Lab 04
Lab 04
Lab 04
Parts: -
1. Code the behavioral description of the clock divider.
2. Code the behavioral description of the 10-bit up/down one-
hot counter.
3. Connect the clock divider and the one-hot counter on the
top-level module and run it on FPGA.
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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture
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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture
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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture
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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture
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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
CS222: Computer Architecture
Assign clk to the MAX10_CLK1_50.
Assign reset to the switch button (SW0) on FPGA.
Assign the output of the counter to the 10 LEDs (LEDR [0-9])
on FPGA.
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