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Motion Based Message Conveyer For

Paralytic/Disabled People
Kuldeep Singh Dagur, Jayesh Gupta, Harshita Sharma , Madhur Maharishi
Vikas Sharma
Department of electronics & communication Engineering
Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre, Jaipur (Raj)
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected]
Abstract: We come across hospitals and NGO’s serving disabled
people. Now these people are not capable of full body movement as
compared to a normal person. In such a situation we propose a Embedded systems have a microprocessor/ microcontroller and a
system that helps disabled person display a message by just simple memory. Some have a serial port or a network connection. They
motion of any part of his body. Our proposed system works by usually do not have keyboards, screens or disk drives.
reading the tilt direction of the user part. This device needs to be
mounted on user finger of hand. The user now just needs to tilt the II. BLOCK DIAGRAM AND MODUL ES DESCRIPTION
device in a particular angle to convey a message. Tilting the device
in different directions conveys a different message.

Here we use accelerometer in order to measure the statistics of

motion. It then passes on this data to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller processes the data and displays the particular
message as per input obtained. The microcontroller now displays
the associated message on the LCD screen. It also sounds a buzzer
along with message as soon as it receives motion signal from the
accelerometer. The patient motion recorder device consists of an
RF transmitter in order to transfer the data signal. An RF receiver
on the other side receives the data and then decodes it before
passing it to the microcontroller for processing the input and
responding to it.
Fig.1. Block Diagram
Keywords: Accelerometer,Microcontroller,RF Transmitter,RF
A. Modules and Description

An embedded system is any computer system hidden inside a product

other than a computer. They will encounter a number of difficulties
when writing embedded system software in addition to those we
encounter when we write applications. Throughput – Our system
may need to handle a lot of data in a short period of time. Response–
Our system may need to react to events quickly.Testability–Setting
up equipment to test embedded software can be
difficult.Debugability–Without a screen or a keyboard, finding out
what the software is doing wrong (other than not working) is a
troublesome problem.Reliability – embedded systems must be able to
handle any situation without human intervention.Memory space –
The ADXL335 is a small, thin, low power, complete 3-axis
Memory is limited on embedded systems, and you must make the
accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The product
software and the data fit into whatever memory exists.Program
measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of ±3 g. It can
installation – you will need special tools to get your software into
measure the static acceleration of gravity in tiltsensing applications, as
embedded systems. Here we use accelerometer in order to
well as dynamic acceleration resulting from motion, shock, or
measure the statistics of motion. It then passes on this data to the
vibration.The user selects the bandwidth of the accelerometer using
microcontroller. The microcontroller processes the data and displays
the CX, CY, and CZcapacitors at the XOUT, YOUT, and ZOUT pins.
the particular message as per input obtained. The microcontroller
Bandwidths can be selected to suit the application, with a range of 0.5
now displays the associated message on the LCD screen. It also
Hz to 1600 Hz for X and Y axes, and a range of 0.5 Hz to 550 Hz for
sounds a buzzer along with message as soon as it receives motion
the Z axis.The ADXL335 is available in a small, low profile, 4 mm ×
signal from the accelerometer. The patient motion recorder device
4 mm × 1.45 mm, 16-lead, plastic lead frame chip scale package
consists of an RF transmitter in order to transfer the data signal.
o Interrupt and wake up on pin change
2. ATMEGA328 Microcontroller Additional Features Features
Internal calibrated oscillator
Power on reset and programmable brown out detection
External and internal interrupts
6 sleep modes including idle, ADC noise reduction, power
save, power down, standby, and extended standby
I/O and Package
23 programmable I/O lines
28 pin PDIP package
Operating voltage:
o 1.8 - 5.5V

Operating temperature range:

