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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: In the recent years, there has been immense focus on the underutilized pseudocereals due to their high nutritional
Pseudocereals value, potential health benefits, bioactive properties and also as ideal candidate for gluten free products. The ma-
Protein-isolation jor focused pseudocereals are Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Chia, Wattle and Album. The immense potential of
Amino acid score
these grains has led to the development of techniques for the isolation of important compositional components.
Protein digestibility
Being rich in the proteins, different isolation techniques have been employed such as the physical, enzymatic
and chemical methods. The high value of the pseudocereals extracted proteins in comparison to the conventional
cereals was established by essential amino acid index, biological value and nutritional index. Based on the above,
a clear perspective towards the isolation techniques was critically reviewed in this article. This review also docu-
ments amino acid composition, amino acid scores, in vitro digestibility values and protein efficiency ratio of the
isolated proteins.
Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; AAS, amino acid score; AIPE, alkaline isoelectric precipitation extraction; AOT, aerosol OT sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate;
API, album protein isolate; A/TE, essential amino acid to sum of essential amino acids in total; BCAA, branched chain amino acids; BV, biological value; CE, catechin
equivalent; CNS, central nervous system; CS, chemical score; DH, degree of hydrolysis; E/T, essential to total; EAA, essential amino acids; EAAI, essential amino acid
index; EAI, emulsifying activity index; FAO, food and agriculture organization; GI, glycemic index; IPC, isoelectric protein concentrates; IVD, in-vitro digestibility;
IVPD, in-vitro protein digestibility; LA, lysine to arginine; NPU, net protein utilization; NRC, national research council; PDCAAS, protein digestibility corrected
amino acid score; PER, protein efficiency ratio; PI, isoelectric point; PS, protein solubility; TR, retention time; TVP, texturized vegetable protein; USDA, united states
department of agriculture; UUAAIP, Ultrasound-Ultrafiltration-Assisted Alkaline Isoelectric Precipitation; WHO, world health organization.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Malik).
Received 11 September 2021; Received in revised form 1 November 2021; Accepted 8 November 2021
2772-753X/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
Fig. 1. Protein isolation from pseudocereals, their characterization and utilization for creating future foods.
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
it points out the different protein isolation techniques, amino acid com- different extraction pH (alkaline media pH scale 8 to 11) and precip-
position and protein quality evaluation of all the pseudocereals. itation pH (acidic media pH 4 to 6) combos and analyzing the isolate
properties. There are specific disadvantages of the isoelectric methods
like the loss of some useful properties and production of certain antinu-
2. Protein isolation from pseudocereals using different methods
tritional factors like phytic acid and lysinoalanine giving way to reduc-
tion of the nutrient quality of proteins (Rahma et al., 2000). A different
Extraction of proteins from grains is becoming an important subject
method used alkali wet milling to steep the grains in NaOH. The pro-
nowadays as they are used for many food formulations that require pro-
tein liquor was set apart from the starch fraction by centrifuging the
tein isolates as their main ingredient like fitness products, TVP, etc. As
filtrate. Wet curd was obtained when acid precipitate was frozen and
they are not a complete source of proteins like meat, they need to be sup-
thawed to disrupt the emulsion and water separation, followed by dry-
plemented with other grains or legumes to fulfill the lacking nutritional
ing and crushing into a powdery substance. Partial breakdown of the
characteristics. Table 2 states more precisely about the different meth-
protein concentrates was done by the use of pepsin enzyme. Incuba-
ods used for isolation of proteins, their processing conditions, their yield
tion was done through moderate shaking and pH adjustments and then
and purity. Further, in order to extract proteins from pseudo-cereals
freeze drying and degree of hydrolysis (DH) was calculated (Bejosano &
and/or to impact the color, flavor and/or texture of their finish product,
Corke, 1999). When we talk about sources of high-quality proteins, only
alkalescent conditions are used. Protein extraction yields increase by us-
certain pseudocereals fulfill the desired nutritional requirements and
ing alkali by (1) matrix breakdown in which proteins are present, and (2)
quinoa falls in the category of such pseudocereal grains. From quinoa,
increasing protein solubility. Proteins possess higher charge once they
proteins can be isolated by setting defatted quinoa flour in deionized wa-
are beyond their pI (generally 4.5 to 5.0 range), herewith their solubility
ter at alkaline pH. The suspension was stirred and centrifuged to give
in aqueous compound media will increase. Acid precipitation may also
supernatants that were acidified and centrifuged again to get pellets;
motivate certain changes subsequently. There are techno-functional and
which were again suspended in deionized water. High pH values cre-
biological process implications, typically caused by changes in struc-
ated proteins of 90–93% purity whereas lower pH values yielded pro-
ture and/or composition, together with isomerization, crosslinking and
teinaceous compounds of 82–88% purity. The results showed a bigger
degradation (Deleu et al., 2019). Physical techniques are used as they
impact of process temperature on the DH of quinoa protein compounds
are less complicated to adapt and highly economical when compared
as compared to extraction pH (Ruiz et al., 2016). The proteinaceous
with other techniques of protein isolation. General overview of protein
concentrate had considerably higher emulsifying property (EAI) than
isolation by different methods like chemical method, physical method
the hydrolyzed products in all hydrogen ion concentration values. The
or enzymatic methods have been given in Fig. 2. Physical methods are
poor foaming capability could also be because of the globular nature
more preferrable than enzymatic or chemical techniques in processing
of the proteins, that reduces the power to make interfacial membranes
of foods as they cause lesser alterations within the food. Cell disruption
round the air bubbles (Branlard and Bancel, 2007). Among the factors,
by physical processes will increase protein extraction. Some physical
temperature and NaCl concentration conferred a negative result dur-
strategies used for protein extraction are colloid milling, freeze-thaw,
ing protein extraction and this principally happens with hydrophobic
high speed mixing, blending and homogenization. Disruption of cells is
globular proteinaceous compounds (Chi et al., 2003). The ascertained
due to shear forces generated during high-speed mixing and homoge-
negative result is probably because of the decrease in solubility due to
nization. Cell walls will be broken owing to sonication and molecular
the non-polar nature of the surface of quinoa proteinaceous compounds,
bonds, due to the resulting high temperature and shock waves that cause
a development called salty precipitation and conjointly ascertained with
cavitational collapsing of the bubbles due to ultrasound energy (Fabian
proteins from soybean.
