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Calpro 300

(Test System TS version – automatic devices testing)
Calpro 300 TS

Calmet sp. z o.o.

POLAND, 65-472 ZIELONA GORA, Kukulcza 18
tel.+48 68 324 04 56 fax+48 68 324 04 57
www.calmet.com.pl [email protected]
Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06

1. Destination of the program and function’s selection 3

2. Electricity meters testing 4
2.1. Type function 4
2.2. Procedure function 5
2.3. Auto Test function 7
2.4. Admin function 10
2.5. Table function 10
2.6. Graphic function 12
3. Relays testing 13
3.1. Relay function description 13
3.2. Quick function 13
3.3. Trigger time function 16
3.3.1. Type function 16
3.3.2. Procedure function 17
3.3.3. Auto Test function 20
3.3.4. Admin function 23
3.3.5. Table function 24
3.3.6. Graphic function 26
3.4. Trigger level function 27
3.4.1. Type function 27
3.4.2. Procedure function 28
3.4.3. Auto Test function 31
3.4.4. Admin function 34
3.4.5. Table function 34
3.4.6. Graphic function 36
4. Current transformer testing 37
4.1. Type function 37
4.2. Procedure function 38
4.3. Auto Test function 39
4.4. Admin function 41
4.5. Table function 41
4.6. Graphic function 43
5. Current clamp testing 44
5.1. Type function 44
5.2. Procedure function 45
5.3. Auto Test function 46
5.4. Admin function 47
5.5. Table function 48
5.6. Graphic function 50
6. Transducer testing 51
6.1. Type function 51
6.2. Procedure function 52
6.3. Auto Test function 53
6.4. Admin function 55
6.5. Table function 56
6.6. Graphic function 58
7. Customer function 59
8. Data printing 60

2/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
Computer program Calpro 300 TS (Test System) is designed to full automation of devices
testing for control of Three Phase Power Calibrator and Tester type C300B and Single Phase Power
Calibrator and Tester type CP11B.

Program Calpro 300 TS additionally enables the following functions (Fig.1.1):

• Electricity meter function for automatic testing of electricity meters,
• Relay function for automatic testing electro energetic protective devices EPD – protectors,
• Current transformer function for automatic testing of current transformers,
• Clamp function for automatic testing of clamps,
• Transducer function for automatic testing of measuring transducers,
• Client function for collecting data in clients data base.
Electricity meter, Relay, Current transformer, Clamp and Transducer
functions contain unrolling menu with the following functions:
• Type for entering data to testing devices data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedures data base
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of device, according
to measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and storing measurements results,
Result function contains unrolling menu with the following functions:
• Admin for using clients data base during reports edition,
• Table for visualization, edition and saving measurements results in
form of tables, with ability of printing and exporting data to MS
• Graphic for visualization, edition and saving measurements results
in form of diagrams, with ability of printing and exporting data to
MS Excel.

Fig.1.1. Function's
selection tree

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Functions’ selection tree (Fig.1.1) makes possible choosing of Electricity meter function for
automatic testing of electricity meters. Function Electricity meter contains an unrolling menu with the
following functions:
• Type for entering data to electricity meters’ data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedures’ data base
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of meter (checking measuring accuracy, checking
starting current, checking idle running and checking ratio), according to measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and saving measurements results.

2.1. Type FUNCTION

Electricity meter / Type function view (Fig.2.1) makes possible entering meter data to electricity
meters’ data base and it consists of:

1 Electricity meter name entering/reading and button for meter selection from electricity
meters’ data base,
2 Ub – Base voltage entering and button for meter’s base voltage selection,
3 Ib – Base current entering and button for meter’s base current selection,
4 Imax – Max current entering and button for meter’s maximal current selection,
5 F – Frequency entering and button for frequency value selection,
6 Class of accuracy entering and button for class of accuracy selection and also P, Q, S
buttons for power’s kind selection,
7 Meter constant entering and pulse/kWh, Wh/pulse buttons for meter constant’s unit

1 12

2 5

3 4


Fig.2.1. Electricity meter / Type function view

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8 Reset time entering and time selection button to set the time of powering on a prepaid
energy meters (delay the current outputs on the beginning of an autotest),
9 Meter connection for kind of connection selection,
10 Transformer frame includes:
• Direct, CT, VT buttons for selection direct electricity meter or with current and/or voltage
• I' / I'' entering primary / secondary current values for current transformer,
• U' / U'' entering primary / secondary voltage values for voltage transformer,
11 Comment – entering additional information,
12 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for electricity meter type edition.

2.2. Procedure FUNCTION

Electricity meter / Procedure function view (Fig.2.2) makes possible entering procedure data
(in range of settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’ data
base and it consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 U [%Ub] entering and button for base voltage’s percentage value selection for phases L1,
L2, L3. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or percentage
selection of base voltage for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
4 I [%Ib] entering and button for base current’s percentage value selection of phases L1,
L2, L3. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or percentage
selection of base current for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
5  / cos / sin selection of phase angle  / factor cos / factor sin and enter value and also
buttons for phase angle and cos / sin factor selection with button for factor’s sign
L / C selection. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection
of phase angles or power factor for all three phases L1, L2, L3,

1 16
2 15
6 17

10 9

11 12

Fig.2.2. Electricity meter / Procedure function view

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6 and entering and buttons for angle between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3 selection,
7 f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling frequency
synchronization with power network frequency,
8 phases rotation selection L123 or L132,
9 Waveform checkbox enables waveforms file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveform's folder in order
to load required waveform file,
10 Test type frame includes the following functions:
• Error test – electricity meter’s accuracy test, based on wheel disc rotation or pulses
• Repeatability – accuracy test performed periodically every specified period of time with
field Break time for entering of time interval between consecutive tests,
• Counting – starting current and idle running test and Start up edit box for entering
minimum number of pulses in case of starting current test, or Creep test edit box for
entering maximum number of pulses in case of electricity meter idle running test,
• Counter & Constant – checking of electricity meter's ratio error ε [%] (checking of counter
error) and checking of electricity meter's impulse constant error δ [%] (on the base of
impulse or rotor turns counting),
11 Test method includes:
• Impulses number of measuring cycle entering,
• Time of measuring cycle entering,
12 Test duration frame includes the following functions:
• Cycles number of measuring point (loading point) entering,
• Time [hh:mm:ss] of measuring for measuring point entering,
• Energy [kWh] increasing for measuring point entering,
13 Error limit entering and button for selection of maximum allowed error of electricity meter
in defined measuring point (column "limit [%]" in table pos.14),
14 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-13,
in order to using rows edition buttons pos.15,
15 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete
16 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for measuring procedure file edition,
17 selecting this option causes the meter to be tested against of the first harmonic.

