Designs 07 00098
Designs 07 00098
Designs 07 00098
1 Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2 Aisma srl, 20122 Milan, Italy
3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +385-1-238-3333
Abstract: Predictive maintenance is one of the most important topics within the Industry 4.0 paradigm.
We present a prototype decision support system (DSS) that collects and processes data from many
sensors and uses machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to report deviations from the
optimal process in a timely manner and correct them to the correct parameters directly or indirectly
through operator intervention or self-correction. We propose to develop the DSS using open-source
R packages because using open-source software such as R for predictive maintenance is beneficial
for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as it provides an affordable, adaptable, flexible, and
tunable solution. We validate the DSS through a case study to show its application to SMEs that
need to maintain industrial equipment in real time by leveraging IoT technologies and predictive
maintenance of industrial cooling systems. The dataset used was simulated based on the information
on the indicators measured as well as their ranges collected by in-depth interviews. The results
show that the software provides predictions and actionable insights using collaborative filtering.
Feedback is collected from SMEs in the manufacturing sector as potential system users. Positive
feedback emphasized the advantages of employing open-source predictive maintenance tools, such
Citation: Pejić Bach, M.; Topalović,
as R, for SMEs, including cost savings, increased accuracy, community assistance, and program
A.; Krstić, Ž.; Ivec, A. Predictive
Maintenance in Industry 4.0 for the
customization. However, SMEs have overwhelmingly voiced comments and concerns regarding the
SMEs: A Decision Support System use of open-source R in their infrastructure development and daily operations.
Case Study Using Open-Source
Software. Designs 2023, 7, 98. Keywords: Industry 4.0; predictive maintenance; open source; R; machine learning; simulated data; recommender; case study
known method of industrial maintenance before the IoT concept was widely adopted. In
contrast, predictive maintenance includes the help of the IoT when it comes to maintenance.
Jardine et al. [14] define condition-based maintenance as a maintenance program that
provides maintenance recommendations and decisions based on the information obtained
through condition monitoring and operates in three steps.
The predictive maintenance techniques market can be divided into traditional and ad-
vanced techniques, with advanced techniques additionally divided into two segments [10]:
• IoT and Big Data techniques and
• Machine learning-based techniques.
The Market Research Future Report [10] also shows that the traditional techniques
segment held the largest market share in 2018. Nevertheless, the advanced techniques
segment is expected to grow. In this context, Chuang et al. [15] state that most maintenance
approaches rely on traditional routine maintenance to keep a system running smoothly.
However, the cost of replacing components and oils during maintenance cannot be ignored.
Therefore, more and more companies are turning to predictive maintenance, in which the
system makes decisions individually and schedules the appropriate time for maintenance
according to the requirements [15]. Chuang et al. [15] also point out that Big Data analytics
and machine learning can help determine when assets are most likely to fail and when it is
the right time to repair and replace components before they fail. IoT platforms also greatly
support predictive maintenance as they can combine data from different machines and
production processes [13].
Christiansen [7] argues that predictive maintenance will increase as technology costs
decrease, mainly due to the shift from wired to wireless sensors.
The main component of a predictive maintenance strategy is the monitoring of machin-
ery and equipment. This involves the use of traditional and advanced monitoring methods
that enable the scheduling of machine maintenance before a malfunction occurs [10]. These
monitoring methods include the use of various monitoring or testing tools such as infrared
thermography, vibration monitoring, oil analysis, electrical isolation, ultrasonic leak detec-
tion, and temperature monitoring [7]. Based on the calculations provided by predictive
maintenance and the monitoring and testing results with the appropriate tools and instru-
ments, the company can run pre-programmed predictive algorithms to determine when a
piece of equipment might fail so that repairs can be initiated only when a failure occurs [7].
