2021 ACEX30 Tomas Mertala - Jenny Strålman
2021 ACEX30 Tomas Mertala - Jenny Strålman
2021 ACEX30 Tomas Mertala - Jenny Strålman
Examensarbete ACEX30
Institutionen för Arkitektur och Samhällsbyggnadsteknik
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, 2021
Construction Digital Twin
From Early Design to Project Delivery
Master’s thesis in Design and Construction Project Management
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Division of Construction Management
Chalmers University of Technology
The construction industry is currently facing the change of digitalization. The
fragmented nature of construction projects is challenging the collaboration and
innovation needed for the industry and society to benefit from the digitalization. The
purpose of this research is to investigate the digital twin technology as a tool to integrate
the different phases and actors of the construction industry, from early design to the
project delivery. The current literature describes the digital twin as a concept that can
lead towards a smarter construction, a smarter built environment and the dream of a
smart planet. The digital twin has already increased the quality among products in the
manufacturing industry and interconnected the factory and production with the external
world. A mixed method approach was conducted to investigate digital twin initiatives
broadly in the built environment and more in dept in the construction industry. The
result showed that digital twin technology is on the agenda on a global scale, with
innovation efforts being shared and coordinated. On a more local scale, cities and real
estate owners talk about digital twins while design and construction are starting to
digitalize their practices and collaboration between actors. The digitalization and
sustainability are expected to revolutionize the industry and the digital twin has to be
initiated at the same time as the idea of a new construction project is born. When the
digital twin becomes nurtured of information in the early design as well as the design
and construction phase the digital twin can survive the project delivery and, in that way,
increase the quality of assets being delivered and increase the sustainability condition
for society and the built environment.
Key words: Built environment, construction industry, digital twin, project delivery
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose and aim 2
1.3 Research questions 2
1.4 Scope and delimitations 2
2.1 Role of technology 3
2.1.1 Technology progress 3
2.1.2 Innovation framework 4
2.2 Digital twin 5
2.2.1 Conceptual origin 5
2.2.2 Theoretical development 6
2.2.3 Definitions 7
2.2.4 Connected concept 8
2.2.5 Smart manufacturing 8
2.2.6 Industry 4.0 9
2.2.7 Application fields 10
2.3 Construction 11
2.3.1 Building information modelling 12
2.3.2 Digital tools 13
2.3.3 Smart construction site 14
2.3.4 Project delivery 15
2.4 Built environment 16
2.4.1 Buildings 16
2.4.2 Cities 17
3.1 Research strategy 18
3.2 Literature review 18
3.3 Data collection 19
3.3.1 Documents 19
3.3.2 Observations 19
3.3.3 Interviews 19
The subject is still in its infancy and it has been inspiring to partially base this paper on
contemporary research, with several new papers discussing the digital twin concept
emerging every day. It feels like a hot topic for the future of the construction industry,
and hopefully we can use the insights we gained during this paper and further develop
them withing the business. This thesis is written for all practitioners in the industry that
would like to know more about this, so far, mysterious topic. With any luck, this thesis
can prove to be a base for future master thesis students interested in the digital twin
Finally, we would like to thank our families for supporting us when writing this thesis.
We would also acknowledge the positive reaction from actors within the industry when
contacted by us students, generously giving time for interviews and for sharing
1.1 Background
The construction industry face multiple challenges, such as the need for better
sustainability and for higher efficiency and productivity. Information technology and
digitalization has for the last decades been the main developing factor for most
industries. It is a part of the latest industrial revolution, building on technological
advancements in scope as large as the mechanisation, electrification, and automation
revolutionary steps before it (Xu, Xu, & Li, 2018). The construction industry is
characterised by fragmented and multidisciplinary project-based production and has
been slow in adopting innovations within process and technology. The industry as a
whole has not yet embraced new digital technologies that need up-front investment,
even if the long-term benefits are significant (McKinsey, 2017).
Digital twin is a technology already largely adopted in the manufacturing industry for
mathematical modelling, simulation, and optimization and is seen as a part of Industry
4.0 (Lim et al, 2021). In smart manufacturing it works as a facilitator for sharing
information between internal and external stakeholders (Negri et al 2017), as well as
connecting components, machines and systems inside the factory (Tchana et al, 2019).
The concept has gained popularity in urban planning across the globe. Cities as well as
national digital twins are expected to revolutionize the built environment, analyse real-
time data, and try out complex systems before being built (Ketzler, 2020).
- To describe the current state of digital twins in the built environment and
explore the possibility of a digital twin at project delivery.
