2 Frostetal2019
2 Frostetal2019
2 Frostetal2019
Morten H. Christiansen
Cornell University; Aarhus University; and Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut
High frequency words have been suggested to benefit both speech segmentation and grammatical categori-
zation of the words around them. Despite utilizing similar information, these tasks are usually investigated
separately in studies examining learning. We determined whether including high frequency words in contin-
uous speech could support categorization when words are being segmented for the first time. We familiarized
learners with continuous artificial speech comprising repetitions of target words, which were preceded by
high-frequency marker words. Crucially, marker words distinguished targets into 2 distributionally defined
categories. We measured learning with segmentation and categorization tests and compared performance
against a control group that heard the artificial speech without these marker words (i.e., just the targets, with
no cues for categorization). Participants segmented the target words from speech in both conditions, but
critically when the marker words were present, they influenced acquisition of word-referent mappings in a
subsequent transfer task, with participants demonstrating better early learning for mappings that were
consistent (rather than inconsistent) with the distributional categories. We propose that high-frequency words
may assist early grammatical categorization, while speech segmentation is still being learned.
There are many tasks that learners must master in order to achieve in terms of what constitutes words (Bortfeld, Morgan, Golinkoff,
linguistic proficiency, including discovering individual words from & Rathbun, 2005) and what constitutes grammatical categories
speech, and recognizing that these words belong to different gram- (Monaghan et al., 2007). Here, we examine the possibility that the
matical categories. Yet, speech contains no absolute acoustic cues to same distributional cue (high frequency marker words) can assist
word boundaries (e.g., Aslin, Woodward, LaMendola, & Bever, multiple tasks in language learning at the same time; statistical
1996), nor are there perfectly reliable indicators of grammatical cat- speech segmentation, and categorization of the segmented items.
egory membership (e.g., Monaghan, Christiansen, & Chater, 2007). Past research has highlighted learners’ remarkable aptitude for
Learners therefore must look to additional sources of information to computing transitional probabilities between syllables in speech,
succeed at these tasks. One source that learners can draw upon is the and using them to help infer word boundaries in both artificial
distributional information contained in speech: Statistical patterns of (e.g., Aslin, Saffran, & Newport, 1998; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport,
co-occurrence (e.g., between phonemes, syllables, words) are ubiq- 1996; Saffran, Newport, Aslin, Tunick, & Barrueco, 1997) and
uitous in language, and can shed critical light on its structure both natural languages (Pelucchi, Hay, & Saffran, 2009). Further, stud-
This article was published Online First January 17, 2019. and power analysis was conducted by Padraic Monaghan. Rebecca L. A. Frost
Rebecca L. A. Frost, Language Development Department, Max Planck wrote the first draft of the article, and Padraic Monaghan and Morten H.
Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Padraic Monaghan, Christiansen contributed additional material and revisions.
Psychology Department, Lancaster University; Department of English Lan- This article has been published under the terms of the Creative Com-
guage and Culture, University of Amsterdam; and Max Planck Institute for mons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/),
Psycholinguistics. Morten H. Christiansen, Department of Psychology, Cor- which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any me-
nell University; Interacting Minds Centre and School of Communication and dium, provided the original author and source are credited. Copyright for
Culture, Aarhus University; and Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connect- this article is retained by the author(s). Author(s) grant(s) the American
icut. Psychological Association the exclusive right to publish the article and
This work was supported by the International Centre for Language and identify itself as the original publisher.
Communicative Development (LuCiD) at Lancaster University, funded by the Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Rebecca
Economic and Social Research Council (United Kingdom; ES/L008955/1). L. A. Frost, Language Development Department, Max Planck Institute for
All authors developed the study concept and study design. Data was collected Psycholinguistics, Wundtlaan 1, 6525 XD Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
by Rebecca L. A. Frost. Data analysis was conducted by Rebecca L. A. Frost, E-mail: [email protected]
ies have shown that learners can draw on transitional information In a seminal study, Bortfeld, Morgan, Golinkoff, and Rathbun
for speech segmentation from infancy onward, perhaps even be- (2005) demonstrated that 6-month-old infants were better able to
fore they know the meaning of a single word in the language (e.g., identify new words in short utterances of speech when they ap-
Saffran et al., 1996; Thiessen & Saffran, 2003) with sensitivity to peared alongside high frequency words (e.g., their own name, and
distributional structure present possibly even from birth (Teinonen, the word “mommy”) compared with when they appeared next to
Fellman, Näätänen, Alku, & Huotilainen, 2009). an unfamiliar item, providing early evidence that learners may
Since distributional regularities exist at multiple levels of lan- draw on highly familiar high-frequency words to help them during
guage abstraction, it follows that statistical regularities in speech speech segmentation. Further evidence for the anchor word effect
may benefit a range of language learning tasks in addition to has since been found for both infant (Mersad & Nazzi, 2012) and
speech segmentation. Indeed, learners have been shown to be adult learners (Cunillera, Càmara, Laine, & Rodruigez-Fornells,
capable of using the statistical information contained in speech to 2010). Crucial support comes from Cunillera, Laine, and Rodríguez-
acquire rule-like linguistic regularities with varying levels of com- Fornells (2016), who documented the neural signature of this effect
plexity (e.g., Endress & Bonatti, 2007; Endress & Mehler, 2009; in adults, with results indicating that anchor words elicited greater
Gerken, 2010; Gómez, 2002; Lany & Gómez, 2008; Lany, Gómez, stimulus-preceding negativity (a marker of expectation for subse-
& Gerken, 2007; Marcus, Vijayan, Bandi Rao, & Vishton, 1999; quent input) in the learners’ electroencephalography (EEG) data,
Mueller, Bahlmann, & Friederici, 2008, 2010; Peña, Bonatti, Ne- in keeping with the notion that learners harbored an expectation for
spor, & Mehler, 2002). Further, recent research has suggested that a particular word following a highly familiar high frequency word.
learners can learn structural generalizations even while they are Additional support for the anchor word effect can be found in
still learning to segment speech (Frost & Monaghan, 2016). literature on computational modeling of speech segmentation.
