EIACovidFinalReport02092020 PDF

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31st July 2020


The silver lining of anticipated environmental

benefits amidst global outbreak of novel Coronavirus
(COVID-19) has been brought to its scientific standing
through enormous efforts of my entire team. On one
hand, the standoff of this deadly virus becoming a
health pandemic questioning the very survival of
millions also poses the most pandemonium
controversial affair when thought as Nature’s Corrective
Process. This deadly invisible enemy has affected almost every living being across the globe
directly or indirectly causing nationwide complete lockdown that indeed posed tremendous
opportunity to understand environmental sustainability at its core.

At the outset, it gives us immense pleasure in presenting you, first of its kind &
thorough scientific compilation of “Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic on
Environmental Attributes” attempting correlation & apportionment of all major activities
thought & known to alter environmental quality. Never before such humongous attempt is
made to evaluate impacts on varying time line with multiple determinants & environmental
attributes in one go which makes this environmental investigation extremely interesting.
Though many of the assumptions & numbers can be debated for accuracy, the idea for this
research is to create hope about Indian culture of finding positives in every Act of God.

This study is thought to be a credible addition to the scientific community and policy
makers not only to assess the impacts of lockdown on quality of air, water etc., but also
thought to provide for a base to strategically propose & evaluate corrective / alternative
action plan towards environmental correction; as is the case with several countries including
India for betterment of overall environmental quality & further to limit public exposure to
extreme environmental conditions.

The Board is thankful to all concerned officials & other self developed portals by the
Board for collating the data and useful information in time that enabled us to bring out this
E. Ravendiran (IAS),
Member Secretary,
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

List of Contents
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 The COVID-19 Chronology ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Chronology in India ................................................................................................... 2
1.3 The Responding India .............................................................................................. 3
2.0 Background .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 The Conceptualization .............................................................................................. 6
3.0 Objective & Scope ........................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Methodology Adopted ............................................................................................... 8
4.0 Preamble -Baseline Environmental Quality [Pre-COVID-19 Scenario] ...................... 11
4.1 The State of Maharashtra Statistics ....................................................................... 12
5.0 Preamble -Impact Evaluation – Environmental Perspective ...................................... 14
5.1 Activity Mapping during various Phase of Study .................................................... 14
5.1.1 Activity Mapping for Attributes Related to Air Quality ...................................... 15 Industrial Activity ...................................................................................... 15 Impact on Air Emissions Load from Industries ...................................... 18 Share of Emissions ........................................................................ 20 Thermal Power Plants [TPP] .................................................................... 23 Transportation Activity .............................................................................. 23 Impact on Area Sources ........................................................................... 26 Sectoral Sources Impact on Air Emissions in Maharashtra ..................... 28 Sectoral Share of Sources towards PM10 Emissions Load ................... 28 Sectoral Share of Sources towards SO2 Emissions Load ..................... 29 Sectoral Share of Sources towards NOx Emissions Load .................... 30 Sectoral Share of Sources Towards CO Emissions Load..................... 31
5.1.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Ambient Air Environment .......................................... 32 Analysis of Air Quality Data in Terms of Specific Pollutants .................... 36
5.1.3 Impact on Noise Environment ......................................................................... 39
5.2 Water Environment ................................................................................................. 39
5.2.1 Activity Mapping for Attributes Related to Water Quality ................................. 41 Industrial Activity ...................................................................................... 41 Domestic Activity ...................................................................................... 45 Tapi River Basin .................................................................................... 46 Godavari Basin ..................................................................................... 46 Krishna Basin ........................................................................................ 47 West Flowing Rivers ............................................................................. 48 Saline Basins ........................................................................................ 48
5.3 Impact on Waste Generation .................................................................................. 49
Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

5.3.1 Impact on Solid waste ..................................................................................... 49 Activity Mapping for Municipal Solid Waste ............................................. 50 Impact Assessment on Municipal Solid waste ......................................... 51 Activity Mapping for Hazardous Solid Waste ........................................... 53 Impact Assessment on Hazardous Waste ............................................ 53 Activity Mapping for Bio Medical Waste ................................................... 54 Impact Assessment on Bio Medical Waste ........................................... 54
6.0 Preamble -Allied & Secondary Percolating Impacts ................................................... 56
6.1 Consumerism ......................................................................................................... 56
6.2 Impact on Economy ................................................................................................ 56
6.3 Impact due to Migrant Movement ........................................................................... 57
6.4 Impact on Employment ........................................................................................... 58
6.5 Impact on Education System .................................................................................. 58
6.6 Impact on Transport Industry .................................................................................. 58
6.7 Impact on Aviation .................................................................................................. 58
7.0 Impact Evaluation – The Conclusion .......................................................................... 59

List of Tables
Table 1 Consolidated Activities Permitted and Prohibited During National Lock Down ..... 4
Table 2 Parameterization & Methodology for Assessment of Environmental Scenario
during Pre & COVID-19 time periods .................................................................... 8
Table 3 Annual Growth Rates of Real GSVA, Real GSDP and Per Capita Real GSDP As
Per Advance Estimates of 2019-20..................................................................... 11
Table 4 Ambient Air Quality Reported At Major Monitoring Stations During 2019 ........... 12
Table 5 Comparative Statement of Average Air Quality Index of Continuous Ambient Air
Quality Monitoring Stations in Maharashtra ........................................................ 33
Table 6 Average concentration of PM10, NOx and SO2 for Pre & post Lockdown periods at
22 AAQMS in Maharashtra. ................................................................................ 36
Table 7 Water Quality At Monitoring Stations On Selected Rivers During 2019.............. 40
Table 8 Water Quality At 39 Locations of Godavari, Krishna, Panchganga, and Bheema
Rivers In The State During 2018-19.................................................................... 41

List of Figures
Figure 1 Global Statistic of COVID-19 as on 31st May 2020 ............................................... 2
Figure 2 District wise status of COVID-19 as on 31st May 2020 in Maharashtra ............... 3
Figure 3 State wise status of COVID-19 as on 31st May 2020 in India .............................. 3
Figure 4 Anticipated industrial activity changes during various phases of lockdown ........ 17

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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Figure 5 Fuel consumption pattern in industries in Maharashtra during various lockdown

phases ................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 6 % change in fuel consumption pattern in industries during lockdown ................. 18
Figure 7 Impact on pollutant Emissions due to industrial fuel during lockdown ................ 18
Figure 8 Stage wise reductions in various pollutant load (TPD) ....................................... 19
Figure 9 Share of PM10 from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD during
lockdown ............................................................................................................. 20
Figure 10 Share of SO2 from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD during
lockdown ............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 11 Share of NOx from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD during
lockdown ............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 12 Emission load for pollutants from Thermal Power Plants in State during lockdown
........................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 13 vehicle wise VKT & its share on paved v/s unpaved roads ............................. 25
Figure 14 Overall impact of PM10 emissions due to restrictions on all the area sources . 27
Figure 15 Overall changes in emissions with % reductions during lockdown phases ..... 28
Figure 16 Sectoral share of sources towards PM10 Emission Load contribution ............. 29
Figure 17 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards PM10.... 29
Figure 18 Sectoral share of sources towards SO2 Emission Load .................................. 30
Figure 19 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards SO2 ..... 30
Figure 20 Sectoral share of sources towards NOx Emission Load ................................. 31
Figure 21 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards NOx .... 31
Figure 22 Sectoral share of sources towards CO Emission Load ................................... 32
Figure 23 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards CO ...... 32
Figure 24 Trend Analysis AQI at Various Monitoring Locations across State of
Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods ...................... 35
Figure 25 Trend Analysis of PM10 Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations across
Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods ....................... 37
Figure 26 Trend Analysis of NOx Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations
Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods ....................... 38
Figure 27 Trend Analysis of SO2 Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations across
Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods ....................... 38
Figure 28 Total operational industries vs. permitted industries with working population
during phase-wise lockdown in State .............................................................. 43
Figure 29 Effect of lockdown on domestic Water requirement and sewage generation .. 43
Figure 30 Effect of phase-wise lockdown on sewage and effluent generation from
industries ......................................................................................................... 44

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Figure 31 Effect of phase-wise lockdown on disposal of sewage and effluent generation

from industries ................................................................................................. 44
Figure 32 % reduction in BOD load from disposal of effluent on Land, River & Sea ....... 44
Figure 33 Disposal share of sectors during lockdown ..................................................... 44
Figure 34 Effect of lockdown on domestic water consumption and sewage generation . 45
Figure 35 Status of domestic sewage disposal during lockdown period ......................... 45
Figure 36 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Tapi River basin ................................. 46
Figure 37 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Tapi Godavari basin ........................... 47
Figure 38 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Krishna River basin ............................ 47
Figure 39 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at West Flowing River basin ................... 48
Figure 40 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Saline basin ........................................ 49
Figure 41 Effect of lockdown and migration on solid waste generation ........................... 51
Figure 42 Sectoral share of SWM generating sources .................................................... 52
Figure 43 % reduction in waste generation from different municipal sectors due to
lockdown ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 44 Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on hazardous waste generation....................... 54
Figure 45 Effect of COVID-19 on biomedical waste generation trends with respect to
COVID-19 affected patients ............................................................................ 55

List of Annexure
Annexure I – Emission Factors considered for calculations……………………………………63

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Chapter I
COVID-19 Pandemic & India’s Responsiveness – An Introduction

1.0 Introduction
Came 1st June & the so called period of Unlock Phase I, ending the last day of the 4th phase
of lockdown implemented in the country to prevent the spread of Coronavirus infection. The
4th lockdown was imposed from 18th May to 31st May. Earlier, lockdowns were announced
from 25th March to 14th April, 15th April to 3rd May and from 4th May to 17th May. This COVID-
19 or Coronavirus has cast a global gloom by causing severe damage to health, the
economy and general societal disruption. The entire world is facing economic & health crisis
due the existing health pandemic caused through uncontrolled widespread community
transfer of this virus.

The deadly Coronavirus outbreak is ever increasing in the country. In the 24 hours of May
31st 2020, 265 people have died, which is the largest number of deaths in a day. At the same
time, the maximum 7964 new cases have also been reported on this Single day. Not only
this, but 11,264 people have also been discharged from hospitals in this One day. According
to the latest data of the Health Ministry, so far 1,73,763 cases have been reported as
Coronavirus positive in India. At the same time where 4,971 people have died & 82,370
people have recovered from this infection.

Not known till recently to cause infections in human, this new infectious respiratory disease
emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province, China & named as COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease
2019) by World Health Organization. This new class of virus, known as SARS-CoV-2
(severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2) has been found to be responsible for
over 58,19,962 confirmed global infection cases of COVID-19, including 3,62,786 deaths, as
reported by WHO as of 30th May 2020.

1.1 The COVID-19 Chronology

As mentioned by the UN Secretary General in his call for solidarity, “We are facing a
global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations -one that is
spreading human suffering, infecting the global economy and upending people’s lives.” He
also added “We must ensure that lessons are learned and that this crisis provides a
watershed moment for health emergency preparedness and for investment in critical 21st
century public services and the effective delivery of global public goods. We have a
framework for action; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris
Agreement on Climate Change. We must keep our promises for people and planet.”

On 31st December 2019, Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of
cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province when this novel Coronavirus was eventually
first identified. The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health
Emergency of International Concern on 30th January, On 11th February 2020, WHO
announced a name for the new Coronavirus disease: COVID-19 and a pandemic on 11th
March. As of 31st May 2020, COVID-19 has infected over 5.5 million people in more than
188 countries & territories and claimed more than 3,50,000 lives with 80% cases in Europe
United States overtaking China where the pandemic was initiated last December. The United
Nations said the Coronavirus pandemic is the worst global crisis since World War II. In terms
of the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases, the US, Brazil, Russia, Spain and UK are the
five most-affected countries 1 as represented in Figure 1.

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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Figure 1 Global Statistic of COVID-19 as on 31st May 2020

1.2 Chronology in India

The Government of India confirmed India's first case of Coronavirus disease 2019 on 30th
January 2020 in the state of Kerala, when a university student from Wuhan travelled back to
the state. As the number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases closed 500, Honorable PM
Modi on 19th March, asked all citizens to observe 'Janata Curfew' (people's curfew) on
Sunday, 22nd March. On 24th March 2020, the Government of India under Prime Minister
Narendra Modi ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, limiting movement of the entire
1.3 billion population of India as a preventive measure against the COVID-19 pandemic in
India. Goal of this lockdown is “to contain the spread of Coronavirus outbreak in India" by
banning on people from stepping out of their homes and closing of all services [excluding
essential services], educational institutions, places of worships, commercial establishments,
all types of industries excluding pharmaceuticals and Suspension of all non-essential public
and private transport. On 30th May, it was announced that the ongoing lockdown would be
further extended till 30th June in containment zones, with services resuming in a phased
manner starting from 8th June. It is termed as "Unlock 1". An inventory and details of
lockdown is as given below;

 Phase 1: 25th March 2020 – 14th April 2020 (21 days)

 Phase 2: 15th April 2020 – 3rd May 2020 (19 days)
 Phase 3: 4th May 2020 – 17th May 2020 (14 days)
 Phase 4: 18th May 2020 – 31st May 2020 (14 days)
 Unlock 1.0: 1st June 2020 – 30th June 2020 (30 days)

As on 31st May 2020, the total number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in India rose to
2,76,583 with 110,960 Active Cases, Recovered Patients are to the tune of 135,173 whereas
deaths count to 7,745. India's top four metropolitan clusters - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata &
Chennai, account for nearly half of the nationwide tally 2. Figure 2 shows status of COVID-19

outbreak in India with respect to total case, recovered cases and total deaths as on 31 st May.

The first case of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maharashtra was confirmed on 9th March 2020.
Maharashtra by now is a hotspot and virus spreader city on accounts for nearly one-third of
the total cases in India as well as about 40% of all deaths 3. As of 17th May, the state's case

fatality rate is 3.6%, which is lower than the global average but significantly higher than other

Hindustan Times: Updated 10 June 2020, 04:51 GMT+5:30
"Covid-19 state tally: Cases soar to 33,053 in Maharashtra, nearly one-third of national total".
Hindustan Times. 18 May 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020
Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Indian states with large numbers of cases 4. Mumbai is the worst-affected city in India, with

more than 20,000 cases 5. More than two-thirds of the cases in the state have emerged from

the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Figure 3 shows district wise status of COVID-19
as on 31st May 2020 in Maharashtra.

Figure 2 District wise status of COVID-

19 as on 31st May 2020 in Maharashtra

Figure 3 State wise status of

COVID-19 as on 31st May 2020 in
1.3 The Responding India
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, India responded in the most logical way to control the
estimated and predicted worst case scenario to control community spread in the much early
period by imposing country wide lockdown announced after a 14-hour voluntary curfew i.e.
“Janata Curfew” on 22nd March, followed by a much targeted nationwide lockdown initially for
three weeks starting from 24th March to 14th April 2020, extended up to 3rd May 2020 followed
by further extension till 31st May as a 4th phase.

During the lockdown period, India witnessed and implemented strict restrictions on human to
human contact thereby almost bringing the entire country to almost a halt with extremely
limited essential services on the go. Nevertheless, such situation of country wide lockdown is
perceived as environmental resetting phenomena by many is also significantly proved by
witnessing significant positive changes visible across sectors of environmental parameters
that are discussed throughout this report.

Essentially, the response from India was extremely quick & timely based on the worst case
scenario predictions & experience from across the globe as presented by many of the
nations that endured the ill impacts of COVID-19 & suffered uncontrollable spread ultimately
resulting in impossible situations of coping up with this emergency. There was this dilemma
of economics v/s health even in this situation of emergency wherein India responded with
placing health as the prime concern with probable effective economic upliftment strategies
for the times to come. Slowly & steadily, the phase of lockdown uncovered all those possible
resumption of normalcy in a phased manner that forms the basis of all assessment &
interpretation for the remaining part of this report. Table 1 delineating all such allowed
activities during each of the lock down phases as represented below.

"India sees highest 1-day spike with 5,242 coronavirus COVID-19 cases, total death toll till now at
3,029". Zee News. 18 May 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020
"2,347 COVID Cases In Maharashtra In 24 Hours, Mumbai Crosses 20,000-Mark". NDTV.com.
Retrieved 18 May 2020
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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Table 1 Consolidated Activities Permitted and Prohibited During National Lock Down
Lock Lock
Lock Down 4.0 Lock Down 3.0 Down Down
2.0 1.0
Activities MMR, Red Orange Green
Remaining Containment Pune,
Red Zone
Areas Zones PCMC, Outside Containment Zones
Travel - Air, Train, Х
Interstate Road Х
Educational Institute Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х
Hospitality – Hotels Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х
Shopping Malls, Market Х Х Х Х Х √ √ Х Х Х
Places of Worship & Х
Large Gathering
Home Х
Liquor Shops √ Х Х Х Х Х Х Х
Age >65, <10, Х
Medical Clinics, OPD √ √ Х √ √ √ Х
Taxi, Cab, Rickshaws Х 1+2 Х Х Х Х
4 Wheelers Ess. 1+2 Х Х Х Ess. 1+2 Х Х
2 Wheelers Ess. 1 Х Х Х Ess. 1 Х Х
Inter-District Playing of Х
Intra-District Playing of Х
Х √ Х Х Х Х Х
Supply of Goods Ess. √ √ √ √ √ √ Х
Ess.+ IT Ess.+ IT Ess.+ IT Ess.+ IT Х
Industries – Urban Ess. √ Х Х
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
SEZs, Export Oriented Х
Units, Industrial Estates/ NA NA NA Х √ √ √ Х
Industries – Rural NA √ Х Х √ √ √ Х Х
Urban In-situ Х
√ √ Х √ √ √ √ Х

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Lock Lock
Lock Down 4.0 Lock Down 3.0 Down Down
2.0 1.0
Activities MMR, Red Orange Green
Remaining Containment Pune,
Red Zone
Areas Zones PCMC, Outside Containment Zones
Other Private Х
Х √ Х Х Х Х √ Х
Constructions Sites
Urban Standalone Х
Ltd. √ Х Х √ √ √ Х
Essential Goods Shops √ √ Х Х √ √ √ Х
E-Commerce Essential Х
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
E-Commerce Non - Х
√ √ Х Х Х Х Х Х
Essential Goods
33% 33% 33% Х
Private Offices Х √ Х Х Х
Strength Strength Strength
5% Subject to Х
Govt. Offices √ - 100% Х Х √ √ √
Minm. 10
Agri. Industries Х √ Х Х
Bank & Finance √ √ Х Х √ √ √ Х
Courier & Postal √ √ Х Х Х Х Х Х Х
Movement For Medical Х
√ √ √
Barber Shops, Spa, Х
Х Х Х Х Х √ √ Х
Stadium without Х
Х √ Х Х
Home Delivery / Х
√ √ Х
Sub Registrar /RTO /DY Х
√ √ Х Х Х Х Х

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of Covid Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Chapter II
Activity Mapping of COVID-19 Pandemic Phases – An Environment

2.0 Background
As a result of combination of totally marginal human activities & lifestyle changes due to
isolation & home quarantined situation for almost 70 days, with extremely limited &
controlled exposure to ambient environment, let alone the movement of people related to
essential services, it is quintessential to understand and map the activities in most probable
manner in order to relate positive / negative changes in either of the social, economic or
environmental fronts. Though several articles have been posted and published by CPCB on
air quality and other such river improvement analysis during this period, the data seems to
be only partly successful in presenting the classic case of the so perceived nature’s
restoration program.