The shift or extension towards a digital twin paradigm might be motivated or put in
relation to both socio-ecological and economical sustainability. The innovation efforts
and knowledge drivers coevolve and coexist on different micro-macro levels, but the
innovation capacity and competitiveness might vary between regions. Moreover, the
technological paradigm can be a great analytic tool for aspects of innovations. These
theories on technology in organizations (Orlikowski & Scott, 2008), in social studies
(Gunderson, 2016), project management (Pollack, 2007), innovation process (Peine,
2008; Cantwell & Hayashi, 2019), innovation framework (Carayannis et al, 2019) and
regional competitive (Harmaakorpi, 2003) forms the foundation of the theoretical
framework for this thesis. The concepts and theories presented in academic literature
related to digital twins are discussed based on this theoretical foundation and results are
analysed within this framework. This chapter starts with presenting concepts, theories
and discussing academic literature of digital twin in general, followed by the context of
the construction industry, and lastly in relation to the built environment.
Information Real
Core Space Virtual
Information Flow
Figure 3 PLM model (Grieves, 2005) Figure 2 Mirror space model (Grieves, 2005)
In 2015 and 2016 the number of publication and application fields increased and goes
beyond the aerospace application to industry engineering and manufacturing (Negri et
al, 2020). However, most publications where still conference papers. From 2016 the
research interest has grown exponentially (Tao et al, 2020, Ketzler et al, 2020; Sjarov
et al, 2020). The literature on digital twin were reviewed in the context of product life
cycle management and manufacturing, 2016 and in the context of maintenance
applications 2019. Reviews distinguishing application as identify dimensions of
applications has also been done recently (Sjarov et al, 2020). Lim et al (2021) reviews
the benefit of digital twin considering both an engineering product life cycle
management and business innovation perspective, with a technical aspect as
foundation. Identifying research areas are of greater importance due to the continuous
evolution and vast expansion in application potential. Future aspects of digital twin
development are, among other, the end-of-life stage of engineering PLM to create a
continuous product lifecycle within smart manufacturing, expand the digital twin other
industries, such as healthcare and construction, and technology aspects such as
simulation improvements, VR and Cloud/Edge computing integration (Lim et al, 2020).
Not providing an explicit definition can add blur to the emerging digital twin paradigm
(Sjarov et al, 2020). Some literature might implicitly, via functional aspects, define the
digital twin, or assume characteristics and functions and capabilities. Moreover, the
digital twin might even be used only as a catchphrase (Sjarov et al, 2020) and
understood as simply a buzzword (Ketzler et al, 2020). This might make it more
difficult to understand the contextualization of the digital twin and might aggravate
future forming of accurate definitions and theory building (Sjarov et al, 2020). The most
frequently used definition is adapted from the aerospace field (Ketzler et al, 2020) in
the end of the digital twin theoretical forming stage, influencing the incubation stage
and increase of research interest and application fields. Glaessgen & Stragel (2012)
defined the digital twin as ´an integrated multi-physics, multiscale, probabilistic
simulation of an as-built vehicle or system that uses the best available physical models,
sensor updates, fleet history, etc., to mirror the life of its corresponding flying twin’.
Glaessgen & Stragel (2012) suggested the digital twin paradigm as a long-term vision
to increase the safety and reliability for both aerospace and space vehicles.
Digital Twin:
Figure 6 Layers of digital twins within the factory (Hellmuth et al, 2020).
Figure 7 Industry revolutions: from Industry 1.0 to Industry 5.0 (Nahavandi, 2019)
According to Badenko et al (2021) is BIM and the digital twin developed in parallel to
each other in the fields of machine engineering and construction. The BIM technology
development might be behind due to the uniqueness of each construction project, and
BIM technology has hitherto focused on solving problems related to construction and
operation rather that integrating technology equipment (Badenko et al, 2021).
Moreover, (Tchana et al, 2019; Xu et al, 2014) criticize and highlight the issue of not
extracting, integrating or extending the building information and models between the
different design, construction and operation phases of the building lifecycle. (Tchana
et al, 2019) suggest that the same information model survive through all phase or at the
different models communicate with a comprehensive digital twin. On the same theme
as reshaping the construction process along with the value chain, integrated digital
delivery (Hwang et al, 2020; Liu et al, 2020) and integrated project delivery (Ma et al,
2018) digitalize the supply chain, design, construction and asset delivery to increase the
collaboration and integration for more sustainable building management. Similarly,
Tetik et al (2019) suggest a technology-based operation management and digital
construction in order to integrate the fragmented and loosed coupled actors of
construction projects. Badenko et al (2021) compares BIM level 1 with a digital model,
level 2 with a digital shadow and level 3 with a digital twin. BIM level 1 and 2 is often
used for lifecycle analysis, although level 3 contains the significant information
(Kaewunruen et al, 2020). Sustainability audits can thus be advanced by digital twins.
