Fractal Geometry in Water Conservation S

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Fractal Geometry in Water Conservation Structures: Step Wells and Tanks in


Article  in  Indian Journal of History of Science · September 2020

DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2020/v55i2/154675


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Samirsinh Parmar
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Fractal Geometry in Water Conservation Structures:

Step Wells and Tanks in India

Samirsinh P. Parmara,∗ , Debi Prasad Mishrab

Assistant Professor, Dharmasinh Desai University, Nadiad, Gujarat.
Director, NITTTR, Kolkata and Professor, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India.

(Received 25 May 2019; revised 31 May 2020)


The scientific and philosophical concepts have been transferred from one generation to another through
architectural forms and designs since ancient time. Fractal geometry is one such concept which was
applied in different forms of architecture, like temples, palaces, town planning and even street designing.
The geometric principles used for construction of temples, bridges, water bodies, stupās, and their design
in plan and elevation are some of architectural and technological marvels achieved in past. This paper
describes the application of fractal geometry used in the architecture of artificial water conservation
structures in India. The cultural heritage of such structures from the vedic to medieval period has been
explored. It focuses on the salient features of step wells and water tanks (kunḍa) as engineering structures
and distinguishes between them.

Key words: Fractal geometry, Kunḍa (water tanks), Self-similarity, Step well.

1 Introduction sification and methods of construction of step wells, wells

and tanks. Samarāṅgansūtradhāra describes three char-
The Chāndogyopaniṣad (7.10.1) describes the impor- acteristics of step well namely its utility, sustainability
tance of water as: “it is the water which pervades every- and beautification. In ancient India, several engineering
thing, big or small, the earth, the atmosphere, the heaven, structures for harvesting water were designed and devel-
the mountains, gods, men, animals, birds, grass, plants, oped by the sthāpatis (architects and engineers) by iden-
worms, insects, ants. All these are water indeed.” The tifying sustainable water sources. The step wells were
sages like Vishwamitra and Kashyap had contributed to recharged by providing tanks on the upstream. These wa-
the methods of construction of water structure as men- ter storage systems indicate that the sthāpatis responsible
tioned in ancient scripture (Jain-Neubauer, 1981). Vara- for the construction of step wells had the knowledge of the
hamihira’s Bṛahatsaṃhitā (550 CE) presented a mod- geology of the soil as well as the structure and techniques
est technique of obtaining potable water from contami- of construction.
nated source. Similarly, Parmāra King Bhoj’s ‘Samarāṅ-
gansūtradhāra’ (1000–1050 CE) and Shri Bhuvan Dev’s Indian mathematicians skillfully used the knowledge
Aparājitpṛchā (1175–1250 CE) provide the details of clas- of geometry and progression in other disciplines. They ob-
served that mountains, trees, ground covers, water chan-
DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2020/v55i2/154675 nels and even the living beings follow the principles of
Email: [email protected] self-similarity, iteration and repetition. They followed

