Spirit Program Code of Conduct Handbook

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Spirit Program Code of Conduct

Membership in the Fresno State Spirit Program is considered a privilege, so act accordingly. Members,
represent themselves, the program, their team, the Athletics Department, and the University. In order to
maintain that membership, members are expected to demonstrate, honesty, integrity, and respect for others, as
well as abide by all University policies, Athletics Department regulations, team rules, the rules and policies of
the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Mountain West (MWC), in addition to city, county,
state, and federal laws, and standards of appropriate social behavior.
The Spirit program Code of Conduct is a policy which applies to all student members of the spirit
program, (i.e. Cheerleading Team, Dance Team and Mascot). This Code should reinforce and help to develop
members who are responsible citizens, who achieve academically and perform their duties as a Spirit program
member. These standards and expectations apply at all times -- both on and off the playing field, on campus
and off. The Athletic Adviser of the Spirit Program in conjunction with the spirit program’s coaches will apply
sanctions for violations of this Code consistent to the sanctions administered for varsity athletes in violation of
the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.
Members have an obligation to report any alleged Code of Conduct violations to their Head Coach,
Athletics Adviser as soon as possible. Sanctions will be greater for misconduct that was not reported as soon as
possible and for other misconduct that involves multiple or repeat violations. It is expected that members will
not put themselves in situations in which guilty of misconduct may be implied.
Coaches may also be more restrictive than these guidelines in implementing written team rules. In
addition to the expectations listed below, spirit program members are expected to the written or unwritten
rules and policies established to govern their respective team. Team rules include but are not limited to self-
appearance, attendance and participation at practices, games, campus and community appearances,
fundraisers, appearance and the policies of missing and not participating at any official team/spirit program


As part of the spirit program, members must maintain full-time student status at Fresno State.
(Undergraduate: 12 Units; Graduate Student: 6 Units) This includes that members are enrolled as being part of
the spirit program but not include any classes taken at a community college concurrent to the class load at
Fresno State.
All members must have a 2.0 GPA or higher in order to participate. Grades will be checked periodically.

Members of the spirit program must understand that they are ambassadors and representatives of their
team, the spirit program, the Athletics Department, the University, and most importantly themselves. In
uniform/team issued gear or out, on-campus or off-campus, inside an athletic venue or out, spirit program
members are expected to behave in a manner representative of all the groups they represent listed above. In
addition to the written and unwritten rules and policies that govern their specific team and the University and
legal responsibilities covered later in this document, representative behavior of a spirit program member
includes behavior in all forums of social media (i.e. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, etc.)
Club Sport – ASI (Associated Student, Inc)
Members of the spirit program must register on the Club Sports website “OrgSync/DSE” prior to the Fall
semester. This link from the ASI coordinator will be emailed to you. There is a Student Athlete registration tab
for ‘Spirit Squad – Cheer’ and ‘Spirit Squad – Dance’. Failure to register will affect your participation with the
team; practices, games, appearances.
All Club Sports spirit members must complete an ImPACT (concussion) Baseline Testing course. This
course will be offered in mid-August and is free of charge to all Club Sport members. Failure to complete this
course will affect your participation with the team; practices, games, appearances.
Both teams; Cheer and Dance are required a President and a Safety Officer. These officers will be
determined by the coaches and will have specific duties and responsibilities to fulfill.

Social Media
Members of the spirit program are to ensure that all social media posts (i.e. TikTok, Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, YouTube, etc.) that they post or appear on their profile / timeline are
appropriate. All social media outlets will be monitored by the Fresno State Spirit Coaching Staff. All members
MUST be “friends / follow” spirit program coaches and director in all forums of social media.
Posts are not allowed to contain the following:
• Nudity or anything deemed distasteful at the discretion of the coaching staff
o Clothing needs to be appropriate. Beach & Festive attire (i.e. bikinis and Halloween
costumes) cannot be excessively revealing (no cleavage and the back buttocks must be
fully covered)
• Alcohol – even if the team member is over 21 years of age
• Tobacco / Smoking
• Drug use of any kind (legal or illegal)
• Inappropriate language or profanity
• Anything negative regarding the Fresno State Spirit Program, Fresno State Athletics or the
o This includes but not limited to derogatory/offensive posts directed towards other
individuals, posts describing illegal behavior, or self- photos in school logo or team
issued gear (i.e. uniform, warm-ups, etc.) that may offend someone or suggest in
appropriate behavior.

