Cargo Area Fire Onboard LPG Carrier - How To Tackle ?

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Cargo area fire onboard LPG carrier - How to tackle ?

Cargo vapours in flammable concentrations are likely to be present

in areas such as cargo tanks, cargo machinery spaces and at times
on deck. It is essential that all possible sources of ignition are
eliminated from these areas .The fire may affect the cargo and
increase the boil off and subsequent cargo tank pressure. Cool area
by actuating water spray system. Use reliquefaction plant.
The source of fuel should be cut off and the initial attack should be
with dry powder. If necessary use fixed fire fighting system - Foam,
CO2, Halon ensuring area has been evacuated. Consider:

 Isolating the source of fuel.

 The initial attack

 Shutting down all cargo operations.

 Closing all tank valves (ESD System).

 Activate water system.

 Large scale attack (fire fighters can advance behind water

spray from hoses).

 Continue cooling area when fire is out.

Vent Mast Fire

Ignition can be caused by a lightning strike or other source of

ignition when venting. Consider:

 Stop venting.

 Inject inert gas into the vent if possible.

 Spray mast head with water.

 Resume venting when mast head and surroundings are cool
and electrical storm is over

Fire on ship or vicinity

It is the duty of any person on board who discovers an outbreak of

fire to raise the alarm immediately. Thereafter they should attempt
to control the fire using the nearest available appropriate means
until an organised party takes over.

In port, shore assistance must be called immediately, if possible all

cargo hoses should be isolated and disconnected. Bring main
engines to readiness. At sea the ship should be manoeuvred so as
to minimise the risk of fire spreading. Consider stopping mechanical
ventilation in affected area.

Various extinguishing agents

Water : Water must never be applied onto a burning liquefied gas

pool since it will provide a heat source for more rapid vaporisation
of the liquid and thereby increase the rate of burning. Nevertheless,
water remains a prime contributor to liquefied gas fire fighting.
Being freely available in most circumstances, water is an excellent
cooling agent for surfaces exposed to radiation or direct fire
impingement. It may be used in spray form as a radiation screen or
to deflect an unignited vapour cloud away from ignition sources. In
some circumstances, water can be used to extinguish a jet or
column of burning gas. Fixed water deluge systems are fitted for
covering ship structures deck tanks and piping.

Water spray from fixed monitors or from hand held hose nozzles
can provide radiation protection for personnel in their approach to
shut off valves or to leaking jet or vent fires in order more
effectively to deliver an attack by dry chemicals to extinguish the

Dry chemical powder

Dry chemical powders such as sodium bicarbonate, potassium
bicarbonate and urea potassium bicarbonate can be very rapidly
effective in extinguishing small LNG or LPG fires. Gas carriers are
required by IMO Codes to be fitted with fixed dry powder systems
capable of delivering adequate powder to any part of the cargo area
by means of fixed monitors and/or hand held hoses. Jetty manifold
areas are also usually provided with substantial portable or fixed dry
powder systems.

Dry chemical powders are effective in dealing with ignited spills on

deck or in manifold drip trays or in extinguishing flames torching
from a pipeline flange or fracture and have been used successfully
in extinguishing fires at relief valve mast head outlets. Dry
chemicals attack the flame by the absorption of free radicals in the
combustion process but have a negligible cooling effect. Re-ignition
from adjacent hot surfaces, therefore, must be guarded against by
cooling any obvious hot areas with water before extinguishing the
flame with dry powder.

Inert gas

Inert gas from combustion generators or nitrogen gas provided from

insulated liquid nitrogen containers is commonly used on gas
carriers and in terminals for permanent inerting of interbarrier
spaces or for protective inerting cargo related spaces, such as ships'
hold spaces or enclosed plant spaces on shore, which are normally
air filled but in which flammable gas may be detected. Because of
the comparatively low rate at which such gas can be delivered, it is
not normally used for the rapid inerting of an enclosed space in
which a fire has already begun. For this, high pressure bottled CO2
gas or halon is injected through multiple nozzles, the mechanical
ventilation system to the space having been first shut off.

While CO2 injection systems are rapidly effective in enclosed space

fire extinguishing, they have two disadvantages. Their fire
extinguishing action is achieved by displacing oxygen in the space
to a level which will not support combustion and it is therefore
essential that all personnel completely evacuate the space before
the injection beings. Secondly, the necessarily rapid injection of
CO2 produces electrostatic charging which can be an ignition hazard
if CO2 is injected inadvertently or as a precautionary measure into a
flammable atmosphere.

CO2 or nitrogen injected into safety relief valve vent outlet risers
may be used as an alternative to the external use of a dry powder
screen as an effective means of extinguishing vapour fires at the
vent outlet, particularly once the initial full pressure gas flow has
In general foam installations are not provided on gas carriers for
liquefied gas fire fighting. However when the vessel has the
capability of carrying cargoes also covered by the IBC code then the
flag administration may require a foam installation.

