Specification For Requirements Common To All Fabrications

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NF 0081/1


Fabrication of stainless steel

Specification for requirements common to all fabrications

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

Approved by: Materials and Fabrication Technical Section, Risley

Published by: Technical Standards Group, Risley

Any comments relating to this standard should be addressed to Technical Standards Group, Risley.

The content of this document is the confidential property of British Nuclear Fuels
plc and may not without the express written consent of the Company be copied
in whole or in part or passed to a third party or used for any purpose other than
that for which it is supplied. On completion of the contractual obligations for
which it is supplied this document and any copies must be returned immediately
to the Company"

 British Nuclear Fuels plc, 1993

Amendment No: 1 Dated: DECEMBER 1995

To: Standard NF 0081/1 Issue: 4 Date: June 1993

Title: Fabrication of stainless steel

Specification for requirements common to all fabrications
Standards Publication

Technical Standards Group, Risley Approved by: QMS

Page 11 Clause 6.2.3 (a) Delete the text of (a) and substitute the following :–
Where a fully austenitic material is employed (18/13/1,310L) BNFL reserve the right to
request a weld sample for corrosion testing."

Page 11 Clause 6.2.3 (b) Delete the text of (b) and substitute the following :–
 The range of approval for stainless steel materials shall comply with the following :

Material for weld procedure

Material qualified
approval test
NAG 18/10L NAG 18/10L, 304L, 316L, 321, 347

304L NAG 18/10L*, 304L, 316L, 321, 347

316L, 321, 347. 304L, 316L, 321, 347.

*BNFL reserve the right to request a weld sample in NAG 18/10L for corrosion testing."

Page 18 Clause 7.1.1 After existing sentence insert the following new sentence :–
The Inspector reserves the right to witness any stage inspection carried out by the
Contractor`s Inspector, as specified and agreed in the approved quality plan."

Page 19 Clause 7.3 Insert the following new clause :–

7.3.3 The Contractor`s inspector shall be in possession of a current nationally
recognised approval for weld inspection or be able to demonstrate
proficiency from previous experience to the satisfaction of BNFL."

Page 21 Clause 7.9.1 Amend the existing first sentence to read as follows :–
An external and (where possible) internal examination shall be carried out by the
Contractor`s Inspector in the presence of the Inspector unless otherwise agreed in the
approved quality plan."

Sheet 1 of 1

NF 0081/1 Issue 4





Section One : General




Section Two : Manufacturing requirements


5.1 Materials 3
5.2 Acceptance of materials 4
5.3 Contact materials 4
5.4 Transfer of identification 4
5.5 Number and spacing of seams 4
5.6 Pipelines 4
5.7 Pipe fittings 5
5.8 Cutting of material 5
5.9 Manipulation of material 5
5.10 Hardness testing 5
5.11 Hot working - heating 6
5.12 Hot working - forming 6
5.13 Cold working 6
5.14 Pipe bending processes 6
5.15 Bending procedures and approvals 6
5.16 Production bends 7
5.17 Softening/solution treatment and stress relief of fabrications 8
5.18 Descaling - chemical process 8
5.19 Descaling - mechanical process 8
5.20 Preparation of welding edges 9
5.21 Proximity of welds 9
5.22 Setting up prior to welding 9
6.1 Welding processes 10
6.2 Welding procedures approval 10
6.3 Welding equipment 11
6.4 Welding supervision 11
6.5 Acceptance and testing of welders 11
6.6 Electrodes, filler rods and wires 12
6.7 Storage of filler materials 13
6.8 Issue of filler materials 13
6.9 Cleanliness of welding surface 13

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

CONTENTS (cont’d)


6.10 Welding technique 13

6.11 Fillet welds 13
6.12 Weld attachments to thin wall material 14
6.13 Butt welds 14
6.14 Final weld to close pipe circuit 14
6.15 Weld finish reinforcement 15
6.16 Penetration 15
6.17 Removal of temporary fittings 17
6.18 Weld repair 17
6.19 Unacceptable surface defects of welds 18
6.20 Documentation for welding 18
7.1 Inspection - General 18
7.2 Testing - General 19
7.3 Visual inspection 19
7.4 Ferrite checks 19
7.5 Liquid penetrant inspection 19
7.6 Radiography 20
7.7 Ultrasonic testing 20
7.8 Pressure and vacuum testing 20
7.9 Final inspection of completed fabrication 21
7.10 Rectification 21
7.11 Manufacture and inspection records 21





Table 1 Plate and pipe and tube bore misalignment at joints 10

Table 2 Relaxed liquid penetrant inspection standards 20


Appendix A Defect acceptance levels for testing of welders and procedures 25

Appendix B Specified welding consumables 27

Appendix C Approved material specifications and design codes 28

Appendix D BNFL 5059 - Certificate of inspection 30

Appendix E Pipework spool inspection record 31

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


This standard has been prepared to ensure a uniform approach to the fabrication and inspection of austenitic
stainless steel plant and pipework.

Service requirements determine the type of material used and the degree of inspection needed. All stainless steel
fabrications are required to be constructed to a high standard of workmanship.

This standard is one in a series concerned with fabrication.

The other standards in the series are:
NF 0081/2 : Additional requirements for Class A fabrications
NF 0081/3 : Additional requirements for Class B fabrications
NF 0081/4 : Additional requirements for Class C fabrications
NF 0081/5 : Additional requirements for Class D fabrications
NF 0081/6 : Standard welding procedures


Revised in line with Technical Standards Group's current practice and procedures.
Amendments 1, 2 and 3 incorporated.
Score marks and indentations defined.
Requirements for Site Contractors Inspection Personnel approvals added.
Tabular information for plate and pipe alignment added.
Liquid penetrant requirements for structural attachments added.
Fit-up information for seam welded pipe incorporated.
Dimensions of marking identification of plant and lettering size amended.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

Section One : General


This standard specifies requirements for the manufacture, inspection and testing of fusion welded fabrications
in chromium-nickel austenitic (stainless) steel of various grades.

NF 0081/1 is not complete in itself and must be used in combination with the relative NF standards listed in
Clause 3.


BNFL: British Nuclear Fuels plc

BNFL Approval: Relates to a process or procedure that has been given approval by the qualified
personnel responsible for that particular area of work. A formal record must exist of
approval. Approval by BNFL does not relieve the Contractor of his contractual

Client: British Nuclear Fuels or their appointed representative.

Contractor: The company responsible for the manufacture of plant and equipment.

Contractor’s The person appointed by the fabrication contractor to undertake inspection under the
Inspector: terms of the contract.

drawing: A drawing approved by BNFL for use in connection with the contract.

indentation: Localised surface depression without metal removal.

Inspector: The person appointed by BNFL to be responsible for inspection under the terms of the
contract and for obtaining BNFL approval where required.

pressure vessel: Shall be any tank or vessel described as such in the contract.

score marks: Sharp visual indication of metal removal.

shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement that is to be adopted for all actions of the Contractor.

will or must: Indicates a mandatory requirement that is to be adopted for all actions of the Client.

The following abbreviations are used within the text of this standard:

ASNT: American society for non-destructive testing

LPI: Liquid penetrant inspection

MMA: Manual metal arc

NDT: Non-destructive testing

PCN: Personnel certification in non-destructive testing

TIG: Tungsten inert gas

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


The following documents are referred to in this standard. Unless agreed otherwise, the edition of related
documents and amendments current at the date of contract shall apply.

NF Standards

NF 0038/1 Pipework design information:

Pipe bending radii
Cold bending of austenitic stainless steel pipes

NF 0038/2 Pipework design information:

Recommended pipe centres for manual and automatic welding of austenitic stainless steel

NF 0039/1 Materials evaluated for contact with stainless steel.

NF 0066/1 Hardness testing of austenitic stainless steel pipe bends.

NF 0081/2 Fabrication of stainless steel.

Additional requirements for Class A fabrications.

NF 0081/3 Fabrication of stainless steel.

Additional requirements for Class B fabrications.

NF 0081/4 Fabrication of stainless steel.

Additional requirements for Class C fabrications.

NF 0081/5 Fabrication of stainless steel.

Additional requirements for Class D fabrications.

NF 0081/6 Fabrication of stainless steel.

Standard welding procedures.

NF 0086/1 Electrodes, stainless steel, austenitic chromium nickel, nitric acid grade 19.9L quality.

NF 0086/2 Electrodes, stainless steel, austenitic chromium nickel, Type 25-20L.