& Ju 2011).
As we go on to discuss protein extraction from pseudocereals, there
An alternative methodology that enables the extraction of proteins
are plenty of them that are nutritionally rich, yet they remain neglected
at neutral and slightly basic pH levels involves the use of enzymes. Pro-
or underutilized. Buckwheat is a nutrition dense pseudocereal which
teins are not exposed to alkalescent conditions during these techniques,
can be utilized to fulfill protein requirements in the diet. We can ex-
which usually lead to the formation of undesirable elements and loss of
tract the albumin and globulin protein fractions (containing the bulk of
nutritional attributes. Enzymes facilitate in the protein extraction in sev-
buckwheat protein isolate) from buckwheat flour by the alkali method
eral ways. 𝛼-amylase and phytase enzymes better the protein extraction
(e.g., pH 8.0–8.5). When using enzymes for protein extraction, enzyme
by breaking the protein’s interactions with starch and phytate within
specificity, degree of hydrolysis (DH) and nature of free peptides (e.g.,
the bran, that interferes with the protein extraction (Tang et al., 2002).
molecular mass and amino acid composition) are principally liable for
Greater recovery of proteins happen once enzymes are utilized in com-
the free radical scavenging properties of the hydrolysates (Tang et al.,
parison to basic extraction. However, because of their high prices, usage
2009). When the methodologies for protein isolation are employed, cer-
of enzymes remains restricted to make the method a lot more econom-
tain nutritional properties of the proteins are altered. To counter these
ical, henceforth immobilized enzymes are usually used for protein ex-
alterations in protein nutritional properties, certain modifications need
to be introduced within the wet alkaline method (Grossman et al., 1980).
A number of studies are conducted in an attempt to scale-back aller-
2.1. Chemical methods of protein isolation from pseudocereals genicity of buckwheat (Hadidi et al., 2020). Buckwheat seed fraction
when undergoing Maillard-type glycosylation and salting technique re-
The use of chemicals for isolating proteins from cereal grains is one sulted in partial reduction of its allergenicity. Treatment with heat, acid,
of the most widely used methods due to the hidden benefits it offers. alkali, and reduced carboxymethylation additionally caused positive ef-
Apart from getting proteinaceous components in pure form, the method- fects on the reduction of allergenicity. Further, the proteins from quinoa
ology also proves to be a time saving approach. The process started with seeds can be separated by various techniques. Mixtures of various chemi-
the step of suspending defatted amaranth flour in water at a particular cals can also be utilized for the purpose of protein segregation (Bejarano-
hydrogen ion concentration, stirred and centrifuged thereafter. The su- Luján et al., 2010). One such technique operated by suspending the flour
pernatant was precipitated and resuspended in water, neutralized, and in HCl and NaCl at alkaline pH, stirring and centrifuging next, followed
freeze dried. With reference to food functionality of amaranth protein by collection and filtration of the supernatants. The proteinaceous ex-
isolates, Fidantsi and Doxastakis (2001) found that their isolates could tract was used as a feed stream for ceramic membrane ultrafiltration.
be exploited for effective foaming, emulsification and stabilization ap- Limitation with this technique is the issue in maintaining the structure
plications. In another methodology, (Salcedo-Chávez et al., 2002) opti- and functionality of proteins. Results showed that each ultrafiltration
mized the isoelectric method of protein isolates from A. cruentus, using and pH scale of extracts affected amino acid composition, thermal prop-
Table 2
Different methods of isolation of protein from pseudocereals.
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
erties and therefore the spacial conformation of protein. The addition of ner to the outer fractions, as affirmed in an identical study Tang, 2007.
isoelectric precipitation step as a part of AIPE and UUAAIP raised the Therefore, polyphenols and protein concentrated components of buck-
purity by selective precipitation of proteins from alternative polymers. wheat could be conveyed through surface excoriation methodology as a
Furthermore, the ultrasound in UUAAIP method is able to bring utility. Nevertheless, highly pure protein concentrates of isoelectric pre-
about bubble cavitation facilitating the disruption of biological matri- cipitate of 75.02% and salt-based separation process of 66.49% could be
ces and resulting in the freeing of proteins. Ultrasonic-assisted alkali ex- availed by dry segregation of surface excoriation. The disadvantage of-
traction followed by ultrafiltration yields considerably higher proteina- fered by physical processes is the lack of obtaining high yields. In order
ceous content (60 g/100 g and 89 g/100 g) for quinoa than for alfalfa to improve the yield, certain physical operations could be employed to
leaves proteinaceous concentrate (70 g/100 g) (Hadidi et al., 2020). In breakdown the food matrix and release the desired components. Ultra-
the case of certain pseudocereals, extracting proteins is not that easy sound is used to fulfill such demands and could be used in conjunction
due to strong binding of different components with one another and re- with other methods. Like with the case of Ultrasound aided membrane
quires a completely different approach. One such methodology utilized separation, buckwheat seeds were ground in a disintegrator and sieved
the addition of quinoa powder to reverse micelle solution and putting in by a 60-mesh sieve in order to bring about thin flour from whole grain.
a conical bottle. The water bath oscillator was used for extraction and Buckwheat flour was dispersed in a pH-8 buffer of Trisaminomethane–
then centrifugation was done. The system was then divided into 2 layers Hydrochloric Acid and normal automated mixed or given ultrasound
and the protein content was calculated. Results showed that higher tem- treatment (frequency 15kHz, power 500W) for extraction. The super-
perature, smaller particle size and better reverse micelle concentration natant was extracted from the given sludge and leftovers by application
were helpful to the internal diffusion reaction. Throughout the extrac- of high-speed mixing. A precipitate of proteins formed at the bottom
tion method of the AOT/isooctane system, the diffusion of protein was as a result of adjusting pH to near isoelectric points and segregating
the preceding step of mass transfer (Wu et al., 2018). them by mixing. The precipitates were scattered and counterbalanced
Chemical technique was additionally economical for the extraction by sodium hydroxide after washing with saltless H2O, and spray-dried,
of proteins than the dry fractionation technique, owing to the lower or lyophilized to give isolates. Protein solubility (PS) of Buckwheat pro-
fat content and better protein content. For membrane assisted salting teins proved better when compared to other cereal proteins at low pH. At
out technique, an ultra-centrifugal mill was accustomed to grind wat- pH lower than seven, the solubility of Buckwheat proteins prepared us-
tleseed and sieve them and henceforth stir in tris–HCl buffer for ex- ing high frequency acoustic cavitation extraction was better than those
traction. Obtained suspension was centrifuged to obtain supernatant so of automated isolation or by using high frequency sound waves followed
as to fractionate it using ammonium sulphate in increasing concentra- by auxiliary fat removal operation (Tang, 2007). Literature on physical
tions. Dialysis was done on the precipitates using tris–HCl buffer doing methods for Amaranth, Chia and Buckwheat protein isolation are scarce.