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2.3. Auto Test FUCTION
Electricity meter / Auto Test function view (Fig.2.3) makes possible automatic test performing of
selected meter, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedures’
data base,
2 Electricity meter name selection and button for meter selection from meters’ data base,
3 meter’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point,
6 Control panel includes:
• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step
by step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure,
• Pause I=0 button for pausing procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I),
• Pause U,I=0 button for pausing procedure with voltages and currents setting to zero,
• S0 Test button for checking the correctness of photohead’s mounting.
After pressing S0 Test button the cyclic measurement of electricity meter’s error for
selected load point is performed. The test results are displayed in the field Error test.
Time of measurement depends on frequency of impulses on the impulse input and is
described by the formula:
 1 [ s] for f  2 Hz

t= 1
 f  2 [ s] for f  2 Hz

When the photohead is mounted not properly (does not detect impulses), instead of
electricity meter’s error in the field Error test ”-” are displayed.
When the photohead is mounted properly in the field Error test the actual values of
electricity meter’s error are displayed.
The correctness of photohead’s mounting is showed by stability of displayed errors of
electricity meter.
Test finishing is performed automatically after 1000s or after pressing the Stop button.
The data displayed after pressing the Test S0 button are not archived,
• C Test button for calculating of impulse constant of tested electricity meter.
After pressing C Test button the cyclic calculating of impulse constant of tested electricity
meter for selected load point is performed. The calculation results are displayed in the
field C:. The time of calculation depends on frequency of impulses on the impulse input
and is described by the formula for S0 Test button.
Test finishing is performed after pressing the Stop button.
The data displayed after pressing the C Test button are not archived,
• Cycle, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring cycle, point and procedure
7 Error test table includes:
• No column – error’s number,
• Error column – electricity meter errors in consecutive cycles,
•  field – electricity meter average error value from finished cycles,
• S field – electricity meter standard error deviation from finished cycles,
• → field – electricity meter admissible error value (error limit),

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1 3



Fig.2.3. Electricity meter / Auto Test function view

8 Counter test frame includes:

• E1 – electricity meter initial state entering,
• E2 – electricity meter finish state entering,
• E – expected electricity meter state increment (value of energy generated by calibrator in
specified period of time),
9 Counting frame includes:
• Nb / Nz / (Min), where Nb – current number of counted impulses, Nz – defined number
of impulses during start current testing,
• Nb / Nz / (Max) during electricity meter idle running test,
10 C: field for cyclic displaying of calculated electricity meter’s impulse constant,
11 Reference meter field and button for type of reference meter selection from types’ data
base. This function enables to test electricity meter with reference to an external reference
meter. Then the calibrator serves as a source of energy.

During performing of autotest on the calibrator’s impulse output are generated impulses
proportional to energy and value of impulse output’s parameters (chapter 3.3 in user manual of
Calpro 300 Basic PC Software).
In the case when there are no pulse from an Electricity meter or there are an overload on the
C300B calibrator's output then the Error window will appear (Fig.2.4) with the buttons:
• Continue − to repeat the point of a procedure,
• Ignore − to ignore the point of a procedure and start the next point of a procedure,
• Stop − to stop the procedure.
When the Error window appears first time at the point (Fig.2.4a,c) then the default action is
Continue (if there is no reaction from the user then the point of a procedure after 60 seconds will
automatically repeat). When the Error window appears second time at the point (Fig.2.4b,d) then
the default action is Ignore (if there is no reaction from the user then after 60 seconds next point of
a procedure is started).

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Fig.2.4. Error windows of the Electricity meter / Auto Test function view

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2.4. Admin FUNCTION
Electricity meter / Result / Admin function view (Fig.2.4) makes possible preparing description
data for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers’ data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Electricity meter info frame with data of tested meter.


Fig.2.5. Electricity meter / Result / Admin function view

2.5. Table FUNCTION

Electricity meter / Result / Table function view (Fig.2.6) makes possible visualization and edition
measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS Excel, and it
consists of:

1 Tabs field:
• Error test – contains electricity meter error test’s results,
• Counting – contains electricity meter starting current and idle running results,
• Counter test – contains electricity meter ratio error (counter error) results,
2 measurement results table,
3 button enables vector diagram window (pos.4) of selected measuring point. Point’s
selection is done by clicking on adequate row. Selected row is highlighted on blue,
4 vector diagram of selected measuring point,
5 button for deleting rows from the table,
6 Advanced button for table edition.

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Fig.2.6. Electricity meter / Result / Table function view

Pressing Advanced button (Fig.2.6,pos.6) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.2.7), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.




Fig.2.7. Advanced Table Settings window of Electricity meter / Result / Table function

The partial results of the meter error Epsilon 1,2,3… are displayed at the end of the table, and
the first 200 partial results can be exported to MS Excel.

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2.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Electricity meter / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.2.8) makes possible visualization and
edition measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists of:

1 diagram field of error function and error limits,

2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Limit field and button for error limit selection, drawing in grey colour on pos.1 field.
When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed in Limit
column of results table (Fig.2.6),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale,
4 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.

2 4

Fig.2.8. Electricity meter / Result / Graphic function view

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Functions selection tree (Fig.3.1) makes possible choosing
of Relay function for automatic testing of protective relays
by methods:
• Quick − for quick relay's testing,
• Trigger time – for relay’s trigger time testing,
• Trigger level – for relay’s trigger level testing.

Functions Trigger time and Trigger level contain an unrolling menu

with the following functions:
• Type for entering data to relays data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedures data base
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of relay, according
to measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and saving measurements results.

Fig.3.1. Relay’s functions

selection tree
3.2. FUNCTION Quick
Relay / Quick function view (Fig.3.2) makes possible entering procedure data (in range of
settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedure's data base,
reading measuring results and manual or automatic test performing. Relay / Quick function view
consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 On field setting voltage UL1, UL2, UL3 and current IL1, IL2, IL3 outputs to Standby state
(unselected ) or Operate state (selected ),
3 Maximum values field entering maximum values of voltages UL1…3 and currents IL1…3.
These values are not in any way exceeded during the procedure and serve to set the
calibrator's voltage and current ranges.
Values of phase-to-phase voltages UL1L2, UL2L3 and UL3L1 are automatically calculate,
4 Initial state field entering initial values of voltages UL1…3, currents IL1…3, phase angles,
angles between voltages and frequency,

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5 Delta field entering values of ramp's delta. If delta value is equal to 0 then the specified
quantity is constant,
6 H field entering the H values for voltages UL1…3 and currents IL1…3 of the Top ramp (pos.6),
7 Trigger time result field with IN1, IN2 and IN3 fields for displaying of relay’s trigger time for
individual start/stop inputs for time measurement. The fields IN1, IN2 i IN3 are active for
selected Autostop function,
8 field selection for specified ramp mode: Simple ramp, Pulse ramp or Top ramp,
9 Time field entering T1, T2 and T3 values for selected ramp mode (pos.6),
10 Autostop checkbox for automatically stop the procedure as a result of all the events
programmed for the trigger inputs and the button to configure the trigger inputs of the
C300B calibrator.
When the button is pressed the Trigger input configuration window
appear with:
• 1, 2 and 3 checkboxes for selecting start/stop input for time
measurement number 1 and/or 2 and/or 3,
• fields for trigger's setting: raising edge, falling edge, normally
closed, normally open or any edge,
• buttons: OK accepting changes and Cancel cancelling changes,