NF 0087/1 Filler rods and wire, stainless steel, austenitic chromium nickel, nitric acid grade 19.9L quality.

NF 0087/2 Filler rods and wire, stainless steel, austenitic chromium nickel, Type 25-20L.

NF 0106/1 Seam welded pipe fittings - Guide on the use of nitric acid grade 18/10L and Type 304L
stainless steels.

NF 0108/1 Specification for the storage and handling of stainless steel materials, components and

NF 0112/1 Electrode wire and flux.

Stainless steel, austenitic chromium nickel, nitric acid grade 19.9L quality wire and flux for
submerged arc welding.

NF 0114/1 Consumable socket rings.

Specification for nitric acid grade 19.9L quality-rings.

NF 0114/2 Consumable socket rings.

Specification for nitric acid grade 19.9L quality-bar.

NF 0125/1 Ultrasonic testing.

Specification for testing austenitic stainless steel plate 5mm up to but not including 10mm thick.

NF 0125/2 Ultrasonic testing

Specification for testing austenitic stainless steel plate 10mm up to and including 35mm thick.

NF 0150/1 Radiography
Specification for radiographic examination.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

Authority Standards

AECP 20 Cleaning of metals

Part 1. Common requirements

Part 3. Austenitic stainless steel

AECP 1062 The Parjo method of leak rate testing of low pressure containers.

British Standards

BS 427 Method of Vickers hardness test and for verification of Vickers hardness testing machines

BS 499 Welding terms and symbols

Part 2. Specification for symbols for welding

BS 2901 Filler rods and wires for gas-shielded arc welding

BS 2926 Specification for chromium and chromium-nickel steel electrodes for manual metal-arc

BS 4870 Approval testing of welding procedures

Part 3. Arc welding of tube to tube plate joints in metallic materials

Part 4. Specification for automatic fusion welding of metallic materials including welding
operator approval

BS 5289 Code of practice. Visual inspection of fusion welded joints

BS 5465 Specification for electrodes and fluxes for the submerged arc welding of austenitic stainless

BS 5500 Unfired fusion welded pressure vessels

BS 6443 Method for penetrant flaw detection

BS EN 287 Approval testing of welders for fusion welding

Part 1. Steels

BS EN 288 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials

Part 1. General rules for fusion welding

Part 2. Welding procedure specification for arc welding

Part 3. Welding procedure tests for the arc welding of steels

Section Two : Manufacturing requirements


The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality programme that meets the contract


5.1 Materials

Materials used in fabrications shall be chromium nickel austenitic steels of the appropriate quality, conforming
to the list of approved materials specified in Appendix C of NF 0081/1, unless otherwise stated in the contract or on the

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.2 Acceptance of materials

The Inspector shall be satisfied that the material used for the fabrication conforms to specification and is
identifiable with its origin. Full chemical and mechanical test certificates shall be provided. If doubt exists the Inspector
will be empowered to take samples of the material for check analysis purposes and be present during tests if he so
desires at the Contractors expense. The fabricator shall operate a system of storage and issue approved by the
Inspector in accordance with the requirements of NF 0108/1.

5.3 Contact materials

Materials in contact with austenitic stainless steel shall comply with the requirements of NF 0039/1.

5.4 Transfer of identification

5.4.1 The Contractor shall maintain a positive system of identification for material used in the fabrication complying with
NF 0081/2, NF 0081/3 and NF 0081/4, in order that all material in the completed work shall be easily traced to its origin.
The system shall be approved by the Inspector.

For fabrications complying with NF 0081/5 transfer of identification is not required (see Clause 6.20).

5.4.2 Identification reference markings on material shall be transferred prior to the cutting of material. The markings,
so transferred, shall, as far as practicable, be located so as to be clearly visible on the completed fabrication and not
on the surfaces intended for exposure to a corrosive environment.

5.4.3 The method and location of component or plant identification markings on fabrications will be shown on the
drawings or as agreed with the Inspector.

5.4.4 The preferred method of marking is by vibro-engraving, involving the use of a stencil. Any alternative methods
must be submitted to and approved by BNFL prior to use.

5.4.5 Stamping or punching shall not be permitted unless indicated on the drawing when low stress stamps shall be
used. Under no circumstances shall stamping or punching be permitted on material under 10mm thick.

5.5 Number and spacing of seams

5.5.1 Plate sizes should be chosen to minimise welding. The longitudinal seams shall be completed before
commencing the adjoining circumferential seam(s)

5.5.2 The longitudinal seams of adjacent courses must be staggered. When the amount of stagger is expected to be
less than 5 x the material thickness this shall be clearly indicated on the drawings submitted to and approved by BNFL.

5.5.3 Openings for branches shall be placed as far from shell joints as practicable and only cut into joints when this
cannot be avoided subject to the approval of the Inspector. Such seam penetrations shall cut cleanly through the seam
and be NDT examined as for the original main seam.

5.5.4 The sequence of fabrication shall be arranged so that all welds are accessible for internal examination.

5.6 Pipelines

5.6.1 All pipe connections shall be of the butt weld type except where stated to the contrary on the relevant drawings.
Pipelines shall be erected square with fabrications and be run parallel with each other and with the adjacent building
walls unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Falls shall be as specified on the drawings and pipelines shall be self
draining, ie. pockets and troughs between fabrications shall be avoided, unless required to meet process conditions.

5.6.2 All vessel side branches in chemical plant shall have the appropriate fall either in or out of the vessel, depending
on the direction of the liquor flow in accordance with the drawings.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.7 Pipe fittings

5.7.1 Fittings, unless otherwise stated in the contract or on the drawings, shall conform to the list of approved materials
specified in Appendix C of this standard.

5.7.2 Preformed seamless tees shall be used wherever possible in the fabrication of branch joints. Where the use of
preformed tees is not justified, branch joints shall be made by techniques contained in the Appendices of NF 0081/6.

5.7.3 Wherever possible formed bends should be used in preference to pipe fittings to minimise the extent of welding
and NDT.

5.8 Cutting of material

5.8.1 Plates and pipes shall be cut to size and shape by machining, grinding, shearing, plasma, laser or water jet
cutting. Plates 10mm thick and above, cut by shearing shall have an allowance of 3mm left on the edges which shall
be removed by machining or grinding.

All thicknesses of plate or pipe cut by air plasma cutting shall have the edges dressed to a smooth, bright finish
to the satisfaction of the Contractor's Inspector and where required, the Inspector.

Material cut by the inert gas shielded plasma, laser or water jet process will not require further dressing other than

All lubricants, burrs and debris shall be removed after cutting.

5.8.2 Dressed plate and sheet edges or pipe ends where the grain structure will be exposed to the corrosive media
shall be overlaid if specified and shown on the drawing by depositing a minimum of two layers of weld metal using the
BNFL approved procedure, (see the appendices to NF 0081/6). Alternative welding processes must be submitted to
and approved by BNFL prior to use.

5.9 Manipulation of material

Formed sections shall be manipulated to the required shape by a process which will not impair the quality of the
material. Details of the forming process shall be submitted to and approved by BNFL prior to use.

5.10 Hardness testing

5.10.1 Formed sections (plate, bar, etc, see Clause 5.15.2 for pipe), shall be subject to a hardness survey carried out
in accordance with BS 427 or to a procedure approved by the Inspector.

5.10.2 Hardness testing shall be carried out on areas subject to the greatest deformation;

(a) After hot working to confirm that the process has been carried out correctly. The maximum permitted
hardness is 190 HV. Hardness tests are not required on plate bent or rolled to an internal bend radius of
> 10t (t = section thickness).

(b) After cold working or any re-work/rectification. The maximum permitted hardness is 250 HV.

5.10.3 If the maximum permitted hardness is exceeded then the plant item shall be solution annealed in accordance
with Clause 5.17 and descaled in accordance with Clauses 5.18 / 5.19, unless otherwise stated on the drawing or
contract document.

5.10.4 Where hardness tests are carried out on plant items, the hardness impressions shall be removed and the test
area cleaned to the satisfaction of the inspector.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.11 Hot working – heating

5.11.1 The material shall be cleaned and degreased then heated uniformly in a temperature controlled furnace to a
temperature of 1100oC to 1150oC. Thermocouples shall be placed, as agreed with the Inspector, to ensure that the
material is wholly within the above temperature limits.