three changes. The extract was freeze dried finally and held until more As quinoa is a pseudocereal with high nutritional characteristics, pro-
use. Stable secondary structures of wattleseed proteinaceous fractions cessing it requires certain measures to be in place in order to reduce nu-
were pictured from these results, even at high temperatures, particu- trient losses. Milling fractionation method fulfills the requirements when
larly at completely different pH values than those from PI (Agboola & used in conjunction with a solvent extraction system. In the method of
Aluko, 2009). milling fractionation and solvent extraction, the proteins in the bran
fraction were enriched using different techniques and further concen-
2.2. Physical methods of protein isolation from pseudocereals tration was enhanced using solvent extraction with optional purifica-
tion. Proteins were solubilized in a suspension of quinoa-bran and wa-
The physical processes are capable of producing products with ter. The pH was maintained in range of 7-12, and the suspensions were
greater ease and safety regards however, the yield of the desired prod- stirred. The soluble proteins were separated from the insoluble proteins
ucts is a bit lower. They are also time and resource consuming when through centrifugation. The purification of the isolates from the epicarp
compared with other methods of isolation, but they offer more econom- of quinoa was done at varying ranges of pH for precipitate and segrega-
ical stability to the process than other methods. When used to obtain the tion. For purification of protein, supernatants after solubilization steps
required proteinaceous mass, they are a viable substitute of wet extrica- were adjusted to a certain pH with acid. The precipitated proteins were
tion, so we obtain protein-embellished fragments possessing native char- centrifuged, resuspended in water, neutralized and freeze-dried. Results
acteristics, which is possible only through dry fractionation owing to it pointed out that pH-values greater than nine and less than five brought
being highly energy efficient (Schutyser & Van der Goot, 2011). These down thermal stability and brought up revamping of protein structure
methods of conventional dry fractionation are divided into 2 steps: seg- (Scilingo et al., 2002).
regation of starch particles from smaller protein-rich bodies by milling
during successive grouping, components isolation by turbo-segregation 2.3. Enzymatic methods of protein isolation from pseudocereals
or electrostatic segregation depending on the dissimilarities in physico-
chemical characteristics subsequently. A replacement pathway is possi- Whenever we look for ways to obtain a protein isolate of high pu-
ble through two-step dry fractionation for constituent production which rity and with selective modification of the ingredients, enzymes have
circumvents the addition of water and keeps characteristic activity of the characteristics to fulfill such requirements. As we design processes
components (Laguna et al., 2018). Obtaining protein rich mass from based on enzymatic methods, possibilities for separating proteins and
buckwheat flour through physical processes requires the flour mass to starch of amaranth flour were examined. In the selected procedure, en-
go through roller mills to get bran flour. Further, the bran flour was zymatic breakdown of polysaccharides to liquefy starch by hydrolyz-
dispersed in distilled water and processed in a colloid mill. The pH of ing it into soluble glucose and enriching the solid phase with vegetable
the dispersion was adjusted, and incubation was done after adding 𝛼- protein was carried out. The procedure consisted in liquefying starch
Amylase and shaking to make slurry followed by addition of another en- into soluble glucose by an aggregate of 3 specific enzymes and cellulase
zyme and incubation. Heating was done to deactivate enzymes and then mixed together and dosed into dry matter of flour to carry out enzyme-
cooking to obtain the enzyme hydrolysate solution. In order to get the assisted breakdown of polysaccharides. Starch chains were broken down
retentate, extract segregation was performed. Lyophilization was done by Amylases and cross-linked starch segments were destroyed by glu-
to get protein powder of buckwheat. The powder was high in polyphe- coamylases. Studies on enzyme kinetics of polysaccharide breakdown
nols. This process was able to yield 1.29–1.45 times better protein con- of amaranth flour was also carried out. When the enzymatic breakdown
centration. Moreover, polyphenol concentration was positively related was completed, the mixture was centrifuged and liquid and solid frac-
with inflated protein content. The polyphenol concentration was bet- tions were separated and dehydrated to estimate the protein content
tered with the protein component and slowly went up in order from in- (Mokrejs et al., 2011). Reviews on the protein isolation using enzymes
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
Table 3
Comparison of Amino-acid profile of Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Chia, Wattleseed and Album.
Amino acid (mg per 100 Amaranth Buckwheat Quinoa Chia Wattle-seed Album
g of dry weight basis)
for Buckwheat, Chia, Quinoa, album and Wattleseed could not be pos- ing amaranth because of its surprisingly relatable content of important
sible in this review work owing to the scarcity of findings for the same. amino acids (Písaříková et al., 2005). Amaranth flour with bran included
As explained by Hamada (1999), there are 2 qualities of protein break- from A. hypochondriacus has better lysine content (5.95 in comparison
ing enzymes: outer and inner, which could be availed for experiments. of 2.90 g/16 g N), also an excess of certain vital AAs (Dodok et al.,
Enzymes which break outer structures generally divide any one end of 1997) in comparison with wheat flour. To check the quality of proteins
the amino acid chain by one unit of amino acid, whereas inner pro- and perform the quantification of AAs in amaranth, a number of tests
tein breaking enzymes break bonds in the intramural region of the pro- need to be performed. Since we are concerned with qualitative anal-
tein chain. Flavorzyme, a combination of inner and outer bond break- ysis, the selection of test methods should be as such that they do not
ing enzymes, yielded 87.6% of proteins while 81.4% of retrieval was affect the of AAs under consideration in any way. The amaranth pro-
possible with alcalase, an inner side bond breaking enzyme when ap- tein concentrate, segregated at 11 pH and precipitated at 4.5 pH, was
plied for isolation using H2O with eight pH and temperature of 50°C having good quantity of the amino acids which are limited in other ce-
(Hamada, 1999). When using biomolecules, high amounts of proteins reals and legumes, whilst leucine was present in the flour with threo-
can be recovered in contrast to segregation by alkalis. Yet, cost is the nine, and valine, with 78, 87, and 90, respectively, as their chemical
main limiting factor. Application of immobilization techniques could scores (FAO Expert Consultation 2011). Good amounts of lysine could
enhance recovery and result in dropping of usage fare as biomolecules be found in the flour and the protein enriched fraction, and as a result
can be recycled and reused. of this, these materials can be an important accessory for cereal flour.