2.1 The Conceptualization

Maharashtra through the visionary office of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) is
taking a step further in order to explore possibilities to extend this perceived environmental
changes even post normalcy as an attempt to continue & maintain environmentally sound
conditions for betterment of human life.

Statistical validation of the data so collated during this period along with activity maps being
superimposed for understanding cause-effect OR Event-Effect phenomena is the main
objective of the MPCB study so reported here. Though it is a general perception that most of
the pollution related activities were limited during this period such as vehicular movement on
the road (except essential commercial / private vehicles), public transport being called off,
closedown of commercial activities such as malls & theatres thereby changing lifestyle to
completely the basic minimal living standards (consumerism changes), total shutdown /
slowdown of construction & industrial units (except for the 1st degree medical & Pharma
related units), is anticipated to surely have significant impact in terms of reduction in
environmental pollution as goes the general expectations.

As lockdowns were implemented in response to the deadly Coronavirus pandemic, the

dramatic changes expected to be brought about by these restrictions have been described
as the ‘largest scale experiment ever’ into air quality. In India too, after many years, the
blue sky can be spotted in normally hazy regions, as corroborated by satellite images,
pollution data, and social media posts. This also magnetizes discussions regarding lockdown
to be the effectual alternative measures to be implemented for controlling mainly air pollution
but not limited to it since overall limited use of resource & equivalent restrictions in people’s
activity is expected to have positive impact on environmental attributes.

However, the present environmental quality improvement in India dwells in irony. Amidst the
devastating COVID-19 crisis, it is neither the time to rejoice clean air nor would one want air
quality to improve this way in the future. Moreover, this clean environmental conditions
phase is short lived and temporary. Some experts are concerned that environmental
restrictions will be loosened to bounce back from the COVID-19 related economic losses.

It is equally important to also understand & base the understanding of the prevalent
environmental conditions vis a vis activities during the so called Pre-COVID-19 also referred
now as The Normalcy Period of Time i.e. till March 22nd 2020 as the basis of comparison of
activity as well as environmental quality changes expected to have occurred and thereby
correlate causal effects on important environmental aspects that may serve as an input in
frame future policy interventions proposed to imitate and/or project conditions that reflect the
COVID-19 phase anticipated improved environmental quality.

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Chapter III
Objective Scope & Methodology

3.0 Objective & Scope

Even after the interim relaxation targeted to revive economy and survival of the
downtrodden, it is estimated to take at least 3-6 months to bring life to normal &probably an
year to recover economic slowdown so affected by this pandemic. Many say that this is
natures balancing act is being witnessed by the world due to over exploitation of resources &
crossing carrying capacity due to excessive anthropogenic activities. In many places, the
halt of movement and industry has shown a glimpse of a cleaner world, with many reports
of exceptional blue skies. However, visual perception alone can be deceiving when
observing environmental pollution especially air pollution.

Overall the significance & impacts of lockdown are still not well understood and likely to have
significant role on restoration of environmental quality, Nevertheless it also provides a
unique opportunity to work in this direction to understand the upshot of lockdown measures
on various parameters of environmental quality particularly when there is a need to
implement such alternative control actions. The present study is an effort in this direction to
assess the usefulness of the lockdown as a strategic investigation for understanding
changes in environmental quality in the State & the probable apportionment of sources. As a
whole, the study is thought to be a useful supplement to the regulatory bodies since it may
shows pollution source contributions towards specific environmental attribute especially for
quantitative aspects like air emissions load, organic loads in surface water, bio-medical
waste due to health pandemic as well as impacts of migration on MSW & so on.

The concept of such humongous impact of COVID-19 posed several challenges that inspired
MPCB to take up this study & made everyone involved to ponder up on & create an effective
approach to resolve this hypothesis;
1. The pace of activities post COVID-19 will be multifold in order to revive & recover
from the loses and to bring faster rate of coping up from economic perspective
2. The question still remains as to whether such revival of environmental conditions so
to say betterment with absolute lockdown is the only way forward or there are ways &
means to sustain these environmental conditions even post COVID-19 conditions
3. Are the concentration of pollutants in environment found as of now are background
4. If the above is true, whether reporting values till date were misleading since
background corrections were not considered yet
5. What are the alternatives to sustain these environmental conditions post COVID-19 &
post retrieval of activities known to add pollutants in environment such as providing
for regular lockdowns to recover environmental conditions through masses – say
weekly or so / mandatory work from home, no vehicle days,
6. What are the changes in resource patterns from point, area, line & fugitive source
7. Whether primary data collection is possible to establish source receptor correlation
8. Can secondary data & engineering estimates be used to establish environmental
betterment vis a vis source activities
9. What has been the rate of recovery of environmental conditions, if any
10. Understand graded patterns of recovery & individual source impact on the existing
improvement of environmental conditions
11. Whether the cost of environmental improvement during these 30 days period of
lockdown translating into assured environmental health benefits comparable to
economic loss during this period of time (Green GDP?)

The idea is to understand the environmental clean-up (as anticipated through the
improved environmental scenario) that is supposedly shaped due to the ongoing event of

Science & Knowledge Partners

Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

COVID-19 & further to evaluate & account for prevailing environmental improved conditions
to various barriers / restrictions on activities / source imposed due to lockdown.

Thereby, aligning the objectives of the present study as follows;

(i) Compare various aspects of environmental pollution in Maharashtra through various
timelines of Pre & Phases of Lockdown
(ii) Map activities that can provide causal effect evaluation for changes in environmental
(iii) Quantify & Correlate environmental quality throughout the State in tandem with the
lockdown regulations & restricted activities
(iv) Unveil the Sustenance Options for creating alternative equivalence for various
activities, if at all possible through source–impact matrix in order to provide strategic
options for exponential activity expected to be speeded up post COVID-19

Focusing on the objectives, the study is thought to be a credible addition to the scientific
community and policy makers not only to assess the impacts of lockdown on quality of air,
water etc., but also its efficiency as corrective alternative action plan as practiced in several
countries including India for improving overall environmental quality & limiting public
exposure to extreme environmental conditions.

3.1 Methodology Adopted

Though is extremely important that primary data be gathered in order to be scientifically
precise for such a critical analysis, yet restrictions during lockdown did not permit to
effectively do so for each & every aspect. A simple & logically truthful methodology (not
limited to) is presented in Table 2 that not only attempts at gathering as much primary data
as possible from existing network of MPCB / CPCB / researches but also attempts at
devising ways of utilizing secondary information via collating available or invited data from
various governmental & private organizations through effective channels of digital
communication. Each of the sectors discussed in later sections in fact outlines a detailed
methodology, data science / analytics, surrogate analysis approach, assumptions &
limitations to the study to derive better confidence of the readers.

Table 2 Parameterization & Methodology for Assessment of Environmental

Scenario during Pre & COVID-19 time periods
Environmental Aspect Methodology
Defining timelines of study Enlisting of aspect – impact register along with timeline of
comparison & activities events for which the impact shall be studied and evaluated.
register For example,
 Initiation of slowdown and restrictions in movement
during 10th to 22nd March
 Followed by 23rd to 20th April as first phase of total
 Then based on relaxations, if any time period between
20th to 3rd May & so on till 31st of May 2020

Preferably activity wise listing for entire Maharashtra State

underlining the activity related to regulation of the
government to enlist essential activities such as
pharmaceuticals in Chemical zone of MIDC’s, thermal power
plants in certain parts of industrial zones, etc.

Similarly, parameters of evaluation were selected from within

the most applicable & expected impactful parameters such
as industrial units active during various phases, water
consumption in industries & commercial applications,
electricity use in residential, fuel use in vehicles.
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Environmental Aspect Methodology

Attempt were made to establish several surrogate analytical
tools to understand behaviour as well as pattern of each
source & expected impacts & also to generate baseline /
COVID-19 activity data

Most of the activity data are best guesstimates & every

scientific / logical argument is presented to provide for best
confidence in data gathered and analytical methods of
interpretation used through transparent mechanisms.

Air Quality MPCB online monitoring data for criteria pollutants is used to
compare trends through various timelines as defined in
consultation with team from MPCB & based on the final
objectives as delineated in the due course of this study

Vehicle data from Maharashtra State statistics websites &

published government references used as baseline whereas
estimates of non-restricted essential services of transport
shall be evaluated and correlated using Google Urban

Area source inventory created using specific activity data for

hotels, bakeries, street vendors vis a vis government
regulations from time to time & overall emissions pattern for
State using secondary data as baseline using existing
published records of MPCB

Inventory of various sources such as construction, bakeries,

hotels, street vendors using sample data sets published in
National Sample surveys & other researches / studies in
past and extrapolating to meet present study objectives

Water Quality Resource consumption from local authorities for industries

using online portal of MPCB for industrial details, irrigation
department / ULB’s & other government agencies. Analysis
of consumption pattern changes in residential areas due to
lockdown, restricted movement & migration data

Use of surrogate analysis to understand organic load

reductions affecting river water quality due to restrictions on
industrial release of water

River quality information from MPCB for both baseline &

primary data collection attempt through Regional Officers
under the SWMP & NWMP

Solid Waste Changes in Municipal Waste generation / disposal & issues

therein for both urban & rural populations in light of migration

Reduction in Hazardous waste & effective changes in

transportation / handling due to industry slowdown

Difference in Biomedical waste generation & handling issues

with health pandemic

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Environmental Aspect Methodology

Correlating commercial related [aspects of consumerism]
consumption patterns with MSW & others.

Ecology & Sinks Though not exactly the scope of this particular report, The
study is expected to form basis for Estimations of reduced
pressure on ecological sinks by using reduced pollution load
data & sinks / environmental correction

Analysis of Alternatives to The study shall also help create Impact – Limitation
Sustain environmental Equivalence scenario of various alternatives such as by way
conditions of present of comparing fuel savings to vehicle km travelled OR
improved scenario wastewater generation to BOD / COD load released to rivers
OR electricity saved in industries equivalent of coal / other
fuels correlated to emissions therein & so on

Health & Economic Improved environmental conditions to be translated into

Assessment economic benefits for the State in order to also present cost
benefits analysis through greening of GDP. Though
extremely limited to the scope of this study, attempt shall be
made to refer effective published documents as a source of
secondary data

Sustenance Options Interpret & Analyze activity restrictions & equivalent changes
in environmental quality to pose as an alternative

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Chapter IV
Baseline Environmental Quality [Pre- COVID-19 Scenario]

4.0 Preamble -Baseline Environmental Quality [Pre-COVID-19 Scenario]

As a first step in the environment impact assessment, it is necessary to evaluate, quantify &
understand existing environmental attribute in an objective manner. These conditions when
compared with the prevailing natural ambient environmental conditions, one can assess
extent of pollution load, the quality parameters & type of environmental conditions prevailing
in a particular area of discussion which in this case is entire State of Maharashtra. This
baseline data serves as a point of reference to evaluate the impact of particular scenario
which in this case is COVID-19 imposed restrictions. The background information so collated
is also useful to delineate the merits as well as pros & cons of any activity anticipated to
impart changes in environmental attributes. This chapter presents the existing baseline
environmental status of State. The database for all environmental components is collected
from primary monitoring stations as well as secondary database from MPCB.

Population x Affluence x Technology are the 3 basic fundamental pillars of lifestyle that has
aggravated the problems of pollution over the past several decades. The problems of
pollution (environment) are not unknown since long & there has been efforts to mitigate the
same though may not have been prominently visible in day to day life. These problems can
very well be classified into air, water, soil, hazardous & biomedical terms that includes
altering of environmental attributes such as ambient air, surface & underground water bodies
and environmental resources as a whole. Maharashtra has witnessed the gravity of
environmental problems at a much faster pace than many of the other states in India due to
rapid growth of industrialization leading to exponential growth of population therein. Though
the growth rate of state is projected in Table 3 wherein the infrastructure growth rate has
seen deficit over a period of time thereby further intensifying the problem areas. This 3rd
largest State of India in terms of area houses a population of 12.49crores 6 (2nd ranked in

population) spread over an area of 3,08,000 km2 with 36 districts, having an average
population density of 365.00/km2. The salient feature that brings Maharashtra in the top
resource consuming State is that its GSDP has increased from 1,66,310 (Million Rs.) in 1980
to an estimated GSDP of about 21,54,446crore in 2018-19, it being 1st in coal & energy
consumption with per capita energy consumption of 1083.7KWh 7. 6F

Table 3 Annual Growth Rates of Real GSVA, Real GSDP and Per Capita
Real GSDP As Per Advance Estimates of 2019-20
Sector Growth Rate
1. Agriculture and Allied Activities [Agriculture, Forestery & Fishing] 3.1
2. Mining & Quarrying 0.0
3. Manufacturing 2.7
4. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other Utility Services 6.4
5. Construction 6.1
Trade, Repair, Hotels & Restaurants, Transport, Storage &
6. 7.9
Communication & Services Related to Broadcasting
7. Financial, Real State 7 Professional Services 5.7
8. Public Administration, Defence & Other Services 12.7
GSVA 5.7
GSDP 5.7
Per Capita Real GSDP 4.7
Source; DES, GoM

Central Electricity Authority, GoI, MAHADISCOM, BEST, Reliance Infrastructure/ Adani Electricity,
Tata Power Co. Ltd
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4.1 The State of Maharashtra Statistics

From the era of industrialization in Maharashtra, it has housed multifold industrial
establishments which, at present counts to be 92,081 industries wherein, 13,936 are red,
27,719 are Orange, 42,884 are Green and 7,542 are white as per the CPCB categorization
on the basis of pollution potential. In addition to these industries, there are 60,410 Health
care establishments, 6,459 HW generating industries, 861 Plastic manufacturing units which
are equally referred as pollution potential establishments in the State.

Nevertheless, there are 8 major thermal power stations generating about 21,176MW
electricity along with other captive, non-conventional & hydro power stations totally
amounting to 36,729MW (as of 31st March 2019) with a consumption share of 35.8% in
industries, 25.6% in agriculture & 22.1% in domestic sector. The total coal consumption in
Thermal Power plants with installed capacity of 36.7GW/d is 3.55Lakhs MTD. On the other
hand, total vehicles registered in Maharashtra is 3,98,80,151 expected to travel 472cr kms
across road length of 3Lakh km. Construction of about 5594acres/day is usually carried out
in the State with loads of emissions from hotels, bakeries, street vendors using LPG,
kerosene, wood & coal as fuels.

The state includes almost 3,01,000 kms of road network occupied by a provisional estimated
3.71crores 8 vehicles as of 1st Jan 2020 connecting about 97.77% of inhabited villages along

with equally efficient rail & air network. The number of vehicles per km road length (roads
maintained by PWD and ZP) in the State was 123 with about 30,398 motor vehicles per
Lakh of population on road.

National Air quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) implemented by MPCB assesses the
present and anticipated air pollution through continuous air quality monitoring systems at 72
stations spread across 27 cities in the State as presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Ambient Air Quality Reported At Major Monitoring Stations During 2019
Reparable Suspended
Sulpher Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides
Particulates Matter
[SO2] [NOx]
Monitoring Stations [RSPM]
Limit 80 µg/m3 Limit 80 µg/m3 Limit 80 µg/m3
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Mumbai - Sion 4 30 12 204 21 381
Pune - Swargate 22 50 25 138 61 210
Nashik - NMC Building 4 17 9 38 3 138
Aurangabad - CADA
7 24 22 65 49 97
Amravati - Govt. College
4 16 9 18 22 102
of Engineering
Nagpur - Civil Lines 7 20 22 54 46 148
Source: MPCB µg/m3: microgram per cubic meter

As per the NGT order no. 681 dated 8th October 2018, by the end of 2019, there were 18
critically polluted (Non attainment areas identified) along with 3 industrial areas categorized
as critical zone for which detailed area wise action plans for reduction of air pollution is
already in place.

On an average every day 23,700MT waste is generated in the State; of which about 88% is
collected by going door to door. Scientific handling is available with almost all the Municipal
Corporations with >90% efficiency. About 60% of the waste collected is segregated in the
wet and dry form whereas 55% of collected waste is processed. Solid waste generated in
the State is being treated in 56 common facilities provided either by Municipal Corporation or

Office of the Transport Commissioner, GoM
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Municipal Councils and 7 Cantonment Boards. Of the total solid waste generated, 52.9%
Solid waste is treated per day. All 384 cities in the State have started the process of
segregation. All 384 cities from the State participated in the Survekshan. In top 100 AMRUT
rank holders, 29 were from Maharashtra. In top 100 non AMRUT rank holders, 83 were from
Maharashtra. Out of 193 awards 46 were grabbed by Maharashtra which was highest by any

Additionally, the total quantity of plastic waste generated in Maharashtra is about

409,628.45MTA & through the banning of manufacturing & use of certain types of plastics &
thermocol products, the GoM. During 2018-20, GoM seized about 1180MT of such banned
materials though the State has a total capacity of 1,65,455TPA plastic recycling capacity
operated through 31 such facilities.

Regulating 92,081 industries in the State, the total estimated effluent generation is about
403.69MLD of effluent. Since almost all the industries are listed on MPCB online portal &
compliance is effectively monitored by MPCB all along the year with penal provisions for foul
play, most of the effluents are treated to acceptable levels by industries themselves.
Additionally, the scheme of CETP’s for SSI units with complex effluent sources is already
implemented (commissioned) in 25 industrial areas covering 7,860 industries. During 2018-
19 effluent quantity treated on an average was about

With projected population of 12.49cr in 2020 in the States, computed sewage generation is
around 9,759MLD. Treatment facilities are available mostly with the Class A & B ULB’s that
too to the extent of only 40% whereas otherwise mostly untreated sewage flows on to land in
rural areas & river / sea in urban localities & on land disposal is the means in rural centers.

Hazardous wastes are wastes with properties that make them dangerous or potentially to
human health or to the environment. In 2018-19 hazardous waste was generated during
processing in 6,459 industries. Installation of Global Positioning System (GPS) for tracking of
hazardous waste transporting vehicles has been made mandatory in the State. MPCB has
authorized 182 hazardous waste transporters. Common facilities for management of
hazardous waste have been set-up at four major sites, namely Taloja & Trans Thane Creek
industrial areas of MIDC in Thane, Ranjangaon in Pune and Butibori in Nagpur. Total
hazardous waste generated from 6,459 odd industries is about 360548.7MTD & are handled
by 4 of the CHWTSDF using either of the processes including direct land filling, land filling
after processing & incineration techniques

As per Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules - 2016, MPCB has started issuing
authorization to Health Care Establishments (HCEs) for disposal of bio-medical waste. There
are in all 60,410 HCEs under the purview of MPCB in the State upto December, 2018. The
bio-medical waste generated from these HCEs is treated and disposed by 31 Common Bio-
Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities; of which 29 are operating incinerations &
remaining have deep burial facility. During 2019 on an average about 62.13MT bio-medical
waste was treated and disposed off per day.