Given learners’ demonstrable sensitivity to the distribution of lin- Monaghan and Christiansen (2010) examined the possibility that
guistic patterns, it follows that items appearing in speech with a higher highly frequent words may assist with natural language acquisition
frequency than others might have a particularly important role in using their PUDDLE model of speech segmentation, which they
language learning— especially since high-frequency items are more applied to natural language corpora of child-directed speech taken
easily perceived than lower-frequency words of similar length (Mor- from the CHILDES database (MacWhinney, 2000). The model
gan, Shi, & Allopenna, 1996; Zipf, 1935), and provide more reliable began by treating each utterance as a potential word, and then
co-occurrence information than their less frequent counterparts (Mon- segmenting other utterances when they contained previously
aghan, Chater, & Christiansen, 2005). Indeed, recent research has stored word candidates. In the model, high-frequency words were
suggested that the presence of high-frequency words in speech may be extracted quickly and, critically, these words were used to help
advantageous for language acquisition, particularly for speech seg- segment the rest of the speech input. Together with the behavioral
mentation (Altvater-Mackensen & Mani, 2013; Bortfeld et al., 2005; data, these findings provide converging evidence that high-
Kurumada, Meylan, & Frank, 2013; Mersad & Nazzi, 2012). frequency words may assist language acquisition by facilitating
One way that frequently occurring words could assist speech segmentation, particularly when they border entirely unfamiliar
segmentation is by providing learners with helpful information words (Bortfeld et al., 2005).
about the boundaries of words that surround them, such that these Of equal importance is the possibility that, in addition to helping
high-frequency words operate as anchors, around which further with speech segmentation, high-frequency words may also help
language acquisition can occur (Bortfeld et al., 2005). This “an- inform the formation of grammatical categories (Valian & Coul-
chor effect” has been suggested to facilitate interplay between son, 1988). In the example sentence “youeatthebiscuityetyoudrink-
top-down lexical segmentation, drawing on learners’ knowledge of thetea,” you reliably precedes verbs (eat, drink), while the reliably
known words, and bottom-up identification of the edges of unfa- precedes nouns (biscuit, tea), in keeping with Mintz’s (2003)
miliar items, drawing on the statistics of the input (e.g., Conway, observation that pronouns often precede verbs but seldom precede
Bauernschmidt, Huang, & Pisoni, 2010), thereby helping learners nouns, while determiners often precede nouns but only rarely
to identify words in speech. We can consider how this might work verbs. Crucially, Mintz (2003) suggested that learners could ex-
by taking the sentence youeatthebiscuityetyoudrinkthetea: Upon ploit these co-occurrences for grammatical categorization (see also
hearing this sentence, a learner could recognize high-frequency St. Clair, Monaghan, & Christiansen, 2010). Thus, it is possible
words you and the, and use these to discern information about the that high frequency words can provide learners with valuable
words that surround them. In this instance, recognizing the word grammatical information about the words that follow them in
you could help the learner to identify the way in which the succeeding speech, as well as helping with their initial discovery.
(eat, drink) and preceding (yet) words begin and end, respectively, Interestingly, Monaghan and Christiansen (2010) noted a sub-
thus facilitating segmentation. Critically though, some of the speech stantial overlap between the high frequency words that were first
will remain unsegmented (biscuityet), meaning that high-frequency extracted by their PUDDLE model of speech segmentation and
words do not entirely solve the task of speech segmentation—learners words that were found to be useful for identifying grammatical
must extract the remaining words through further processing, such as categories in previous studies of child-directed speech (Monaghan
computing the transitional probabilities of syllables within words, and et al., 2007), indicating that some of the same high frequency
inferring word boundaries at points where the subsequent syllable is words may assist processing for different tasks during natural
difficult to predict (e.g., Saffran et al., 1996), or exploiting the broad language acquisition, perhaps at the same time. To test the extent
array of prosodic cues that support segmentation (Curtin, Mintz, & to which speech segmentation could support word learning, Graf
Christiansen, 2005; Frost, Monaghan, & Tatsumi, 2017; Mattys, Estes, Evans, Alibali, and Saffran (2007) and Hay, Pelucchi, Graf
White, & Melhorn, 2005; Monaghan, White, & Merkx, 2013; Turk & Estes, and Saffran (2011) exposed English-learning infants to
Shattuck-Hufnagel, 2000). continuous speech in an unfamiliar language, then tested their
ability to use words from that speech to label objects on a word– et al. (2011) demonstrated that speech segmentation provides
picture mapping task. They demonstrated that speech segmentation learners with an opportunity to learn word candidates, it is possible
provided learners with a valuable opportunity to learn about word that learners would demonstrate evidence of mapping distribu-
forms, which can immediately be linked to meaning. But what tional structure to grammatical categories even when exposed to
kind of information do learners acquire at the point of segmenta- continuous speech.
tion about the identity of potential word candidates and their Bringing together the literature on high frequency words, sta-
possible grammatical roles in speech? tistical speech segmentation, and grammatical categorization, the
Learners’ capacity to exploit the link between distributional and present study examined whether the same high-frequency marker
grammatical categories has been subject to extensive theoretical words could influence statistical speech segmentation and gram-
debate. For instance, Chomsky (1965) proposed that grammatical matical categorization simultaneously. We trained adults on a
categories are innately specified, while Pinker (1987) suggested continuous artificial speech stream consisting of target words and
that semantic features are innately specified, with grammatical marker words, which distinguished target words into two distri-
categories being mapped onto the relevant semantic features that butional categories through co-occurrence, with certain marker
are realized within the grammar of the particular language.1 Al- words always preceding words in certain categories. We tested
ternatively, it may be that grammatical categories can be entirely whether the high-frequency marker words helped learners to iden-
derived from the complex distributional statistics of their usage tify the target words that surrounded them in speech (speech
(Bates & MacWhinney, 1982; Redington, Chater, & Finch, 1998).
segmentation). We also examined whether learners used these
Yet, the way that distributional categories (such as words succeed-
same high-frequency words to discern (explicitly) that target
ing the vs. words succeeding you) relate to syntactic grammatical
words belonged to different abstract categories (categorization)
distinctions (such as nouns and verbs) has rarely been explicitly
according to distributional co-occurrence information in the
investigated under the controlled conditions of artificial language
speech stream (Mintz, 2003; Monaghan et al., 2007).