In addition, predictive maintenance data provide diagnostic and prognostic information
that indicates what is wrong, where the problem is, why the problem is occurring, whether
it is a malfunction or just a failure, and when the failure will occur, if ever [6]. Similarly,
Ahmad and Kamaruddin [9] argue that the main purpose of predictive maintenance is
to review and assess the requirements and condition of devices, systems, and machines
in real time to make maintenance decisions, resulting in less excessive maintenance and
associated costs. Therefore, condition monitoring is the heart of predictive maintenance
that leads to decision making [7]. In Figure 1, a graphical representation of the general
process of predictive maintenance is proposed, showing that a control loop exists between
the two elements of predictive maintenance.
The Market Research Future Report [10] also shows that the traditional techniques
segment held the largest market share in 2018. Nevertheless, the advanced techniques
segment is expected to grow. In this context, Chuang et al. [15] state that most maintenance
approaches rely on traditional routine maintenance to keep a system running smoothly.
However, the cost of replacing components and oils during maintenance cannot be ignored.
Therefore, more and more companies are turning to predictive maintenance, in which the
system makes decisions individually and schedules the appropriate time for maintenance
according to the requirements [15,16]. Big Data analytics and machine learning can help
determine when assets are most likely to fail and when it is the right time to repair and
replace components before they fail [15,17]. IoT platforms also greatly support predictive
maintenance by:
1. Condition monitoring technology and predictive maintenance techniques;
2. Internet of Things (IoT) technology;
3. Predictive algorithms.
Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance technology refers to installed con-
dition monitoring sensors that transmit real-time performance and system health data [7].
In this sense, Ahmad and Kamaruddin [9] explain that state monitoring is a tool used to
specify the state of devices in a system with a dual purpose:
1. Collection of condition data on the equipment;
2. Increase in knowledge about failure reasons and causes;
3. About the effects and deterioration patterns of equipment.
Condition monitoring equipment and devices can be mounted or retrofitted in a
variety of ways so that they can measure [9,18]: electrical currents, vibration, temperature,
pressure, oil, noise, and corrosion levels.
Predictive maintenance is based on the data analyzed for condition monitoring, from
which various patterns emerge that indicate that a machine or asset may be beginning to
malfunction or deteriorate [18]. In addition, the analysis provided by condition monitoring
allows the company to plan maintenance activities to avoid failures and prevent emergency
breakdowns [18,19]. As argued in Hodge et al. [20], condition monitoring also helps the
enterprise reduce the need for human inspection through automated monitoring, reduce
repair costs by detecting defects early before they escalate, and increase protection and
safety as well as efficiency and reliability. In addition, Christiansen [18] argues that another
benefit of condition monitoring sensors is that they can provide an accurate picture of what
is going on inside the plant without compromising efficiency, i.e., the plant does not have
to be interrupted and disassembled to perform physical inspections.
Ahmad and Kamaruddin [9] argue that state monitoring can be performed in
two ways:
• Online—refers to the monitoring process performed during the operational state of
the machine, system, or equipment, i.e., during its running state.
• Offline—refers to the monitoring process performed during the phase when the
machine, system, or equipment is not in operation.
Ahmad and Kamaruddin [9] also point out that condition monitoring with respect to
time can be conducted in the following two ways:
• Periodic—refers to the monitoring process conducted at specified intervals, such as
every 30 min, every hour, at the end of a work shift, etc., and conducted using portable
indicators such as vibration pens, acoustic emission devices, handheld meters, etc.
• Continuous—refers to the monitoring process that is performed automatically and
continuously based on specialized measuring devices, such as vibration and acoustic
There are two main limitations to continuous monitoring: (i) the high costs associated
with continuous monitoring, which arise because many specialized machines are needed;
Designs 2023, 7, 98 5 of 23
and (ii) the possibility of obtaining inaccurate information because the continuous flow of
data leads to increased noise [14].
Based on the sensors used for condition monitoring and related testing, there are a
variety of condition monitoring, i.e., predictive maintenance, methods and techniques that
can be used, such as the following [6,7,9]:
1. vibration monitoring and dynamic analysis,
2. oil analysis and lubricant monitoring,
3. sound, ultrasonic, and acoustic monitoring,
4. motor circuit analysis,
5. different variations of thermography and thermal analysis,
6. electromagnetic measurements,
7. radiography and radiation analysis,
8. laser interferometry, and
9. different performance measurements.
Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables communication between machines and
computers, software solutions, and cloud technologies, thus enabling the collection and
analysis of large amounts of data [21–23]. IoT technology, in combination with the afore-
mentioned sensors, helps collect and share data that predictive maintenance relies heavily
on to connect assets to a central system that stores incoming information and from which
assets (i.e., machine systems and devices) can communicate, perform data analysis, collabo-
rate, recommend remedial actions, or take direct action, depending on how the systems are
set up [7,21–23]. Christiansen [7] notes that such centralized systems are operated using
cloud technology, WLAN, or LAN-based connectivity.
Predictive algorithms refer to the most important part of predictive maintenance:
building predictive algorithms where all processed data are fed into predictive data models
that then provide failure predictions, meaning that the model must take into account a large
number of variables and how they interact and affect each other, with the goal of predicting
system failures [7,24–26]. The more variables included in the models, the more reliable
they are. Therefore, building predictive models is an iterative process [7,27,28]. Initial
models would need to be based on equipment history in a Computerized Maintenance
Management System or file cabinets, personal impressions, failure analysis, already usable
internal sensors such as flow meters and accelerometers, and other related sources. In
addition, it may be necessary to initially mount condition monitoring sensors and run them
for a period of time to collect baseline data and complete initial predictive models [7].
The final product is a fully automated system, as shown in Figure 1, which:
1. monitors working conditions using installed sensors,
2. detects and predicts patterns characterized by data anomalies,
3. generates warnings when deviations from established thresholds occur.
With this in mind, the predictive maintenance workflow described above and ex-
plained in [7] has been illustrated in Figure 2.
Predictive maintenance has many benefits. For example, its implementation and ap-
plication help companies identify product failures and customer dissatisfaction in advance
so that they can be proactive and thus achieve significant cost savings, reduce product
downtime, and improve customer service [29]. Moreover, predictive maintenance improves
productivity, product quality, and the overall effectiveness of production and manufac-
turing organizations [3]. On the other hand, Christiansen [7] points out that the main
advantage of predictive maintenance is the ability to plan and perform work based on the
current condition of the plant and equipment.
Selcuk [6] summarizes the benefits of predictive maintenance in the following list:
• improved safety for workers and the environment,
• increased availability,
• increased reliability,
• reduced cost of parts and labor,
• improved product quality,
• reduced waste of raw materials and consumables such as lubricants,
• energy savings from quieter machines (e.g., alignment, which in some cases is reported
as 3–5%; balancing, 1–2%).
In addition, Selcuk [6] also provide data on average industrial savings from predictive
maintenance, as shown in Table 1.
tions. Predictive maintenance is usually introduced in a company for one of the following
reasons [3]:
1. As a maintenance management tool—when its use is limited to preventing sponta-
neous downtime and/or catastrophic failures;
2. As a business optimization tool—when its use relates to establishing best production
practices and procedures for all critical production systems within an organization;
3. As a reliability improvement tool—when its use is to quantify even the smallest
deviations from standard operating parameters. This enables company personnel
(e.g., reliability engineers, repair planners) to prepare and plan for minor changes
to prevent machine and equipment failures, thus avoiding extensive rebuilds and
associated downtime.
Ahmad and Kamaruddin [9] point out that applications of predictive maintenance
cover many problems in different fields, such as structures, industrial machines, and
medical devices. On the other hand, Parpala and Iacob [13] argue that IoT technology was
first applied to consumer devices such as washing machines, air conditioners, and smart
home control systems that could connect directly to the Internet through smartphones or
private networks. However, as the IoT has evolved, other products have been equipped
with the necessary technology. Many companies are trying to integrate the IoT into existing
production processes [13].
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes a modern environment where
virtually all machines and devices used by humans are connected to a network. They
could work together to accomplish difficult tasks that require high levels of intelligence. To
achieve such a level of intelligence and interconnectivity, IoT systems contain integrated
sensors, actuators, processors, and transceivers [35].