5.11.2 The work shall be maintained at full temperature for a time proportional to its thickness. This soaking period shall
be determined on the basis of 1 hour soak per 25mm thickness. The minimum soak period, regardless of material
thickness shall be 30 minutes. Time/temperature charts recorded by a calibrated automatic instrument shall be made
available to the Inspector.

5.11.3 The furnace shall be heated by oil, gas or electricity but the work must be protected from all possibility of flame

Heating of the furnace by coke or coal firing or carburizing gas flame is not permissible. Where gas firing is used
the sulphur content of the gas shall not exceed 700 mg/m3 and for oil fired furnaces the sulphur content of the fuel shall
not exceed 0.5% by weight. A slightly oxidising atmosphere shall be employed.

5.12 Hot working – forming

5.12.1 Hot working shall be supervised by experienced staff using suitable temperature measuring equipment to the
satisfaction of the Inspector.

5.12.2 Forming shall only be carried out in the temperature range of 1150oC - 900oC. Where reheating is necessary,
the work shall be reheated in the furnace and the process repeated until the forming operation is completed.

5.13 Cold working

Forming shall be carried out by applied pressure using suitable tools such that the surface is not damaged. This
may require the use of suitable contact materials between the workpiece and the tool, see NF 0039/1. Jacking is
preferred to hammering for minor misalignment. If hammering has to be used then a contact material approved by BNFL,
e.g. high density polyethylene, shall be used. Tooling must be maintained in a good clean condition.

5.14 Pipe bending processes

5.14.1 Wherever possible pipes shall be bent cold by gradually applied pressure. If hot bending is necessary, the
conditions for hot working shall be in accordance with Clause 5.12.

The use of other bending processes, such as hot induction bending, shall be used only with the written approval
of BNFL.

5.14.2 Where a filler is required for bending, clean dry sand of a type approved by BNFL shall be used. The use of
other fillers may be considered subject to satisfactory procedure approval (see Clauses 5.15.1 and 5.15.2).

5.14.3 Pipe shall normally be bent to the centre line radii recommended in NF 0038/1.

In no case shall pipe be bent to a centre line radius of less than three times the outside diameter of the pipe (unless
otherwise specified by BNFL).

5.15 Bending procedures and approvals

5.15.1 All pipe bending shall be carried out to a written procedure submitted to and approved by BNFL.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.15.2 Bend procedures will be subject to the satisfactory evaluation of a test bend in accordance with the following:-

(a) Hardness tests shall be carried out on transverse sections of a sample bend in accordance with
NF 0066/1. The maximum hardness of the bends shall not exceed 250 HV.

If the bending technique results in hardnesses in excess of 250 HV all production bends shall be solution
treated in accordance with Clause 5.17.

(b) The wall thickness within the bend shall not be reduced by more than 12.5% of the original pipe wall.

(c) Ovality, as determined by measuring the major (a) and minor (b) pipe diameters within each bend, shall
not exceed 8% when calculated as follows:-
Ovality = x 100
(d) Ripples are acceptable only if (1) the ovality requirements are not exceeded and (2) the height above
adjacent surfaces does not exceed 20% of the wall thickness, the width of the ripple base is not less than
10 x height and the ripple blends smoothly with the adjoining surfaces.

(e) The test bend shall be visually examined on the bore and o.d. (using appropriate optical aids where
necessary) to ensure freedom from cracks, score marks or other unacceptable surface features.

Clean longitudinal indentations or burnish marks along the length of pipe are acceptable features.

(f) The accepted test bend shall be retained by the Contractor as a reference sample.

5.15.3 A summary of the main requirements relating to cold bending of austenitic stainless steel pipes is given below:-

Parameter Clause Specified limit(s)

Centre-line bend radius 5.14.3 3 x o.d min

Hardness 5.15.2 (a) 250 HV max

Wall thinning 5.15.2 (b) - 12.5% of original pipe-wall max

Ovality/Flattening 5.15.2 (c) 8% max of mean o.d.

Ripple height 5.15.2 (d) 20% of pipe wall max

Ripple base 5.15.2 (d) 10 x ripple height min

5.15.4 The grouping of bend procedures for qualification purposes shall be at the discretion of the Inspector and will
depend on individual circumstances. The following recommendations may be used as guidance:-

(a) For a given diameter and wall thickness, bends produced by the same equipment shall be qualified by
a test on the minimum centre-line radius.

(b) 304L material will be accepted to qualify NAG 18/10L and vice versa.

(c) For a draw bending machine the range 0o - 180o can be qualified by a single 90o bend.

5.15.5 The Inspector shall have the right to demand the re-qualification of any bend procedure either at the beginning
of a new contract or during the course of an existing contract should the quality of the bends appear to be below the
required standard.

5.16 Production bends

5.16.1 All production bends shall be produced in the same manner as the test bend and shall satisfy the requirements
of Clause 5.15. It is not intended that every production bend is dimensionally checked for wall thickness and ovality or
subjected to a hardness test, but the criteria given in Clause 5.15 shall be used as the basis for acceptance in the event
of dispute.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.16.2 Every bend shall be visually inspected on the bore and o.d. (using appropriate optical aids where necessary)
to ensure freedom from cracks, score marks or other unacceptable surface features.

Clean longitudinal indentations or burnish marks along the length of pipe are acceptable features.

5.16.3 Comparisons for acceptance should be made with the accepted test bend (see Clause 5.15).

5.16.4 Bores which cannot be examined visually for whatever reason, shall be identified by the Contractor and referred
to the Inspector for consideration.

5.16.5 The Contractor shall prepare pipe bend manufacturing and inspection records. A typical record (PSIR Form
SCS 4.229) is shown in Appendix E.

5.17 Softening/solution treatment and stress relief of fabrications

5.17.1 Heat treatment shall be carried out to a written procedure submitted to and approved by BNFL.

5.17.2 Stress relief heat treatment shall only be carried out where residual stresses are not acceptable and it is not
feasible to solution anneal. It shall only be carried out in accordance with instructions given in the contract
documents or on the relevant drawings.

Fabrications shall be cleaned and degreased prior to heat treatment.

5.17.3 Heat treatment shall take place in a furnace (see “Hot Working” 5.11.1) in a manner that ensures that the
fabrication receives full heat treatment process throughout. Partial insertion of the fabrication into a furnace is
not permitted without written approval by BNFL.

5.17.4 Final heat treatment of a fabrication shall be carried out only after all welded connections and fittings have been
attached to it.

5.17.5 Welds which have been non-destructively tested prior to heat treatment shall be non-destructively tested again
by the same method and to the same acceptance standard after heat treatment has been completed.

5.17.6 Rectification of distortion after heat treatment is only permitted after the written approval of the Inspector.

5.17.7 Heat treatment furnace temperature recorder charts shall be forwarded to the Inspector.

5.17.8 Careful consideration shall be given to the presence of any sealed air pockets that could lead to distortion and
damage in fabrications requiring heat treatment. Any such situations shall be brought to the attention of the
BNFL Inspector for resolution.

5.18 Descaling – chemical process

When required in the contract, and in any event following hot working and/or heat treatment, descaling shall be
carried out using the nitric-hydrofluoric acid process as described in AECP 20, Part 3, Procedures 3c, 3d or 3e, unless
indicated otherwise in the contract documents. Should the Contractor prefer to use an alternative chemical descaling
process, he should submit his proposals to BNFL for approval.

5.19 Descaling – mechanical process

When a mechanical descaling process is called for in the contract, clean and iron-free glass or ceramic beads,
or sand of alumina or zirconia type shall be used. The type, grade and chemical composition of the abrasive will be
approved by BNFL. Recycling of abrasive is prohibited.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.20 Preparation of welding edges

5.20.1 Weld preparations shall be in accordance with the Standard Welding Procedures detailed in NF 0081/6 or other
BNFL approved joint detail unless otherwise stated on the drawing.

5.20.2 Prepared edges shall be visually inspected as recommended in BS 5289, Clause 5 and dimensionally checked
against preparation requirements using go"/no go" gauges or other suitable means. All swarf and debris shall be
removed prior to welding and the welding edges degreased to the satisfaction of the Contractors Inspector.

5.20.3 Where two butting plates at a welded joint differ in thickness by more than 10% of the thinner plate, the thicker
plate shall be machined on the side away from the corrosive media to the same thickness as the thinner plate and tapered
at a 1 in 4 maximum slope.

5.20.4 For plate joints to be radiographically examined, a parallel section of 20mm is necessary between the welded
joint and commencement of taper.