The BIM model works as a facilitator of data, storing detailed information regarding de
thousands of materials and objects used in a project, and can often be several GB large.
(Tchana, 2019; Pan & Zhang 2021). The amount of information, and thus data
available, in a model increase as the model goes from design phase to the as-built
model; when there is a larger number of components in the model with detailed
information connected to them. Boje et al (2020) describes the evolution of BIM, from
the strictly object bound 3D model to incorporating both time and cost estimation, thus
creating the 4D- and 5D BIM. This fifth dimension Boje et al (2020) describes being
accepted in the literature and industry, even though this could be derived from the space
time continuum. When literature and industry have discussed 5D and higher numbers
of BIM dimensions, nD BIM, Boje et al (2020) argues that the D has stopped denoting
dimensions and instead taken on the meaning domains. Further they argue that there is
little consensus on how to categorise these higher dimensions, but that combining the
research made into different nD BIM’s respectively, is the prerequisite for BIM to
transcend into a construction digital twin.
The IFC standard often used in BIM projects was created to transfer information from
one model to another, and not to be used dynamically and modified continually (Boje
et al, 2020). By using software tools to extract semantic data, industry and literature try
to find ways to shape the static IFC file into a more malleable version to meet the need
for rapid data acquisition and new management models (Pan & Zhang 2021; Boje et al
2020; Tchana et al 2019). A problem is the large range of software tools created for this
purpose and the lack of a system collecting the heterogenous data, a gap the digital twin
paradigm can fill (Boje et al 2020). As described earlier, Lim et al (2021) defines the
digital twin as a “high-fidelity virtual replica of the physical asset with real-time two-
way communication for simulation purposes and decision-aiding features for product
service enhancement”. With digital context and near real-time connection to the
physical world, the digital twin is a reflection of the physical asset at any given time
(Boje et al, 2020). The digital twin paradigm calls for the digital representation to have
a higher level of detail and be scalable. Interconnecting ranges from component level
representation, to potentially nation or global-wide digital twins.
IoT or Internet of Things, is the description of objects, or things, that has sensors,
software, and other technologies that enables them to connect to the internet and share
data. These objects can be everything from the fridge to the smart watch to the plumbing
and lighting fixtures in the built environment. In construction there likewise is a range
of devices that can be used. From monitoring and measuring the humidity and
temperature of hardening concrete to identify workers, components, tools, and
machines at the site.
Blockchain is a list, or block, of recorded data coupled with a timestamp showing when
and by whom the data was created. By incorporating cryptographic data created in the
block earlier and uploading the updated list to a decentralised network of servers the
new data is validated and altercations in previous data is nearly impossible (Elgaish et
al, 2020). Blockchains ability to trace and prove authentication is used in a variety of
ways, including but not limited to cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and supply chain
management (Nielsen et al (2020).
Safety issues and workplace hazards can by the use of a digital model be addressed in
advanced and mitigated (Nnaji & Karakhan, 2020; Boje et al, 2021). Mixed-reality
simulation help construction workers and machine operators identify risk regarding
construction phases and machine operations in advance. Training on less frequent parts
of the construction, like the erection and dismantling of a tower crane, can be done in a
VR environment reducing hazards during training to almost zero. Fall hazards can be
identified using the BIM model connected to a hazard finding algorithm making
construction work safer (S. Zhang et al, 2015). A drawback S. Zhang et al found was
that the safety plan made by the algorithm must be updated often and that not all
construction parts were modelled correctly, showing gaps between actual construction
practices and that made by the model. Boje et al (2020) suggest applying the digital
twin paradigm for similar problems, utilising connected sensors for real-time
monitoring of the site and the whereabouts of workers to identified and mitigate
hazardous situations before they happen.