Though the quantity of E-waste generated is still to be inventoried in Maharashtra, MPCB

has taken cognizance of the growing nuisance of E-waste thereby authorizing 73 recyclers
with a capacity of 65,000MT/A.

An exhaustive discussion establishing correlation between more elaborate baseline

environmental attributes is presented in Chapter V.

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Chapter V
Impact Evaluation – Environment Perspective

5.0 Preamble -Impact Evaluation – Environmental Perspective

The question about COVID-19 pandemic being a godsend for human beings or not can’t be
defined yet, but it would seem to be one for the environment. Following the outbreak of the
Coronavirus, many countries had adopted lockdown procedures that restricted people from
moving out and for shops & other establishments to close down. India imposed a nationwide
lockdown 1.0 to 4.0 to stop the impending spread of the novel Coronavirus. Travels across
the globe have been suspended. Even travels within a country across state or provincial
borders are closed. Local public transports, including train, metro, buses, metros & taxis
have also been suspended.

In India especially, the preparedness and anticipation has led to all mass gatherings & public
celebrations to be barred. Shopping malls and stores were asked to allowed to operate only
for essential goods. Offices, educational institutions, factories and many such organizations
have been closed indefinitely. Towns, villages and residential complexes, including
condominiums and building societies have been advised to restrict the movements of
residents around and “social-distancing” to maintain a threshold distance between two
persons were introduced. With fewer vehicles on the road, reduction in consumption of
petroleum products and reduction in power demand from the commercial and industrial
sector, there has been drastic change in the environmental quality. The COVID-19 lockdown
has perceived healing of our planet environment in a way never seen before in living history
(at least society’s perception & certain published media reports).

Conclusively, though there has been a positive impact on the environment due to the
lockdown, there is fear that once people start travelling again or go back to doing what they
have been doing & even more so with a higher pace to cover up time lapsed during this
period, all the positive impacts so anticipated will soon disappear. However, it is
quintessential to measure this impact in order to quantify its extent & reasoning (causal
effect) for researchers & specifically policy makers so as to understand impact of human
interference on the environment in the short- and long-term which would have been
otherwise impossible without the COVID-19 event in place. This opportunity for
environmental scientists is explored in this study encompassing almost all the aspects /
attributes of environment & attempt is made to correlate chronology of events through series
of analysis & quantification as delineated in following sections.

5.1 Activity Mapping during various Phase of Study

It is so very essential to understand & quantify activity wise data so as to be correlated with
the environmental changes that are measured through the effective network of monitoring
program run by State Pollution Control Board. It is envisaged that higher the activity details,
better chances of correlation with environmental attributes and thereby an exceptionally
detailed discussion on the quantification of activities is carried out as the most important part
of this study which is further correlated with various phases of COVID-19 including the

Status of air quality issues along with the baseline activity that may be thought to be
responsible for the baseline air quality during the Pre- COVID-19 period as discussed in
Chapter IV. However, it is further important to quantify the conditions during each phase of
the COVID-19 as stated in Chapter II and followed across the sections of these discussions.

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5.1.1 Activity Mapping for Attributes Related to Air Quality Industrial Activity
Maharashtra State houses about 1,00,000 industries 9 which as per Annual Survey of

Industries 2017-18, the State is at the top position in terms of Gross Value Added (Rs.
2,64,903 crore) which is 18.0% of Gross Value Added at All-India level & 2nd position in
number of workers & wages with share of 11.6% & 14.7% respectively. The State’s share in
the total approved industrial projects and total investment therein is 17.9% & 10.3%
respectively with a booming 249 industrial projects with an investment of 26,540cr FY 2019.
The State’s share in All-India exports is about 24% with a share of Rs. 3,51,096cr. Exports
from the State cover a wide range of products such as gems & jewellery, petrochemicals,
readymade garments, cotton yarn, metal & metal products, agro-based products,
engineering items, drugs & pharmaceuticals and plastic & plastic items 10. As on December

2019, the registered industrial units in MIDC’s of Maharashtra is 50,788 Nos. with a total
investment of Rs. 1,94,011cr. employing about 15.08lakh people 11. 10F

With reference to the data extracted from MPCB online portal based on registered units,
53,255 Nos. of consent to operate have been granted since the time the online information is
available i.e. since 2016. Though there are about 90,000 such units that have been
registered online, information for the purpose of this report is limited to only these 53,255
industries employing about 65,94,476 people during the pre- COVID-19 period i.e. the
normal working production period before 21st March 2020. Interestingly, the data so used
refers to the permissions granted & NOT the
operational details which may be only a Assumptions
 53,255 industries represents Pre Covid
fraction of the total permissions obtained by
whereas 9102 industries were permitted
industries & thereby it is most probable that during as on Unlock 1.0 to evaluate
the scenario analysis as projected in this industrial impact scenario in Maharashtra
report may be thought to compensate for all  L1 represented by 2362 Nos. with essential
such variables & thereby computes the worst industries
case presumptions.  L2 represented by 5372 Nos. with essential
& allied industries
COVID-19 has impacted to the core of  L3 represented by 7414 Nos. with essential,
industrial activities including changes in allied & other permitted industries
working patterns, production quantities,  L4 represented by 9102 Nos. with all
permitted & active industries in last phase
material & energy consumption, employment
 Only permitted / consented quantities of fuel
engagement & almost all aspects of industrial considered & not the actual use
footprints which by in itself can be correlated  Actual operation details may be only fraction
to the overall impacts on environmental of the total permissions granted, thereby
behaviour due to industrial contribution of probably covering up for the missing
pollutant sources in terms of emissions load. information & assuming representation of
However, it is essential to be able to conduct whole of Maharashtra
scientifically and valid process of assessing  Permissions may not directly translate into
impacts & changes in the activities during pre operational status but it represents the worst
& COVID-19 periods that is being attempted case scenario
using certain engineering judgments &
validation process articulated in this report.

At the same time, it is also essential to note that the methodology adopted to estimate
activity changes pose certain limitations in terms of data availability, data cleaning,
extraction, limited referencing during COVID-19 period, surrogate analysis for extrapolation
& data integrity in terms of use of only reported & assumed secondary available indicators.

Data from MPCB representing all the registered units extracted through the online portal
Directorate of Industries, GoM
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Data Science Theory

 Industrial activities data is extremely difficult to obtain in realistic terms since consented data is
only an indicator of permitted resource quantities
 However, it is important to note that out of the 90,000 odd industries registered on MPCB online
portal since 2016 onwards till date, all such industries falling within the category of Consents
granted, Renewed & Operate / renewal in process are considered for computation purpose
 This does translate into accounting all details of about 53,000 odd industries for resource
utilization in terms of these permits
 It also is a general practice to over apply for permissions by the industries considering the market
 Thereby, the permitted quantities of fuel for these 53,000 industries may not be represent the true
picture of real time utilization of fuel
 Such examples are evident with the fact that DG sets that are applied for consented capacity &
fuel use of HSD / diesel may not be operational at all except for to be used as a backup source of
 Thereby, over estimating the emissions load due to such limitations of data
 In fact similar issues shall also be encountered with permitted quantities of baggase for sugar &
distillery industries since the actual production data cannot be retrieved during any of the study
phase and poses a challenge in itself
 Many of the industries are switching to cleaner fuel and thereby apply for standby fuel due to
extremely limited resource availability and assurance for fuel supply, thereby resulting into
doubled quantification of such fuel
 Finally, engineering logic and extrapolation suggest that all the above mentioned facts shall
compensate somehow to the industrial database adjustments for 90,000 industries that are
permitted in Maharashtra State & also lack of real time resource consumption data may not
defeat the very purpose of this exercise since the estimates of fuel are carried forward throughout
the phases of study since the baseline of Pre-Covid conditions account for all the industries for
which online data is available
 So let’s say, 53,000 industries with effective rate of about 50-60% production capacities &
thereby equivalent resource consumption may logically represent the entire 90,000 industries and
their data basis.

Activity impact in order to understand industry variables correlated to air pollution directly
have been considered mostly with respect to changes in the fuel consumption patterns due
to reduced production expected out of the lockdown implementation across the State & other
domestic variables such as utility use reductions, limited human activity in industry & so on.

Figure 4 represents industrial activity changes that are anticipated during various phases of
lockdown based on use of products that were permitted qualifying as essential produce as
well as their equivalent working population based on records provided by industries on
MPCB portal.

It is extremely evident from the various reports across India that the COVID-19 lockdown has
improved the air quality wherein Maharashtra too has witnessed similar trends over the past
3 months of this period. Though there are multiple source contribution towards ambient air
quality, point sources i.e. stacks of the industries form one of the most discussed
contributions towards ambient air quality and thereby the changes that have occurred during
the period of lockdown needs to be evaluated in terms of changes in the emissions load to
limited industrial activity as directly proportional to fuel consumption / combustion changes

The data collated from industrial permissions across State of Maharashtra reveals a
whooping fuel consumption pattern (in terms of consents granted for operations of industries
till 2019) as the period of normalcy & the phase of changes as per permitted essential
industrial produce

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60,000 6594476 7000000

Total operational / permitted inds.
55,000 Population working in industries
Number of Industries


Number of workers
35,000 4000000
25,000 3000000

15,000 1237305
10,000 815392
402147 1000000
54,085 2362 5372 7414 9102
0 0
(Till 20th March) Lockdown - I (24 Lockdown - II (14 Lockdown -III (3 Lockdown - IV (17
Mar - 14 Apr) Apr - 3 May) May - 17 May) May - 1st June)
Pre Covid During COVID

Figure 4
Anticipated industrial activity changes during various phases of
Coal is consumed to the extent of about 6 Lakh TPD whereas Natural Gas is favored in
recent times with approximate permission for 100,000TPD. There are almost 10-12 different
types of fuels that the industries have obtained permissions, of which some are clubbed
together for ease of representation i.e. including LSHS, Diesel, LPG & Baggase especially
since their quantities are miniscule amounting to about 21,000TPD together in addition to
HSD & PNG which also has find its way to industries to tune of about 65,000TPD each
whereas FO & LDO amounts to about 35,000TPD each. HSD, Briquettes & Wood forms a
lowest portion of the total fuel use in industries to about 12,000TPD. Total fuel permitted is
about 9.6 Lakh TPD though these may not always & daily translate to use by present worst
scenario as represented in Figure 5

200,000 Pre Covid Lockdown - I Lockdown - II 700,000

180,000 Lockdown - III Lockdown - IV
140,000 500,000
Qty of Fuel (TPD)

Qty of Fuel (TPD)

120,000 400,000
80,000 300,000

60,000 200,000
- -
Coal FO LDO HSD PNG NG Briquette Wood Others

Figure 5 Fuel consumption pattern in industries in Maharashtra during various

lockdown phases
It is extremely interesting to note that the impact of Lockdown has percolated to a great
extent in terms of use of fuel as most of the industries have been either shut down or not
permitted to be operational. Even if all the 9,000 odd industries that were allowed to operate
during various phases of the lockdown imposed by Maharashtra Government, it is evidently
clear that the total fuel consumption has drastically reduced and that would as it is translate
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into emissions reductions. The % change in fuel consumption pattern over the study timeline
is presented in Figure 6.

Percentage Change in Fuel Usage During Covid






40 L-I

30 L-II

20 L-III

10 L-IV

Coal FO LDO HSD PNG NG Briquette Wood Others

Figure 6
% change in fuel consumption pattern in industries during
The uneven changes in distribution pattern over study period of fuel is variedly marked from
Figure 6, wherein considering pre- COVID-19 as 100% of the total value, Natural Gas & FO
were used to maximum extent during L-I (about 30%) whereas by end of L-IV, Coal & Wood
(32%), LDO & Briquettes (about 60%) & NG (71%) were utilized by the industries that were
permitted. All other remaining fuels are all the most reduced fuel with almost 80-85%
reduction in their consumption as found up to L-IV phase. One of the major reasons for such
reductions probably is that most of large scale industries such as sugar & Distillery, API,
Food & other almost 50 category as per MPCB classification on online portal were permitted
during various periods of lockdown & thereby the skewed representation of fuel patterns is
observed. Impact on Air Emissions Load from Industries

Fuel consumption is supposed to be one of the major contributors of point source emissions
which is evidently represented in Figure 7.

10000 60000
Pre Covid L-I L - II L - III L-IV
Emissions (TPD) OR Nos.

Emissions (TPD) OR Nos.

5000 30000
0 0
No of Industries Qty of Fuel (x1000 PM SO2 NOx CO

Figure 7 Impact on pollutant Emissions due to industrial fuel during lockdown

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With almost only 18-20% of the industries allowed till the unlock 1.0, it is to be noted that the
equivalent amount of fuel quantities too shall be reduced which in terms translates into
pollutant reductions (though not equivalent). Considering pre- COVID-19 period as 100% of
the value of the operations / permissions granted to the industries through MPCB, it is
observed that only 4% of industries were permitted during L-I whereas 10, 14 & 17% of the
industries finally were allowed to be operational classifying as essential services as
permitted by the various circulars of Maharashtra Government. This in turn translated into
reductions to the tune of about 14% for HSD, PNG & Other fuels whereas 30-40% for coal &
wood & 50-70% FO, LDO, Briquette & Natural gas consumption by end of L-IV. The fuel
consumption changes when computed for equivalent reduction in pollutants thereby
reflecting 50% PM10, 60% SO2, 65% NOx & 70% CO by end of L-IV as a whole from various
fuel combustion processes.

120 No of Industries Qty of Fuel PM SO2 NOx CO

Percentage Reductions





Pre Covid L-I L - II L - III L-IV
During Covid

Figure 8 Stage wise reductions in various pollutant load (TPD)

Interestingly CO reduction is found to be maximum whereas PM10 the minimum which may
be due to the release of SO2 from combustion of coal in Thermal Power Plants & also
consideration of HSD / Diesel as permitted for mostly used in DG sets (though its only the
permissions and not operational real values) which were functional throughout the lockdown;
almost at the same rate as during pre- COVID-19. Except that for reduction in load for
industrial applications & rightly so is witnessed by the limited reductions as compared to
other pollutants. Emissions factors for fuel combustion is adopted from various resources
such as studies of ARAI, IITM for Common Wealth Games, Emissions Inventory of Pune
(PREIS), Development of Emissions Inventory for Pune City by NEERI & other published
and already validated studies. Stage wise reductions in various pollutant load (TPD) is
presented in Figure 8 for better understanding of the effect of lockdown on environment due
to limited activity in industrial sector which in turn is expected to be translated into ambient
air quality. Details of Emission Factors with references are cited in Annexure I.

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Share of Emissions

It is extremely important to evaluate the share of emissions emanating from each of the fuel
so as to determine strategic interventions whenever MPCB may take it up. Figure 9
presents share of PM10 from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD and
changes that occur due to fuel usage during phases of lockdown along with % share.

Almost entirely, coal forms the major source for PM10 from industrial fuel combustion with
65% during pre- COVID-19 & gradually reducing to 44% by end of L-IV whereas FO is the
2nd largest contributor towards PM10 with increasing from 13% to about 40% by end of L-IV.
Mix of other fuels contributes about 9% whereas all the remaining fuel contributes about only
10-12% towards PM10. The trends remain similar throughout the phases with major
contributor as coal & FO except for L-II where PM10 share from FO is highest at 44%. Impact
on PM10 can be directly related combustion of these 3 fuel types over the entire study

Pre Covid - PM10 Coal 3, 1% L-I - PM10 Coal

3, 1%
0, 0%
32, 3% LDO 0, 0% 4, 2% LDO
31, 3%
3, 1%
9, 1% HSD 4, 2% HSD
6, 0% 112, PNG PNG
63, 5% 9% NG NG
15, 1% Briquette Briquette
105, 42% Wood
160, 13% Others Others
787, 65% 127, 51%

L-II - PM10 Coal L-III - PM10 Coal

7, 2% 9, 2% FO
FO 3, 1%
3, 1%
24, 7% LDO LDO
4, 1% 6, 1%
1, 0% 1, 0%
6, 2% PNG 8, 1% 50, PNG
10, 2% 10%
9, 2% NG NG
Briquette Briquette
143, 41% 222, 44%
Wood Wood
Others Others
156, 44% 196, 39%

Figure 9 Share of PM10 from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD
during lockdown

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Figure 10 presents share of SO2 from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD
L-IV - PM10 Coal and changes that occur due to fuel usage
10, 2% during phases of lockdown along with %
3, 0% LDO share revealing that pre- COVID-19
6, 1% HSD contributions towards SO2 is mainly from
1, 0% 60, 11% PNG coal, FO & LDO which is obvious ranged at
9, 1%
NG about 60& whereas with marginal variations
10, 2%
Briquette this continues to be trend throughout
248, 45%
Wood different phases of lockdown with coal
Others amounting for about 38-45% of SO2
209, 38% whereas FO & LDO follow the suit ranging
from 35-40% and 17-25% respectively. The
contribution share resembles almost that
similar to those for PM10.

Pre Covid - SO2 Coal L-I - SO2 Coal

0, 0%
FO 0, 0% 0, 0% FO
0, 0% 0, 0%
87, 1% 3, 0% 18, 0%
0, 0% LDO 4, 0% 0, 0% 3, 0% LDO
1070, PNG PNG
12% 285, 17% NG
Briquette Briquette
689, 41%
Wood Wood
2281, 27%
5154, 60% Others Others
714, 42%

L-II - SO2 L-III - SO2 Coal

0, 0% 1, 0% 0, 0%
11, 0% 1, 0%
8, 0% 0, 0% 4, 0% 0, 0% 8, 0% LDO
LDO 686, 21% NG
636, 26% 939, 38% 1454, 45%
HSD Briquette
1098, 34% Wood
873, 36%

L-IV - SO2 Coal

0, 0% 0, 0% 1, 0%
12, 0% 0, 0% 13, 1%
702, 20% Briquette
1626, 46% Others

1174, 33%

Figure 10 Share of SO2 from different

fuels based on total emissions load in TPD during lockdown
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The trends seen in case of PM10 & SO2

Pre Covid - NOx Coal
50, 0% continue to be followed in NOx
0, 0% FO
289, 3%
contributions too. However, interestingly,
59, 1% HSD starts to show its contributory
37, 0% HSD
PNG impact during Pre- COVID-19 itself
1309, instead of LDO as in case of earlier
151, 1% NG
Briquette pollutants contributor
Wood Coal
0, 0% L-I - NOx 41,
2479, 24% Others 17, 1%
5968, 58% 3% FO
1, 0% 5, 0%
53, 3% LDO
40, 2% HSD
797, 46%
L-II - NOx Coal Wood
30, 1% 12, 1%
FO 776, 45% Others
3, 0%
0, 0% 73, 3% LDO
121, 5%
90, 4% PNG
1087, 46% Wood Coal
Others FO
949, 40%
19, 5% HSD
36, 9% 38, PNG
0, 0% 10%
38, 10%
L-IV - NOx Coal 65, 16% 24, 6% Wood
FO Others
43, 7% LDO
41, 7% HSD 8, 2% 164, 42%
25, 4% PNG
200, 34% Briquette
179, 31%
20, 3% 70,
0, 0%
9, 2%

Figure 11 Share of NOx from different fuels based on total emissions load in TPD
during lockdown

towards emissions load from Figure 11. Also that the Other fuels that include bagasse &
LPG shows its impacts from L-III with finally 34% contributions towards NOx emissions load
by end of L-IV. Natural gas too forms one of the considerable contributors during L-III & L-IV
with about 12-16% share.

