Semester : IV (Empat)
Week : 6-8
1. COMPETENCE UNIT : Report writing
2. COMPETENCE ELEMENT : - A short investigation report
- A progress report
- A trip report
- An occurrence report
3. PERFORMANCE : - Able to write different a short investigation report
- Able to write a progress report
- Able to write a trip report
- Able to write an occurrence report
Most investigation reports are longer reports which examine problem or situation,
identify the cause, suggest corrective feasibility of each, and select which is most suitable.
However, when a minor or a local problem is examined, only a short informal investigation
report is needed to describe it. A very short investigation reports are usually issued as an
1. Summary section
2. Background section
3. Investigation section
4. Action section
This section describes what actions have been done or need to be taken.
5. Backup section
Sample of A Short Investigation Report
I have traced the recent electrical power failure to a wiring error which created a power
overload. Although I have corrected the problem, a better solution would be to install a
separate power panel for two of the air conditioners.
The failures started after the air conditioners were overhauled in September, and even they
occurred only infrequently and at random intervals. On every occasion simply resetting the
circuit breakers corrected the failure, which made the cause difficult to identify.
As I suspected the air conditioners, I compared the wiring connections against the
manufacturer’s wiring diagrams but could find no fault. I then examined the four air
conditioners in turn and identified a disconnected load splitter behind the air conditioner No.2.
The load splitter was installed six years ago. To prevent the circuit from being overloaded
there should be more than two air conditioner compressors cut in at the same time.
Apparently, the overhaul contractor failed to reintroduce it into the circuit when reinstalling
the air conditioners in September.
I have reconnected the load splitter, but suggest we could obtain better performance from the
air conditioners if we were to install a new power control box and connect two of the air
conditioners to it. We could then remove the load splitter. The cost would be $ 645, as
detailed on the attached cost estimate.
May I have your approval to buy the necessary parts and do the installation? Thank you.
Tom White
Explanation of the above investigation report:
In the report, Tom White places his information into five sections:
1. Summary section
Tom identifies the problem, states its causes, reports that it has been resolved, and
2. Background section
3. Investigation section
Tom describes his approach to the problem and what he has discovered.
4. Action section
Tom describes how he corrected the problem, but suggests a better alternative.
5. Back up section
“Elegant Tooth Paste” America - Indonesia industry located in Bandung has produced a
new tooth paste product called “Bosodent”. This product uses a pump dispenser system
that other tooth paste industries do not. The product was first produced three months ago
and has been on the market since then. At the end of November, your Production
Manager - Charles Clifford received a report that the distributors in four Bandung
districts did not make further enquiries. The report also tells your manager that the
Marketing Department has done its best to introduce your product to customers and
distributors through advertisement and distribution of the product. They require your
department to find out whether the sluggish enquiries are caused by production aspects.
The enquiry should cover its design, price, size quantity, material, etc. At present the
The requirement from the Marketing Department arrived on 3 December and your
December, both for surveying the products condition in several supermarkets and shops
You are an assistant to Mr Charles Clifford assigned to do the research. You planned the
task into two stages. The first stage is to see the product in the market and the second is
to do interview. The purpose of this task is to see what variables caused the sluggish
Instruction: Today 12 December, write an investigation report to your manager to tell
about your findings from the research. In your report you expect your manager can give
Your findings:
The following are the data you gained from your research
1. Borobudur The products displayed on the rear row-shelf of
confectionary section
2. Palaguna No products’ pin poster
3. Dago Gelalel No sphere shelf to display the products
4. Kosambi Plaza The display of the products next the other tooth paste
product (pepsodent) with cheaper price Rp 4.000,00.
5. Buah Batu Centre No good light on tooth paste area
1. Bandung Utara Only I (one) of 5 visited shops sells the products
2. Bandung Timur None of 5 visited shops sells the products
3. Bandung Selatan None of 5 visited shops sells the products
4. Bandung Barat None of 5 visited shops sells the products
5. Bandung Pusat All 5 visited shops sells the products, however they can
only sell half dozen per week on the average
b. Questionnaire Responses ( 7 - 11 December )
Progress reports keep management informed of work progress on projects that span a
length period, which can vary from a few weeks for a small manufacturing contract to several
years for a bigger project such as construction of a hydroelectric power station and
transmission system.