learning studies. It may be that the semantic distinctions must be
In a subsequent test, we assessed the extent to which learners’
present while language learners are initially exposed to distribu-
tional categories, as in studies by Frigo and MacDonald (1998) and distributional category knowledge implicitly influenced grammat-
Braine et al. (1990). Alternatively, it may be that abstract distri- ical category learning, by applying the language to a cross-
butional categories can be acquired (e.g., Gerken, Wilson, & situational learning task, which mapped target words onto actions
Lewis, 2005; Kiss, 1973; Mintz, 2002; Reeder, Newport, & Aslin, or objects (see Graf Estes et al. (2007) for evidence that learners
2013) then later mapped onto distinct syntactic categories. can map new words onto recently segmented items). Cross-
Reeder, Newport, and Aslin (2013) provided a comprehensive situational word learning tasks require learners to form word/
analysis of the way that learners form abstract distributional cat- referent associations over repeated exposure to scenes that over
egories from linguistic input; in a series of studies, they trained time provide useful statistical cues, but are individually ambigu-
adults on an artificial grammar and varied the presence of distri- ous. Such tasks take into account the dynamic nature of the
butional information on a variety of dimensions, including the language learning environment: each spoken word could have a
number of linguistic contexts a word could appear in, the density virtually infinite number of possible referents (Quine, 1960), but
of these contexts in the language input, and the overlap between learners are likely to encounter repeat co-occurrences of particular
words and contexts. Their findings demonstrated that learners can words and referents over multiple learning instances (Gleitman,
draw on distributional information alone to inform categorization 1990; Horst, Scott, & Pollard, 2010; Pinker, 1989; Smith, Smith, &
of lexical items, and can even use it to generalize across gaps in Blythe, 2011). Learners can exploit these cross-situational statis-
their input. tics in order to learn word-referent mappings (Fitneva & Chris-
More recently, Lany (2014) tested the way in which learners tiansen, 2011, 2017; Monaghan & Mattock, 2012; Monaghan,
map distributional information onto semantic categories (animals Mattock, Davies, & Smith, 2015; Smith & Yu, 2008; Yu & Smith,
and vehicles). In this study, 22-month-old infants heard a famil- 2007), and can use them to acquire both item and category labels
iarization stream comprising novel determiners and novel nouns, for objects (Chen, Gershkoff-Stowe, Wu, Cheung, & Yu, 2017). In
which were presented alongside one another in segmented speech. an extension of these prior cross-situational learning tasks, we
Determiners and nouns were split into two categories, which were required participants to draw on associations made between words
paired together such that particular determiners preceded particular and action/object referents over multiple trials. Critically, we re-
nouns (i.e., aX, and bY), and items in paired categories appeared quired learners to pair words with referents in a way that was either
together probabilistically within the speech stream (i.e., with 75% consistent with the categories defined in the continuous speech
co-occurrence, to reflect noise in natural language), cueing distri- (with words from each distributional category being used as either
butional category membership. Following familiarization, infants nouns or verbs, labeling objects and actions, respectively) or
completed a word–picture mapping task, during which nouns were inconsistent (with half of the words from each distributional cat-
paired with images of unfamiliar animals and vehicles. Mappings egory being used as nouns and the other half as verbs).
were probabilistic, with X and Y nouns predominantly labeling
animals and vehicles, respectively. The data indicated that the
co-occurrence statistics in the familiarization stream may have Note that even in the case of putative innate categories (whether they
informed the subsequent formation of semantic categories; helping be syntactic or semantic), there is still the problem of mapping individual
sound patterns from a language onto those categories (e.g., the word
learners to learn the labels of new animals and vehicles (though penguin onto the category of nouns). The kind of distributional learning
this was only the case for infants with higher scores on an inde- described here might therefore also be needed in theories positing pre-
pendent measure of grammar development). Critically, since Hay existing innate categories.
In a related pilot study, Frost, Monaghan, and Christiansen no known history of auditory, speech, or language disorder. Par-
(2016) trained participants on a continuous speech stream in which ticipants were paid £3.50 or received course credit.
target words were presented alongside (category-denoting) mark-
ers, and tested transfer of distributional category learning to a
word–picture mapping task, which required participants to map
words from these distributionally defined categories to pictures of The experiment used a between-subjects design, with two con-
actions and objects, with mappings being either consistent or ditions of training type: markers and no markers. These conditions
inconsistent with the distributional category distinction. The pilot varied the number of marker words present in the speech and either
study found some evidence to suggest word-object/action mapping contained no marker words, or one marker word per category.
was influenced by distributional categorization, but this was weak Participants were randomly allocated to one of these conditions,
(evidenced by a marginally significant effect). Further, this effect with 24 participants receiving each type of training. All partici-
was only observed in the first testing block, and diminished over pants completed the same battery of tests after training; knowledge
the course of task—suggesting that, if distributional information is of the experimental language was tested immediately with tasks
used to prepare the learner for potential category distinctions in assessing speech segmentation and distributional categorization. A
their vocabulary, then this may only exert an effect during the transfer task then put the familiarized language to use, to see
initial stages of learning. We therefore examined whether transfer whether participants’ distributional category knowledge for the
effects are observed early in the cross-situational learning task, as target words shaped the way they used those targets as labels for
well as throughout it. The current study design improved on this actions and objects. For this task, participants were further subdi-
earlier study by increasing the salience of the distinction between vided into two groups for whom objects and actions were labeled
object and action referents in the transfer task by using animated in a way that was either consistent or inconsistent with the distri-
movements rather than pictures of actions. We anticipated that the butional categories (each N ⫽ 12). This subdivision was crossed
current study would show a larger effect of marker word catego- with the markers/no markers conditions, such that half of the
rization than was seen in the pilot, and we expected that this effect participants in each group received consistent labels, and the other
may dissipate over time—as associative information about words half received inconsistent labels. Note that the no markers condi-
and referents increases. tion does not relate meaningfully to the consistent versus incon-
We hypothesized that high-frequency words operating as mark- sistent distinction, but was included as an additional control to
ers to word boundaries might also assist with speech segmentation ensure that any effects observed for the markers condition were not
(Altvater-Mackensen & Mani, 2013; Bortfeld et al., 2005; Kuru- due to biases in participants’ responses to individual items.