Inadequate amounts of leucine had been found in the whole-meals and
3. Amino acid composition of different pseudocereals lysine was barely deficient. Moreover, leucine quantity was also low, a
meagre 0.54g/100g for amaranth but still higher than most of the ce-
AA composition analysis is a classical protein analysis technique, real grains. Lysine constituted 5% of the amino acids (and up to 6.9%)
finding a huge number of usages in medical and food science research and sulfur amino acids constituting 4.4%, as from the composition. All
and is indispensable for protein profiling. This is a complex methodol- grains contain those amino acids in them but mostly as restricting ones.
ogy involving two steps, hydrolysis of the substrate and application of Owing to them containing high concentration of lysine and other essen-
chromatographic techniques for segregation and discovery of the left- tial amino acids, amaranth was rated above others pseudocereals grains
overs (Fountoulakis & Lahm, 1998). The AA profile of almost all dietary for its nutritional capacity (Coelho et al., 2018) (Písaříková et al., 2005).
proteins encompasses important roles in day-to-day chores of humans
and affects by keeping homeostasis in any possible way. AAs are impor- 3.2. Amino acid composition of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
tant for making an array of proteins with significant roles like carrying
oxygen, vitamins, carbon dioxide, biocatalysts and structural proteins Buckwheat is a source of high-quality proteins which possess func-
(Chalamaiah et al., 2012). Table 3 shows a Comparison of AA profile of tional properties. Besides this, a good amount of lysine (avg-6.1%) is the
Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Chia, Wattleseed and Album. main characteristic of buckwheat proteins which is higher and beats all
other cereal grains. Meagre amounts of Glutamic acid and proline are
3.1. Amino acid composition of Amaranth (Amaranthum) found in buckwheat proteins, but they are rich in arginine and aspar-
tic acid. In order to predict the restricting AAs or rough estimate of AA
Amaranth proteins are laced with important amino acids depending stability of meals, diverse scoring techniques have been recommended
upon plant species and cultivar. Amino acid profile of amaranth does as initial screening steps. Different predictions regarding dietary ben-
not compare well with cereals as to legumes, with sulfur AAs being the efit of the proteins (NRC-1963; FAO/WHO’ Expert Group 1965) have
exception as they are available in large quantities in amaranth as com- been given by these procedures. Egg-protein was used as a reference for
pared to legumes. Amaranth protein essential amino acid index (90.4%) evaluating dietary values of the buckwheat proteins (avg score of spec-
is in line with proteins of egg and decreases to 85.4% after thermal rem- imens referred). Aspartic acid, lysine, and arginine are found in higher
edy at 170-190°C for 30s. Muscle & bone meal may be replaced by us- amounts in buckwheat than they are in cereals, and glutamic acid and
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
proline are absent. The high nutrition value of buckwheat comes from is present in quinoa than in wheat. A treatment with high temperature
its high content of lysine, which is the first limiting amino acid for many for extraction of saponin was developed to look at its impact on pro-
cereal protein sources and as a result, buckwheat is a healthier, higher tein character, however no changes inside the amino acid content were
quality alternative to other cereals. In order of decreasing lysine con- present in 4 kinds of quinoa specimens after processing with H2 O at 50,
tent, albumin was followed by glutelin, then globulin, then prolamin. 70 and 87°C (Ruales and Nair, 1992).
Besides lysine, threonine exhibits a similar tendency. A decrease in thre-
onine content from prolamin > glutelin > albumin > globulin has been 3.4. Amino acid composition of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.)
demonstrated for the proteins from common Buckwheat varieties (F. es-
culentum) and Tartary Buckwheat varieties (F. tataricum) (Sytar et al., Chia seeds are a very powerful nutrient source as they are packed
2016). Successful balance and higher nutritional capacity of buckwheat with all required nutrients in ample quantities. They are often called
compared with other grains had been indicated by means of chemical high-quality protein sources as they have all crucial AAs inside their
amino acid assays when they had to be blended with meals which had grains. Amino acid composition of the isolated globulin fraction con-
been low in lysine. The effects were compatible with feeding tests of tains excessive amounts of sulfur and aromatic AAs and also threonine
Sure (1955) (Pomeranz & Robbins, 1972). and histidine. Most parts of chia proteins showcase enhanced amounts of
glutamic acid and aspartic acids, characteristic of seeds containing large
3.3. Amino acid composition of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild) amounts of globulins. Low degrees of lysine were assessed in both spec-
imens. When AAs containing Sulphur are present in abundance, they
When we talk about pseudocereals, Quinoa emerges as a source will be deeply engaged in keeping the third order and fourth order ar-
of high-quality proteins among them all. It also contains almost all- rangement of the proteins; also, capability of glutamic acid to revive
important amino acids making it a complete source of protein. In ad- the CNS (system of nerves) and functions of immunization in people has
dition, Quinoa contains unrefined protein in the range of 17.4g-18.9g been of prime importance for the food industry. The capability of foods
out of 100g Dry Matter. Similar results of quinoa have been formerly high in aspartic acid for functioning of the hormonal flows for properly
disclosed by Wright et al. (2002) and Comai et al. (2007). Another ex- maintaining CNS has been studied. In trend, the protein-quality of chia
periment by (Abderrahim et al., 2012) showed that a lower amount was has been showcased to be of better quality than other grains and seeds
observed for quinoa. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used for producing oils. The dietary value of proteins of chia seeds has been ex-
comparing disparity between amino acids. The AAs recognized in the hibited to be superior to most of the cereal grains and oil producing
quinoa samples like proline with alanine, isoleucine with valine, tyro- crops (Nitrayová et al., 2014) as shown in Table 3.
sine with phenylalanine showed on par correlation coefficients (with
coefficients in excess of 0.9) and their maxima and minima values and
their standard deviation were used for representing the contents of AAs 3.5. Amino acid composition of Wattleseeds (Acacia auriculiformis)
of specimen quinoa for tapering as per the standard chemical protocols.