Fire involving LNG & LPG cargo - various fire fighting agents
& safety aspects

Natural gas contains numerous component gases but by far the

greater percentage is methane (CH4), which represents between 60
and 95 per cent of the total volume. This fact is important when
considering the safety aspects for fire-fighters tackling an LNG fire.

During the initial period of vaporisation of the gas, ignition may be

accompanied by a flash of varying proportions.However, because
the velocity of propagation of a flame is lower in methane than in
other hydro-carbon gases, it is unlikely that future ignition will have
flash effect. The fire-fighting plan should be well thought out in
advance and a concentrated effort made rather than ‘hit and run’
tactics, as these will only consume the vessel’s extinguishing
facilities without extinguishing the fire. Before attempting to tackle
a large fire, you should seriously consider allowing the fire to burn
itself out.

Should an attempt to extinguish the fire be made, extensive use of

‘dry powder’ should be employed from as many dispensers as can
be brought to bear. Fire-fighters should be well protected against
heat radiation and possible flash burns, and approach the fire from
an upwind direction. Power dispensers should sweep the entire area
of the fire, but direct pressure of powder jets on to the surface of
the liquid should be avoided. Should dry powder guns be used, fire-
fighters should be well practised in their use and be prepared for
some kick-back effect.They should also be made aware that there is
no cooling effect from the use of dry powder, and that re-ignition
after a fire has been extinguished is a distinct possibility.

In the initial stages it is always preferable to isolate the fire by

shutting off the source of fuel.This may not, however, always be
possible. A final warning when tackling an LNG fire is that water
should not be used directly, as this will accelerate vaporisation of
the liquid.This is not to say that surrounding bulkheads and decks
cannot be cooled down with water sprays, provided that water
running off is not allowed to mix with burning LNG.

Dry powder :
Dry powder is provided both in large fixed installations and portable
extinguishers. Any part of the deck can be reached by at least two
hoses from the fixed installations.

Water extinguishing :
Water is not a suitable medium for fighting an LNG fire directly as it
will cause a massive expansion of the fire, through an increase in
the rate of vaporisation of the liquid to gaseous state. Water is
however essential as a cooling medium for the area surrounding an
LNG fire and to protect personnel who may need to approach the
site. Water is also essential for protecting steel work from the
effects of extreme cold in the event of a liquid spill.

CO2 :
A CO2 extinguisher system is available for cargo compressor rooms,
electric motor rooms, inert gas dryer room and on some ships cargo
control room. Ships plans should be consulted for what is applicable
to the concerned vessel.

How to tackle LNG fire ?

The rapid vaporisation of any exposed LNG prevents any ignition of
the liquid itself and an LNG fire is thus a cold vapour fire.

Ignition of a flammable mixture of natural gas vapour requires a

spark of similar ignition energy as would ignite other hydrocarbon
vapours. The auto-ignition temperature of methane in air (650°C) is
higher than other hydrocarbons.

Electrostatic ignition of LNG is not a hazard during normal

operations. This is because the permanent, positive pressure in LNG
tanks maintained by gas boil-off prevents air entering these spaces
to form flammable mixtures in tanks or lines.

The velocity of propagation of a flame is lower in methane than

nearly all other hydrocarbons. Unless ignition occurs during the
initial rapid vaporisation period, it is most unlikely that any flash will
accompany an ignition. The term ‘lazy flame’ has been aptly used to
describe the spreading characteristics of an LNG fire.
Burning of LNG vapours produces a similar flame size and heat
radiation to other hydrocarbon fires, but little smoke is produced.

From a fire fighting viewpoint, LNG/cold vapour fires have the

characteristics of both liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fires.

The procedure for fighting these fires is:

1. Isolate the source of leak, stop loading/discharging, and shut

all manifold valves.

2. Sound the alarm.

3. Provide protection for adjacent equipment and for fire-fighters.

4. Attack fire with a maximum rate of application of dry powder.

Do not agitate the surface of any pool of LNG.

5. Remain on guard against possible re-ignition.

The exact procedure will depend upon the nature of the incident.
Before attempting to fight large fires, thought should be given to
the desirability of letting a fire burn itself out. Such strategy runs
the risk of the fire spreading and greater damage being caused, but
other factors to take into account are:

 The possibility that the dry powder capacity may be exhausted

before the fire is extinguished, or, if the fire is extinguished,
reserves have been run so low that any reignition could not be

 The risk of damage to life and property if an un-ignited

flammable mixture drifted in light wind conditions to an area of
high ignition risk.

The following fire fighting agents may be used:

Water spray systems

It is a requirement that a series of water spray nozzles are located

at each tank liquid and vapour dome, at the midships manifold, on
the compressor house, on the forward bulkhead of the
accommodation block and around the midships cargo control room if
applicable. The water for the operation of these nozzles is fed from
a pump and line system independent from, but crossconnected with,
the ship's fire main. In addition to the above system, the sides of
the accommodation block may be protected by spray nozzles
supplied with water from the fire main via isolating valves.

