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166 Allinone ENGLISH CORE

Clas 126
The gien page numbers conmespond to the pages in the NCERT textbook.
Page 13 brightness of eyesight
scrounging seeking or looking for their eyes
dumps heaps beam shine brightly
looking tor dreaming of hovels a small, dirty and simply
glibly fluently, but thoughtlessly wobbly
constructed buldne
moving unsteadily rom side to side
hollow insincere, superficial primeval ancient, primitive
bangs kicks
Page 14
shutfles walks by dragging one's feet along platters a large flat dish or plate for serving lood
Page15 Page 18
perpetual state command respect -to deserve and receive respect
being aways poor
of poverty impoverished made pOor
drowned overcome or overpowered by lineage ancestry
desolation a state of complete enptiness or destruction unkempt untidy
ragpicker(s) a person who collects and sells rags and other shanty town a town full of, crudely-built huts without
discarded things trom garbage MS dark hutrments
squatter(s) a ninbnawOly
person occupies an unused/ dimly lit huts
unir land or building welding joining together by heating the surtace to the
wilderness an uninhabited or abandoned region point of melting
tarpaulin soldering joining
tongs movable arns of an instrument, used for
permit(s) holding and picking up things
NW. Page 19
transit hormes eheY
temp homes
reaped received
proportions or dimension
roof over his a house to live in
Page 16 head
canister a round or cylindrical container for storing lament complaint, passionate expression of griet
things mind-numbing so extrene or intense as to prevent normal
Page 17
looms appears Page 20
mirage appearing possible, but not actually so stigma a mark of disgrace, shame
furnace(s) an enclosed fireplace for heating metals or sahukars moneylenders
materials to a very high temperature imposed the
dingy dark and gloomy baggage on the orced the child into the traditional occupation
cells very small rooms child of bangle-making
slog ther work hard throughout the day hurtling moving at high speed
daylight hours
Think as you Read light. Conscquently the children, who slog their
(Page 17)
4 What is Saheb looking for in the garboge daylight hours in a cloistercd room close to these hot
dumps? furnaces, often losc the brightness of their eyes.
Where is he and where has he come from? Other hazards are developing lung and brain related
or What does Saheb look for in the
garbage dumps? discases.
All India 2015
Ans In the garbage dumps, Saheb looks for useful items 3 How is Mukeshs attitude to his situation different
which can be sold for cash. As these items can be from that of his family? Foreign 2009
traded for moncy, they are just like 'gold' for him. or "It is his karam, hls destiny." What is Mukeshs
Saheb and his family live in Seemapuri, a slum on family's attitude towards their situation?
the periphery of Delhi. His family had migrated from All India 2015
or How is Mukesh diferent fromthe other
2 What explanations does the author offer for the bangle-makers of Firozabad? All India 2014
children not wearing footwear? Ans Mukesh's attitude to his situation is different from
or What does the reference to chappals in Lost Spring' that of his family because he is determined to
tell us about the economic condition of the become a car mcchanic. His father, a bangle-maker,
ragpickers? All India 2016 could not do anything for his family except teach
Ans The author offers various explanations given to her them the art of making bangles.
by the children like, simply not caring to ttake the His grandmother accepted her husband's going
trouble of taking their slippers down from the shelf blind from polishing bangles as 'his karam, his
to wear them. not
wearing footwear is a tradition, destiny. She believes that they cannot break their
and so on. However, she feels that it is simply an 'god-given lineage'. However, Mukesh does not want
excuse to hide a perpetual state of poverty, as many to pursue this trade.
families cannot afford to buy footwear for their Understanding the Text (Page 20)
children. The reference to chappals is symbolic of any
kind of footwear, which the ragpickers cannot 1 What could be some of the reasons for the
afford. migration of people from villages to cities?
Ans The main reason for the migration of people from
3 Is Saheb happy working at the tea-stall? Explain. villages to cities is the search of a better livelihood.
Foreign 2010; All India 2009 Poverty and poor facilities in the villages are a major
or How was Sahebs life at the tea stoll? Foreign 2015 'push' factor. Life in the cities has a charm of its own
and attracts the villagers. Another reason is that
or Whatjob did Saheb take up? Was he happy? people come to the cities looking for work, leaving
Al India 2014
behind agricultural fields which are unproductive.
Ans Saheb took up the job of performing odd jobs at a
tea stall, but was unhappy because he was tied 2 Would you agree that promises made to poor
down by the work he had to do, thus losing children are rarely kept? Why do you think this
his independence, which he had earlier as a happens in the incidents narrated in the text?
ragpicker. Ans Ifully agree that promises made to the poor children
Think as you Read (Page 20) are rarely kept. Promises are made both at the
national and international levels to provide healthy
1 What makes the city of Firozabad famous? lives, quality education: protection against
Ans Bangle-making makes the city of Firozabad famous. xploitation and violence: etc. Yer. it is estimtd
Firozabad is the centre of India's glass-blowing that 246 million children are still engaged in child
industry where families have spent generations labour, most of them working in hazardous
working around furnaces. conditions.
2 Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles In the text, the author asks Saheb half-jokingly, if he
industry. will enrol in a school that she starts. Actually, the
Ans The main hazard of working in the bangles author was not at all serious about starting the
industry is to lose eye sight over a period of time. school, but Saheb thought that she had promised to
start one. She did keep her promise because it
Bangles are manufactured in glass furnaces with
high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and was not seriously made.