Finally, distribution share of CO emissions load when considered, HSD with 64%
contribution seems to hold major fraction during Pre-COVID-19 followed by that of others
whereas all the remaining fuels contribute almost equally. During L-I however, almost all
fuels contribute equally with little higher contributions from HSD & LDO & by the end of L-IV
Natural gas contributions increase gradually to about 16% along with HSD @ 42% &
whereas Coal, others & FO contribute to about 10% each.

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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Thermal Power Plants [TPP]

Assumptions CO NOx
Based on a data on Wikipedia from SO2 PM10
MAHADISCOM, the distribution of Coal Consumption (x1000TPD) Production Capacity (GWh)
energy transfer is taken as;
Residential – 72.4% L-IV
Agriculture – 16% 20
Commercial – 7% L - III

Production (GWh)
Industrial – 2.80%
 In lockdown 1, 100% residential &
marginal industrial consumption L - II
of 0.4% total being 72.8% of 10
energy is consumed L-I
 In lockdown 2, 100% residential
with 20% agricultural activities, & Pre
30% industrial activities Covid
 In lockdown 3, 100% residential 0
with 50% agricultural, 50% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
industrial and 50% commercial Emissions (TPD) & Coal (x1000kg)
 In lockdown 1 100% residential,
75% agricultural, 75% industrial
and 50% commercial
 0.70kg/KW of Coal consumption Figure 12 Emission load for pollutants from
Thermal Power Plants in State during lockdown

One of the other major contributors in terms of point source emissions are the thermal power
plants. Maharashtra produces about 36.7GW/d 12 of electricity and about 57% of it is

generated by combustion of coal within the State. The State consumes about 3.55Lakh tons
of coal every day 13. Appropriate Emission factor as presented in Annexure I is selected for

computation of emissions load for each of the pollutants and presented in Figure 12.

SO2 is the major pollutant emitted due to direct coal combustion in TPP followed by PM10
which is obviously well known fact. Maharashtra State accounts for about 975TPD of PM10 &
1125TPD of SO2 along with about 609TPD of NOx & meager 25TPD of CO in the normalcy
state i.e. Pre-COVID-19 days. However, the impact of Coronavirus lockdown as reflected
due to the assumptions stated herewith with the coal consumption reduced by 27, 24, 14.7 &
10.7% respectively during L-I, L-II, L-III & L-IV, there would be an anticipated equivalent
reductions in pollutants to the same tune / amount. Transportation Activity

With lockdown being imposed by Indian government in various phases anticipating impact of
pandemic creating huge potential crisis in Indian scenario based on various reports of
predictions on the exponential rise projected in India, life was brought to a standstill for the
betterment of people’s health & wellbeing at the very onset of Coronavirus. Furthermore, the
known awareness and scare amongst general public of the community spread, mobility was
hugely; in fact completely brought to a halt with only the extremely essential transport
vehicles allowed during the first phase & certain relaxations being given during subsequent
stages of lockdown.

MAHAGENCO, MEDA, Central Electricity Authority, GoI, Tata Power Co. Ltd, Reliance
Infrastructure / Adani Electricity, Economic Survey of Maharashtra, 2019 - 2020
Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2006-07 Section-9
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It is known that vehicles or the Line sources

Assumptions during Covid Period
contribute to almost 18-30% of PM10 as direct Distribution of vehicles during phase of
release whereas 40-50% from allied impacts of lockdown adopted using Google Mobility data.
re-suspension of dust in urban areas. Not only (https://www.gstatic.com/COVID-
that, vehicle movement & fuel combustion also
is known to be responsible for about 45-60% of  Google provides daily vehicular activity in
form of reductions compared to baseline
Assumptions for Computing Resuspended since adopted since March 1st for this study
Dust (PM10)  For L-I, only 5% vehicles in essential
 VKT calculated previously is distributed transport sector such as Ambulance, police
vehicles private buses and cars with permit
onto Rural & Urban roads
was allowed.
 For L-II, 22% vehicles in the state of
 Paved & Unpaved road is calculated using Maharashtra was allowed consisting of
Ministry of Road Transportation & Highway emergency services, essential goods &
that provides surfaced & Not surfaced kms permit holding traveler.
of road in Maharashtra  For L-III, 24% vehicles in the state of
Maharashtra was allowed consist of
 Surfaced (Paved) = 495362KMs, Not emergency services, essential goods, local
movement within district in green and
Surfaced (Unpaved) = 128610KMs. Paved
orange zones
% = 79.39 & Unpaved % = 20.61  For L-IV, According to Google mobility data
23% vehicles in the state of Maharashtra
 Using the same COVID-19 Period Google was allowed consist of emergency
Mobility data, VKT is distributed on to services, essential goods, local movement
paved & unpaved roads within district in green & orange & red
zones including inter-district & interstate
 EF from PREIS study of Pune is used for transport except for the restricted
computing emissions load movement in containment zones

the gaseous emissions load

in terms of inventory as Assumptions for Pre-COVID-19 Period
published by various reports  Category wise vehicle data is obtained from Maharashtra
in the past 14 in urban
Governments Transportation Portal as on 31st Jan 2017
scenarios with marginal
industrial activity.  Appropriate Annual Growth rate is applied for each category of
vehicles to forecast 2020 vehicle population
Taking cue from the
restricted mobility scenario  Vehicles are distributed into 5 categories i.e. 2W, 3W, PV,
in the state of Maharashtra, LCV, HCV
attempt has been made to
understand the dynamics of  Average distance travelled (ADT) by each category of vehicles
the mobility patterns along is adopted from Research Article in Atmospheric Environment
with impact of emissions Journal published in 2009 & 2010 Delhi CWG Survey (MoES)
from vehicular sector in
terms of direct tail pipe  Various ADT’s used are
emissions & indirect re- o HCV’s – 100000kms/A i.e. 200km/d
suspended dust emissions o 2W – 6300kms/A i.e. 120km/d
during various phases of o 3W - – 12600kms/A i.e. 150km/d
o 4W – 12600kms/A i.e. 80km/d
o LMV – 33500kms/A i.e. 100km/d
 Emission factors are adopted form ARAI 2007 report to convert
VKT calculated from ADT & vehicle numbers

Six cities repots, Give ref of NEERI AQM Pune Study – USEPA, Mumbai – PMRAP, ARAI report of
Pune, CPCB studies of Source inventory, etc
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6000 50000 It is estimated that the

Resuspended PM10 total number of vehicles
5000 PM10 from Vehicles
VKT (Lakh kms) 40000 in Maharashtra with a
35000 population of 11.23cr as
Emissions (TPD)

VKT (Lakh kms)

30000 per 2011 Census &
3000 25000 projected to be around
2000 12.49cr for 2020 is
estimated to be around
1000 39,880,151 15.

0 0
Pre Covid L-I L - II L - III L-IV

Figure 13 vehicle wise VKT & its share on paved v/s unpaved roads
in terms of emissions of PM10

Considering the worst case scenario, an estimate of the total vehicle kms traveled by all the
vehicles when on road as per the ADT assumptions 16 seems to be around 472cr kms. The

estimated distribution of vehicle wise VKT & its share on paved v/s unpaved roads in terms
of emissions of PM10 is presented in Figure 13. By end of L-IV phase, it is estimated that a
total of 108cr kms of
3000 2835
Total PM10 SO2 NOx CO VKT / day is part of the
2500 daily routine of transport
in the State with about 5
Emissions IN TPD

2000 - 8 times additional

1500 1356 share of resuspended
dust contributed due to
1000 2088 680 vehicle movement every
624 652
500 298 325 312
day amounting to be
104 459 501 480 about 1150TPD by end
0 of L-IV whereas
Pre Covid L-I L - II L - III L-IV vehicles contribute
about 667TPD of PM10
during the pre- COVID-19 period along with 5000TPD of resuspended dust.

Emissions of SO2 seem to be the highest obviously due to the high VKT & EF from HDDV
(Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles). Yet the share of total PM10 emissions is around 667TPD
during pre-COVID-19 which due to the extreme restrictions posed by government of the day
is reduced drastically to just about 33TPD during L-I gradually increasing to about 150TPD
by L-IV. Similarly, share of SO2 load too amounts to about 900TPD & that of NOx to about
820TPD by end of L-IV as against 3900 & 3500TPD respectively. CO on the other hand
shows highest contribution through vehicular sources amounting about 7000TPD &
1600TPD during pre-COVID-19 & L-IV periods of study respectively.

According to Unique Identification Aadhar India, updated Jan 2020
T.V. Ramachandra & Shwetmala, Emissions from India’s transport sector: Statewise synthesis,
Atmospheric Environment, 2009, pg-1-8 & Estimates from PREIS, Pune Emissions Inventory Study,
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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Impact on Area Sources

Essentially, it was also thought to evaluate area sources which usually form considerable
Assumptions for Hotels Assumptions for Bakeries Assumptions for Street
 There are 1,05,000 hotels  Estimated 44,769 bakeries Street Vendors
in Maharashtra in Dec based on data from Argon  Data gathered from
2016 Food Processing National Association of
 Hotel numbers vary from  20% small & unorganized Street Vendors, 50th
year to year with reduction using firewood averaging Round of NSSO (1993-94)
of 12,000 units since 2015 33kg/hr with 24hr working  Urban area – 0.89% of
 Thereby, considering as estimated from primary population whereas Rural
average 1,00,000 hotels survey in PREIS & area – 0.27%
as on March 2020 validated in 2014 EI-Pune  Projections based on 5cr
 30% big consuming 7 & studies Urban & 6.15cr Rural
70% small consuming 1  Diesel operated bakeries population of State
LPG cylinders / day are not considered  Fuel consumption data
 Fuel use data is derived  Large bakeries use adopted form PREIS &
from PREIS & validated in multiple and cleaner fuel validated in 2014 EI-Pune
2014 EI-Pune studies thereby using average of studies
 During Covid, No hotels / 33kg firewood for all  Fractions using Coal,
restaurants in L-I, 20% in bakeries Kerosene, LPG & Wood =
L-II only for food delivery,  Being essential, 20, 40, 60 5.3, 31.6, 43.4 & 25.0 resp
30% in L-III & 50% in L-IV & 75% operation in L-I, L-II,  Qty of fuel per day = 3.62,
L-III & L-IV Phases 0.17 & 8.37kgs of
respectively kerosene, LPG & wood
 Phase L-I, L-II & L-III have
had strict restrictions on
the street vendors thereby
contribution to the overall ambient air quality. Though the no such emission
data is limited to some surveys being conducted in previous reflected whereas L-IV
Emissions Inventory studies of especially those conducted assumes to have only
by USEPA, NEERI & PMC attempt has been made to use it 10% scattered vendors
to the best possible approach for most scientific and operational
validated method of acceptability. The baseline survey for
almost all sectors / activities are from in and around Pune and may be thought to represent
both rural and urban scenarios of Maharashtra as the case has been adopted along with its
comparison with some available ground data from Delhi-NCR collated during primary
surveys in this region including rural settings for all indicators / surrogates leading to activity
definitions for emissions calculations. Construction, hotels & bakeries, have been studied as
area source contributors to understand their share towards the total emissions load and the
possibility of it translating into ambient air quality concentrations.

Construction too being one of the identified and most deliberated sectors is thought to
account for considerable PM10 emissions that is attempted to be computed using surrogate
data from various references.

Tourism industry is the most impacted sector due to COVID-19 pandemic and so if reflected
by the lockdown protocols which still restricts restaurants & hotels from operating in certain
zones. Similarly, street vendors are the most vulnerable from not only economic point of
view but also from their effective exposure potential and rightly so the government restricted
all the hawkers and street vendors thereby effective several of the area source emissions
directly. On the other hand, bakeries being classified as essential supply of food material
had been surely operational during almost the entire period especially the larger brand ones.

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2,000 1,868 Hotel Bakeries Street vendors 120

Total PM10 % Reductions
100 100
1,600 94
1,400 82 80
Emissions TPD

% Reduction
1,000 63 60
800 689
200 108

- 0
Pre Covid L-I L - II L - III L-IV

Figure 14 Overall impact of PM10 emissions due to restrictions on all the area

With the stated assumptions & limitations of primary data it may not be completely possible
to imitate the exact contribution yet an attempt is made to evaluate the overall impact of
PM10 emissions due to restrictions on all the area sources represented in Figure 14. It is
estimated about 1500tons/day of firewood be used by bakeries across Maharashtra
generating about 541TPD of PM10 whereas hotels leading to about 1,200TPD & street
vendors using 700KLD of kerosene, 45,000l/d of LPG & 404TPD of wood potentially
generating only 100TPD of PM10. With a share of 64%, Hotels form one of the major sources
whereas bakeries & street vendors contribute 29 & 6% each towards the total PM10
emissions load. The lockdown however witnesses 98% reduction in L-I followed by 82, 63 &
45% reductions in PM10 load across L-II, L-III & L-IV respectively.

In terms of gases, SO2 & NOx emission loads are to be also considered amounting to
242TPD & 1082TPD during pre- COVID-19 period & subsequently reduced during various
phases of lockdown finally adding about 116TPD & 550TPD by end of L-IV respectively.
However, it is interesting to note that there is substantial CO emissions to the tune of
4,500TPD (with almost 95% from bakeries) may be mostly due to unregulated & inefficient
burning as represented by high EF used for estimation purposes. Emissions during
lockdown are considerable with bakeries functional to great extent reaching finally to
3200TPD by end of L-IV.

Maharashtra accounts for nearly 25% of the total investments attracted by real estate &
construction in India 17 of Rs. 14.5Lakh crore industries possibly translating into Rs. 3.65Lakh

Crore / annum for Maharashtra in Construction sector industry.

 Assuming average cost of construction to be around Rs. 1350, the total area of
construction amounts to be 67000acres/annum
 About 6000acres/month
 Phase L-I had complete restrictions on any construction whereas L-II is assumed to have
initiated about only 5% of construction activities followed by 15% in L-III & 40% in L-IV
 These assumptions are conservative considering that construction labours may have
migrated and even with the permissions granted, actual construction may be extremely

Emission from construction is extremely marginal with only 21TPD during Pre- COVID-19
whereas L-IV showing 8TPD with limited activity due to resource constraints.

ASSOCHAM – The Associated Chamber of Commerce & Industry of India, 10th May 2017, PTI
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Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Conceptualized by
on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Sectoral Sources Impact on Air Emissions in Maharashtra

18,000 PM10 SO2 NO 100

CO % Reduction (PM10) % Reduction (SO2)
16,000 90
% Reduction (NOx) % Reduction (CO)
13,513 80
Emissions (TPD)


% Reductions
15,540 50
6,000 5053 5,368
3721 3365 3,735
4,000 4579 5,639
2661 20
2,356 3527
2,000 1,344 1,364
5,549 10
4199 5226
- 0
Precovid L-I L-II L-III L-IV

Figure 15 Overall changes in emissions with % reductions during lockdown

These phases of COVID-19 pandemic is done, an evaluation of the overall changes in
emissions with % reductions over these various phases of lockdown vis a vis Pre-COVID-19
period is depicted in Figure 15 with the total emissions from all relevant studied sources
clubbed together. Even though the trends in reduction show similar trends the absolute
impact on pollutant emissions is different especially in light of the varying activity as well as
emission factor values. PM10 & CO shows the maximum reductions during L-I phase
probably due to the extremely limited transportation as well as fuel used in industries, which
is further evaluated in subsequent discussions depicting share of each sector towards
emission load reduction across phases.

On the other hand it also shows increased emissions by end of L-IV though the CO
emissions do not increase in exact relative equivalent terms. NOx emissions are the least by
the end of L-IV whereas SO2 increase remains gradual throughout various phases mostly
due to the thermal power plant operations that did not changed much during the study
period. Sectoral Share of Sources towards PM10 Emissions Load

When % share of various emission sources for PM10 as depicted in Figure 16 is discussed,
it is revealed that during Pre-COVID-19 period, maximum share from Re-suspended dust out
of the total of 10,000TPD emissions in Maharashtra State and about 52% of the share is
contributed by Re-suspended dust. Industries & area sources (including Hotels, Bakeries &
Street vendors) totally contribute 32% (about 8% each) whereas Thermal Power Plant’s
(TPP) share towards PM10 emissions load is 11%. If TPP are considered as industrial
emission point source, the total contributions amount to about 24% whereas vehicles in
terms of PM10 emissions share seem to be only about 7% & negligible emissions from
construction sector.

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Sectoral Share of Sources towards PM10 Emissions Load
10,000 Street Vendors Bakeries
Hotel Thermal Power Plant (Electricity)
8,000 Construction Resuspended Dust
Emissions TPD

Vehicles Industries



Pre-Covid L-I L-II L-III L-IV

Figure 16 Sectoral share of sources towards PM10 Emission Load contribution

During the COVID-19 phases, Thermal Power Plant (TPP) accounts for 50% share that
subsequently reduces to about only 11% by end of L-IV since all the other activities take
over emissions load share over the time. Re-suspended dust shows reduced share from
51% to about 30%. Industries with its limited essential manufacturing still contributed a share
of about 18% during L-I. Sectoral share of source contributions is presented in Figure 17.

Sectoral Share PM10

40.0 Vehicles

Resuspended Dust
L-IV 20.0 L-I

Thermal Power Plant (Electricity)



Street Vendors

Figure 17 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards

PM10 Sectoral Share of Sources towards SO2 Emissions Load

The source contributions towards SO2 during Pre-COVID-19 period (i.e. to the tune of about
13,877TPD) is limited to only Thermal Power Plant with 9% share, vehicles with 30% and
industries accounting for about 63% as represented in Figure 18.

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16,000 Sectoral Share of Sources Towards SO2

14,000 Street Vendors Bakeries

Hotel Thermal Power Plant (Electricity)

Construction Resuspended Dust
Emissions TPD

Vehicles Industries




Pre-Covid L-I L-II L-III L-IV

Figure 18 Sectoral share of sources towards SO2 Emission Load

On the other hand, industries continue to share almost similar % contributions across all
phases (about 60%) whereas vehicle contribution increases from 7% during L-I to 16% by
end of L-IV similar to that of TPP with contributory share increasing from 8% to 18% by end
of L-IV. In fact >97% of the share of SO2 is directly contributed by these 3 sources through
the phases of lockdown as presented in Figure 19.