Amino acids were found in all the samples studied. Variabilities were Wattleseeds are pseudocereals with relatively high protein content
observed in the AA composition of the quinoa, with glutamic acid and when compared with other cereal grains. But many of the AAs are
threonine as having utmost presence, with mean values of 8.79g/100g present in meagre amounts or absent and as a result, it is a poor source
protein and 6.47g/100g protein, respectively. Aspartic acid, glycine and of quality proteins. AA characterization for Wattleseed flour has been
arginine were next in line, with average values of 3g/100g protein mat- put up for the first time and is discussed thereafter. Large amounts of
ter. The concentrations of different AAs were much less than 2.5g/100g AAs characterized from the protein fractions were mainly Glutamate,
protein. Using variable genotypes of quinoa over the years prompted this aspartate and lysine at 14.4%, 11.1% and 9.13% respectively, whilst
variability, for marking and confirmation; as they are critical for devel- the sulfur AAs namely cysteine (0.67%) and methionine (0.99%), as
oping standardization formulas that could be helpful for further estima- well as tryptophan (0.75%) were present in meagre amounts. The rel-
tions (González-Martín et al., 2006). Similar degrees of values of the AAs atively greater quantity of amide (Glu–glutamine, Asp–asparagine, Arg
had been put up for the glutamic acid, methionine, histidine and tryp- - arginine) is much like 7S globular proteins present and most prob-
tophan. Higher contents of threonine and glycine had been pronounced ably arising due to storage related functions in the plant (Agboola &
in a lot of assignments (Stikic et al., 2012); whilst lowering in content Aluko, 2009).
material was witnessed for the remaining AAs. Cereals are the most con-
sumed food materials in the world and are a staple diet in almost all 3.6. Amino acid composition of Album (Chenopodium album)
corners of the world and fulfill protein requirements of many people
who are dependent on them for protein needs as they are cheap sources The grains of album are a good source of proteins and other dietary
of proteins. Also, quinoa consists of important AAs in larger quantities components. They also supply the diet with certain good quality amino
compared to different starchy grains, specifically lysine fraction which is acids which are lacking in most of the grains of our staple diet. Table-3
captivating for being a crucial promoter of growth (Pérez-Álvarez et al., shows the AA profile of Chenopodium Album protein isolates. It was
2014). Since cereals are often incomplete sources of proteins, they fail witnessed that Chenopodium Album proves to be great source of EAAs,
to provide us with required crucial AAs and so is the case of quinoa. while low amounts of Sulphur AAs are present in both types. As albu-
The two aromatic AAs had been the restricting AAs for quinoa which mins are hydrophilic and densely contain Sulphur AAs, they get leached
had 86 as its chemical rating (score) for uncooked and 85 for washed out partially upon washing of flour with H2 O before extraction with al-
one. Threonine was the 2nd restricting AA and lysine closely followed it kalis. Acidic properties of the API are due to the presence of aspartic acid
up next. Quinoa protein has a score like that from soybeans. Amino acid and glutamic acid AAs. AAs such as proline and arginine act as precur-
scores acquired in the present research (besides tryptophan) contain val- sors for aspartate and most of the other biocatalysts while glutamic acid
ues downward to those mentioned by Gross et al. (1989), Comparable acts as a substrate. The increase in the aspartic acid can be explained
outcomes of amino acid analysis had been reported by Mahoney et al., by a reduction in the proline content. AAs proposed to build muscle
(1975) which were lesser than the ones acquired in this research. Sa- tissue are isoleucine, leucine and valine and they belong to the group
jama type contained much less methionine than determined in other of Essential BCAAs. With regard to album protein isolates, the study
varieties while less lysine was reported in the Blanca variety. Methion- shows a higher value of leucine and valine in comparison to isoleucine.
ine and tryptophan were the primary restricting important AAs in most Basal nitrogen surplus is maintained by amino acids like threonine as it
samples. Tryptophan and lysine have been present three times more in helps in reducing nitrogen removal out of the system (Mir et al., 2019;
quinoa protein than that of complete wheat. Also, greater methionine Sibian et al., 2017).
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
Table 4
Amino acid scores of different pseudocereals with reference to FAO standards.
Table 5
In-Vitro Protein Digestibility and PER values of pseudocereals.
Amaranth 76.03 1.52 – 2.57 Hejazi et al., 2016, Bankole et al., 2019.
Buckwheat 73.56 2.55 Deng et al., 2015, Nosworthy et al., 2017.
Quinoa 81.46 <2.0 Martinez et al., 2020.
Chia 49.4 1.82 da-Silva et al., 2016, Olivos-Lugo et al., 2010.
Album NA∗ PER1: 2.23PER2: 2.21PER3: 1.67 Mir et al., 2019.
4. Protein quality evaluation of pseudocereal proteins scores were then calculated for wholewheat as 0.4, wheat protein as 14 ,
oat as 12 , dietary meal of peanut as 0.52 and canned lentil proteins as
Protein-quality aims to estimate the extent of dietary protein sources 0.52 (Bejosano & Corke, 1998).
and diets to fulfill the proteins and vital amino-nitrogen demands, i.e., The EAAI of amaranth proteins came out as 45.5 which was good tak-
to meet the metabolic needs for AAs and nitrogen. Protein demands ing in account the provision of important AAs but the amount is lowest
at present are dictated in terms of intakes desired to fulfill metabolic of all the pseudocereals (Motta et al., 2019). Raw amaranth whole meal
demands for maintenance as displayed by nitrogen balance in corre- flour confirmed average protein digestibility of 74%. Similar values for
sponding age bracket plus those involved with the protein requirements A. cruentus L (73.85%) and A. hypochondriacus L (71.93%) in terms of
for general growth of toddlers and children, pregnant and milk produc- protein digestibility were reported by Muyonga et al. (2014). A. cruen-
ing women. In diets related to protein-quality evaluation, dietary AAs tus L raw had better digestibility (73.85%) than A. hypochondriacus L
should be counted as a single nutrient and possible data for digestible among all the variations and treatments in the study. Protein digestibil-
or biologically available AAs should be mentioned in tables on sepa- ity changed significantly after heating. Digestibility values reduced sig-
rate AA basis for women. Thus, the real quantification of protein-quality nificantly after heating for all the varieties but such differences between
for humans is to assess directly the efficacy of various protein sources genotypes for digestibility of proteins were fairly small, but significant.
