Selenium Increases Photosynthetic Pigments, Flavonoid Biosynthesis, Nodulation, and Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine Max L.)
Selenium Increases Photosynthetic Pigments, Flavonoid Biosynthesis, Nodulation, and Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine Max L.)
Selenium Increases Photosynthetic Pigments, Flavonoid Biosynthesis, Nodulation, and Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine Max L.)
Received: 10 November 2022 / Accepted: 5 January 2023 / Published online: 20 January 2023
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo 2023
This study aimed to investigate the physiological roles of selenium (Se) in the photosynthetic pigment, antioxidant metabo-
lism, flavonoid biosynthesis, nodulation, and its relationship with soybean production. The treatments consisted of five doses
of Se (0 μg kg−1, 7.5 μg k g−1, 15 μg k g−1, 30 μg k g−1, and 45 μg k g−1) applied via soil and in the form of sodium selenate at
the V2 phenological stage of soybean. The concentration of chlorophyll b and carotenoids, the activity of antioxidant enzymes
(superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase), and the concentration of total sugars in soybean leaves increased in
response to Se fertilization. In addition, Se increased ureide concentration in leaves and activity of nitrate reductase, result-
ing in greater bioavailability of amino acids and proteins in the leaves, generating greater stimulation of plant growth and
root dry weight, but did not increase yield. The number of nodules and the synthesis of rutin and genistein in the roots were
significantly increased by the Se application. Se also stimulated the translocation of amino acids from leaves to the nodules
and of ureides from nodules to leaves, increasing efficiency in biological nitrogen fixation. This study presents fundamental
new insights regarding Se effect on nitrogen metabolism, flavonoid synthesis, antioxidant metabolism, and nodulation of
soybean that can be helpful in increasing the crop tolerance to abiotic stress.
Keywords Ascorbate peroxidase · Catalase · Chlorophyll · Daidzein · Genistein · Superoxide dismutase · Total sugar ·
1398 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407
genus Rhizobium. The isoflavonoids genistein and daidzein 1.4, Mg mmolc dm−3 = 4.0, pH CaCl2 = 4.6, P mg dm−3 =
play a crucial role in the expression of nod genes in bacte- 4.0, Ca m molc dm−3 = 4.0, H+Al mmolc dm−3 = 18.0, Al
ria, which leads to the synthesis and secretion of nodula- mmolc dm−3 = 3.0, organic matter mg dm−3 = 13.0, base sat-
tion factors that promote a series of physiological changes uration mmolc dm−3 = 9.4, cation exchange capacity mmolc
in plant cells that initiate the formation of nodules in plant dm−3 = 27.4, Se = 3.6 μg kg−1, and V % = 34.0.
roots (Bosse et al. 2021). Inside the nodules, ammonia is The experiment was conducted in pots filled with 5 kg of
converted into ureides (allantoin and allantoic acid) which soil. Liming was carried out about 30 days before sowing
are transported to the shoot by the xylem sap. Once in the and consisted of applying 2.9 g of lime per 5 kg of soil. Sub-
cytosol of cells, ureides are transformed into ammonium, sequently, each pot received 0.25 g of potassium chloride,
amino acids, and proteins that can be used for chlorophyll 0.124 g of simple superphosphate, 0.058 g of boric acid,
production, photosynthetic processes, and plant growth 0.083 g of copper, and 0.25 g of zinc.
(Baral et al. 2016). The soybean cultivar BRS 1003 PRO was used due to
Fertilization of plants with Se can affect nodulation, its economic importance and its wide cultivation in Brazil.
biological nitrogen fixation, and antioxidant metabolism of The seeds were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum
soybean plants. However, this phenomenon has still not been SEMIA 5079. Sowing was performed manually using 6
deeply investigated. This study hypothesizes that Se affects seeds per pot. After seedling emergence, thinning was per-
flavonoid metabolism by increasing nodulation, ureide con- formed, leaving only 2 seedlings per pot. Weed control was
centration, and soybean plant yield. This study aimed to performed manually, and when necessary, pyrethroid-based
investigate the physiological roles of Se on photosynthetic insecticide was used to control pests.
pigment, antioxidant metabolism, flavonoid biosynthesis,
nodulation, and its relationship with soybean production. 2.4 Determination of Enzymatic Antioxidant
Metabolism and Photosynthetic Pigments
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407 1399
Fig. 1 Selenium effect on chlorophyll a (a), chlorophyll b (b), total lowercase letters indicate significance between Se rates according to
chlorophyll (c), carotenoids (d), pheophytin a (e), and total pheophy- the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). The bars indicate the standard deviation of
tin (f) concentrations in the leaf tissue of soybean plants. Different the mean (n = 4)
transferred to another falcon tube and 1 mL of chloroform results were determined from a standard solution containing
and 1.5 mL of deionized water were added. naringenin, rutin, genistein, daidzein, and kaempferol.
