PR1 Q1 Las9

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Worksheet No. 9, Quarter 1

Learner’s Name: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)
Write a research title.
B. Objectives
Write a research title.


Writing a title for a research is somewhat a challenging task. Here are steps that
you need to do when writing one.
Step One
Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers:
What is my paper about?
1. What techniques/designs will be used?
2. Who/What will be studied?
3. Where is the setting of the study?
4. When is the period or duration of the study?
Step Two
Use your answers to list key words.
Step Three
Create a sentence that indicates the key words you listed.
Step Four
Delete all unnecessary/repetitive words and link the remaining.
Step Five
Delete non-essential information and reword the title.

Let us take this sample title:

A Phenomenological Study on the Behaviour of Senior High School
Students with Absentee Parents of Tabaco National High School in the
School Year 2017-2018

The table below shows sample research titles for the different Senior High School strands
which might be helpful for you as you decide to have your own research title/topic.

Track/Strand Research Titles/Topics

Health Hazards of Direct and Indirect Smoking:

Prevention and Care

The Perception of the Stakeholders on the

Implementation of Senior High School

The Effect of Word of Mouth Advertisement on the

Stability of Julia’s Bakery

Factors Influencing Secondary Students’ Perception and

Preferences in Choosing a Strand in Senior High School

TVL Employability of Computer Programmers: Job Market

(Computer Programming) Analysis

TVL Perception of the Trainers of the Effectiveness of Bread

(Bread and Pastry) and Pastry Production Training Program

TVL The Effect of Tourist Attractions to the Development of

(Tour Guiding Servicing) Economy

TVL Awareness on the Responsibilities: Contributions and

(Automotive Servicing) Significance of Automotive Technicians

A. Practice Task
Task 1: Choosing My Titles
What to do:
From among the listed working titles below, select the best three and state your reasons
why. Write all your answers on your notebook.
1. School Absenteeism among Students
2. Factors that Influence a Child’s Decisions to Read Outside-Of-School
3. Internet Addiction faced by Young Kids
4. Online Education for Disabled Students
5. The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Student Achievement
6. Overcoming Death of a Loved One
7. Preventing Self-Harm
8. Side Effects of Body Piercing at a Young Age
9. The Future of Different Sports in the Philippines
10. The Impact of Using Nuclear Weapons

Title 1: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

Title 2: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

Title 3: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

Task 2: My Proposed Titles

What to do:
Think of a topic to write about. List 3 topics. Write your working research title for each
topic. Have your outputs written on your notebook.
Topic 1: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:
Topic 2: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:
Topic 3: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:

Task 3: My Title Makes A Difference

Write your answers on your notebook.
What to do:
Write a title considering what you would like to look at in the topic, who the subjects are,
and the kind of qualitative research that you would be working on. Follow this pattern:
My Final Topic: _____________________________________________________________
a. What are you looking at?
b. Who are the subjects? _________________________________________________
c. Where is the setting of the study? ________________________________________
d. It is going to be a __(type of research study)__, and ___(type of qualitative
____research)_____ will be used.
e. When is the period covered of the study?
f. We will just be using a ________________ sample.
g. Data collection will involve obtaining information from the participants through
___________________, ______________________, ____________________.

D. Assessment

What to do:
Think of a good research title that is align with your track/strand in Senior High School.
Write your answers on your notebook.

Strand: _____________________________________________________________
Topic: ______________________________________________________________
Working Title: ________________________________________________________
Final Title: ___________________________________________________________

Borjal, P.F.(2020),Practical Research 1 Module 9 Writing the Research Title

Prepared by:
PINKY FARAH B. BORJAL, Teacher II, Tabaco National High School

Quality Assured by:

LANY M. ABAINZA, EPS-English, SDO Tabaco City
Reviewed by:
EDNA F. ALADANO, Secondary Schl. Principal II, Gov. Mariano E. Villafuerte HS

Validated by:
ANGUSTIA P. ORAA, Principal I, Visita de Salog HS, SDO Camarines Sur
PRECIOSA R. DELA VEGA, EPS I, English, SDO Camarines Sur

Layout Artist:
MARY JANE S. SAN AGUSTIN, Teacher III, Fundado Elem. School, SDO Cam. Sur

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