to support normal growth and, or different functions relying on proper This could be attributed to dry heat processing, as a result of which
protein nutrition in areas representing the population under study. How- amino acid degradation, formation of disulfide bonds within the molecu-
ever, not holding out this definition with the ideal situation, the eval- lar structure and Maillard reactions might occur (Muyonga et al., 2014).
uation of protein quality in large human groups over the past decades Even though in-vitro checks are faster and convenient approaches, they
has assurance on indirect methods involving in-vitro assays, and ani- were not proper for observation of protein breakdown. Outcomes from
mal/human metabolic reporting which could be utilized on a regular the two strategies were compared by Mitchell and Grundel (1986) and
basis and to ensure safety in order to guess human protein and AA us- discovered that in-vitro check tends to underestimate protein digestibil-
ages. To confirm the aptness and broad-spectrum usability, the daily ity. Small changes inside the enzyme protein arrangement in response
procedures necessarily require to contain routine methods for check- to relative humidity associated damages brings about the change owing
ing all of the general variables which together estimate the quality of to its ultra-sensitivity. Lowering down of dye-associated lysine and en-
a protein: pure and parallel quantities of essential Amino Acids (EAA), hancement of enzyme-based colour changes were discovered that had
digestibility of proteins, and the biological availability of Amino Acids zero impact on IVPD. Genuine digestibility of Amaranthus proteins was
(Consultation, 2011). With regards to this, Tables 4 and 5 show the dif- more according to data. Amaranth protein has an in-vitro digestibility
ferent Amino acid scores, EAAI, IVPD and PER values of pseudocereals. of 75.40%, which indeed is a significantly good value among different
proteins of the identical values. It showed that the nutritional value and
4.1. Protein quality of Amaranth (Amaranthum)
digestibility might be enhanced by means of inferior value malting and
grain germination pre-processing as proven by Hejazi et al. (2016). Fur-
Amaranth grains are the most valuable for having a great deal of AAs
ther, the higher protein digestibility (84%) was determined after grow-
in them. For this reason, the grains of amaranth can be supplemented
ing grains at 28°C through 2 days. Reduction in values of phytate and ox-
with other cereal grains so as to produce a more balanced diet which
alate was observed throughout the study, and tannin content increased.
supplies all the important AAs. To evaluate the quality of protein inside
Lemos et al. (2012) investigated IVD of amaranth starch and revealed
the grains of amaranth seeds, a number of qualitative and quantitative
about excessive GI (glycemic index) of foods derived from amaranth.
tests are carried out and evaluation of AAs characteristics was done and
Protein digestibility of the amaranth specimens were examined after
various attributes noted down. Leucine was having the least AA score
pancreatin digestion as per starting and end value, the results were pre-
(0.86) in the entire meal of amaranth whilst in protein concentrates,
sented numerically. Raw amaranth samples were associated with IVPD
lysine was having a score of 0.88. Protein digestibility in terms of PD-
of about 76%. Following germination, the IVPD results went up as much
CAAS could then be 0.86∗ 0.74 = sixty-four for whole meals, and it would
as around 84% showcasing an approximate 8% jump in the protein di-
be 0.88∗ 0.81 (protein digestibility) =0.71 for protein concentrates. The
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
gestibility. The value changed in relation with the time of germination table lysine availability for babies (=5.2g/16 g N) that is stated by the
as indicated by the changes in IVPD values. Additionally, the number Food and Agriculture organization. The BV data within the specimens of
(76%) shows a superior digestibility value because the sample in consid- buckwheat grain were matching even for the foremost rich variety with
eration is in uncooked form and the value will clearly go up after cook- high-lysine content of the cereal grains, but the large portion of unfil-
ing or processing step. Anti-nutrient elements reduced after germination tered crude fiber could create less dense environment for energy, and
like phytates and oxalates but growth in the level of coloured compo- therefore, comparatively phenol-enriched product would be produced
nents (tannin) was witnessed. Kanensi et al. (2011) studied the impact which could cause low protein digestibility. The nutrient protein qual-
of seed growth on tannins and found its initial value (8% CE) reduced ity of processed and raw pseudocereals was determined. AAS and EAAI
to untraceable values after 3 days of growth in amaranth seed, unlike were determined as indicators for the protein quality. Essential amino
the current study. Anti-nutritional components plus IVPD ranges show- acid and aromatic amino acids (AAA-essential amino-acid and tyrosine)
cased comparable (tannin) and opposite (phytate/oxalate) relations in- bestowed the very high values of AAS considering all pseudo-cereals
dicating possible correlations among those quantities. Since amaranth evaluated. The limiting amino acid was the lysine in raw buckwheat
flours contain the most digested protein (∼53.0%), there is a possibility and bestowed with 0.96% value which may be thought as non-limiting.
that some of their proteins have been hydrolysed (∼2.5%). The exten- As stated by Klose et al. (2009), decrease or increase of amino acids be-
sive digestion phase of raw and heat-treated amaranth grains, and the cause of totally different metabolic activity of protein compounds will
milling process, likely contributed to the high protein digestibility. The be discovered in all fractions of the protein. In many of the cereal grains,
process of heating amaranth grains appears to improve the digestibil- lysine is taken into account as the limiting amino acid. Studies on nutri-
ity of the nutrients contained in them, as it occurs with many other tional protein quality within the literature does not seem to incorporate
plant-based foods. There are however, different effects of various heat processed pseudo-cereals. In raw buckwheat, the limiting amino acid is
treatments on the structure and composition of macronutrients and mi- lysine and provides a value of 0.96. High values of AAS shows that the
cronutrients. The unfolding or denaturation of proteins, hydrolysis, or grain is extremely nutritious, and lysine is thought as non-limiting. Re-
formation of aggregates and complexes caused by processing can al- garding EAAI index, raw buckwheat samples provide values of the order
ter their properties and digestibility (Capuano et al., 2018). Another of 52.1 that could be a sensible amount considering the protein is from
factor responsible for increasing protein digestibility was demonstrated plant supply, Motta et al. (2019). The IVPD values of buckwheat flour
to be the degradation of antinutrients, especially phytates and oxalate. proteinaceous compound comes to be 78.32% and also the digestibility
Also, grinding (milling) plays a significant role in particle size reduc- is considerably on top of other grains. Improvement in IVPD values is
tion, which was the determining factor in this part of the study, since attributed to the denaturation of the proteinaceous compounds, destruc-
the flours had higher digestibility than the whole grains or the puffed tion of the trypsin inhibitor, and reduction of phenols and phytic acid
amaranth (Grundy et al., 2020). The predicted-PER and predicted-BV content as they are very closely associated with the process extraction.