They are written at random intervals and usually concern shorter projects. Sometimes
they are written near the mid project point. Occasionally they are written to fore warm
management that problems have occurred and delays can be expected. But most often they
are written as soon as the project leader has a sufficiently clear picture of work progress to
The report is generally organized according to a psychology real plan and divided into
four sections.
1. Summary
The summary should comment briefly on the progress achieved and whether the
project on the schedule; it may also predict a project completion date. Its information
2. Background
If the report will be read only by persons familiar with the project, then only
other readers, then the background should briefly describe the persons involved in the
project, and the location and dates (i.e., it should answer the questions who?, where?,
3. Progress
This contains information about problem encountered and what success the action
4. Schedule
Schedule states whether the project is ahead of, on, or behind schedule. If ahead of
5. Plans
This usually short section describes the writer’s report plans and exceptions for the
remainder of the project. It should indicate whether the project will finish on
schedule, and if not, predict a revised completion date. There should be an obvious
link between this section and the previous sub-section (schedule).
6. Backup
The optional backup compartment contains data such as statistics, result of test,
specification, and drawings. This supporting information is grouped and placed in
“attachments”. Each statement must be referred to in the background or progress
section of the report, so that the reader will know it is there.
Sample of occasional progress report
The following is the sample of occasional progress report. The writer (Marjorie Franckle)
is reporting her progress to Vic Braun, her Environmental Studies Manager. Her progress
1. The summary: it reports mainly that Marjorie’s study is running behind the schedule.
3. The progress contain the work has been done and the problems encountered by the writer.
4. The schedule section is Marjorie is not sure how long it will take to find and interview
My study of the calving areas used by the Porcupine herd of Caribou has been delayed by
lack and inaccessibility of data. I doubt whether I will be able to complete the study before
15 September.
The study is being done for the Department of transport to determine the boundaries and
dates of calving, so that specific areas can be designated as “Restricted Flying Zones” during
the calving season. Currently I am working out of Old Crow in the River and Yukon border.
I have defined the eastern and western limits of the North Slope calving area bordering the
Beaufort Sea (see attached map), and have identified three approach routes used by the
Caribou during their north-bound spring migration. These are:
1. Through the Richardson Mountains in the east, along the Yukon/Northwest Territories
2. Through the Brooks range of mountains north of Old Crow.
3. Through the Brooks range in Alaska, between the canning.
In normal years most calving seems to take place in the Artic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska
between early May and early June. But if bad travel conditions delay the migration, calving
occurs farther east along the coastal plain or sometimes even in the mountain ranges while
the herd is still migrating.
My problem has been to identify which migration routes are most used, clear-cut dates when
calving occurs, and the earliest and latest dates that the caribou have been known to enter the
coastal plain. Only a few residents have observed calving, and I have been trying to identify
who they are and to interview them. This lack of real information has delayed my study by at
least 15 days.
For the next two or three weeks I will be traveling with an interpreter to interview Inuit in
very small communities north of Old Crow and as far as Aklavik. During this period it is
unlikely you will be able to contact me.
Marjorie Franckle
Spirit Liquid Petroleum Gas Company was instructed to equip their company with
safety equipment appliances and to give training on safety to their field crews by both Jakarta
fire brigade and police headquarter officers. The instruction was made because the company
evidence of the Jakarta Selatan Police District’s investigation report telling that the fire on
one of the company’s customers’ houses was caused by the lack of safety equipment
(appliances). The incident caused the customers located on Pasar Minggu area to suffer loss.