these principles in their creations like temples, forts, step ates self-similar fractals which describe the existence of
wells and water tanks. any entity as a part of whole or whole of several parts. The
fractal architecture indirectly indicates human creation
as a part of god. All the Hindu temple and its associated
1.1 Fractal Geometry
architectural designs are constructed as miniature forms
The term ‘fractal’ actually originates from the Latin word of the infinite universe as enshrined in Hindu philosophy
‘fractus’ which means ‘broken’. Fractal means, the recur- and beliefs.
sive geometrical arrangements, bearing self-similarity on Hindu Philosophy describes the cosmos as holonomic
different scales. Benoit Mandelbrot came up with the character which implies the virtue of self-similarity, ho-
name ‘fractal’ in 1975 CE, using the Latin origin ‘frac- mogeneity, isotropy and symmetries of various kinds.
tus’ (fractured, or fragmented). According to the Fractal The holonomic characters are symmetric spaces arising
Foundation – “A fractal is a never ending or infinite pat- in a wide diversity of conditions in both mathematics and
tern”. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self- physics. They are significant objects of study in represen-
similar resulting due to iterations across different scales. tation theory and harmonic analysis as well as in differen-
They are created by repeating a modest process repeti- tial geometry. At any fractal stage, each part of the cosmos
tively in an ongoing feedback loop. Fractal designs are is considered to be whole in it and to comprise informa-
enormously acquainted, since nature is full of fractals, e.g. tion similar to the whole. The philosophical idea behind
trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hur- fractal is quoted in Kaṭhopaniṣad (4.10) as “Whatever is
ricanes, leaves of several trees etc. here, that is there; what is there, the same here.” The frac-
Figure 1 shows the gradual transformation of the form tals indirectly indicate the existence of everything as self-
of geometry. Figure 1a shows the stage ahead of iteration similarity from whole to the part and vice a versa. It also
2 in Figure 1c. Similarly, Figure 1b shows the transfor- indicates the permanent existence of wholeness.
mation from line to branches same as iteration 0 to itera-
tion 1 in Figure 1d. The symmetry with respect to center
3 History of step wells and water tanks
and line is a basis for further deviation in fractalization of
the geometry. Fractal geometry in architecture acts as a in India
mode of expression to reveal the beauty of the complexity.
It gives wings to the ideas of an architect and reflects the A step well is a structure associated with well having stair-
process of energy flow of the universe through structures case which facilitates access to water level in any season,
and monuments. Hindu temples are one of the best ex- as the water level fluctuates from high to low in monsoon
amples of buildings with the fractal phenomenon, which to summer season respectively. The number of stairways
were constructed in the past, long before the concept of is single in most of the wells, but sometimes a greater
Fractal geometry had evolved. The paper tries to study the number of stairs are also planned and designated with
basic procedures of fractalization, self-similarity in dimin- traditional names as per numbers of steps (Appendices
ishing scale, and repetition and superimposition of shapes 1 and 2). The kunḍas are stepped water reservoir asso-
to generate complex shapes and patterns with respect to ciated with religious pilgrimage places built for the pur-
various step wells and kunḍas found in India. pose of holy bath during festivals or for routine worship-
ping (Figure 2). The Mayamata and Mānasāra are con-
sidered to be the earliest texts which describe the char-
2 Fractal theory and Hindu cosmology acteristics of water- monuments, like kūpa, vāpi, taddga.
Aparājitpṛchā (chap. 74) classifies step wells into four
The knowledge in ancient times was preserved in the form types namely, nanda, bhadra, jaya, vijaya. Bṛhatśilpaśās-
of mythology and rituals. The Vedic philosophy focuses tra (Book 3, v. 532), and the Rājavallabha (chap. 4, v. 28)
on life and the universe existed in the form of fractals provide the same information about the four types of step
where there is no origin and no end, in other words sin- wells in very concise form (in one verse of two lines each).
gularity in mathematical form (Kiani and Amiriparyan
2016). Scaling up and down of any geometrical shape cre- Archeological survey of India discovered the oldest step


(b) Self-similarity in different directions with different

(a) 1st Iteration scale

(c) Increasing number of angles with center symmetry (d) Self-similarity in branches

Figure 1 Generation of Fractals after different iterations (Kitchley, 2014 CE, pp. 634–652).

its status or association with ruler’s family. The tradi-

tional or cultural name was given to each well depending
upon number of entry points (Appendix 1). The number
of exits for the step well increases with the diameter of the
well. From ‘nanda’ to ‘bhadra’ opposite exit adds to the
geometry, and from ‘jaya’ to ‘vijya’ one more exit adds to
the right angle. The typical design from ‘nanda’ to ‘vijaya’
follows the rules of symmetry. Bolari vav is a unique struc-
ture where upper diameter of the well is smaller than the
lower stages of well.
Figure 2 Typical step well component parts in longitudi- The kunḍas and step wells (baolis as regional name)
nal cross section. were included uniformly across India to study the fractal
concepts adopted in water conservation structures (Fig-
ure 4). The dimensional studies were carried out, typical
well documented in history at Dholavira, Kutch, Gujarat geometrical plan was prepared and common attributes of
in October 2014 CE. It is 73.40 m long, 29.30 m wide and the fractals were highlighted for each structure. It was
10.00 m deep, considered bigger than the size of Great found that geometry formation from bottom-up (lowest
Bath of Mohen-jo-daro (Figure 3). In western India the level to earth surface) generates the fractal geometry and
first step well and kunḍa were constructed as rock-cut repetition of the same fractals after uniform intervals.
structure at Dhank (550–625 CE) and stepped pond at
Bhinmal (850–950 CE).
5 Fractal architecture of step wells

