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DLP No.: 3 & 4 Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: 1ST Duration:
MUSIC 10 2 hours

Learning The learner relates 20th century music to other art Code:
Competency/ forms and media during the same time period. MU10TC-Ia-
ies: g-3
Key Concepts/ Demonstrates understanding of 20th century music styles and
Understandings characteristic features.
to be
Knowledge Identify the composers and musical styles of the 20 th century
Skills Interpret musical style of the 20th century music.
Attitudes Demonstrate appreciation to the historical and cultural background of
the 20th century music.
Values Develop nationalism
Content/ Topic 20th Century Musical Styles: Impressionism & Expressionism
Learning Visual Presentation/ Powerpoint Presentation, Access to
Resources/ computers/laptops with speaker, LCD Projector, colored papers/meta
Materials/ strips, scotch tape, pentel pen/markers and manila papers.
Introductory Daily Routine :
Prayer/ Checking of Attendance/ Seating Arrangement
10 mins.
Lesson Recall (Briefly) – 20th Century Music

Activity Name the Composer, Title of the Music and Musical Style

10 mins. 1. After the Listening Activity, you will prepare selected excerpts of
compositions by Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, Bartok,
2. Divided into four teams, with each team forming a line.
3. As you play a few measures of the first excerpt, let the first
student in each line goes to the board and writes the name of
the composer, second student will write the title of the music.
The third student will write the musical style.
4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores 3 points.
5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line
have had their turn.
6. Assign one student to tally the scores and announce the
winners. The team with the highest score is the winner. In
case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner.
Analysis Ask the following questions:
1. How do you find the activity?
2. What was the most significant thing that you have learned from
10 mins. this activity?
3. Where your group able to identify all the musical compositions
and its composers?
4. Where you able to identify its musical style whether
impressionism or expressionism?
Abstraction 1. What is the distinct musical style of Impressionism?
2. What group of people inspired many of Bartok’s compositions?
10 mins. 3. What is the distinct musical style of Expressionism?
4. Which Russian composer created the music for the ballet The
5. Who is considered the foremost impressionist?
6. What kind of musical style is attributed to Schoenberg and
Application Individual Activity: Paint to Music:
1. Play the following music and let the students listen:
15 mins. a. Impressionism- Claire De Lune and Bolero
b. Expressionism- Petrouchka and The Firebird
2. Do a paint to music activity. Draw/paint lines while music is
Paint/Draw in a clean bond paper. Fold the paper. The upper
part will be impressionism music and the lower part is
expressionism. Let students present and explain his/her work
in front of the class after the activity.

Assessment Explain briefly how the 20th century musical styles have counterparts
in the visual arts,particularly in painting.
(10 pts.)
Assignment Which of the styles that you studied do you like best?
Explain your answer in essay form.
Wrap- up/
Concluding Present emoticons to the class. Let them choose and draw in their
Activity: notebook an “emoticon” that reflects their mood after learning about
the 20th century music.
5 mins.
Prepared by:
Position/ Designation: Teacher-1 Division: MASBATE CITY
Contact Number: 09125523712 Email address: [email protected]

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