o 40°C to 85°C
 Speed Grades:
o 0-4 MHz at 1.8-5.5V
o 0-10 MHz at 2.7-5.5V
 o 0-20 MHz at 4.5-5.5V
Low power consumption mode at 1.8V, 1 MHz and
Active Mode: 0.3 mA
Features include:
Power-down Mode: 0.1 μA
Power-save Mode: 0.8 μA (Including 32 kHz
 High Performance, Low Power Design RTC)
 8-Bit Microcontroller Atmel® AVR® advanced
RISC architecture
o 131 Instructions most of which are
executed in a single clock cycle 3. RF Transmitter.
o Up to 20 MIPS throughput at 20 MHz
o 32 x 8 working registers This wireless data is the easiest to
o 2 cycle multiplier use, lowest cost RF link we have
 Memory Includes ever seen! Use these components
to transmit position data,
o 32KB of of programmable FLASH temperature data, and even
o 1KB of EEPROM current program register values
o 2KB SRAM wirelessly to the receiver. These
o 10,000 Write and Erase Cycles for Flash modules have up to 500 ft
and 100,000 for EEPROM
range in open space. The
o Data retention for 20 years at 85°C and
100 years at 25°C transmitter operates from 2-12V.
o Optional boot loader with lock bits The higher the Voltage, the
 In System Programming (ISP) by via greater the range . We have used these modules extensively and
boot loader have been very impressed with their ease of use and direct
 True Read-While-Write operation interface to an MCU. The theory of operation is very simple. What
o Programming lock available for software the transmitter 'sees' on its data pin is what the receiver outputs on
security its data pin. If you can configure the UART module on a uC, you
 Features Include have an instant wireless data connection. The typical range is
500ft for open area.This is an ASK transmitter module with an
o 2 x 8-bit Timers/Counters each with output of up to 8mW depending on power supply voltage. The
independent prescaler and compare modes transmitter is based on SAW resonator and accepts digital inputs,
o A single 16-bit Timer/Counter with an can operate from 2 to 12 Volts-DC, and makes building RF
idependent prescaler, compare and capture enabled products very easy.
o Real time counter with 4. RF Reciever.
independent oscillator
o 10 bit, 6 channel analog to digital Converter
o 6 pulse width modulation channels
o Internal temperature sensor
o Serial USART (Programmable)
o Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface - (Philips
I2C compatible)
Programmable watchdog timer with to
independent internal oscillator
Internal analog comparator
This receiver type is good for data rates up to 4800bps and will and a wide
only work with the 434MHz o 315 MHz transmitter. Multiple
434MHz or 315MHz receivers can listen to one 434MHz
transmitter or 315 MHz transmitter. This wireless data is the easiest
to use, lowest cost RF link we have ever seen! Use these
components to transmit position data, temperature data, and even
current program register values wirelessly to the receiver. These
modules have up to 500 ft range in open space. The receiver is
operated at 5V. We have used these modules extensively and have
been very impressed with their ease of use and direct interface to
an MCU. The theory of operation is very simple. What the
transmitter 'sees' on its data pin is what the receiver outputs on its
data pin. If you can configure the UART module on a uC, you have
an instant wireless data connection. Data rates are limited to
4800bps. The typical range is 500ft for open area. This receiver has
a sensitivity of 3uV. It operates from 4.5 to 5.5 volts-DC and has
digital output. The typical sensitivity is -103dbm and the typical
current consumption is 3.5mA for 5V operation voltage.

5. Liqui d Crystal Dis play (LCD)

Fig.4. Li qui d Crystal Dis play

Liquid crystal displays (LCD s) have materia ls which

combine the properties of both liquids and crystals. Rather
than having a me lting point, they have a temperature range
within which the molecules are almost as mobile as they
would be in a liquid, but are grouped together in an ordered
form similar to a crystal. An LCD consists of two glass
panels, with the liquid crystal material sand witched in
between them. The inner surface of the glass plates are coated
with transparent electrodes which define the character,
symbols or patterns to be displayed polymeric layers are
present in between the electrodes and the liquid c rystal, wh
ich makes the liquid crystal molecu les to ma intain a defined
orientation angle. One each polarize ris pasted outside the two
glass panels. These polarizers would rotate the light rays
passing through them to a definite an gle, in a particular d
irection. When the LCD is in the off state, light rays are
rotated by the two polarizers and the liquid crystal, such that
the light rays come out of the LCD without any orientation,
and hence the LCD appears transparent. When sufficient
voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal mo
lecules would be a ligned in a specific direct ion. The light
rays passing through the LCD would be rotated by the
polarizers, which would result in activating / highlighting the
desired characters. The LCD‟s are lightweight with only a
few millimete rs thickness. Since the LCD‟s consume
less power, they are compatible with low power electronic
circuits, and can be powered for long durations.

The LCD’ s won‟t generate light and so light is

needed to read the display. By using backlighting, reading is
possible in the dark. The LCD‟s have long life
operating temperature range. Changing the display size or
the layout size is relatively simp le which makes
the LCD‟s more customer friendly. The LCD s used
exclusively in watches, calculators and measuring
instruments is the simple seven -segment displays, having
a limited amount of numeric data. The recent advances in
technology have resulted in better legibility, mo re
information displaying capability and a wider temperature
range. These have resulted in the LCD s being extensively
used in telecommunications and entertainment electronics.
The LCD s has even started replacing the cathode ray
tubes (CRTs) usedfor the display of text and graphics, and
also in small TV applications.