4 Step wells in India The step wells can be classified in three ways as per their
geometry (i) Linear (ii) Circular and (iii) Rectangular or
Traditionally, certain types of man-made water bodies square. Based on architectural similarities they can be
(step wells) were designated as jalamandira (water tem- classified as pre-Mughal and post-Mughal. There is no
ple) or jalamahal (water palace) in Gujarat. It is observed evidence of construction of step wells after 1850 CE. The
that the step wells were not only constructed within the depth of step wells indirectly indicates the depth of water
urban or village area but even in far off places or on table at the time of its construction. The range of depth
the connecting routes between cities. The depth, access of step wells varies from 6.0 m to 30.0 m. The step well of
points and the level of architectural beauty depended on ‘Rani ki vav’, located in Patan city, North Gujarat contains


(a) Step well at Dholavira constructed before 5000 BCE (b) Schematic diagram of step well at Dholavira

Figure 3
Source: Wikimedia Commons. Dholavira1.JPG

Figure 4 Step wells and kunḍas in India.


seven storeys and the bottom of well is at 32 m from the day for corners of the geometry. It is most complex design
ground level. The depth of step wells may vary from sin- which was executed before thousand years.
gle to eight storeys where the height of single storey can
be 3.50 m to 4.80 m.
The depth and width of approach steps, number of en- 5.3 Firoz Shah Kotla, Delhi
try points (approach), diameter and depth of well bottom
Circular Baori of Feroz Shah Kotla Fort, Delhi was built
are the factors analyzed for various step wells. The archi-
in ashlar and random rubble stone masonry by Ghiyas-
tectural design depends on the depth of ground water ta-
ud-din Tughlaq in 1321 CE. The stone arches are smaller
ble and type of soil. The step wells before the Mughal pe-
at stage one compared to stage two as shown in figure 7a
riod had carvings of idols and cultural motifs. Buddhist
and 7b. The circular passage was designed to reach the
commandments had been carved as śilālekha inside the
water level at stage one and the same shape and architec-
step wells. However, no carvings were found in the step
tural form are repeated at stage two with larger diameter
wells constructed during Mughal period. But all the step
and more passage width. The self-similarity in circular
wells constructed over a period of time exhibit a similar
form is expressed as the scaling up of the diameter from
type of architectural plan and longitudinal cross sectional
water to ground level with obvious symmetry with respect
to center.

5.1 Adalaj step well, Ahmedabad

5.4 Agrasen ki Baoli, Delhi
The Adalaj step well also known as Rudabai step well is
located in the village Adalaj, north of Ahmedabad city The Agrasen ki Baoli, (Figure 8) named after Raja Agrasen
(Joshi 2017). The construction was started in 1485 CE of the Mahābhārata, is believed to have been built during
by Waghela dynasty and finished by Muslim ruler Mah- the 10th century and reconstructed in 14th century by the
mud Begda in 1499 CE. The well is made of sand stone Agrawal community which traces its origin to Maharaja
in Solanki architectural style, a blend of Islamic and Jain Agrasen. The structure does find a reference in the 12th
architecture. It is octagonal in plan having five storeys. century Sanskrit work Pasanahacariu of an Agarawal
The view in Figure 5a is from one storey below the ground poet Vibudh Shridhara who resided in Delhi during the
level, where the elevation of manḍapa creates scaled reign of the Tomar king Anangpal-III (ruled CE 1151–80).
down self-similarity. Similarly, the number of storeys is Reference to this have been found in an old map dated
so aligned in elevation that it creates fractal illusion as de- 1868 CE at the National Archives of India in New Delhi.
picted in Figure 5b. The step well in Karad, Maharastra is similar in architec-
ture and both are built in brick masonry. The steps are
5.2 Chand Baori, Abhaneri, Bandikui, Rajasthan descending at an angle of 30° approximately.

Chand Baori (Figure 6a) built in the 10th century CE is

situated in the village Abhaneri near Bandikui, Rajasthan. 5.5 Hazrat Nazimuddin Baoli, Delhi
It is also called as baoli or bavdi (Shubhangi and Shireesh
2015). It is 30.0 m. deep consisting of 3500 steps built in Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli (Figure 11a) is situated in Niza-
stone masonry. All the three sides of the well descend muddin west attached to the Hazrat Nizamuddin Dar-
to ground water level at an angle of 70° approximately. gah, built by Ghiyas-ud-din in 1321–22 CE. The Baoli
The dimensions of the steps remain same at every level, was designed perfectly in circular shape and the steps are
but staggered at every next level below and the same self- descending towards the center in a scaling down of cir-
similarity is repeated in next stage below. The top view cles in geometry. Figure 11c describes the surrounding
(Figure 6b) clearly exhibits the scaling down of the geome- structures and the cross-sectional view of the Nizamud-
try from ground surface to water level, creating an illusion din Baoli with descending steps towards the center. Circle
of scale down rectangles. The adjustment of lateral steps inside the circles is the form of self-similarity in reduced
in triangular pattern is quite difficult to arrange even to- scale of fractals.


