Transpiration Experiment

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Leaf Transpiration

A fun and simple experiment to explore a tree's role in the water cycle!
For ages 10-12

Photosynthesis Transpiration
You might not know the term "photosynthesis," To take in carbon dioxide, leaves open up tiny
but you likely know that plants make their own pores on their surfaces called stomata.
food. Photosynthesis is the process they use to Meanwhile, the tree is pulling water up from
do this. During photosynthesis, trees take in a its roots all the way to its leaves. When the
gas called carbon dioxide and release oxygen. stomata open, a little bit of the leaf's water
Humans, on the other hand, inhale oxygen and "falls out," and is released as water vapor. This
exhale carbon dioxide. These opposite cycles release is called transpiration, and it's a little
allow humans and trees to naturally help each bit like humans sweating. Transpiration
other. Just by breathing, you are providing trees releases water vapor, the gas form of water,
with the carbon dioxide they need to survive. into the air.

Becausetreesreleasewater vapor,which isan invisiblegas, wecan't directlyseetranspirationin action.
So how do we knowthat treesaretranspiring?
Rememberthat water can bea solid,a gas,or a liquid.Solid water isice, gaswater iswater vapor,and liquid
water isjust regular water.Wecan seewater and ice, but not gas. But isthereany way wecan turn thewater
vapor treesreleaseintoa visibleliquidor solid?
On thenext page,you will seea procedurethat triesto do just
that! If weput a plasticbagover a branchof a tree,it shouldfill
with thewater vapor that thetreeisreleasing.If thereisenough
water vapor in thebag,it will condenseinto theliquidform of
water,and wewill beableto seeit. Let'sseeif it works! SOLID LIQUID GAS
Procedure: Time: 10 min setup, 2 hour wait,
10 min observation

Plastic bag, rubber

On a sunny day, go outside with your materials Materials: band or twist tie,
tree with large
and select a tree with large, broad leaves. leaves

Place a plastic bag completely over a sunny section

2 of a tree branch, making sure several leaves are
inside of the bag. Secure the opening with a rubber
band or twist tie.
Make a prediction! Using what you know about
3 transpiration, what do you think will happen
inside the bag?Record your prediction below.
I predict

Observe the leaf and the bag a few minutes after you finish your setup. Does anything
4 seem different?Do these changes match your prediction?You might not see anything
just yet, but you may be able to find some clues of what will happen next.
Here is the hard part: wait. It will take a couple of hours
5 for the changes in the bag to finish, so leave the tree
and come back in about two hours. In the meantime, go
on a walk outside or try another outdoor activity!
Come back two hours later and observe the leaves and the
6 bag. What looks different?If you have a magnifying glass,
you can use it to make close observations. If not, your
eyes will work just fine! Record your observations below.
I observe
When you come back to your bag, there should be a
little bit of water in the bottom of it. This water is proof
that transpiration occurred! The tree pulled water all
the way up from its roots, and released some as water
vapor when it opened up its stomata to photosynthesize. Instead of going into the air like
usual, this water vapor filled the plastic bag. It eventually became liquid water again,
which you can see as droplets inside of the bag. You just saw transpiration in action!

Try repeating the experiment with different trees! Do

7 some trees transpire more than others?Does it matter if
the tree is in the sun or in the shade?Do plants besides
trees transpire, too?Does the experiment work at night?
Try it, and find out!
Based on your repeated experiments, make conclusions
8 about transpiration. The amount of water that gathers
in the bag will tell you how quickly the tree is
transpiring. So if you see water accumulate in the bag
quickly, then transpiration is happening quickly!

TheImportanceof Transpiration
Transpiration isn't just a cool trick that plants do--it's
actually a very important part of the water cycle, the
journey water takes as it travels between the sea, the
sky, and land. You have probably heard of
evaporation, the main way that liquid water changes
into water vapor. But about 10%of the water vapor in
the air actually comes from transpiration! Trees and
other plants help balance the water cycle by making
sure there is always plenty of moisture in the air.

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