mada et al., 2013; Mersad & Nazzi, 2012). Additionally, we Sample size was designed with respect to our key experimental
hypothesized that these marker words might also simultaneously test of transfer from a speech segmentation task to a label-mapping
constrain learning about the role of other words in the language by task. We assessed the results from Graf Estes et al. (2007) and
contributing to early formation of grammatical categories (Lany, Frost et al. (2016)—studies in the literature which most closely
2014). If participants do form grammatical categories based on the resembled the current study design. Graf Estes et al. (2007) dem-
distribution, then we expect knowledge of these categories to onstrated a transfer effect of p2 ⫽ .16 in a two-way mixed
interfere with their application of the language during the transfer ANOVA for an infant looking study to stimuli that either matched
task, when the latter is inconsistent with learned category infor- or mismatched object-labels, with 14 participants in each condition
mation. Specifically, we expect that this knowledge will impede (conditions were word-transfer and nonword-transfer). Post hoc
participants’ ability to put target words from the same grammatical power was .88, assuming zero correlation between matching and
category to different uses (i.e., using them to label both nouns and mismatching conditions (an intercorrelation would increase
verbs, rather than just nouns, or just verbs). We anticipated that power further). Graf Estes et al. (2007) employed one within-
this effect would be observed most clearly during the early stages subject and one between-subjects factor, whereas our design
of training on the transfer task. Alternatively, if distributional required two between-subjects factors. For a similar effect size,
information can only be used in concordance with semantic infor- a priori power ⫽ .84 with 24 participants distributed across the
mation to generate information about the syntactic categories of marker word and no marker word conditions (with N ⫽ 12 in
referents (e.g., Pinker, 1987), then prior learning of distributional the consistent and inconsistent mapping conditions). For the
categories will not be seen to affect acquisition of word-referent pilot study by Frost et al. (2016), three different between
mappings in the transfer task. A further possible cause for a lack subject marker word conditions each had 24 participants, sub-
of effect of distributional categories on syntactic categorization divided into groups receiving consistent and inconsistent map-
could be that speech segmentation does not initially permit cate- pings (N ⫽ 12 for each subgroup). The size of the effect of
gorization information to permeate through the learner’s language marker word consistency on transfer to the early stages of word
structure. learning was p2 ⫽ .124, with power ⫽ .81.
In the current study we analyzed results using linear mixed
Method effects models which can enhance power further (Brysbaert &
Stevens, 2018). As there were no similar studies using linear
Participants mixed effects analysis, we were unable to determine the required
sample size for the study a priori. We thus report post hoc power
Participants were 48 adults (16 males, 32 females), all students for each of the measures we assessed below, generated using the
at Lancaster University, with a mean age of 19.10 years (range ⫽ simR package (Green & MacLeod, 2016), as recommended by
18 –22 years). All participants were native-English-speakers, with Brysbaert and Stevens (2018).
This study received ethical approval from the Faculty of Science markers condition, the speech stream comprised target words plus
and Technology Research Ethics Committee at Lancaster Univer- marker words, and lasted approximately 420 s. In both conditions,
sity. the eight target words were each presented 150 times with no
The experimental language and the stimuli and procedure for immediate repetition, and speech was continuous, with no pauses
each of the tasks are outlined below. between words. Speech streams had a 5-s fade in and out so that
the onset and offset of speech could not be used as a cue to the
Materials word boundaries or language structure.
Segmentation test. To test segmentation, we created a two-
Stimuli. Speech stimuli were created using the Festival speech alternative forced-choice task, which examined participants’ pref-
synthesizer (Black, Taylor, & Caley, 1990). The language was
erences for words versus nonwords. Nonwords were bisyllabic
created from a set of 20 syllables (no, ro, fo, to, li, gi, ni, ka, ma,
items that comprised the last syllable of one target word and the
sa, za, fe, te, re, de, ve, mu, zu, pu, bu), which were drawn upon
first syllable of another (e.g., muno formed from samu and noli).
and combined pseudorandomly to create eight bisyllabic target
We used nonwords (items which did not occur during familiariza-
words (e.g., samu, noli, nide, fezu, tero, buza, kato, mave), and two
tion) in order to make comparisons across the different conditions.
monosyllabic marker words (e.g., fo, pu), which preceded target
For the no markers condition, particular transitions between target
words in the speech stream. Phonemes used for targets and marker
words were withheld from the speech stream, and nonwords were
words contained both plosive and continuant sounds. There was no
formed from the resulting syllable combinations of the omitted
repetition of consonants or vowels within target words. Each target
transitions (so for this group nonwords are comparable with part-
word lasted approximately 500 ms, and each marker word lasted
words in classic instances of this paradigm). The same nonwords
approximately 250 ms. Eight transitions between words were
were used at test for the markers condition, and these did not occur
omitted from the no markers familiarization stream (e.g., noli
never succeeded samu), in order to create a set of nonwords in the familiarization speech for an additional reason: A marker
involving syllable transitions not seen by participants in either word intervened between pairs of target words. Note that it would
training condition (see Segmentation Test section for details). not have been possible to use part-words which spanned word
The eight target words were arbitrarily split into two equal boundaries as in Saffran, Aslin, and Newport’s (1996) studies of
categories (A and B), with four words in each. Category member- speech segmentation, because part-words did not occur in a com-
ship was denoted only by the co-occurrence of target words and parable way across conditions: Part-words in the markers condi-
marker words in the continuous speech stream: in the markers tion would comprise a fragment of a target word and a marker
condition, one marker word reliably preceded words from each word, in the no markers condition, they would have to comprise
category (e.g., fo preceded A words, whereas pu preceded B fragments of two target words. In our task, preference for selecting
words). The speech stream for the no markers condition contained words over nonwords would indicate that participants had success-
target words only, meaning participants in this condition received fully distinguished target words from competitor nonword syllable
no information regarding the category membership of the target sequences.
words, therefore we would not expect them to demonstrate such Eight test pairs were constructed by matching each target word
knowledge at test. with a corresponding part-word (e.g., samu vs. muno), and items in
Six versions of the language were generated by randomly as- each test pair were separated by a 1-s pause. Test pairs were each
signing syllables to positions within words and marker words, to presented twice, giving 16 test items in total. Items were presented
control for possible preferences for certain syllables in certain in random order, and correct responses occurred an equal number
positions, and preferences for particular dependencies between of times in the first and second position within pairs.
syllables not due to the statistical structure of the sequences Categorization test. To test abstract categorization (i.e., cat-
(Onnis, Monaghan, Richmond, & Chater, 2005). These versions egorization based on the distributional information about the co-
were counterbalanced across each of the two training conditions. occurrence of markers and targets), we created an explicit similarity-
Training. A continuous stream of synthetic speech was cre- judgment task that contained pairs of target words. Twelve test
ated using the Festival speech synthesizer (Black et al., 1990) by pairs contained items from the same category (as determined by
concatenating target words and marker words (see Table 1). For the marker words that preceded them in speech), with six test pairs
the no markers control condition, the speech stream comprised containing two Category A words, and six test pairs containing two
target words only, and lasted approximately 280 seconds. For the Category B words. There were also 12 mixed test pairs, which
Table 1
Example Speech Streams for Each Condition
contained one word from each category (so, one A word and one objects. Word-referent pairings differed across the six different
B word), giving 24 test pairs in total. versions of the language, to control for potential preferences for
Transfer of category knowledge test. To test whether knowl- linking certain sounds to particular objects or actions.