(a) Fractal illusion in elevation inside Adalaj step well, (b) Fractal illusion of open to sky gallery in Adalaj step
Ahmedabad. well, Ahmedabad.

Figure 5

5.6 Helical step well, Champaner, Gujarat 6 Architecture of tanks (kunḍa)

The cultural heritage of the Gujarat has been woven in
a literature and specific names were given to step wells
according to size and other specifications. Helical well
is situated in Champaner, Pavagadh in Panchmahals dis- Indians have been ethnically sensible about the prized na-
trict, 40 km away from Vadodara. Figure 12a, 12b and 12c ture of water since the beginning of civilization. In the
shows the top view, plan and its mathematical represen- nadīsūkta of the Vedas, the divine status has been given
tation in the form of spiral respectively. It exhibits fractal to saptasindhus. We have respected our rivers and water
in the form of spirals. It indirectly suggests the type of bodies as the perennial source of life. No pilgrimage is
fractals that once originates from zero and then expands considered complete without a dip into one of the holy
to infinity in the form of a spiral. rivers or puṣkariṇis (ponds) or kunḍa (tanks). Temple
tanks are wells or reservoirs built as part of the temple
complex. They are termed as puṣkariṇi, kalyāṇi, kunḍa,
5.7 Chandrasekarapuram step well sarovara, tālāba, pukhuri, etc. in different languages
and regions of India. Kirti Trivedi (1993, pp. 243–257)
The step well shown in Figure 13a is located at Chan- explained the importance of fractal architecture for wa-
drasekarapuram in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. ter reservoirs during vedic period. The Sanskrit litera-
It was built in the 17th century and is source of pure drink- tures describe classification of the reservoirs depending
ing water within the fluoride affected region. It resem- on the number of entry points, corners and stages to climb
bles base shape of śivaliṅgam, a very common shape of the water surface. The ancient names of such kunḍa
śiva liṅga. Approximate depth of water level from ground (water tanks) are bhadra, subhadra, nanda and paridhi.
level is 7.50 m and maximum diameter is 18.50 m. Bhadra type of kunḍa comprises of simplest geometry,
The steps leading to water level is 1.20 m wide and each while paridhi type are complex in plan and design with
flight contains 14 numbers of steps with approximate riser increasing number of projections from the sides. In term
of 0.27 m. The location coordinates are, latitude: 15° 8ʹ of fractalization from line elements, first iteration leads to
58.49ʹʹ N and Longitude: 79° 5ʹ 33.65ʹʹ. The shape of the bhadra type, second to the subhadra and third corre-
step well is unique in nature and the self-similarity of the sponding to nanda. It was noted that second stage of ge-
shape is scaled down and extended to 8.0 m below ground ometry with inner iteration starts in paridhi type kunḍa
level, but maintains the symmetry with respect to the line. with typical geometry of repetition in fractal.


(a) Chand Baori, Abhaneri, Rajasthan.



(b) Plan and typical cross section of Chand Baori.

Source: Sketches:
Figure 6


(a) Circular Baoli in Feroz Shah Kotla Fort. (b) Typical plan of Circular Baoli.

Figure 7

6.1 Bhoga Nadeeshwara temple tank, Karnatak

Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple tank (Figure 15a) was built

by the Ganga dynasty in 9th Century in Karnataka. It re-
flects Vijayanagar architectural style, where manḍapa is
decorated with repeated shrine like pyramidal structures
of same size.
The columns of the manḍapa are repeated equidis-
tantly throughout the structure. The steps in a cluster of
five are repeated after each landing with a width of 0.90 m.
The temple tank is 76.20 m wide and 112.78 m long hav-
ing entry points from all four sides. The depth of the tank
is approximately 3.80 m. Here the geometry of the clus-
ter of steps is scaled down rectangles and unique design
is the repetition of the landings after group of five steps.
Almost all temples and monuments have water bodies
attached to them. In Rameswaram, for instance, there
are 22 water tanks inside the temple premises. The tem-
ple premises in Ujjain also contain more than 20 kunḍas.
The Thar desert of Rajasthan had 84 kunḍas associated
with an equal number of tirthas. In earlier times, there
were more than 1,000 fresh water kunḍas in Mathura. The
Figure 8 Agrasen ki Baoli, New Delhi.
water was used for multiple purposes such as irrigation,
Source: https:
// domestic consumption, drinking purposes, bathing, etc.
Due to rapid urbanization, lack of maintenance and pro-
longed negligence, 80 per cent of the kunḍas have silted
up in the last 200 years and are on the verge of destruc-