If inappropriate social media posts become a recurring issue, it could result in immediate dismissal from
the Spirit Program. This decision will be made at the discretion of the Fresno State Spirit Program
Coaching Staff.

All fake accounts (i.e. “finstagrams”) are PROHIBITED. If it is discovered that an athlete has a fake
account, on any platform, it is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. Excessive use of language
and vulgarity is still PROHIBITED.

Members must be aware that as role models for youth, these public images should reflect positively on
both you personally and the Fresno State spirit program. Any position that reflects or may reflect negatively
upon the spirit program is grounds for dismissal.
Members will be given monthly calendars of ALL mandatory practices and games. Take the
responsibility and commit. Missing any practices and games you will be expected to make up the time by
covering an additional FULL Volleyball game and/or FULL Women’s Basketball game.
If you are sick you MUST provide doctor’s documentation verifying the illness to the coach prior to practice,
game, event, etc.

Injured team members are required to attend practice/game and are expected to participate as the best they
can. If injury treatment is necessary, a team member must have the treatment done before practice or game;
example; taping, ice, band aids. Should a team member be unable to practice “full out”, they will still be
required to attend practice/game to keep up with the rest of the squad mentally, if not physically.

A documented illness, family emergencies, scheduled exams (coach must be notified ahead of time) are the
only excused absences. Flat tires, work, sorority/fraternity functions, studying, group projects or anything else
will not be considered excused. Forgetting class obligations or personal obligations does not constitute a
crisis. It is understood that events in your personal life do not take precedence over Fresno State Spirit
Program events. While your academic success is a priority, the success of the team depends on everyone being
at practices, games and appearances.
Spirit Members should be prepared to sacrifice normal university holidays and vacation times. You will have
games coverage’s during most university holidays. This includes, but not limited to, Thanksgiving, Winter Break
and New Year’s. Failure to be available will result in disciplinary action and is at the discretion of the Coach.
 DO NOT be late
 DO NOT complain – no tolerance for complaining
 DO NOT be disrespectful to coaches, to teammates, to SaveMart Center event staff
 DO NOT lose your skills or get lazy
 NEVER be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
 NO CELL PHONES are to be present at any time
 Being injured is NEVER excused
 Always work hard
 Listen and show respect to all
 Have a positive attitude
 Progression of all skills is a must

Workouts will be 1 day a week for 1 hour
6:30–7:30 a.m.
1 day with your assigned group at student rec center
(3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday; both teams)
 DO NOT be late
 DO NOT complain
 DO NOT be disrespectful to staff and your teammates
 DO NOT get lazy
 Being injured is NEVER excused
 Work hard, participate at all times, have a positive attitude
 Clean up after yourself. Take care of all equipment
Each member is expected to complete 5 appearances total each semester. During an appearance, you
are representing the University, Athletics and the Spirit Program. You are expected to be respectful and polite.
You are expected to arrive on time and stay until your shift ends.
Hair must be neatly combed and arranged in an attractive style. Extreme and/or unnatural hairstyles that draw
attention are not permitted. Extreme dyeing, bleaching or tinting hair are not permitted.
Tattoos and or markings on the body are to be completely discreetly covered.
Make-up should be worn at all times. No jewelry of any kind.

Advanced skills are a must. Understand that everyone plays an important yet different role on the team.
Progression of skills is expected. Members are expected to stay in a proper physical condition and look
physically fit necessary for the successful fulfillment of your membership.

The Spirit Program will have multiple major fundraisers. Which will include but not limited to; “Spirit
Fest” during Football and Basketball season. All members will participate by making up material, teaching the
material to all registered participants and most importantly, advertising.
Other Fundraisers include: Sponsors for posters and calendars, selling/distributing of tickets and or
items, appearances at restaurants, clinics, meet n’ greets, etc.