5.20.5 Where two butting pipes at a welded joint have different schedule thicknesses or differences in wall thickness,
the thicker pipe shall be machined on the bore to the same thickness as the thinner wall pipe, for a 12mm length and
tapered at a 1 in 4 maximum slope.

5.20.6 Machining of such tapers/transitions shall ensure a smooth finished profile with no sharp corners.

5.21 Proximity of welds

The design of joints shall be such as to provide adequate access for the deposition of weld metal to meet the
requirements of this standard.

The toes of adjacent butt welds shall whenever possible be no closer than 4 times the nominal thickness for pipe
and not less than 40mm for plate.

5.22 Setting up prior to welding

5.22.1 Joints shall be assembled and retained in position for welding by a method approved by the Inspector. The use
of manipulators or other devices to permit welding in the flat position should be employed where practicable. Welding
shall not commence until the alignment of welding edges has been inspected and approved, by the Contractor's

5.22.2 Tack welds where used on open gap preparations shall be equally spaced in such a manner as to maintain a
regular joint gap and correct alignment during welding. On closed butt type preparations they will be carried out in such
a manner that only partial penetration of the root face is achieved. Tack welds shall be cut back to sound metal before
laying down the main weld or completely fused out during welding.

5.22.3 Tacking strips and cleats temporarily welded to the fabrication shall be to the same material specification as the
parent metal. Such attachments shall be kept to a minimum and, where possible, confined to the outer surface of the
fabrication (see Clause 6.17).

The root faces of welds shall be aligned to the limits given in Table 1.

5.22.4 Pipe ends shall be circular and square with the axis. They shall be aligned in accordance with the standard weld
procedures detailed in NF 0081/6 or other BNFL approved joint detail, unless otherwise stated on the drawing.

5.22.5 Joints in horizontal pipe runs shall be set such that the minimum amount of misalignment occurs at the bottom
of the joint.

5.22.6 All lugs, brackets, branches, manhole frames and reinforcements around openings and other members shall
conform to the shape of the surface to which they will be attached.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

5.22.7 All external reinforcement plates shall be provided with a telltale (pressure relief) hole suitably placed to show
the presence of any leakage during pressure tests. This tell-tale hole shall preferably be tapped and plugged using a
stainless steel plug to prevent ingress of moisture, liquor etc.

5.22.8 Where fillet welds are used, the lapped plates shall fit to within 3mm max gap and be kept together during

5.22.9 Welding fixtures such as clamps or manipulators and earthing clamps shall either be manufactured from contact
material of compatible composition or shall be isolated from contact with stainless steel by the use of a buffer layer of
compatible composition. The contact of lead, zinc or copper/copper alloy with stainless steel is not permitted.


Plate and pipe and tube bore misalignment at joints

Maximum misalignment at joints

Thickness t

Joint type < 10mm > 10mm

10% t
Longitudinal seam 10% t max
(2mm max)

10% t + 1mm
Circumferential seam 10% t max
(3mm max)

10% t
Single side joints (Long. and circ.) 10% t max
(1.5mm max)

Maximum misalignment of bore at joints

Pipe or tube
t be
Pipe size

Root run type < 150mm NS > 150mm NS

20% t
Autogenous -
(0.5mm max)

20% t
Consumable socket ring -
(0.5mm max)

Wire fill 1mm max 1.5mm max

Seam welded pipe 3mm max


6.1 Welding processes

The manual TIG or MMA welding processes shall be used on all joints where indicated on the drawing. The
employment of any other welding process, manual or automatic requires approval of BNFL.

Where automatic/mechanised welding processes are employed, the Contractor shall supply details of planned
equipment maintenance calibration and operator training.

6.2 Welding procedures approval

6.2.1 All welding shall be carried out to written procedures approved by BNFL.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.2.2 The welding procedures used shall be those relevant in NF 0081/6. These procedures include all the basic
information from the initial joint preparation to the final weld inspection. Where there are no approved BNFL procedures,
the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6.2.3.

6.2.3 Approval of weld procedures will be subject to satisfactory completion of procedure approval tests in accordance
with the requirements of BS EN 288 Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 or BS 4870 Part 3 or Part 4. In addition the following
requirements shall apply:

(a) Where a crack sensitive material is employed (18/13/1, 310L) BNFL reserve the right to request a weld
procedure qualification test.

(b) A weld procedure test on 304L will qualify NAG 18/10L or vice versa, however BNFL reserve the right to
request a weld sample in NAG 18/10L for corrosion testing if necessary.

(c) A weld procedure for a branch connection shall be qualified by a test on a branch connection.

(d) Defect acceptance levels listed in Appendix A.

Existing approval documentation to the requirements of BS 4870 Part 1 will be accepted providing it meets the
technical intent of BS EN 288 Part 3.

6.3 Welding equipment

Welding plant and equipment shall be regularly serviced and maintained and installed under cover and so placed
that welding work can be carried out free from draughts and adverse weather conditions. All instrumentation used for
or to monitor the welding process must be fully calibrated.

All work, filler and gas circuits must be free from moisture during welding.

6.4 Welding supervision

The Contractor's organisation shall ensure that there is regular and systematic supervision and inspection of all
welding work. The Contractor shall institute a system whereby welds can be traced to the welder responsible for their
production, in accordance with Clause 6.20.

6.5 Acceptance and testing of welders

6.5.1 The Contractor shall satisfy the Inspector that his welders comply with this standard by the submission for
approval of test records in accordance with BS EN 287 Part 1 but using stainless steel and applying acceptance levels
as detailed in Appendix A of this standard.

Where production welding is being carried out by a welder approved to BS EN 287 Part 1 and these welds are
not subject to volumetric NDT, the welder shall be re-qualified every six months or the first production weld by the welder
after six months from the date of testing shall be subject to volumetric NDT.

Existing welder certification to BS 4871 Part 1 will be accepted providing it meets the technical intent of
BS EN 287 Part 1.

6.5.2 Approval of welders for automatic welding shall be in accordance with BS 4870 Part 4.

6.5.3 For 18/13/1 material, the welder qualification test shall be carried out using the same parent material and weld
consumable as that specified in the approved welding procedure, reference NF 0081/6.

A welder qualified to weld 18/13/1 material on the basis of Clause 6.5.1 should also be accepted to weld 304L,
NAG 18/10L and 18/10L type materials provided all other aspects of the welding procedure (as defined in BS EN 288
Part 3) remain unchanged. The converse shall not apply.

6.5.4 For fully austenitic stainless steel of the 310L type, the welder approval test shall be carried out on any parent
material of that type but the weld consumable must be as that specified in the approved Welding Procedure, reference
NF 0081/6.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.5.5 For 18/10L type materials the welder approval test shall be carried out using any parent material from within that

6.5.6 A satisfactory test on a single sided joint shall authorise the welder to work on a double sided joint but not the

6.5.7 A welder approval test for a branch connection shall be carried out on a branch connection within the following

(a) Approval for a set-on branch pipe to plate will include approval for a set-on branch pipe to pipe or vice

(b) Approval for a set-on or set-in branch either pipe to plate or pipe to pipe will include approval for all branch
fillet welds.

For (a) and (b) above, the pipe wall thickness and outside diameter will govern the approval range and
all other requirements of BS EN 287 Part 1 shall apply.

(c) Approval for a set-in branch pipe to plate will include approval for a set-in branch pipe to pipe, a
set-through branch pipe to plate or set through branch pipe to pipe.

(d) Approval for a set-in single sided branch pipe to plate will include approval for a double set-in or
set-through branch but not vice versa.

For (c) and (d) above, the plate wall thickness and branch pipe outside diameter will govern the approval
range and all other requirements of BS EN 287 Part 1 shall apply.

(e) Approval for a 90o branch connection will include approval for branch connections 90o + 10o. Any other
angle of branch will require a separate welder test piece simulating the minimum angle of branch likely
to be involved in production.

6.5.8 In addition, for Sellafield Construction Site, each welder will be required to carry out a Site Familiarisation Test to
a weld procedure selected by the Inspector as typical of production welding.

The Contractor shall ensure that the test conditions are representative of Site conditions. The Test Weld will be
examined in accordance with that of Clause 6.5.1 and the Inspectors decision on the proficiency to work on the project
will be final.

