Impact of Covid
Impact of Covid
Impact of Covid
Practical Research 2
Alexandria V. Castañeda
Fiona N. Manantan
Abstract: This descriptive research described and determined the extent of the
Louis College and the effect of the different associated factors on their mental
treated using frequency, ranking, and mean. A total of 43 senior high students
participated in the study. Most of the students found to have a very high
impact, thinking about the safety of their family. Moreover, fidgeting and
having trouble concentrating on studies while thinking about the virus had a
slight effect on the respondents. The result shows that COVID-19 has
The completion of this study would have not been a success and feasible
participated and offered their invaluable support and guidance in the planning
following people:
Foremost, we thank the Lord for protecting us and giving us the ability to
Second, to our family and friends for their continuous support and trust
tasks with utmost integrity, never losing track of their true goal, which is to
finish the study. Regardless of the difficulties, they willingly take accountability
always encouraging and guiding us, as well as those who are not mentioned
World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the virus as a pandemic and a
public health emergency of international concern. Most countries all over the
world are severely impacted which have seen a growing handful of cases and
transmission that spreads the virus easily, crowded places have higher
broke out in all parts of the world, several countries were required to
mental health of the people worldwide. The ongoing strict quarantine policies in
China have held a vast amount of people isolated and directly affected several
aspects of one’s life. Qui et al. (2020) stated that 35 percent of the population
that women are quite likely to experience stress and are more likely to develop
60 years of age seem to be more emotionally unstable and young people seem
The change of practices to the new normal are negatively affecting the
mental health of the people, experiencing situations such as isolation and job
loss. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a state of
well-being where a person understands his or her own capabilities, can deal
with the usual stress of the situation, can function efficiently, and can make a
mental health. Failing to balance these life activities and responsibilities may
can disrupt the health of the people (Felman, 2020). According to Chen et al.
(2020), the research that was conducted on Wuhan and other cities of China
results that COVID-19 influences the mental health of adolescents and the
different from each city. The Mental Health Foundation (2021) stated that
mental health is as important as good physical health. Whereas, it can also
change depending on the circumstances and the situation which then can
health conditions considering they are in their transitional stage and in the
teenagers have had a hard time coping in the midst of pandemic because of the
while this should be the time adolescents are supposed to learn independence.
home (Sim, Chan, & Chong, 2010). While the motives are intended for the
safety of the students, the COVID-19 itself and the adaptation of the new
normal gives an impact to the students' mental health. Shah, Mann, Singh,
Bangar, and Kulkarni (2020) states that teenagers are affected due to COVID-
19, abrupt changes in the learning environment and limited social interactions
changed their perception and has negatively affected their productive lives.
situations in their countries and localities could have an impact during their
stressful situation. Mental health conditions are said to be mostly observed in
adolescents that can affect their educational attainments and their daily lives.
problems, which is also listed as one of the countries which has the highest
students spent most of their time in schools and were able to interact with
influences the state of their mental health (Pachucki, Ozer, Barrat, and
Cattuto, 2015). Since the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) was placed
in the entire Luzon on March 12, 2020, restrictions were implemented and
school activities were suspended. Hence, this forced the people to stay at their
aiming at the mental health of adolescents resulted that among the 200
lifestyle, and a lack of support and understanding from the family and
struggle, the situation gives adolescents unremitting fear for possible outcomes
that continues to play on their minds. In the Ilocos Region, cases of depression
and suicide continue to increase from June 22, 2020. Numbers of calls
were recorded from January to October in the region and possible causes
With the ongoing situation, it is possible that the number of cases suffering
as well as a risky period for mental health problems. In the ongoing pandemic,
it is undoubtedly more challenging and can indeed affect their mental health
understanding and being aware of one's mental health can develop one’s
and could affect their physical and mental health. Home quarantine and
parental behavior also show a negative impact on the students' mental health.
each city. Consequently, this research will be conducted aiming to identify the
factors that the senior high school students of Saint Louis College experience
students' mental health, particularly the senior high school students of Saint
research is aimed to identify the different factors that affect the mental health
Theoretical Framework
and physiologist Carl Lange states that emotions being felt is the result of the
health conditions may develop with the new changes in their environment.