Pre-Covid Industries
Sectoral Share SO2 70.0
60.0 Vehicles
40.0 Resuspended Dust
L-IV 20.0 L-I Construction
Thermal Power Plant


Street Vendors

Figure 19 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards

SO2 Sectoral Share of Sources towards NOx Emissions Load

In terms of NOx however, the trends suggests entirely different contributory share from
sources though the trends in share still resemble that of SO2 with industries & vehicles
sharing about 66% & 22% amounting to about 89% whereas interestingly, area sources too
accounts for about 7% forming 3rd significant contributor which was not seen case of either
of the PM10 or SO2 loads during Pre- COVID-19 period (of the total 15,540TPD). Thermal
power plant shares only 4th rank with 3.9% during this phase as represented in Figure 20.

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Sectoral Share of Sources Towards NOx
16,000 Street Vendors Bakeries
Hotel Thermal Power Plant (Electricity)
Emissions TPD

10,000 Construction Resuspended Dust

8,000 Vehicles Industries




Pre-Covid L-I L-II L-III L-IV

Figure 20 Sectoral share of sources towards NOx Emission Load

Share of industries during L-I is the highest across the phases of lockdown with about 71%
share which by end of L-IV reaches similar to that of Pre-COVID-19 at 66%. Vehicles
however show interesting trends with L-II having maximum share within the lockdown period
(about 21%) through less that Pre-COVID-19 obviously. TPP’s contribution by end of L-IV
shows significant rise to the extent of 9.6% along with that from area sources with a share of
9% too by the end of L-IV. In fact if TPP is considered as industrial point source, >70% of the
share of NOx is directly contributed by it as depicted in Figure 21.

Pre-Covid Industries
Sectoral Share NOx 80.0
70.0 Vehicles
50.0 Resuspended Dust
20.0 Thermal Power Plant
10.0 (Electricity)
0.0 Hotel


Street Vendors


Figure 21 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards

NOx Sectoral Share of Sources towards CO Emissions Load

Grippingly, area sources contribute about 30% of CO emissions load during Pre- COVID-19
period which is not the case in any of the earlier discussed pollutants. Similarly vehicles
contribute a share of about 45.18% during this phase as compared to 15% from vehicles.
TPP’s contribute only to a marginal 0.2% which otherwise in all other pollutants cases is
significantly low. The trends continue to suggest entirely different share from sources with
area, vehicles & industries contributing to about 97% share of the emissions load of CO
during Pre- COVID-19 period of the total 13,513TPD) as represented in Figure 22.

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Sectoral Share of Sources Towards CO
14,000 Street Vendors Bakeries

12,000 Hotel Thermal Power Plant (Electricity)

Construction Resuspended Dust

Emissions TPD


8,000 Vehicles Industries




Pre-Covid L-I L-II L-III L-IV

Figure 22 Sectoral share of sources towards CO Emission Load

Abiding to the pre-COVID-19 period share, the area sources are the major contributor during
L-I with area sources forming almost 60% of the contribution followed by vehicles at 25% &
industries @ 13% during L-I whereas the share of industries reduces to 10.5%, vehicles to
30% by end of L-IV. On the other hand, share of area sources by end of this phase L-IV itself
reaches about 58%. TPP’s & all other sources other than those mentioned above contribute
only about 0.5% of the CO emissions load as presented in Figure 23.
80.0 Industries
Sectorl Share - CO
70.0 Vehicles
50.0 Resuspended Dust
20.0 Thermal Power Plant
10.0 (Electricity)

Street Vendors


Figure 23 Sectoral % share contribution across all sources of sources towards CO

Finally, it is further deliberated to understand the rendering of these emissions into ambient
air quality changes that are brought during the various Lockdown phases vis a vis Pre-
COVID-19 (business as usual) scenario & attempt has been made to establish correlation
between emissions from various sources to the real time ambient air quality data as
available at 22 different locations monitored by MPCB using AAQMS.

5.1.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Ambient Air Environment

As a result of the strict restrictions on travelling & closure of non-essential activities including
various industries, air quality improvement has been anticipated in most towns & cities
across the State. Emissions load from almost all sectors contributing towards ambient air
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pollution i.e. transport, industries, power plants, construction activities, biomass and refuse
burning, road dust re-suspension, residential, operations of DG sets, restaurants, landfill
fires, etc. have been already stated in earlier section.

As per MPCB’s annual monitoring schedule 104 samples at each of the locations monitored
from 72 active AAQMS is available. However, analysis of COVID-19 event on ambient air, it
is most appropriate to consider data form only the Online AAQMS on daily basis & correlate
with the event happenings across State.

Furthermore, air quality data generated from these stations are converted into Air Quality
Index (AQI) for prominent pollutants such as PM10, NOx and SO2 in entire lockdown phases
showing gradual change as & when permissions for additional activities were granted. The
comparative lockdown phases considered are as below;

 Before COVID-19 - (01.03.2020 to 20.03.2020)

 Lockdown-1 - (21.03.2020 to 14.04.2020)
 Lockdown-2 - (15.04.2020 to 03.05.2020)
 Lockdown-3 - (04.05.2020 to 16.05.2020)
 Lockdown-4 - (17.05.2020 to 01.06.2020)

Table 5 represents comparative Air Quality Index (AQI), for data collected from 22 AAQMS
across state during these five phases.

Table 5 Comparative Statement of Average Air Quality Index of Continuous

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Maharashtra
Lockdown % difference in AQI for
Pre & post lockdown
01-03-2020 21-03-2020
Monitoring Stations period (%)
to 20-03- to 01-06-
2020 2020
More Chowk Waluj 85.29 52.01 39.01
Chandrapur, Chandrapur 78.06 71.81 8.00
MIDC Khutala, Chandrapur 81.82 77.36 5.45
Khadakpada, Kalyan 174.76 81.07 53.61
Bandra, Mumbai 101.67 68.96 32.16
Borivali East, Mumbai 79.56 62.88 20.95
Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl.
153.05 54.41 64.44
Airport (T2), Mumbai
Colaba, Mumbai 104.24 56.00 46.27
Kurla, Mumbai 161.95 79.91 50.65
Powai, Mumbai 98.58 59.03 40.12
Sion, Mumbai 164.25 70.16 57.28
Vasai West, Mumbai 121.68 45.18 62.87
Vile Parle West, Mumbai 107.05 58.96 44.92
Worli, Mumbai 108.95 61.17 43.85
Opp GPO Civil Lines, Nagpur 77.73 59.98 22.82
Gangapur Road, Nashik 96.80 57.88 40.20
Airoli, Navi Mumbai 87.85 89.45 -1.82
Mahape, Navi Mumbai 148.95 74.84 49.75
Nerul, Navi Mumbai 148.39 97.35 34.39
Karve Road, Pune 98.75 60.97 38.25
Solapur, Solapur 110.30 63.28 42.62
Pimpleshwar Mandir, Thane 90.55 60.15 33.57
Source: https://app.cpcbccr.com/ccr/#/caaqm-dashboard-all/caaqm-landing/data
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Legend for AQI category

Good Satisfactory Moderate Poor Very Poor Severe
(0-50) (51-100) (101-200) (201-300) (301-400) (401-500)

A comparative statement for pre-lockdown & lockdown phases reflects changes in Average
AQI at 22 AAQMS datasets suggesting considerable reduction in Average AQI; however at
Airoli, Navi Mumbai, it is found to be slightly increased even during lockdown. The reason for
the increase in pollutant concentrations at these locations may be due to higher % / density
of essential service / industries.

As compared to pre-lockdown averages, the air quality has moved to satisfactory from
moderate at 11 locations in Mumbai and Solapur. At Vasai, there can be seen a significant
reduction in average AQI wherein it is moved to Good from Moderate Category.

Figure 24 represents trend analysis of AQI at various monitoring locations across state at
onset an during COVID-19 pandemic periods a various stages such as panic migration of
people after declaration of lockdown, during lockdown and further strict imposition of only
essential services etc.

From the trend analysis of AQI across five phases, it can be clearly seen that during 1st
phase (01.03.2020 to 20.03.2020) which is before any initial declaration of COVID-19
pandemic, the AQI values are fairly high in range of 100 to 200 however, at the end of this
phase; increased AQI values upto 250 are observed which might be due to increased activity
of panic migration of people. In 2nd phase (21.03.2020 to 14.04.2020) of Lockdown-1, due to
strict restrictions and closing down all non-essential activities, values of AQI across all the
stations are observed below 150 in Moderate range. The 3rd phase i.e. Lockdown-2
(15.04.2020 to 03.05.2020) resulted in considerable reductions in AQI even below 100
across all locations due to less air pollution and similar observations were recorded during
Lockdown-3 (04.05.2020 to 16.05.2020). During 5th phase i.e Lockdown-4, there can be
seen increase in AQI values than previous lockdown phases which might be due to
relaxations permitted by government wherein few activities were allowed to be operated in
areas other than Red Zone and containment areas.

The AQI at almost all stations observed to be less than 150 (moderate conditions), and most
of stations showed below 100 AQI (Satisfactory conditions) which clearly depicts the
reduction in air pollution.

During 2nd & 3rd phase of stricter lockdown (21.03.2020 to 03.05.2020), all stations show AQI
below 150 and 100, except for one of the stations located at MIDC Khutala, Chandrapur -
MPCB which is showed above 200 (Moderate conditions) due to presence of working
thermal power station.

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Trend Analysis of AQI at Various Monitoring Locations across State of Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID – 19
Pandemic Periods
Pre-Covid19 Lockdown-1 Lockdown-2 Lockdown-3 Lockdown-4
More Chowk Waluj Chandrapur, Chandrapur - MPCB MIDC Khutala, Chandrapur - MPCB Khadakpada, Kalyan - MPCB
Bandra, Mumbai - MPCB Borivali East, Mumbai - MPCB Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl. Airport (T2), Mumbai - MPCB Colaba, Mumbai - MPCB

250 Kurla, Mumbai - MPCB Powai, Mumbai - MPCB Sion, Mumbai - MPCB Vasai West, Mumbai - MPCB
Vile Parle West, Mumbai - MPCB Worli, Mumbai - MPCB Opp GPO Civil Lines, Nagpur - MPCB Gangapur Road, Nashik - MPCB
Airoli, Navi Mumbai - MPCB Mahape, Navi Mumbai - MPCB Solapur, Solapur - MPCB Pimpleshwar Mandir, Thane - MPCB





Figure 24 Trend Analysis AQI at Various Monitoring Locations across State of Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods
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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Analysis of Air Quality Data in Terms of Specific Pollutants

This study also includes impact of lockdown on specific criteria pollutants such as PM10, NOx
and SO2. The comparison of average concentration of these pollutants pre & post lockdown
is specified in Table 6 and info-graphics for each pollutant is presented in following section.

Table 6 Average concentration of PM10, NOx and SO2 for Pre & post Lockdown
periods at 22 AAQMS in Maharashtra.
Pre-lockdown Lockdown % decrease between
01-03-2020 to 20-03- 21-03-2020 to 01-06- Pre & post lockdown
Locations Period
2020 2020
PM10 NOx S02 PM10 NOx S02 PM10 NOx S02
More Chowk
Waluj, 84.75 8.35 7.33 44.48 14.95 5.86 40.27 -6.59 1.48
82.50 10.21 22.89 75.70 9.68 24.34 6.80 0.53 -1.45
MIDC Khutala,
47.55 16.49 17.08 47.97 14.46 17.74 -0.42 2.03 -0.66
193.63 36.68 27.44 86.91 13.47 54.32 106.71 23.21 -26.88
89.67 71.45 16.01 72.33 14.98 37.07 17.34 56.47 -21.05
Borivali East,
89.81 7.57 3.51 64.22 4.60 3.59 25.59 2.97 -0.08
Shivaji Intl.
166.39 107.63 5.50 52.40 55.14 1.75 113.99 52.50 3.75
Airport (T2),
Colaba, Mumbai 110.71 29.97 23.59 37.96 19.36 15.81 72.75 10.60 7.78
Kurla, Mumbai 185.50 82.99 42.31 80.42 16.23 17.43 105.09 66.76 24.88
Powai, Mumbai 103.89 15.54 4.31 54.47 4.99 8.86 49.42 10.55 -4.55
Sion, Mumbai 181.08 91.54 9.25 72.83 35.11 11.27 108.25 56.43 -2.02
Vasai West,
127.46 69.72 3.90 47.36 53.58 3.48 80.10 16.14 0.42
Vile Parle West,
109.75 56.60 16.13 55.44 10.01 11.58 54.31 46.59 4.55
Worli, Mumbai 109.25 46.03 6.42 59.48 7.24 3.98 49.78 38.78 2.44
Opp GPO Civil
67.15 37.29 6.93 43.29 13.59 2.10 23.87 23.70 4.82
Lines, Nagpur
89.21 18.35 3.95 50.31 10.85 2.39 38.91 7.50 1.56
Road, Nashik
Airoli, Navi
40.56 33.66 45.00 40.56 33.93 46.42 0.00 -0.27 -1.42
Mahape, Navi
161.33 105.09 17.89 71.43 26.18 10.75 89.90 78.91 7.14
Nerul, Navi
177.78 65.65 15.60 70.71 12.86 12.08 107.07 52.79 3.51
Karve Road,
85.34 25.60 45.23 35.51 12.84 23.21 49.83 12.76 22.02
106.26 62.76 26.25 63.88 5.33 6.29 42.38 57.44 19.97
97.63 69.58 29.61 56.03 11.44 8.03 41.60 58.14 21.58
Mandir, Thane
Source: https://app.cpcbccr.com/ccr/#/caaqm-dashboard-all/caaqm-landing/data

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From Table 6, PM10 concentration has significantly reduced across all stations except MIDC
Khutala, Chandrapur. Similar to PM10, NOx concentration has also seen to be reduced at
majority of stations except 2 viz. More Chowk Waluj, Aurangabad and Airoli, Navi Mumbai.
However, SO2 concentration is observed to be reduced at 13 stations and slightly increased
across 8 stations by nearly 2%.

Figure 25 Trend Analysis of PM10 Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations

across Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods

Trend analysis of PM10 concentration across all stations in State for five phases at Onset &
During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods as represented in Figure 25, wherein air quality is
observed to be improved. It can be predicted that PM10 concentration is significantly reduced
during lockdown 1 & 2 from 250µg/m3 upto 100µg/m3 as compared to 1st phase. During 4th &
5th Phase of Lockdown- 3 & 4 slightly gradual increase in concentration is observed upto a
range of 150µg/m3 due to relaxation allowed for few activities by Government though it is
much better than 1st phase of Pre- COVID-19 scenario.

Similar to PM10, trend analysis of NOx concentration is observed from Figure 26. At the end
of 1st phase increased concentration upto 200µg/m3 beyond average upto 150µg/m3 can be
seen which might be due to increased migration activities. Further during lockdown phases it
is observed to be considerably reduced below 50µg/m3 except 5th phase i.e. Lockdown 4
which shows slight increase in concentrations at stations viz. Sion, Colaba, Chatrapti Shivaji
International airport.

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Figure 26 Trend Analysis of NOx Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations

Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods

Figure 27 Trend Analysis of SO2 Concentration at Various Monitoring Locations

across Maharashtra at Onset & During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods

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Trend analysis of SO2 during the study period represents these scenarios much scientifically.
Similar to other pollutants, From Figure 27, reduction in concentration is observed across all
stations during lockdown phases by an average of 40µg/m3 from Pre-lockdown except two /
three stations i.e. at Bandra, Kurla & Khadakpada-Kalyan. During Lockdown 3 & 4,
Khadakpada-Kalyan station shows very high concentration than all other locations. It is to be
noted that during these phases few activities were permitted including interstate travels after
certain permissions as per lockdown policy. Khadakpada-Kalyan is a location on busiest
Nashik –Thane Highway with maximum traffic of heavy duty vehicles which uses higher
Sulphur content fuels. On the other hand, thousands of migrant workers travelled from this
route to reach MP, UP and other parts of North India as most of the Shramik trains and
buses were deported from Nashik & Dhule to these places. Thereby it can be predicted that
higher concentration at this location is a result of these heavy duty vehicles movement.

In conclusion it is clearly depicted that Air Quality Index (AQI) has improved across all the
stations. The Air Quality Index (AQI) at almost all locations in Mumbai have improved from
Moderate to Satisfactory Criteria which was never observed before and for the First time in
after really long, AQI for all stations across the State as now observed in “Satisfactory”

In terms of three criteria pollutants (PM10, NOx and SO2); concentration has been increased
only at 1, 2 & 8 stations respectively however, trend analysis for these pollutants show
significant reduction in concentration at all locations during the lockdown phases.

5.1.3 Impact on Noise Environment

Environmental noise is defined as an unwanted sound that could be generated by
anthropogenic activities (for instance, industrial or commercial activities), the transit of
engine vehicles, and melodies at high volume.
The imposition of quarantine measures by most governments has caused people to stay at
home. With this, the use of private and public transportation has decreased significantly.
Also, commercial activities have stopped almost entirely. All these changes have caused the
noise level to drop considerably in most cities across the state.

There has been empty road thus no honking, no whirr of vehicular engines, no echo of
loudspeakers, no commercial events and no clanking of machineries in factories. These all
are the factors for considerable reduction in Noise levels in urban areas of mega cities.
However it needs to be considered that this is a temporary impact and as lockdown will be
released, in the future, more careful planning and management shall be planned in order to
control the unwanted noise levels.

5.2 Water Environment

For decades, the hydrosphere that includes lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater
reservoirs has been severely polluted because of rapid urbanization, industrialization, and
overexploitation. During the lockdown period, the major industrial sources of pollution that
affect aquatic ecosystems, such as industrial wastewater disposal, crude oil, heavy metals,
and plastics (Häder et al. 2020), have shrunk or completely stopped. Therefore, the level of
pollution is expected to be reduced.

The absence or slowdown of economic activities during lockdown has supported

environment to undergo a self-revival to a certain degree and also realized the extent of
contribution of the domestic sources to the river pollution. There are many reasons for media
reports suggesting improvement in water quality in rivers and the river water seems cleaner.
Though there are many reasons for observational improvement in water quality, Industrial
discharge & limited human activities around them are definitely the ones. Improvement in
aquatic pollution in rivers in water bodies is a function of both quality and quantity. With
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reduced consumption by both industries & agriculture i.e. withdrawal from resources there is
an expected higher than average relative flow of water enhanced by lowest pollution sources
adding more life to the aquatic regimes. Human domestic activities at Ghats of major rivers
are also being shut to the public as well as all traditional rituals / Puja waste & other allied
waste dumping phenomena around the rivers significantly seems to be reduced during this
period. The clear water as per media reports is a result of all these along with many other
such factors imposed due to restrictions.

