Influence of Plastic Oil With Ethanol Gasoline

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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2017) xxx, xxx–xxx

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline

blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine
Vijaya Kumar Kareddula *, Ravi Kumar Puli

MED, NIT Warangal, Telangana 506004, India

Received 17 January 2017; revised 7 July 2017; accepted 30 July 2017

KEYWORDS Abstract Energy consumption is becoming the index of country development. Transportation sec-
Spark ignition engine; tor is occupied the second position in total energy consumption. Traditional energy sources are
Waste plastic oil; obliterating out and leaving carbon foot prints on environment. Across the world plastic consump-
Performance; tion and its disposal is increasing at exponential rate. The current research is aimed to utilize this
Emissions plastic waste as an input for engine running in the form of plastic pyrolysis oil (PPO). Experiments
are conducted with PPO on multi cylinder Maruti 800 petrol engine to evaluate the performance
and emissions characteristics. The gasoline is blended with 15% PPO and with and without ethanol
additive at 5%. The performance and emissions result of plastic oil blend is compared with pure
petrol and ethanol added blend. The experimental outcomes clears, that the brake thermal efficiency
of 15PPO is lower than that of pure petrol while the NOx emissions are substantially increased.
Therefore, ethanol is added as an additive to control the NOx emissions, engine performance is
improved compared to pure petrol and 15PPO. Emissions like CO, NOx are significantly controlled.
Ó 2017 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction the substitute of the current using fuels to fulfill future

demands. Furthermore, environmental protection issues have
The rapid industrialization and rushing of automobile sector been emphasized all over the world in recent years, so it is
has led to a steep rise of demand for petroleum based fuels. urgent to find some clean and renewable sources to internal
Which results, the fossil fuel reserves are rapidly exhausting. combustion engines [1,2]. Among the many alternative fuels,
Scientist estimated that, known petroleum reserves to be plastic oil is having its own significance as it is produced from
depleted in less than 50 years with the present rate of consump- the waste plastics, which is the critical by-product of waste
tion. It fore warns the research community regarding the plastic recycling by pyrolysis process. Kareddula et al. [3]
shortage of energy by the shortage of finite fossil fuel reserves. experimentally investigated the performance of single cylinder
Besides designing the efficient engines, it needs to search for spark ignition engine fuelled with distilled plastic pyrolysis oil
blends from 0 to 50% blends. They reported that, 50% DPPO
gave maximum enhancement in engine performance compared
* Corresponding author.
to petrol and other DPPO blends at all load conditions. Many
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V.K. Kareddula),
researchers [4–9] carried out experimental investigations on
[email protected] (R.K. Puli).
compression ignition engine using tyre oil blends and waste
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
plastic oil blends with and without exhaust gas recirculation.
1110-0168 Ó 2017 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli, Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine, Alex-
andria Eng. J. (2017),
2 V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli


PPO Plastic Pyrolysis Oil HC Hydrocarbons

PF Petrol Fuel NOx Oxides of Nitrogen
BP Brake Power CO Carbon Monoxide
BTE Brake Thermal Efficiency 15PPO 15% PPO + 85% PF
BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 15PPO5E 15% PPO + 5% ethanol + 80% PF