edge of distributional categories constrained participants’ learning Vocabulary test. Finally, we created a vocabulary test to assess
of word-referent mappings, we created a cross-situational word- exactly which word-object/action mappings participants had
picture/action mapping task, which provided a grammatical cate- learnt. This task contained 16 two-alternative forced-choice trials,
gory distinction (i.e., nouns and verbs) onto which the target words with two trials for each target word. Trials assessing learning of
could map. On each trial, participants heard a sentence comprising nouns (word-object mappings) contained static images of two
two targets, then saw two visual scenes, with each scene contain- objects: the target object and one other trained object that acted as
ing a shape undertaking an action (with no duplication of shapes a foil. For trials assessing learning of verbs (word-action map-
and actions on individual trials). Participants stated which of the pings), we introduced a new shape to prevent participants’ re-
two visual scenes the sentence described (see Monaghan et al., sponses from being influenced by knowledge of shapes. On verb
2015 for a similar experimental design of cross-situational learning trials, participants saw two scenes containing a new shape (pre-
but without the preceding segmentation task, and see the Procedure sented alongside one another onscreen, as in the noun trials) with
section for more information about this task). There were four the shape performing a different action in each scene. On each
images of shapes, each printed in black on a grey background, trial, after 5 s (while the scenes were still onscreen) a target word
taken from Fiser and Aslin (2002). There were four actions that was presented auditorily, and participants selected which of the
these shapes could perform: rotate, bounce, swing, and shake, two objects, or actions, the target was referring to. Pairing of
selected from the series of actions used by Monaghan et al. (2015). shapes and actions was pseudorandomized such that each shape
Of the eight target words, four were paired with different and action featured an equal number of times over the course of the
shapes, and four were paired with different actions. Sentences task: twice as the correct referent (one to the left, and once to
were constructed to describe possible noun–verb combinations the right), and twice as the alternative (once to the left, and once
such that each sentence contained two target words, with one word to the right).
referring to the shape, and one word referring to the action it was
Critically, for half of participants, word-action/shape pairings
were consistent with the distributionally defined categories heard Before hearing the familiarization speech, participants were
during training, such that all A words appeared with shapes and all instructed to pay attention to the language and think about the
B words appeared with actions. For the remaining participants, possible words it may contain. Participants were tested immedi-
pairings were inconsistent: two A words and two B words were ately after training. Testing was structured such that all participants
paired with shapes, and two A words and two B words were paired received the tasks in the same order: Participants completed the
with actions (see Figure 1). segmentation test first, followed by the categorization test, then
There were six versions of the language, presentation of which the cross-situational transfer test. Tasks were programmed us-
was counterbalanced across participants. Each version of the lan- ing EPrime 2.0, with instructions appearing onscreen before
guage used a different set of images for this task, which were each task began.
selected at random from a set of eight novel shapes (taken from For the segmentation test, participants were instructed to listen
Fiser & Aslin, 2002). Particular objects and actions co-occurred an to each test pair (a word and a nonword) then select which item
equal number of times, to prevent formation of associations be- best matched the language they had just heard, responding “1” for
tween particular objects and actions, and to minimize unintentional the first or “2” for the second sequence on a computer keyboard.
co-occurrences between nouns and actions and between verbs and For the categorization test, participants were instructed to listen
to each test pair (two words from the same/different categories),
then rate how similar they thought the role of the items was in the
familiarization stream. Participants were required to respond on a
computer keyboard using a 6-point Likert-scale, with 1 ⫽ ex-
tremely different roles and 6 ⫽ very similar roles. If participants
have formed categories based on the co-occurrence of target words
and markers, then pairs of items taken from the same category
should receive higher similarity ratings than mixed pairs (see Frost
et al., 2016, for a variant of this paradigm that demonstrates
abstract category learning is possible).
For the cross-situational task, on each trial participants saw two
scenes containing different objects performing different actions.
After 5 s (while the scenes were still onscreen) participants heard
a sentence comprising two target words. The sentence described
one of the two scenes, with one word referring to the action, and
one to the object. When the sentence had finished, participants
were instructed to indicate via key press whether the sentence
Figure 1. Consistent versus inconsistent word-action/object mappings. described the scene on the left or the right of the screen, by
See the online article for the color version of this figure. pressing “1” for the left and “2” for the right. The next trial began
after participants had provided their response. An example trial is interest involves condition and consistency, which would reflect
shown in Figure 2. transfer of distributional category knowledge.
The probability of co-occurrence between a noun (nouni) and its For the vocabulary test, on each trial participants saw the two
target object (objecti) was p(objecti|nouni) ⫽ 1, whereas co- scenes then heard a target word and selected via key-press whether
occurrence between a noun and another distractor object was the word referred to the scene on the left or the right of the screen
p(objectj|nouni) ⫽ 0.33, and co-occurrence probability between a (pressing “1” for left and “2” for right, as in the cross situational
noun and each action was p(nouni|actionj) ⫽ 0.25. Similarly, verb task). The next trial began after participants had responded. There
to target action co-occurrence probabilities were p(actioni|verbi) ⫽ were 16 trials in total, with two trials for each target word. The
1, verb to other action probabilities in the distractor scene were order of noun and verb trials was randomized, and the left/right
p(actionj|verbi) ⫽ 0.33, and verb and object co-occurrence prob- position of the referent and foil alternative was balanced in the
abilities were p(objecti|verbi) ⫽ 0.25. Over the course of the task, testing block.
we expected that learners would draw on these co-occurrence Training and testing stimuli were presented at a comfortable
statistics in order to learn word-referent mappings. volume, through closed-cup headphones. All participants were
There were six blocks, each containing eight learning trials. tested individually in an isolated booth, and the entire session
Within each block, each image and motion occurred four times— lasted for approximately 30 min.
twice in the target scene and twice in the alternative (foil) scene.
