PR1 Q1 Las9
PR1 Q1 Las9
PR1 Q1 Las9
A. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)
Write a research title.
B. Objectives
Write a research title.
The table below shows sample research titles for the different Senior High School strands
which might be helpful for you as you decide to have your own research title/topic.
Track/Strand Research Titles/Topics
A. Practice Task
Task 1: Choosing My Titles
What to do:
From among the listed working titles below, select the best three and state your reasons
why. Write all your answers on your notebook.
1. School Absenteeism among Students
2. Factors that Influence a Child’s Decisions to Read Outside-Of-School
3. Internet Addiction faced by Young Kids
4. Online Education for Disabled Students
5. The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Student Achievement
6. Overcoming Death of a Loved One
7. Preventing Self-Harm
8. Side Effects of Body Piercing at a Young Age
9. The Future of Different Sports in the Philippines
10. The Impact of Using Nuclear Weapons
Title 1: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:
Title 2: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:
Title 3: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:
D. Assessment
What to do:
Think of a good research title that is align with your track/strand in Senior High School.
Write your answers on your notebook.
Strand: _____________________________________________________________
Topic: ______________________________________________________________
Working Title: ________________________________________________________
Final Title: ___________________________________________________________
Borjal, P.F.(2020),Practical Research 1 Module 9 Writing the Research Title
Prepared by:
PINKY FARAH B. BORJAL, Teacher II, Tabaco National High School
Validated by:
ANGUSTIA P. ORAA, Principal I, Visita de Salog HS, SDO Camarines Sur
PRECIOSA R. DELA VEGA, EPS I, English, SDO Camarines Sur
Layout Artist:
MARY JANE S. SAN AGUSTIN, Teacher III, Fundado Elem. School, SDO Cam. Sur