Traditionally material supply is often excluded from supply chain management since
the work is carried out by a variety of small and medium subcontractors engaged in
fixed price contracts (Grief et al, 2020). Greif et al (2020) creates a lightweight digital
twin for these non-high-tech industries. In their case study for a bulk material supplier,
they work with sensors for tracking time, volume, and usage of the silos etc., and
combining the data generated with information on limits for vehicles hauling them and
scheduled rotations of the silos. The digital twin uses AI and other algorithms to process
this information, together with historical and present known data and suggests best
routes for action and calculates the dividends for each customer. The operators can thus
either accept the suggested plan of action provided or alter them. At any given time, the
company knows where their equipment is and total fill levels, enhancing predictability
and provides cost saving.
Kifokeris and Koch (2020) find that integrating smooth and transparent information,
material, and economic flows within supply chains is a vital part to enhance logistics
and ensure a successful result in construction projects. They continue that the need for
When handing over of a project after the construction phase, several studies show that
there is a high risk for information to get lost between the different stages. Xu et al,
(2014) provides a schedule for how information should be connected between these
different models with the end model being the operation-BIM, O-BIM, carrying
information needed. Tchana et al (2019) agrees with the need for different models to
talk with each other, but the models used, they argue, should be connected to a digital
twin to safeguard traceability of decisions and model history. This to avoid information
being rewritten and lost.
According to Love & Matthews (2019) does the real value and benefit of digital twin
technologies becomes realized when it is used from engineering till asset management.
Love & Matthews (2019) describes how, and not just why digital technologies should
be adapted by asset owners and organizations to generate value and expected benefits.
Asset owners can require a digital twin at handover for real-time operation and
maintenance processes, as well as having the asset delivered more effectively and
efficiently. A need and demand driven adoption of digital technologies are better than
being confronted or pressured to adopt latest technology. Benefits grounded in practice,
and lifecycle implementation enhance the automation, extension and transformation
changes of digital technology implementation.
2.4.1 Buildings
Similarly, to Deng et al (2021), Lu et al (2020b) and Lu et al (2020c) describes an
advancement from BIM towards digital twin in asset management, operation and
maintenance. BIM enabled asset management lacks in technology aspects in terms of
interoperability and integration, in information aspects such as level of detail, LOD,
organizational aspects in terms of learning and workflow integration, and lacks in
standards related issues such as aligning different standards in process, technology,
different life cycle stages and disciplines (Lu et al 2020c). The digital twin technology
is information richer and has greater analytic capability compared to BIM (Lu et al
2020c) and must include requirements of intelligence, integration, efficiency,
interoperability. The smart asset management represent the building and infrastructure
level of a digital twin during the operation and maintenance phase of the building
lifecycle. Moreover, design, construction and the retrofitting, refurbishment phase of
the building lifecycle as well as a city-, organizational and asset level of digital twins
also exists (Lu et al 2020c). The same authors present a digital twin framework, scalable
form system level to building level and community level in a case study of a university
campus. The framework includes a data acquisition layer, a transmission later, a digital
model layer, as well as a data and model integration layer. The Digital twin for a
building and infrastructure can be seen as sub digital twin of the higher city and
community level. This connection could further understand social and economic
2.4.2 Cities
Yang et al (2020) do not mentions digital twin but suggest a IoT oriented intelligent
building management system for building and building portfolios. Intelligent buildings
are expected to be highly efficient, save energy and provide smart services for a more
sustainable city and energy management development in a value added IoT ecosystem
chain. Similarly, Woodhead et al (2018) suggest the digital twin as the core of an IoT
network created ecosystem that continuous to function when construction project
traditionally is completed. Moreover, Yang et al (2020) recommend governments to
focus on eliminate regulation bottlenecks and provide policies, user privacy and
security so that the industry and society can increase investment motivation and develop
relevant technologies. The digital twin for cities is scalable from building, district to
city level and should add value for citizens and clients (Ketzler et al, 2020). Fan et al
(2019) suggest a city digital twin by integrating artificial intelligence with human
intelligence to enhance management processes. Urban buildings of digital twins for
smart cities will interact with other urban systems, such as transportation, climate and
energy grids to achieve energy efficiency, sustainability and optimize performance.
3.3.1 Documents
The documentary data were collected from written texts, digital communication and
visual sources. The written texts were reports from companies as well as industry and
research collaborations. The digital communication were webpages, and the visual
sources were pictures and videos from the same type of sources. The search for
document has also been trough purposive sampling, early on in the research.
3.3.2 Observations
The observations were performed at a summit for an international organization with the
construction industry. The organization in question specialize in digital transformation
by enabling collaboration, digital workflow and standards. The organization offers a
community, network and sharing information between practitioners in the construction
industry and have national membership organizations sharing the same goal as the
international organization. The observations intended to provide data regarding the
coordination of collective efforts and engagement. The observations included both
presentation and panel discussions from members as well as the even coordination.