6 10

Fig.3.2. Relay / Quick function view

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11 Start / Stop buttons for start / stop the procedure.
After pressing the Start button C300B calibrator's outputs are going to Initial state (pos.3).
For a Pulse ramp and Top ramp mode selection (pos.6) calibrator's outputs U1…3, I1…3,
where Delta value for UL1…3, IL1…3 is different from 0, are set the Standby and calibrator
wait for the Up / Down buttons (pos.10)
After pressing the Stop button all calibrator's output are set the Standby and the last values
of voltages, currents, angles and frequency are copy to the Result field (pos.12),
12 Up / Down buttons to make a ramp process with settings change + Delta / – Delta (pos.4)
and Repeat checkbox for automatically repeat a process.
Single pressing the Up / Down button perform a single step of selected ramp mode (pos.6)
and after that calibrator's settings are copy to the Result field (pos.12).
Pressing and holding the Up / Down button perform an auto repeat next steps of a selected
ramp mode (pos.6) as long as the Up / Down button is pressed. When the Up / Down button
is left the process is stopped and the calibrator's last settings are copy to the Result field
Selecting the Repeat checkbox and then pressing the Up / Down button perform an auto
repeat the selected ramp mode (pos.6) in the chosen direction,
13 Pause button for pausing the procedure. After pressing the Pause button, all calibrator's
outputs are set the Standby. After pressing the Start button again (pos.9) the ramp process
is continued,
14 Result field for presentation last values of calibrator's settings.
Attention: Result field is refreshing when an auto repeat ramp process is stopped.
The stopping can occur:
• after performing of single step – with not selected Repeat function (pos.12),
• after achieving maximum or minimum setting – with selected Repeat function (pos.12),
• based on the programmed Autostop function (pos.10),
15 Deactivation entering and button for deactivation time selection. Start the Deactivation
field starts time measure from last user activity (using a PC mouse or keyboard). If a
measured time is greater than the Deactivation time then the procedure is automatically
16 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for quick relay's testing procedure file

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3.3. Trigger time FUNCTION
3.3.1. Type FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger time / Type function view (Fig.3.3.1) makes possible entering relay data to
relays data base and it consists of:

1 Relay name entering/reading and button for relay selection from relays data base,
2 Voltage field with:
• Voltage enable checkbox to enable entering nominal and maximal values for tested relay,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal voltage value selection,
• Max value field for entering and button for maximal voltage value selection,
3 Current field with:
• Current enable checkbox to enable entering nominal and maximal values for tested relay,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal current value selection,
• Max value field for entering and button for maximal current value selection,
4 Quantity 3 field with:
• edit field with button for third relay's unit selection,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal value selection,
5 Trigger inputs field used to set the trigger inputs with:
• fields for trigger's setting: raising edge, falling edge, normally closed, normally open
or any edge,
• Reset checkbox for automatically changing time of the Fault state:
selected − Fault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.5) depends from impulses on the trigger's input.
When on the trigger's input is registered impulse then Fault state is ending and
is performing Postfault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.6). Time of the Max test time field (Fig.3.3.2
pos.3)is not changed.
unselected − Fault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.5) is not changed,
6 Connection with the button for kind of connection selection,
7 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for relay type edition,
8 Comment field for entering additional information.

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1 7


4 6

Fig.3.3.1. Relay / Trigger time / Type function view

3.3.2. Procedure FUNCTION

Relay / Trigger time / Procedure function view (Fig.3.3.2) makes possible entering procedure
data (in range of settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’
data base and it consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 General conditions field with:
• Fault type with button for test channels selection,
• Trigger time entering relay's nominal trigger time,
• Error limit entering time of the error limit,
• Trigger inputs for trigger inputs selection,
When a trigger start up time of a relay is measured then the user should select: t1, t2 or
When a trigger drop off time of a relay is measured then the user should select time
difference of two inputs: t2-t1, t3-t1, t3-t2. First input of a equation measure a time from
start time of the Fault state (T2, Fig.3.3.3) to drop off of a relay. Second input of a
equation measure a time from start time of the Fault state to start up of a relay (in the
Type function, the second input of the equation have to be set to Reset mode). Difference
of the first and the second measured time is the trigger drop off time,
• Prefault time entering the prefault time.
For On/Off test method (Fig.3.3.3a) the Prefault time must be at least 4000ms,
• Fault time entering the fault time,
• Postfault time entering the postfault time,
• Max test time entering the maximal test time.
Time Max test time cannot be less than the sum of the times: Prefault, Fault and
Postfault time,

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4 Prefault field defines calibrator's settings in the prefault state with:
• U entering and button for voltage value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of voltage for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
• I entering and button for current value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of current for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
•  / cos / sin selection of phase angle  / factor cos / factor sin and enter value and also
buttons for phase angle and cos / sin factor selection with button for factor’s sign
L / C selection. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering
or selection of phase angles or power factor for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
• and entering and buttons for angle between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3 selection,
• f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling
frequency synchronization with power network frequency,
5 Fault field defines calibrator's settings in the fault state with:
• U entering and button for voltage value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of voltage for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
• I entering and button for current value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of current for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
•  / cos / sin selection of phase angle  / factor cos / factor sin and enter value and also
buttons for phase angle and cos / sin factor selection with button for factor’s sign
L / C selection. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or
selection of phase angles or power factor for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
• and entering and buttons for angle between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3 selection,
• f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling
frequency synchronization with power network frequency,
This field is applied only for tested calibrator's channel (pos.3 Fault type). All other outputs
have settings from Prefault state (pos.4),
6 Postfault field defines calibrator's settings in the postfault state with:
• STB − Standby on the calibrator's outputs,
• Prefault − prefault settings (pos.4) on the calibrator's outputs,
• Fault − fault settings (pos.5) on the calibrator's outputs,
This field is applied only for tested calibrator's channel (pos.3 Fault type). All other outputs
have settings from Prefault state (pos.4),
7 Waveform checkbox enables waveform's file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveform's folder in order
to load required waveform file,
8 Measurements/point entering and button for selection of repeating number for each
measuring point,
9 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-8,
in order to using rows edition buttons pos.10,

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10 Method field informing about programmed test method: Simple (Fig.3.3.3.a) or On/Off
11 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete
12 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for relay’s trigger time testing procedure
file edition.