Noura et al. [31] argue that the IoT refers to a global network infrastructure of inter-
connected devices that communicate over the existing Internet infrastructure. However,
interoperability issues arise when each solution has IoT networks, applications, APIs, and
data formats. They also note that interoperability issues arise for several critical reasons,
such as vendor lock-in, the inability to develop IoT applications that expose cross-platform
and/or cross-domain data, and the complexity of integrating non-interoperable IoT de-
Designs 2023, 7, 98 9 of 23
vices into separate IoT systems, which ultimately hinders the widespread adoption of IoT
technology [31]. In this sense, Vermesan et al. [33] point out that protection, scalability, and
cross-platform connectivity between different networked systems are critical in the IoT.
In this context, the network infrastructure must have cost-effective solutions that allow
virtually anyone to connect to the network. This ubiquitous connectivity can change the
way information is handled.
Moreover, Noura et al. [31] emphasize that academia and practitioners have highlighted
the value of the IoT interoperability problem. In this sense, practitioners are trying to solve
IoT interoperability problems through standardization [31]. Moreover, Noura et al. [31]
explain that there are different perspectives on IoT interoperability (Figure 4), such as:
• device interoperability
• network interoperability
• syntactic interoperability
• semantic interoperability
• platform interoperability
There are many approaches and technologies to improve the state of IoT interoperability [31]:
• Adapters and gateways—they take care of interoperability by developing a method
known as a mediator to increase interoperability between IoT devices. Among other
things, they aim to establish a connection between different specifications, data, stan-
dards, and middleware;
• Virtual networks or overlay-based solutions—the main idea is to build a virtual
network on top of a physical network that can communicate with other types of
devices, such as sensor nodes. The main goal is to seamlessly connect sensors and
actuators, as well as other smart IP objects, to the Internet to enable end-to-end
communication that is possible within each virtual network using different protocols;
• Network technologies—include various network technologies and protocols such as
IP-based approaches, software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtual-
ization, and Fog computing;
• Open API—refers to an interface provided by service providers that exposes functions
or data to an application written in a high-level language;
• Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)—interaction with the end operations of various
wireless devices is divided into different service components, and application layer
software can access resources provided by the devices as services;
• Semantic Web Technologies—refers to the Semantic Web of Things (swot) paradigm,
which is proposed to integrate the semantic web with the Web of Things (wot), with
the further goal of achieving a common understanding of the various entities that
make up the IoT;
Designs 2023, 7, 98 10 of 23
3.2. Analysis and Identification of IoT Devices and Sensors Available in the Market
According to Gartner [49], IoT is one of “the “most hyped technologies that could
transform the way businesses operate”.” Therefore, this chapter analyzes and identifies
the IoT devices and sensors available on the market and defines the protocols for IoT data
Nowadays, many IoT devices and sensors are available in the global market. Accord-
ing to the Arm Glossary [50], examples of IoT devices are sensors, actuators, hardware,
equipment, gadgets, or devices designed for specific purposes that can transmit data over
the Internet or other networks and can be integrated into a variety of products, including
cell phones, industrial machines, medical devices, home appliances, environmental sensors,
and more.
Sharma [51] provides a list of the 15 most common types of IoT sensors used in various
industries, namely:
1. temperature sensors,
2. proximity sensors,
3. pressure sensors,
4. water quality sensors,
5. chemical sensors,
6. gas sensors,
7. smoke sensors,
8. infrared sensors,
9. level sensors,
10. image sensors,
11. motion detection sensors,
12. accelerometers,
Designs 2023, 7, 98 11 of 23
The application was developed using the open-source software R [52]. The packages
and libraries used in the development are:
• Tidyverse—The tidyverse is a collection of R packages designed for data science. All
packages share a common design philosophy, grammar, and data structures [53,54].
• Shiny—Shiny is an open-source R package that provides an elegant and powerful
framework for building web applications with R [55].
• shinyWidgets—the family of pre-built widgets in the Shiny package, each created with
a transparently named R function.
• Shinycustomloader—a custom file for loading the screen in the R Shiny package.
• bs4Dash—the R package for developing modern dashboards in R Shiny.
• echarts4r—a package for interactive charts.