3.3.3 Interviews
The interviews were performed in order to collect data in terms of words, opinions and
experience regarding the complexed environment of design, construction and operation
of construction projects. The interviews were semi-structured one-to-one interviews,
allowing each interview to develop differently rather than keeping each interview the
same. Each interview where web-based with real-time and visual contact. Field notes
were made during the interviews and each interview where recorded. The participants
are listed in table 2 below.
Interviewees Code
Real estate company (public) RE1
Real estate company (private) RE2
Construction Project Manager (Consultant) CM
Research institute and innovation partner (public) RI
The digital twin has been compared to a crystal bowl, to see what’s going to happen
before making business-critical decisions (Digital Twin Consortium, 2021). It enhances
operational efficiency and interoperability within product lifecycles. Leading edge
venders, consumers, researchers and government can all participate and achieve more
together, by sharing use cases and help developing opensource code. By collaboration
companies can accelerate beyond market confusion and generate value through new
complex project. The digital twin initiatives within the built environment and
construction industry sector are listed in table 1 below.
Table 3 Selection of digital twin initiatives for in the built environment and construction industry
The imperfections of the real estate and construction industry needs to be discussed as
well. In order to move forward with the digital twin, the concept needs to be embraced
and the digital twin approach needs to be adopted in all new projects (Atkin, 2019). The
journey of creating and maintaining the digital twin needs to be respected. By focusing
on the purpose of each lifecycle stage and understand the benefits of each milestone,
value is expected to increase along the way. The digital twin expands as it incorporates
each new simulation and use case and slowly building up a complete view of the entire
building across its lifecycle (Deloitte, 2019). Entirely new ways of designing buildings
will start to emerge and adding humans to the information loop between a building and
its digital twin, is crucial for optimising the occupational experience of the building and
not just optimize the physical infrastructure (Deloitte, 2019). Siemens in collaboration
with Tum Institute for advanced study (2019) expressing a vision of reaching intelligent
self-adapting buildings. When it comes to the Swedish context, construction 4.0 is
compared to build ship on land (Smart built environment, 2017). Collaboration,
sharing, learning from other industries and a common digital platform for information
throughout the building lifecycle are identified solutions, but the digital twin is not
Looking closer to the more local or regional digital twin initiatives, presented in table
1, it is possible to find inspiring examples and demonstrated values form different
lifecycle stages. At city level, both large cities and semi-large cities demonstrate digital
twin applications with different purposes. Karlskrona (2021) is developing a digital
twin and city information mode, CIM by integrating BIM, GIS, Digital platform, 3D-
model and photogrammetry in order to facilitate urban planning and procurement
procedures. Örebro stad (2021) also have a digital twin for building permits and urban
planning, but with a slightly more focus on building utilization. Akademiska Hus
(2021) are scanning all their facilities in collaboration with Zynka BIM and have their
most digitalized campus in Örebro.
A way forward to find issues associated with above problems, and with today’s
legislation can be working with creating digital twin development plans. Researchers
can find conflicts between demands on data for a city digital twin framework and
bottlenecks in data accumulation associated with ownership and standards. A digital
twin-based development plan can in itself be a very effective democracy tool since
citizens can access suggestions and decisions on city development easily and
intuitively, and the consequences and benefits of the same. At the same time a digital
twin-based development plan means that models instead of drawings can be a way of
delivering the required information a municipality needs to collect.
“It not just about the modelling, it’s also about the processes and how we can utilize
the data. That’s where I think the digital twin create value.” – RE1
4.2.1 Sustainability
The Norwegian construction industry has set up a roadmap and a vision of a sustainable,
competitive and a completely digital construction. In 2025 the goal is to reach 25%
lower cost, 50% faster project completion and 50% lower climate impact. To reach the
vison and goals, only two vehicles are considered to be needed. The first one is digital
construction sites, and the second vehicle is the digital twin (Byggenæringens
Landsforening, 2017). The construction industry is a large contributor to the climate
impact today, but also bear great potential to help society in facing many sustainability
challenges. Thus, digitalization of the construction industry will play an important role
for sustainability. However, we need to work together and in a bigger perspective, there
is a big leap from simple technology solutions form single elements and lifting the
entire industry. In order to create value from digitalization, the data need to be
structured and accessible for anyone who need it. The Digital twin is the comprehensive
tool for this structure and accessibility to enable the collaboration needed.
