Lab 04

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence

CS222: Computer Architecture

Lab no 04: Finite State Machine - One-hot Counter

The purpose of this Lab is to learn how to:

1) Implement a finite state machine (FSM) for a 10-bit one-hot
counter on FPGA.
2) Implement a clock divider to generate a 1-Hz clock From
the FPGA 50MHz clock.
3) Connect sub-modules on a top-level module. You will
connect the clock divider and the one-hot counter.
4) Use the LEDs on the FPGA board to display the output of
the one-hot counter.

Parts: -
1. Code the behavioral description of the clock divider.
2. Code the behavioral description of the 10-bit up/down one-
hot counter.
3. Connect the clock divider and the one-hot counter on the
top-level module and run it on FPGA.

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture

Part 1. Code the behavioral description of the clock

The clock frequency of the MAX 10 FPGA is 50MHz.
To generate a 1-Hz clock, you need to implement a clock divider
that slows down the FPGA clock. A clock divider is a counter. Our
implementation divides the FPGA clock by 50 million counts, 25
million counts for One pulse, and 25 million counts for Zero pulse.

Figure 1. illustrates an example of a clock divider using a 3-bit

counter, with three flip-flops. It counts from 0 to 7. As shown, the
initial input frequency is “divided-by-two” by the first flip-flop (ƒ
÷ 2) and then “divided-by-two” again by the second flip-flop (ƒ ÷
2) ÷ 2, giving an output frequency which has effectively been
divided four times, then its output frequency becomes one-
quarter value (25%) of the original clock frequency, (ƒ ÷ 4), and
so on.

Figure 1. 3-bit counter.

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture

Behavioral Description Verilog Code for Clock Divider

module clock_divider (clk, reset, CLK1Hz);
input clk, reset;
output CLK1Hz;
// ------------------------------------------------- //
reg CLK1Hz;
reg [24:0] count; // log2(25 million)
// ------------------------------------------------- //
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if(reset) // initial (zero)
count <= 0;
CLK1Hz <= 0;
if(count < 25_000_000)
count <= count + 1; // count 25 million
CLK1Hz = ~CLK1Hz; // toggle the clk high\low
count <= 0;
// ------------------------------------------------- //

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture

Part 2. Code the behavioral description of 10-bit up/down

One-hot counter
Based on the FSM in Figure 2, build the up/down one-hot
Describe the FSM by using a Verilog case statement in an
always block.

Figure 2. 10-bit up-down one-hot counter FSM.

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture

Behavioral Description Verilog Code for One-hot Counter

module one_hot_counter_fsm (clk, reset, oneHot);
input clk, reset;
output [9:0] oneHot;
// ------------------------------------------------- //
parameter S0 = 2'b00, // initial state
S1 = 2'b01, // shift left state
S2 = 2'b10; // shift right state
reg [9:0] oneHot;
reg [1:0] State;
// ------------------------------------------------- //
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if(reset) // reset the state to initial state and output to zeros
State = S0;
oneHot <= 10'b0000_0000_01;
case(State) // state transitions
S0: State <= S1; // move to state S1 (shift left state)
S1: if(oneHot < 10'b1000_0000_00)
oneHot <= oneHot << 1; // shift one left
State <= S2; // move to S2 (shift right state)
S2: if(oneHot > 10'b0000_0000_01)
oneHot <= oneHot >> 1; // shift one right
State <= S1; // move to S1 (shift left state)
// ------------------------------------------------- //

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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture

Part 3. Connect the Clock divider and the One-hot counter

on the top-level module
module one_hot_counter (clk, reset, oneHot);
input clk, reset;
output [9:0] oneHot;
// Instantiation of the clcok divider

clock_divider clock_divider_1Hz (clk, reset, CLK1Hz);

// Instantiation of the one hot couter fsm

one_hot_counter_fsm one_hot_cnt (CLK1Hz,reset, oneHot);


Once you are confident that the circuit works properly, as

a result of simulation, Download the circuit to the FPGA.
Refer to Lab 2 to program the FPGA by Quartus
Use DE10-Lite kit, Altera MAX 10 based FPGA board
Check DE10-lite user manual (Here) for pin assignment.

Assign clk to the MAX10_CLK1_50.
Assign reset to the switch button (SW0) on FPGA.
Assign the output of the counter to the 10 LEDs (LEDR [0-9])
on FPGA.

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