2 12


4 6

5 10

Fig.3.3.2. Relay / Trigger time / Procedure function view

Selection of the calibrator testing output (channel, voltage and/or current choice) depends from
test channels selection (Fig.3.3.2 pos.3 Fault type) and changing setting value between Prefault
(Fig.3.3.2 pos.4) and Fault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.5).
For example: on the Fig.3.3.2 test will be performed on the current output in channel 1 − I1,
• Fault type is set to L1 (Fig.3.3.2 pos.3),
• no change in the voltage U1 between Prefault (200V) and Fault (200V) state,
• there is change in the current I1 between Prefault (1A) and Fault (5A) state.
Test mode selection between On / Off (Fig.3.3.3a) and Simple (Fig.3.3.3b) is performed
by checking Prefault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.4) in the calibrator testing output:
• On / Off − STB in the Prefault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.4),
• Simple − any other settings in the Prefault state (Fig.3.3.2 pos.4).
For example: on the Fig.3.3.2 will be performed Simple test mode, because in the Prefault state

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a) On / Off test mode
T1 T2 T3


b) Simple test mode



T1 T2 T3

T1 − Prefault time V1 − Prefault value
T2 − Fault time V2 − Fault value
T3 − Postfault time
T4 − Max test time
T5 − 3000ms

Fig.3.3.3. On / Off and Simple test modes and time ranges

3.3.3. Auto Test FUNCTION

Relay / Trigger time / Auto Test function view (Fig.3.3.4) makes possible automatic test
performing of selected relay, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedures
data base,
2 Relay name selection and button for relay selection from relays data base,
3 relay’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point,

20/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl

Fig.3.3.4. Relay / Trigger time / Auto Test function view

6 Control panel includes:

• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step by
step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure, Pause I=0 for pausing
procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I), Pause U,I=0 for pausing procedure
with voltages and currents setting to zero,
• Measurement, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring, point and procedure
7 Results table with:
• No column – errors number,
• T1, T2, T3 columns – current relay's trigger time values in channels K1, K2, K3,
• t field [ms] − average relay trigger time value from finished cycles,
• tN field [ms] − relay nominal trigger time value,
•  field [%] – average relay trigger time error value from finished cycles,
• S field [%] – trigger time standard error deviation from finished cycles,
•  t→ field [ms] – relay trigger time admissible error value (error limit).

Pressing the Start button (Fig.3.3.4 pos.6) first check all selected measurement points
(Fig.3.3.4 pos.4) for exceed relay's maximal current and voltage values (Fig.3.3.1 pos.2,3) and
calibrator's limits (calibrator’s user manual) and then perform one of action:
• if there is no errors then the procedure is started. The calibrator's status bar is changing from
activated (Fig.3.3.5a) to deactivated (Fig.3.3.5b), what is signalised by changing the
status bar colour to grey. During the whole procedure the status bar is not displaying actual
calibrator's settings. When the procedure is ended the status bar is activated and colours back
to normal (Fig.3.3.5a),

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Fig.3.3.5. Activated and deactivated status bar field

• if there are errors then the procedure is not started and the Test point settings error window
appear with information about kind of error (Fig.3.3.6). Additionally all wrong points will
be marked in the Test points table (Fig. 3.3.4 pos.4) by red label.

Fig.3.3.6. Test point settings error window of the Relay / Trigger Time / Auto Test
function view

In the case when there are no pulse from a Relay then the Error window will appear
(Fig.3.3.7) with the buttons:
• Continue − to repeat the point of a procedure,
• Ignore − to ignore the point of a procedure and start the next point of a procedure,
• Stop − to stop the procedure.
When the Error window appear first time at the point (Fig.3.3.7a) then a default action is Continue
(if there is no reaction from the user then the point of a procedure after 60 seconds will
automatically repeat). When the Error window appear second time at the point (Fig.3.3.7b) then a
default action is Ignore (if there is no reaction from the user then after 60 seconds next point of a
procedure is started).

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Fig.3.3.7. Error windows of the Relay / Trigger Time / Auto Test function view

3.3.4. Admin FUNCTION

Relay / Trigger time / Result / Admin function view (Fig.3.3.8) makes possible preparing
description data for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Relay info frame with data of tested relay.


Fig.3.3.8. Relay / Trigger time / Result / Admin function view

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3.3.5. Table FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger time / Result / Table function view (Fig.3.3.9) makes possible visualization and
edition measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS
Excel, and it consists of:

1 measurement results table,

2 button enables vector diagram window (pos.3) of selected measuring point. Point’s
selection is done by clicking on adequate row. Selected row is highlighted on blue,
3 vector diagram of selected measuring point,
4 button for deleting rows from the table,
5 Advanced button for table edition.

1 4


Fig.3.3.9. Relay / Trigger time / Result / Table function view

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Pressing Advanced button (Fig.3.3.9 pos.5) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.3.3.10), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.



Fig.3.3.10. Advanced Table Settings window of Relay / Trigger time / Result / Table function view

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3.3.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger time / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.3.3.11) makes possible visualization
and edition measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists

1 diagram field of error function and error limits,

2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Delta t field and button for trigger time limit selection, drawing in green colour
on pos.1 field. When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed
in t column of results table (Fig.3.3.6),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale,
4 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.

2 4

Fig.3.3.11. Relay / Trigger time / Result / Graphic function view

26/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
3.4. Trigger level FUNCTION
3.4.1. Type FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger level / Type function view (Fig.3.4.1) makes possible entering relay data
to relays data base and it consists of:

1 Relay name entering/reading and button for relay selection from relays data base,
2 Voltage field with:
• Voltage enable checkbox to enable entering nominal and maximal values for tested relay,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal voltage value selection,
• Max value field for entering and button for maximal voltage value selection,
3 Current field with:
• Current enable checkbox to enable entering nominal and maximal values for tested relay,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal current value selection,
• Max value field for entering and button for maximal current value selection,
4 Quantity 3 field with:
• edit field with button for third relay's unit selection,
• Nominal value field entering and button for nominal value selection,
5 Trigger inputs field for automatically stop the procedure as a result of all the events
programmed for the trigger inputs with:
• 1, 2 and 3 checkboxes for selecting channels number 1 and/or 2 and/or 3 of relay’s
trigger time measuring,
• fields for trigger's setting: raising edge, falling edge, normally closed, normally open
or any edge,
• Reset checkbox − inactive function,
6 Connection with the button for kind of connection selection,
7 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for relay type edition,
8 Comment field for entering additional information.