The biggest challenge in digitalization today is the rework between actors in the value
chain e.g., an engineer creating a model which the contractor needs to change, or rather
rebuilt, when pricing in order to price it accurately. We create and rebuild data to many
times instead of having a consistent core where information is being added and has the
same remaining structure. In other information is needed that what being provided in
the model it is often easier to create a new model. We are trying to change this by
checking digital maturity and align the different actors and disciplines.
4.2.4 Construction
We did have a project, completed 2019, with efforts to completely digitalize many of
the processes. However, I believe that many projects in different cities are starting to
get there as well as seeing paperless construction sites, using lots of virtual design and
construction. We also tried gaming simulation for staff training and instructions and
using a digital twin of the construction site in question provided a much better value
and result. It would also be of great benefit to not to cut the information flow of
decision-making processes within design, engineering and construction. This
information does not often exist, and we don’t have the practices or processes today to
connect this info. For sustainability is this getting increasingly important, it would
shorten the decision-making process in recuse, and increase the flexibility when
adjusting the building. To be able to take care of the building in a different way. Much
of the city-data is open today, and more data will be available in the future. It is
imaginable that transportation, traffic etc could communicate with a construction site.
BIM and GIS are, as proved, able to connect and integrate. Much of the energy data
could possibly be shared between the city and the building, as well as the construction
sites could possibly be used as energy producers. With technology such as smart grid
and local grid solutions, the construction site could be connected checked and regulated
after usage and need. When it comes to model-based as-built drawings, automated
digitalized inspection and verifications, we talk a lot about not asking for blueprint and
to require an as-built model.
“A digital twin that are alive when the construction project is being delivered
is very important. It is very rare to get complete reliable documentation at project
delivery practices today” – RE1
“The client said [about working model based]: ‘If you can do this in such a large
project, we should be able to do it with an ordinary house.’” – C1
Early on stakeholders involved in the project had to be convinced of the new working
methods. Even if the responsible manager for the client wanted to work digitally the
deviation from standard practices was met with a certain degree of hesitation. The
subcontracted consultants were even more hesitant and it took several meetings before
they complied with the intentions of the project. One subcontracted consultant was so
against the idea of paperless construction that their contract was as a subsequence
canceled. Experiences C1 had from the infrastructure project showed the importance of
an intuitive and easy to handle model viewer for workers on site. The built-in viewer in
the BIM software wasn’t user friendly enough, and the external viewer in the large
infrastructure project had the same problem. This could have been a reason for the, by
C1 perceived, low usage of the model in that project. A small software developer with
a model viewer already used in practice was contracted, agile enough to adapt their
viewer to specifications made by the project managers yet technically mature enough
to have working solutions.
“The extra cost for the innovative way of constructing had to be kept within budget.
No money was given to compensate this by the client” – C1
The focus on buildability was coupled with a strife to simplify the request for tender
send out to the different subcontractors. The request was coupled with software needed
At the start of the project the real estate company had no demands for the delivering of
a digital model, and few demands on ensuring handover documents were compatible
with any FM software interphase. The real estate company joined a consortium to create
a digital platform for FM management during the design and construction phase. This
initiative was however not coupled to the model used in the project, thus the ability to
connect the different platforms isn’t streamlined or automatic.
“The technology to connect the different parts already exists, it’s just the matter of
thinking of it when designing.” – C1
4.3.4 Construction
To work entirely without printed drawings was met with scepsis by the workers on site.
An introduction to the BIM viewer was given to all workers on site upon arrival and
issues with the software raised by the workers during the construction could be
forwarded to the developer. Initially the handheld devices given to the different workers
were complemented with large screens on site that could be used. After a while those
were taken away since workers rarely used them. Wi-Fi was set up around the site
ensuring good connection to the cloud, and references were measured in and marked in
The ability to take quantities from the model had a huge impact on logistics. The exact
amount of material for each room could be calculated and adapted in length and width,
and delivered to site when needed. The construction site utilised a logistics centre and
a logistics coordinator for all its transports. Material came to the warehouse, got
repacked and labelled, and transported to site. All packaging often filling the waste
containers on the building site was sorted at the logistics centre, and the number of
transports to the building site could be diminished, also this by 80 % compared
benchmarked with another project.
“This was a very clean construction site thanks to the logistics solution.” – RE2
Including all of the construction workers into the viewer gave a large plus. Instead of
having a few people looking at every drawing, the project literally had hundreds of eyes
examine the model. Several recommendations from the workers regarding functions in
the viewer were given, meaning the viewer got better and better during the construction
phase, and stored more information.
