Ed 237

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Southern Mindanao Colleges

Pagadian City
Graduate School

Name: Carl Laura A. Climaco Subject: ED 237

Professor: Enjie K. Duhilag



Ethics and morality are used to indicate between what activities are considered good and bad.
They are both working to helps an individual to become a better person. There are six (6) reasons
why ethics and morality are important to children, such as:
1. Strong Character Building
2. Helps to Understand the Difference between what is right and wrong.
3. Helps to stay strong
4. Boost self-confidence
5. Helps children to stand up against injustice
6. Teaches children to think of others
There are also five (5) ways on how to teach children moral values
1. Be a good role model – for them to follow
2. Teach them moral values
3. Share moral stories with valuable lessons
4. Give them scenarios to help build good character
5. Check if kid’s school has Values Education subject
The above-mentioned lists are very helpful to me in applying the morality and ethics to my
students. It is also a great help in integrating them in my lessons so that my students can also
learn ethics and morality. It can be a great help for me to help my students especially in their
decision-making process.


There are 5 characteristics of moral values as mentioned by the reporter Ma’am Joceviel Amil;
1. A value becomes moral because it is recognized as reasonable and freely chosen by a
2. Moral values are eminent over other human values
3. Moral values are absolute independent of other values and preferred for their own sake
4. Moral values are universal and necessary for everyone
I have learned that we should be looking at the positive side of every situation. We should look
and reflect how beautiful, amazing and wonderful life is. As a teacher, it teaches me to become
neutral, I should be responsible on my actions as I am the role model in moral values of my


I have learned that moral values in education is very essential to us as a teacher/parent.
Since a moral education needs to be inculcated in the young minds of our students as their
minds are like a blank sheet of paper. We need to be the one who will plant in their minds the
right and good values in education. Teaching moral values to our students will really has a
positive effect on them in terms of the attitude and praises they would get if they will absorb and
act the teachings teach from the teacher.
I also have learned about the 8 moral values that children must learn, this includes:
1. Gratitude
2. Honesty
3. Sharing
4. Empathy
5. Compassion
6. Cooperation
7. Respect
8. Equality
These 8 moral values that children must learn is a great help for them because it has a positive
impact on them. In terms of the actions, attitudes they show, they will become a good and great
person to be.


The five ways of applying moral values in our everyday lives are very important for us to learn
because it teaches us on how to become a better and good person. It tells people to trust you.
Applying moral values in our everyday lives is not that easy especially if the student has an
undesirable behavior that he/she used to be. The following are the ways in applying the moral
values in everyday lives:
1. Integrity
2. Respect
3. Tolerance
4. Moral responsibility
5. Honesty


I have learned that in impacting moral and character development we must consider the
1. Personal if he/she shows honesty, responsibility, courageous and integrity
2. Social if he/she shows sociable, compassionate, trustworthy
3. We also consider the causes or what prevented the good character
4. And how can a good character be measured.
All of these are very helpful in the moral development of our students. But of course, we need to
inculcate good values to our students for them to nurture into citizens with strong character who
can make this world a better place.




In this topic, I have learned that compassion means to empathize with someone who is
suffering and for them to feel motivated so that they can feel that their suffering reduced, rather
than talking with just the feelings alone.
In Cooperation, it is the process to work together as a group. In the video lesson, it has
mentioned the 5 criteria that defined the true cooperative learning groups;
1. Positive interdependence
2. Individual accountability
3. Promotive interaction
4. Group processing
5. Development of small-group interpersonal skills
These five helps us teachers to be aware of these criteria in order for us to manage the
cooperative learning.
Lastly, in respect it means to demonstrate special attention to something or someone. It
also means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or
you don’t agree with them. Self-respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It is also a
reflection of toughness and confidence. I also have learned that respect is very essential
requirement in living in a society. So as a teacher, I really must be put effort in imparting my
students in respecting fellow human being.