1 7


4 6

Fig.3.4.1. Relay / Trigger level / Type function view

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3.4.2. Procedure FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger level / Procedure function view (Fig.3.4.2) makes possible entering procedure
data (in range of settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’
data base and it consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 Measurement field with:
• Test quantity with button for selecting the relay's test quantity: voltage U, current I,
impedance Z−Ivar and admittance Y−Ivar (change impedance and admittance values
by change current I value ), frequency F, phase angle Phi and angle between voltages
Uangle (U12 const − change by angle U2U3 or U1U3; Uangle U23 const − change by angle
U1U2 or U1U3; Uangle U31 const − change by angle U1U2 or U2U3),
• Start up / Drop off selection of start up or drop off test method,
• field for entering the Start up nominal value. When Z−Ivar or Y−Ivar is selected then four
entering fields are enabled:
− for Z−Ivar − impedance |Z|, angle φ, resistance R and reactance X,
− for Y−Ivar − admittance |Y|, angle φ, conductance G and susceptance B,
The |Z|, |Y| and φ values can be entered in two ways:
− by the /Z/, /Y/ and φ fields (the R, X, G, B fields are automatically calculated),
− by the R, X, G, B fields (the /Z/, /Y/ and φ fields are automatically calculated),
• Start up error limit entering and button for admissible relay’s trigger level error
• Fault type with button for test channels selection,
• Measurements/point entering and button for selection of repeating number for each
measuring point,

1 9
2 10


Fig.3.4.2. Relay / Trigger level / Procedure function view

28/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
4 Test method field for test method selecting (Fig.3.4.3):
• Static – relay trigger level's start up and drop off testing by using static method (simple
ramp method),
• Dynamic – relay trigger level's start up testing by using dynamic method (successive
approximations ramp method),
• Pulse – relay trigger level's start up testing by using pulse method (pulse ramp method),
• Top – relay trigger level's drop off testing by using top method (pulse ramp method with
pre-programmed Top value).
Attention: For the Top test method (Fig.3.4.3.d) the Top value (Fig.3.4.2 pos.6 and
Fig.3.4.3 V4) is not checking for relay's maximal limit's value (Fig.3.4.1 pos.2-
5 Time limits field with Step, Reset, Top and Max entering fields for step duration programming
of selected test method (pos.4). Time limits should be set with such additional reserve, that
during automatic test in each measuring point, relay manages to operate if time conditions
are met. The only consequence of exaggerated time values is longer testing time of the relay.
Individual times for the four test methods explains Fig.3.4.3,
6 Start/Stop value field with Start, Stop, Top and Step entering fields for step value
programming of successive measured step values. These values are in the units of the test
quantity (pos.3). The values should be set with such additional reserve, that during
automatic test in each measuring point, relay manages to operate if level conditions are met.
− For the Static and Pulse test method the Start value should be less than the Start up
nominal value (pos.3), and the Stop value greater than the Start up nominal value.
− For the Top test method the Start and Top value should be greater than the Start up
nominal value (pos.3), and the Stop value less than the Start up nominal value.
− For the Dynamic test method the Start value should be greater than the Start up nominal
value (pos.3).

Individual Start/Stop values for the four test methods explains Fig.3.4.3,
7 Output parameters field for programming the rest of the calibrator's outputs (static values
of the calibrator's outputs):
• U entering and button for voltage value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of voltage for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
• I entering and button for current value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing
state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of current for all three
phases L1, L2, L3,
•  / cos / sin selection of phase angle  / factor cos / factor sin and enter value and also
buttons for phase angle and cos / sin factor selection with button for factor’s sign
L / C selection. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering
or selection of phase angles or power factor for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
• and entering and buttons for angle between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3 selection.
When the U angle test quantity (pos.3) is selected then the field is changes into the
selected constant angle between voltages (the field description is automatically changed)
and the field is disabled,
• f entering and button for frequency selection,
• Waveform checkbox enables waveform's file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveform's folder in
order to load required waveform file.
8 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-7,
in order to using rows edition buttons pos.10,
9 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for relay’s trigger level testing procedure
file edition,
10 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete

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a) Static b) Dynamic

V2 V1


T1 T1 T2
T3 T3

c) Pulse d) Top


V3 V4


T1 T2 T4

T3 T1 T2

T1 – Step time V1 – Start value

T2 – Reset time V2 – Step value
T3 – Max time V3 – Stop value
T4 – Top time V4 – Top value

Fig.3.4.3. Time limits and Start/Stop values for the four test methods

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3.4.3. Auto Test FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger level / Auto Test function view (Fig.3.4.4) makes possible automatic test
performing of selected relay, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedures
data base,
2 Relay name selection and button for relay selection from relays data base,
3 relay’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point,
6 Control panel includes:
• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step by
step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure, Pause I=0 for pausing
procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I), Pause U,I=0 for pausing procedure
with voltages and currents setting to zero,
• Measurement, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring, point and procedure
7 Results table with:
• No column – error’s number,
• CH1, CH2, CH3 columns – current relay trigger level and trigger time values in channels
CH1, CH2, CH3. Trigger time is counted since beginning of step, that causes operating
of the relay,
• Z field (the symbol depends from the test quantity Fig.3.3.2 pos.3) average relay trigger
level value in K1, K2 and K3 trigger inputs from finished cycles
• t field – average relay trigger time value in K1, K2 and K3 trigger inputs from finished
• ZR field (the symbol depends from the test quantity Fig.3.3.2 pos.3) relay nominal trigger
level value,
•  field – average relay trigger level error value from finished cycles,
• S field – trigger level standard error deviation from finished cycles,
•   → field – relay trigger level admissible error value (error limit)..

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1 3
2 5

Fig.3.4.4. Relay / Trigger level / Auto Test function view

Pressing the Start button (Fig.3.4.4 pos.6) first check all selected measurement points
(Fig.3.4.4 pos.4) for exceed relay's maximal current and voltage values (Fig.3.4.1 pos.2,3) and
calibrator's limits (calibrator’s user manual) and then perform one of action:
• if there is no errors then the procedure is started. The calibrator's status bar is changing from
activated (Fig.3.4.5a) to deactivated (Fig.3.4.5b), what is signalised by changing the status bar
colour to grey. During the whole procedure the status bar is not displaying actual calibrator's
settings. When the procedure is ended the status bar is activated and colours back to normal



Fig.3.4.5. Activated and deactivated status bar field

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• if there are errors then the procedure is not started and the Test point settings error window
appears with information about kind of error (Fig.3.4.6). Additionally all wrong points will
be marked in the Test points table (Fig. 3.4.4 pos.4) by red label.

Fig.3.4.6. Test point settings error window of the Relay / Trigger level / Auto Test function view

Attention: For the Top test method (Fig.3.4.3.d) the Top value (Fig.3.4.2 pos.6 and Fig.3.4.3 V4) is
not checking for relay's maximal limit's value (Fig.3.4.1 pos.2-3)

In the case when there are no pulse from a Relay then the Error window will appear
(Fig.3.4.7) with the buttons:
• Continue − to repeat the point of a procedure,
• Ignore − to ignore the point of a procedure and start the next point of a procedure,
• Stop − to stop the procedure.
When the Error window appear first time at the point (Fig.3.4.7a) then a default action is Continue
(if there is no reaction from the user then the point of a procedure after 60 seconds will
automatically repeat). When the Error window appear second time at the point (Fig.3.4.7b) then a
default action is Ignore (if there is no reaction from the user then after 60 seconds next point of a
procedure is started).



Fig.3.4.7. Error windows of the Relay / Trigger level / Auto Test function view

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3.4.4. Admin FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger level / Result / Admin function view (Fig.3.4.8) makes possible preparing
description data for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Relay info frame with data of tested relay.