6.5.9 If, during the course of the Contract, the quality of work performed by any welder appears to be below the required
standard, the Inspector shall have the right to demand that any completed welds are re-examined and the welder
responsible shall be withdrawn or submitted to a welding re-test; details of this test will be specified by the Inspector.
In the event of any test welds being unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall withdraw the welder concerned from any work
covered by this specification until after a period of suitable training and at such time as the welder can pass the welding
test to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

6.6 Electrodes, filler rods and wires

6.6.1 Filler materials unless otherwise stated in the contract documents or drawings, shall be as shown in Appendix
B of this standard.

6.6.2 The Contractor shall operate a formal system for the verification of electrodes, filler rods and wire prior to release
for manufacture, approved by the Inspector.

Certificates of test covering each batch and/or cast number of such weld consumables shall be supplied to the
Inspector for approval before work is commenced. Packaged materials shall be marked conspicuously with the batch
and/or cast number as appropriate.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.7 Storage of filler materials

Weld filler materials shall be stored in a dry cabinet or room which is maintained continuously at a temperature
of 18oC to 24oC. Before issue to welders for use, flux coated electrodes shall be separated from each other to ensure
uniform drying, and baked in a calibrated oven in accordance with manufacturers instructions. After baking treatment,
electrodes shall be held under conditions which prevent re-absorption of moisture. Filler wires shall be kept fully
wrapped until required for use and shall be degreased and dried before issue if they have become contaminated.

6.8 Issue of filler materials

6.8.1 The Contractor shall satisfy the Inspector that a documented system is operated which will identify the materials
correctly and include relevant issue details. Only one batch of electrodes/filler material per size shall be issued to a

6.8.2 Unused filler materials shall be returned to store at the end of the day or shift where they can be checked and
re-identified. Filler materials which cannot be identified shall be discarded.

6.9 Cleanliness of welding surface

All surfaces to be welded and adjacent surfaces for a distance of at least 50mm on both sides of each plate or
pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned and free from scale, paint, grease or other foreign material using BNFL approved
cleaning agents (see NF 0039/1).

6.10 Welding technique

6.10.1 Flat position (downhand) welding shall be employed wherever practicable. There shall be a minimum of
puddling and weaving; the latter being limited to a maximum of 3 times the MMA electrode core wire diameter.

6.10.2 Each run of weld metal shall be thoroughly cleaned. When manual metal arc is used all slag shall be
removed before the next run is deposited. Where wire brushing is employed only clean, stainless steel wire
brushes, which have not been used on other materials are permissible; welding slag may be removed by light
grinding using iron-free grinding wheels. In all cases where grinding is allowed, care shall be taken to prevent
excessive local heating.

6.10.3 After welding has been stopped for any reason, care shall be taken on re-starting to ensure proper fusion and
penetration between the parent material, the weld metal and previously deposited weld metal which shall be thoroughly
clean and free from slag, crater defects, cracks, etc.

6.10.4 Temperature checks will be taken as close to the weld preparation as possible. Temperature measuring
instruments or indicating crayons shall be employed. The latter shall be removed from the metal surface using a BNFL
approved solvent immediately after completion of the weld.

6.10.5 In the event of accidental stray arcing arising from earth clamps, the damaged area shall be repaired to the
satisfaction of the Inspector. This may require a copper contamination check to be carried out to a procedure
approved by BNFL, in addition to visual and liquid penetrant examination in accordance with Clause 7.5. Stray
arcing of electrodes is not permitted.

6.11 Fillet welds

Fillet welds shall be made so as to ensure good root and side fusion and shall conform to the details and
dimensions shown on the drawings, vessel data sheets, or as detailed in the contract documents.

Unless otherwise specified, weld dimensions and contours shall be determined as recommended in BS 5289.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.12 Weld attachments to thin wall material

6.12.1 When attachment welds (pipe supports, rubbing strips etc) or through-wall penetrations are to be made to
fabrications with wall thickness 3mm or less, a simulated test weld shall be made to demonstrate that burn-through and
excessive oxidation does not occur. The underside of the surface being welded shall be purged with inert gas.

6.12.2 For guidance on the suitability of pipes for instrumentation, ie. through-wall penetrations, references should be
made to NF 0106/1 Clause 6.4.

6.13 Butt welds

6.13.1 Where the TIG welding process is used, purging is required with argon gas during fusion of the root-runs. Such
purging must be maintained throughout the root and subsequent run until the completed weld is cool.

Care shall be taken to protect the welding area on the work piece from draughts during this operation.

All work, filler and gas circuits must be free from moisture during welding.

6.13.2 Where the weld procedure calls for back-grinding it shall be cut back from the second side by machining or
grinding. The depth of the groove into the root run shall be kept to a minimum, this may be aided by the use of a profile
gauge, but its surface shall be clean and completely free from unsound weld metal. Consideration shall be given to
profile and access when selecting the size of MMA electrode employed on second side welding.

The back groove shall be visual and liquid penetrant inspected in accordance with Clauses 7.3 and 7.5
respectively after cooling and approval given by the Contractors Inspector before the sealing weld is laid down.

6.13.3 Where access for welding is limited to one side only, the root run for the butt weld shall be made using the
tungsten inert gas (TIG) process and subsequent welding runs shall be made by the manual metal arc (MMA), TIG or
submerged arc processes.

6.13.4 If the processes described above are impracticable, a permanent or temporary backing strip technique shall
be used and details set out on the approved welding procedure sheet (see WP 3206 in Appendix to NF 0081/6). The
permanent backing strip shall be in accordance with the details shown on the drawing.

Where a permanent backing strip technique is used and welds are to be radiographed, the root run shall be
radiographed to indicate where unavoidable inclusions occur between the backing strip and sections being welded
together. These initial radiographs are essential for clear interpretation of the final radiographs.

Permanent or temporary backing strips shall only be used with the written approval of the Inspector.

6.14 Final weld to close pipe circuit

6.14.1 Due recognition must be given to the location of closure welds for pipelines on site.

Final welds shall not be made directly to vessel branches or fittings due to the localised increase in stress and
risk of weld repair.

6.14.2 The butt weld which is finally to close a pipeline or equivalent shall be made in accordance with Clause 6.13.3.
The techniques used to obtain the necessary inert gas backing shall be approved by the Inspector.

6.14.3 When water soluble dams are employed to retain inert gas backing they shall be used in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions. In addition, the dam material, location, method of inspection and removal shall be approved
by the Inspector. The Contractor shall provide the Inspector with a record of their use which shall include exact location,
date of insertion and removal.

The use of soluble dams in the form of rolled or compacted plugs inserted into pipe bores is not permitted.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.15 Weld finish reinforcement

6.15.1 The surface finish of undressed welded joints shall be regular and even and shall be free from undercutting.
All burrs, sharp edges and weld spatter shall be removed. Hammering of the completed weld is not permitted. As a
guide to the permissible height of reinforcement, for pipes of less than 25mm nominal size, this shall not generally exceed
1mm but locally may increase to 2mm. Pipes 25mm nominal size and above may have these two limiting dimensions
increased to 1.5mm and 3mm respectively. Reinforcement of joints in plate or sheet shall not generally exceed 10% of
the material thickness but locally may increase to 20% subject to the approval of the Inspector.

6.15.2 When welds are to be radiographed, the weld surface finish shall have a smooth and blended contour adequate
for NDT.

6.15.3 The adequacy of surface finish and need for dressing shall be established by reference to standard samples.
To assist in achieving consistent interpretation, the Contractor shall provide objective standard welds of each welding
process to be employed showing the minimum acceptable standard of weld finish. These samples shall be in the
dressed" and as welded" conditions and shall be subject to approval by the Inspector. Manufacture shall not proceed
until such samples have been accepted and approved by the Inspector.

6.15.4 The removal of undercut will result in underflushing of the parent material and shall therefore be kept to a
minimum. Where underflushing reduces the material thickness below that specified, it shall be subject to the written
approval of BNFL. Grinding of the parent metal is undesirable.