It is clear from their reported results that, the CI engines oper- at desired proportions. The homogeniser apparatus was sup-
ated with plastic oil and tyre oil blends releases large amount plied by Ormeroo Engineers Limited, England. So, the pre-
of NOx emission, which can be minimise by using exhaust pared plastic pyrolysis oil blends for investigating the
gas recirculation. C. A. Srinivasan et al. [10] studied the influ- performance and nature of emissions by spark ignition engine.
ence of ethanol additive in spark ignition engine, the results
showed that the calorific value of the blended fuel reduced 1.2. Preparation of plastic pyrolysis oil blends
and the octane number is increased. This increased octane
number is causes for higher brake thermal efficiencies and The plastic pyrolysis oil was procured from G K Industries,
addition of ethanol additive can control the environmental Hyderabad. The basic properties of PPO-PF blends were mea-
pollution. From the literature, it is observed that, most of sured and compared to conventional petroleum fuel. C-H-N-S
experimental investigations were carried out with plastic pyrol- analysis was carried out at IICT Hyderabad, India. Testing
ysis oil operated on compression ignition engines and very reports explicates that the carbon content in PPO is nearer
minimum work was carried out on spark ignition engines. to that of petrol fuel and nitrogen content is more than petrol
The main objective of the present work is to reduce the fuel. In the present work 15% plastic pyrolysis oil blend was
NOx emissions and improve the performance by adding the prepared with and without 5% ethanol additive on a volume
5% ethanol additive to 15PPO blend. In order to achieve the basis. PPO blend without additive is indicated as 15PPO.
objective, in the present work, experimental investigation were For example, 15%PPO blended with 85% PF is denoted as
carried out on multi cylinder 4-stroke water cooled petrol 15PPO. PPO blend with additive is indicated as 15PPO5E.
engine by using the 15% plastic pyrolysis oil gasoline blend For example, 15% PPO and 5% ethanol blended with 80%
with and without ethanol additive at 5%. PF is denoted as 15PPO5E. The estimated PPO flash and fire
point are 40 °C and 44 °C respectively. The basic properties
1.1. Blending machine apparatus of plastic oil compared with petrol are presented in Table 1.

The emulsifier is a blending apparatus as shown in Fig. 1, used 2. Experimental setup

for homogenize the waste plastic pyrolysis oil-gasoline blends
Experiments were conducted on a three cylinder Maruti 800
petrol engine with a fixed compression ratio at a constant
speed of 1500 rpm under different loads. The experimental
setup is as shown in Fig. 2, it consists of three cylinder, 4-
stroke, water cooled engine. In the present study, a water
brake dynamometer was used to load the test rig. From the
principles of conservation, load applied while carrying out
experiments was converted into heat which would dissipate
to the water circulating in the dynamometer chamber. Test
rig is attached with a digital indicator to apply and maintain
the constant load on engine by creating a resultant trust in
the form reaction torque at the whirl chamber. The technical
specifications of the Maruti 800 petrol engine are as shown
in Table 2.

Table 1 Basic properties of fuels.

S. No. Characteristics Petrol PPO
1 Specific gravity 0.741 0.83
2 Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) 0.5 2.54
3 Calorific value (kJ/kg) 43449.7 42807.5
4 Density (kg/m3) 740.82 830
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of blending machine apparatus.

Please cite this article in press as: V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli, Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine, Alex-
andria Eng. J. (2017),
Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending 3

Fig. 2 Schematic of Maruti 800 Petrol Engine Test Setup.

Table 2 Maruti 800 petrol engine

Engine make and model Maruti 800
Number of cylinders Three in-line
Orientation Vertical
Arrangement of valves Overhead
Fuel type Gasoline
Cooling Medium Water Cooled
Number of strokes 4 Strokes
Ignition Spark Ignition
Fuel delivery Carburetor type
Bore 68.55 mm
Stroke 72 mm
Compression ratio 8.7:1
Cubic capacity 796 cc

Fig. 3 Variation of BSFC with Brake Power.