168 Allinone ENGLISH CORE
Class 12th
3 What forces conspire to keep the workers in the (ii) have a sense of commitment of
bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?
or Why does the author say that the
help these children; an cxample can to
find better employment for the adults
sin be to
bangle-makers are caught in a vicious web?
families. their
(ii) say 'NO' to child labour in any work
All Indin 2010
Ans. The workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad
are kept in poverty by being exploited it'the
to us.
(iv) feel the need to do something for such relaed
hands of the sahukars, the middlemen, the children, exemplifying the saying, 'where
policemen, the law-makers, the bureaucrats and there is a will, there is a way'.
the politicians. Thus they remain steeped in (v) create awareness in society about the pliok.
poverty. They cannot form cooperatives for their of the underprivileged so that
betterment. Moreover, their children are also power can help them.
people in
compelled to join the same trade at an carly age,
Thinking about Language
thus remaining in the vicious web. (Page 21)
Talking about the Text 1Carefully read the following phrases and
(Page 20) sentences taken from the text. Can you identify
1 How, in your opinion, can Mukesh realise his
the literary device in each example?
Ans Mukesh belongs to a family of SAKH () Saheb-e-Alam,
A which means the Lord of the
but his attitude to his situation is different Universe, is directly in contrast to what Saheb
is in reality.
that of other family members. He dreams offrom
becoming a motor-mechanic and learning to (ii) Drowned in an air of desolation.
drive a car. His determination for becoming a (ii) Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi,
motor-mechanic and learning to drive a car yet miles away from it, metaphorically.
seems to be very strong. (iv) For the children it is
wrapped in wonder; for
the elders it is a means
That is why he says that he will walk to the of survival.
garage. There he will have to meet the owner of (v) As her hands move
mechanically like the
the garage and request him for any petty work tongs of a machine, I wonder if she knows the
pertaining to the garage. sanctity of the bangles she helps make.
nrough his sincere efforts and hard work and (vi) She still has bangles on
her wrist, but not
guidance of his owner, he can attain the light in her eyes.
skills of a mechanic and then gradually that of (vii) Few airplanes fly over Firozabad.
car driving. In this way, he can surely realise his
(vii) Web of poverty.
(ix) Scrounging for gold.
2 Mention the hazards of working in the glass () And survival in
Seemapuri means
bangles industry.
Ans Refer to the answer of Q 2 in Think as Through the years, it has acquiredrag-pickin&
(page 20) above. you read' proportions of afine art.
(xi) The2steel
s canister seems heavier
3 Why should child labour be
than the
eliminated and plostic bag he would carry so lightly over his
how? shoulders.
Ans Child labour should be Ans (i) Irony
eliminated to bring
'spring' in the lives of poor children likeback
(iil) Contrast (ii) Metaphor
(iv) Contrast
Saheb and Mukesh. We can do this by (V) Simile
DLDER inculcating the values to (vi) Contrast
() have a strong will to ensure (vii) Contrast
get basic education. This may that all children
be done by (vii) Metaphor
helping them join the 'open school (ix) Hyperbole
they are not able to attend a regularsystem if
school. (x) Hyperbole
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 8 The author called garbage as gold in the
given, story because .
1What forced Saheb to be a ragpicker? (a) of gems in it.
(a) Destiny (b) Acute Poverty (b) of its encashment value.
(c) His Parents (d) People around him (c) of survival.
Ans (b) Acute Poverty (d) of desires.
2 The title Lost Spring' symbolises ....... Ans (b) of its encashment value.
(a) lost age
9 'But promises like mine abound in every corner
(b) lost memories
of his bleak world'. This suggests that
(c) lost blooming childhood CBSE Question Bank 2021
(d) lost destiny (a) there is no dearth of promises which remain
Ans (c) lost blooming childhood unfulfilled.

3 Saheb was employed at ..... (b) there is a scarcity of people promising things
for betterment.
(a) a sweet shop (b) a cafe
(c) a jewellery shop (d) a tea-stall (c) people make a lot of promises which are often
Ans (d) tea-stall
(d) promises made, live up to the expectations of
4 Which of the following efforts will help Mukesh people.
materialise his dream of becoming
RN E X A M is no dearth of promises which remain
a car.driver? Ans (a) there
(a) Going to Garage unfulfilled.
(b) Hard work 10 From this chapter, it is evident that the author
(c) Following the guidance of his owner has an attitude of
(d) All of the above (a) sympathy. (b) apathy.
Ans (d) All of the above (c) empathy. (d) bewilderment.

5 What are the hazards of the glass Ans (a) sympathy.

bangles industry? 11 Thats why they left, looking forgold in the big city'
(a) Impaired Vision Here gold' indicates CBSE Question Bank 2021
(b) Afects mental health (a) misfortune of circumstances.
(c) Miserable life (b) ample wealth.
(c) means of survival.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(d) a sign of luxury.
Ans (d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans (c) means of survival.
6 What compels the workers in Bangle Industry of
Firozabad to poverty? 12 Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE about
(a) Ancestral Profession (b) Society ragpickers in Seemapuri.
(c) Low Facilities (d) Poor surroundings (a) Children are cqually involved in rag picking as
their parents.