Water quality across the State is objectively analyzed to evaluate the effect of lockdown in
various regimes through existing MPCB water quality monitoring network. To study this
effect data from MPCB’s online portal has been is considered as presented in following

Similar is the case with wastewater, it is estimated that about 9,759MLD of sewage is
generated in ULB’s of which the 27 Municipal Corporations generate about 7,696MLD. On
an average 60.8% of urban gets treated & whereas the sewage generated from rural areas
of about 2,063 MLD is almost untreated making it about 3819 MLD being released untreated
in the surface water bodies & on land. MPCB regularly monitors water quality across 250
water quality monitoring stations for both surface (155 on rivers, 34 on sea/ creeks, 10 on
drains, one on dam) and ground water (24 bore wells, 24 dug wells, one hand pump, one
tube well) under National Water Monitoring Program (NWMP). Surface water samples are
monitored every month for nine core parameters and 19 general parameters whereas the
ground water samples are monitored every six months to trace metals and pesticides. Water
quality at 39 locations of Godavari, Krishna, Panchganga and Bheema rivers in the State
during 2018-19 is given in Table7, Water quality index for various river basins in the State
during 2019 is given in Table 8. Hon’ble NGT order in OA No. 673/2018- “More river
stretches are now critically polluted: CPCB”, there are around 4 polluted river stretches in
each Priority I & II and 8,15 & 19 stretches in Priority III, IV & V respectively as on January

Table 7 Water Quality At Monitoring Stations On Selected Rivers During 2019

Dissolved Fecal
BOD COD Nitrate
Station Name pH Oxygen Coliform
[mg/l] [mg/l] [mg/l]
[mg/l] [mg/l]
Krishna River At Rajapur Weir 7.80 6.66 2.12 13.67 1.11 10.31
Godavari River At Jaikwadi Dam,
8.00 6.69 3.34 11.00 0.62 2.00
Mula-Mutha River At Mundhwa
7.58 2.53 12.43 38.00 2.74 512.50
Kanhan River [Wainganga Basin]
At Downstream of M/s. Vidharba 8.26 6.80 5.57 21.67 2.50 31.75
Paper Mills
Purna River At Dhupeshwar At
Upstream of Malkapur Water 8.12 7.10 3.73 15.20 3.90 35.90
Darna River At Aswali [Darna Dam] 7.74 6.30 3.23 17.33 1.06 0.77
Savitri River At Muthavali Village 8.91 7.76 2.80 39.60 0.81 6.28
Mithi River At Near Bridge 6.92 2.74 24.92 69.00 1.58 2,545.0
Source: MPCB BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand

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Table 8 Water Quality At 39 Locations of Godavari, Krishna, Panchganga, and

Bheema Rivers In The State During 2018-19
Biochemical Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen
pH Value Fecal Coliform [mg/l]
Demand [mg/l]
6.0 to 9.0# Less than 3mg/l# More than 4mg/l# N.A.
No. of No. of No. of No. of
Range Range Range Range
Locations Locations Locations Locations
2.5 or
5.5 - 6.4 0 8 Below 3 1 0 - 100 30
6.5 - 7.4 6 2.5 - 5.4 22 3 - 4.9 6 100 - 200 7
7.5 - 8.4 33 5.5 - 8.4 5 5. - 6.9 29 200 - 300 1
8.5 - 300 &
8.5 - 9.5 0 2 7 - 8.9 3 1
11.4 Above
11.4 &
2 9 & Above 0
Source: MPCB mg/l: milligram per litre, #CPCB Water Quality Criteria, Class C: N.A.: Not Available

5.2.1 Activity Mapping for Attributes Related to Water Quality

Industrial sector has been hit in many ways due to the COVID-19 effect. With respect to
COVID-19 pandemic, the quarantine policies Basic Assumptions
established in the states have caused almost every
 As in case of air, 52,000 with usual
activity except essential services to stand still
excessive and estimated
unexpectedly for considerable period that it will
operational capacity represents
surely have an impact on all aspects of business
right from cradle to grave. 92,000 industries
 53,255 industries represents Pre
Covid whereas 9102 industries Industrial Activity
were permitted during as on
Data from about 54,085 industries that were Unlock 1.0 to evaluate industrial
gathered for analysis is already discussed under impact scenario in Maharashtra
the Section on Air Quality and continue to be the  L1 represented by 2362 Nos. with
baseline for water environment too as per MPCB essential industries
 L2 represented by 5372 Nos. with
records. The effluent generation from industry is
essential & allied industries
403.69MLD and 308.27MLD sewage is generated.  L3 represented by 7414 Nos. with
However during 1st phase of lockdown only 2,362 essential, allied & other permitted
industries out of total were operating which are industries
manufacturing essential goods such as medicines,  L4 represented by 9102 Nos. with
APIs, health related services / products etc. all permitted & active industries in
last phase

Data Assumptions
From Received database of MPCB for each phase
Industrial Use
of the study period
Consumption for Process The available data could not be used as it is &
(MLD) thereby this particular aspect is still a grey area & in-
Consumption for Utility (MLD) depth analysis of MPCB database required
Calculated from working staff in industries using
Water MPCB database
Consumption For Domestic in Industries
45lpcd for SSI considering limited canteen facility
60lpcd for MSI & LSI considering cooking facility
available in most of them
Total Water supplied by Due to the limited time & resources, data available
MIDC's with MPCB is only utilized for all practical purposes

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Total Water supplied by

Irrigation Dept to Industries
Wastewater from Industries
Pre COVID effluent from MPCB database
Effluent generated from During COVID data calculated from % of working
Industries (MLD) industries using actual database of MPCB
correlating with permitted industrial activities
Sewage generated from Sewage = 80% of domestic use for industries as per
Industries (MLD) CHHEOO manual
Total Effluent received by Due to the limited time & resources, data could not
CETP's be retrieved
Disposal of Effluents
Effluent are mostly regulated and/or connected to CETP’s OR are ZLD & approach towards
maximum reutilization within premises whereas industrial CETPS’ dispose to surface water body
Disposal on Land (MLD) Disposal on land = 10% @ 10mg/l BOD
Disposal in River (MLD) Disposal in river = 75% @ 20mg/l BOD
Disposal in sea calculated from no of coastal
Disposal in Sea (MLD)
districts = 15% @ 30mg/l BOD
Domestic Sector
Population Total Population Population data from census & projected for March
Urban Population 2020 using growth rates as per Economic Survey of
Rural Population Maharashtra
Consumption (MLD) Urban consumption = 197.77 lit/capita/day
Rural consumption = 45 lit/capita/day
Wastewater from Domestic Sector
Sewage generated assumed to be 74% from back
calculated for data from District Environmental
Sewage Generated (MLD)
Plans prepared by MPCB for ULB’s & adjusted for
rural to match total load
Treated sewage = 30% of total sewage to the
Treated Sewage (MLD)
acceptable standards
Untreated Sewage (MLD) Untreated sewage = 70% of total sewage
BOD load for Treated
BOD load for treated sewage = 10 kg/MLD
Sewage per day (TPD)
BOD load for Untreated
BOD load for untreated sewage = 100 kg/MLD
Sewage per day
Disposal of Domestic Sewage
Calculated from districts near coast (sea) & river
Disposal on Land (MLD) whereas the remaining assumed on-land for
Disposal in River (MLD) Land = 14% of total
Disposal in Sea (MLD) River = 58% of total
Sea = 28% of total

Figure 28 represents total operational industries vs. permitted industries during each phase
of lockdown period along with population employed industrial sector in the State.
Maharashtra deploys about 65 Lakh working strength in these industries wherein the number
of individuals through various phase of lockdown shows marked reductions with just about
12Lakhs being functioning by end of L-IV against 4 Lakhs during L-I i.e. only about 6%as
against Pre-lockdown phase. However, it seems that the permission granted gradually
increase the working population to 12%, 16 & 20% respectively during L-II to end of L-IV.

Figure 29 represents domestic water consumption in industries pre-COVID-19 & during

each phase of lockdown. It has been observed that the industrial domestic water
consumption is reduced by almost 94% during 1st phase of lockdown (i.e. from 385.34MLD
to 23.24MLD) due to absolute restrictions on non-essential industrial manufacturing. During
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subsequent 2nd, 3rd & 4th phases, the reduction in industrial domestic water consumption was
observed to be 88%, 84% & 81% as industries gradually started operating with permissions.

60,000 7000000
55,000 Total operational /
50,000 permitted inds. 6000000
Number of Industries

45,000 Population working in

Number of workers
40,000 industries
35,000 4000000
25,000 3000000
1237305 2000000
15,000 1027488
10,000 402147 1000000
0 0
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 28 Total operational industries vs. permitted industries with working

population during phase-wise lockdown in State

450 7000000
Domestic Water
400 Staffing in Ind. 6000000
Consumption (MLD)


No of Staff
250 4000000

200 3000000
1237305 2000000
100 815392 1027488
402147 1000000
0 0
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 29 Effect of lockdown on domestic Water requirement and sewage


Reduced resource consumption directly translated into waste generation significantly

reducing wastewater generation from industries as depicted in Figure 29 during 1st phase of
lockdown showing 95% sewage reductions whereas effluent generation by whooping 93%
as compared to the normalcy (pre-lockdown) period.

It gradually increased with permitted activities being advanced in industries but still
continued to shows remarkable reductions by at least 80% & 81% for effluent and sewage
respectively by the end of L-IV. The percolating effect of such reductions was also computed
for the waste finding its way into nature affected through its disposal paths as presented in
Figure 30 & 31 showing almost 95% reductions on the overall pressure on nature. Overall,
computing for the organic load reductions from domestic sewage into the various natural
course, during entire phase of lockdown with restricted activities, it seems that out of the
1656ton of BOD load that been avoided, 1035tons was avoided flowing into rivers, 434tons
into sea & 187tons On land during the entire period of lockdown considering both the
industrial & domestic activities as presented in Figure 33 whereas the share of sectors
during various lockdowns is presented in Figure 32.

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450 Sewage 60,000

400 No. of Inds.
Generation Quantity (MLD)

300 40,000

No of Industries

150 20,000

100 9102
5372 10,000
50 2362

0 0
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 30 Effect of phase-wise lockdown on sewage and effluent generation from

On-Land In River
350 54,085 60,000
In Sea No. of Inds.
300 50,000
Effluent Disposal (MLD)


No of Industries
7414 9102
5372 10,000
50 2362

0 0
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 31 Effect of phase-wise lockdown on disposal of sewage and effluent

generation from industries
600 On Land 552 100
On Land
In River
In Sea L-I Industrial
L-I Domestic
BOD Load (x1000TPD)

382 369
400 354 8 L-II
% Reductions

300 L-II
64 30 Domestic
85 7 L-III
200 30 Industrial
80 38
100 5 Domestic
5 L-IV
0 75 L-IV
L-I L-II L-III L-IV Domestic

Figure 32 % reduction in BOD load from disposal Figure 33 Disposal share of

of effluent on Land, River & Sea sectors during lockdown

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The lockdown has made the entire population to be home-ridden whereby most of the
domestic sectoral water consumptions patterns are expected not to change though some of
the factors such as migrant population changes only is expected to the drive pattern
changes in the overall water quantity & thereby disposal. However, the lifestyle changes &
its impact in water consumption / use patterns due to being life restricted at home is a matter
of further research & beyond scope of this study.

Figure 34 represents impact of one of the vital factors considered in this case i.e. movement
of migrant population during lockdown as per the regulations imposed by government from
time to time. The average daily water consumption during pre-COVID-19 period is
13,161MLD which due to migration is reduced by 1.27% during 1st phase whereas migrants
being restricted showed only 0.37% reduction in L-II & with government arranging for public
mass migration at beginning of L-IV water consumption & sewage was further reduced by
almost 1.29% to 12,782MLD. This in turn reduced pressures on disposal pathway as well as
organic load though to a very marginal extent i.e. 0.14% on land, 0.58% in river & 0.28% in
sea as compared to that during pre-COVID-19 period as presented in Figure 35.

Consumption (MLD)
Sewage Generated (MLD)
Water Consumption / Sewage (MLD)







Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 34 Effect of lockdown on domestic water consumption and sewage


On Land In River In Sea Population


Domestic Sewage (MLD)

Population in Lakhs



1,124 1,115 1,115 1,113 1,105

Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 35 Status of domestic sewage disposal during lockdown period

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The translation of these reductions in quantity of sewage further suggests an overall

reduction of 163, 675 & 6326 tons of BOD on land, in river & sea respectively considering
the disposal pathway as assumed & computed thereby totally avoiding 1164 tons during
lockdown period as a whole.

The reduced load of organics & other parameters of water quality from various sectors of
activities as discussed in earlier sections needs to be further assessed for its applicability.
Thereby, it is only appropriate to compare month wise data for similar time periods of
respective seasonal conditions across April of 2018-19 & that of 2020 to evaluate the
corresponding impact of COVID-19 on water quality. Water quality comparison has been
carried out for physical parameters such as pH, BOD, COD & DO for both years at similar
monitoring locations & presented for all the monitoring locations across Maharashtra.

Quality of surface water is monitored every month across 200 water monitoring stations
(WQMS) by MPCB under Central Pollution Control Board’s project of NWMP. Basin-wise
water quality in terms of pollution concentration is presented in this section Tapi River Basin

Dissolved O2 Dissolved O2 BOD BOD
(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
COD COD pH Apr-19 pH Apr-20
(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20

35.0 14.0
30.0 12.0
Concentration mg/L

25.0 10.0
20.0 8.0

15.0 6.0
10.0 4.0
5.0 2.0
0.0 0.0

Station Codes
Figure 36 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Tapi River basin

Though only 3 stations out of 20 have been able to be assessed for sampling during this
period due to dried up stretches at several of the monitoring sites, comparative data for all
parameters considered is available only at one of these locations (i.e. 1313), in Jalgaon
District for both years as presented in Figure 36. Though statistically not a very impressive
analysis, data if extrapolated seem to suggest the stretch having witnessed BOD reduction
of about 41.7% , COD by 40 % however no reduction whereas consequently & rightly so, the
DO is increased from 5.7 to 6.7mg/l which in itself reveals substantial improvement. Godavari Basin

Godavari River basin is monitored at 48 locations for its water quality, of which data for 31
stations is available for comparison of during both the years. The impact of lockdown is
prominently revealed across most of the monitoring locations as presented in Figure 37
depicting BOD reduced at 25 locations by an average of approximate 25.8%, COD is
reduced at 20 locations by an average of about 82% whereas DO is increased sharply by
about 33.8% at 26 locations. Similarly, nitrates & Faecal Coliforms also show marked
reductions at 50% of the locations that could be compared.

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Godavari Basin (pH, BOD, COD, and DO concentration)

(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
Dissolved O2 Dissolved O2 pH Apr-19 pH Apr-20
50.0 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 14.0
Concentration mg/L

35.0 10.0
30.0 8.0

20.0 6.0

15.0 4.0
0.0 0.0

Station Codes

Figure 37 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Tapi Godavari basin Krishna Basin

Krishna Basin (BOD, COD , pH and DO concentration

(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
pH Apr-19 pH Apr-20 Dissolved O2 Dissolved O2
80.0 14.0
(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
70.0 12.0
Concentration mg/L

pH & DO (mg/l)
45.0 8.0
35.0 6.0
10.0 2.0
0.0 0.0

Station Codes

Figure 38 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Krishna River basin

Water quality in Krishna River basin is evaluated at 51 locations, however for comparative
account is available at only 26 locations as depicted in Figure 38. In this case too, BOD is
reduced at 33% locations by almost an average of 33.2%, COD is reduced at 24% locations
by average 42.7% and DO is increased at 33% locations by average of 22.3%. Though there
are several locations with marginal increase in concentrations of these parameters, it can be
easily depicted that almost 1/3rd of the stretch shows better water quality in Krishna basin

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including that for Nitrates & Fecal Coliforms that show reductions at about 40% locations by
an average range of 25-40%. West Flowing Rivers

The West Flowing River basins too like the case of other discussed rivers show marked
variations in water quality when compared for available data at 28 out of total 34 monitoring
locations. As represented in Figure 39 BOD seems to be reduced at 71% locations by an
average of 29.4% & COD is reduced at 27% locations by average 32.6%. In terms of
consequential impact of reduced organics, the DO is increased at 40% locations by average
of 8.1%. Furthermore, the cleaning process is adjudicated by reduction in nitrate
concentrations at 70% locations by almost 90% value & Fecal Coliforms by 76.8% at again
70% of the locations thereby assuring the impact to be extremely positive in these rivers.

West Flowing rivers (BOD, COD , pH and DO concentration)

200.0 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 14.0
Dissolved O2 Dissolved O2 pH Apr-19 pH Apr-20
175.0 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
Concentration mg/L

pH & DO (mg/l)

25.0 2.0

0.0 0.0

Station Codes

Figure 39 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at West Flowing River basin

Not only limited to the rivers, the nallahs that are monitored for evaluation of water quality
possibly carrying waste streams into the surface water bodies also show remarkable
reductions in terms of BOD reduced by an average of 43.1% & COD by average 28.9%. Saline Basins

The evidence that the quantity of wastewater from both industries & domestic sector
translated to the extent of organic load reduction as deduced in activity data for water related
environmental attribute is provided by not only the riverine quality improvement but also the
sea water quality enhancement as compared to the April 2019 data available at 29 locations
as represented in Figure 40. BOD is reduced at 52% locations by an average of 15.3% &
COD is reduced at 21% locations by average 22.4% though there are certain locations that
show marginal increase too may be due to some localized activity in that zone. DO too
represent similar trends with 62% locations showing an increased value by an average of

Summarizing the effectiveness of water quality improvement, total 125 locations were
monitored for analyzing quality of water during the month of April 20 that were compared
with the April 2019 database from MPCB.

Out of the 6 river basins, it is found that almost all of the basins at considerable locations
show improvement in the water quality which in terms of BOD are found at 84% of locations
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whereas for COD at almost 65% of the locations (viz. Tapi, Godavari, west flowing rivers &
Nallah basins) whereas the other 2 River basins shows improvement at 30% locations.

Dissolved O2 Dissolved O2 BOD BOD

(mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20
COD COD pH Apr-19 pH Apr-20
275.0 (mg/L) Apr-19 (mg/L) Apr-20 14.0
200.0 10.0
Concentration mg/L

150.0 8.0

125.0 6.0
75.0 4.0
0.0 0.0

Station Codes

Figure 40 Effect of lockdown on Water quality at Saline basin

There is some incongruity observed at certain locations i.e. about 16% for BOD & 36% for
COD representing marginal increased concentrations during this period that might be due
localized events / discharges or some similar phenomena. pH of water at all locations was
observed to be varying in the range of 7-9 for both April’2019 & April’2020 period & DO is
proportionally increased wherever the organic contents are observed to be lowered.

5.3 Impact on Waste Generation

Each country is at a unique stage of this pandemic and has different set of problems to deal
with. Governments are pushing for social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and testing to
minimize public interactions and spread which indirectly also have affected waste generation
practices to a different stage altogether. These actions have created ripple effects on the
functioning of entrepreneurs, businesses, corporations as well as industries which also
resulted into a large mass of migrant workers moving back to their hometowns for living.