6.16 Penetration

6.16.1 A weld is required with a smooth penetration bead, fully fused and free from oxidation and marked irregularities.

6.16.2 Root concavity or shrinkage of the root bead whilst undesirable shall be acceptable subject to the following:-

(a) the internal surface of the weld is of smooth contour, and

(b) the depth of concavity is not greater than 10% of the parent metal thickness or 0.5mm whichever is the
smaller, and

(c) the ratio of (max) depth of concavity to a width of concavity shall not exceed 0.1 (see Figure 1), and

(d) the thickness of the weld is not less than the parent metal thickness
b max

b max

Figure 1

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.16.3 For pipes up to and including 25mm nominal size, the protrusion bead shall not generally exceed 1.0mm; local
penetration up to 1.5mm maximum is acceptable subject to the requirements at (a) to (d). Similarly,for pipes greater than
25mm nominal size, the penetration bead shall not generally exceed 1.6mm. Local penetrations up to 3mm maximum
will be acceptable subject to the following:-

(a) local penetration is smooth and blends with the general penetration, and

(b) local penetration plus blend does not exceed 25mm in length or 8% of the bore circumference whichever
is the least, and

(c) one area of local heavy penetration is allowed per 180o of circumference. 2 areas per 360o, with a
minimum separation of 90o, and

(d) the ratio of depth of penetration to maximum width of penetration shall not exceed 0.5 (see Figure 2).

y max

y max

Figure 2

6.16.4 For tube-to-tubeplate joints of the butt-fillet type, the weld shall meet the following requirements:-

(a) the weld metal thickness shall not be less than the minimum design wall thickness of the tube, and

(b) the weld shall have penetrated both the tube and the tubeplate and the penetration bead shall have a flat
or concave profile but shall not be convex, and

(c) the penetration bead fillet (see Figure 3) shall have:-

i) a minimum penetration bead weld width of 2mm for tubes up to and including 25mm NS,
with 1mm allowed over a maximum of 20% of weld length.
ii) a minimum penetration bead weld width of 3mm for tubes over 25mm NS with 2mm allowed
over a maximum of 20% of weld length.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

W q 2.0mm for pipe p 25

W q 3.0mm for pipe u 25

Figure 3

6.17 Removal of temporary fittings

Temporary fittings such as shop handling lugs, tacking strips and cleats shall all be carefully removed to prevent
damage to the parent material. If it is concluded that removal will be more detrimental to the fabrication then such fittings
may be left in place with the written permission of the Inspector.

Tack welds shall be dressed flush with the parent material, tested with liquid penetrant, and inspected for defects
as detailed in Clause 6.19. Weld repair shall be carried out to a weld procedure approved by BNFL and
non-destructively tested by the same method and to the same acceptance standards as applied to the fabrication.

6.18 Weld repair

6.18.1 The Contractor shall cut out and re-weld any portion of a weld which does not meet the acceptance standard
of this specification. The repair of defects revealed by radiography and the rectification of distortion is not permitted
without the prior approval of the Inspector. The rectification of distortion will be carried out in accordance with
Clause 5.13.

6.18.2 The cutting out of weld defects to sound metal shall only be effected by machining, grinding, or chipping
followed by grinding. The cut-out area shall be subject to liquid penetrant examination and approval by the Contractor's
Inspector prior to re-welding.

6.18.3 Care shall be taken, when re-welding, to ensure proper penetration and complete fusion of the fresh weld
deposit with the parent metal and previously deposited weld metal. The completed weld repair shall be examined using
the identical NDT technique as originally employed.

6.18.4 The maximum number of repairs to the same area of welded joint shall be three. The Inspector may, at his
discretion, require the whole weld seam to be cut-out and re-welded, or adversely affected material replaced, if the total
number of repairs on any weld seam is deemed to be excessive. BNFL to be informed of the number of repairs made,
together with their locations.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

6.19 Unacceptable surface defects of welds

6.19.1 Defects of the following types are not acceptable:-

Lack of fusion

Exposed porosity (craters or pinholes)


Incorrect profile


Excessive grinding

Incomplete root penetration

Concavity in excess of that stated in Clause 6.16.2

Surface cracks

Spatter and arc strikes

6.19.2 The above defects shall be repaired either by dressing or weld repair. Weld repairs shall either be carried out
to the original procedure or to a repair procedure approved by BNFL.

6.20 Documentation for welding

6.20.1 For combinations of NF 0081/1 with NF 0081/2 to NF 0081/4.

The Contractor shall maintain a system of welding records whereby any weld can be traced to the welder
responsible for its production as well as the batch or cast number of the weld consumable employed, together with details
of the welding procedure.

6.20.2 For combination of NF 0081/1 with NF 0081/5.

The Contractor shall maintain a system of welding records whereby any weld can be traced to the welder
responsible for its production together with details of the welding procedure.

6.20.3 These records shall be submitted to the Inspector at such stages of the work as is required. Appropriate forms
are available from the Inspector.


7.1 Inspection – General

7.1.1 Inspection and tests shall be applied as specified in the quality plan or inspection and test schedule.

7.1.2 All inspection equipment shall be provided by the Contractor. Any inspection carried out by the Inspector in no
way relieves the Contractor of his liability to provide efficient testing equipment or employ competent inspection staff,
who will inspect at all stages of manufacture and test.

7.1.3 For work carried out on or local to the Sellafield Construction Site, all inspection personnel shall be in possession
of a current nationally recognised approval acceptable to BNFL relevant to the work being carried out.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

7.2 Testing – General

7.2.1 All tests shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

7.2.2 When testing is carried out elsewhere from the Contractor's works either by the Contractor or an approved
sub-contractor, the Contractor shall arrange to have such tests carried out elsewhere to the approval of the Inspector.
The Contractor shall bear the full cost of all tests and re-tests, irrespective of where carried out.

7.3 Visual inspection

7.3.1 On completion of all weld runs and repairs, the weld and penetration bead shall be examined by the Contractor's
Inspector in accordance with BS 5289. All welds shall be free of unacceptable surface defects listed in Clause 6.19.1.

7.3.2 Internal viewing aids, eg. introscopes, fibroscopes, TV cameras etc. shall be used and will be subject to the
approval of the Inspector both in respect of quality and suitability for the proposed examination.

7.4 Ferrite checks

Ferrite checks on final weld profiles, including both sides of double sided welds, shall be carried out by the
Contractor using a commercial instrument of known calibration, unless the Contractor satisfies the Inspector that
consumable control is sufficient to waver the checks. This will normally require a bonded fabrication shop and will require
the Inspector's approval in writing.

The Contractor shall supply the Inspector with records of ferrite checks for his retention.

7.5 Liquid penetrant inspection

7.5.1 When liquid penetrant testing is stipulated either the dye or fluorescent dye type may be used as agreed by the
Inspector. It is, however, important that only one type shall be used on any particular area under test, including any
re-tests. The penetrant system shall be an approved contact material (see NF 0039/1).

7.5.2 The surface of any weld or surface to be tested shall be at ambient temperature prior to the application of the liquid
penetrant systems.

7.5.3 The method used shall be in accordance with the recommendations in BS 6443 and all the necessary facilities
and personnel shall be provided by the Contractor.

7.5.4 All liquid penetrant inspection personnel shall be in possession of a current nationally recognised approval,
acceptable to BNFL and relevant to the test being carried out.

7.5.5 All welds shall be free of unacceptable surface defects listed in Clause 6.19.1

7.5.6 On completion of post weld inspection, any remaining liquid penetrant materials shall be removed to the
satisfaction of the Contractor's Inspector, using a fluid approved by BNFL.

7.5.7 The Contractor shall supply the Inspector with a complete set of liquid penetrant flaw detection certificates for
his retention.

7.5.8 In addition, for vessel attachments as indicated on the contract documents, and with the agreement of the
Inspector, the relaxed liquid penetrant inspection standards as shown in Table 2 shall apply.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


Relaxed liquid penetrant inspection standards

Isolated indications with major

dimensions < 1.5 mm

> 4 indications in a line separated

by < 1.5 mm edge to edge, or any series of Repair
indications which may result from linear defects

< 10 indications in any 150mm length of weld Permitted

7.6 Radiography

7.6.1 All radiographic requirements of this standard shall be in accordance with NF 0150/1.

7.6.2 The Contractor shall supply the Inspector with a complete set of radiographic records for his retention. A typical
record is shown in NF 0150/1 Appendix B, Form BNF 7011 and pads of blank forms are available to the Contractor from
the Inspector.

7.6.3 All radiographic personnel shall be in possession of a current nationally recognised approval, acceptable to
BNFL and relevant to the test being carried out.

7.7 Ultrasonic testing

7.7.1 In the event of ultrasonic testing being required for components or welded joints, details will be specified in the
contract. The Contractor shall submit an ultrasonic testing procedure for approval by BNFL prior to the commencement
of work.

Plate or sheet shall be tested (where required) in accordance with the requirements of NF 0125/1 and NF 0125/2
or as specified in the contract documents.