Even though the incident was the fault of one of the company’s (Jakarta Selatan District). It
A week after the incident the company runs a two-week training on safety for all their
field crews from 5 branches located in five Jakarta districts. The training is coincidentally
held in Jakarta Selatan branch where you are the person who is in charge of the business
operation. Each branch is under a Sales Supervisor. The decision to run the training in your
base is because your base is now installing the safety appliances such as Gas Leakage
Detectors and Air Condition Disseminators and also Rehabilitating the gas tank house. It is
expected that training participants might be able to gain some real experiences and do some
“real simulations”.
Today is the last day of the first week of the training session. You are reporting the
running of the training program, rehabilitation, and installation to the Personnel, Technical,
and Marketing Manager based in the head office. The following are the training program,
Rehabilitation and Installation Training Schedule
Write your progress report to the Personnel, Technical and Marketing Manager of the
An occurrence report tells about an event that has happened, explains how and why it
occurred, and describe what effect the event had and what has been done about it. Sometimes
it also suggests that corrective action be taken or what should be done to prevent the event
from reoccurring.
1. Terminal section
This is the summary of the event in which it explains very briefly what happened and
2. Background
It explains the background of the event in which it tells when it happened, where it
3. Text
Gapai LPG Distributor is describing a fire caused by blast of a gas tank. The report is
delivered to his manager Richard Harris. The report contains four main parts:
1. In summary statement he explains very briefly what happened and the effects of it.
2. In the background part he answers the questions that Richard Harris likely to ask:
- When did the fire happen?
- Who is responsible?
3. In the event he describes exactly what happened and explain why the event can be
4. In the outcome he answers the question what action was taken about it.
Due to the explosion of our delivered gas tank, one of our customers’ kitchens caught fire and
it damaged part of the kitchen. It causes us to compensate the customer’s total loss of Rp
The fire happened on Friday morning at about eleven o’clock in a home belongs to a doctor
at Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu No. 23 in Air Force Residential Complex. However, the fire
brigade and the local people immediately put out the fire before it spreads to other parts of
the house and neighbours. No casualties occurred.
The fire was caused by the explosion of a gas tank which was about to be hooked up. The
blaze could have not been extinguished unless the supplier put it out by water.
Yesterday afternoon I contacted our insurance company and asked them to check the incident.
This morning the insurance company agreed to compensate our customer’s loss. We are now
checking all gas tanks in the store under two police and three fire brigade officers’
supervision. Since the incident the office has been closed. We will open the office when the
condition allow us to do so.
You are Mr Tua Mangihut and are working in an America - Indonesia Joint Venture company
(Gigantic Spirit Electric Appliances). You are posted in the company sales agent as a Sales
Supervisor there. Today, you have a problem with your customers who want to buy your
The following data are about the product and the error you have:
2. Type : DX 304
5. Sold : None
6. Loss : None
Instruction: Write a memo report to your immediate boss Mr James Knox (the Marketing
Trip reports are written whenever people leave their normal place of work to do
something elsewhere. Their reports can cover mainly kinds of event such as:
The report is presented (written) by a company’s delegate under his/her superior’s instruction.
organization may follow one of the following orders or a combination of them. The
In this section you write the criteria (standards, factors or characteristics) on which a
In this section you present the text following the sequence of events.
c. Order of location
Here, you describe something following the different places where of occurred.
d. Order of Importance
In this section you present the most important ideas, events, or topics and proceed to
e. Order of familiarity
This section emphasizes what the sources of information. You can apply this
However, the other writers organize the Field Trip Report into the following
1. Summary
This is drawn primarily from the background and the job the writer had, e.g. attending
2. Background
This brings together all the bits and pieces of information relating to the trip. It
describes who went, where, why, and when the job was done.
3. Job Description
A trip report describes an installation, modifications, repair work, the guidelines are:
and/or attended.
4. It gives an answer to a question coming from the readers, sometimes it can be difficult
to identify exactly where the outcome section starts. Some people might say it starts
at the beginning of the report, or job description section. Other writer might say it
starts after the writer describes the unexpected work, unusual events, or problems in
some detail.