Figure 10 Typical Plan of Agrasen ki Baoli and Rawal’s


6.3 Sūrya kunḍa, Modehra, Gujarat

Figure 9 Rawal’s well, Karad, Maharashtra. Sūrya kunḍa at Modehra Sun Temple (Figure 17a) was
built during the reign of Bhimadeva-I of the Chaulukya
well-karad dynasty in 1026–27 CE (Nisar and Ashraf 2009, pp. 34–
39). The flight of steps leads to the reservoir or kunḍa
through kīrti-toraṇa (a stone gate decorated by carvings).
tion. The depth of kunḍas ranges between 3.0 to 4.5 m The kunḍa is rectangular in shape and measures 53.60
and was designed in round, square, rectangle, hexagonal m from north to south and 36.60 m from east to west.
and in some unique shapes as well. The source of water There are four terraces and recessed steps descending to
for kundas may be a catchment area of several square me- the bottom of the tank. The main entrance lies on the
ters to kilometers depending on the size. Very few of them west. There are steps to reach from one terrace to another.
have ground water as source of water. The architectural These steps are rectangular or square except the first step
design of kunḍas differs from baolis or step wells in which of each flight which is semicircular. The geometry (Fig-
hundreds of persons can reach to water simultaneously as ure 17b) of the four terraces is self-similar architecture de-
compared to step wells. signed as scaled down design with respect to descending
steps to water level in kunḍa.

6.2 Lakkundi, Karnataka 6.4 Puṣkariṇi, Hampi, Karnataka

Lakkundi (1050–1200 CE) is a place of antiquarian inter- The Puṣkarīṇis of Hampi (Figure 18a) display great archi-
est with as many as 50 temples, 101 stepped wells (called tectural beauty of the Vijayanagara style of architecture in
kalyāṇi or puṣkarīṇi) and 29 inscriptions, spread over 1565 CE. Many of these water tanks have beautiful rows
the period of the later Chalukyas, Kalachuris, Seuna and of pillars or decorative arcades surrounding them. The
Hoysalas. There are numerous ancient wells in Lakkundi, massive water tanks have large stone steps that allowed
of which the prominent ones being Chateer Bavi, Kanne people to get into the water easily (Water and Heritage
Bavi and Musukina. Chateer Bavi well is 8.50 m deep 2018). The water tanks were fed with fresh water from
with three side entry and one side entry for water from the Tungabhadra River through an extensive network of
the perennial canal. It follows the symmetry with respect stone aqueducts and canals. Some of these water chan-
to line in longitudinal direction. nels are functional even today. The top view of Puṣkariṇi


(a) Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli, Delhi. (b) Typical plan of Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli.

(c) Longitudinal Cross-sectional sketch of Hazrat Niza-

muddin Baoli, Delhi.

Figure 11


(a) Helical step well at Champaner, Gujarat. (b) Schematic diagram of Helical step well.

(c) Mathematical representation of log spiral equivalent to

helical well geometry.

Figure 12


(b) Plan view indicating different levels of decent from

(a) Chandrasekarapuram, Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh. ground level.

Figure 13

(a) Bhadra (4-corners). (b) Subhadra (12-corners).

(c) Nanda (20-corners). (d) Paridhi (20 corners + 12 corners in second stage

Figure 14


(b) Typical plan of Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple, Nandi

(a) Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple, Nandi Hills, Bangalore. Hills, Bangalore.

Figure 15

(a) Lakkundi, Karnataka. (b) Typical plan Lakkundi, Karnataka.

Figure 16


(a) Sun Temple, Modhera. (b) Typical plan of Sun Temple, Modhera.