Travel Policies and Guidelines

Remember the university you represent and take pride in being a member of the Spirit Program. If
everyone keeps these high expectations in mind in all that we do, there should be no problems. If ANY rule is
broken, you will be sent home at your own expense.
When traveling to a spirit program/athletics department sanctioned event, it is the responsibility of
each spirit program member selected to travel, to deliver a formal letter to inform professors/teachers of
classes potentially missed. This letter does not guarantee member will be excused for missing class due to
Athletics notifies coaches the number of members to travel for sporting events; this is not up for
discussion on how many members get to travel at a time. All members will be eligible to travel once the
following guidelines are met:

 DO NOT miss practice

 DO NOT miss workouts
 DO NOT miss games and appearances
 DO NOT be late
 DO NOT complain – no tolerance for complaining
 DO NOT be disrespectful
 DO NOT lose your skills or get lazy
Coaches will determine who travels by the following:
 Those who continue to work hard at practices
 Perform superiorly at ALL games
 Listens and shows respect to all coaches and captains
 Has FULL participation at workouts
 Shows positive attitude and represents the spirit program and University in forums (ie. Social media)
 Participates in all fundraisers; Spirit Fest
 Shows progression of all skills

All members MUST understand that everyone plays an important yet different role on the team. There
will be NO “seniority/vet” or “rookie” labels. Coaches’ decisions on who gets to travel will be by the guidelines
listed above.

More rules while traveling:

 NO drinking (the entire time), no gambling, or no use of drugs or tobacco. Profanity or other
undesirable behavior will not be tolerated. At no time will there be any males allowed in females’ room
and vice versa. If you cannot abide by these rules, or choose not to, do not board the bus / airplane
when we depart.

 A name tag must be attached to your 1 piece of luggage. No more than 50 pounds. Must include your
name, address and phone number. You must carry photo ID with you at all times.

 Athletic shoes MUST be worn on the bus and/or plane the whole time, to and from the event.

 The University provides a hotel room for you. You should be considerate and any problems or
damages with any rooms will be considered to have been caused by all the room members. You will be
paying for those charges.

 DO NOT charge any incidentals to the hotel / room.

 Follow the itinerary, BE ON TIME, ABIDE CURFEW and wear the appropriate clothing that is assigned.

Uniform/Team Issued Gear

Members of the spirit program are provided with team -issued gear to allow them to fulfill the duties
expected of them at athletic events and campus/community appearances. Team-issued gear includes
uniforms, warm-ups, practice gear, 1 set of poms and bags. (Returners will not receive a new bag or warm-ups,
unless purchased on their own). Spirit program members will be financially responsible to replace any lost or
damaged from misuse items issued to them before or during the year. Uniforms must be returned at the end
of the year. If a spirit program member returns a uniform in a condition where it cannot be reissued for use,
the spirit program member will be responsible for the full cost of the uniform. If poms are worn and falling
apart mid-year, members will be responsible for purchasing new poms for the remainder of the year.
Failure to meet these requirements will result in billing the items to the team member’s university
account and a “hold” will be placed on their academic records. In addition, the Fresno State Department of
Public Safety may get involved as the items could be considered stolen property.
Uniforms may not be loaned out to friends, family or acquaintances. Uniforms are not to be worn at any other
time besides assigned games and or appearances. This includes warm-ups.
Out of pocket expenses
Members will be responsible to purchase the following items on their own.
 Brief shorts/bundies/spandex shorts
 Poms (when they get torn or fall apart)
 USA/NCA/NDA College Camp registration in Las Vegas, NV
 Dancers – “themed costumes” for routines and performances; earrings, jazz shoes, etc.
 Cheerleaders – 1-time facility charge to practice at POWER All-Star gym
 Competition members – uniform, costumes, choreographer expense, meals at competition

Grooming & Appearance

Hair must be neatly combed and arranged in an attractive style. Extreme and/or unnatural hairstyles
that draw attention to an individual are not permitted. Extremes in dyeing, bleaching or tinting hair are not
permitted. Specific details regarding hair styles for games will be presented at practices / meetings.
Cheer members are not allowed to wear jewelry of any kind while in uniform. This includes any type of
piercings (tongue, navel, and plugs are not allowed.). Jewelry may not be covered.
**Dance members may wear 1 small post stud earrings in the ear lobe that are all the same by all
members and that are complementary to the University’s school colors.
Tattoos and or markings on the body are to be completely discreetly covered.
Make-up should be always worn when in uniform and should be visible to the crowd.