7.7.2 All ultrasonic personnel shall be in possession of current nationally recognised approval, acceptable to BNFL and
relevant to the test being carried out.

7.7.3 The Contractor shall supply the Inspector with a complete set of ultrasonic test certificates for his retention.

7.8 Pressure and vacuum testing

Fabrications shall be tested as specified in the contract or on the drawing, in the presence of the Inspector.

The following conditions shall apply:-

(a) Stress relieving (where applicable) shall be completed before such tests.

(b) Where both pressure and vacuum tests are required the sequence of such tests shall be as specified on
the drawing.

(c) Hammering at welded seams when the fabrication is under test is prohibited.

(d) The jointings used on flanges or other attachments shall, unless otherwise specified in the contract, be
identical with those specified for operational duty. Joints which are not broken down at a later stage shall
be fitted with the final jointings.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

(e) Where plugs, caps or flanges are welded to pipe ends for pressure testing as required by the design
drawing, the Contractor shall allow sufficient material length at the terminal points where testing equipment
is to be attached to allow cutting off of the attachment, including the heat affected zone.

(f) Following testing and the removal of plugs, caps or flanges, the pipework shall be re-prepared for welding
if required on the drawing, and the pipe thoroughly cleaned to remove swarf.

(g) Vacuum leakage testing shall comply with tests as specified in the contract documents.

(h) Items of plant which cannot be subjected to large pressure differentials shall be tested in accordance with
AECP 1062 where specified.

7.9 Final inspection of completed fabrication

7.9.1 An external and (where possible) internal examination shall be carried out by the Contractor's Inspector. The
finished dimensions and cleanliness of the fabrication shall comply with the relevant drawings and specifications after
completion of all tests.

7.9.2 The Contractor shall ensure that surfaces of completed fabrications including site pipework shall be cleaned to
the contract requirements prior to delivery or handover to BNFL.

7.10 Rectification

The Contractor shall bear the cost of all rectification work through rejection at any stage of the contract by the
Inspector of any item(s) or equipment not complying with the requirements of this specification, contract documents or
drawings. All rectification work, which shall have the prior approval of the Inspector, and any subsequent tests shall be
carried out to his satisfaction and be fully documented. Concession/Production Permit forms are available from the

7.11 Manufacture and inspection records

7.11.1 Upon completion of each stage of manufacture, the Contractor's Inspector shall certify that the work has been
tested and inspected and found to conform with the relevant drawings and specifications.

The Contractor shall provide an inspection schedule or Quality Plan for this purpose which will be subject to the
approval of the Inspector prior to the commencement of manufacture.

7.11.2 Any deviations that have been made during manufacture, shall be covered by authorised concession

7.11.3 Lifetime quality records of manufacture, certification and inspection shall be compiled concurrent with
fabrication so that the quality status of the work can be readily verified. These records shall be available, immediately
on completion of the work.

The Inspector will require to countersign such certificates of inspection and testing as he has witnessed or

7.11.4 Where appropriate to the contract requirements and to this specification, the lifetime quality records shall contain
but need not be limited to the following:-

(a) List of drawing numbers and revisions and specifications as built.

(b) Material traceability record.

(c) Material certification including welding consumables.

(d) Welding procedure record (for BNFL procedures) and manufacturer's welding procedures.

(e) Bending procedure sheet.

(f) Welder qualification record.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

(g) Weld traceability record (supplied by BNFL).

(h) Non-destructive examination reports and supporting data.

(i) Radiographic films.

(j) Heat treatment records.

(k) Test records.

(l) Test certificates for all lifting equipment and proof load testing.

(m) Inspection records.

(n) Dimensional records.

(o) As built drawings.

(p) Record of weights.

(q) Concession/production permits (supplied by BNFL).

(r) Certificates of inspection including final certificate (supplied by BNFL).

(s) Quality plan.

7.11.5 All records shall be clearly identifiable to the individual parts and assembly to which they refer and shall be
concisely compiled and indexed.

Unless otherwise stated in the contract specification, three copies of the records with the exception of
radiographic films where the one original set is required, shall be supplied to BNFL.

7.11.6 The Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Inspection which shall contain the following:-

(a) Evidence that the fabrication has been manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with this
specification, the relevant drawings and applicable contract documents.

(b) Description.

(c) Drawing number.

(d) Job number and plant item number.

(e) Contract number.

(f) Contractor.

(g) Works order number.

(h) Date.

(i) Contractor's signature.

(j) Counter signature of the Inspector.

Where specified in the contract Certificate of Manufacture at Contractor's Works" forms will be supplied by BNFL
for this purpose.


8.1 Unless instructions to the contrary are given in the contract documents or relevant drawings, fabrications shall
have the following markings:-

(a) The Contract Number.

(b) The number of this specification and applicable part numbers.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

(c) Manufacturer's name.

(d) Manufacturer's serial number.

(e) Year of manufacture.

(f) Plant item number.

(g) BNFL job number.

Except where the contract documents specify hard stamping, markings shall be painted on in 25mm high black
characters (for large fabrications 75mm high characters may be used).

Alternatively halogen free adhesive labels (2 off minimum, using 20mm printed characters) may be substituted.

8.2 For pressure vessels, the following additional information is required:-

(a) Maximum allowable working pressure at maximum operating temperature.

(b) Test pressure.

(c) Design code.

(d) Construction category/group/class/division.

(e) Material reference.

8.3 Where hard marking is specified, these markings (Clauses 8.1 and 8.2) shall be legibly stamped with low stress
stamps of letters and figures at least 10mm high on some conspicuous non-pressure portion of the fabrication as agreed
with the Inspector. For fabrications constructed from plate less than 10mm thick, a separate name plate shall be used
on which the data required shall be stamped; such plates shall be of the same material as the fabrication and
permanently attached to it by an approved method. The plate shall be attached prior to the vessel being pressure and/or
vacuum tested and, if applicable, prior to stress relief. The Inspector will ascertain that the plate with the correct stamping
is attached to the correct vessel and in all cases the identification number of the Inspector shall be clearly marked on
the fabrication itself or on the nameplate as appropriate.

8.4 Branch connections shall be identified with the relevant branch number and cast and batch number on the
branch. This may be either vibro-engraved using a stencil in characters not less than 10mm high ringed with black paint
or halogen free labels in characters 20mm high.


9.1 All paints used shall be of an approved type as used by BNFL, see NF 0039/1.

9.2 The fabrication shall not be painted or coated with a preservative except where this is specially stated in the
contract, but the identification number as shown on the drawings and as specified in the contract, shall be painted in
25mm high black characters on the body of the vessel for ease of site reference, using BNFL approved materials. Where
loose items, such as cover plates, are provided they shall be similarly marked.

9.3 The following notice, where applicable, shall be painted, normally in 25mm high black characters on the surface
of the fabrication adjacent to the identification number. In the special case of large fabrications, 75mm high characters
may be used. As an alternative halogen free BNFL approved labels may be used provided the siting requirements of
Clause 8.4 shall apply.


9.4 The approximate weight of the fabrication shall be painted adjacent to the above notice in black painted
characters of similar height.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


The Contractor shall suitably pack or load all items before despatch to prevent mechanical damage or
contamination from moisture, dirt, grease, etc. damage in transit, during storage at site and at final placing. It is
necessary to minimise cyclic movement which could cause fretting and to support the fabrication with materials
approved by BNFL. Where necessary external attachments or fittings liable to damage shall be removed from the
fabrication and packed separately. Flanges, branch-connections and pipes shall be protected at all times with
polyethylene and caps or plugs to ensure that no extraneous matter can enter the pipe bore.


Items covered by this standard shall not be despatched until written release has been given by the Inspector,
using Certificate of inspection (see Appendix D).

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


Defect acceptance levels for testing of welders and procedures

(Radiography to NF 0150/1)

A.1 Non Acceptable defects

Welds will NOT be accepted where the radiograph shows defects of the following types:-

(a) Cracks

(b) Lack of penetration

(c) Lack of fusion

(d) Undercutting

(e) Piping (worm holes) and group porosity other than in A.2(d) of this Appendix.

(f) Linear defects of any type in excess of the limits stated in A.2(d) of this Appendix.

(g) Angular inclusion

(h) Surface oxidation

(i) Surface imperfection as detailed in Clause 6.19.1

(j) Root penetration in excess of the limits stated in Clause 6.16.3

(k) Pores and spherical inclusions including spherical tungsten inclusions, in excess of the limits stated in
A.2(d) of this Appendix.