To quantify N compounds and total sugar concentration,
the following analyses were performed: nitrate, ammonia, 2.7 Determination of Yield, Development,
total amino acid, total sugar, and ureide (allantoin and allan- and Nodulation of Soybean Plants
toic acid) concentration in leaves and nodules. The com-
pound was determined, respectively, according to Cataldo To determine the dry weight of roots and shoots, during full
et al. (1975), McCullough (1967), Yemm et al. (1955), grain maturation, the plants were collected and roots and
Dubois et al. (1956), and Vogels and Van Der Drift (1970), shoots were separated and then dried in a forced-air circula-
and the results were expressed in μmol g−1 fresh weight tion oven until constant dressing. The number of seeds per
(FW). pot was determined by counting the seeds of the two plants
The activity of the nitrate reductase enzyme was per- contained in the pot. The weight of 100 seeds was deter-
formed according to the methodology described by Reis mined by weighing 100 seeds and expressed in g per pot. To
et al. (2009). All measured analyses described above were determine the yield, the seeds of the plants were collected
performed using a spectrophotometer (SP-220, Bioespec- and weighed and the results were expressed in g per pot. The
tro™, Brazil). number and weight of nodules on the roots were determined
during plant anthesis due the highest metabolic activity.
2.6 Quantification of Flavonoids in Soybean Root
2.8 Statistical Analysis
The quantification of the concentration of isoflavonoids
(genistein, rutin, kaempferol, and daidzein) in soybean roots Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and
was performed according to the methodology described by results were submitted to the Tukey test (P < 0.05). The
Cunha et al. (2022). Flavonoid readings were performed on graphics were made using the SigmaPlot software, ver-
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the sion 12.5. In order to analyze the relationship between the
1400 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407
Fig. 2 Selenium effect on lipid peroxidation (MDA) (a) and hydrogen bean plants. Different lowercase letters indicate significance between
peroxide (H2O2) concentrations (b); superoxide dismutase (SOD) (c), Se rates according to the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). The bars indicate the
catalase (CAT) (d), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) (e) activities; standard deviation of the mean (n = 4)
and total soluble protein (f) concentration in the leaf tissue of soy-
parameters, the Pearson correlation test was performed and The highest activity of SOD was observed in plants that
represented as a heatmap graphic using the R Core Team were exposed to 15 μg k g−1 of Se, being an increase of 17%
software, version 4.0.3. To better verify the effects of Se in relation to the control (Fig. 2c). Plants that received Se,
on the physiological, biochemical, and productive traits of regardless of the dose, presented increased CAT activity
soybean, cluster analysis was performed using the hierarchi- compared to the control group, and this increase is more
cal method unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic evident in the dose of 15 μg kg−1 (Fig. 2d). Se applica-
averages (UPGMA) using the Euclidean distance and the tion at doses of 15 μg k g−1, 30 μg kg−1, and 45 μg k g−1
results were expressed in the form of heatmap graph. (Fig. 2e) increased APX activity in soybean leaves. Higher
soluble proteins were detected in plants that were exposed
to Se regardless of the dose, except for the dose of 15 μg
3 Results kg−1 which presented a lower result compared the control
(Fig. 2f).
3.1 Se Enhances Photosynthetic Pigments
and Antioxidant Metabolism 3.2 Se Enhances Sugar, N Compounds,
and Biometric Parameters of Soybean Plants
The soybean leaves at the flowering stage exposed to Se at
a dose of 7.5 μg kg−1 presented higher chlorophyll b and Nitrate reductase activity was increased in plants that
carotenoids (Fig. 1b, d), with no influence of Se on the received Se at doses of 15 μg kg −1, 30 μg kg −1, and 45
concentration of chlorophyll a and pheophytins. The high- μg k g −1 , representing an increment of 78%, 79%, and
est concentration of MDA in leaves was observed under 91% compared to the control, respectively (Fig. S1a). Se
45 μg k g−1, which was 200% higher than control (Fig. 2a). application at doses of 15 μg kg−1, 30 μg kg−1, and 45 μg
Furthermore, Se at doses of 15 μg k g−1 and 30 μg k g−1 kg −1 increased total soluble sugar (Fig. S1b). Curiously,
significantly increased H 2O2 concentration compared to there was no influence of Se on nitrate concentration
control (Fig. 2b). compared to control groups (Fig. 3a). Se decreased the
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407 1401
Fig. 3 Selenium effect on nitrate (a), ammonia (b), amino acids (c), significance between Se rates according to the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05).