Social, University and Legal

As role models for the campus and community, spirit program members are expected to adhere to all
standards for appropriate social behavior, Athletics Department policies, University regulations and legal
responsibilities, including:

Alcohol: The Athletics Department’s definition of inappropriate use of alcohol by student-athletes

includes, but is not limited to, the following: underage drinking, regardless of age: drinking at any
activity sponsored by the Athletics Department where they represent the institution, drinking while on
trips for off-campus competition, consumption of alcohol prior to or during athletics practice or
competition, public drunkenness, and driving under the influence (DUI), Any violations of University,
city, county, state, and federal laws also constitute violations of the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

Hazing: Spirit program members are expected to comply with the University Student Conduct Code
regarding any acts which could be considered hazing (reference Section 41301in Title 5 of the California
Code of Regulations). Punishment for violations may include probation, suspension or expulsion by the
university. Spirit program members are also responsible for adhering to Athletics Department
guidelines, in which hazing is defined as “any activity expected of someone joining a group that
humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers, regardless of the persons’ willingness to participate” (see
Hazing section).

Harassment: Spirit program members are prohibited from harassing others, including harassment due
to race (e.g., hate crimes), ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. Sexual harassment refers to
any unwanted, unwelcome attention directed toward a person’s sexuality or sexual identity. It can
include unwelcome touching, comments about body or clothing, inappropriate sexual jokes or humor,
and offensive visual displays (e.g., gestures, sexually explicit material on one’s computer screen). It also
includes actions that create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment is
prohibited by State and CSU system policy, and it violates campus policy (CSU Executive Order No. 345,
1981) and the State mandated Education Code (Chapter 2, 1996). All types of harassment within this
section are identified as violations in both the campus code and the legal code.

Physical Assault: All spirit program members must adhere to the University Student Conduct Code
regarding “conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to
the University community, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment or sexual
misconduct” (Section 41301in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations).

Legal: Any violation of city, county, state and federal laws is also considered misconduct under the
Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

Confidential Reporting
Fresno State's Commitment
Fresno State is committed to creating and
maintaining a safe learning, living, and working
environment where sexual violence, relationship
violence, stalking and harassment are impermissible
and healthy, respectful behavior represents the
campus norm. At Fresno State, primary prevention is
our highest goal when addressing sexual violence,
relationship violence, and stalking. When sexual
assault and/or relationship violence does occur,
however, we are dedicated to responding in a timely
and sensitive manner through the provision of
internal and external support resources via campus
and community systems.

Your Rights

It is the right of a Sexual Assault, Dating/Domestic

Violence, or Stalking Victim/Survivor at Fresno State
who reports their experience to the Victim Advocate
to anticipate that:

• You have a right to compassionate and

confidential support and assistance.
• You will be treated with dignity and respect and in
a non-judgmental manner.
• All sexual assault, relationship violence and
stalking cases will be treated seriously.
• You have a right to file a confidential report with
the Victim Advocate and VPA Office.
• You will be notified of all campus organizations and services that can assist you.
• You will be notified of your option to (1) not report (2) report anonymously (3) report confidentially (4) report
to Title IX (5) report to Law enforcement if you disclose an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence
and/or stalking.
• You will never be forced to report or respond in a certain manner from Fresno State Personnel. We will
provide options, you can choose which options you would and would not like to pursue.
• You will be provided with available on and off-campus counseling and other resources when reporting a
sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking

Confidential Victim Advocate

PHONE: 559.278.6796
E-MAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: /studentaffairs/victimadvocate/
LOCATION: Student Health and Counseling Center


Violations of this Code are specified as either Category I or Category II misconduct.

Category I Misconduct:
This type of misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Violation of any law that is not classified as a felony (e.g., underage drinking, providing alcohol to a minor)
• Violation of an Athletics Department policy that is considered minor or violation of a condition of probation
imposed by a University official or Athletics Department administrator
• Violation of University policies and regulations, including the Student Code of Conduct, campus residence
halls, the Financial Aid Office, and the parking authority
• Academic dishonesty in violation of University, college, school or department standards which does not
involve Athletics Department personnel or services (e.g., cheating on tests, plagiarism)

Category I Sanctions:
When there is reasonable and credible evidence that a spirit program member has committed a Category I
violation, a committee consisting of the Athletic Adviser of the Spirit Program, Spirit Program Coaches and a
peer representing each part of the spirit program will determine the appropriate sanction. Sanctions for
Category I violations may include, but are not limited to: written warnings, reprimands, educational programs,
restitution, community service, counseling, academic performance requirements, suspension from practice,
suspension from competition, and suspension from all Athletics Department facilities and services.
In Category I cases of academic dishonesty violations will be addressed through the standard University
procedures which apply to all Fresno State students.