The first and foremost impact on waste generation seen is the temporary relocation of
certain workforce from offices to home setting and shutting down of industries. To perform
engineering, designing, planning, or construction work, professionals are expected to be
physically present in offices or on the sites. Interaction and coordination with other
disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, and other staff members is an integral part of the
consumerism and waste generation system.

Impacts of lockdown on solid waste generation in Maharashtra are studied and compared
with usual pattern of waste generation before lockdown period. The analysis results are
explained in following sections of this report.

5.3.1 Impact on Solid waste

Each country is at a unique stage of this pandemic and has different set of problems to deal
with. Governments are pushing for social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and testing to
minimize public interactions and spread which is expected to indirectly affect not only waste
generation quantities but also quality & characteristics. These actions have created ripple
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effects on the functioning of entrepreneurs, businesses, corporations as well as industries

which also resulted into a large mass of migrant workers moving back to their hometowns for
living along with changes in consumerism patterns.

The first and foremost impact on waste generation seen is the temporary relocation of
certain workforce from offices to home setting and shutting down of industries thereby
altering the geospatial distribution of solid waste generation. Interaction and coordination
with other disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, & work members is an integral part
serving as determinants of consumerism & waste generation system.

Impacts of lockdown on solid waste generation in Maharashtra are studied and compared
with patterns of waste generation before lockdown period. The analysis results are explained
in following sections of this report. Activity Mapping for Municipal Solid Waste

On an average every day 50,000 MT waste is generated in the State; of which about
23,707MTD is from ULB’s whereby about 88% is collected via door to door reachout. About
60% of the waste collected is segregated in the wet and dry form whereas 55% of collected
waste is processed. Solid waste generated in the State is being treated in 56 common
facilities provided either by Municipal Corporation or Municipal Councils and 7 Cantonment
Boards. Of the total solid waste generated, 52.9% Solid waste is treated per day. All 384
cities in the State have started the process of segregation. All 384 cities from the State
participated in the Survekshan. In top 100 AMRUT rank holders, 29 were from Maharashtra.
In top 100 non AMRUT rank holders, 83 were from Maharashtra. Out of 193 awards 46 were
grabbed by Maharashtra which was highest by any state.

Data Assumptions
Domestic From Received database of MPCB for each phase of the study period
(Ind.) Biodegradable (TPD) Calculated from working population
Non - Biodegradable (TPD) SSI= 0.1kg/capita/day
Inerts (TPD) LSI + MSI = 0.2kg/capita/day
Biodegradable= 60% of total waste
and Non Bio + 40% of total waste
Hazardous Incinerable (TPD)
Waste DLF - Direct Land filling (TPD)
Data gathered from MPCB as well as
LAT – Land filling After Treatment (TPD) the CHWTSDF & reference drawn
from Annual Report of MPCB,
Incinerable (TPD) Economic Survey of Maharashtra,
Received by DLF - Direct Land filling (TPD) 2019
LAT – Land filling After Treatment (TPD)
Municipal Solid Waste
Total population Population data from census & projected for
March 2020 using growth rates as per Economic
Urban Population
Survey of Maharashtra computing Rural & Urban
Rural Population population
Population & Lockdown period calculations are based on
Waste Generated (TPD)
Generation migrant population as done in case of Water data
Waste Generation = 0.45 kg/capita/day for both
Biodegradable (TPD)
urban and Rural
Biodegradable= 60% of total waste and Non Bio
Non - Biodegradable (TPD) = 40% of total waste

Disposal of Municipal Waste

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Landfill (TPD) 70 % land fill, 10 % composted and 20%
Composted (TPD) untreated of total MSW using estimates from
District Environmental Plans prepared by MPCB
Untreated (TPD) based on primary data
Total Generation (TPD) Pre COVID data from Annual Report & during
Bio Medical
lockdown actual data from MPB’s online BMW
& Treated (TPD) portal is considered Impact Assessment on Municipal Solid waste

The lockdown has some serious consequences on the social and economic front at all levels
& throughout the population of Maharashtra directly or indirectly changing the livelihood
standards, lifestyle patterns & consumerism thought to be at the lowest & thereby
subsequently altering municipal solid waste dynamics. The hit that commercial activities
have taken pinched the eateries, malls, & associated solid waste generating potential during
thr extreme restrictions of L-I & L-II; however, though the pattern quickly changed with
people adapting to the new culture of COVID-19 phase, L-III allowing government to relax
regulations on online delivery & online services resuming at a much higher pace than ever
thereby increasing the packaging related solid waste. Though no method for estimating such
characteristic change was possible, only the migration related data has been used for
understanding the impact on solid waste changes at both ULB levels.

Biodegradable (TPD) Non - Biodegradable (TPD) Migration Total population

35000 11.30
Solid Waste (TPD) & MIgrants (Nos.)

30000 11.25

Population (in Crores)

11.15 11.15 11.20
5000 10.95
0 10.90
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 41 Effect of lockdown and migration on solid waste generation

If only migration related aspect is considered

for computation of impact on SW, the average Pune Case Study
quantity of waste generated in State seems to Upon survey, a Swacch spokesperson said,
“Consumption has reduced drastically leading
have dropped marginally from 50,568TPD to
to a reduction in waste. Hotel waste,
49,705TPD during lockdown period construction and demolition waste and litter
contemplating the migration patterns as have waste has almost completely stopped. Sadly,
been discussed earlier i.e. to the tune of only recycling trade has also come to a halt and
1.7% by the end of L-IV as shown in Figure waste-pickers are not able to send waste in for
41. recycling. We are asking citizens to clean and
However, it is equally important to understand store dry recyclables - plastic, paper, metal
& evaluate other SW sources that are surely and glass, till the end of the lockdown and then
reduced during the phases of study to a hand it over to waste-pickers - protecting the
considerable extent by the limited scope of environment and helping the waste-pickers as
this report does not include the same.
Activities such as littering have definitely Head of the Solid Waste Management (SWM),
reduced significantly with no people outside in Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) said
Science & Knowledge Partners
“During the Covid-19 lockdown, we have seen
500 to 550 metric tonnes of garbage less than
the usual daily intake in terms of daily
collection. Many residents are managing 51
garbage disposal at their end.”

 Garbage generated in the city on

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

public areas. Except for the shops selling essential commodities, all the shops are closed, so
even the plastic generation is anticipated to be comparatively lesser thereby impacting dry
waste generation significantly.

Out of the total metric tonnes of waste that is being collected during the lockdown, about 80-
90% is expected to be biodegradable especially during L-I & II phases with zero construction
/ commercial waste. The mass generation of waste is reduced as the shopping malls, hotels
and restaurants and other leisure places are closed however people are consuming equal
goods at their respective places discretely. It can be assumed that reduction is observed
mostly due to closing public places and population reduction due to migrants who have left
the state during this time.

Extrapolation of Pune case study into other urban areas for Soild waste impacts dring
COVID-19, it seems that the 500TPD waste reduction is about which is almost 30% of Pre-
COVID-19 rate of generation that facilitates need for understanding the composition of
waste. A primary survey of ULB’s shows about 40% residential waste only whereas the other
waste forms a much larger portion of total waste as presented in Figure 42.

Market Household
Hotel & 5%
Restaurants 40%

Market Area

Figure 42 Sectoral share of SWM generating sources

Data Science Theory

 Residential activity Reduction @ Pre-lockdown by migrant population
 Commercial @ 5, 20, 35, 50% during L-I to L-IV
 Hotels & Restaurants @ 15, 30% permitted to deliver only during L-III to L-IV
 Vegetable markets @ 10,25,50 & 75 through phases of L-I to L-IV
 Market area @ 5, 20, 35 & 50 similar to commercial activity

Knowing that the impact of commercial activities based on composition of waste would be
significant, it is essential to understand the reduced pressures on management options
including the disposal paths. If all the constituent composition sectors be adjusted for solid
waste generation, there seems to be almost reduction to the tune of 58% to 35% during
phases from L-I to L-IV which by itself suggests equivalent pressure reduction on collection
& disposal system of the State as presented in Figure 43 translating into a huge amount of
18,000TPD lesser waste to be handled by end of L-IV.

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60000 Market Area Vegetable Market Hotels 70

Commercial Residential Reductions
50000 53 60

44 50
Generation (TPD)

% Reductions
35 40

10000 10

0 0
Pre-Covid L-I L - II L - III L - IV

Figure 43 % reduction in waste generation from different municipal sectors due to


Not only there is a direct impact of reduction in MSW generation and handling, it also has
secondary & tertiary percolating beneficial impacts due to reduced load on landfill,
transportation related air pollution reduction, landfill related air pollution, impact on leachate
though may be marginal & predominantly on aesthetics impacts during the entire process. Activity Mapping for Hazardous Solid Waste

Hazardous are the wastes with properties that make them dangerous or potentially to human
health or to the environment. In 2018-19 hazardous waste was generated during processing
in 6,459 industries. Installation of Global Positioning System (GPS) for tracking of hazardous
waste transporting vehicles has been made mandatory in the State. MPCB has authorized
182 hazardous waste transporters. Common facilities for management of hazardous waste
have been set-up at four major sites, namely Taloja & Trans Thane Creek industrial areas of
MIDC in Thane, Ranjangaon in Pune and Butibori in Nagpur. About 1102879.38MTA of
waste was generated across Maharashtra whereas that received at CHWTSDF with various
treatments facilitated are 360,548.7MTA. Impact Assessment on Hazardous Waste

Information gathering from industrial units for generation of HW was impossible though
attempt is still made by MPCB to inventorize & collate information directly from industries
permitted during phases of lockdown. Not only that that industrial activity was restricted so
was the CHWTSDF and transportation in conventional schedule thereby piling up of HW
even if they were generated may be thought as a limitation to quantify the real impact.
However, the best logical guesstimate is based on % of restricted industrial activity that in
turn suggest about 80% reduction in generation and handling of HW overall. However the
data from CHWTSDF for receipt and treatment of HW as presented in Figure 44 shows
MT/M of waste handling as compared to that from previous year in different at four
CHWTSDF sites in Maharashtra. The effect of lockdown is clearly seen during April’20;
wherein strict restriction on all activities was implemented quantity of HW received at Nagpur
site was reduced by 93%, Navi Mumbai & Pune site showed nearly 80% reduction whereas
40% reduction was observed at Taloja site. However, during May’20, as few activities were
allowed, almost equal quantities of HW were received at these sites as a result of disposing
stocked HW by industries which were scheduled to be disposed during the lockdown and
industries can’t stock it for more than 90days as per HW handling rules along with regular
generation of HW from operation.
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17,961.00 MEPL-Butibori-
18,000.00 17,119.17
16,397.00 Nagpur
Quantity of Haz Waste (MT/M)

10,126.00 MWML, Taloja,
10,000.00 9,190.70 Navi Mumbai
8,000.00 5,947.44 (MT)
4,000.00 887.51 1,450.01
2,000.00 2,339.33 2,500.00 1,372.00 1,218.78 Enviro Power
153.00 273.87 Limited,
Pre-CVOID-19 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 (MT)

Figure 44 Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on hazardous waste generation Activity Mapping for Bio Medical Waste

As per Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules - 2016, MPCB has started issuing
authorization to Health Care Establishments (HCEs) for disposal of bio-medical waste. There
are in all 60,410 HCEs under the purview of MPCB in the State upto December, 2018. The
bio-medical waste generated from these HCEs is treated and disposed by 31 Common Bio-
Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities; of which 29 are operating incinerations &
remaining have deep burial facility. During 2019 on an average about 62.13MT bio-medical
waste was treated and disposed off per day. Impact Assessment on Bio Medical Waste

The COVID-19 pandemic has already had tremendous impacts on the almost all sector and
thankfully in a positive way on environment including significant load reductions on solid
waste management. Contrary to the other environmental attributes, COVID-19 being a
health pandemic, the waste produced by hospitals is anticipated to be grown markedly in the
areas most affected by the virus, and it is vital for this waste to be treated under the best
health and safety conditions. Usually waste generation over space & time has marginal
variations during normalcy period across the year but due to COVID-19 there seems to be
marked variation. It is observed from reports all over the globe that the world will be
drowning in medical waste in 2020 due to the 2019 COVID-19, and the repercussions of this
glut will have a profound impact on sustainable medical waste management practices for
years to come.

Initially, when the pandemic was progressing and lockdowns imposed in many countries,
public authorities and municipal waste operators had to rapidly adapt their waste
management systems and procedures to the situation. A summary of the trends observed
amongst these practices during this period along with rise in cases of COVID-19 affected
patients is provided in the infographic in Figure 45. An enormous rise in tons of daily BWM
generation is observed by 45% from pre-COVID-19 period in Maharashtra. (i.e From 62.3
TPD to 90.6TPD).

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L-IV 4/1
5/31 4/2 4/3
100000 4/4
5/28 4/5
5/27 90000 4/6
5/26 4/7
5/25 80000 4/8
5/24 70000 4/9
5/23 60000 4/10
5/22 4/11
5/21 4/12
5/20 4/13
30000 L-I
5/19 4/14
5/18 4/15
5/17 0 4/16
5/16 4/17
L-III 5/15 4/18
5/14 4/19
5/13 4/20
5/12 4/21
5/11 4/22
5/10 4/23
5/9 4/24
5/8 4/25
5/7 4/26
5/6 4/27
5/5 5/4 4/28
5/3 5/2 5/1 4/30
Total Quantity Collected (Kg/Day) Pre covid Total BMW Qty/Patient Cu. No of Patients

Figure 45 Effect of COVID-19 on biomedical waste generation trends with respect

to COVID-19 affected patients

Believe it or not that the pace at which the COVID-19 infected patients are being identified
and with the increasing spread across geospatial boundaries, & assuming that all the
patients so identified are needed to be hospitalized, by the end of L-I additional 10%
additional burden of BMW by 6.5TPD is generated from the daily usual generation, during L-
II & L-II additional 15% & 30% by 10TPD & 20TPD respectively is generated and by the end
of L-IV as number of patients were increased almost 45% additional BMW is generated
leading to enormous pressures on collection and handling system. Adaption is quintessential
for local bodies & administration to be able to cope up with this increasing demand of BMW
management effectively.

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Chapter VI
Allied & Secondary Percolating Impacts

6.0 Preamble -Allied & Secondary Percolating Impacts

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in many ways. Of the several implications
on humanity, the issues of health, the rapid decline of economy, shortage of medicines,
sanitizers, masks, and other essentials, poverty, unemployment has undoubtedly taken
centre stage and each has left a mark on the lives of people.

The manufacturing patterns, opportunities, positive impacts on several of the environmental

attributes, lifestyle changes, negative impact on bio medical waste generation, and most
importantly consumerism are parameters of discussion across the globe. Though recovery
from this pandemic is still worked out by the world with Indian government too offering for
effective measures of hand holding, COVID-19 has shown people that nature’s corrective /
altering mechanism can pose real challenges of our very survival.

Many allied impacts of COVID-19 that needs primary data collection and collation along with
several of the secondary impacts are beyond the scope of this report however, the authors
feel it extremely important to touch base on these aspects as a matter of orientation for
further research. These aspects are mostly references available on various media / social
platforms & are only an attempt to provide perspective to the entire issue.

6.1 Consumerism
Lifestyle related changes are the most visible aspects visible through postings of general
people on social media. However, the quantification of such impacts & its extents are yet to
be realistically assessed. However, as consumers pinch pennies, their reduced spending
could decimate many industries while on the other hand a lucky few will benefit from
increased spending in certain categories. COVID-19 has altered consumer behaviour to a
great extent & thereby their lifestyle ultimately changing environmental impacts from every
individual person in India & across the globe.

India still continues to be in a much air place when compared to many other countries in
terms of almost all sectors analyzed by the expected spending 18 for each category over the

next 2 weeks i.e. up to almost L-III phase compared to usual (the Net Intent %).

6.2 Impact on Economy

Maharashtra is one of India’s most prosperous, accounting for nearly 15% of the country’s
economy, 24% its total exports, a hub of manufacturing, finance and services sector and
home to nearly 15lakh MSMEs. With Maharashtra accounting for a third of India’s tally of
virus cases, the severest impact is likely to be felt on the services sector which accounts for
around 55-60% of the state’s economy. The country’s most industrialized state has the
maximum number of red zones, where fewer commercial activities are allowed. At least 14
of its 36 districts are in the red zone and only six fall in the green, where full-fledged
economic activities are allowed. Mumbai, the trade and commerce capital and the hub of
manufacturing, accounts for over 6% of India’s economy, 30% of income tax collections,
60% of customs duty and Rs 40,000crore in corporate taxes. Besides, almost 65% of
Maharashtra’s total revenue receipts comes from its own sources, including GST, stamps
and registrations, state excise duty, sales tax and VAT. According to data available with The

1.0 How COVID-19 Consumer Spending is Impacting Industries, Katie Jones April 2020, Visual
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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Hindu, the revenue received by the State through non-GST sources in April in financial year
2018-19 and 2019-20 was ₹7,829.44crore and ₹8,251.2crore, respectively. However,
this year, the receipts for April are barely ₹3,314.42crore. Of this, the major contribution
comes from Sales Tax on fuel which is around ₹2,299.82crore. Stamp duty from
registrations brought in ₹269.35crore and excise duties another ₹237.5crore. According to
officials, the State was expecting the revenue around ₹3,500crore, ₹2,400crore and
₹1,200crore in April from sales tax, stamp duty and excise.

In view of the crisis, the State’s Power Department has decided to reduce power tariff on an
average by 7% for consumers. For the industrial and commercial consumers, the reduction
in tariff would be 10-15%, while for residential consumers, it would be 5%. Further, for the
next three months, industrial and commercial consumers will not have to pay fixed charges.
There will be no increase in tariff for agriculture consumers, and those using power derived
from solar roof sources will not have to pay any additional charges.

As per the budget presented on March 6, 2020, the State was already staring at a revenue
deficit of ₹9,510.71crore. With financial activity closed down for over 40 days now and all
source of revenue dried up the deficit is likely to soar 19. State’s finance department has

estimated its own loss in tax revenues of about Rs 50,000crore, during the third phase of the
lockdown. For the current financial year, the state's own tax revenues were budgeted at Rs
2,25,071crore. The report also quoted senior officials as saying that the losses due to the
lockdown will only likely to increase.

The state has also frozen fresh recruitment till further orders. "Department secretaries have
been asked to review all ongoing schemes. Only those that are unavoidable will be taken up
on priority. Some others will be stayed. Others that can be avoided will be cancelled,"
Departments have also been barred from releasing funds to loss-making corporations for
now. The government also asked the departments to stop administrative expenses at 75 per
cent of the budgeted amount, and also announced restrictions on office renovation,
stationery, consultancies, and rents among others. According to a report by Indian Express,
the worst-hit state by the pandemic, Maharashtra, has decided to freeze any new capital
works till March next to cope up with the losses incurred due to the lockdown. The state
government has also ordered a slash of 67% in development (scheme) spend for 2020-21,
which is the deepest ever cut in expenditure since the formation of the state.

