Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand
Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky Shabbat Ki Tetze, September 10, 2011 t"ga, kuktC t'h Parshat Ki Tetze, pg. 1046, Haftorah pg. 1201
Groups with the Weisers @ 5:30PM
Note: Shabbat Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person goes up to ake a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser
Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning w/Bobbe Reitman -10:30am-OFF Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom B
Sat night West Cost Kickoff , Family Fun Center 10 pm-7am, $25 Mon nights-Dav ening and Donu ts, Beit Midrash, 9:15-1 0:15pm Sun, Sep 11, Sa n Diego Kickof f, Mission Bay, 5: 30-7:30pm, $10 Sep 16/17-Fres hman Shabbato n@ Oxnard. Apply: ww w.W
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nah Art!! Rosh Hasha , tember 18th Sunday, Sep 4 m, ages 6-1 0am-12:00p 10:3
1st Aliya: In an illuminating sequence of emotional and legal circumstances,Moshe forewarned us of the moral and familial dangers of warfare. A soldierbrings home a non-Jewish female captive. Disregarding rational and obvious differences, he marries her, has his 1st son with her, and eventually resents the discord he has fostered upon himself, his captive wife, and his extended family. Attempting to deny his responsibility in the resentment turned to hatred breaking apart his family, he attempts to deny his 1st born sons rights. This is illegal. This can Produce the Rebellious Son; a child who does not value the private rights of person or property and will eventually be executed for his crimes against society. Its a tragedy that begs us to consider the long range consequences of our actions before giving legal license to the wild beast within each of us. 2nd Aliya: The laws regarding: hanging and burial; returning
lost articles; the fallen animal; transvestitism; and the birds nest are detailed. 3rd Aliya: The laws regarding: guard rails; mixed agriculture; forbidden combinations; Tzitzit; the defamed wife; if the accusations against the wife are true; the penalty for adultery; the rape of a betrothed or unmarried girl; the prohibition against marrying a fathers wife; the Mamzer; and the prohibition against marrying an Ammonite or Moabite are detailed. 4th Aliya: The laws regarding: marriage to Edomites or Egyptians; the sanctity of the army camp; sheltering run away slaves; prostitution; deducted interest; and keeping vows are commanded. 5th and 6th Aliyot:The laws regarding: workers eating while they harvest;divorce and remarriage; military exemptions for a new husband; taking a millstone as security for a loan; the punishment for kidnapping; leprosy; general laws regarding security for loans, are detailed.
Get Excited!
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:15-7:30pm-This week: off Family in the park!!! Sunday, September 11th, 10:30am-12:30pm Bloomberry Pancakes-Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am- Back & Bigger Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740
7th Aliya: The laws regarding paying wages on time; the testimony of close relatives; concern for the widowed and orphaned; forgotten sheaves of grain; leftover fruit from the harvest; Malkos - flogging; the childless sister-in- law; the assailant and the wife who comes to the rescue; honest weights and measures; and remembering Amalek are commanded.
Mincha...................................6:45pm Candlelighting......................6:45pm Shacharis Beis Midrash............7:45am Daf Yomi............................ .... 7:45am Shacharis Main Shul ...............8:45am Latest Shema..........................9:37am Youth Groups............................5:15pm Open Beit Midrash...................5:00pm Rabbis Class..........................5:30pm
To all guests and visitors here for Shabbos. Please feel free to ask us if you need anything.
Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm Halacha Yomi 9:00pm followed by Maariv. Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am CLASSES Mr. Weiser Whats on Weisers mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Open Beis Midrash Sunday after Shacharis&Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.
Coming Up!!
Board Meeting Sunday, September 11 @ 9:00am. Singles Shabbaton next weekmeals, guest speaker. FMI contact rachelnissim@gmail. com
Thank You!!
Kiddush is sponsored by Richard Moss on the occasion of his birthday. Seuda Shlishit is sponsored by Mendel Flaster IMO of his mother Beila on her Yartzheit.
Refuah Shleimah
| Doni Lepor | Beno Hirschbein | Goldie Masliah | Marcie Maisel | Harold Gold | Jay Jaffe | Henry Delatoba | Baby Breskin | Lottie Schraer | Chana Luria |
Mazal Tov!!!
Happy Birthday Richard Moss, Chava Simon, Yosef Aryeh Simon, Marcy Maisel, Noam
Thursday Night Special!! Mishmar & Cholent!! 9:30-10:30pm Come learn with Rabbi Adatto, Rabbi Bogopulsky or with a partner.
Prophets with Rabbi Marks 6:45-7:30pm
Taste of Talmud with Rabbi Adatto 8:00-9:00pm
@ 5:30pm
Chessed Committee!
To give or receive Chessed please contact Phil Bloch
Shul Mission Trip to Israel!!!! Deadline to register with $250 deposit is September 15. Make checks payable to Beth Jacob