Develops Native
Heat Insulating
Material 'HITLIN'
In the early 2000s, Sewoon T&S developed and debuted a unique Korean native heat insulation
material called HITLIN (High Temperature Layered Insulation). This product followed the development
of the E-Glass Fiber Needle Mat, an insulation material and a world’s first after its establishment in 1984.
Compared with other heat insulation materials, HITLIN's thermal conductivity is low, while its density
is high and non-combustible. Furthermore, it is non-hazardous to the human body, maintains heat for
a long time without change in its appearance, and has excellent durability. Therefore, HITLIN has even
been called the 'Dream Insulation.'
Sewoon's growth started with the use of HITLIN by KOMIPO. Company Director Chun Ja-Woo said,
"The cornerstone for Sewoon T&S was solidified with KOMIPO's use of our product. Since then, we
have supplied our product to combined cycle power plants throughout various private enterprises as
well as to other power companies."
HITLIN first was used at KOMIPO's Boryeng TPP Units 7 & 8 as heat insulating material and later at
Yeongheung TPP Units 3 & 4, Ulsan TPP, Yeongnam TPP, etc. Owing to its high insulation efficiency
and good economic value, Sewoon is expanding sale of HITLIN not only to power plants but also to
petrochemical plants.
With about 30% domestic market share, Sewoon has set its sales target for this year upward of 30
billion won.
With its remarkable achievements in the domestic market as a springboard, Sewoon has ceaselessly
pursued overseas sales since 2003. As a result, the company began to gain momentum and advance
into the global market with its supply of HITLIN to power plants constructed by Siemens of Germany.
In 2007, Sewoon began full-fledged exploration of a European market dominated by Mineral Wool,
which is produced by five major companies - Saint-Gobain, Knauf, Rockwool, Uralita and Paroc, and
holds the entire market being equipped with dozens of manufacturing plants and spider-web-like
distribution networks. But having confidence in its product, Sewoon introduced HITLIN to a wide
variety of enterprises, such as world-renowned refineries, power plant builders, engineering &
construction firms and shipyards.
After numerous site visits and business discussions, Sewoon supplied HITLIN to Exxon Mobil of USA,
KOMIPO World I 9
Cooperating Company
Selected as a KOTRA-guaranteed
brand firm in 2009, Sewoon also
acquired the 'KOTRA Seal of
Excellence,' preparing advantageous
momentum for a broader overseas
advancement. Presently, the company
is striving to diversify the overseas
markets for the supply of its products,
while spurring exports through its
agents in the USA, India and Japan.
Ranked as the top respected enterprise among the thermal power companies in the KMAC's
'Public Perception Survey,' KOMIPO also acquired 'AAA' grade for the second consecutive year in
the KoBEX SM (Korean Business Ethics Index - Sustainability Management) and won the
Sustainability Management Grand Prize from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
Realized KRW100 Billion in Overseas Sales, Secured Largest Orders for New Businesses
KOMIPO accomplished its 'stable and economical' power supply mission by increasing power
output by 415MW, the highest level among domestic power companies, which contributed to
preventing power outages during the peak consumption season. It also succeeded in concluding
a long-term direct LNG import contract, which led to a 40% reduction in generation costs.
The company laid the foundation for take-off towards a global enterprise with the realization of
KRW100 billion in overseas sales and widened its new business horizon by winning five more
projects at home and abroad. These include Wampu Hydro Power (74MW), Nevada Photovoltaic
(300MW), Thai Combined Cycle (110MW) and Hyundai Byproduct Gas (400MW), which will
follow the Cirebon Thermal Power Plant project in Indonesia. With the construction of a
1,000MW-class ultra-supercritical (USC) power plant using pure domestic technology, a first in
Korea, KOMIPO secured source technology for a 'Strategic export-type thermal power plant.'
KOMIPO transformed into a power company developing together with regional societies and
acquired 'global citizenship enterprise' status through its domestic and international social
contribution activities made in parallel with overseas businesses, such as promoting construction
of two elementary schools in Indonesia, while pursuing win-win solutions with construction of
the ‘Danginri Energy Park’ in Seoul featuring a ‘citizens’ park’ above ground and a power plant
below ground.
10 I KOMIPO World