The company where RE2 works are still working with digitalizing their portfolio and
are still working on defining levels of digital delivery needed. Only 1-2 % is newly built
today so a focus on the last 98-99 % very important. There is no pull in digitalisation
from the municipalities, quite the opposite, since and all documents and drawings
delivered to the municipality still needs to be in 2D. The municipality where the
building is situated likewise doesn’t demand any connectivity to their digital systems.
Contracts written with their customers are also done in 2D, with associated floor plans
regulating the rented space printed out from the model. In the future these documents
will be digital but they haven’t got there yet. The house generates lots of data but this
is today not shared with the tenants. This is partly because the real estate company
doesn’t have a digital way to share this with their customers, and partly due to the
tenants not requesting it. The matter of GDPR is also of note. What information are
they allowed to store, and to whom can it be distributed?
The digital twin is a digital representation of a physical object. Within the built
environment and the architecture, engineering, construction, operation and facility
management (AECO/FM) sector, these physical objects would be buildings,
infrastructures, industries as well as the combined intersection of these object such as
cities, regions, countries or the entire planet. In order for a digital representation to be
categorized as a twin it has to follow the building throughout its lifecycle. The twins do
not have to be identical on every aspect but synchronized in a way so that the
construction and life span of the building as well as the built environment can become
sustainable. The digital twin needs to be both adaptive and intelligent in order to
integrate all actors and stakeholder, and provide the operational, tactical and strategical
value needed for the construction industry and society to become sustainable.
The digital twin differs from other virtual representation in the accuracy and amount of
the data. A virtual model only implies that it is a model of a building and that it is not
a physical representation. However, the digital representation has to have digits and
data that exist in the physical world. Moreover, the digital twin differs from both a
digital model and shadow in the automatic transference of data. A digital includes no
automatic data flow between the physical and digital building and would manually be
updated in order synchronized with each other. However, models might serve their
purpose without having to be updated e.g., a traditional BIM model in the design phase.
The digital shadow is better understood as a digital model that is being updated but with
a slightly delay in time, lack of automated data flow.
The digital construction use case do talk in terms of building information modelling
while, the asset management put BIM in the bigger, interoperability perspective of
digital twins. The document review in terms of websites presented a clear distinction
the capabilities of BIM and digital twins. The literature provided a less unified
understanding of the different concepts. Both literature in construction and the built
environment expressed change of direction towards digital twin away from BIM.
However, this change of direction does not imply the end of BIM hence all of the
literature and industry agrees that BIM would be the core and 3D model of the digital
twins. Digital twins and BIM integration is mentioned both in the literature for the
manufacturing industry and the construction industry, which shows as mutual
willingness to integrate and collaborate. As the digital twin and building information
management developed in parallel in mechanical engineering and the construction
industry, the digital twin tends to be more advanced that BIM. This might be due to the
inherent challenge of the construction process comparted to the manufacturing process,
or the industry imperfections mentioned by Granlund group (2020). However, BIM as
well as the digital twin can be understood as a technology, concept or a paradigm of a
cluster of innovations, shared mindset and operation methods. Since the shared mindset
is harder to coordinate within a technological paradigm a paradigm shift or extension
might help a more radical development and perspective of sustainability. Sine BIM is
largely related to productivity within design and construction the digital twin paradigm
could enhance the integration of operation and lifecycle consideration. Moreover, BIM
is specific to the construction industry, hence a digital twin paradigm could increase the
interoperability with external stakeholders, supply chain and components from other
industries and sectors.
All the triangulation findings from the document review, interviews and observations
show the importance of constantly innovation, development and learning. The move
from pilot project and gradually changing the operation and business processes, into
more transparently sharing improvements across organizational and industry boarders
is not only good for sustainability development but also generates more value for the
organization who is sharing their success and innovations. Sharing standards,
developing software application and sharing with other users, or sharing project in use
case database could contributes to a more widespread and uniform development. This
fits the context of interconnection, interoperability and digitalization that is the theme
of digital twins. Being able to collaborate and communicate across the globe enables
the sharing of ideas, perspectives and innovations. However, all the praise, awards,
buzzwords, catchphrases and marketing sometimes make it hard to keep up with the
state of the art within the industry, when suddenly everyone have a digital twin and are
at the leading edge. The truly interesting cases are the ones beyond the state of the art,
and to know when to know when a new project runs past it. Perhaps the closer
collaboration between the academia and the industry is an answer to this. As expressed
by one of the studied use cases, the need of documenting all new practices and new
technology utilization is killing the engagement and efforts to keep pushing the
innovation forward. With a digital twin ecosystem or the documentation and actual
progress might not have to separate work practices. With digitalization and automation,
the progresses and change of work process could be automatically shared with all
stakeholders and also eliminate the duplication and errors of manual documentation. It
would be easy to know when old practices and technologies are outdated, and value
could be provided within the organization even before the digital twin ecosystem grow
in population. When it comes to the technology development, change of mindset and
practices it might be true that all the technology development triggers the change of
practices. And that the digitalization and sustainability perspective will be change
people’s minds and trigger the development of the digital twin and digital construction
that are fast enough but also consider unwanted consequences and challenges with to
fast innovation.