6.3 Impact due to Migrant Movement

The issue of migrant workers was one of the most cruel and highlighted issue in this
pandemic where millions were rendered unemployed and stranded without money, food and
shelter, criss-crossing the country’s highways to return to their villages and several meeting
with accidents and deaths on their way. Unemployment has rendered a large section as
directionless, leaving the social health as well as economy in shambles. Maharashtra home
minister Anil Deshmukh, on Monday, said that since 1 May, at least 822 Shramik special
trains from Maharashtra have taken 11.86 lakh migrant workers back to their home states
and the state government has made special arrangements to facilitate the travel of stranded
migrant labourers.

https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/coronavirus-lockdown-chokes maharashtras-
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The state government is running 810 relief camps where 37,994 migrant labourers have
been given refuge with food and necessities 20.19F

6.4 Impact on Employment

Maharashtra's unemployment rate increased 15.1% points, rising to 20.9% in Apr 2020,
according to a survey conducted by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). Over
a longer time period, unemployment has moved from 2.7% in Dec 2017 to its current rate.

6.5 Impact on Education System

Maharashtra government canceled all the exams from grades 1–8 to make it easier to
contain the Coronavirus outbreak among school students. The students of grades 1 to 8
were directly promoted. Mumbai University canceled the examinations of its first and
second-year students respectively and the education minister of Maharashtra wrote a letter
to the university to cancel the examinations of its third-year students.

6.6 Impact on Transport Industry

Over 20,000 bus services of Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation were cancelled
since 11 March, which caused the organization losses of ₹3 Crore by 17 March.

The road and highway sector will see developers and toll operators incurring toll revenue
losses of ₹3,450-3,700 crore during March-June, the report said. The National Highways
Authority of India (NHAI) will lose ₹2,100-2,200 crore in toll taxes during this period, which
has mostly been under the lockdown 21. 20F

6.7 Impact on Aviation

Credit rating agency Crisil has estimated that the Indian aviation sector, including airlines
and airports, will witness revenue losses of ₹24,000–25,000 crore, as air travel remains
suspended due to the national lockdown. Airlines will be the worst-hit, contributing to more
than 70% of the losses, or about ₹17,000 crore, followed by airport operators with ₹5,000-
5,500 crore, and airport retailers, including retail, food and beverages and duty-free, with
₹1,700-1,800 crore, the agency said in a report. This would reverse the trend growth of
roughly 11% per annum, which the industry has seen in the past ten years, making it one of
the most affected sectors of the economy as per Crisil 22.21F

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Chapter VI
Impact Evaluation – The Conclusion

7.0 Impact Evaluation – The Conclusion

COVID-19 has resulted in about 70,000 patients being infected & unfortunately taken lives of
2300 individuals in Maharashtra 23. Economic crisis & recession is inevitable as predicted by

most of the scholars across the globe & especially State of Maharashtra being the epicenter
of Indian economy contributing highest share of 14.3% towards All-India nominal GDP
ranked 2nd in employing number of workers with share of 11.6%. It is only to imagine that the
State that had 5cr working population with 12.3% in service industry & 16% craft & trading
along with 9.6% that are not classified into specific occupations as per 2011 Census when
brought to a standstill almost 50% of the populations life is directly impacted. This is surely
expected to have not only primary impacts but shall extend to secondary & tertiary too.

Being Indian & thriving in the most adaptable State of India, Maharashtra, there is hope &
opportunity in every scenario when looked from a positive angle even in the worst of this
health pandemic. This belief & perception bought out amazingly important fact that the so
called “Nature’s Correction” should be evaluated & quantified in order to be able to continue
quest for sustainability during the post COVID-19 times to come.

It is this positive side during times of COVID-19 crisis that is attempted to be evaluated in the
study period & the facts & figures prove the very objective & expectation of this meticulous
study. The reports journeys through each of the 3 main attributes i.e. air, water & Solid waste
& attempts at establishing causal-effect in observational changes in environment prima facie
contemplating positive impact anticipated due to restricted activities across population and
sectors. Conclusively enough it can be stated that the slowdown / restrictions of activities
has had direct positive impact on almost all the essential environmental attributes to a great
extent except for the biomedical waste parameter, COVID-19 being recognized as health
pandemic. Perception of people towards betterment of environmental conditions across the
State is quite well featured in most of the social & other media platforms.

This subjective perception of people witnessing clean air, water & land is objectified through
this report not only as a research orientation but also to provide insights into possible &
probable apportionment of causal effect of all such activities that are known to impact a
particular environmental attribute. It shall be borne in mind that all the data are obtained from
reliable sources in the government especially MPCB & some cleaning of data has also been
carried out with utmost care to retain all variables intact. Many of the calculations are based
on assumptions that are specifically & clearly mentioned for the readers to be able to fix their
confidence level in final results & the authors of the report nowhere attempts to draw credit
for the massive & exemplary works published simultaneously acknowledging due credit for
citations of same.

Knowing fully that the population changes have occurred only due to migration to & fro from
Maharashtra, it has been affected only post L-III phase finally reducing it by 1.7% only
though it seems that the difficult path to migrate during COVID-19 imposed regulations is
limited to 65% with predicted 10 Lakh people waiting to finally reach their native locations.

The thorough surrogate & assumptions based analysis of changes in activities perceived to
govern quality of environmental attributes suggests notional act of environmental reset to a
considerable extent most effectively witnessed in terms of air environment with only about
2362 industries permitted during L-I & finally by end of L-IV 83% of them operational as
assessed from the database of MPCB. This in turn required only 64.4% out of the total 65

COVID-19 Monitoring Dashboard by Public Health Department , Government of Maharashtra
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Lakh working population in 92,000 odd industries (as per MPCB online registered database
considered as Pre- COVID-19 period baseline) to be retained on job by end of L-IV.

The activity in industries surely has taken the hit that is directly reflected with the reduction in
fuel consumption (computed from already granted Consent database of these industries @
MPCB) from 9.5Lakh TPD by about 80% in L-I up to 53.8% by L-IV that in turn reflects an
average reduction to extent of 83% in PM10 & 90% gases (SO2, NOx & CO) during L-I further
proving to be effectively 64% & 73% for PM10 & gases respectively by end of L-IV.

Another important & major point source emission are the Thermal Power Plants in
Maharashtra generating 21,176MWh electricity using coal @ 3.55Lakh TPD during normalcy
times Pre- COVID-19. The emissions in range of 1000TPD of PM10 whereas 1100TPD of
SO2 & 600TPD of NOx in usual times are reduced by 27, 24, 14.7 & 10.7% during phase of
L-I to L-IV equivalent to the reduction in coal use to the same extent in these phases.

Over all the point sources account for about 5,629TPD of PM10 & 22,656TPD for gases
which by the virtue of restricted activities shows reductions to the tune of approximately 56%
load of PM10 & average 81% load of gases during L-I finally gaining momentum in activity
based emissions which still remains at 34% reduced status for PM10 & 60% average for

Line source however shows absolutely remarkable impact with almost the entire
transportation sector bought to a standstill except for the essential vehicles movement. It is
breath taking to know that 472cr km/day is travelled by the vehicles during business as usual
(Pre- COVID-19 times) on the road network of about 3 Lakh km that the State maintains.
However this enormous road activity not only has direct tail pipe emissions of about 667TPD
but also lead to re suspension of dust (accounted as Re-suspended PM10) that accounts to
4962TPD i.e. about 8 times higher than the tail pipe emissions especially due to accounting
of the unpaved road dust in rural areas & the equivalent vehicle movement there.
Subsequent imposition of limitations on travel & transport resulted in marked emissions
reductions to the tune of 5%, 22%, 24% & 23% during the L-I to L-IV phases.

Area sources too are one of the factors accountable for the overall ambient air quality
thereby the load from various hotels, bakeries, street vendors & construction activities are
computed for even though they are extremely scattered emitters. Out of the 7,119TPD of
PM10 emitted along with 5,800TPD of gases from this sector during the business as usual
going, reductions to the tune of almost 98% was observed during the L-I & with time the very
limited activities gained momentum still with 86% reductions in PM10 & about 45% in gases
by the end of L-IV. Vehicles has been one of the highest contributors to PM10 amongst the
area sources whereas CO accounts for the maximum share amongst gases load mostly due
to high emission factor related to uncontrolled / incomplete combustion of low quality /
adulterated and mixture of fuels.

Thereby, computing load of pollutants for entire Maharashtra, it seems there the 1 st phase of
lockdown L-I witnesses about 86% subsequently with activities & life coping up with the
COVID-19 event, L-II showing 73%, L-III with 64 & finally L-IV with 58% reductions in overall
emissions load.

Activity or load calculations may not seem to be a direct indicator of changes in the ambient
air quality nor is it that simple to convert these emissions load in to concentration of
pollutants in the ambient air since dispersal of pollutants in the air is influenced by
meteorological conditions in addition to the load. However, emissions inventory presents a
picture & indications of possible reductions that may be responsive to such emission load
even if not linearly.

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MPCB with their effective and AAQMS gathered online data at 22 locations represented as
24hr average revealed the fact that during the pre- COVID-19 period air quality in terms of all
parameters drastically shows consistent reductions to the tune of 60% during entire phase of
lockdown. Additionally, concentration of PM10 at 21 locations reduced by average 55%
whereas that of SO2 & NOx by 30 & 10% respectively. The results are in congruence with
the emission load reductions so stated. In terms of AQI all stations are resulted into
Satisfactory Criteria.

On the other hand, Water being the prime source of life & activities also shows marked
variations not only in its consumption but also waste generation potential across the
lockdown phases. The rivers & saline basins including nallahs that are connected to some of
them of monitored at 250 locations under NWMP & SWMP of MPCB were compared at 125
locations FY April 2019 & 2020. The enhancement in quality is evident for all of the 6 river
basins, showing changes in water quality that in terms of BOD are better at 84% of locations
whereas for COD at 65% of the locations (viz. Tapi, Godavari, west flowing rivers & Nallah
basins) whereas the other 2 River basins shows improvement at 30% locations. pH of water
at all locations was observed to be varying in the range of 7-9 for both April’2019 &
April’2020 period & DO is proportionally increased wherever the organic contents are
observed to be lowered.

The observed improvement in water quality can be very well correlated with the limited
activity wherein 1656 tons of BOD load was avoided in the phases of lockdown, of which
avoidance amounted to 75% in rivers, 15% in seas & 10% on land (with variations over each
of the phases). Such disposal pathways are accommodated using spatial distribution of
industrial & domestic population in areas of river & coastal nearness. Avoidance of load was
highest from industrial sector which is obvious whereas domestic sector though contributed
very small % (up to 3.1% by end of L-IV) in absolute BOD load it amounted to about 1,165
tons of BOD translating into 25-75% concentration reduction of organic matter whereas 10-
35% increase in DO concentration.

Urbanization, affluence & technology have led to ever increasing trend of waste generation.
Maharashtra with the highest share of GDP amongst Indian states is not even more prone to
such higher variations in waste as reflected with the total waste generation of about 50,000
tons/day in business as usual scenario. Migration of almost 65% population (i.e. about i.e.
about 19 Lakhs), limited industrial work force & the extremely restricted commercial, hotels &
restaurants as well as market place activities rendered a reduced load on SWM to the tune
of 58% during the L-I & L-II whereas 44% & 35% during the subsequent L-III & L-IV phases
ultimately reducing massive pressure on the SWM system.

Similarly hazardous waste generation due to restricted industrial activity reduced pressures
on handling of it by average 75% though it needs to be considered that this is a short-time

The only contrary negative impact on environmental attributes whereby the pandemic has
massively created huge demand for revisiting system is of biomedical waste management.
The increase number of COVID-19 patients reaching almost 70,000 by 31st May of 2020 the
BMW generation (in worst case scenario of all patients being hospitalized) to the tune of
computed 90.6TPD seems to have almost increased by 45% from the average 62.5TPD
quantity (during Pre-COVID-19 times); thereby posing challenge to the managers,
transporters as well as facility handlers.

Conclusively, Maharashtra State seems to have witnessed the environmental betterment to

the tune of about 90-50% emissions load reduction of PM10 whereas 85-60% of gaseous
load during L-I to L-IV phases of lockdown translating into approximately 60% concentration
improvements averaged across all of the 22 monitored locations. River water quality has
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improved at more than 84% & 65% for BOD & COD in Tapi, Godavari, west flowing rivers &
Nallah basins whereas the other 2 River basins shows improvement at 30% locations. With
respect to concentrations of monitored parameters for water quality, ample with evidence
from monitored data is available that the lockdown BOD & COD parameters enhanced by
25-75% concentration reduction of organic matter whereas 10-35% increase in DO
concentration needless to mention the 50-75% reductions in Nitrates & Fecal Coliforms
concentration as compared to the April 2019 data. Residential solid waste was the only
major contributor towards challenges in SWM in the State whereas the total shutdown of
commercial activities & restaurants as well as limited industrial activities augmented with
migration though may have varied spatial distribution, have definitely reduced pressures on
SWM systems ranging from 58% during L-I to 35% by end of L-IV. The only negative impact
of COVID-19 as anticipated is found on the biomedical waste generation with an expected
rate of doubling of wastes by end of L-IV.

Nevertheless, many of the percolating impacts that may be associated further with
environmental attributes such as changing patterns of consumerism, lifestyle, work culture,
travel & transport it is equally important that this natures alarm of corrective attenuation be
understood & anthropogenic sources be controlled effectively placing strategic
environmental management systems well in advance to be able to sustain the so felt

Ultimately it’s the virus that sets the timeline..!

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Annexure I – Emission Factors considered for calculations

Source Reference Emission Factor

Point Sources (Industrial Stacks)

Fuel Type PM10 SO2 NOx CO

Coal (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
Combustion sources, Bituminous 1.31E- 8.55E- 9.90E-
and sub bituminous coal 03 03 03
combustion Table No.1.1-3
LDO (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
Combustion sources, Gasoline and 4.32E- 3.07E- 4.32E-
diesel industrial engines 04 02 03
Table No.3.3-1
FO (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
1.08E- 6.07E- 6.59E-
Combustion sources, Fuel oil 2.10E-03
02 02 02
combustion, Table No.1.1-3
CNG / PNG / USEPA - AP:42, External
8.51E- 0.00E+0 5.60E-
NG (kg/kg) Combustion sources, Natural gas 9.41E-04
05 0 04
combustion, Table No.1.4-2
HSD / Diesel USEPA - AP:42, External
(kg/kg) Combustion sources, Gasoline and 9.00E- 1.25E- 1.88E-
diesel industrial engines 04 03 02
Table No.3.3-1
Briquette USEPA - AP:42, External
(kg/kg) Combustion sources, Charcoal, - - -
Table No.10.7-1
Bagasse USEPA - AP:42, External
(kg/kg) Combustion sources, Bagasse 3.02E- 2.67E-
Combustion in sugar mills 03 03
Table No.1.8-1
Wood (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
Combustion sources, Wood 2.47E- 2.06E- 4.03E-
residue combustion in boiler, Table 03 04 03
LPG (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
Combustion sources, Liquefied 6.11E- 4.59E- 3.97E-
Petroleum Gas Combustion, Table 05 07 03

Thermal Power Plant

Coal (kg/kg) USEPA - AP:42, External
Combustion sources, Bituminous 1.31E- 8.55E- 9.90E-
and sub bituminous coal 03 03 03
combustion Table No.1.1-3

Area Sources
Hotels, Bakeries & Street Vendors
Fuel PM10 SO2 NOx CO
LPG (gm/kg) 2.1 0.4 1.8 0.252
Wood 15.3 0.2 1.4 115.4
Coal (gm/kg) 20.0 13.3 3.99 24.92
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Source Reference Emission Factor

Kerosene 1.95 4.0 2.5 62.0

Construction ARB section 7-7 - PM10 - 0.11 tons of PM10 / Acre-month

(630-624-5400-000) Building
Construction-Commercial dust It is assumed that watering techniques are
used during construction )

Fugitive Sources
Resuspende U.S. EPA AP-42, Section 13.2.1, For Paved Road Dust
d Dust March 1993. However, there are
some other variables that are E = k (sL/2)0.65 (W/3 )1.5 (1-P/4N) =
accounted for by using engineering 0.9165g/vkt
estimates and sample surveys as E = particulate emission factor (having units
follows: matching the units of k)
For weight (W) - Engineering
k = particle size multiplier for particle size
estimate for Pune vehicle fleet
range and units of interest
For rainy days - Pune average
sL = road surface silt loading (grams per
10 year meteorological data from
square meter) (g/m2)
W = average weight (tons) of the vehicles
Silt Loading have been actually
traveling on the road
calculated for Mumbai roads and
P = number of “wet” days with at least 0.254
applied in this case
mm (0.01 in) of precipitation during the
averaging period
N = number of days in the averaging period
(e.g., 365 for annual, 91 for seasonal, 30 for

For Unpaved Road Dust

E = [(K (S/12)^0.8 (w/3)^0.4) /(M/0.2)^0.3]

*(365-p) /365 = 1.57 g/vkt
E = particulate emission factor (having units
matching the units of k)
k = particle size multiplier for particle size
range and units of interest
sL = road surface silt loading (grams per
square meter) (g/m2)
W = average weight (tons) of the vehicles
traveling on the road
P = number of “wet” days with at least 0.254
mm (0.01 in) of precipitation during the
averaging period
N = number of days in the averaging period
(e.g., 365 for annual, 91 for seasonal, 30 for

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Sector Reference – ARAI, 2007


2W 3W 4W LCV Buse
5 yrs 0.4 1.72 0.41 1.29 1.29 0.84 0.06 0.85 0.35 3.66 3.92
10 yrs 1.65 1.67 2.09 0.845 1.7 2.74 0.3 0.85 2.72 3.66 3.72
15 yrs 1.65 3.15 3.15 4.39 4.39 4.825 0.3 0.6 0.85 3 4.48


2W 3W 4W LCV Buse
0.25 0.3 0.3 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.28 0.53 0.53 2.12 6.53
5 yrs
0.27 0.3 0.69 0.345 0.04 0.21 0.49 0.53 0.2 2.12 11.5
10 yrs
0.27 0.345 0.51 1.29 1.29 0.645 0.49 0.01 0.35 2.48 15.25 1
15 yrs


2W 3W 4W LCV Bu
0.015 0.118 0.091 0.091 0.015 0.002 0.015 0.001 0.001 0.475 1.24
5 yrs
0.035 0.118 0.347 0.067 0.015 0.006 0.06 0.001 0.001 0.475 1.24
10 yrs
0.23 0.35 0.11 0.721 0.35 0.0195 0.06 0.002 0.002 0.655 1.965
15 yrs


EF 2W 2W 3W 3W 4W 4W HDD- HDD-
2S 4S 2S 4S G D LS HS
g/km 10.3 2.5 25.4

NOTE: 2W – Two Wheeler, 3W – Auto Rickshaw, 4W – Cars/Jeep/ Taxis, LCV – Light

Commercial Vehicles/ 3/4 Axle, P – Petrol, D - Diesel

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on Environmental Attributes Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

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