Ans (a) Ancestral Profession
(b) The ragpickers settle down in a place
7 How is Mukesh's attitude different from his permanently.
family? (c) Rag picking has accomplished itself as a skill
(a) Being a fighter goals
and form of art.
(b) Being daring and clear about his (d) Ragpickers live in unsteady shanties on the
(c) Not clear outskirts of Delhl.
(d) Being studious Ans (c) Rag picking has accomplished itself as a skill
Ans (b) Being daring and clear about his and form of art.
(c) being Insincere and deccitfu
13 When Saheb said, "There is no school in my
neighbourhood," it reflects the CISE Terml, 2021 (d) speaking with fluency
(a) symathy of the narrator. (D) Select the option that lists the feelings and
(b) apathy of the Government.
(c) empathy of the reader. attitudes corresponding to the following
(d) bitteness of thc speaker. 1. Iask halfjoking
2. ...he says, smilling broadly
Ans (b) 1It reflects the apathy of the
government. (a)l(1) part arrogance, part seriousness
14 Select the suitable option for the gven (2) hesitation
statements, based on your reading of Lost (b)(1) part amusement, part irritation
Spring. CBSE SQP Term I, 2021 (2) subrnissiveness
1. The writer notices that Saheb has lost his (c)() part concern, part hurt
carefree look. J(2) pride
2. Saheb has had to surrender his freedom for (d)l)part humour, part carnestness
800 per onth. (2) self-belief
(a) 1 is false but 2 is true.
(b) Bothland 2 are true. (iv) Select the option that lists reasons why Sahebt
(c) 2 is a fact but unrelated to 1. world has been called bleak'.
(d) 1 is the cause for 2. 1. The absence of parental presence
Ans (b) Saheb loses his carefree look when he takes 2. The poor socio-economic conditions
up a job at the tea stall. The job offered 3. His inability to address problems
Saheb 800 and took away his freedom. S A K H
4. His lack of life-skills
5. The denied opportunities of schooling
(c) 3 and 5
(b) 2 and5
(d) 2 and 4
Read the extracts given below and answer the (v) Who do you think Saheb is referring to as the
qeustions that follow by choosing the correct option.
1 T have nothing else to do, he mutters, in the given sentence?
When they build one, I will go'
looking away. "Go to school/ I say glibly, (vi) Why do you think that the author means when
realising immediately how hollow the advice she says But promises like mine abound in
must sound.
There is no school in my neighbourhood. every corner of his bleak world"?
Ans (i) (c) Saheb looks away from the narrator
When they build one, I will go. because he is embarrassed by the answer he
IfIstart a school, will youcome?'I ask, had to thenarrator's question.
half-joking. Yes, he says, smiling broadly. (iü) (b) The word 'Glibly' in the context suggest an
A few days later I see him running up to me. expression said in a careless, informal,
insincere and a fluent tone. Such an
Is your school ready? expression is not serious and lacks any kind of
It takes longer to build a school' I say, depth and substance.
embarrassed at having made a promise that (iii) (d) Half joking indicates fun and sincerity and
was not meant. But promises like mine the smile by Saheb indicates self beliel.
abound in every corner of his bleak world. (iv) (b) Saheb's world is bleak because he lives in
CBSE SQP Term I, 2021Modified poverty without any basic facilites. He is
() Saheb's muttering and looking away'suggests denied all opportunities of growth and
his developmnent that a child should enjoy.
(a) anger (b) shyness (v) "They' in the given extract refers to
(c) embarrassment (d) anxiety the government officials who had
(i) of the four meanings of glibly, select the promised him and his community of provi
them proper facilites and opportunities.
option thot matches in meaning with its usage (vi) By making the given statement, the author
in the extract.
(a) showing a degree of infornality wants to highlight how many powerful and
(b) lacking depth and substance influential people make tall promises to
poverty stricken people but never fulfills the
Iost Spring (Stories of Stolen Childhood) 171

2 It takes longer to build a school, I say, (iil) (d) finds the name ironical.
embarrassed at having made a promise that (iv) (b) Simile
was not meant. But promises like mine abound (v) (c) LIfe with no hopc for the future
in every comer of his bleak world. (vi) The author says that Saheb would have a
After months of knowing him. I ask him his hard timec in belicving the meaning o! hhis
name, 'Saheb-e-Alam, he announces. He does name because his name stands in
not know what it means. If he knew its contrast to his reality. His name means "the
meaninglord of the universe -hewould lord of the universe' but his reality does not
correspond with it.
have a hard time believing it. Unaware of what
his name represents, he roams the streets with 3 Why aren't you wearing chappal?" I ask one.
his friends, an army of barefoot boys who "My mother did not bring them down from
appear like the morning birds and disappear at the shelf," he answers simply.
noon. Over the months, I have come to "Even if she did he will throw them off' adds
recognise each of them. another who is wearing shoes that do not
CRSE Term I, 2021 Modified match. When I comment on it, he shuffles his
o Select the option that explains the feet and says nothing "I want shoes", says a
reason for the narrotors appropriate
(a) She was not able to buildemborrassment.
the school in time.
third boy who has never owned a pair all his
(b) She does not know the name of the boys. life. Travelling across the country I have seen
(c) She is guilty of giving a false hope to the boy.
children walking barefoot, in cities, on village
(d) She is not aware of his bleak world.
roads. It is not lack of money but a tradition
to stay barefoot, is one explanation. I wonder
() of the four meanings of 'embarrassed, select the if this is only an excuse to explain away a
option that matches in meaning with its usage in perpetual state of poverty.
the extract. (0 Why was the one, being asked, not wearing
(a) Concerned (b) Uncomfortable chappals?