Each word occurred twice in each block. The left/right position of
the referent and alternative scene was pseudorandomized such that
each scene appeared once in each position. We first report the results of the segmentation task, investigating
To avoid providing additional cues for the role of words in the the effect of marker words on participants’ ability to individuate
language, the presentation order for nouns and verbs was counter- words from the speech, relative to the no markers control group.
balanced such that half of the sentences in a block followed a We then present the results for the categorization test, which
noun–verb order, and the other half followed a verb–noun order. assesses whether participants encoded category information about
Thus, this task used free word-order, such that grammatical cate- the words on the basis of their co-occurrence with markers. Fi-
gories of words were defined only by their prior co-occurrence nally, we report the key analysis for the study, which is whether
with the marker words, and not in terms of the sentence position. category information defined by the marker words can have an
If prior category knowledge was influencing performance on implicit effect on participants’ ability to use words as nouns and
this task, then participants should find it easier to use words from verbs in the word-object/action transfer task. For this test, we first
each of the categories consistently (i.e., all A words labeling report transfer effects seen during early stages of learning (con-
objects) than inconsistently (i.e., some A words labeling objects, sistent with learning effects observed in Frost et al., 2016), we then
but some A words labeling actions). Thus, the key interaction of report the results across the whole task, followed by the measures
of learning of nouns and verbs.
One-sample t tests were performed on the segmentation data
(proportion correct responses) to compare performance with chance.
Performance was significantly above chance for both no markers
(M ⫽ .740, SE ⫽ .042), t(23) ⫽ 5.658, p ⬍ .001; and markers (M ⫽
.666, SE ⫽ .028), t(23) ⫽ 5.914, p ⬍ .001, indicating that participants
in both conditions were able to identify individual words from the
speech stream.
Generalized linear mixed effects analysis was performed on the
data (Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008), modeling the probability
(log odds) of response accuracy on the segmentation test consid-
ering variation across participants and materials. The model was
built incrementally, and was initially fitted with the maximal
random effects structure that was justified by the design, with
random effects of subjects, particular test-pairs, and language
version (to control for variation across the randomized assign-
ments of phonemes to syllables). Random slopes were omitted if
the model failed to converge with their inclusion (Barr, Levy,
Scheepers, & Tily, 2013). We then added condition (markers, no
markers) as a fixed effect, and considered its effect on model fit
with likelihood ratio test comparisons. There was no significant
effect of condition (model fit improvement over the model con-
Figure 2. An example trial on the cross-situational learning task, with taining random effects: 2(1) ⫽ 2.850, p ⫽ .091, power ⫽ .46,
two shapes performing unique actions, presented alongside a sentence that 95% CI [.39, .53]), indicating participants in both conditions
describes one of these pairs. performed at a statistically similar level (difference estimate ⫽ ⫺.459,
SE ⫽ .27, z ⫽ ⫺1.70, see Frost et al., 2016 for a similar observation was significantly above chance for no markers (M ⫽ .563, SE ⫽
in a pilot of this task). See Table 2 for a summary of the final model, .019), t(23) ⫽ 3.226, p ⫽ .004, and for markers (M ⫽ .575, SE ⫽
and see the online supplemental materials for a visualization of the .026), t(23) ⫽ 2.844, p ⫽ .009, indicating that participants in both
data for this task. conditions could draw on the cross-situational statistics, and use
them to learn the word-action/object mappings over the course of
Categorization the task.
We distinguished overall accuracy from initial performance on
Linear mixed effects analysis was performed on the data for the the transfer task separately in a two-stage preplanned analysis,
categorization test (Baayen et al., 2008), to model the probability focusing initially on the first block of testing (Test 1), to examine
(log odds) of providing different similarity ratings for test pairs the way participants’ immediate responses were influenced by
containing items taken from the same versus different distribu- their training (see Frost et al., 2016).
tional categories. The model was built incrementally, and was
Performance at Test 1. Generalized linear mixed effects
initially fitted specifying random effects of subjects, test trial, and
analysis was performed on the response data from the first block of
language version. Random slopes were omitted if the model failed
training, modeling the probability (log odds) of response accuracy
to converge with their inclusion. We then added fixed effects
considering variation across participants and materials. The model
incrementally, and these were retained if they contributed signif-
was built incrementally, and was initially fitted specifying random
icantly to model fit.
effects of subjects, trial, particular target items (Target 1 and
We first added condition (markers, no markers) as a fixed effect,
Target 2 in each sentence), word order (noun–verb or verb–noun)
and considered its effect on model fit with likelihood ratio test
and language version, and random slopes were omitted if the
comparisons (compared with a model containing just random
model failed to converge with their inclusion. We then sequentially
effects). There was a significant effect of condition, 2(1) ⫽ 4.540,
added condition (markers, no markers) and consistency (consis-
p ⫽ .033, power ⫽ .50, 95% CI [.43, .57], with the no markers
tent/inconsistent) as fixed effects, followed by the interaction term,
group giving significantly higher similarity ratings overall (M ⫽
and considered their respective effects on model fit with likelihood
3.876, SE ⫽ .116) compared with the markers group (M ⫽ 3.518,
ratio test comparisons. Because only the markers group received
SE ⫽ .116). There was no significant effect of test-pair type,
distributional category cues, and only the inconsistent group en-
2(1) ⫽ 0.038, p ⫽ .846, power ⫽ .05, 95% CI [.02, .09], and there
countered conflict between distributional categories and the cate-
was no significant interaction between condition and test-pair type,
gories on this task, transfer effects here would be evidenced
2(1) ⫽ .051, p ⫽ .822, power ⫽ 0, 95% CI [0, .02], determined
through comparing fit for a model containing fixed effects for test through an interaction between these two variables.
pair type and condition with a model containing fixed effects plus There was no significant effect of condition on overall perfor-
the interaction term. These findings indicate that there was no mance at Test 1 (model fit improvement over the model containing
difference in similarity ratings for test-pairs containing the same random effects: 2(1) ⫽ .833, p ⫽ .361, power ⫽ 0, 95% CI [0,
versus different categories across the conditions. See Table 3 for a .02], indicating participants in the marker and no marker groups
summary of the final model, and see the online supplemental were not significantly different overall (difference estimate ⫽
materials for a visualization of the data for this task. .258, SE ⫽ .282, z ⫽ .916). As predicted, there was also no
significant main effect of consistency (model fit improvement over
the model containing random effects: 2(1) ⫽ .060 p ⫽ .806,
Transfer of Category Knowledge
power ⫽ 0, 95% CI [0, .02], indicating participants receiving
One-sample t tests were performed on the data for the transfer consistent and inconsistent labeling performed at a statistically
task to compare performance to chance (taken as .5 in accordance similar level overall (difference estimate ⫽ ⫺.070, SE ⫽ .284,
with the number of options available per trial at test). Performance z ⫽ ⫺.245). This result was expected given that consistent or
Table 2
Summary of the Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Segmentation Scores
Table 3
Summary of the Linear Mixed-Effects Model of Similarity Ratings on the Categorization Task
inconsistent labeling is only functionally relevant for participants comparing performance with chance. Only participants in the
in the marker group. markers group receiving consistent training performed signifi-
Critically, the key interaction between condition and consis- cantly above chance at Test 1, t(11) ⫽ 2.623, p ⫽ .024 (scores for
tency was significant (model fit improvement over a model con- markers inconsistent and no markers consistent and inconsistent
taining main and random effects: 2(1) ⫽ 7.114, p ⫽ .008, differ- were all p ⬎ .171), further suggesting that learners’ prior distri-
ence estimate ⫽ ⫺1.438, SE ⫽ .528, z ⫽ ⫺2.722, power ⫽ .76, butional categories shaped their application of the language in the
95% CI [.69, .81]). Further analysis indicated that this interaction transfer task.