The Two-Factor Theory by Orval Hobart Mowrer states that in order for
experience. On the other hand, people often develop phobias from situations or
objects which they have never experienced. Fear is an emotion that causes
across their social media accounts, they may discover contents pertaining to
COVID-19, such as information about the virus, photos and videos posted by
friends who are not following physical distance which may cause them to do so
as well, and updates on recent news. Peer influence rises during adolescence
mood and emotions. Moreover, the fear of being uncertain of their future plans
and education puts them at risk. Incidents like separation from family
oneself dying from the outbreak, could have a serious impact on mental health.
This triggers fear in adolescents because the virus is affecting not only them,
but also to their family and their community. Adolescents could be vulnerable
to sudden changes in social interactions and respond differently to such
may feel lonely or not even with the people around them, depending on the
relates with the study in a way that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing issues
health protocols set forth by the authorities. Thus, affecting their daily life
activities. The situation is difficult to get used to it, affecting their relationship
with the people they are with. Adolescents can feel loneliness, depending on
namely cognitive thoughts about the self, the world, and the future which
might hold. Their cognitive thoughts affect their mental health and as a result,
The following assumptions are made regarding this study:
1. The mental health of the students deteriorated due to the new normal
and activities.
Teenagers” is only limited since there are lots of students who cannot attend
formal school. This will help the parents, teachers, the High School department
and also the students in having awareness about the effects of COVID-19 to
This is also limited in Saint Louis College, Carlatan, San Fernando City,
La Union particularly in Senior High School Students. This study will be done
mental health of teenagers. Furthermore, the data that will be gathered will be
Parents. This study will allow them to raise awareness on their child’s
mental health. This information will help them to understand and know how
they will deal with the mental health issues of their children.
Mental health professionals. This study will help them to produce and
Teachers. This study will benefit them to emphasize the mental health of
COVID-19 pandemic.
used as a guide for other researchers. It can also help them uncover critical
Definition of Terms
The following terms presented are explained relating to this study and
Mental health. This refers to the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects
known as adolescents.
methodology. It includes the research design, the sources of data, the tools for
data analysis, and the ethical considerations, which guided the researchers in
Research Design
hand, Leedy & Omrod (2001); Williams (2011), state that “Quantitative
Furthermore, this study uses descriptive research design and can use a
Descriptive research uses surveys to gather data about varying subjects. This
data aims to know the extent to which different conditions can be obtained
among these subjects. This way, the researcher can describe the qualifications
the most appropriate for this study because it aims to describe and determine
the impact of COVID-19 to the mental health among the senior high school
students through the use of data collected from the surveys conducted.
Sources of Data
This study will be conducted at the Saint Louis College, City of San
based on the study of Macri D, & Makris I. (2020) entitled, Mental Health and
2020; 3(4): 1-9. The type of questionnaire was Likert scale, wherein the
scale is a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to
express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement.” This
means that the researchers will easily measure and categorize the respondents
The questionnaires will be given to the 43 senior high students of Saint
Louis College. The researchers will coordinate with the class adviser of the said
section to make sure that all the students will answer the questions properly
researchers and make sure that the data that was gathered are true and valid.