Fig.3.4.8. Relay / Trigger level / Result / Admin function view

3.4.5. Table FUNCTION

Relay / Trigger level / Result / Table function view (Fig.3.4.9) makes possible visualization and
edition measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS
Excel, and it consists of:

1 measurement results table,

2 button enables vector diagram window (pos.3) of selected measuring point. Point’s
selection is done by clicking on adequate row. Selected row is highlighted on blue,
3 vector diagram of selected measuring point,
4 button for deleting rows from the table,
5 Advanced button for table edition.

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1 4

Fig.3.4.9. Relay / Trigger level / Result / Table function view

Pressing Advanced button (Fig.3.4.9 pos.5) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.3.4.10), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.



Fig.3.4.10. Advanced Table Settings window of Relay / Trigger level / Result / Table
function view

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3.4.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Relay / Trigger level / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.3.4.11) makes possible visualization
and edition measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists

1 diagram field of trigger level error function and trigger level error limits,
2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Delta t field and button for trigger time limit selection, drawing in green colour
on pos.1 field. When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed
in t column of results table (Fig.3.4.4),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.
4 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale.


Fig.3.4.11. Relay / Trigger level / Result / Graphic function view

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Functions’ selection tree (Fig.1.1) makes possible choosing of Current transformer function for
automatic testing of current transformers. Function Current transformer contains an unrolling menu
with the following functions:
• Type for entering data to current transformers’ data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedure's data base,
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of transformer (error characteristic’s checking),
according to measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and saving measurements results.

4.1. Type FUNCTION

Current transformer / Type function view (Fig.4.1) makes possible entering transformer’s data to
current transformers’ data base and it consists of:

1 Current transformer name entering/reading and button for transformer selection from
current transformers’ data base,
2 Ipn – primary current entering and button for transformer’s nominal primary current
3 Isn – secondary current entering and buttons for transformer’s nominal secondary current
and its unit selection. On the unit of secondary current depends the selection of measuring
input of the calibrator. Unit [A] results in selection of amp input and unit [mA] results in
selection of milliamp input,
4 Ipn/Isn field for calculated current ratio presentation,
5 f – frequency entering and button for frequency selection,
6 Class of accuracy entering and button for class of accuracy selection,
7 S Power entering and button for apparent power selection,
8 Phase error entering and button for phase error of tested current transformer selection,
9 Secondary Current Range and button for calibrator’s measurement input selection,
10 Comment – entering additional information,
11 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for current transformer type edition.

1 11

2 4

3 5


Fig.4.1. Current transformer / Type function view

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4.2. Procedure FUNCTION
Current transformer / Procedure function view (Fig.4.2) makes possible entering procedure data
(in range of settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’ data
base and it consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 I entering and button for transformer’s primary current selection,
4 f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling frequency
synchronization with power network frequency,
5 Coil checkbox enables measuring coil. Choosing state of Coil checkbox enables also turns
entering field and button for turns’ number selection. Then the calibrator takes into
account during test the entered turns’ number by generating such value of current, that on
the input of tested current transformer adequate value of ampere-turns is given,
6 Waveform checkbox enables waveform's file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveform's folder in order
to load required waveforms file,
7 Measurements/point entering and button for selection of repeating number for each
measuring point,
8 Error limit entering and button for selection of maximum allowed error of current
transformer in defined measuring point (column "Limit [%]" in table pos.10),
9 Phase error limit entering and button for selection of phase shift error limit for tested
current transformer,
10 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-9,
in order to using rows edition buttons pos.11,
11 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete
12 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for measuring procedure file edition.

1 12

2 11
3 5
4 6
8 7


Fig.4.2. Current transformer / Procedure function view

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4.3. Auto Test FUNCTION
Current transformer / Auto Test function view (Fig.4.3) makes possible automatic test
performing of selected transformer, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedures’
data base,
2 Current transformer name selection and button for transformer selection from current
transformers’ data base,
3 transformer’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point,
6 Control panel includes:
• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step by
step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure, Pause I=0 for pausing
procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I),
• Measurement, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring, point and procedure
7 Results table includes:
• No column – error’s number,
• Is[A] column – current transformer secondary current values,
• [%] column – current transformer error values,
• φ[°] column – current phase shift values,
• Is [ A ] field – average transformer secondary current value from finished cycles,
• Ip / Is field – average transformer ratio from finished cycles,
•  [%] field – average transformer error value from finished cycles,
• S field – current transformer standard error deviation from finished cycles,
• → field – current transformer admissible error value (error limit),

• [°] field – average transformer phase shift value from finished cycles,
•  φ→ field – current transformer admissible phase shift error value (error limit).

1 3
2 5
4 6

Fig.4.3. Current transformer / Auto Test function view

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Pressing procedure Start button causes display the message window (Fig.4.4), which contains
information about required connection method of current transformer (load) to calibrator’s current
output. If the primary current for all procedure’s points IpI1MAX[A] (calibrator’s user manual), the
load should be connected to I1 current output. In case, where primary current in at least one
of measuring points of selected procedure Ip> I1MAX[A], the load should be connected in parallel
to I1, I2, I3 current outputs (Fig.5.3 in calibrator’s user manual).
Secondary current Is measurement of tested transformer is performed by using the amp input of
the calibrator, because in Current transformer / Type function, in Secondary Current Range field the
value of current range of measurement input 6.0[A] was selected (Fig.4.1 p.9). Description of
measuring inputs of the calibrator is in chapter 4 of calibrator’s user manual.

Fig.4.4. Messages in Current transformer / Auto Test function view

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4.4. Admin FUNCTION
Current transformer / Result / Admin function view (Fig.4.5) makes possible preparing
description data for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers’ data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Current transformer info frame with data of tested meter.


Fig.4.5. Current transformer / Result / Admin function view

4.5. Table FUNCTION

Current transformer / Result / Table function view (Fig.4.6) makes possible visualization and
edition measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS
Excel, and it consists of:

1 measurement results table,

2 button for deleting rows from the table,
3 Advanced button for table edition.

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Fig.4.6. Current transformer / Result / Table function view

Pressing Advanced button (Fig.4.6 pos.3) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.4.7), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.


Fig.4.7. Advanced Table Settings window of Current transformer / Result / Table function view

42/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
4.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Current transformer / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.4.8) makes possible visualization and
edition measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists of:

1 diagram field of error function and error limits,

2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Limit field and button for error limit selection, drawing in green colour on pos.1 field.
When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed in Limit
column of results table (Fig.4.6),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale,
4 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.

2 4

Fig.4.8. Current transformer / Result / Graphic function view

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Functions’ selection tree (Fig.1.1) makes possible choosing of Clamp function for automatic
testing of current clamps. Function Clamp contains an unrolling menu with the following functions:
• Type for entering data to clamps’ data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedures data base
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of clamp (error characteristic’s checking), according to
measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and saving measurements results.