allantoin (d), allantoic acid (e), and total ureide (f) concentrations in The bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean (n = 4)
the leaf tissue of soybean plants. Different lowercase letters indicate
1402 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407
Fig. 4 Selenium effect on root dry weight (a), shoot dry weight (b), according to the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). The bars indicate the standard
plant height (c), and visual growth development of soybean plants deviation of the mean (n = 4)
(d). Different lowercase letters indicate significance between Se rates
decreased allantoic acid, regardless of the applied dose, the formation of ROS that can destroy the cell membrane
and ureides at doses of 7.5 μg k g−1 and 15 μg k g−1 com- causing cell death (Sachdev et al. 2021). Lanza et al.
pared to control (Fig. S3d–f). (2021) and De Brito Mateus et al. (2020) reported an
There was no influence of Se on the number of seeds, increase in the concentration of chlorophyll, carotenoids,
weight of 100 seeds, and soybean yield (Fig. 6). According and pheophytin in cowpea and coffee plants treated with
to the results obtained in the heatmap cluster, the fertiliza- Se, respectively.
tion of plants with Se is promising to increase the physio- The concentration of MDA and H2O2 was higher at higher
logical and biochemical traits and to stimulate the growth of doses of Se. However, there were no significant inhibitions
the shoot and accumulation of biomass in the roots (Fig. 7). of any trait at the plant level in this study, indicating that
applied doses did not exceed the toxicological threshold for
causing toxicity at the whole plant level.
4 Discussion In this study, plants that received an intermediate
dose of Se showed higher SOD, CAT, and APX activi-
Plants fertilized with Se (7.5 μg k g −1 ) showed higher ties. These enzymes act in the enzymatic antioxidant
concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and metabolism of plants and are responsible for mitigating
carotenoids. Photosynthetic pigments contribute to non- the formation of ROS, which, in high concentrations,
enzymatic antioxidant metabolism and play an important can cause cell wall destruction and cell death (Silva
role in increasing plant tolerance against environmental et al. 2020). This information can be used as a tool in
stresses (Agathokleous et al. 2020; Agathokleous 2021). agriculture to increase the tolerance of plants to abi-
Chlorophyll b and pheophytins are responsible for dis- otic stresses, since these enzymes act in the reduction
sipating excess sunlight energy (Kitajima and Hogan of oxidative stress and confer greater ability of plants
2003; Klimov 2003) while chlorophyll a plays a role in against stresses. Similar results were obtained by Silva
photosynthesis (Stirbet et al. 2018). Carotenoids protect et al. (2020) and Lanza et al. (2021) in cowpea plants.
plants from excessive light (Silva et al. 2020) and prevent In quinoa plants, Khalofah et al. (2021) reported that
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407 1403
Fig. 5 Selenium effect on the number of nodules per pot (a), the nod- between Se rates according to the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). The bars
ule fresh weight (b), and the visual number of nodules per pot (c) indicate the standard deviation of the mean (n = 4)
of soybean plants. Different lowercase letters indicate significance
Se increased photosynthetic pigments and SOD, CAT, nitrogen such as nitrate reductase resulting in higher plant
and APX activities and decreased MDA and H 2O 2. De biomass and reduced N concentration in leaves (Rios et al.
Brito Mateus et al. (2020), Silva et al. (2018), and Cunha 2010; Ríos et al. 2010).
et al. (2022) showed an increase in the activity of anti- Fertilization of plants with Se increased foliar levels
oxidant enzymes in coffee, cowpea, and peanut plants, of allantoin (7.5 μg kg−1 and 15 μg kg−1), allantoic acid
respectively. (7.5 μg kg −1), and ureides (15 μg kg −1). In leguminous
Nitrate reductase is the first enzyme to act in the pro- plants, ureides can represent more than 90% of all trans-
cess of N assimilation in plants, being responsible for the ported by the xylem (Raso et al. 2007) and the increase
reduction of nitrate to nitrite (Karwat et al. 2019). The in the ureide production is important to enhance the N
higher concentration of amino acids in leaves observed in transport to the shoot and can be used for the production
plants that were fertilized with Se at a dose of 45 μg k g−1 of photosynthetic pigments since nitrogen is part of the
may be related to the increase in the activity of the nitrate chlorophyll molecule (Tibiletti et al. 2016).