their questionnaire to their research adviser for his valuable comments and
tabulated to determine what are the factors that are affecting their mental
determine how many in thirty senior high school students from Saint Louis
Data Categorization
The weighted mean will be interpreted through the use of Likert scale for
the extent of the impact of COVID-19 to the mental health of the senior high
school students in terms of strand, and the extent of effect of the different
Rating Scale Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations must be presented to secure both researchers’
and respondents’ safety. All aspects of the research should also be considered
concern for the matter because the gathering of data is done through a survey
which asks for controversial answers from the respondents. The considerations
otherwise. c) Integrity, by which the researchers will keep their promises and
4.56 in item number 16, wherein there is a very high impact on teenagers
thinking about the safety of their family. On the other hand, items number 1
and 6 are ranked as the lowest with a mean rating of 2.49, wherein there is a
results show that the COVID-19 has noticeably affected the teenagers’ mental
physiological needs and self-actualization as the lowest order and highest order
Maslow’s Hierarchy, and deficits across each of these core needs have
learned helplessness theory under the cognitive model, which explains that
people who have been struggling in their mental health can be attributable to
terrible events from internal, stable, and global factors (Abramson et al., 1978;
Peterson et al., 1993). It can also be understood through the theory of stress
life events theory. This theory explains that minor life events (dropping out of
school, the father losing his work, financial problems in the household, losing
friends, or a family member's illness) can also affect the mental health of
teenagers considering that these increase the risk of being affected by these
stress factors. (Sokratous et al., 2013). This implies that stressful events like
the COVID-19 pandemic greatly affects the mental health of the teenagers.
This chapter presents the findings, the conclusions derived from the
results, and the recommendations for the effects of COVID-19 on the mental
health of teenagers. This study was conducted in the second semester of the
numerical data gathered through the use of 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire.
The population of the study consists of the senior high school students from
The data gathered from the extent of the impact of COVID-19 to the
mean ratings. The data gathered were used in determining the impact of
Based from the tallied survey that has been answered by 43 students of
2. The virus that is happening around the globe, brought anxiety for
all the people because this virus can’t be seen. From the STEM
strand, most of the students feel anxious for their family’s safety.
3. Almost all of the students are adjusting on their new normal set-
the virus.
Chassin, L., Ritter, J., Trim, R.S., King, K.M. Adolescent substance use
Chen, S., Cheng, Z., Wu, J. (2020). Risk factors for adolescents’ mental health
Cherry, K. (2020) The James-Lange Theory of Emotion.
Macri, D., Makris, I. Mental Health and the Covid-19 Lockdown: International
Shah K., Mann S., Singh R., et al. (August 26, 2020) Impact of COVID-19 on
Sim K., Chan Y.H., Chong P.N. Psychosocial and coping responses within the
Singh, S., Roy, D., Sinha, K., Parveen, S., Sharma, G., & Joshi, G. (2020).
Appendix A
Letter to the Respondents
January 2021
Dear Respondents,
of Saint Louis College of San Fernando, La Union who are conducting a study
questionnaire in order for us to gather the data for our study. We assure you
that any information gathered will be kept in utmost confidentiality and will be
used for academic purposes only. Please answer the questions wholeheartedly
and honestly.
Respectfully yours,
Alexandria V. Castañeda
Fiona N. Manantan
Research Adviser
Appendix B
Survey Questionnaire
I. Direction: Please check (/) the blank that corresponds to your answer based
on the following statements.
INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
1. I am having trouble concentrating on my studies because I
kept thinking about the virus.
2. The reminders of the virus triggered physical reactions
such as sweating, trembling or pounding of the heart.
3. I get anxious about coming into contact with individuals.
4. I'm scared that basic hygiene would not be sufficient to
keep me safe (for example, hand washing).
5. I feel nervous when someone coughs or sneezes near me.
6. I fidget or become restless while thinking about the virus.
7. I feel happy when doing my new normal day-to-day
8. I learned how to adjust to the new living condition during
my stay-at-home period.
9. I get easily angry with those around me.
10. My productivity decreases whenever I hear news relating
to Coronavirus.
11. I had problems with my daily life due to emotional
12. I use mobile apps or features on existing apps for
managing stress, anxiety, or depression.
13. I am able to cope well with the current problems.
14. Lately, I spent so long thinking a lot.
15. I feel pessimistic about the future.
16. I always think about my family's safety.
17. I feel uncomfortable while walking inside the market/
18. I tend to overthink every time I answer my modules.
19. I feel anxious every time I ride public transportation.
20. I tend to overthink before I sleep at night.
21. I prefer to be alone and feel sadness.
Some questions were adopted from the study of:
Appendix C
Raw Data
Descriptive Meaning/Implication
Very High The COVID-19 has a very strong impact on the mental
Impact health of teenagers.