5.1. Type FUNCTION

Clamp / Type function view (Fig.5.1) makes possible entering clamp’s data to clamps’ data base
and it consists of:

1 Clamp name entering/reading and button for clamp selection from clamps data base,
2 Ipn – primary current entering and button for clamp’s nominal primary current selection,
3 f – frequency entering and button for frequency selection,
4 Class of accuracy entering and button for class of accuracy selection,
5 Input/Output ratio field contains:
• enter and button for clamp’s input current selection,
• enter and button for clamp’s output value selection,
• button for clamp’s output quantity selection and measuring input selection (mA/A),
6 Clamp type field with selection:
• Transducer – measuring Clamp's output signal performed by measuring input of the
C300B calibrator,
• Meter – Clamp's output signal entered manually in the Calpro 300 window,
7 kind of Output signal selection,
8 Secondary Current Range and button for range of calibrator’s measurement input
9 Phase error entering and button for phase error of tested current transformer selection,
10 Comment – entering additional information,
11 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for clamp type edition.

1 11

2 6

3 7

4 8

5 9


Fig.5.1. Clamp / Type function view

44/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
5.2. Procedure FUNCTION
Clamp / Procedure function view (Fig.5.2) makes possible entering procedure data (in range of
settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’ data base and it
consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 I entering and button for clamp’s input current selection, entered in ampers or percentage
of clamp’s nominal current,
4 f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling frequency
synchronization with power network frequency,
5 Waveform checkbox enables waveforms file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveforms folder in order
to load required waveform file,
6 Measurements/point entering and button for selection of repeating number for each
measuring point,
7 Error limit entering and button for selection of maximum allowed error of clamp in defined
measuring point (column "Limit [%]" in table pos.9),
8 Coil checkbox enables measuring coil. Choosing state of Coil checkbox enables also turns
entering field and button for turns’ number selection. Then the calibrator takes into
account during test the entered turns’ number by generating such value of current, that on
the input of tested clamp adequate value of ampere-turns is given,
9 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-8, in
order to using rows edition buttons pos.11,
10 Phase error limit entering and button for selection of phase shift error limit for clamp,
11 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete
12 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for measuring procedure file edition.

1 12
2 11
3 8
10 6

Fig.5.2. Clamp / Procedure function view

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5.3. Auto Test FUNCTION
Clamp / Auto Test function view (Fig.5.3) makes possible automatic test performing of selected
clamp, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedures
data base,
2 Clamp name selection and button for clamp selection from clamps data base,
3 clamp’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point includes:
• Field – setting of clamp's primary current,
• Field – nominal value of the clamp's secondary current assuming the zero value of the
clamp's ratio error,
6 Control panel includes:
• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step by
step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure, Pause I=0 for pausing
procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I),
• Measurement, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring, point and procedure
7 Results table includes:
• No column – error’s number,
• Error column – clamps errors in consecutive cycles,
• Is[A] column – clamps output current values,
• Ipm[A] column – clamp input current values,
• [%] column – clamps error values in consecutive measurements,
• φ[°] column – clamp phase shift values,
• Ipm[ A ] column – average clamp input current value from finished cycles,
•  [%] field – average clamp error value from finished cycles,
• S field – clamp standard error deviation from finished cycles,
• → field – clamp admissible error value (error limit),

• [°] field – average clamp phase shift value from finished cycles,
•  φ→ field – clamp admissible phase shift error value (error limit).

1 3

2 5

4 6

Fig.5.3. Clamp / Auto Test function view

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Pressing procedure Start button causes display the message window (Fig.5.4), which contains
information about required connection method of clamp (load) to calibrator’s current output. If the
primary current for all procedure’s points IpI1MAX[A] (calibrator’s user manual), the load should be
connected to I1 current output. In case, where primary current in at least one of measuring points of
selected procedure Ip> I1MAX[A], the load should be connected in parallel to I1, I2, I3 current

Fig.5.4. Messages in Clamp / Auto Test function view

Secondary current Is (or secondary voltage Us) measurement of tested clamp is performed by
using adequate range of current or voltage measuring input of calibrator, according to p.4 of
calibrator’s user manual.

5.4. Admin FUNCTION

Clamp / Result / Admin function view (Fig.5.5) makes possible preparing description data for
measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Clamp info frame with data of tested clamp.

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Fig.5.5. Clamp / Result / Admin function view

5.5. Table FUNCTION

Clamp / Result / Table function view (Fig.5.6) makes possible visualization and edition
measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS Excel, and it
consists of:

1 measurement results table,

2 button for deleting rows from the table,
3 Advanced button for table edition.


Fig.5.6. Clamp / Result / Table function view

48/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
Pressing Advanced button (Fig.5.6 pos.3) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.5.7), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.

2 4


Fig.5.7. Advanced Table Settings window of Clamp / Result / Table function

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5.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Clamp / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.5.8) makes possible visualization and edition
measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists of:

1 diagram field of error function and error limits,

2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Limit field and button for error limit selection, drawing in green colour on pos.1 field.
When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed in Limit
column of results table (Fig.5.6),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale,
4 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.

2 4

Fig.5.8. Clamp / Result / Graphic function view

50/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
Functions’ selection tree (Fig.1.1) makes possible choosing of Transducer function for automatic
transducer’s testing. Function Transducer contains an unrolling menu with the following functions:
• Type for entering data to transducers data base,
• Procedure for entering data to measuring procedures data base
• Auto Test for performing automatic test of transducer (error characteristic’s checking), according
to measuring procedure,
• Result for visualization, edition and saving measurements results.

6.1. Type FUNCTION

Transducer / Type function view (Fig.6.1) makes possible entering transducer’s data
to transducers data base and it consists of:

1 Transducer name entering/reading and button for transducer selection from transducers
data base,
2 Input parameters frame contains:
• Quantity field and button for transducer’s input quantity selection,
• Unit field and button for transducer’s input quantity unit selection,
• Min field for entering minimum value of input quantity,
• Max field for entering maximum value of input quantity,
3 Connection for kind of connection selection,
4 Output parameters frame contains:
• Quantity field for transducer’s output quantity selection (Current or Voltage),
• Min entering and button for entering minimum value of output quantity,
• Max entering and button for entering maximum value of output quantity.
In Min and Max fields, while working with the calibrator, the bipolar values can be set,
5 Class of accuracy entering and button for class of accuracy selection, given in percentage
of value (of Value field) and in percentage of range (of Range field),
6 Comment – entering additional information,
7 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for current transducer type edition.