was between 1.52-2.57 and 14.78-77.56 respectively. Lysine became The protein quality is determined by amino acid composition and di-
readily available in the seed flour and hydrolysed samples, as it is a re- gestibility. This is often called the protein efficiency ratio. PER depends
stricting essential AA in cereals. The primary and secondary restricting upon growth, that is the quantity of weight gained on the premise of pro-
AA in seed flour of amaranth are isoleucine along with Sulphur contain- tein consumption over a time period of a month. An estimated value of
ing AAs. After taking in consideration the FAO/WHO (2007) standards, 2.89 was taken as the PER value for untreated buckwheat. The untreated
protein isolates are limited in Sulphur amino acids while the protein hy- PER goes through adjustments related to the casein so as to standardize
drolysates samples contain all in excess. Further, the 1st and 2nd restrict- PER determination across different laboratories. These findings indicate
ing AAs in flour of amaranth seed are the Sulphur AAs and isoleucine. that untreated buckwheat is pretty much as good as extruded buckwheat
Only Sulphur AAs groups are limited in protein isolate and the sample in terms of nutrient potential (Nosworthy et al., 2017).
hydrolysed with porcine pancreatin pepsin is limited only in valine and
other hydrolysed samples with 3 enzymes available in excess. Plenty of 4.3. Protein quality of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild)
critical AAs are needed for the growth of youngsters and others could
be supplied through seed flours, protein isolate and hydrolysates. It can Owing to its usability by the people having celiac disease, the rea-
also be used in cereal based complementary diets as a protein supple- son being that it does not contain gluten, quinoa stands out among the
ment (Bankole et al., 2019). cereal grains as one of the best sources of complete protein contain-
ing all of the nine crucial AAs. Quinoa is one of the best suppliers of
4.2. Protein quality of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) AA lysine. Klose et al. (2009), observed reduction or upgradation in
AAs might be witnessed for all protein fragments due to varying rates
The dietary value of buckwheat is higher than many grains as it con- of their metabolism. Lysine is considered as the limiting amino acid of
tains most of the accessory nutrients. The proteins of buckwheat seeds many cereal grains. Lorusso et al. (2017) recognized AA lysine as re-
are one of the best sources of high-quality protein owing to the exis- stricting in products of quinoa. Alas, the scientific works did not seem
tence of many of the essential AAs inside them. Many essential AAs to encompass findings on protein quality in the observed pseudocereal
are abundant in buckwheat than in wheat grain like Lys & Thr along products. A more precise estimate of protein quality was provided by
with Sulphur AAs as the examples. The true digestibility of proteina- the simultaneous consideration of urinary protein losses (as nitrogenous
ceous compounds found in buckwheat were very little for having read- end products) and discovered that urinary nitrogen losses were lower
ings less than 88%. The net protein utilization values (NPU) higher than in rats fed with Quinoa than in rats which were fed with casein. How-
70% resulted in abundant BV of the seeds of buckwheat when put next ever, rats fed with quinoa showed slightly lower overall nitrogen balance
to grains of wheat because the NPU of wheat was solely 53%. As all than in those which were fed with casein. After observing AA make-up
the 3 samples had just about identical proteinaceous content, the utiliz- and findings on animals altogether, it may be concluded that the qual-
able proteinaceous compound (NPU multiplied by percent protein per ity of proteins of quinoa matched up with casein. Mixing the grains of
100g) was more for the seeds of buckwheat. There is less lysine content quinoa with other cereals efficiently increases the protein quality of the
in the normal cereal grains. Therefore, abundant effort has been placed resultant product in this manner. But protein level in cereal-based di-
by big agencies across different borders, plant-biologists, biochemists ets can be raised in limited amounts as the level of protein in quinoa
and many more professionals for the job of increasing lysine content is only a bit upward of other cereals. The apparent retention factor in
in proteins from starchy grains. Majority of the essential amino acids, % was estimated on a dry basis (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Na-
as well as lysine at 5.0 and 5.2g/16g N, are available in high amounts tional Agricultural Statistics Service 2007). The values were in between
in buckwheat. Within the 2 samples; these numbers are close to no- 94.9-95.4% for all AAs with cysteine having the lowest share, despite
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
the fact that higher levels were stated in the current work (56-73%). or quinoa flour combined with other grains to improve protein quality
The extent of degradation might be credited to the variety or cultivar (Martinez et al., 2020).
because of dissimilarities among the grains and also to the changes in
processing parameters utilized for the research. A big positive change in 4.4. Protein quality of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.)