Water should NOT be used to extinguish LNG fires as it increases

the vaporisation rate and hence the burning rate. However a water
spray or fog should be used to protect personnel and to cool areas
adjacent to the fire. The qualities that make water unsuitable for
fighting LNG fires make it an ideal medium for spraying LNG
spillages to increase evaporation rate and prevent re-ignition,
provided that the LNG is not actually burning.
Care is necessary to avoid water running off adjacent structures and
aggravating burning LNG, or splashing into spill trays which may
contain LNG, thus causing it to overflow onto unprotected
steelwork. Spill trays and areas under manifolds are in any case
floodable with water to protect hull steelwork from damage due to
exposure to the intense cold of LNG.

Water jets can be used to deflect burning jets from impinging on

other tanks. Care should be taken to avoid extinguishing the fire
with the consequent danger of re-ignition of large volumes of
flammable gas.

Dry chemical powder

Dry chemical fixed installations are provided on Gas Carriers.

Manufacturer’s instructions should be referred to for details of
operation and maintenance procedures. Whenever a dry powder
hose has been in use, it should be blown clear with nitrogen to
prevent any possibility of blockage. The extinguishing power of dry
chemical powders depends on the chemical reaction of the small
particles when exposed to flame. They are flame inhibiting agents
and have been widely proven in LNG fire tests.

The maximum possible rate of application of dry powder is

desirable. As many high velocity jets as possible should be brought
to bear at once, preferably in a down wind direction. Jets should be
aimed with the objective of reducing boil-off rate by sweeping over
the whole fire area and on no account must the surface of an LNG
pool be agitated. Possible re-ignition must be guarded against.

Correct use of dry chemical powder equipment is essential if

reserves are not to be wasted and the fire is to be successfully
extinguished. Extinction with dry powder is obtained by maximising
the rate of application and minimising any agitation of pools of LNG.
This may be achieved by coordinating a simultaneous attack with all
available applicators. A first-aid shot with only one hose or monitor
may be warranted with small fires, but continuous individual efforts
can never be as successful as a simultaneous attack with as many
applicators as possible being brought to bear.

Operators must be adequately protected and positioned to obtain

down wind line-of-sight application, with the powder jet slightly
depressed below the horizontal. Powder jets should be swept rapidly
back and forth over the entire fire area. The direct impact of powder
jets on pool surfaces or leaks should be avoided. Where possible,
powder should be aimed at vertical surfaces immediately behind the
seat of the fire.

The high discharge rate hoses are as much as one man can handle
and the reaction force and consequences of wasting or misdirecting
powder requires that great care be taken in their use. If the above
techniques are adopted, tests have shown that LNG fires can be
readily extinguished. In fact extinction has often proved
unexpectedly easy.

Re-ignition of LNG and vapour by burning paintwork, or other

sources, must be expected. Water sprays should be activated as
soon as possible to cool steel work and speed vaporisation.

Gas smothering systems

Although CO2 and nitrogen smothering systems are not suitable for
use in exposed open air applications, they are otherwise the most
efficient agent for fighting liquid and vapour fires. By diffusing in a
burning mixture, they lower the oxygen content and render the
mixture inert. If the flames can be separated from the liquid, the
boil-off rate will also be reduced.

Nitrogen is more effective and less dangerous to personnel than

CO2 but CO2 is more easily stored.

How to tackle LPG fires ?

The highest priority of action must be given to stopping the gas flow
to limit the amount of flammable material available, and contain the
fire in as small an area as possible. This may happen automatically
with the operation of the Emergency Shut Down System. Fire
fighters must wear protective clothing and self-contained
compressed air breathing apparatus. Tackling the fire requires the
use of two media, water and dry powder.

Large quantities of water spray are to be used:

1. To protect fire fighters and those assisting the rescue of

trapped personnel from spaces.

2. To cool surfaces exposed to heat.

3. To prevent heat radiation through steel bulkheads.

The normal extinguishing medium for LPG fires is dry powder, which
is propelled by nitrogen. The Master is to ensure that all Officers are
familiar with the operation of this equipment, and the technique to
be used in fighting a LPG fire.

The best results are achieved by applying dry powder at a

maximum rate by using as many guns as possible from upwind. The
guns must sweep rapidly backwards and forwards over the fire area.
If a liquid spillage is involved, the surface of the spillage must not
be disturbed by direct impact. Dry powder guns discharge at not
less than 4 kilos per second. The initial recoil and subsequent force
exerted by discharge means that in order to avoid the wastage of
dry powder, a second person may be needed to help the operator
maintain control of the gun.

If it is judged preferable to allow a flame to burn from a controlled

leak, such as a pipe fracture, water spray is to be used to contain
the fire without extinguishing the flame.

Either CO2 or Halon are fitted to the Cargo Control Room,

Compressor Room and Motor Room on LPG ships.

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