(c) Sorry (d) Sympathetic (a) Because he had none
(i) What view does the author express on the fact (b) Because one of them was broken
that 'Saheb-e-Alam'means lord of the universe? (c) Because his father had asked him not to wear
The author (d) Because his mother did not bring them down
from the shelf
(a) finds the name most suitable for the boy.
(b) expresses her joy over the name. (ii) What does the boy do when the narrator
(c) is unable to believe the name. comments on unmatching shoes?
(d) finds the name ironical. (a) He changes his shoes
(b) He hides behind the other boys
() Select the option that describes the literary (c) He shufles his shoes without responding
device used in the expression 'an army of (d) He rebukes the narrator and mocks her dress
barefoot boys who appear like morning birds. (iii) What is an exXCUse to explain away a perpetual
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile
(c) Hyperbole (d) Alliteration state of poverty?
(a) Walking barefoot
() What does the author mean by his bleak (b) To term 'walking barefoot' a tradition
world'? (c) To rease the 'worn out shoes EXAM
(a) The world of children
(d) Not to bring chappals out of shelf
(b) His aspirations for future
(iv) The word perpetual' used in the extract means
(c) Life with no hope for the future (a) constant (b) ceasing
(d) His dark world (C) transient (d) ephemeral
(v) Why do you think the author says that Saheb
would have a hard time believing the meaning of (V) How would you judge the act of shuffling by the
his name? boy?
Ans (i) (c) She is guilty of giving a false hope to the boy. (V) Is the narrator true in herjudgement that the
(ü) (b) Uncomfortable
children were hiding their state of poverty?
172 Allinone ENGLISH CORE
Clas 12
Ans (i) (d) Because his mother did not bring them (vi) In the given lincs, the author is
down from the shelf
(iü) (c) He shuffles his shocs without
Saheb's condition 1 whercin he
living in the streets instcad of enjoying
childhood innocence and freedom.
has to carna
(iii) (b) To term wvalking barefoot' a tradition
(iv) (a) constant 5 "I will learn to drive a car," he answers.
(v) The act of shuffling by the boy is indicative of looking straight into my cyes. His drea
the cmbarrassment felt by the boy for looms like a mirage amidst the dust of stre
wearing the two
show Chcd'shoes. For the that fill his town Firozabad, famous fort
Oys, having sto wear was important
not matching them. bangles. Every other family in Firozabad i
(vi) Yes, the narrator is true in her judgement that engaged in making bangles. It is the cent.
the children were hiding their state of poverty. India's glass-blowing industry where famil
4 In his hand is a steel canister."I now
work in a have spent generations working around
tea stall down the road," he says, pointing in the furnaces, wielding glass, making bangles for
distance. "I am paid 800 rupees and all my all the women in the land it seems.
meals." Does he like the job? I ask. His face, I Mukesh's family is among them. None of
see, has lost the carefree look. The steel canister them know that it is illegal for children like
seems heavier than the plastic bag he would him to work in the glass furnaces with high
carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was temperatures, in dingy cells without air and
his. The canister belongs to the man who owns light; that the law, if enforced, could get him
the tea shop. Saheb is no longer his own master!
(AMS and all those 20,000 children out of the hot
() What is Saheb holding while on his way? furnaces where they slog their daylight hous,
(a) Rag picking bag often losing the brightness of their eyes.
(b) A pair of different colour shoes Mukesh's eyes beam as he volunteers to take
(c) A gold coin me home, which he proudly says is being
(d) A steel canister rebuilt. CBSE Question Bank 2021 Moditel
(i) How has the new job mpacted Saheb? () The simile dream looms like a mirage amidst
(a) He earns more money and better food now
the dust of streets' indicates that his dream was
(b) He has lost his carefree look now (a) a reality, yet seemed distant.
(c) He saves the time to go to school now (b) lost in the sea of dust.
(d) He has no time to play now.
(c) illusory and indistinct,
(ii) Why does the steel canister seem heavier than (d) hanging in the dusty ai.
the plastic bag he would carry so lightly? (ii) will learn to drive a car,' he answers,
(a) The bag was his lookin3
into my eyes. This sentence highlights
(b) The canister belongs to the shop owner Stru was
(c) Saheb is no longer his own master
1. determined
(d) All of the above 2. fearless
3. hopeful 4. valiant
(iv) Do you think Saheb is happy in his new job? 5. ambitious 6. stern
PRACTICE(vi)(9 Howis
What did the new job offer Saheb?
the author's tone In the given lines?
(a) 1 and 5
(c) 2 and 5
(b) 2 and 4
(d) 3 and 6
Ans (i) (d) A steel canister (ili) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE
(i) (b) He has lost his carefree look now withCence to the extrort2
(iüi) (d) All of the above work in badly lit and poorly
(iv) We cannot really say wihether Saheb is happy ventilated furnaces.
(b) The children are unaware that it is forbidden
in his new job or not. However, we know that
Saheb has lost his independence and care free by law to work in the furnaces.