%TR of almost all AAs was witnessed, excluding cysteine in amaranth
and glutamic acid in quinoa. Chemical score of uncooked quinoas was Chia seeds are one of the best sources of proteins among the cereal
assessed after enzymatic hydrolysis and the values came out as 72. A grains consisting of protein in the range of about 20-25%. They are also
drop in pH value (in proteins) prior to hydrolysis using blend of diges- considered high quality cereals when we talk about characteristics of the
tive enzymes was used to measure in-vitro protein digestibility (%D) proteins in them in terms of AAs composition and availability for people
and values came out as 82%, 78% and 91% for hydrated sample, un- of all age groups. Chia seed flour fulfills the AA needs of babies as 100%
cooked and casein respectively. In terms of protein digestibility, black fulfilling in regard to sulfur AAs, while the rest of the vital AAs are in the
quinoa protein isolate had a value of 95.71%, and yellow quinoa protein range of 52-76%. The important AAs of flour varied between 66-126%
isolate had a value of 95.80%. Elsohaimy et al. (2015) reported 78.37% which was much better regarding coverage for adults. Wider ranges of
for the same material, but these values were higher than values reported coverage of requirements were exhibited by the globulin fraction than
for other grains such as wheat and rice. For raw and washed quinoa, in the flour obtained from the grains; twenty-seven to two hundred ten per-
vitro digestibility rates were 77.7% and 83.3%, respectively, while an cent in case of babies and thirty-four to two hundred eighty eight percent
extruded product extruded at 120-150°C provided a protein digestibil- in case of adults due to cereals being poor in lysine and degradation of
ity value of 86.1%. Different heat-treatments and pH levels were used some of it during the separation. The share of important AAs reported
to analyze the in-vitro digestibility of quinoa protein isolates. Protein is near to 50% (46.5%), that is lot better regarding the values suggested
aggregation/protein crosslinking could be the cause of the decrease in for soybeans (41.0%), also values for safflower (38.1%); an essential fac-
digestibility with increasing extraction pH. The saponins in quinoa seeds tor to keep in mind regarding chia protein quality (Sandoval-Oliveros &
have the potential to negatively affect their digestion. Among the raw Paredes-López, 2013). The important AA composition in seed proteins
and washed quinoa tested, they found digestibility rates of 83.3% for of chia lies in between 41.8-42.8%. High amounts of glutamic acid, as-
the washed quinoa, which had saponins removed and 77.7% for the raw partic acid and arginine as well as valine and leucine are present in the
one. Comparing the results with those from the black and yellow quinoa proteins of chia seed. Comparable results were produced by the IVPD
protein isolate samples, the results were lower. Thus, leftover saponins of deoiled chia flour as were formerly suggested; these numeric data
were not detrimental to the protein digestibility of the isolates (Sánchez- of around 77.5%, comparing with values for Phaseolus vulgaris (77.5 %)
Reséndiz et al., 2019). Appeal, endurance and digestibility of certain but better in comparison to grains such as corn, rice, sorghum and wheat
foods containing quinoa-wheat food systems with sufficient reserves of (66.6% and below). Globular proteins at 82.5% indicates slightly bet-
energy and proteins for the babies had been studied by López de Ro- ter IVPD than deoiled flour at 78.9%, but a bit downward to values of
maña et al. (1978). Low nitrogen and fat absorption were shown by casein at 88.6% which was utilized as reference. Anti-nutritive factors
kids supplied with oat and quinoa made foods. Evidence points towards for chia have not been reported, excluding chances of detecting pro-
restriction on growth of rats resulting from saponins of Chenopodiaceae tease hindrance that could slow down the IVPD. Nutritional quality of
family. The data received in these research findings point towards better proteins is indicated by their digestibility and is related to spatial posi-
quality of proteins of quinoa grains and absence of deleterious effects tioning, since the higher protein structures offer varying vulnerability
(due to saponins present) on the dietary value of protein. The digestibil- to degradation enzymes. 49.4% was the confirmed IVPD data for seg-
ity of grains was lower if the elimination of saponins was not done from regates of chia protein after in-vitro protein digestibility values (%D)
quinoa. The IVPD in quinoa proteins were measured on the basis of drop of chia protein isolate were determined. Thermal treatment given to the
of pH of proteins prior to application of digestive enzymes that had been chia seeds as it enhances their digestibility, mainly the vegetal content is
utilized to hydrolyze the quinoa proteins. IVPD value for raw quinoa impacted the most. Proteins are made available for attack by enzymes as
was 78% which is good for raw grains. The PER values of the quinoa thermal treatment destroys the cell wall. Structural degradation of pro-
seed proteins have been determined by using three distinct techniques teins which follows heat treatments can lead to elevated digestibility of
to evaluate the protein quality. PER values as determined and corrected proteins. An additional reason that is accountable for enhancing the di-
values for quinoa proteins had been a little better than for protein from gestibility of proteins is the alkaline environment in the beginning of the
other sources (especially casein for reference). The PER values have been segregation method (pH 12, 90 minutes). The highest percentage of di-
reported as 3.8 for determined and 2.7 for corrected PER. This occurred gestibility was shown by the isolates obtained from chia during alkaline
even though lysine concentration in quinoa was somewhat lower than treatment which led to disruption of higher structures of protein and
in casein (7.2g/100g protein). Both sources probably met the lysine re- improvement in digestibility. Protein degradation enzymes are found to
quirement adequately (National Research Council 1987) () of rats, but be responsible for this in relation to peptide bonds. Glutamic acid was
both apparently failed to meet the need for methionine (primary re- one of the most important AA. Amongst all pseudocereals, chia seeds
stricting AA in quinoa and casein). Animal derived foods show better contained the highest glutamic acid content. 37.87% came out as the
digestibility than grain-derived foods. Significant differences were ob- value of essential to total amino acids for chia seeds. Proteins with such
served in protein digestibility between quinoa and casein. Fecal protein high values are considered as high-quality protein. Contrary to this, in
loss is the basis for apparent protein digestibility. A more precise esti- all the analyzed pseudocereals, methionine and cysteine values came as
mate of protein quality was provided by the simultaneous consideration lowest (< 2.9 %), in accordance with the study of Nowak et al. (2016).
of urinary protein losses (as nitrogenous end products) and revealed that Proteins of chia have high conversion efficiency to support increase in
urinary nitrogen losses were lower in rats fed with quinoa than in rats weight, about 50 % with regards to casein, PER can be used as a tool
fed with casein. However, rats fed with quinoa showed slightly lower for this. Higher values of PER were witnessed earlier, but not with the
overall nitrogen balance than in those which were fed with casein. PER current study. Protein quality of sorghum were analyzed (Moraes et al.,
and NPR values were significantly different between the quinoa flour- 2012) and greater digestibility of proteins (avg 86%) and decreased PER
fed groups and groups fed with other cereal flours. Thus, quinoa flour was recorded; suggesting better quality of AA profile of chia than other
has an impact on weight gain due to its proteins being of high quality grains, as the thing supports increase in weight. Different diets contain-
with PER values greater than 2.0, in comparison with other diets hav- ing chia were fed to animals and they showcased equality of glucose
ing medium quality proteins of PER values between 1.5 to 2.0. Quinoa’s ranges in blood, compared with animals given casein. Such observa-
contribution as a source of high-quality protein and also complementing tions are due to chia flour containing soluble fiber fragments, which is
for limiting amino acids for certain cereals could allow the quinoa flour not the case for casein which contains cellulose. Viscosity of intestinal
A.M. Malik and A. Singh Food Chemistry Advances 1 (2022) 100001
lumen was increased by the soluble dietary fiber, thereby decreasing second limiting one. The Album protein isolate nutritional profile con-
enterocyte touch by glucose ultimately lowering their uptake (da Silva firms the exceptional protein supplementing capability of album grains
et al., 2016). (Mir et al., 2019).
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