Figure 17

of Hampi (Figure 18b) is similar to the Sūrya kunḍa (Fig- creates illusion of reduced scale rectangles to water level.
ure 18b) of Modhera, and the same architectural design The three stair ways in geometry creates the effect of
is found in more than 120 step wells and kunḍas (water branch fractals.
tanks) throughout India.
The tank built in stone is a square structure with five
steps. The steps become smaller as they go down. From 7 Analysis and Discussion
the top, the length of each side of the step is 20.70, 16.10,
12.65, 9.20 and 6.90 m respectively. Each side has a very Step wells show fractals in terms of repetition of the archi-
attractive pyramidal shaped flight of steps to get into the tectural features like alternate arrangement of the pavil-
next lower level. These steps are 9, 7, 5, 3 and 1 respec- ion, steps descending and open to sky areas. The descend-
tively on each side and thus the entire tank has one hun- ing steps more or less can be represented by golden ra-
dred steps. Each tier is 1.05 meters and the total depth tio in the Fibonacci series. The self-similarity in architec-
is 6.65 m. The base of the tank is embedded with sand ture can be categorized as (i) unintended, when the frac-
filled stone slabs to purify the water. The symmetry of tal quality has been selected for an aesthetic sense (Hindu
the pyramid shaped steps at each tier of the tank makes architecture), and (ii) intended, when the fractal compo-
the structure unique and elegant. nent is, in every instance, the result of a precise and cog-
nizant act of design (modern architecture). The complex
geometry in all tanks (kunḍas) and step wells were artis-
6.5 Lolarka kunḍa, Varanasi
tically executed by gradual iterations using fractalization,
Lolarka kunḍa, Varanasi (Figure 19a) situated at Tulsi self-similarity and repetition and superimposition. The
ghāt can be referred in Kashi khanḍa of Skandapurāṇa. rules of repetition and diminution act conjointly and al-
It was renovated in 1941CE. It is mentioned that Lolarka most ad infinitum (Figure 20). In step wells the repe-
is located at the confluence of the Ganges and Assi rivers. tition of manḍapa is observed after every flight of steps
Currently the kunḍa is about 15.0 m below the ground and mostly steps are observed below the open to sky por-
level and steep stairs from three sides descend into the tions. In most of the cases the domes known as chattarī,
rectangular water pool. The water flows into a nearby in regional language are constructed on same datum line
well from an arc shaped gate on a high wall. The archi- above ground level. The flat slab is supported by number
tectural design is symmetrical with respect to line and of columns with different stages of slabs at respective da-


(a) Puṣkaraṇis at Hampi, Karnataka. (b) Typical plan of water tank at Hampi.

Figure 18

(a) Lolarka kunḍa, Varansi. (b) Typical Plan of Lolarka kunḍa.

Figure 19


Figure 20 Iteration process for self-similarity of different geometrical shapes (Sala 2006).

Figure 21 Fibonacci iteration for step well geometry.


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Appendix 1

Table 1 Step wells with architectural details.

Sr. Name Year of City/Area No. of No. of Angle No. of Depth Hori-
No. Constr- steps Columns of Open- from zontal
uction descent ings ground length
(CE) to sky level (m)
1 Rani ki vav 1052 Patan 120 62 22.87° 4 27 64
2 Ruda bai ni 1485 Adalaj 125 270 12.5° 10 24 67.5
(Adalaj ni)
3 Dada hari ni 1499 Ahmedabad 120 180 13.2° 6 32 64
4 Bai Harir ni 1499 Asarva 80 430 13.7° 9 30 60
5 Vadaj vav 1499 Ahmedabad 60 35 13.7° 6 22 63
6 Gandharva 1499 Saraspur 35 35 10.3° 6 8 82.5
7 Aashapura 1500 Bapunagar 70 180 14° 6 20 60
mata ni vav
8 Khodiyar 1600 Bapunagar 50 60 13.09° 4 24 64.5
Mata ni vav
9 Sindhvai 1605 CTM, 35 20 15.94° 3 13 51
Mata ni vav Ahmed-
10 Helical vav 1605 Champaner > 85 0 > 32° 5 21 20
11 Amritvarshini 1723 Panchkuva 50 25 25.46° 7 14 30
12 Mata 1866 Asarva 50 110 18.4° 6 17 45
Bhavani ni


Appendix 2

Table 2 Cultural names of step wells for different diameter with their existing locations.

Sr. Diameter No. of Cultural Place of Sketch

No. of well exits name provenance

i) 0.75 m 1 Nanda Bhavani Vav,


ii) 1.5 m 2 Bhadra Dada hari ni Vav,


iii) 2.75 m 3 Jaya Adalaj Vav,


iv) 3.5 m 4 Vijaya

vi) 4.75m 1, 2 or 4 Bolari vav The step well in

which inner part
is broader than
the upper part, is
called Bolari vav.


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