(c) Children toil in the furnaces for hours whic
(v) The new job at the tea stall offered Saheb a affects their eyesight.
(d) producet
monthly pay of rupees 800 along with all the Firozabad has emerged as a nascent
meals. of bangles in the c country.
LostSpring(Stories offStolen Childhood) 173

Every other fomilyiin Firozabad is

making bangles indicates that engaged in () She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light
ta) bangle making is the only industry that in her eyes.' This implies that
(a) she is married but has lost the charm in her
lourishes in Firozabad.
b the entire population of Firozabad is involved cyes.
in bangle making. (b) she is a married woman who has lost her
c) majority of the population in Firozabad is grace and beauty.
involved in bangle making. JC) though she is married, her eyes are devoid of
Id) bangle making is the most loved occupation happiness.
in Firozabad. (d) she is a married woman who has lost her
What does the given lines indicates of the
legoliy of occupations? () He hos a roof over his head' The tone of the
author is
N) Do you think that Mukesh will be able to fulfill (a) pessimistic. (b) empathetic.
his dream? (c) sympathetic. (d) optimistic.
Ans (i) (c) illusory and indistinct. (ii) Choose the term which best matches the
(i) (a) 1 and 5
statement The young men echo the lament of
(iü) (d) Firozabad has emerged as a nascent their elders.'
producer of bangles in the country. (a) acceptance (b) reflection
(iv) (c) majority of the population in Firozabad is (c) reiteration (d) doubtfulness
involved in bangle making. (iv) Years of mind-numbing toil have killed all
(v) The given lines indicate that there is a lack of
awareness regarding theelegality of initiative and the ability to dream. This shows that
(a) the bangle makers are exhausted yet they are
occupations. People of Firozabad are not enterprising and have dreams.
aware that it is illegal for children to work in
(b) the drudgery of work has destroyed their
glass furnaces with high temperature.
willingness to improve their lot.
(vi) Yes, I think that Mukesh will be able to fulfill (c) the daily grind has stolen the dreams of the
his dream because he seems to possess the bangle makers and made them dul.
courage required to fight out the boundations (d) the bangle makers have been
put on by his family to join the family working so hard
that there's s no time to dream.
(M With what tone does the man say 'All I have done
6 She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light is to makea house for the family to live in.?
in her eyes. "Ek wagt ser bhar khana bhi nahin (a) Regret (b) Nostalgia
khaya." she says, in avoice drained of joy. She (c) Depression (d) Anguish
has not enjoyed even one full meal in herentire (vi) Why is there no ability to dream in the town of
lifetime-that's what she has reaped! Firozabad?
Her husband, an old man with a flowing Ans (i) (c) though she is married, her eyes are devoid
beard says, "I know nothing except bangles. of happiness.
AllI have done is make a house for the family (ii) (d) optimistic.
to live in." (ii) (c) reiteration
Hearing him one wonders if he has achieved (iv) (b) the drudgery of work has destroyed their
willingness to improve their lot.
has a
many have failed in their lifetime. He
roofover his head! (v) (a) Regret PRACTI
(vi) There in no ability to dream in the
town of
Ihe cry of not having money to do anything Firozabad because all those dreams are
CXCept carry on the business of making oppressed by the authorities who make
Dangles, not even enough to eat, rings in every people work endlessly and punish those who
revolt or take initiative.
home. The young menecho the lament of the
Clders, Little has moved with time, it seems in 7 Listening to them, Isee two distinct
Frozabad, years of mind-numbing toil have worlds-one of the family, caught in a web of
Klled all initiative and the ability to dream. poverty, burdened by the stigma of caste in
CBSE Question Bank 2021 Modified which they are born; the other a vicious circle
Allinone ENGLISH CORE Class 1
(vi) Yes, I feel that the given extract hold
of the sabukars, the middlemen, the importance with rrespect to t
policemen, the keepers of law, the largerformot
of Firozabad. It shows hope in the pictute
bureaucrates and the politicians. Together Mukesh who dares to dream. This dream
they have imposed the baggage on the child its success can initiate further dreams
change the state of the town.
that he cannot put down. Before he is aware,
he accepts it as naturally as his father. To do
anything clse would mean to darc.And daring SHORT ANSWER TYPE
is not part of his growing up. When I sense a QUESTIONS
flash of it in Mukesh I am cheered. "I want to
be a motor mechanic," he repeats. He will go 1 Describe the irony in Saheb's name. Delhi a.
to a garage and learn. But the garage is along Ans Saheb is a poor ragpicker who lives in
way from his home. I will walk," he insists. Seemapuri. His full name is 'Saheb-e-Alam:
which means 'Lord of the Universe'. The iton
"Do you also dream of flying a plane?" He is lies in the meaning of his name itself.
suddenly silent. "No," he says, staring at the According to his name, he should be a king an4
ground. enjoy all the luxuries of life. But unfortunate
() Which two worlds has the narrator divided the he is a barefoot ragpicker, who lacks even the
people of Firozabad? basic necessities.
(a) The exploited and the exploiters 2 Why had the ragpickers come to live in
(b) The educated and uneducated
(c) The dreamers and the crushers MSAI
Seemopuri? Foreign 2014
(d) The males and females or To which country did Saheb's parents originaly
belong? Why vdidtthey come to India?