Note: Penalties will be greater if any of the following are involved in the violation:
1. Failure to disclose the alleged violation to the Head Coach, or the Athletic Adviser for the Spirit
Program as soon as possible
2. Alcohol and/or drugs or a history of a violation(s) of the Athletic Department’s Substance Program
3. Repeated misconduct
4. Multiple violations within a single act of misconduct
5. Repeated association with acts of misconduct in which guilt may be implied
Depending on the severity of the alleged violation, additional sanctions may be applied to the sanctions
determined by the Spirit program by a Senior Administrator of the Athletics Department.

Category II Misconduct:
This type of misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Violation of any state or federal law that is classified as a felony
• Violation of a condition of probation or other condition imposed by a court in a criminal proceeding
• A violation that is considered major or a condition of probation or other condition imposed by a University
official or Athletics Department administrator
• Academic dishonesty in violation of University, college, school or department standards which involves
Athletics Department personnel or services (e.g., receiving inappropriate academic assistance from a staff
member, using the Student-Athlete Services computer lab in the involvement of academic fraud or plagiarism).

Category II Sanctions:
When there is reasonable and credible evidence that a spirit program member has committed a Category II
violation, a consisting of the Athletic Adviser of the Spirit Program, Spirit Program Coaches and a peer
representing each part of the spirit program will determine the appropriate sanction: suspension from practice,
suspension from events/competition, prohibiting the spirit program member from using any Athletics
Department facilities or services, and/or permanent dismissal from the team.
If there is reasonable and credible evidence that a spirit program member may have engaged in Category II
misconduct, a Senior Athletic Department Administrator or his/her designee may temporarily suspend a spirit
program member from practice, competition, or all athletics activities and services until a formal review is

Charge of Felony: If charged with a felony, a spirit program member will be automatically suspended from
participation by the Director of Athletics pending the Athletics Department’s investigation. After the internal
review, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, which may include suspension from competition and
suspension or continued suspension from the program.

Conviction of Felony: If convicted of a felony, a spirit program member will be immediately removed from his
or her team.
Note: Penalties will be greater if any of the following are involved in the violation:
1. Failure to disclose the alleged violation to the Head Coach, an Athletics administrator or the FAR as
soon as possible
2. Alcohol and/or drugs or a history of a violation(s) of the Athletic Department’s Substance Program
3. Repeated misconduct
4. Multiple violations within a single act of misconduct
5. Repeated association with acts of misconduct in which guilt may be implied

Depending on the severity of the alleged violation, additional sanctions may be applied to the sanctions
determined by the Spirit Program by a Senior Administrator of the Athletics Department.
2021-2022 Spirit Program
Code of Conduct Agreement

I __________________________________ have read and understand the Spirit Program Code of Conduct. I agree to
adhere to the standards established by the Spirit Program Code of Conduct and understand failure to adhere
to the established standards may jeopardize my ability to participate and be a part of the Fresno State Spirit
Program at any time during the 2021-2022 academic year.

_______________________________________________ ___________
Signature of Spirit Program Member Date

_______________________________________________ ___________
Cheer/Dance Team Coach Date

_______________________________________________ ___________
Athletic Advisor for the Spirit Program Date

Profile names and handles:

Instagram: ________________________________________ TikTok: _______________________________________________

Twitter: ___________________________________________ Snap Chat: ___________________________________________

Facebook: ________________________________________

2021-2022 Student Release and Authorization

In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, I the undersigned, hereby authorize the Office
the University Registrar to release any and all information about me which pertains to my eligibility to
participate in debate activities and competitions. The release of such information shall be restricted to all-
official representatives, only for the purpose of determining my eligibility for competition. It is further
understood that I may receive copies of such material from the institution upon request.

Print Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of Student: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Student ID #: _______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________

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