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1 7

2 3


Fig.6.1. Transducer / Type function view

6.2. Procedure FUNCTION

Transducer / Procedure function view (Fig.6.2) makes possible entering procedure data (in range
of settings specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual) to measuring procedures’ data base and
it consists of:

1 Procedure name entering/reading and button for procedure’s selection from measuring
procedures’ data base,
2 Point name entering,
3 U entering and button for voltage value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing state
of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of voltage for all three phases L1,
L2, L3,
4 I entering and button for current value selection for phases L1, L2, L3. Choosing state
of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection of current for all three phases L1,
L2, L3,
5 f entering and button for frequency selection with Synch checkbox for enabling frequency
synchronization with power network frequency,
6  / cos / sin selection of phase angle  / factor cos / factor sin and enter value and also
buttons for phase angle and cos / sin factor selection with button for factor’s sign
L / C selection. Choosing state of All checkbox enables simultaneous entering or selection
of phase angles or power factor for all three phases L1, L2, L3,
7 and entering and buttons for angle between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3 selection,
8 phases’ rotation selection L123 or L132,
9 Waveform checkbox enables waveform's file for consecutive measuring points. Choosing
state of Waveform checkbox enables also  button, which opens waveform's folder in order
to load required waveform file,
Set POWER by change U / I /  / sin / cos – selection of quantity, which will be changed
during changing power P, Q, S settings,
11 Error limit entering and button for transducer’s error limit selection, given in percentage of
value (of Value field) and in percentage of range (of Range field),
12 Measurements/point entering and button for selection of repeating number for each
measuring point,
13 measuring procedure table with columns of number, name and measuring points parameters.
Clicking any row causes entering data from selected row to adequate edit boxes pos.2-12,
in order to using rows edition buttons pos.14,

52/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
14 rows edition buttons include functions: Add point (adding of point at the end of
procedure), Insert point (adding of point after the actual point), Change point and Delete
15 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for measuring procedure file edition.

1 15
11 12


Fig.6.2. Transducer / Procedure function view

6.3. Auto Test FUNCTION

Transducer / Auto Test function view (Fig.6.3) makes possible automatic test performing of
selected transducer, according to chosen measuring procedure and consists of:

1 Procedure name selection and button for procedure selection from measuring procedure's
data base,
2 Transducer name selection and button for transducer selection from transducer's data
3 transducer’s Serial number entering,
4 Test points table with columns of measuring points: markers, numbers and names
of measuring points,
5 Point parameters table with parameters of selected or realized measuring point,

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6 Control panel includes:
• Auto checkbox for automatic procedure’s performing and Single step checkbox for step by
step procedure’s performing,
• Start and Stop button for starting and finishing procedure, Pause I=0 for pausing
procedure with currents setting to zero (standby I), Pause U,I=0 for pausing procedure
with voltages and currents setting to zero,
• Measurement, Point, Procedure progress indicators of measuring, point and procedure
7 Results table includes:
• No column – error’s number,
• Io[mA] column – transducer output current values,
• [%] column – transducers error values in consecutive measurements,
• Io field – average transducer output current value from finished cycles,
• ION field – transducer output current value obtained from transducer’s ratio and
measuring point settings,
•  field – average transducer error value from finished cycles,
• S field – transducer standard error deviation from finished cycles,
• → field – transducer admissible error value (error limit).
Quantities displayed in the Results table can be bipolar.

1 3
2 5
4 6

Fig.6.3. Transducer / Auto Test function view

Output current Io (or output voltage Uo) measurement of tested transducer is performed by
adequate range of current (or voltage) measuring input of calibrator, according to p.4 of
calibrator’s user manual.

54/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
6.4. Admin FUNCTION
Transducer / Result / Admin function view (Fig.6.4) makes possible preparing description data
for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers’ data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers data base,
3 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
4 Comment field for additional information,
5 Transducer info frame with data of tested transducer.


Fig.6.4. Transducer / Result / Admin function view

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6.5. Table FUNCTION
Transducer / Result / Table function view (Fig.6.5) makes possible visualization and edition
measured results in form of table, in order to data saving, printing and exporting to MS Excel, and it
consists of:

1 measurement results table,

2 button enables vector diagram window (pos.3) of selected measuring point. Point’s
selection is done by clicking on adequate row. Selected row is highlighted on blue,
3 vector diagram of selected measuring point,
4 button for deleting rows from the table,
5 Advanced button for table edition.


Fig.6.5. Transducer / Result / Table function view

56/60 Calpro 300 TS Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (Test System TS version) Calpro 300 TS www.calmet.com.pl
Pressing Advanced button (Fig.6.5 pos.5) causes Advanced Table Settings window opening
(Fig.6.6), which consists of:

1 Available table columns field with possible columns for choosing,

2 Current table columns field with currently chosen columns,
3 button for choosing selected column from Available table columns field,
4 buttons:
for moving selected column up (to the left in the table),
for moving selected column down (to the right in the table),
for removing selected column from table,
5 Decimal places field for number of decimal places setting of selected quantity,
6 Default table field for default table settings restoring,
7 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation table settings.

2 4

Fig.6.6. Advanced Table Settings window of Transducer / Result / Table function view

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6.6. Graphic FUNCTION
Transducer / Result / Graphic function view (Fig.6.7) makes possible visualization and edition
measured results in form of graph, in order to data saving and printing, and it consists of:

1 diagram field of error function and error limits,

2 Y axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for Y axis quantity selection,
• Limit field and button for error limit selection, drawing in green colour on pos.1 field.
When limit Auto is chosen, error limits are drown according to data placed in Limit
column of results table (Fig.6.5),
• Max field – entering maximum function value,
• Min field – entering minimum function value,
3 X axis frame includes:
• Quantity field and button for X axis quantity selection,
• buttons for zooming in, zooming out and restoring diagram’s scale,
4 Cursor position frame contains cursor’s coordinates and dataset nr when any point on the
diagram is selected by cursor.

2 4

Fig.6.7. Transducer / Result / Graphic function view

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Customer function view (Fig.7.1) makes possible entering customer data to customers’ data
base for measuring report edition and it consists of:

1 Customer name entering and button for customer name selection from customers’ data
2 Customer info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customer data,
obtained from customers’ data base,
3 Comment field for additional information,
4 Site info frame with edition fields: Name, Address, Phone, Email of customers site data,
obtained from customer sites’ data base,
5 New, Save, Save as and Delete buttons for customer file edition.

1 5


Fig.7.1. Customer function view

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File/Print function view (Fig.8.1) available for Result function (Admin, Table, Graphic) enables
data printing directly from the Calpro300 Software in form of measuring report and it consists of:

1 General header info with buttons:

• Logo and Header, which enables to place the logo and header file in the header of
the first page in the measuring report,
•  for opening the window Open to select the logo file (graphic file with extension BMP)
and header (text file with the extension TXT),
2 Administration data with button Admin, which enables to place in the measuring report
the administration data entered in Admin function,
3 Test results with the buttons:
• Table, which enables placing in the measuring report the table with all or with selected
test points,
• Diagram, which enables placing in the measuring report the diagram and selecting value
of X and Y axis.
The field Test results for various devices under test can be different.
4 OK and Cancel buttons for acceptance or cancellation printing settings.

Fig.8.1. File/Print function view

Example of measuring report’s printout from Calpro300 Software is presented in the Fig.8.2.

Fig.8.2.Example of measuring report’s printout from Calpro300 Software

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