() What is the role of Sahukars Compartment 2014
(a) To establish to bangle industry
(b) To emnpoly the people
or Why did Sahebs parents leave Dhaka and
migrate to India? Compartment 2011
(c) To lend money on higher rate of interest Ans Once Saheb's parents lived in Bangladesh,
(d) To share the burden of the working class amidst the green fields of Dhaka. There were
(I) What is first and foremost to do something many storms that swept away their fields and
different? homes. That's why they migrated to Delhiand
(b) Dare to dream big settled down in Seemapuri looking for an
(a) Dare to face police
(c) Dare to quit family (d) Dare to earn occupation.
3 What did garbage mean to the children of
(iv) Before he is aware, he accepts it as naturally as
his father.'Explain. Seemapuriand to their parents? Al India 2013
(v) What do the given lines tell us about Mukesh? or In what sense is garbage goldCompartment
to the ragpickers
(vi) Do you think that the given extract hold or Garbage to them is gold.' Why does theDelhi
importance with respect to the larger picture of say so about the 20s
Ans Garbage means 'gold' to the poor ragpickes
Ans (i) (a) The exploited and the exploiters because some of it can be sold for cash, thus
EXAM (i) (c) To lend money on higher rate of interest
(üü) (b) Dare to dream big
becoming a means of survival for the children
Seemapuri and for r their parents. It is providing
them their daily bread and a roof over their hel
(iv) The given line indicates that the profession of
ba -making has been naturalised in the 4 What kind ofgold did the people ofForeign
nunity of Firozabad. Children now do look for in the garbage?
not even think of any other profession and s The people of Seemapuri look for items in t
only work in the bangle making industry. garbage which can be traded for money
(v) The given lines tell us that Mukesh is meaning 'gold', as it helps them carn their
different from all other people of bread and have a roof over their heads.wrappc
become a mechs child, may mean: something
He dares to dream to
not enter the bangle making industry.
whereas for clders it is a means
LostSpring(Stories of Stolen Childhood) 175

E HOW Was Saheb's life at the teg-stall?

desire to achieve something big in life. This
saheb took up the job of performingAlloddIndin 2020 shows that they are not devoid of hope. Saheb,
a tea stall, but was sunhappy jobs at a ragpicker, is cager to go to a school and learn.
because he
dovn by the work he had to do. Thus, hewas ticd Mukesh, who works in dark, dingy cells
lost his
independence, which he carlicr had as a ragpicker. making bangles, dreams of becoming a motor
mechanic against his family tradition.
6 Describe Mukesh as an ambitious person.
11 Whom does Anees Jung blame for the sorry
Ans Mukesh is an ambitious person because he Foreign 2016
plight of the bangle-makers?Compartment 2014
wants to become a motor-mechanic by Ans Ances Jung blames the vicious circle of the
free from the vicious web of generationsbreaking
of sahukars (moneylenders), middlemen,
families being involved in policemen, bureaucrats and politicians for the
has the courage to dream ofbangle-making.
becoming a
motor sorry plight of the bangle-makers. They don't
mechanictthus allow the bangle- makers to organise
breaking free from destiny.
7 What is Mukesh's dream? Do you think he will be themselves into a cooperative.
able to fulfil his dream? Why? Why not? 12 What does the title Lost Spring' convey?
All India 2009
Compartment 2014
or Who is Mukesh? What is his dream? Ans Spring is associated with childhood. Just as
Delhi 2012
or Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream? spring is the season when flowers bloom
similarly, childhood is the period when an
Justify your answer. All India 2009 individual blooms and grows.
or What was Mukesh's dream? In your opinion, did Ances Jung here presents the horrific truth
he achieve his dream? Foreign 2009 about the life of children in India who are
or Why is Mukesh's dream of learning to drive a car victims of child labour and are not allowed to
a mirage? grow and bloom freely. Their childhood or
Ans Mukesh belongs to the bangle-makers of springtime is lost.
Firozabad where each family is engaged in 13 Which industry was a boon and also bane for
bangle-making. Mukesh's dream is to become a the people of Firozabad? How?
motor-mechanic and to learn to drive a car. Thus, Compartment 2017
he wants to be his own master. However, because Ans The bangle-making industry was a boon and
he is caught up in the vicious cycle created by also bane for the people of Firozabad. It was a
others, it may seem he will not be able to realise
his dream
boon because it gave them a livelihood so that
and will remain a bangle-maker. they could survive.
8 t is his karam, his destiny. Explain. However it was a bane because they were
Ans Mukesh's grandmother believes in destiny. She forced to work in their industry for
believes that they cannot escape from the generations. The children had to work in
God-given lincage. It is their destiny to suffer bangle-making to make ends meet, as the
earnings were meagre. Additionally, their eyes
like this. They were born in the caste of and general health were ruined due to
bangle-makers and will always be one, for they continuously working close to the furnaces
do not have any control over their destiny. used for making bangles.
