. Use IS: 1893-1984. The
size of various components are (i) roof slab 120mm thick, (ii) tank wall 200
mm thick, (iii) floor slab 200mm thick, (iv) gallery 110mm thick, (iv) floor
beams 250x600 mm.
Good luck