1. A Sales Manager’s Report on a Regional Conference
The following is a report on the items we discussed during our recent meeting in Bangkok
regarding our XL products. They are about the scheduled open houses, our promotional
programs, the signs and identification of our products. The names of those who are asked to
be responsible for the various parts of these are listed in the right side.
A. Open House
b. Develop a program to impress upon the distributors out program for XL Product
1. The Xl product brochure was reviewed and relatively minor changes agreed upon.
Another draft will be sent to bill Campbell will prepare and forward guarantee copy to
agency, This project is to proceed as rapidly as possible. The agency will prepare a list
of names for the pre-finished RM product line.
a. We agreed that a brochure to familiarize costumers with the operation of the XL will
be desirable.
b. We agreed that the procedure used formerly in materials showing photographs of the
various personnel will be a good approach. Agency will develop layout.
c. Those to be included in this brochure will be Tyna Green, Martha Gerbman, Pete
Mallon, Erick Brown, and John Raney, the sales secretary.
b. We agreed that advertising regions should be expanded to cover the entire region.
This project will be further developed.
1. Unit Signs
White cardboard unit sign which will fold over the top edges of XL products displayed
will be printed at the Print shop. Design approved was forwarded to The Print Shop for
production and delivery to the plant by June 23
2. Property Signs.
Building and property signs were agreed on and covered in a separate memo.
Mathew Dunken
2. An Assistant Manager’s Conference Report
Here is a brief summary of the St. Louis meeting that I attended September 30 on coin service
at military installations. Since you are mainly interested in the presentations of John Klinest,
Wardman Jones, and Kathy Cummings, I am focusing this report on their contributions to
this conference.
John Klinest conducted our meeting and introduced the subject. Because of the current
situation of military posts, coin service at these posts will be a problem for years to come.
It’s important to improve our service due to:
1. The need is there. The present military situation requires more coin service.
2. Many of the young men and woman on these posts are making their first real
acquaintance with public telephone service. Their opinions of our service now are
likely to be lasting.
A Series of slides shown by klinest pointed out that coin conditions around the country from
very bad (standing in mud puddles to use coin kiosks) to very good
Wardman Jones talked about some of the revenue characteristics of military coin service.
Kathy Cummings’s Presentation
Regarding the traffic considerations, these were enumerated by Kathy Cummings. She
emphasized that …………..……………………………………………………..
Plan of Action
Jhon Klinest recommends the formation of an interdepartmental district team to evaluate our
coin service at (names) and report its findings to higher management. The team will use the
attached checklist.
Verna Bennet
You are Ms Michelle Antoniette, personnel Assistant of Spirit Electric Appliances, who was
selected to attend The Roaming Group Seminar. You are assigned to evaluate the seminar
whether it was suitable for in-house use. The assignment was given by Mr Audrey Rivers
The seminar was held at the downtown Holiday Inn from 1.00 to 4.00 p.m. yesterday 29
April. At the seminar you got a folder consisting of two formats: They are as a public
seminar and as a kit for in-house presentation. The former is the one that you attended while
the latter is sold for. The cost is Rp 600.000 per person for the public seminar and Rp
1.600.000 for the in-house presentation and it contains sufficient materials to train 40
According to your impression the atmosphere of the seminar is relaxed. The participants
- The participants take part in two meeting simulations by dividing the participants into
2. The second hour
The first group plays the simulation and the second group evaluates the first group’s
- The group reserves their roles each other and do the same thing as in the second hour.
- The seminar leader sums up after each meeting and points out the groups’ strengths
and weaknesses.
You found the seminar to be an excellent learning experience, because you had realistic,
recognizable role to play, and the topics for the two meeting simulations were interesting and
relevant. You therefore, suggest your department purchases the Roaming Group’s meeting
kit and use it to help your company’s managers and supervisors hold more efficient meeting.
By gaining experience in the seminar you are positively capable on running in-house
Instruction: Send your manager a memorandum in which you write the evaluation of the