was driven by better performance for participants receiving con- Overall performance. In subsequent analysis, we examined
sistent (M ⫽ .638, SE ⫽ .052) compared with inconsistent (M ⫽ performance across the task as a whole. Generalized linear mixed
.461, SE ⫽ .066) labeling in the markers group, t(22) ⫽ 2.101, p ⫽ effects analysis was performed on the data from the entire task,
.047, while participants receiving inconsistent (M ⫽ .565, SE ⫽ modeling the probability (log odds) of response accuracy on the
.071) versus consistent (M ⫽ .421, SE ⫽ .054) labeling in the no transfer test as a whole considering variation across participants
markers group were not significantly different, t(22) ⫽ ⫺1.615, p ⫽ and materials. The model was initially fitted specifying random
.121. See Table 4 for a summary of the final model, and see Figure 3. effects of subjects, target items (Target 1 and Target 2—the first
To further explore the effects of consistency on performance at and second target in each sentence), word order (noun–verb or
Test 1, one-sample t tests were conducted for each condition, verb–noun) and language version (so, random effects were the
Table 4
Summary of the Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Accuracy Scores on Block 1 of the Transfer Task
Table 5
Summary of the Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Accuracy Scores on the Transfer Task
erents: It is possible that alignment or conflict between distribu- nificant (model fit improvement when the interaction term was
tional and grammatical categories may have helped or impeded added to a model containing random effects and main effects of
word learning, respectively, as seen in the cross-situational learn- word type and consistency: 2(1) ⫽ 1.568, p ⫽ .211, difference
ing task. Because consistency was only functionally relevant for estimate ⫽ ⫺.619, SE ⫽ .516, z ⫽ ⫺1.200, p ⫽ .230, power ⫽ 0,
the markers group, we performed separate analysis for the markers 95% CI [0, .02], suggesting the distributional cues affected learn-
and no markers conditions and focus on the markers group here, ing of nouns and verbs equally. See Table 6 for a summary of the
and include the no markers analysis as an additional check. final model, and see Figure 5 for a visualization of the results for
Generalized linear mixed effects analysis was performed on the this task.
data for the markers condition, modeling response accuracy on the The same analysis conducted for the no markers group found no
vocabulary test considering variation across participants and ma- significant effect of word type, though this was approaching sig-
terials. The model was initially fitted with random effects of nificance (model fit improvement over the model containing ran-
subjects, trial, particular items, and language version. We then dom effects: 2(1) ⫽ 2.755, p ⫽ .097, difference esti-
sequentially added consistency (consistent/inconsistent) and word mate ⫽ ⫺.387, SE ⫽ .233, z ⫽ ⫺1.658, p ⫽ .097, power ⫽ .41,
type (noun or verb) as fixed effects, followed by the interaction 95% CI [.34, .48], with better learning for nouns (M ⫽ .710, SE ⫽
term, and considered their respective effects on model fit with
.044) than verbs (M ⫽ .634, SE ⫽ .052). As expected, there was
likelihood ratio test comparisons. Due to a technical error, key-
no significant effect of consistency (model fit improvement over
press responses were not recorded for eight out of the 384 obser-
the model containing random effects: 2(1) ⫽ .185, p ⫽ .667,
vations for the markers group, and 12 out of the 384 observations
difference estimate ⫽ .135, SE ⫽ .314, z ⫽ .431, p ⫽ .667,
for the no markers group (missing responses were approximately
power ⫽ .12, 95% CI [.08, .17], with no difference in performance
evenly distributed across consistent/inconsistent groups and noun/
between participants receiving consistent (M ⫽ .660, SE ⫽ .044)
verb trials). These trials were excluded from analysis (see Tables
6 and 7 for a full breakdown of observations for each group). versus inconsistent (M ⫽ .685, SE ⫽ .049) mappings (this was
For the markers group, there was a significant effect of word as anticipated, because these participants received no cues to
type (model fit improvement over the model containing random category membership). There was no significant interaction
effects: 2(1) ⫽ 4.232, p ⫽ .040, difference estimate ⫽ ⫺.543, between word type and consistency, 2(1) ⫽ 1.232, p ⫽ .267;
SE ⫽ .241, z ⫽ ⫺2.247, p ⫽ .025, power ⫽ .57, 95% CI [.49, difference estimate ⫽ ⫺.524, SE ⫽ .468, z ⫽ ⫺1.111, p ⫽ .267;
.63]), with better learning for nouns (M ⫽ .670, SE ⫽ .044) than and power ⫽ 0, 95% CI [0, .02]. See Table 7 for a summary of
verbs (M ⫽ .555, SE ⫽ .052). There was a significant effect of the final model, and see Figure 5.
consistency (model fit improvement when consistency was added Building on the results seen at Test 1 of the transfer task, these
to the model containing random effects plus word type: 2(1) ⫽ data provide further evidence that learners’ language use was
4.141, p ⫽ .042, difference estimate ⫽ ⫺.539, SE ⫽ .242, shaped by the interaction between the distributional categories
z ⫽ ⫺2.229, p ⫽ .026, power ⫽ .63, 95% CI [.56, .70]), with denoted by the high frequency marker-words with the congruent or
participants performing better when label use was consistent incongruent use of targets from these categories to label nouns and
with the distributional categories (M ⫽ .689, SE ⫽ .034) verbs; suggesting that grammatical categorization was influenced
compared with inconsistent (M ⫽ .534, SE ⫽ .060, see Figure 4). by the presence of high frequency marker words in the training
The interaction between word type and consistency was not sig- speech.