As the design moves forward and it is time to start building, BIM or digital twins today
is starting to integrate the operation technology with the information in the construction
phase. Moreover, blockchain is similarly to the digital thread of the digital twin and
have the capacity to trace engineering decision. Hence, a digital twin should not only
integrate the operation technology, OT, and the information technology, IT, but also
include the engineering technology, ET. The document review show evidence of adding
blockchain and engineering technology into the equation of digital twins. However, for
the use cases in the interview studies, they are still working with the information
integration, and starts integrating operation technologies. Integrating the engineering
technology of information is still a dream, it is possible to see the advantages, but it is
not yet on the horizon. Instead logging the different decision and store that information
in a database and look for in manually is the closest practice to be found in practice.
When it comes to the operation phase, the value of collaboration and interconnection
of digital twins is well acknowledged, but the work forward is a slowly progressing in
the very long distance to travel. The digital twin can be the tool to improve the
renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction and demolition of buildings. Due to the
interconnection other building digital twins and complete information of components
and how they have been operated and manages, components and elements can more
easily to other buildings or purposes within society and the built environment.
Especially if factories and the construction include the production process in the digital
twin of the product they are constructing.
The collaborative delivery approaches of today such as, integrated project delivery,
IPD, integrated digital delivery, IDD, and virtual design and construction, VDC has
come a long way with changing the way project are being delivery and collaboration
between actors. By digitalizing design, construction, supply chain, asset delivery and
management the different phases can more easily be integrated and together work
towards delivering the best product possible. By shifting focus from transferring work
and payment between the different actors and instead focus on transforming each
actor’s contribution towards the building being delivered, all actors and stakeholders
would benefit more equally and fairy. By using the digital twin there would be a less
need for collaboration contracts, and the high load of planning prior to the contract.
Moreover, the blockchain and digital tread, enables the automation of payments so they
can still be based on the work that has been exchange and not have to be split at the
project delivery. As mentioned in the result, these collaborations show the change of
mindsets that are currently occurring in the construction industry. The integration with
supply chain and sub-contractors is slowly taken place but will be further enabled by
the IT, OT and ET integration of digital twins.
Moreover, the construction site can communicate with the city digital twin at both city,
block and building level. This could digitalize and further enhance changes in the work
environment plan for the construction site. It could also integrate the redirection of
traffic as well as transportation to and logistics of the construction site. It could enhance
the control of energy consumption or even allow the construction site to become an
energy producer.
As the BIM model today often survive from the design stage to the construction stage,
more detailed BIM model in design can be used for operating the construction
processes. Similarly, the model can survive the project delivery and enhance the
operation and maintenance of building utilization. Today the information from BIM
model is neither extracted, extended or integrated at the transaction from construction
to operation phase, but rather copied manually. However, the benefits today with an as
built model at project delivery is the more accurate and larger amount of information
to transfer over to operation stage. Integration the information between operation,
construction and design is considered being crucial for the sustainability and building
lifecycle management.
Digital Twin
Digital Twin
Early Design & Project
Design Construction Delivery
Figure 12 Digital twin interoperability trough design and construction project management
The construction digital twin should not only survive thought early design to project
delivery. The ecosystem of digital twins allows the digital twin for the building to
communicate with the city digital twin in early design, construction and during
operation. In the early stage the digital twin for the building is interconnected with the
city digital twin in aspects of urban planning and procurement procedures. In the
construction phase can the site logistics such as, transportation and work environment
plans can be integrated and with the scalable city digital twin. The construction site
would then be more similar to the smart manufactories. Moreover, the building digital
twin can communicate to the city digital twin in terms of energy consumption and
predictive heath management. The digital is more than a cluster of new emerging
technologies, it its way of preforming organizational practices and new mindset. The
mindset of working together for a sustainable planet and future.