9 Why could the bangle-makers not organise 14 "Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds.."
themselves into a cooperative? All India 2012
In the context of Mukesh, the bangle makers
Ans The bangle-makers could not organise son, which tvo worlds is Anees Jung referring
themselves into a cooperative because they were to? Delhi 2018
trapped in the vicious circle of sahukars, Ans The two worlds that the author refers to are
middlemen, policemen, bureaucrats and those represented by Mukesh's parents and
politicians, who exploited them. If they tried to
Organise themselves, they would be beaten by Mukesh respectively. Mukesh has the
dream big in spite of all adversity, wherea
the police and put in jail. the othertohkS of Firozabad hate
10 In spite of despair and disease pervading the esiened fate, and have suppressed all
Ives of the slum children, they are not devold of their hopes and desires. Mukesh refuses to
hope. How far do you agree? Delhi 2013 follow the 'God-given lineage' of
Ans In spite of growing up amidst despair and bangle-making and wants to be a motor
mechanic when he grows up.
disease, children who live in slums have the
176 Allinone ENGLISH CORE
In Delhi there is luxury and affluence, there
15 Why do you think Mukesh is content to dream ahost of opportunities and drcams, and in are
of cars and doesnt dream
Questiono plane?
Bankk2021 Seemapuri there is squalor, hopclessness and
despair. There is no chance lor the inhabita
Ans Mukesh is content only to dream of cars of this area to strive towards the attainmen
because he knows that his journey towards
becoming a mechanic is a difficult one. To go the prospects offered by Delhi.
any further than that is a thing that he has not Thus, although1$Seemapuri is located at the
periphery of Delhi, in the rcal sense, it is ma
thought of. As a realistic boy, he drcamt of miles away from Delhi
something that he could achieve. His dream of
becoming a motor mechanic is reasonable. 2 Give a brief account of life and activitieses of the
Thus, he doesn't dream of lying a plane now. people like Saheb-e-Alam settled in SeemaDur
16 Do you believe that 'God-given lineage can be
Ans Seemapuri is a slum area located on the
Delhi 2011
broken? Support yourCBSE
position with a rationale.
Question Bank 2021 periphery of Delhi. Most of the residents of
Ans Yes, I believe that God given lineage can be Seemapuri consist of people who are refugces
broken with sincere and dedicated efforts. from Bangladesh. Saheb's family is among
Mukesh himself is an example of this. Inspite of them. The area consists of mud structures, with
roofs of tin and tarpaulin. They do not
being born in a society that forces its children to
mind numbing toil wherein they cannot even have facilities of sewage, drainage or unning
dream, Mukesh wants to be a mnotor mechanic. water. About 10000 ragpickers live here.
He does not want to confine himself to the Their only means of livelihood is finding
traditional profession. saleable items from rubbish. Thus, for them, the
rubbish is as valuable as gold, their survival
17 How do you think the authors life might have depends on what they find in the rubbish.
been impacted after her interactions with the These rag pickers have lived here for more than
children and their families mentioned in Lost thirty years without any identity. They do not
Spring? CBSE Question Bank 2021 have permits but have ration cards, thanks to
Ans The author's life may have been severely the selfish whims and wishes of the politicians
impacted by after her interactions with the With these, they can get their name on the
children and their families mentioned in 'Lost voter's lists and also buy grains for themselves
Spring'. she must have realised the depth to at a subsidised rate.
which poverty had impacted the Indian society.
Jung must have developed an urge to do 3 Saheb is no longer his own master.' Comment
something for the betterment of the Ans Grinding poverty and the necessity for alife of
downtrodden and underprivileged people. subsistence have involved Saheb in ragpicking
Her writing of the chapter Lost spring is itself Rummaging through garbage does not provide
an endeavour by her to bring their miserable him with aregular income but gives him
conditions to light. She also raised the issues freedom. He has all the liberty in the world to
that are responsible for not improving their lot. roam with his friends in the streets without any
worrieses tto bother him.
Also, he can hunt for 'gold' in the garbage
LONG ANSWER TYPEQUESTIONS dumps. It provides him a hope and a thrill ev
1 "Seemgpurl, a place on the periphery of Delhi, day in the form of a rupee or a ten-rupee nole.
yet miles away from it, metaphorically." Explain. So, he looks forward to ragpicking.
EXAM Ans Seemapuri is a place on the outskirts of Delhi
where 10000 ragpickers and their families live.
The job he takes up at a Iea stall is one
mpts to become his own master.
of hs

The people living there are squatters who this further enslaves himn, He is now not free
migrated from Bangladesh in 1971. The roam aimlessly in the streets. His new
ragpickers live in structures of mud, with roofs oCcupation binds him to serve somebody ese
of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage 4 Describe the difficulties the bangle-makers o
or running water. No one can imagine that such Firozabad have to face in their lives. Delsi
a place exists on the periphery of Delhi, the
capital of India. It stands in stark contrast to or Describe the circumstances which keep the
city of Delhi. The main city of workers in the bangle industry in poverDelhi.o
Delhi, and at its periphery, provide sed

an exemplary case offcontradiction. Ans The bangle-makers of Firozabadworking.