Table 6
Summary of the Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Accuracy Scores on the Vocabulary Test for the
Markers Group
Table 7
Summary of the Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Accuracy Scores on the Vocabulary Test for the No
Markers Group
Figure 5. Mean vocabulary scores for the no markers (A) and markers (B) training conditions, given by
consistency and word-type. Error bars indicate standard error. Because categories were denoted by marker words
during training, consistency was only relevant for markers.
impossible without additional scaffolding (e.g., Johnson & Tyler, during training). Performance could be based on familiarity of the
2010). Nevertheless, participants in both conditions were able to sequences. Equally, learning from the languages with and without
identify target words from this language, and to a similar degree. marker words could have been rather different, with marker words
Critically, our data also demonstrate that segmentation of markers interpreted by listeners as either a part of the word (such as an
and targets was possible despite the language containing novel affix), or as a function word marking their role. Models of speech
markers (high frequency words), that were not previously known segmentation make different predictions about how these marker
to participants (e.g., Cunillera et al., 2010). words would be interpreted— either as isolated words (e.g., Mon-
While participants were shown to identify words in the speech aghan & Christiansen, 2010), or, as is likely in the PARSER
stream (i.e., recognize target words as likely lexical candidates model, as an integral part of the word (e.g., Perruchet & Vinter,
over nonword competitors), our data do not provide evidence that 1998). Future research with additional tests of preference for
the ability to do so was enhanced by the presence of the marker sequences both including and omitting marker words alongside
words. A possible reason for this is that the study presented here target words would enable us to distinguish these alternatives.
poses a slightly different challenge to the learner than that docu- Though these are important considerations, the results nevertheless
mented in previous research: Our training phase is wholly implicit, provide strong evidence that participants are able to consider the
and comprises a continuous stream from which learners must target word (either as an isolated word or as the root of a word
discern both markers and targets. Previous studies of the anchor appearing at test without its prefix) as part of the language over a
word effect have often used high frequency words that participants sequence that comprised two portions of different words.
were already familiar with prior to the study (e.g., Bortfeld et al., The two additional tests of category learning enable us to further
2005), or that they were trained on explicitly in the initial stages of interpret how the marker words affected processing of the speech.
the experiment (e.g., Cunillera et al., 2016). In such studies, The first involved analyzing whether participants had explicit
participants would not be tasked with discovering the high fre- knowledge of the distributional category structure of the language,
quency words in the speech stream along with targets, unlike in the and was similar to research involving identification of distribu-
present study. It is possible that greater gains to the segmentation tional categories from statistical distributions of co-occurrence of
task would emerge with prior exposure to the high frequency words in speech (e.g., Frigo & MacDonald, 1998; Mintz, 2002;
marker words, thus the benefit of high frequency words for speech Reeder et al., 2013). Using a related task, Frost et al. (2016)
segmentation may only be evident after words reach a certain demonstrated that when two categories of words were preceded by
threshold of familiarity (thereby facilitating the interplay between one marker word each, the distributional categories were detected
top-down and bottom-up processing suggested by Conway et al., by participants, with findings indicating that the high-frequency
2010). In future studies, testing knowledge of the high frequency marker words available for speech segmentation (e.g., Cunillera et
words separately and correlating this with performance on the al., 2016) were also useful for determining the potential category
segmentation task would provide critical insight into this possibil- structure of the language. However, we did not replicate this
ity. categorization effect here. Sensitivity to distributional categories is
We have described the measure of preference for words versus often difficult to detect in artificial language learning studies
nonwords as a segmentation test; however, we would like to note unless multiple distributional cues (e.g., Mintz, 2002; St. Clair et
that performance on this task does not necessarily require words to al., 2010) or multiple cues from different modalities (e.g., Mon-
be isolated as word candidates in order to distinguish them from aghan et al., 2005) are present in speech (and see also Ramscar,
nonwords (spanning two target words that did not occur together 2013 and St. Clair, Monaghan, & Ramscar, 2009 regarding the
optimality of preceding vs. succeeding category markers for strengthened with further exposure. Although the effects were seen
words). Providing just a preceding distributional cue is thus a weak to dissipate, results nevertheless indicate that participants’ prior
(albeit usable) cue to distributional categories in the language. learning of distributional categories did influence learning in the
Since the data from the proceeding tasks indicate that participants early stages of this task, as predicted based on Frost et al.’s (2016)
did form some level of distributional categories, another possibility pilot study. Though power was adequate for a high likelihood of
is that the task employed here did not adequately tap into partic- finding the effect early in training, a higher-powered future repli-
ipants’ implicit knowledge of distributional categories, due to its cation would help shed further light on the precise pattern of
requirement for reflection-based responses (Christiansen, 2018; learning on the cross-situational word learning transfer task.
Isbilen, Frost, Monaghan, & Christiansen, 2018). In addition, Though the effects of the marker words in forming distributional
power analyses indicated that a larger number of participants categories diminished as the transfer task training proceeded, at the
and/or test stimuli may be required to detect an effect of explicit end of training the effect of this prior learning was still evident. In
distributional category knowledge. the vocabulary task for the markers condition, the effect of con-
The complexity of the artificial language we used served a dual sistency was significant, with better learning when words were
function for learning—potentially supporting speech segmenta- congruent with the category defined by the marker words than
tion, and also determining the possible grammatical roles of words when they were incongruent. Thus, though quantitatively effects of
in the language at the point at which they are first identified from learning were not observed as training continued, the qualitative
speech. Reeder et al. (2013) refer to distributional contexts such as effects of the marker words persistently exerted an effect on
those defined by the marker words in our language as “syntactic participants’ learning.
form-classes,” and they provide a potential precursor to grammat- Previous computational models of segmentation and of gram-
ical categories in their relation to semantic features of their refer- matical category learning have (separately) shown that the same
ents. The second test of category learning, the transfer task, en- high-frequency words prove useful to each of these tasks (Mon-
abled us to test whether participants were able to map their aghan & Christiansen, 2010). In this study, we have shown that the
knowledge about distributional categories onto grammatical dis- same high-frequency words can be accommodated to both speech
tinctions between nouns and verbs. This task also enabled us to segmentation and grammatical categorization. Our results there-
determine whether this distributional information was available to fore add further support to the view that these tasks are not
support syntactic categorization at an early point in language temporally distinct, but rather may operate simultaneously from
learning—when speech is being segmented (Frost & Monaghan, the very earliest stages of language learning (Frost & Monaghan,
2016). 2016).
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