3. Results and discussion
0.4% decrement compared to gasoline fuel. From literature the
The results are presented in two sections as first section pre- ethanol having more octane number compared to gasoline and
sents the performance characteristics and second section con- plastic oil [10]. Because this BTE increment mainly depends on
centrates on emission analysis. the octane number of ethanol additive, this leads to higher
BTE of 15PPO5E blend.
3.1. Performance characteristics
3.2. Emission analysis
The influencing parameters such as Brake Specific Fuel Con-
sumption (BSFC) and Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) were Major constituents of engine emissions are CO, O2, CO2,
presented on the performance of the petrol engine. Fig. 3 elu- unburned HC, NOx and particulate matter. Fig. 5, it is
cidates the influence of the brake power on the BSFC. By observed that, as the emissions of carbon monoxide linearly
blending the PPO in base fuel, the BSFC is increased compared decreases with brake power but, these emissions are diminish-
to base line fuel at all load conditions. Therefore, in order to ing in proportion with the blending compared with base line
modulate the BSFC ethanol is supplemented at 5% volume engine. The oxygenated characteristics of ethanol in 15PPO5E
fraction. As a result, it is noticed that the fuel consumption causes to reduce the CO emissions compared to petrol and
rate is reduced by 4.1% with ethanol additive in plastic oil 15PPO. The addition of ethanol in PPO blended fuel, more
blend compared to without additive plastic oil blend at full oxygen for the combustion process and leads to the so-called
load condition and 7.2% increment when compared to base ‘‘leaning effect”. Owing to the effect, CO emission will
line fuel. Fig. 4 illustrates the BTE as a function of brake decrease tremendously. The effect of HC emissions using dif-
power. The BTE is linearly varied up to 1.5 kW brake power, ferent gasoline blends is as shown in Fig. 6. The HC emissions
after that it varies parabolically along with the brake power. is 52.63% increased with ethanol additive plastic oil blend
At the full load conditions, the BTE was 9.35% increased with compared to without additive plastic oil blend and 28.48%
ethanol additive blend compared to without additive blend and increase compared to base fuel at full load condition. At this

Please cite this article in press as: V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli, Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine, Alex-
andria Eng. J. (2017),
4 V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli

Fig. 6 Variation of Unburned Hydrocarbons with Brake Power.

Fig. 4 Variation of BTE with Brake Power.

Fig. 7 Variation of Oxides of Nitrogen with Brake Power.

Fig. 5 Variation of Carbon Monoxide with Brake Power.

point, it has to be observed that ethanol has a lower flame NOx emissions are usually lower than those of gasoline and
speed as compared to gasoline operation. As a result, less mass 15PPO blend. It is apparent that in any HC oxidation process
fraction of the fuel is burnt in the case of ethanol-blended that takes place during the combustion of alcohol fuels pro-
gasoline. Hence, higher amounts of un-burnt fuel are left in vides leaning of mixtures that reduces the NOx emissions.
each cycle. On account of the cooling effect and increasing
quench volume of ethanol in the combustion chamber, the 4. Error and uncertainty analysis
HC emissions were enhanced.
Fig. 7 it is noticed that, NOx emissions are decreased with Uncertainty and errors in the experiments can arise from
addition of ethanol to plastic oil gasoline blend. The NOx instrument calibration, condition, observation, environment,
emissions are 24.23% decreased with 15PPO5E blend com- test planning and reading. Uncertainty analysis is required to
pared to 15PPO blend and 0.41% is decreased compared to prove the accuracy of the experiments. The uncertainty per-
gasoline fuel at full load. This indicates that they had a lower centage of several parameters like BP, BSFC, BTE and emis-
heating value for ethanol than gasoline and 15PPO blend are sions were calculated using the uncertainty percentage of
resulting in decrease in the combustion heat energy and reduc- several instruments given in Table 3. An uncertainty analysis
ing the combustion temperature in the cylinder. Due to the was performed using Eq. (1). The total uncertainty percentage
much lower flame temperatures for ethanol combustion, its is calculated as ±2.3%.


u 2  2  2  2  2  2 )
Total Uncertainty % ¼ t þ þ þ þ þ ð1Þ

Please cite this article in press as: V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli, Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine, Alex-
andria Eng. J. (2017),
Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending 5

Table 3 List of instruments used and its uncertainties.

Instruments Range Measurement techniques Uncertainty % Accuracy
Tachometer (speed) 1000–4000 rpm Mechanical Type ±0.15% ±1%
Load 0–7 kg Stain gauge type ±1.4% ±0.1 kg
Burette 0–50 CC ±1% ±0.1 CC
AVL Five Gas Analyser CO: 0–10% NDIR ±0.2% ±0.02%
NOx: 0–5,000 Electro Chemical Sensor ±0.2% ±10 ppm
HC: 0–10,000 Electro Chemical Sensor ±0.2% ±20 ppm

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Please cite this article in press as: V.K. Kareddula, R.K. Puli, Influence of plastic oil with ethanol gasoline blending on multi cylinder spark ignition engine, Alex-
andria Eng. J. (2017),

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