(l) Root concavity in excess of the limits stated in Clause 6.16.2.

(m) Linear porosity - systematic aligned gas pores.

(n) Clustered microporosity in excess of the limits stated in A.2(c) of this Appendix.

A.2 Acceptable defects

(a) Root concavity in accordance with Clause 6.16.2.

(b) Root penetration in accordance with Clause 6.16.3.

(c) Microporosity - The loss of area* due to uniformly distributed microporosity (pores 0.2mm diameter and
below) shall not exceed 0.1%, as seen on a radiograph. Micro pores must be separated from each other
by at least four times the diameter of the largest adjacent defect.

To aid the determination of total area of microporosity the following diameters and areas are given:-

Pore diameter (mm) Pore area (mm2)

0.2 0.031

0.1 0.008

* Area is defined as the product of length and width of an envelope enclosing the effected volume of weld metal
measured on a plane substantially parallel to the welded face.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

(d) Porosity and inclusions

Thickness of parent Type and frequency Maximum dimensions

material of defect of defect

Under 2 mm Defect free None

2 mm up to and including Isolated globular inclusions 0.5 mm diameter in any portion of the weld.
2.9 mm and porosity provided that
they are not larger than the
Over 2.9 mm up to and limits stated and do not 0.8 mm diameter in any portion of the weld.
including 6 mm exceed 4 in number in any
length of 150 mm and are
separated from each other
by 4 x the diameter of the
largest adjacent defect.

Over 6 mm up to and Isolated inclusions and Globular inclusions and porosity 0.8 mm
including 12 mm porosity provided that they diameter in the half thickness of the welded
are not larger than the limits joint near to the active surface and 1.2 mm
stated and do not exceed 4 diameter in the half thickness of the welded
in number in any length of joint remote from the active surface. Linear
150 mm and are separated slag inclusions 0.8 mm width or depth not
from each other by at least 4 exceeding 3 mm in length in the mid third
x the length of the largest of the welded joint.

Over 12 mm up to and For plate welds each defect Globular inclusions and porosity 0.8 mm
including 16 mm area must be separated by a diameter in the half thickness of the welded
minimum of 150 mm. joint near to the active surface and 1.5 mm
diameter in the half thickness of the
welded joint remote from the active
surface. Linear slag inclusions 0.8 mm
width or depth not exceeding 3 mm in
length in the mid third of the welded joint.

Over 16 mm Globular inclusions and porosity 0.8 mm

diameter in the quarter thickness of the
welded joint near to the active surface and
2.0 mm diameter in the three quarter
thickness of the welded joint remote from
the active surface. Linear slag inclusions
0.8 mm width or depth not exceeding 3mm
in length in the mid third of the welded joint.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


Specified welding consumables*

Joint materials Welded consumable

MMA Submerged Consumable

Material No. 1 Material No. 2 TIG filler wire
electrode Arc wire socket ring

NF 0086/2 NF 0087/2
25/20L 25/20L
Type 25/20L Type 25/20L

18.13.1 BS2901
18.13.1 28/41510
NAG 18/10L Type 347S96
Type 18.9.1

NF 0112/1 NF 0114/1
NAG 18.10L
Type 19.9L NF 0114/2
NF 0086/1 NF 0087/1
Type 19
9L Type 19
NAG 18.10L 25/20L

25/20L BS 2926 BS 2901

Type 19
9L Type 308S92
316L OR OR
NAG 18.10L
18 10L NF 0086/1 NF 0087/1
304L Type 19.9L Type308S92 BS 5465 NF 0114/1
Type 308S92 NF 0114/2

NAG 18/10L
321 304L BS 2926 BS 2901
347 321 Type 19.9 Nb Type 347S92

BS 2926 BS 2901
316L 18.13.1
Type 19.12.3L Type 316S92

All above types

Carbon BS 2926 BS 2901
of stainless
Steels Type 23.12L Type 309S92

BS 2926 BS 2901
309 309
Type 23.12 Type 309S94

* Alternatives to the above specified consumables may be acceptable subject to the approval of BNFL.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


Approved material specifications and related design codes

C.1 NF Standards

NF 0073/1 Pipe, cold finished seamless

Nitric acid grade 18/10L pipe

NF 0073/2 Pipe, cold finished seamless

Type 304L, 0.030% max carbon

NF 0074/1 Butt welding pipe fittings cold formed seamless

Nitric acid grade 18/10L fittings

NF 0074/2 Butt welding pipe fittings, cold formed seamless

Type 304L fittings

NF 0075/1 Plate
Nitric acid grade 18/10L quality

NF 0075/2 Plate
Type 304L, 0.030% max carbon

NF 0075/3 Sheet and strip, cold rolled

Grade 304 S11, 0.030% max carbon

NF 0075/4 Plate, sheet and strip

Nitric acid grade 18/10L quality

NF 0075/5 Plate, sheet and strip

Type 25/20 low residual qualities

NF 0075/6 Plate
Type 309

NF 0075/7 Plate, sheet and strip

Type 316L

NF 0075/8 Plate
Type 309 (Special grade for autogenous welding)

NF 0076/1 Forgings
Nitric acid grade 18/10L quality

NF 0076/2 Forgings
Type 304L, 0.030% max carbon

NF 0076/3 Forgings
ESR, Nitric acid grade quality

NF 0077/1 Bar
Nitric acid grade 18/10L quality

NF 0077/2 Bar
Type 304L, 0.030% max carbon

NF 0078/1 Sections
Nitric acid grade 18/10L quality

NF 0078/2 Sections
304L grade

C.2 Authority Standards

AECP 20 Cleaning of metals

Part 5: Less common metals

AESS(E)6050 Forgings 18/8/1 and 18/13/1 quality

NF 0081/1 Issue 4

AESS(NF)10/13000 Pipe fittings 18/8/1 quality

AESS(NF)10/15000 Pipe fittings 18/13/1 quality

AESS(NF)10/22000 Bar 18/13/1 quality

AESS(NF)10/45700 Sections 18/13/1 quality

AESS(NF)10/47400 Plate and sheet 18/13/1 quality

AESS 10/56000 Pipe 18/8/1 quality

AESS 10/76000 Pipe 18/13/1 quality

C.3 British Standards

BS 970 Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes.

Part 1 : General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon
manganese, alloy and stainless steels

BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip

Part 2 : Stainless and heat resisting steel plate, sheet and strip

BS 1501 Steels for pressure purposes :

Part 3 : Corrosion and heat resisting steels: plates, sheet and strip

BS 1501-6 Steels for use in the chemical, petroleum and allied industries.

BS 1503 Steel forgings for pressure purposes.

BS 3059 Steel boiler and superheater tubes.

BS 3100 Steel castings for general engineering purposes.

BS 4870 Approval testing of welding procedures

Part 1: Fusion welding of steel

BS 4871 Approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures

Part 1: Fusion welding of steel.

NF 0081/1 Issue 4


BNFL 5059 – Certificate of inspection



Contractor Contract No.

Consignee No. and Mode of Transport

Contractor's Advice Note No. and Date

Contract Identification Quality Total

item No. No. Contract Description Approved Approved to Date

1. CERTIFIED that the supplies enumerated in the Approved column comply with FOR OFFICE USE
the specification(s), drawing(s), and/or other technical requirements in the
Contract Schedule or Order.

2. CERTIFIED that the services described above have been rendered in

accordance with the requirements in the Contract or Order.



BNFL 5059 (Rev. 6/86)

Procedure No................................
Site Construction Serial No: PSIR
Sellafield Size..................... Sched.................
EO No:

Key to Checklist (see below)

QP Cat:
Pipework Spool 1 = Dimensions (A-ACCEPT)
Inspection Record 2 = Ovality (R-REJECT) Item No:
3 = Rippling
4 = Visual (Internal and External)

Pipework spool inspection record

System No:
Contract No: Contract No: Rev Sheet of

Line & Cast Mandrel Checklist Contractor BNFL
Spool Batch Date
Machine Comments

Sheet No No No No Yes No Bent

1 2 3 4 Sig Date Sig Date

NF 0081/1 Issue 4
Distribution on Completion by BNFL
*Stainless Steel Spec NF 0081
Original Project Records
*Carbon Steel Spec NF 0088
Copy 1 Contractor
2 BNFL Site Inspection *Delete as appropriate
Form SCS 4.229 (March 1991)

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