• echarts4r.maps—a dataset with the latitude and longitude of all cities used for interac-
tive charts.
• Reactable—creates a table from tabular data with default sorting and pagination. The
data table is an HTML widget that can be used in R Markdown documents and Shiny
applications or displayed via an R console.
• Fresh—used for Custom ‘Bootstrap” themes in Shiny.
Table 2. Cont.
The simulated dataset was created using the normal distribution for a given integer
sequence (depending on the metric) for a synthetic site/device chain. The dataset includes
nine variables, including device location, device ID, energy, temperature, warnings, etc.
Recommendations are generated for each device. The recommendations are displayed
in the graphical user interface on the Analysis Table.
Figure 7. Real-time energy consumption of the devices for the selected location.
There are five active devices at this site with a current expected energy consumption
of 5.93 kWh and one warning (Figure 8).
• West—45 (30.82%)
• Central—45 (30.82%)
• South—34 (23.29%)
• East—21 (14.38%)
The Energy consumption by region doughnut chart can be viewed in Figure 11.
Figure 12. Forecast for 100 days for the selected metric (Energy).
Figure 13. Devices by number of warnings. The y-axis shows the number of warnings, and the x-axis
is the device’s name.
7. Conclusions
The paper demonstrates the DSS we developed and the results of a predictive mainte-
nance case study using a simulated IoT climate dataset. The DSS allows users to make these
predictions without advanced knowledge of the underlying machine learning algorithms
via its easy-to-use graphical user interface. The paper discusses technologies relevant to
the horizontal approach to predictive maintenance. The authors consider the application of
the methodology used in this research relevant, especially for SMEs. We have presented
the use of the DSS step by step so that it is relevant to other industrial applications due to
the benefits of an appropriate predictive maintenance strategy.
This work has important implications for business management, particularly in rela-
tion to the adoption of predictive maintenance using the open-source software R in SMEs,
which provides advanced features that can be used for predictive maintenance in the
context of Industry 4.0. Users concluded that R has an intuitive user interface and is easily
customizable, allowing the predictive maintenance solution to be tailored to their individ-
ual needs. In addition, SMEs can further streamline their operations by integrating the
application with their existing systems and tools, such as their enterprise resource planning
(ERP) system. Negative impacts of open-source software, such as a lack of support, should
also be considered and remedial actions planned.
The study presented here has some limitations because the hypothetical case was
developed to test the DSS prototype and used a limited number of machine algorithms and
a use case based on only one measurement device. These limitations call for future research
directions. First, real datasets should be collected from multiple facilities in the field so
that multiple algorithms can be tested. Such real-world cases would also allow further
testing of the theoretically-based framework for explaining the adoption of open-source
software. Second, future research should apply multiple machine learning algorithms to
real-world datasets to recommend which algorithms would be best suited for predictive
maintenance. Carvalho et al. [74] suggest the following algorithms as best suited for
predictive maintenance: Random Forest [75], Artificial Neural Networks [63,64,74,76–78],
Support Vector Machines [79,80], and k-means [81], as well as others such as Decision
Trees [82].
Designs 2023, 7, 98 20 of 23
Therefore, in future efforts to test DSS for predictive maintenance, these algorithms
should be tested with both simulated and real datasets and then compared to the approach
proposed by Nardo [83,84] for their effectiveness. Third, since the use case was devel-
oped only for the measurement devices, future use cases should focus on the upstream
functions relevant to Industry 4.0, as indicated by Irsa et al. [85], e.g., self-optimizing
processes, productivity improvements, the development of novel services, and additive
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.P.B. and A.T.; methodology, M.P.B. and Ž.K.; software,
Ž.K.; validation, A.T., M.P.B. and Ž.K.; formal analysis, A.T.; investigation, Ž.K.; resources, A.T.
and A.I.; data curation, Ž.K. and A.I.; writing—original draft preparation, A.I., Ž.K., and M.P.B.;
writing—review and editing, A.I. and M.P.B.; visualization, A.I. and Ž.K.; supervision, A.T.; project
administration, A.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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