In Equality, I have learned that each of the individual is given the same opportunities
regardless of the circumstances. It is also reported that there are 2 articles found in terms of
equality in education and these are the following:
1. Article 26, which talks about the right of education that every individual must get
2. Article 14, Sec. 1 of the 1987 Constitution, which also talks about the protection and
promotion of each individual to a quality education at all levels, and making steps to
make education accessible to all.
I also reflected that in terms of equality, teamwork really does the work. By allowing our
students to work together in group it helps them to promote equality inside the classroom. So as
a teacher, group work really is an effective strategy to the students.
I also have learned that regardless of the sexual orientation our students have, the
Department of Education issued a policy to give them the equal chances and opportunities to
learn and explore in school. This policy really helps individuals to end the discrimination.
In Justice, I learned the ways on how to promote the social justice in school/community.
One of this is to create a community conscience. By ensuring that students’ opinions and ideas
are heard, valued and respected by the teachers.
Learning social justice can help the young minds of our students to be prepared and
informed young adults. It can also help them to tackle the real-world problems by looking at
them from the multiple viewpoints.
In promoting courage, we need to encourage students to try new things that may seem
difficult to do. In that way, we can be a great help to the students to be courageous in trying new
things that are beyond of their comfort zone. Because of the courage, students may adapt the
difficult situation and attain personal and their academic goals.
There are several types of acceptance that I have learned, and these are the following:
1. Self-Acceptance – this talk about how an individual being satisfied with their selves. It is
where they need to control themselves and appreciates their selves as it is despite of the
deficiencies and negative past behavior.
2. Social Acceptance – talks about welcoming the differences and diversity in others. It is
very essential to the students because everybody wants to be some part of the whole.
However, there is still some negative effect if a student did not have the chance to accept
socially within the group and that may lead to a depression.
3. Conditional – it pertains to the terms that needs to be met before finalizing the whether
you accept it or not.
4. Expressed – it occurs when someone clearly agrees with something, whether it is verbally
or in written form to accept the offer you’ve made
5. Implied – it is pertaining to the offer that you don’t directly agree.
6. Beliefs
Meanwhile in generosity, there are also several ways in giving generosity to other
1) Giving alms
2) Visiting the sick/taking care of them
3) Helping do household chores
4) Doing volunteer work
5) Offering a seat to the priority persons
6) Donating to the victims of calamities
7) Assisting elderly
8) Sharing with others
Regardless of the number of ways in showing generosity to others, by just showing some of these
can improve our mental health and well-being
In responsibility, it is something that you should do because it is morally right. So you do
the things that are supposed to do and accept the results of your actions.
Perseverance talks about the act of struggling despite of odds in order to hit the target.
There are 3 concepts mentioned in perseverance
1. service of man’s success – it is the term for working individual. It is when someone
strives hard to hit his/her target goals
2. as a value – it is a degree of an important things attached to something. A person who
values perseverance will likely to succeed in life.
3. biblical demand – in the scripture, there are several verses that talks about on being
persevere. We need to refrain from looking back and we should be kept on moving forward
so that we can achieve our goals in life.

There are also 6 enemies of perseverance that we need to avoid/observe:

1. discouragement 4. Lack of motivation
2. procrastination 5. frustration
3. laziness 6. Despair
The second topic that the reporter reported is all about self-control. It the way of
controlling ourselves. We need a lot of patience in order to have a self-control especially in
dealing with our routines every day. We really need to control our emotions to achieve
greater goals.
In life, there are secrets in achieving the self-control
a. prays, meditate, be mindful – in order to have our minds at peace
b. gets enough sleep – so your mind can relax
c. creates a ritual
The last topic that she reported was all about integrity which talks about doing or working
the right thing without anyone looking. It is really a trait that most of us admire especially
if we saw that our students are working their duties in cleaning the room without you
telling them what to do and without you looking at them. But nowadays, only few
students who value the word integrity. Most of them working if you asked them to do the
specific job or if you watch them doing the work.


In this topic, I have learned that in community it composed of barangay officials and
municipal officials, while in school it composes of principal, teachers, supervisors,
students. School and community show linkages that are shared together by
understanding in order to fulfill both the common and shared goals of the school and the
community. Because schools exist in a community, the influence of children’s transition
to school and their ongoing connection with school. So, it is very important to have an
understanding in terms of meeting with demands/projects whenever there are meetings in
school. It should be approved by everyone.





In school, we should not be focusing only on teaching facts but also on how to eliminate
violence. Since non-violence is abstaining from the use of physical force to achieve an aim,
students tend to emulate what they see in the teachers. It is important to show them
positive behavior.
We should always teach them on how to handle conflict in a non-violent way which is a
good communication.
Through our daily non-violent choices and actions, the upright and courageous spirit
within each of us, expresses itself as skills, wisdom and character of a non-violent human
being. And through this, we can move the world in a peace direction.



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