reductase enzyme at the same dose, since that nitrate Soybean plants that received Se at doses of 15 μg
reductase activity had a direct and significant correla- kg −1, 30 μg kg −1, and 45 μg kg−1 showed a higher con-
tion with the concentration of amino acids in the leaves centration of total sugars in the leaves. The increase in
(Fig. S4). Thus, increasing the activity of this enzyme can osmolyte compounds such as total soluble sugars may
increase the concentration of reduced N in leaves (Dos demonstrate a defense mechanism for the osmotic read-
Santos et al. 2017; Cunha et al. 2022). In a study regarding justment (Khalofah et al. 2021) of plants helping to miti-
Se application in lettuce plants, Se increased the efficiency gate stress, because these substances can keep cells tur-
of N metabolism by increasing the activity of enzymes gid under water stress conditions, maintaining cell turgor,
related to the process of assimilation and reduction of resulting in greater tolerance to water deficit. An increase
1404 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407 1405
Fig. 7 Cluster heatmap between the physiological, biochemical, and development parameters evaluated in response to rates of Se applied to soy-
bean. MDA, malondialdehyde; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; SOD, superoxide dismutase; CAT, catalase; APX, ascorbate peroxidase
due to phytotoxicity (Silva et al. 2018); thus, the lack nodulation and synthesis of flavonoids in the soybean
of yield response in the present study suggests that the crop.
doses used are not detrimental to soybean in the observed
The heatmap cluster revealed the hormetic effect of Se 5 Conclusions
in soybean plants, at both the molecular and whole-plant
levels, in agreement with other studies that also showed The concentration of chlorophyll b and carotenoids, the
a hormetic effect of plants exposed to chemical ele- activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase,
ments (Ferrari et al. 2021a, b, 2022; Marsala et al. 2022). catalase, ascorbate peroxidase), and the concentration of
However, dose responses were not identical among the total sugars in soybean leaves increased in response to
studied traits. This is because hormetic responses are selenium fertilization. In addition, selenium increased the
endpoint-specific (Marchica et al. 2021). Despite the ureide concentration in leaves and the activity of nitrate
appearance of several biphasic responses, the number reductase, resulting in greater bioavailability of amino
of nodules, nitrate reductase activity, plant height, and acids and proteins in the leaves, generating greater stimu-
total sugar concentration significantly increased at all lation of plant growth and root dry weight, but did not
doses of Se applied. These results show trait-specific increase the yield of soybean.
improvement, but no adverse effects were observed at the The number of nodules and the synthesis of rutin and gen-
applied doses. Although no trend of possible toxicity was istein in the roots were significantly increased by the applica-
detected at doses greater than 45 μg kg−1, this should be tion of selenium. Selenium also stimulated the translocation
tested experimentally in the future. of amino acids from leaves to the nodules and ureides from
This study contributes to providing important knowl- nodules to leaves, increasing efficiency in biological nitrogen
edge about the role of flavonoids, ureides, and N metabo- fixation. This study presents fundamental new insights regard-
lism at the whole plant level, an aspect little explored in ing selenium effect on nitrogen metabolism, flavonoid synthe-
the literature on plant nutrition and physiology. Further- sis, antioxidant metabolism, and nodulation of soybean that
more, this study is the first report on the role of Se in the can be helpful in increasing the crop tolerance to abiotic stress.
1406 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2023) 23:1397–1407
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen- Dubois M, Gilles KA, Hamilton JK, Rebers PT, Smith F (1956) Colori-
tary material available at https://d oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 42729-0 23-0 1131-8. metric method for determination of sugars and related substances.
Anal Chem 28:350–356
Funding This research was supported by FAPESP (2020/10053-8). Ferrari S, Marsala L, Luis Oliveira Cunha M (2021b) Effects
of low doses of glyphosate on agronomic traits of upland
Data Availability The datasets are available from the corresponding rice. Gesun Pf lan 73:533–539. https:// d oi. o rg/ 1 0. 1 007/
author upon request. s10343-021-00573-3
Ferrari S, Marsala L, Oliveira Cunha ML, dos Santos Cordeiro LF, Tro-
Declarations paldi L, de Mattos Barretto VC, Alves de Oliveira LC (2021a) Can
the application of low doses of glyphosate induce the hormesis
Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests. effect in upland rice? J Environ Sci Health B 56:814–820. https://
Ferrari S, do Valle Polycarpo G, Vargas PF, Fernandes AM, Luís
Oliveira Cunha M, Pagliari P (2022) Mix of trinexapac-ethyl
and nitrogen application to reduce upland rice plant height and
increase yield. Plant Growth Regul 96:209–219.
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