P.2 MTC Set 5

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My name is_____________________________________________________

SECTION A (40 marks)

one mark for each correct entry.
1. Fill in the missing numbers.
a) 40, 41, _____, _____, _____, 45, _____, 47
b) 40, 50, _____, _____

2. Write in words.
a) 73 = __________________________________________________

b) 350 = _________________________________________________

c)17 = __________________________________________________

3. Complete the abacus.

a) T O b) H T O

4 5
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4. Match the sets.
2+1= 9

4÷2= 3

3×3= 2

5. Write the place value of the underlined numbers.

a) 3 8 __________
b)1 3 4 __________
c)9 3 2 __________

6. Add the following.

a) 4 + 3 + 5 = b) T O
2 6
+4 3

c) H T O
4 5 3
+ 2 4 0

7. Multiply: a) 2 × 5 = b) 7 c) 1 4
× 3 × 2

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8. Use shorter or taller.
a) Joan is _______________ than Mary.
Mary b) Mary is _______________ than Joan.

9. Name these shapes.

10. Work out using a numberline.

a) 4 + 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

b) 7 – 3 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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11. Write the following fractions in words.
a) ____________________________________

b) ____________________________________

c) ____________________________________

12. Arrange starting from the smallest.

a) 6, 4, 1, 3, 12
b) 20, 9, 42, 19

13. Write the number before.

a) ____, 46 b) _____, 15 c) _____ 66, d) ____ 94

14. Complete correctly.


_____________ tens _____________ ones.

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_____________ tens _____________ ones.

15. Find the missing number.

a) + 2 = 10 b) 3 + =6

16. Subtract: a) b)

SECTION B (60 Marks)

17. Fill in the place values.
a) 6 9 3 = _________ hundreds _________ tens ________ ones.
b)4 8 = _________ hundreds __________ tens _________ ones.

18. Complete these.

a) One cow has 2 ears. How many ears do 5 cows have?

b) Seven plus two equals ________________________.

c)Ten takeaway three equals ____________________.

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d) Jane has 13 apples. Ritah has 14 apples. How many
apples do they have altogether?

19. Work out:

a) 5kg + 6kg = b) 2 8 litres
+4 1 litres

c) 9kg – 2kg = d) Sh. 4 0 0

Sh. 3 0 0

20. a) Shade the fractions.

i) ii)
= =

b) Write the shaded fraction.

= = =

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21. Use heavier or lighter.

10kg Paul

a) Peter is _______________________ than Paul.

b) Paul is ________________________ Peter.

c)Find their total weight.

22. Share / Divide

a)12 ÷ 2 = b) 5 20

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c) Share 16 pencils among 4 boys. How many pencils will
each get.

23. Tell the time.

a) b)

24. Study the shopping list and answer the questions that
Item Amount
Pencil Sh. 200
Book Sh. 500
Soda Sh. 1000
Rubber Sh. 300
Ruler Sh. 500
Safi Sh. 800

a) What is the cost of rubber?

b) ___________________ and __________________ cost the

same amount.

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c) How much will Tom pay for a rubber and a pencil?

d) What is the cheapest item?


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