6. Transformer.

Transformers convert
AC electricity from one voltage to another with a little
loss of power. Step-up transformers increase voltage,
step-down transformers reduce voltage. Most power
supplies use a step- down transformer to reduce the
dangerously high voltage to a safer low voltage. The
input coil is called the primary and the output coil is
called the secondary. There is no electrical connection
between the two coils; instead they are linked by an
alternating magnetic field created in the soft-iron core of
the transformer. The two lines in the middle of the circuit
symbol represent the core. Transformers waste very little
power so the power out is (almost) equal to the power in.
Note that as voltage is stepped down and current is
stepped up.
The ratio of the number of turns on each coil,
called the turn’s ratio, determines the ratio of the
voltages. A step-down transformer has a large number of
turns on its primary (input) coil which is connected to the
high voltage mains supply, and a small number of turns
on its secondary (output) coil to give a low output
7. Transmitter Circuit 9.Result
Simulation of the project is done in the Arduino Software. The
figure below shows the output in a serial monitor of the
software. It shows the Real Time Clock (RTC) implementation
and the received signals from the patients. Medicine Reminder is
in synchronization with the RTC. Along with that we can see the
different messages sent by the two patients. Our project result
shows successful transmission of 4 messages from each patient.
This window will be present at the receiver side that is at the
nurse side. When no signal is transmitted only real time clock
will be displayed on the screen. As soon as a message due to the
motion of accelerometer is received it will be displayed on the
screen. Identification of the message from different patients is
made easy as patient number is sent along with the message.
Medicine reminder program will display its output at a
predefined stored time.

According to the proposed methodology, the following block

diagrams were proposed to meet the requirements of the system.
The heart of the transmitter unit is the accelerometer. This can be 10.Conclusion
a two axis or a three axis static accelerometer connected to the
analog inputs of the controller. It is interfaced with the controller The device has made conveyance of message possible only by the
to sense the acceleration. The controller is the second stage of motion of a body part. The ease of message conveyance is the
the transmitter. The controller processes the data from the main advantage of this system along with the real time user
accelerometer and if the conditions are satisfied it sends the data defined medicine alarm. By implementing this system a simple
to the next stage that is the transmitter. We have proposed and device for paralyzed or disabled people can be achieved without
implemented an RF transmitter for its simplicity.Another input the use of complex form of inputs. The prototype we have made is
to the controller is from push button which is used for fully functional but restricted to a small area of operation. For a
emergency. large area and transmission distance the type of communication
used have to be more effective and faster. Our system successfully
8. Reciever Circuit. proves that this system is an excellent approach to be
implemented at hospitals for patient-nurse communication. The
project can be further developed into an automatic wheel chair
wherein the wheelchair will be moved just by hand gesture. Also,
along with only message transmission other data like body
temperature, pulse rate etc. can also be transmitted to the nurse so
that a real time record of all the patients is maintained.

11. Future Scope

We will use the Wi-Fi system for communication. By using Wi-Fi

system we will expand the communication distance and transmit
and receive message at the specific distance At the transmitter, we
connected the accelerometer to the Arduino which sense the
motion of the patient, also there is the heart beat sensor and blood
pressure sensor which measure the heart beat and blood pressure
of patient. The temperature sensor is used to detect the body
temperature of a patient. Each patient will have such a device
The receiver side includes the RF receiver which receives the installed on or around his body and allsuch patients willbe
messages and sends to the controller. the message is to be centrally linked to the receiver at the nurse side. Along with this a
displayed on the LCD. For this the LCD is interfaced to the real time medicine reminder and an emergency buzzer to simplify
controller. Another function of the controller is to access the real the work of the nurse was implemented. Oursystem provides a
time and set alarms for patients with the medicine name. This reliable, effective and simple yet important solution to various
can be done in two ways: one way is to use a real time module issues faced by nurses in traditionally communicating with
and the second way is to do it using programming. disabledpatients .

1. Shreedeep Gangopadhyay; Somsubhra Mukherjee; Soumya

Chatterjee, Intelligent gesture controlled wireless wheelchair
for the physically handicapped, Proceedings of Fifth IRAJ
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3. Ronald Arroyo, B .E .E .E. Clinical Engineer, control and
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Research Service Veterans Administration Prosthetics Centre 252
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5. YVONNE MAY NOLAN B.E., control and communication
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6. D. Vishnu Vardhan1 , P. Penchala Prasad, Hand Gesture
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume
3 Issue 8, August 2014


ATMEGA 328 Data Sheets.


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