multiplehealth hazards while
Spring(Stories of Stolen Childhood)
Lost 177
them are children who work near hot
during daylight, furnaces
often losing their cyesight and animals exist together in a primeval state.
belore.adulthood.. Years of Thus, the bangle-makers of Firozabad make
killed all initiative and the
ability to
toil beautiful bangles but live and die in squalor.
thinkk of taking up another even
profession. They are 7 How is Mukesh's attitude towards his situation
not able to organise themsclves into a different from that of Soheb? Why? Delhi 2015
nerative due to bullying and exploitation by
he politicians, authorities, moneylenders and Ans Mukesh belongs to a bangle-making family, but
niddlemen. They live in stinking lanes choked he'Is not content with this profession. He dares
with garbage, having homes with crumbling lo dream of becorninga motor-mechanic and
walls, wobbly doors, no windows, overcrowded driving cars. He has strong will power and wants
with families of humans and animals coexisting to achieve what he dreams about, unlike other
n a primeval state. They have not even people in his family. In contrast to this, Saheb is
even one full meal in their entire lifetime aragpicker who is content with his life, but
because of their poverty. becomes unhappy when he gets a job at a tea
E tis his karam, his destiny" thot made Mukesh's stall, even though now he is probably earning
more and on a regular basis.
grondfather go blind. How did Mukesh disprove Saheb is unhappy because he has lost his
this belief by choosing a new vocation and
making his own destiny? Compartment 2015 independence,
However, Saheb
which he had as a ragpicker.
accepts his new situation, whercas
Ans Mukesh disproved this belief that Mukesh dares to want to break free frorn tradítion.
bangle-making was his destiny by choosing a This is because Mukesh is more
determined than Sahecb will evercourageous
new vocation and making his own destiny. He and
decided to become a motor-mechanic and learn
to drive a car. As he had seen his parents and
8 Lost Spring' explains the grinding poverty and
others suffer because of the vicious circle of traditions that condemn thousands of people to
poverty and exploitation by the sahukars. alife of abject poverty. Do you ogree? Why/why
middlemen, politicians and the police, he did not? All India 2011
not want to remain in the bangle-making Ans Yes, I do agree that "Lost Spring' narrates the
profession. He had the courage to break free grinding poverty and traditions to which
rom the family of bangle-making and thousands of people have succumbed.
linedistance to reacha
was ready to walk a
motor garage to learn the vocation of car
mechanic. He had even thought that he would
The story written by Ances Jung revolves
around the pitiable condition of poor children
who have been forced to live in slums and work
request the garage owner to hire him initially as hard in conditions which endanger their health.
ahelper and learn the trade. Finally, he also The first part gives the writer's impression
wanted to learn to drive a car. Thus, Mukesh about the life of poor ragpickers who have
was ready to make his destiny by choosinga migrated from Bangladesh but now are settled
new vocation and break the age old belief.
in the Seemapuri area of Delhi.
6 The bangle-makers of Firozabad make beautiful The second part narrates the miserable life of
bangles and make everyone happy but they live the bangle-makers in Firozabad. The stark
and die in squalor. Elaborate. reality of these families is that, in spite of
Ans Firozabad is the centre of India's
Delhi 2010 back-breaking hard work that they put in, they
glass-blowing cannot even afford two square meals a day.
industry. Families have spent generations in this Besides, false and blind belief in traditions does
business, making beautiful bangles of all hues not let their children take up other
and colours. But their own life is steeped in filth
and misery. People work round the clock in
and better paying jobs which will improve
financials| situation. their EXAM
sfurnaces at high temperatures, in dingy 9 "For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for
and light. the elders it is a means of surviva." What kind
hese workers are exposed to health hazards.
They often end up losing their eyesight. life do the ragpickers of
of lif
moreover, they are stuck in a vicious circde of Seemopuri
All lead?
I 2017
exploitation. Even if they try to form a or Garbage to them is gold. How do ragpickers of
Cooperative, they are beaten up and jailed for Seemapuri survive?
Delhi 2017
doing something illegal. Ans 'Lost Spring: Stories of Stolen Childhood'
Ihey live in filthy homes in lanes choked with describes the plight of the poor ragpickers of
8arbage. In such conditions, families of humans Seemapuri, a place on the outskirts of Delhi.
178 Allinone ENGLISH CORE Class
Ragpicking is the only of livelihood for children and bangle-makers of
these familics of bo bave led
in the hope of finding a better from
wants us to act. Which qualities does
the children to develop? she .Swanthe
Duc to successive storms and floods
their crops there and Compart
Ans Anees Jung wants the children to ment 2,
SO they mieratedt ali
For small children like
from the vicious cycle
e of poverty into
they have fallen due tto
of whom were born andSaheb
and his friends, all and middlemen,
law enforcement officials. She
Secmapuri, ragpicking is brought
up in
also wrapped in
wonder because sometimes they find
to be bold enough to raise
wants ,sahukan
voice againe
their oppressors. She wants them to
unexpected "treasures' or gold', i.e. items which and optimistic so that they can be
can be sold for cash. up other occupations, just likdream offearl
It is awonderful
who live fecling these
in abject poverty. For the small children
wants to be a motor-mechanic.
She wants them to
Mukesh, who
elders in the
ragpickers' family, this is tle only mcans become free from their
traditional occupation so that
survival. Though they have lived here for ofthirty their life's ambitions. She sees t can realise
years, they have no identity or
who is willingspark oftosuc
a quality in
area and live in a state facilities in their Mukesh,
of despair. lengths become a
to to go an
10 Most of us do not raise
our voice against She wants some motor-mechanic.
injustice in our society and tend to remain mute these qualities sopeople to help
thatat they can them develon
vividly Anees Jung in her story, 'Lost injustice andeaploitation be free from
highlights the miserable of street
Spring respectable better
take up other
improve their financial paying jobs which will

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