W 4320410 001 Certificate 20nov2019
W 4320410 001 Certificate 20nov2019
W 4320410 001 Certificate 20nov2019
The following drivers must pay the first amount shown if a claim is made under the following sections of the policy document:
Drivers Name Section 3 (Accidental Damage) Section 2 (Fire and Theft)
Mr Antonio Melicio £600 £600
2. Insured
Mr Antonio Melicio
Provided that the person driving holds a licence to drive the vehicle or has held and is not disqualified from holding or
obtaining such a licence.
6. Limitations as to use
Use for Social Domestic and Pleasure Purposes excluding use for journeys between home and permanent place of work,
hiring, the letting on hire, the carriage of passengers or goods for hire or reward, racing, pacemaking, use on any track,
test circuit or off road activity, use in any contest, reliability or speed trial, or use in connection with the Motor Trade.
I hereby certify that the policy to which this certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the relevant law applicable in Great
Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney.
For and on behalf of
Authorised Insurers
Michael Crane
LV Brentwood,
PO Box 9104,
Frizzell House,
County Gates,
Bournemouth, BH1 9DB
For full details of the insurance cover reference should be made to the policy
Nothing contained in this certificate affects your right as a Third Party to make a claim
Highway is a registered trade mark and Highway and Highway Insurance are trading styles of the Liverpool Victoria Group of Companies. LV= and Liverpool Victoria are registered trade marks
of Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited and LV= and LV= Liverpool Victoria are trading styles of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. Highway Insurance Company Limited,
registered in England and Wales number 3730662 is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
Authority, register number 202972. Registered address for both companies: County Gates, Bournemouth BH1 2NF. Tel: 01202 292333.
Highway 9637-2016 www.highway-insurance.co.uk
Policy Underwritten by :
Be Wiser Insurance Services Limited Highway Insurance Company Limited
Barrett House, Savoy Close Standard Commercial Vehicle
Andover, Hants Ref : W / 4320410 / 1
SP10 2HZ Policy No : 1036027220535656
Tel: 0333 2340243 Op : X1 | 9509 | 1090 | HW | AD
Claim Line: 0800 2982820 GHIGHW.CRX | 8.22 | 20th. November, 2019 @ 11:08
c Copyright 2019 Cheshire Datasystems Limited
The wording below is in place of an international Motor Insurance Card (Green Card) and only provides cover to the minimum extent
required by the law of these countries.
This insurance applies in respect of accidents or losses occurring in all member countries of the European Union, Andorra, Iceland, Norway,
Serbia and Switzerland.
Cette assurance s'applique à l'égard des accidents ou des pertes qui se produisent dans tous les pays membres de l 'Union européenne,
Andorre, Islande, Norvège, Serbie et Suisse.
Diese Versicherung gilt für Unfälle oder Verluste, die in allen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, Andorra, Island, Norwegen, Serbien
und Schweiz.
Este seguro se aplica con respecto a los accidentes o pérdidas ocurridas en todos los países miembros de la Unión Europea, Andorra,
Islandia, Noruega, Serbia y Suiza.
L'assicurazione vale per gli infortuni o le perdite che si verificano in tutti i paesi membri dell'Unione Europea, Andorra, Islanda, Norvegia,
Svizzera e Serbia.