Justice System
Justice System
Justice System
5 elements of the
Justice System
The Judiciary,
The Law,
The Protective Services,
The Police.
Defining the Justice System
The justice system purports to defend our
rights as citizens of the society. It is
based on a system of rewards and
sanctions for lawful conduct and is
mainly concerned with ensuring that all
citizens are treated justly and fairly.
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place, not hot. name and is the second
It’s full of iron oxide planet from the Sun. It’s
dust, which gives the terribly hot, even hotter
planet its reddish cast than Mercury
However, the police and the judiciary are often seen as having
little impact on crime when they appear to favour members of
society who have political favour or are of the elite.
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place, not hot. name and is the second
It’s full of iron oxide planet from the Sun. It’s
dust, which gives the terribly hot, even hotter
planet its reddish cast than Mercury
Impact on Society and Culture
Detection and arrests are made, but once again usually in the
lower socio-economic
MARS levels of society. This raisesVENUS the question
the extent of the impact of the justice systemname
being red, Mars
is a cold place, not hot.
Venus the narcotics
a beautiful
is the second
trade as
It’s full it seeks
of iron oxide
dust, which gives the
to ensure the rule of law is followed.
planet from the Sun. It’s
terribly hot, even hotter
planet its reddish cast than Mercury